Bluetooth DSS Report


Test Report

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                       FCC / IC Test Report
                                       Zonar Systems

                                      Model Number:

                            Product Description:
                      Vehicle mounted Telematics device

                                 FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
                                 IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                    Applied Rules and Standards:
                      47 CFR Part 15.247 (DSS)
               RSS-247 Issue 2 (FHSs) & RSS-Gen Issue 5

      REPORT #: EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS

                                    DATE: 2019-05-07

                                                                    A2LA Accredited

                                                                    IC recognized #

                                       CETECOM Inc.
                    411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.
Phone: + 1 (408) 586 6200  Fax: + 1 (408) 586 6299  E-mail: 
                  CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

                                                                                                     © Copyright by CETECOM

Test Report #:                EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                                                       FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report                2019-05-07                                                                              IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1          ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2          ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................................... 4
     2.1       IDENTIFICATION OF THE TESTING LABORATORY ISSUING THE EMC TEST REPORT ........................................................................... 4
     2.2       IDENTIFICATION OF THE CLIENT ............................................................................................................................................. 4
     2.3       IDENTIFICATION OF THE MANUFACTURER................................................................................................................................. 4
3          EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................................... 5
     3.1       EUT SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
     3.2       EUT SAMPLE DETAILS ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.3       ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT (AE) DETAILS .................................................................................................................................. 6
     3.4       SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.5       TEST SAMPLE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
     3.6       JUSTIFICATION FOR WORST CASE MODE OF OPERATION............................................................................................................ 6
4          SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
5          MEASUREMENT RESULTS SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 7
6          MEASUREMENTS......................................................................................................................................................... 8
     6.1       MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .............................................................................................................................................. 8
     6.2       ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DURING TESTING:...................................................................................................................... 8
     6.3       DATES OF TESTING: ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
7          MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................... 9
     7.1       RADIATED MEASUREMENT.................................................................................................................................................... 9
8          TEST RESULT DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 12
     8.1       TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSIONS AND RESTRICTED BANDS ................................................................................................. 12
9          TEST SETUP PHOTOS ................................................................................................................................................ 25
10         TEST EQUIPMENT AND ANCILLARIES USED FOR TESTING ......................................................................................... 25
11         REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Test Report #:      EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                           FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report      2019-05-07                                                  IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          1      Assessment

The following device was evaluated against the applicable criteria specified in FCC rules Parts 15.247 of Title 47 of
the Code of Federal Regulations and the relevant ISED Canada standard RSS-247.

No deviations were ascertained.

          Company                                      Description                                           Model #
        Zonar Systems                        Vehicle mounted Telematics device                               ZTCU4A

Responsible for Testing Laboratory:

                                                                                                                       Digitally signed by Cindy Li

                                                         Cindy Li
                                                                                                                       DN: cn=Cindy Li, o=Cetecom Inc.,

   2019-05-07           Compliance                   (EMC Lab Manager)                                                 Date: 2019.05.10 11:55:41 -07'00'

       Date               Section                           Name                                        Signature

Responsible for the Report:

                                                                                                              Digitally signed by: Yuchan Lu

                                                         Yuchan Lu
                                                                                                              DN: CN = Yuchan Lu email =
                                                                                                     C =
                                                                                                              US O = CETECOM Inc. OU =


    2019-05-07          Compliance                     (Test Engineer)                                        Date: 2019.05.07 14:28:50 -07'00'

       Date                Section                          Name                                       Signature

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in Section3.
CETECOM Inc. USA does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to
other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or
published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM Inc. USA.

Test Report #:      EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS               FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report      2019-05-07                                      IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          2      Administrative Data

   2.1     Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the EMC Test Report

Company Name:                              CETECOM Inc.
Department:                                Compliance
Street Address:                            411 Dixon Landing Road
City/Zip Code                              Milpitas, CA 95035
Country                                    USA
Telephone:                                 +1 (408) 586 6200
Fax:                                       +1 (408) 586 6299
EMC Lab Manager:                           Cindy Li
Responsible Project Leader:                Sangeetha Sivaraman

   2.2     Identification of the Client

Applicant’s Name:                           Zonar Systems
Street Address:                             18200 Cascade Avenue North
City/Zip Code                               Seattle Washington, 98188
Country                                     USA

   2.3     Identification of the Manufacturer

Manufacturer’s Name:
Manufacturers Address:
                                            Same as Client
City/Zip Code

Test Report #:     EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                   FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report     2019-05-07                                          IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          3      Equipment Under Test (EUT)

   3.1     EUT Specifications

     Model No:                     ZTCU4A

     HW Version :                  3

     SW Version :                  4.8

     FCC-ID:                       SEJ-ZTCU4A

     IC-ID:                        5266A-ZTCU4A

     HVIN:                         ZTCU4A

     PMN:                          N/A

     Product Description:          Vehicle mounted Telematics device
     Frequency Range / number Nominal band: 2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz
     of channels:             Center to center: 2402 MHz (ch 0) – 2480 MHz (ch 78), 79 Channels
      Type(s) of Modulation:       Bluetooth BR/EDR: GFSK, π /4 DQPSK, 8DPSK

      Modes of Operation:          Fixed Channel

                                            Module name: ublox
     Module and Antenna                     Module number: NINA-B222
     Information as declared:               FCC/IC ID: XPYNINAB22 / 8595A-NINAB22
                                            PIFA 3 dBi
     Max. declared output
                                   Conducted Power 8.4 dBm
     Power Supply/ Rated
                                   Vmin: 9 VDC/ Vnom: 13-14 VDC / Vmax: 32 VDC
     Operating Voltage Range:
     Operating Temperature
                                   -40 ºC to +85 ºC
                                    Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy (BT LE)
                                    GPS
                                      Module name: ublox
     Other Radios included in         Module number: MAX-M8Q-0-01
     the device:                    GSM, WCDMA, LTE
                                      Module name: ublox
                                      Module number: TOBY-R200
                                      FCC/IC ID: XPY1EHM44NN / 8595A-1EHM44NN
     Sample Revision               Prototype Unit;     Production Unit;       Pre-Production

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                      FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                             IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

   3.2     EUT Sample details

  EUT #               IMEI Number             HW Version               SW Version                 Notes/Comments

     1             352848082730603                  3                       4.8                   Radiated Emissions

   3.3     Accessory Equipment (AE) Details

 AE #                                                         Comments

    1         Power cable(4-pin connector)

   3.4     Support Equipment

  SE #                                                        Comments

    1         USB cable for interface with different vehicles (8-pin connector)

   3.5     Test Sample Configuration

                         Combination of AE/SE
  EUT Set-up #                                                                    Comments
                          used for test set up
                                                     The radio of the EUT was configured to Low, Mid, High Channels at
                                                     the maximum power with highest possible duty cycle using special
          1               EUT#1 + AE#1 + SE#1        commands provided by client that is not available to the end user.

                                                     For radiated measurements: The internal antenna was connected.

   3.6     Justification for Worst Case Mode of Operation

During the testing process, the EUT was tested with transmitter sets on low, mid and high channels with the highest
possible duty cycle.

For radiated measurements, all data in this report shows the worst case between horizontal and vertical antenna
polarizations and for all orientations of the EUT.

Test Report #:      EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                    FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report      2019-05-07                                           IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          4      Subject of Investigation

The objective of the measurements done by CETECOM Inc. was to assess the performance of the EUT according
to the relevant requirements specified in FCC rules Part 15.247 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations and
Radio Standard Specification RSS-247 Issue1 of ISED Canada.

Testing procedures are based on ANSI C63.10:2013 including section 7.8 for FHSS systems.

          5      Measurement Results Summary

                                                Temperature and
     Test Specification       Test Case            Voltage        Mode         Pass     NA     NP    Result
                            Maximum Peak
        §15.247(b)(1)                                                                                Note 1
                           Conducted Output         Nominal         -                        
       RSS-247 5.4(2)                                                                                Note 2
                              Band Edge                                                              Note 1
        RSS-247 5.5           Compliance
                                                    Nominal         -                        
                                                                                                     Note 2
       RSS-Gen 8.10
        §15.247(a)(1)          Spectrum                                                              Note 1
                                                    Nominal         -                        
       RSS-247 5.1(1)          Bandwidth                                                             Note 2
        §15.247(a)(1)      Carrier Frequency                                                         Note 1
                                                    Nominal         -                        
       RSS-247 5.1(1)         Separation                                                             Note 2

        §15.247(a)(1)      Number of Hopping                                                         Note 1
                                                    Nominal         -                        
       RSS-247 5.1(4)         Channels                                                               Note 2
      §15.247(a)(1)(iii)                                                                             Note 1
                           Time of occupancy        Nominal         -                        
      RSS-247 5.1(4)                                                                                 Note 2
                              TX Spurious
        §15.209 (a)        emissions-Radiated
                                                    Nominal       8DPSK                          Complies
       RSS-Gen 6.13
         §15.207(a)          AC Conducted
                                                    Nominal         -                              N/A3
        RSS-Gen 8.8           Emissions

     Note1: NA= Not Applicable; NP= Not Performed.
     Note2: Leveraged from module certification FCC ID:/IC ID: XPYNINAB22 / 8595A-NINAB22
     Note3: EUT is powered by Battery

Test Report #:     EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                  FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report     2019-05-07                                         IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          6      Measurements

   6.1     Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the
apparatus, with 95% confidence interval (in dB delta to result), based on a coverage factor k=1.

Radiated measurement

9 kHz to 30MHz                        ±2.5 dB (Magnetic Loop Antenna)
30 MHz to 1000 MHz                    ±2.0 dB (Biconilog Antenna)
1 GHz to 40 GHz                       ±2.3 dB (Horn Antenna)

Conducted measurement

150 kHz to 30 MHz                     ±0.7 dB (LISN)

RF conducted measurement              ±0.5 dB

   6.2     Environmental Conditions During Testing:

The following environmental conditions were maintained during the course of testing:
    Ambient Temperature: 20-25oC
    Relative humidity: 40-60%

   6.3     Dates of Testing:

         04/04/2019 - 04/09/2019

Test Report #:      EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                  FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report      2019-05-07                                        IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

           7      Measurement Procedures

   7.1     Radiated Measurement

The radiated measurement is performed according to: ANSI C63.10 (2013)

         The exploratory measurement is accomplished by running a matrix of 16 sweeps over the required
          frequency range with R&S Test-SW EMC32 for 4 positions of the turntable, two orthogonal positions of the
          EUT and both antenna polarizations. This procedure exceeds the requirement of the above standards to
          cover the 3 orthogonal axis of the EUT. A max peak detector is utilized during the exploratory
          measurement. The Test-SW creates an overall maximum trace for all 12 sweeps and saves the settings for
          each point of this trace. The maximum trace is part of the test report.
         The 10 highest emissions are selected with an automatic algorithm of EMC32 searching for peaks in the
          noise floor and ensuring that broadband signals are not selected multiple times.
         The maxima are then put through the final measurement and again maximized in a 90deg range of the
          turntable, fine search in frequency domain and height scan between 1m and 4m.
         The above procedure is repeated for all possible ways of power supply to EUT and for all supported
         In case there are no emissions above noise floor level only the maximum trace is reported as described
         The results are split up into up to 4 frequency ranges due to antenna bandwidth restrictions. A magnetic
          loop is used from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, a Biconilog antenna is used from 30 MHz to 1 GHz, and two different
          horn antennas are used to cover frequencies up to 40 GHz.

                               Radiated Emissions Test Setup below 30MHz Measurements


         EUT at                            3 m Distance
                                                                      Measurement Antenna


                                              Chamber Ground plane
                                                                                            EMI Receiver

Test Report #:     EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report     2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                              Radiated Emissions Test Setup 30MHz-1GHz Measurements

                                                                                          Height Scan

                                           3 m Distance

       EUT at
       80 cm

                                                                        Measurement Antenna


                                               Chamber Ground plane
                                                                                               EMI Receiver

                                Radiated Emissions Test Setup above 1GHz Measurements

                                                                                         Height Scan

                                         3 m Distance
       EUT at
       150 cm

                                                                       Measurement Antenna


                                                Chamber Ground plane

                                                                                               EMI Receiver

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                       IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

7.1.1    Sample Calculations for Field Strength Measurements

Field Strength is calculated from the Spectrum Analyzer/ Receiver readings, taking into account the following
    1. Measured reading in dBµV
    2. Cable Loss between the receiving antenna and SA in dB and
    3. Antenna Factor in dB/m

All radiated measurement plots in this report are taken from a test SW that calculates the Field Strength based on
the following equation:

                 FS (dBµV/m) = Measured Value on SA (dBµV)- Cable Loss (dB)+ Antenna Factor (dB/m)


                                                                Antenna Factor
         Frequency          Measured SA       Cable Loss                               Field Strength
           (MHz)              (dBµV)             (dB)                                 Result (dBµV/m)
            1000                80.5              3.5                 14                    98.0

Test Report #:      EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                 FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report      2019-05-07                                        IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

          8      Test Result Data

   8.1     Transmitter Spurious Emissions and Restricted Bands

8.1.1    Measurement according to ANSI C63.10

Analyzer Settings:
    Frequency = 9 KHz – 30 MHz
    RBW = 9 KHz
    Detector = Peak

        Frequency = 30 MHz – 1 GHz
        Detector = Peak / Quasi-Peak
        RBW = 120 KHz (<1 GHz)

        Frequency > 1 GHz
        Detector = Peak / Average
        RBW = 1MHz

Plots reported here represent the worst case emissions for horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations and for
three orientations of the EUT. Unless mentioned otherwise, the emissions outside the limit lines in the plots are
from the transmit signal.

8.1.2    Limits: FCC 15.247(d)/15.209(a)

        Except as shown in CFR 47 Part 15.205 paragraph (d), only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the
         frequency bands listed below

                MHz                                 MHz                         MHz                    GHz
             0.090-0.110                       16.42-16.423                  399.9-410               4.5-5.15
            10.495-0.505                    16.69475-16.69525                  608-614              5.35-5.46
           2.1735-2.1905                    16.80425-16.80475                 960-1240              7.25-7.75
             4.125-4.128                         25.5-25.67                  1300-1427              8.025-8.5
          4.17725-4.17775                        37.5-38.25                 1435-1626.5               9.0-9.2
          4.20725-4.20775                          73-74.6                 1645.5-1646.5              9.3-9.5
             6.215-6.218                          74.8-75.2                  1660-1710              10.6-12.7
          6.26775-6.26825                       108-121.94                 1718.8-1722.2           13.25-13.4
          6.31175-6.31225                          123-138                   2200-2300             14.47-14.5
             8.291-8.294                       149.9-150.05                  2310-2390             15.35-16.2
             8.362-8.366                   156.52475-156.52525              2483.5-2500             17.7-21.4
          8.37625-8.38675                       156.7-156.9                  2690-2900            22.01-23.12
          8.41425-8.41475                    162.0125-167.17                 3260-3267              23.6-24.0
            12.29-12.293                       167.72-173.2                  3332-3339              31.2-31.8
         12.51975-12.52025                         240-285                  3345.8-3358            36.43-36.5
         12.57675-12.57725                       322-335.4                   3600-4400            Above 38.6

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                      FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                             IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

        Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the
         radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)).
        PEAK LIMIT= 74dBµV/m
        AVG. LIMIT= 54dBµV/m

    Frequency (MHz)               Field strength (microvolts/meter)                 Measurement distance (meters)
       0.009-0.490                            2400/F(kHz)                                       300
       0.490-1.705                           24000/F(kHz)                                        30
        1.705-30.0                                 30                                            30
           30-88                                 100**                                            3
          88-216                                 150**                                            3
         216-960                                 200**                                            3
        Above 960                                 500                                             3

Radiated spurious emissions shall be measured for the transmit frequencies, transmit power, and data rate for the
lowest, middle and highest channel in each frequency band of operation and for the highest gain antenna for each
antenna type, and using the appropriate parameters and test requirements described in 5.4.
The highest (or worst-case) data rate shall be recorded for each measurement.

For testing at distance other than the specified in the standard, the limit conversion is calculated by using 40
dB/decade extrapolation as follow:

Conversion factor (CF) = 40 log (D/d) = 40 log (300 m / 3 m) = 80 dB

8.1.3    Test conditions and setup:

    Ambient Temperature             EUT Set-Up #            EUT operating mode                    Power Input
                 23° C                      1                  3DH5 fixed channel                        12 VDC

8.1.4    Measurement result:

Plot #            Channel #                      Scan Frequency                           Limit                   Result
  1-3                Low                          30 MHz – 18 GHz                    See section 8.8.2             Pass
  4-8                Mid                           9 kHz – 26 GHz                    See section 8.8.2             Pass
 9-12                High                         30 MHz – 18 GHz                    See section 8.8.2             Pass

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                        FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                               IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

8.1.5    Measurement Plots:

                                          Plot # 1 Radiated Emissions: 30MHz -1GHz
                 Modulation: 8DPSK                             Channel: Low
                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot # 2 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                         Channel: Low

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot # 3 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                          Channel: Low

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                        FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                               IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot # 4 Radiated Emissions: 9 KHz - 30 MHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                         Channel: Mid

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                       FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                              IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot #5 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                        Channel: Mid

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                           Plot #6 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                          Channel: Mid

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot #7 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                         Channel: Mid

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot #8 Radiated Emissions: 18-26 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                         Channel: Mid

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                        FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                               IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot #9 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                        Channel: High

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot # 10 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                         Channel: High

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                     FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                            IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

                                          Plot #11 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                 Modulation: π/4-DQPSK                          Channel: High

                        Level in dBµV/m

Test Report #:       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS                                FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report       2019-05-07                                                       IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

           9     Test setup photos

Setup photos are included in supporting file name: “EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_ISED_Setup_Photos.pdf”

           10 Test Equipment And Ancillaries Used For Testing

        Equipment Type                    Manufacturer                 Model             Serial #     Calibration Cycle   Last Calibration Date

    PASSIVE LOOP ANTENNA                 ETS LINDGREN                   6512            00164698          3 YEARS              08/08/2017

        BILOG ANTENNA                        TESEO                   CBL 6141B           41106            3 YEARS              11/01/2017

        HORN ANTENNA                         EMCO                       3115            00035114          3 YEARS              07/31/2017

        HORN ANTENNA                     ETS LINDGREN                   3117            00167061          3 YEARS              08/08/2017

        HORN ANTENNA                     ETS LINDGREN                  3116C            00166821          3 YEARS              09/24/2017
                                              R&S                     CMU 200            101821           2 YEARS              07/06/2017
                                              R&S                     CMW500             127068           2 YEARS              07/01/2017
       SIGNAL ANALYZER                        R&S                      FSV 40            101022           2 YEARS              07/05/2017

 COMPACT DIGITAL BAROMETER            CONTROL COMPANY                 35519-055         91119547          2 YEARS              06/20/2017

     DIGITAL THRMOMETER               CONTROL COMPANY                 36934-164        191871994          2 YEARS              01/10/2019

Note: Equipment used meets the measurement uncertainty requirements as required per applicable standards for 95% confidence levels.
Calibration due dates, unless defined specifically, falls on the last day of the month. Items indicated “N/A” for cal status either do not
specifically require calibration or is internally characterized before use.

Test Report #:    EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS         FCC ID: SEJ-ZTCU4A
Date of Report    2019-05-07                                IC ID: 5266A-ZTCU4A

           11 Revision History

    Date                    Report Name               Changes to report           Report prepared by
 2019-05-07       EMC_ZONAR-018-19001_15.247_BT_DSS      Initial Version               Yuchan Lu

Document Created: 2019-05-10 11:55:41
Document Modified: 2019-05-10 11:55:41

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