User Manual Part 5.pdf


Users Manual

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The MF assist needs to be enabled with the           If the lens focus ring is operated or the
   button. (See P79 for details)                     jog dial is rolled [    ] again, the AF
After enabling manual focus (non AF+MF):             enlargement frame will appear on the LCD
                                                     screen. After a best position you want is
                    00:00:00           0000    16M   obtained through manual adjustment, press
                                                     the      button to close the AF enlargement
                                                     frame and make the camera back to normal
                                                     shooting screen. Semi-pressing the shutter
                                                     button will have no effect; you need to fully
                                                     press the shutter button to take a normal
           EV+0.0   F00.0      0/000     ISO00000


The focus frame displayed after enabling the   Semi-press the shutter button for auto focus
auto + manual focus depends on the settings    and then rotate the lens focus ring or the
of AF area (center-AF/multi-AF).               [     ], to focus on areas enlarged on the
                                               screen. Press the        button to close the AF
                                               enlargement frame and make the camera
                                               back to normal framing screen and then
                                               press the shutter to take a normal photo.
                                               After semi-pressing the shutter, shooting will
                                               be carried out mainly based on manual focus
                                               settings. If the shutter is semi-pressed again
                                               for AF after completion of manual focus,
                 F00.0   0/000                 shooting will be carried out mainly based on
                                               the final AF settings.


Picture Effect
Picture effect allows user to select different
                                                 •   Kodacolor
color effects.
                                                 •   Salon
                                                 •   Punk
                                                 •   Negative
                                                 •   Reflection
                                                 •   Sketch

                                                 •   Fish Eye
                                                 •   4 Grids - Stylish (2M)
   •       Normal                                    Four combined effects: Fine +
                                                     Warm Yellow + New Japanese +
   •       Vivid                                     Cold Green

   •       Black and White                       •   4 Grids - Partial Color (2M)
                                                     Four partial colors of blue, yellow,
   •       Dreamy                                    green and red to form combined
   •       Vignetting
   •       Ektachrome
   •       Kodachrome


Flash Mode
The flash is mainly for supplementing light    •   Flash Auto
for the scene. The flash is usually used in        Camera flash goes off
shooting against the light to highlight the        automatically based on existing
object shot through lightening the object          light conditions.
while darkening the background; it is also
suitable for metering and shooting in darker   •   Red-Eye Reduction
scenes through exposure. (For installation         The camera emits a brief pre-flash
steps of the flash, please refer to P23.)          before the picture is taken to
                                                   reduce red-eye effects.
                                               •   Slow Sync.
                                                   Flash first to make the object
                                                   photic and then expose for a long
                                                   time to make the background
                                               •   Slow Sync. + Red-Eye Reduction
                                                   The camera uses both slow sync.
                                                   And red-eye reduction in flashing.

   •      Force Off
          Flash is turned off.
   •      Force Flash
          For fill flash at the moment of
          taking a picture.



 •       Rear curtain sync                     This mode can help reduce photo blur
         Press the shutter to make it on       caused by unintentional hand shake.
         normally, and then the flash
         gives a flash to expose at the
         moment that the shutter closes.
         (Mainly used to shoot fast-moving

     If the flash is disconnected or closed,
     its default mode is DISABLE and isn't

                                                  •       OIS: Off
                                                  •       OIS: On

                                                      Use Stabilization Mode in dark
                                                      environments or when using a slower
                                                      shutter speed.

                                                      The effect of OIS may be
                                                      unsatisfactory when shooting with
                                                      fierce shake of camera (e.g. in the
                                                      running vehicle).


When the camera detects that there is a big      WDR is mutually exclusive with RAW/
contrast in brightness between scenes and        RAW+JPG. When WDR works, the
such scenes are against the light, it will use   quality will automatically change from
DSP to automatically adjust the brightness       RAW or RAW+JPG to default JPG.
and saturation to make pictures taken
restore the scene more closely. (Adjustable
under the               mode)

   •      WDR Off
   •      WDR On


Introduction on Functions of Menu Button

1. Press the       button to enter the menu.   3. Press the [          ]/[        ] button to
                                                  select the setting options and the Press
2. Press the [             ]/[          ]       the     button to enter the menu.
   button to select.
                                               4. Press the [         ]/[         ] button
   8 options in「       Menu」:                     to select and the Press the     button to
   •    Fn Settings                               confirm.

   •    Shoot Settings 1                       Please refer to the sections below to know
   •    Shoot Settings 2     2                 details of each option.

   •    Playback Menu
        (See P100 for details)
   •    Normal Settings
   •    File & Firmware Settings
   •    Connection Settings
        (See P112 for details)
   •    Wi-Fi     (See P44 for details)

       Functions that can be enabled are
       different under each mode.


Fn Settings
3 options in 「Fn Settings」:   Fn1/Fn2 Settings
  •   Fn1                     This function can be used to customize the
                              quick access with Fn1 or Fn2 button.
  •   Fn2
  •   AE/AF Lock

                              After saving the functions of Fn1 or Fn2
                              button, the camera goes back to the
                              shooting status. Pressing Fn1 or Fn2 button
                              can quickly enable relative functions.


                                               AE/AF Lock
                                               For simultaneously locking current AE value
Button         Functions (Referred Pages)
                                               and AF range.
               Image Size (P81)
               Movie Size (P82)
               Quality (P83)
               Focus Mode (P65)
               AF Area (P62)
               Metering Mode (P62)
               Flash mode (P69)
               Picture Effect (P68)
                                                  •   [AE-L]: AE Lock
               Beautifier (P40)                       For locking the current AE value. (Only
               WB Mode (P63)                          the AE lock works in shooting with
                                                      manual focus.)
               WDR (P71)
                                                  •   [AF-L]: AF Lock
               OIS (P70)
                                                      For locking the current AF value. (Only
                                                      the AF lock works in shooting under
                                                      manual exposure mode.)
     Fn1 is for picture effect while Fn2 for
     AF Area by default.                          •   [AE/AF-L]: AE/AF Lock
                                                      For simultaneously locking the current
                                                      AE value and the AF range.


Shoot Settings 1
6 options in 「Shoot Settings 1」:   Face Detection
   •   Face Detection              For detecting and focusing on faces to make
                                   all faces as much as clear under the photo
   •   AF Assist Beam              mode.
   •   Date Imprint
   •   Quick Review
   •   Digital Zoom
   •   MF Assist

                                   1. Hold the camera steadily and then focus
                                      on the object to detect its face. A focus
                                      frame will appear at the face on the
                                      screen when a face is detected.


                                                 AF Assist Beam
                                                 In a darker environment, AF Assist Beam
                                                 can be turned on for better focus.

2. Aim at the object and then semi-press the
   shutter button to focus.

                                                     • Off
                                                     • On

         F2.9    1/50

3. Press the shutter button to take a picture.
     The closed eyes detection is usually
     on. If the camera detects in the course
     of quick review there is a face with
     eyes closed, a prompt of closed eyes
     will appear    .


Date Imprint                               Quick Review
Include a Date/Time imprint on the photo   This option can provide you immediate quick
image.                                     review on pictures after taking. Each picture
                                           will be displayed on the LCD screen at the
                                           time of being selected.

                                               • Off
                                               • 2 sec
                                               • 5 sec
                                               • Playback
                                                If you select playback, the camera will
    • Off                                       directly enter PLAYBACK mode after
    • Date                                      each time of picture taking.

    • Date/Time


Quick Review – each shooting mode                                Remarks:
supports a corresponding album for quick                         *1 A common quick review on pictures
review of pictures.                                                 should be done before playback.
O-the number of seconds can be set;                                 The time of review depends on
X-the number of seconds cannot be set.                              saving time.
                    Quick Review
                                   Quick Review   Closed Eyes
                                                                 *2 The closed eyes detection needs to
                    for 2 secons
                                                            *2      enable the face detection first.
                    or 5 seconds
                                                                 *3 The last picture can be reviewed
 Cat/Dog            Fixed 2 sec         X              X
 Self-timer                                                         as per settings of quick review. The
                                                                    total time of quickly reviewing the
 Smile              Fixed 2 sec         X              O
                                                                    first two pictures is about 1 second.
 Panorama                O              O              X

 Continuous Shot    Fixed 2 sec         X              X

 Cont. Shot-Fast    Fixed 2 sec         X              X

 Con. Time-lapse    Fixed 2 sec         X              X

 Video                   X              X              X

 HDR                     O              O              O

 WDR                     O              O              O

 Color                   O              O              O

 WB Bracketing           O *3           O              X

 EV Bracketing      Fixed 2 sec         X              X

 Time-lapse Movie        X              X              X

 Others                  O              O              O


Digital Zoom                                     MF Assist
This setting is for adjusting digital zoom. If   For manually focusing on the object by
this function is disabled, only optical zoom     operating the lens focus ring through manual.
can be used.                                     (Adjustable under the            mode)

     • Off                                           • Off
     • 2x                                            • On
     • 4x


Shoot Settings 2          2
5 options in 「Shoot Settings 2」:   Custom Settings
   •   Custom Settings             Custom Settings stores the current photo
                                   shooting mode and its parameters. The
   •   Image Size                  stored mode and parameters are directly
                                   invoked in Custom Settings mode.
   •   Movie Size
   •   Quality
   •   Flash Exp. Comp.

                                       • No
                                       • Yes


Image Size
The size setting refers to the image resolution   The bigger the number of recorded
in pixels. A higher image resolution allows       pixels is, the better the image quality
you to print that image in larger sizes without   becomes. As the number of recorded
degrading the image quality.                      pixels lessen, you will be able to record
                                                  more images on a memory card.

    • 16M: High quality printing
    • 14M-3:2: Full size printing
    • 12M-16:9: display
    • 10M: Poster printing
    • 4M: A3 printing
    • 3M: A4 printing
    • 2M-16:9: 4"x 6" printing
    • VGA: E-Mail


Movie Size
Set the image resolution used during video         Movie Size:
recording.                                         • 1920x1080: record with Full HD. The
                                                     aspect ratio is 16:9.
                                                   • 1280x720: record with HD. The
                                                     aspect ratio is 16:9.
                                                   • 640x480: record with standard
                                                     definition. The aspect ratio is 4:3.

Time recorded in videoing with HD:

                                                       Recording time (about )
 No.   Image Pixel   Frame (fps)     Recommendation
                                                       (4GB)          (8GB)
  1    1920x1080         30              Class 6        30min         60min
  2     1280x720         60              Class 6       32min         65min
  3     1280x720         30              Class 4       59min         117min
  4      640x480          30             Class 4       120min        250min
  5      640x480         120             Class 6       54min         107min


Recording time limit above 1280x720     The Quality Setting can be used to adjust
30 fps format is under 29 minutes.      the image compression ratio.

When recording in higher pixel
resolutions for extended periods of
time, this can cause the camera to
generate heat. This is not a camera

If 640x480 30fps is selected, you may
be required to save the video file in
                                            • RAW+JPEG Best
another disk when it reaches 4GB.
                                              Creates two images: one in RAW
                                              and the other in JPEG best. (Average
When the video format is set as               file size under 16M image size:
640x480 (120fps), shooting time is 30         29.1MB+6.0MB)
seconds, playback time is 2 minutes.        • RAW
                                              More data can be left on image.
Sound recording is disabled when              Serve the purpose of editing on
640x480 120fps is chosen.                     computer. (Average file size under
                                              16M image size: 29.0MB)
                                            • JPEG Best (average file size under
                                              16M image size: 2.6MB)
                                            • JPEG Fine (average file size under
                                              16M image size: 5.9MB)


                                                               Flash Exp. Comp.
The quality is on:                                             The flash exposure compensation is for
If RAW or RAW+JPEG is first on, the                            adjusting flash volume so as to improve
settings of Picture Effect, Continuous Shot,                   the brightness of background of the object.
Cont. Shot-Fast, HDR, HDRPRO and AE                            (Range from -3.0EV to +3.0EV, with 1/3EV
Bracketing all cannot be adjusted.                             as the increment.)

                                                                                  Flash Exp. Comp.
                      00:00:00           0000   16M

                                                                         Select         OK   Set     Exit
            EV +0.0   F00.0      0/000     ISO00000

                              Press the               button   The flash exposure compensation cannot
                                                               be adjusted if the flash is disconnected or


Normal Settings
6 options in [ Normal Settings ] :   Sound Settings
   •   Sound Settings                With this setting you may adjust the volume
                                     of sound in pressing buttons.
   •   Power Saver
                                     Press the [            ]/[      ] button
   •   LCD Brightness
                                     to adjust the volume and then press the
   •   Language                      button to confirm your setting.
   •   World Time
   •   Date & Time


Power Saver                                   LCD Brightness
Power Saver This setting allows you to        Use this setting to adjust the brightness of
save power and get the maximum possible       your LCD screen.
running time for your camera's batteries.
Follow the steps below to turn the LCD        Press the [             ]/[      ] button
screen and camera off automatically after a   to adjust the brightness of screen and then
consecutive period of inactivity.             press the      button to confirm your setting.

   •    Auto
   •    Normal
   •    Best                                  Language
                                              Refer to the “Reset your language” section
   Power         LCD power off   Turn off
                                              on page 30.
   Saver             time         time
       Auto          3 min        5 min
   Normal            1 min        3 min
       Best          30 s         1 min


                                                  File & Firmware Settings
World Time                                        6 options in [File & Firmware Settings] :
When traveling abroad, you may use this              •   Format
function to display local time on the screen.
                                                     •   Copy to Card
1. Press the [          ]/[         ] button to
   select the places of departure (      ) and       •   File Numbering
   destination (    ).                               •   Reset Settings
2. Press the [             ]/[     ]
                                                     •   FW Version
   button to select a city with same time
   shown in the field and then press the             •   Cleaning Mode
   button to confirm your setting.

Date & Time
Refer to the “Reset Date/Time” section on
page 31.


Please note: formatting enables you to                 Note that when you perform the Format
delete all contents in the memory card and             Memory function, it only formats the
built-in memory, including protected photo             active memory. If a memory card is
and movie files.                                       inserted, the memory card is active and
1. Press the            ]/[        ] button to         will be formatted. If there is no memory
   select [ Yes ] or [ No ] and then press the         card, the internal memory is active and
       button to confirm your setting.                 the internal memory will be formatted.
                                                       Formatting the memory card will not
                                                       automatically format the internal

                                                 Copy to Card
                                                 Use this setting to copy the files stored in the
                                                 internal memory to a memory card.

2. If you select「Yes」the camera formats
   its memory.

                                                       If there is no card available in the
                                                       camera, this function will not be


File Numbering                                  Reset Settings
After you complete taking pictures or videos,   Use this setting to restore the camera to its
the camera will automatically save them as      original default settings.
files and number them with serial numbers.
You may use this function to decide whether
a picture is numbered by following the
previous picture number or renumbered
and then saved in another new folder in the
memory card.


Version                                        Cleaning Mode
You may use this option to check the           For clearing dust and debris on the sensor
camera current FW version.                     through high speed vibration.

                                               Press the Power button to make the camera
                                               on after selecting 「On」and then the
                                               camera starts automatically cleaning the

Enter Setting of camera and select FW
Version. There is a new version of FW in the
memory card for updating:


Document Created: 2013-12-19 10:18:55
Document Modified: 2013-12-19 10:18:55

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