User Manual (4 of 5).pdf


Users Manual

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     Photo Shooting Settings Menu
     Mode:                                                  Quality
     1. Press the    button in Photo Shooting mode          The Quality Setting can be used to adjust the
        and press the A     C/A        C button to          image compression ratio.
        select    .

                                                                        Quality               Best



                                                            There are three options for picture quality:
     2. Press the    button to enter the menu.
                                                               • Best
     3. Press the A      C/A       C button to select
            , and press the   button or the A      C           • Fine
        button to enter the menu.
                                                               • Normal
     4. Press the A     C/A         C button to select
        the item to be set and press the    button or
        the A    C button to enter the menu.
     5. Press the A    C/A          C button to select an
        option and press the     button to confirm.


AF-Assist Beam                                Date Imprint
In a darker environment, AF Assist Beam can   Include a Date/Time stamp on the photo
be turned on for better focus.                image.

                                   Off                                         Off

          AF Assist Beam           On                                        Date


                                                          Date Imprint

Digital Zoom
Turn on or off the digital zoom.



           Digital Zoom

                                                 • Off
                                                 • Date
                                                 • Date / Time

     Quick Review                                    Custom Settings
     This option allows quick review of the photos   Custom Settings stores the current photo
     immediately after they are taken. Each photo    shooting mode and its parameters. The stored
     is displayed on the LCD based on the selected   mode and parameters are directly invoked in
     time.                                              mode.

                                                                   Custom Settings

                                                            Reset camera settings to
                                                            custom settings mode.
                                     1 sec

                                     2 sec
                                     3 sec

                  Quick Review                                               Yes

                                                     There are 2 options:
     There are 4 options:
                                                        • No
        • Off
                                                        • Yes
        • 1 sec
        • 2 sec
        • 3 sec


Movie Menu
Mode:                                                   Expo Metering
1. Rotate the mode dial to select   and press           Use this setting to select the “target” size of
   the    button to enter the Movie menu.               the camera’s field of view to be metered.

          Expo Metering: AiAE
                                                                   Expo Metering: AiAE

2. Press the A      C/A            C button to             •         AiAE (Artificial Intelligence AE)
   select the item to be set.                                        For automatically selecting the
                                                                     central and surrounding metering
3. Press the A    C/A           C button to select an
                                                                     to weight a proper metering value.
   option and press the         button to confirm.
                                                           •         Spot
                                                                     For metering the block displayed
                                                                     in the center of the screen.
                                                           •         Center
                                                                     For metering the object in the
                                                                     center of the screen.


     Movie Size
     Set the image resolution used during video recording.

                                                       •        Size: 1080p 30fps

                                                       •        Size: 720p 60fps

               Size: 1080p 30fps                       •        Size: 720p 30fps

                                                       •        Size: 640x480 30fps

                                                       •        Size: High Speed Movie

     The speed requirements for reading and writing high image pixel images to SD card are as follows:

       No.      Image Pixel        Frame     Recommendation           Recording time (4GB) About

        1       1920x1080           30            Class 6                      30 minutes
        2        1280x720           60            Class 6                      32 minutes
        3        1280x720           30            Class 4                      59 minutes
        4        640x480            30            Class 4                     106 minutes
        5        640x480            120           Class 6                      54 minutes


                                            OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)
Recording time limit above 1280x720 30      This mode can help reduce photo blur caused
fps format is under 29 minutes.             by hand shake and low light.

When recording in higher pixel
resolutions for extended periods of time,
this can cause the camera to generate
heat. This is not a camera malfunction.
                                                       5/9 5LL
When the video format is set as
640x480 (120fps), shooting time is 30
seconds, playback time is 2 minutes.

Sound recording is disabled when               •          OIS: Off
640x480 120fps is chosen.                      •          OIS: On

                                                   Use this image stabilization mode in dark

                                                   Shooting in a windy or unstable
                                                   environment (such as a moving vehicle)
                                                   may cause blurred images.


     Movie Setting Menu
     1. Rotate the Mode Dial and select      to enter the video recording screen.
     2. Press the    button, press the A      C/A         C button to select     , and press the     button
        to enter the Movie Setting menu.

               Press SET To Enter


     3. Press the A     C/A         C button to select    , and press the      button or the A     C button
        to enter the menu.
     4. Select the item to be set and press the     button or the A    C button to enter the menu.
     5. Press the A      C/A        C button to select an option and press the      button to confirm.


Digital Zoom                             Custom Settings
Turn on or off the digital zoom.         Custom Settings stores the current movie
                                         mode and its parameters. The stored mode
                                         and parameters can be invoked directly in
           Digital Zoom            Off

                                   On                 Custom Settings

                                               Reset camera settings to
                                               custom settings mode.




     Playback Menu
     Mode:                                           Playback Mode
     1. Press the     button to display the          Select     , and press the            button to enter the
        playback screen and press the       button   settings screen:
        to enter the Playback menu.
     2. Press the A      C/A        C button to
        select the item to be set and press the
        button to enter.
     3. Press the A    C/A      C button to select
        an option and press the     button to
        confirm.                                               Normal Mode: Display all images.

               Press SET To Confirm                     •       Normal Mode:
               Normal Mode                                      Display all images.
                                                        •       Date Mode:
                                                                Arranged by date.
                                                        •       Cont. Photo Mode:
                                                                Arranged by Cont. Photo Group.

                                                            The Date Folder is displayed in date order
     Refer to the following pages for more details          based on camera's Date/Time Settings.
     about each setting.
                                                            If there is no any continuous shot image file
                                                            in the memory, continuous shot playback
                                                            mode cannot be enabled.

HDR                                                  Touch-up
With the HDR function, pictures that are             The playback beauty feature allows for
overexposed may be corrected to optimize             beautification using three individual effects.
the highlights and lowlights captured to more        Select     , and press the    button to enter
accurately represent the actual scene.               the settings screen:
Select     , and press the     button to enter
the settings screen:

                                                               Red-Eye Reduction

                                                              Red-Eye Reduction
                                                              Skin Soften
          HDR                                                 Eye Brightening
          Cancel                                              Eye Enlargement
      After using the HDR function, the image
      will be saved as a new file and the                  Using the face beautifier mode allows
      original file is still stored in the memory.         you to select from single, two, or all three
                                                           effects combined.

     Rotate                                            Resize
     You can use this setting to change the            This setting allows you to resize a picture to
     orientation of the picture.                       a particular resolution and saves it as a new
     Select     , and press the    button to enter     picture.
     the settings screen:                              Select     , and press the    button to enter
                                                       the settings screen:

             Turn Right
                                                                Resize to 1024x768

              Turn Right                                        Resize to 1024x768
              Turn Left                                         Resize to 640x480

              Cancel                                            Cancel

                                                             Only for adjusting pictures with high
           Videos and panoramic pictures cannot              resolution to those with low resolution.
           be rotated.

           The rotated picture file will replace the         Sizes of photos taken in panorama mode
           original photo.                                   or rotated cannot be adjusted.


i button playback function
This setting allows you to change the picture color effect. The file is saved as a new photo and
stored in memory together with the original photo.
Press the      button to enter the settings screen:


There are 19 options:

       Cancel                             Sepia                               Vignetting
       Vivid                              Partial Color-Red                   Salon
       Japan Style (8M)                   Partial Color-Blue                  Fish Eye
       Italian Style (8M)                 Partial Color-Yellow                Reflection
       French Style (8M)                  Partial Color-Green                 4 Grids - Stylish(2M)

       Punk (4M)                          Negative (8M)

       Black and White                    Dreamy


     Playback Settings Menu
     1. Press the         button to show the playback screen, press the   button, press the A       C/
        A        C button to select       , and press the   button to enter the menu.
     2. Press the A     C/A             C button to select    , and press the    button or the A   C button
        to enter the menu.





     3. Press the A     C/A         C button to select the item to be set and press the       button or the
        A    C button to enter the menu.
     4. Press the A         C/A         C button to select an option and press the    button to confirm.
     Refer to the following pages for more details about each setting.


To prevent any pictures or videos from being accidentally erased, use this setting to lock one or all
of the files.

            Protect                  One

                               Date Folder

                              Cont. Group


There are 5 options available:
   • One:             Lock the selected photo or video if they are
                      unprotected; unlock the selected photo or video if they are protected.

   • Date Folder:     Protect all photos in the Date Folder.

   • Cont. Group:     Protect all photos in the Cont. Photo Folder.

   • All:             Lock all photos or videos.

   • Reset:           Cancel all locked photos or videos.


     You can delete one or all photo/video files.


                 Delete           Date Folder

                                  Cont. Group


     There are 4 options available:
        • One:            Delete one photo or video.
        • Date Folder:    Delete all photos in the Date Folder.
        • Cont. Group:    Delete all photos in the Cont. Photo Folder.
        • All:            Delete all photos or videos

           The “     ” indicator means a file is protected. File protection must be removed first before a
           file can be deleted.

           Deleting files will cause DPOF settings to be reset.

           When one photo in the Cont. Photo and Date Folders is protected, it will be kept but any other
           photos will be deleted.

DPOF (Digital Print Order Format)                   Trim
The DPOF feature allows you to compile and          The Trim Setting allows you to crop photos
select a group of pictures that you would like to   and save them as new pictures.
print and will save your selection on the memory
                                                    1. Select「Yes」to confirm trim. Rotate the
card so that you can use the SD memory card to
                                                       zoom lever to select the aspect ratio and
print without having to individually specify the                                    C/ A     C/
                                                       press the A      C/A
photos you want to print.                              A     C buttons to adjust the part you want
                                                       to trim.



           DPOF                 Reset

      The printer that supports DPOF is needed      2. Press the     button and the「Save
      for printing.                                    change?」prompt appears. Select
                                                       「      」to change and save the picture.
                                                       Select「 」to cancel changes and
                                                       return to the trim prompt screen.

                                                           The image cannot be clipped/trimmed
                                                           again once it has been clipped to

     General Settings Menu
     1. Press the   button in any mode, press the A              C/A         C button to select      , and press
        the    button to enter the menu.
     2. Press the A     C/A                C button to select   , and press the    button or the A      C button to
        enter the menu.

                Sound Settings

                Power Saver                   Auto

                Language                   English

                World Time                   Home

                Date & Time        2014.06.20 00:00

     3. Press the A     C/A         C button to select the item to be set and press the           button or the
        A    C button to enter the menu.
     4. Press the A          C/A           C button to select an option and press the   button to confirm.
     Refer to the following pages for more details about each setting.


Sound Settings                                          Power Saver
With this setting you may adjust the sound              This setting allows you to save power and get
volume.                                                 the maximum possible running time for your
Press the A   C/A           C button to adjust the      camera’s batteries. Turn the LCD and camera
volume and press the            button to confirm our   off automatically after a consecutive period of
setting.                                                inactivity.

               Sound Settings

                                                                      Power Saver          Normal


                                                          Power       LCD power off
                                                                                         Turn off time
                                                          Saver           time
                                                          Auto             3 min             5 min
                                                         Normal            1 min             3 min
                                                           Best            30 s              1 min


     Language                                          Date/Time
     Refer to the “Reset your language” section on     Refer to the “Reset Date/Time” section on
     page 25.                                          page 26.

     Zone                                              LCD Brightness
     The Zone setting is a useful function for your    Use this setting to adjust the brightness of your
     overseas trips. This feature enables you to       LCD.
     display the local time on the LCD while you are   Press the A     C/A         C button to adjust
     abroad.                                           the brightness of screen, and press the
     1. Press the A     C/A         C button to        button to confirm our setting.
        select the departure place ( ) and
        destination ( ) fields.
     2. Press the A      C/A    C button to select a              LCD Brightness          Bcfa+2
        city located in the same time zone as that
        of the field. Press the   button to confirm
        settings.                                                                         Normal




File Settings
1. Press the   button, press the A       C/A        C button to select       and press the     button to
   enter the menu.
2. Press the A     C/A         C button to select   and press the        button or the A     C button to
   enter the menu.
3. Press the A     C/A        C button to select the item to be set and press the      button or the
   A    C button to enter the menu.


           Copy to Card

           File Numbering


           FW Version         X.XX

4. Press the A          C/A    C button to select an option and press the      button to confirm.
Refer to the following pages for more details about each setting.


Document Created: 2014-06-20 10:27:57
Document Modified: 2014-06-20 10:27:57

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