Modular Approval Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                              IMQ S.p.A. – Società con Socio Unico
                                              Via Quintiliano, 43   I-20138 MILANO
                                              tel 0250731 – –

                                                                                     COVER LETTER
                                                   Request For Transmitter Module Equipment Authorization

                                                                                      No. ARSO00149

                                                                                          performed in accordance with

                                                                 FCC Rules: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) no. 47
                                                                            Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.212

                                              PRODUCT                         RF Module

                                              MODEL(s) TESTED                 SPSGRF-915

                                              FCC ID                          S9NSPSGRF

                                              TRADE MARK(s)                   STMicroelectronics

                                                                              STMicroelectronics S.r.l. ∼ Centro Direzionale Colleoni - Palazzo Andromeda 3
                                                                              I-20864 Agrate Brianza (MB)

                                              Roberto Colombo
                                              [Test Firm Laboratory Manager]

                                             Revision Sheet
                                              Release No.              Date                     Revision Description
                                              Rev. 0                   2014-12-12               First edition

                                               The results of tests and checks reported in this Test Report refer exclusively to the samples tested and described in the Report itself.
                                                                       This Report shall not be reproduced partially without the written approval of IMQ S.p.A..

                                             IMQ S.p.A. – Società con Socio Unico
                                             Via Quintiliano, 43   I-20138 MILANO
                                             tel 0250731 – –

                                             1.     REFERENCE DOCUMENT

                                                     DOCUMENT                     DATE                                  TITLE

                                                      47 CFR Part 15                  2014   Radio Frequency Device

                                                    Publication Number:                      Transmitter Module Equipment Authorization Guide

                                                      PUBLIC NOTE                            Part 15 Unlicensed Modular Transmitter Approval

                                                       DA 00-1407

                                             2.     MODULE-TYPE DEVICE APPROVAL OPTIONS

                                                                                                complete RF transmission sub-assembly, designed to be
                                                                                                incorporated into another device, that must demonstrate
                                                    Single-modular transmitter                  compliance with FCC rules and policies independent of
                                                                                                any host

                                                                                                single-modular transmitter that complies with the Section
                                                                                                15.212(a)(1) modular rules, only when constrained to
                                                    Limited single-modular transmitter          specific operating host(s) and/or associated grants

                                                                                                RF transmission system that complies with the
                                                                                                requirements for a single-modular transmitter, that is
                                                    Split-modular transmitter                   separated into a radio front-end section and a control-
                                                                                                element section, and can demonstrate compliance for a
                                                                                                range of similar type hosts

                                                                                                split-modular transmitter that complies with the definition
                                                                                                and technical rules for split modules only when
                                                    Limited split-modular transmitter           constrained to specific operating host(s), and/or
                                                                                                associated grant condition(s)

                                             Test Report No. ARSO00149                             Date: 2014-12-12                       Page 2 of 4

                                             IMQ S.p.A. – Società con Socio Unico
                                             Via Quintiliano, 43   I-20138 MILANO
                                             tel 0250731 – –

                                             3.      REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                  POSSIBLE TEST CASE VERDICTS
                                             Test object does meet the requirement                                           PASS
                                             Test object does not meet the requirement                                        FAIL
                                             Test case does not apply to the test object                                      N.A.

                                               OPTION: Limited single-modular transmitter
                                                                    Requirement                                      Description                  Result
                                                     The radio elements of the modular transmitter
                                                     must have their own shielding. The physical         The radio module elements have
                                             (i)                                                                                                  PASS
                                                     crystal and tuning capacitors may be located        their own shielding.

                                                     external to the shielded radio elements.
                                                                                                         The radio transmitter has buffered
                                                     The modular transmitter must have buffered
                                                                                                         modulation/data inputs (if such inputs
                                                     modulation/data inputs (if such inputs are
                                                                                                         provided) to ensure that the module
                                             (ii)    provided) to ensure that the module will comply                                              PASS
                                                                                                         will comply with part 15 requirements
                                                     with part 15 requirements under conditions of
                                                                                                         under conditions of excessive data
                                                     excessive data rates or over-modulation.
                                                                                                         rates or over-modulation.
                                                     The modular transmitter must have its own power     The radio module contains an own
                                             (iii)                                                                                                PASS
                                                     supply regulation.                                  voltage regulation.
                                                     The modular transmitter must comply with the
                                                     antenna and transmission system requirements of
                                                     §§15.203, 15.204(b) and 15.204(c). The antenna
                                                                                                         The module complies with the
                                                     must either be permanently attached or employ a
                                                                                                         antenna and transmission system
                                                     “unique” antenna coupler (at all connections
                                             (iv)                                                        requirements of§§15.203, 15.204(b)       PASS
                                                     between the module and the antenna, including
                                                                                                         and 15.204(c).
                                                     the cable). The “professional installation”
                                                                                                         Permanently attached antenna.
                                                     provision of §15.203 is not applicable to modules
                                                     but can apply to limited modular approvals under
                                                     paragraph (b) of this section.

                                             Test Report No. ARSO00149                              Date: 2014-12-12                       Page 3 of 4

                                             IMQ S.p.A. – Società con Socio Unico
                                             Via Quintiliano, 43   I-20138 MILANO
                                             tel 0250731 – –

                                                                                                             The radio module meet the
                                                      The modular transmitter must be tested in a            requirements under the operating
                                                      stand-alone configuration, i.e., the module must       conditions in which the transmitter
                                                      not be inside another device during testing for        will be use.
                                                      compliance with part 15 requirements. Unless the
                                                                                                             The modular transmitter was tested
                                                      transmitter module will be battery powered, it
                                                                                                             in a stand-alone configuration (the
                                                      must comply with the AC line conducted
                                                                                                             module was not inside another
                                                      requirements found in §15.207. AC or DC power
                                                                                                             device during testing for compliance
                                                      lines and data input/output lines connected to the
                                                                                                             with part 15 requirements, DC
                                                      module must not contain ferrites, unless they will
                                             (v)                                                             power lines and data input/output          PASS
                                                      be marketed with the module (see §15.27(a)).
                                                                                                             lines connected to the module not
                                                      The length of these lines shall be the length
                                                                                                             contain ferrites, no coupling was
                                                      typical of actual use or, if that length is unknown,
                                                                                                             present between the case of the
                                                      at least 10 centimeters to insure that there is no
                                                                                                             module and supporting equipment).
                                                      coupling between the case of the module and
                                                      supporting     equipment.       Any     accessories,   Any accessories, peripherals, or
                                                      peripherals, or support equipment connected to         support equipment connected to the
                                                      the module during testing shall be unmodified and      module       during    testing  were

                                                      commercially available (see §15.31(i)).                unmodified       and     commercially
                                                                                                             The radio module is labelled with its
                                                                                                             own FCC ID number.
                                                      The modular transmitter must be equipped with
                                                                                                             When the radio module is installed
                                                      either a permanently affixed label or must be
                                             (vi)                                                            inside the end-product, the label is       PASS
                                                      capable of electronically displaying its FCC
                                                                                                             not visible. The end-user/integrator
                                                      identification number.
                                                                                                             is instructed how to apply the
                                                                                                             exterior label.
                                                      The modular transmitter must comply with any           The radio module is compliant with
                                                      specific rules or operating requirements that          all applicable specific FCC rules or
                                                      ordinarily apply to a complete transmitter and the     operating       requirements     that
                                                      manufacturer must provide adequate instructions        ordinarily apply to a complete
                                             (vii)                                                                                                      PASS
                                                      along with the module to explain any such              transmitter.
                                                      requirements. A copy of these instructions must        Detailed instruction are provided
                                                      be included in the application for equipment           with the module to explain any such
                                                      authorization.                                         requirements.
                                                      The modular transmitter must comply with any           The modular transmitter comply with
                                             (viii)   applicable RF exposure requirements in its final       any    applicable      RF      exposure    PASS
                                                      configuration.                                         requirements in its final configuration.

                                             Test Report No. ARSO00149                                  Date: 2014-12-12                         Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2015-01-16 16:36:50
Document Modified: 2015-01-16 16:36:50

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