Operational description


Operational Description

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SPSGRFC-915 module: some technical note about the Radio
device embedded in the module, displayed in the Module
Block Diagram as “SPIRIT1”.


The SPIRIT1 is a very low-power RF transceiver, intended for RF wireless applications in
the sub-1 GHz band. It is designed to operate both in the license-free ISM and SRD
frequency bands at 169, 315, 433, 868, and 915 MHz, but can also be programmed to
operate at other additional frequencies in the 300-348 MHz, 387-470 MHz, and 779-956
MHz bands. The air data rate is programmable from 1 to 500 kbps, and the SPIRIT1 can be
used in systems with channel spacing of 12.5/25 kHz, complying with the EN 300 220
standard. It uses a very small number of discrete external components and integrates a
configurable baseband modem, which supports data management, modulation, and
demodulation. The data management handles the data in the proprietary fully
programmable packet format also allows the M-Bus standard compliance format (all
performance classes).
However, the SPIRIT1 can perform cyclic redundancy checks on the data as well as FEC
encoding/decoding on the packets. The SPIRIT1 provides an optional automatic
acknowledgement, retransmission, and timeout protocol engine in order to reduce overall
system costs by handling all the high-speed link layer operations.
Moreover, the SPIRIT1 supports an embedded CSMA/CA engine. An AES 128-bit
encryption co-processor is available for secure data transfer. The SPIRIT1 fully supports
antenna diversity with an integrated antenna switching control algorithm. The SPIRIT1
supports different modulation schemes: 2-FSK, GFSK, OOK, ASK, and MSK.
Transmitted/received data bytes are buffered in two different three-level FIFOs (TX FIFO
and RX FIFO), accessible via the SPI interface for host processing.

A simplified block diagram of the SPIRIT1 is shown in Figure 1.

The receiver architecture is low-IF conversion. The received RF signal is amplified by a twostage
low-noise amplifier (LNA) and down-converted in quadrature (I and Q) to the
intermediate frequency (IF). LNA and IF amplifiers make up the RX front-end (RXFE) and
have programmable gain. At IF, I/Q signals are digitized by ADCs. The demodulated data is
then provided to an external MCU either through the 96-byte RX FIFO, readable via SPI, or
directly using a programmable GPIO pin. A 128-bit AES co-processor is available to perform
(offline) data encryption/decryption to secure data transfer.
The transmitter part of the SPIRIT1 is based on direct synthesis of the RF frequency. The
power amplifier (PA) input is the LO generated by the RF synthesizer, while the output level
can be configured between -30 dBm and +11 dBm in 0.5 dB steps. The data to be
transmitted can be provided by an external MCU either through the 96-byte TX FIFO
writable via SPI, or directly using a programmable GPIO pin. The SPIRIT1 supports
frequency hopping, TX/RX and antenna diversity switch control, extending the link range
and improving performance.
The SPIRIT1 has a very efficient power management (PM) system.
An integrated switched mode power supply (SMPS) regulator allows operation from a
battery voltage ranging from +1.8 V to +3.6 V, and with power conversion efficiency of at
least 80%.
A crystal must be connected between XIN and XOUT. It is digitally configurable to operate
with different crystals. As an alternative, an external clock signal can be used to feed XIN for
proper operation. The SPIRIT1 also has an integrated low-power RC oscillator, generating
the 34.7 kHz signal used as a clock for the slowest timeouts (i.e. sleeping and backoff).
A standard 4-pin SPI bus is used to communicate with the external MCU. Four configurable
general purpose I/Os are available.

Typical application diagram

This section describes different application diagram of SPIRIT1 that can be used according
to customer needs. In particular Figure 2 shows the default configuration, Figure 3 shows
the TX boost mode configuration and Figure 4 shows the SMPS off configuration. The
default configuration is giving the best power consumption figures. The TX boost mode
configuration is used to increase TX output power and the SMPS off configuration is used to
enhance sensitivity at the expense of power consumption. When using SMPS off
configuration, SMPS should disabled by setting to1 bit DISABLE_SMPS in PM_CONFIG
register. It is important the SDN pin to be driven by an external microcontroller. It should be
set low when the supply voltage of the device is steady to VDD. A short circuit connection of
the SDN pin to ground should be avoided.

RF receiver

Characteristics measured over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise
specified. All typical values are referred to T A = 25 °C, VBAT = 3.0 V, no frequency offset in
the RX signal. All performance is referred to a 50 Ohm antenna connector, via the reference


                        Table 13. RF receiver characteristics — sensitivity
Symbol              Parameter                   Test condition            sMrs on smes OFF| Unit
                                        169 MHz 2—FSK 1.2kbps
                                        (4 kHz dev. CH Filter=10 kHz)       17        123       dBm
                                        169 MHz 2—GFSK (BT=0.5)
                                        2.4kbps (2.4 kHz dev. CH            14        —121      dBm
            Sensitivity, 1% BER         Fiter=? kHiz)
            (according to W—MBUS N
            mode specification)         169 MHz 2—FSK 38.4kbps (20 kz       _         L
                                        dev. CH Filter=100 kHz)                 104       109   dBm
     sens                               169 MHz 2—GFSK (BT=0.5)
                                        50 kbps (25 kHz dev. CH             —104      —108      dBm
                                        Filter=100 kHz)
                                        315 MHz 2—FSK 1.2 kbps (4.8 kHz
            Sensitivity, 1% PER (packet gev. CH Filter=58 KH2)              ~108      —110      dBm
            length = 20 bytes) FEC
            pisaBLeD                    315 MHz MSK 500 kbps (CH            css       css       dBm
                                        Filter=800 kz)

RF transmitter

Characteristics measured over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise
specified. All typical values are referred to T A = 25 °C, VBAT = 3.0 V. All performance is
referred to a 50 Ohm antenna connector, via the reference design.

     'I life.augmented

                     Table 14. RF transmitter characteristics (continued)
 Symbol          Parameter                  Test conditions            Min.   Typ.   Max.   Unit
                                   RF = 310—320 MHz, harmonics
                                    measured d with with max output
                                                                tout    —            — ar   aBi m
                                   RF =310—320 MHz, 1.705 MHz
                                   <i< 30 MHz                           ~            <60    cBm
                                   RF = 310—320 MHz, . 30 MHz <t<
                                   Sn                                   1            — 60   dBm
                                   RF = 310—320 MHz, 88 MHz <t<
                                   preune                               —            <60    dBm
                                   RF =310—320 MHz, 216 MHz <r<         _            <eo    cam
           Unwanted emissions      |SOO Mz
           according to FCC part   e = 310—320 MHz, 960 MHz <f          —            <60    dBm
Pspurrce   15tharmonic included,
           using reference design) |RF = 902—928 MHz, 1.705 MHz
                                   <f< 30 MHz (@ max output power)      .            <70    cBm

                                   memmeswenr O                                      |on| en
                                   216NHMZ(@masouputpawen               _            «70 cam
                                   RF = 902923 MHz, 960 MHz <f
                                                               _                     w1     cem
                                   (@ max output power)
                                   2°" and 7‘" harmonics                —            25     dBe

         'l life.augmented

                        Table 14. RF transmitter characteristics (continued)
    Symbol          Parameter                Test conditions          Min.     Typ.   Mex.   Unit
                                     RF =312—315 MHz,frequency
                                     below 1 GHz (@ max output         —              41     dBm
                                     power, according to ARIB STD—
                                    RF =312—315 MHz,frequency
                                    above 1 GHz (@ max output          —              48     dBm
                                    power, according to ARIB STD—
                                    RF =426—470 MFHz (@ max output
                                    power, according to ARIB STD—      —              <40    dBm
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                    RF =920—930 MHz, f< 710 MHz        —              <55    dBm
                                    (@ max output power, accordina
                                    to ARIB STD—T108)
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                     RF    20—930 MFHz, 710 MHz STS
                                                                       —              «55    dBm
                                    915 MHz (@ max output power,
                                    according to ARIB STD—T108)
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                    RF =924—930 MHz, 915 MHz <f<       —              36     dBm
                                    930 MHz (@ max output power,
P             Unwanted emissions    according to ARIB STD—T108)
    SPURARE   according to ARIB      RF =920—024 MHz, 915 MHz <f<
                                    920.3 MHz (@ max output power,     —              <30    dbm
                                    according to ARIB STD—T108)
                                    RF =920—024 MHz, 920.3 MHz
                                    <f< 924.3 MFHz (@ max output       —              «55    dBm
                                    power, according to ARIB STD—
                                     K =920—024 MHz, 924.3 MHz
                                    <f< 930 MHz (@ max output          —              36     dBm
                                    power, according to ARIB STD—
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                    RF =920—930 MHz, 930 MHz <f<       —              «55    dBm
                                    1000 MHz (@ max output power,
                                    according to ARIB STD—T108)
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                    RF =920—030 MHz, 1000 MHz <i<      —              <60    dBm
                                    1215 MHz (@ max output power,
                                    according to ARIB STD—T108)
                                    RF =915—917 MHz and
                                    RF =920—030 MHz, 1215 MHz <f       —              —38    dBm
                                    (@ max output power, according
                                    to ARIB STD—T108)

(For more information, please refer to the STM SPIRIT1 Datasheet).

SPSGRFC module: some technical note about the Antenna
device used during the “FCC” and “IC” certifications as
“EXTERNAL RF antenna”.
(Data reported from the TAOGLAS Antenna Datasheet)

TI.19 is a high performance 915MHz ISM band dipole omni-directional antenna.
The hinged design enables the antenna to be positioned at its most suitable
angle. This antenna features a SMA(M) Plug Connector.
For a lot of antenna applications, such as Wi-Fi Hotspot or cellular Pico-cell, the
antenna of the operator’s device and the antenna of the user’s remote device
are not on the same horizontal level. The TI.19 has been designed with a
butterfly shape radiation pattern, to help counteract this effect.

Antenna General Data Specifications:

Antenna return loss

Antenna VSWR

Radiation Efficiency

Peak Gain

Average Gain

Radiation Pattern (Typical)

Document Created: 2016-10-03 17:30:50
Document Modified: 2016-10-03 17:30:50

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