User Manual Part 3.pdf


Users Manual

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     6            Mode Dial Description
Rotating the mode dial can allow you to easily switch among modes.

Auto Scene
The camera may automatically detect the currently most suitable scene to give you best

     Mode Name                                       Description
                      The camera will automatically adjusts the exposure and focus to
                      ensure the best possible pictures.
                      For landscapes, will automatically adjust the exposure and reproduce
                      vivid green and blue colors.
                      When the sun or any other light source is behind you, will automatically
                      adjust the foreground exposure to produce the best pictures possible.
                      To produce more detailed close-ups, will automatically engage the
                      camera's Macro Mode and automatically focus the lens.
                      For night scenes, will automatically increase the ISO value to
                      compensate for low light.
     Portrait         Most suitable for capturing people with focus on their faces.
                      When you take portraits at night, or in low light conditions, will
     Night Portrait
                      automatically adjust the exposure for people and night scenes.


Program AE                                    Please refer to the table below if any
                                              nonadjustable options in            mode
For adjusting the EV and ISO values.          (O: Optional X: Not optional)
Shutter priority                                        Aperture        Shutter       EV        ISO
For adjusting the shutter speed, EV and                     X               X
ISO values. The camera may automatically                                               O           O
                                                        (Display)       (Display)
set the aperture value according to the set
shutter speed and ISO value to obtain a                                    O           O           O
most suitable exposure value.
                                                            O                          O           O
Aperture priority                                           O              O
For adjusting the aperture size, EV and ISO                                         (Display)
values. The large aperture is to highlight
the object focused through blurring the       1. Rotate the mode dial to select the
background, while the small aperture is for        mode you want.
clear focusing on both the background and     2. Press the [             ] button to enter
the object.                                      setting.

Manual Mode                                   3. Press the [            ]/[               ] to
                                                 select the items to be adjusted.
For manually setting the aperture, shutter
speed and ISO value.                          4. Press the [               ]/[         ] to adjust


Scene Mode
You can select an appropriate mode from         Panorama Mode
the 14 scene modes according to the type        For shooting 360-degree landscape.
of environment you are shooting. The
camera then configures the most appropriate     Follow the steps below:
settings automatically.                         1. Select the panorama mode (        ) and
1. Rotate the mode dial to       , then the        then press the    button to confirm.
   LCD screen will display as below:
                                                2. Press the arrow buttons to select a
                                                   shooting direction (The right direction is
                                                   used as default if you do not make any
                                                   choice). 2 seconds later, the camera is
                                                   ready to take pictures. You can also press
                                                   the     button or half press the shutter
                                                   button to be ready to take pictures.
                                                3. Compose your shot on the LCD screen
                                                   and half press the shutter button to focus
                                                   on the subject. After focusing, fully press
                                                   the shutter button down to take picture. At
2. Press the arrow buttons to select a             this time, the process dialog of panorama
   scene, and press the     button to              mode stitching appears on the screen.
3. If any need of changing the scene, please
   press the      button and then the
   button and finally the directional buttons
   to reselect the scene.


                                                        During panorama mode shooting,
                                                        when the moving direction of the
                                                        camera is wrong or the angle deviates
                                                        from the internal settings, the LCD
                             Cancel   OK Save
                                                        shows a warning message「Improper
                                                        alignment. Please try again.」and the
         F00.0   0/000

4. Rotate the camera according to the set               current pictures taken are saved.
   direction. When the range of rotation meets          The movie size is 2M in the course of
   the internal settings of the camera, the             panoramic shot.
   progress dialog along the indication arrow
   partially turns red. When it completely turns
   red, panorama mode shooting is finished.        Handheld Night
                                                   Reduce blur when shooting low light/
     Panoramic image can be played back by         illuminated scenes.
     the method of flash playing. Please see
     the animation panoramic playback on
     page 109.                                          Quickly take 4 photos below 8M
                                                        (including 8M) and then overlap as a
                                                        clear night image.
     In the course of panoramic shot, you may
     press the shutter or   button to interrupt
                                                        Smile shutter cannot be used under
     shooting and save the video that has
                                                        this mode.
     been shot.

                                                        Clear night pictures also can be taken
     Press the [        ] button to cancel
                                                        easily without the tripod.
     shooting with pictures not saved.


Make skin rosy and beautiful.
Please follow the following steps to operate:
1. Select the face beautifier (     ) and then
   press the     button to confirm.
2. Press again the     button to enter
3. Press the [             ]/[         ]
   button to select option (    ).
                                                 •   Effect 1: Skin Soften
4. Roll the [   ] to select an option and
   then press the     button to confirm.         •   Effect 2: Skin Soften + Eye
                                                 •   Effect 3: Skin Soften + Eye
                                                     Brightening + Eye Enlargement


Multi Exposure                                Snow
Take several shots and overlap as a single    For subjects in the snow. Reduce
image.                                        underexposure.

     The image size is fixed 5M in the        Party
     course of shooting.                      For subjects at night without using a tripod.
                                              Capture sharp shots without blur.
The camera automatically takes a picture      Sport
when a dog's face is detected.
                                              For fast-moving subjects. Capture sharp
                                              action shots without blur.
     When a cat /dog face is detected,
     a white focus frame appears. The
     camera will take a picture and save it        Suggest using tripod.
     regardless of whether the focus is
     successful (if successful, there
     appears a green focus frame; if not,
     there is an orange frame).

     10 faces of dogs and cats at most can
     be detected.


Night Portrait                                   Children
For portraits against night time scenery.        For kids and pets. Flash is disabled for eye
     Suggest using tripod.
     To take a clear picture, please keep        For landscapes. Vivid reproduction of greens
     the object still for about 1 second after   and blues.
                                                      This mode is not suitable to night.

Portrait                                         Sunset
For shooting portraits.                          For sunsets. Capture subjects in strong
     Under this mode, take a bokeh effect
     background to highlight portrait and        Fireworks
     soften the skin to obtain a better
     shooting effect.                            For fireworks at night. Slow shutter speed
                                                 adjusted for brilliant images.


Functions that can be adjusted in each scene are as below:
         Scene                                 Adjustable Functions
 Handheld Night        Self-timer */Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Face Beautifier       Self-timer/Tile-lapse/Expo Metering/Beautifier/Flash
 Multi Exposure        Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Cat/Dog               Auto Shooting/Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Snow                  Self-timer/Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/Expo Metering/Flash
 Party                 Self-timer/Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/HDR/Expo Metering/Flash
 Sport                 Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Night Portrait        Self-timer/Time-lapse/HDR/Expo Metering
 Portrait              Self-timer/Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/HDR/Expo Metering/Flash
 Children              Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Landscape             Self-timer */Time-lapse/Expo Metering
 Sunset                Self-timer */Time-lapse/HDR/Expo Metering
 Fireworks             Self-timer */Continuous Shot/Time-lapse/Expo Metering

* Means smile shutter is not included in the self-timer.
For continuous shot, there are only「Continuous Shot」and「Time-Lapse」for selection.


Make image transmission and remote              1. Rotate the mode dial to      and then
control by connecting smart device with            enter the Wi-Fi selection interface.
                                                2. Press the [            ]/[        ]
Matters needing attention before use:              button to select and set options.
   The system version of your smart device
   should be iOS 4 and above or Android
   2.3 and above. If not, please upgrade the
   system of your device first.
   Please don't use the camera in places
   with strong magnetic field, static or wave
   interference (e.g. near a microwave
   oven), as which may cause failure to
   receive signals.
   Please keep the distance between
                                                  •     「Settings」 :      Customize the
   camera and smart device within
   10m without any signal shielding or                                    Wi-Fi settings
   interference.                                                          for the camera
   Please don't use the wireless connection
   on a plane.                                    •     「Station」 :       Configuring the
   Only one-to-one connection is allowed for                              primary Wi-Fi base
   camera and smart device.                                               station.
                                                  •     「AP Mode」:        Configuring device
                                                                          as AP mode to
                                                                          Wi-Fi connect.


                                          AP Mode
After connection with smart device, the   Settings of Camera:
LCD closes and stays dark.                This camera may connect with your smart
                                          device through Wi-Fi.
Rotate the mode dial to disconnect.       1. Select      and press the      button to
                                             enter the setting interface.
If the Wi-Fi is disconnected, the LCD     2. Press the [          ]/[       ] button to
restores its display.                        select options to be adjusted, and press
                                             the     button to enter the option setting

                                             • Refresh: Camera automatically updates
                                                        a group of passwords.
                                             • Back:    Back to previous page.


4. When it is detected that the smart device's    Settings of Smart Device:
   APP is enabled, the connection can be
   performed. After successful connection,        1. Enable the Wi-Fi of smart device and then
   the name of smart device appears and              search surrounding wireless devices.
   relative operation can be carried out on it.   2. Select the name of camera SSID to be
                                                     connected and then input the eight-digit
                                                     number password after WPA2-PSK on the
                                                  3. Download a dedicated installation
                                                     package from the application store
                                                     corresponding to the device (APP name:
                                                     PIXPRO Remote Viewer) and then install
                                                  4. Click the    icon of APP and then open it.


Display of Wi-Fi Connection Status
The Wi-Fi has successfully connected but    If the Wi-Fi of smart device is not enabled:
APP isn't enabled.

For interrupting the connection:              • Back: Back to previous page.

   • No: Keep Wi-Fi connected and back to
          previous page.
   • Yes: Disconnect and back to Wi-Fi
          mode for interface selection.


Station Mode
Make image transmission and remote control     Press the [             ]/[       ] button
by connecting the camera with Wi-Fi access     to select:
point of smart device.                            • Scan: Search again surrounding
1. Enable the Wi-Fi access point of smart                 wireless devices.
                                                  •   :      Select the name of device to be
2. Select the       on camera and then press                 connected.
   the     button to confirm connection with
   smart device.                                  • Back: Back to previous page.

3. Press the [          ]/[       ] button     4. Press the [           ]/[        ]/
   to select the name of smart device to be
                                                  [             ]/[      ] button or roll
   connected and then press the      button
                                                  the jog dial to select and then press the
   to confirm. Then, the camera enters the
   password input interface.                          button to confirm your selection.
                                                  Enter the password of WPA2- PSK after


                                               5. Input the set WPA2- PSK password of
                                                  smart device and save it, and then
                                                  •   If connected, the LCD screen will
                                                      display as shown below:

Meanings of Interface Icons:
   Icon               Description
            Delete the last letter
            Switch the display of letters in
            capital and lowercase
                                                  •   If failure of connection or the device
            Move the Cursor                           doesn't enable its Wi-Fi access point,
     #!?    Switch the symbol input                   please check Wi-Fi device and try
            Input Space
                                               6. After connection, you may use the
                                                  dedicated APP installed on smart device
                                                  to carry out relative operation.


The name of this camera can be changed         DSC Device
through keystroking.
                                               The default name of DSC device is「Kodak
1. Select the      and then press the          S-1」. Change the name of DSC device
   button to enter the setting interface.      through keystroking.
2. Press the [          ]/[         ] button
   to select options to be adjusted and then
   press the      button to enter the menu.

                                               For the method of input, please refer to the
                                               introduction on password input on Page 49.

3. Press the     button to confirm settings    Check the MAC address
   and then skip the menu.                     Check the wireless MAC address of this


CS Setting
The user can store the frequently used
shooting modes and parameters and switch
to this mode for quick adjustment.
Settings under      mode (unset state or
state after reset):
1. Rotate the mode dial to     , and then
   the camera enters the setting interface as
   shown below:

                                                For setting under other modes (except
                                                the     mode):
                                                1. Select any mode or scene mode to be
                                                2. Set your desired parameters in the
                                                   current mode.
                                                3. Press the     button and then the
2. As shown in the picture, press the
                                                   [           ]/[      ] button to select
   [           ]/[       ] button to select
   a scene and then press the      button to          2.
   enter the shooting interface.                4. Select 「Custom Settings」and then
                                                   press the   button to enter the menu.
3. As shown in the picture, press the
   button to select whether the setting of
   mode goes on or not.


                                         When the        mode is used for the
                                         first time, there is no preset parameter
                                         stored in the       mode.

                                         If you want to remove the parameter
                                         setting of「Custom Settings」, please
                                         see the reset function on page 89 to

5. Select「Yes」to save or「No」to cancel.

6. Turn the mode dial to switch to the
   custom settings (     ).


     7        Introduction on Functions of Buttons
Introduction of Functions of Timer/ Self-timer Button
For setting the single, self-timer, continuous   •   Single
shot, time-lapse, HDR or AE bracketing               Capture a single shot only.
(Functions that can be enabled under each
mode may be different).                          •   Self-timer 2 sec
                                                     A single picture is shot 2 seconds
Please follow the following steps to set:
                                                     after the Shutter Button is pressed.
1. Press the [          ] button to enter the
   setting interface.                            •   Self-timer 10 sec
                                                     A single picture is shot 10 seconds
2. Press the [            ]/[      ]
                                                     after the Shutter Button is pressed.
   button to select options to be adjusted.
                                                 •   Self-timer Smile
                                                     Press the Shutter Button and a
                                                     picture will be taken immediately
                                                     after a smile is detected.
                                                 •   Continuous Shot
                                                     For taking more than one picture
                                                 •   Cont. Shot-Fast (4M)
                                                     For continuous shot with 4M


 •   Time-Lapse                                 •      HDR PRO (-3EV, 0EV, +3EV):
     Take pictures with the preset                     Using this function can take
     interval time (30sec, 1min, 5min                  satisfactory pictures under the
     or 10min). Press the      button to               scene with a big light contrast
                                                       (darker or brighter).
     select the interval time.
                                                •      AE Bracketing (0.3EV, 0.7EV,
 •   Time-lapse Movie
                                                       1.0EV, 1.3EV, 1.7EV, 2.0EV):
     For shooting for a long time
                                                       The camera will automatically and
     with certain time intervals (1sec,
                                                       continuously take three pictures
     5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 30sec, 1min,
                                                       separately with a brightness of
     5min, 10min and 1h), so as to
                                                       original, darker and brighter as
     concentrate the course that needs
                                                       long as you press the shutter
     a long time to complete into a
     short video for presentation. Press               once. Press the      button to
     the     button to select the lapse                select the range of exposure.
                                             3. Press the    button to complete setting
 •   HDR (-1EV, 0EV, +1EV)                      and then enter shooting interface.
     This setting is to control the high
     dynamic image range in taking
     still pictures, with vivid effect in
     highlight and that the effect in dark
     parts can identify the outline and
     depth of the object.


                                         Introduction of Functions
                                         of Lock Button       
Time-lapse Movie:                        Mode:
1   Only FHD and HD pixels are           Lock the current AE and AF ranges.
    selectable. The default pixel is
    FHD 30fps in enabling the            This function cannot be enabled until the AE/
    time-lapse movie.                    AF Lock option is selected first with the
                                         button. See P74 for detailed operation.
2   Fully press the shutter button to
    start shooting; press this button    Before use, please refer to contents on P74
    again to stop shooting and then      to use the     button to set what you want.
    the file will be merged and saved    Then, follow the following steps to operate:
    automatically.                       Press the [            ] button to lock the
3   999 pictures at most can be taken.   AE value and the AF range. (Press the
                                         button again to release the lock)
4   Sound cannot be recorded.
                                                              00:00:00           0000   16M

Prohibit the flash working when
shooting with HDR. Suggest using

                                                     EV+0.0   F00.0      0/000     ISO00000


Document Created: 2013-12-19 10:18:31
Document Modified: 2013-12-19 10:18:31

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