Agent and Confidentiality letters


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                                   STMicroglectronics Srl
                                                                                                                   Socio Unico; Direzione e Coordinamento: STMicroelectronics N.V. — Amsterdam — Olanda
                                                                                                                   Sede legale, direzione generale e amministrativa: 20041 Agrate Brianza — Italia — Via C. Olivetti, 2
                                                                                                                   Telefono: +39 039 603.1 linea passante — Telefax: +39 039 6035700
                                                                                                                   Capitale Sociale € int. vers. — Codice Fiscale 09291380153 — Partita IVA 00951900968
                                                                                                                   VAT Code: IT 00951900968 — Registro delle Imprese di Milano n. 09291380153

                                                                                         Authority to Act as Agent

           Date: 14 October 2014

           American Certification Body, Inc.
           6731 Whittier Avenue
           Suite C110
           McLean, VA 22101

           To Whom It May Concern:

           IMQ S.p.A.        is authorized to act on our behalf, until otherwise notified, for applications to
           American Certification Body, Inc. (ACB).

           We certify that we are not subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits, pursuant to
           Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862. Further, no party, as defined in 47
           CFR 1.2002 (b), to the application is subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits.

           Thank you,

           Agency Agreement Expiration Date: 12 months
                                        (A                      J                 A       o

           By:                          #) J(‘r éfl,w( J k                                                                                        Paolo Evangelista
                                        *¥     (Signature‘)                                                                                         (Print name)

           Title:                       Design and Application Manager

           On behalf of: ST Microelectronics
                                (Company Name)

           Telephone:                   +39 039 603 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WE CARE: RECYCLED AND CHLORINE FREE PAPER

           ! — Must be signed by applicant contact given for applicant on the FCC site, or by the authorized agent if an appropriate
              authorized agent letter has been provided. Letters should be placed on appropriate letterhead.

IMPORTANTE       > II presente ordine di acquisto viene conferito alle condizioni della STMicroelectronics, disponibili per consultazione all‘indirizzo
IMPORTANT        — This purchase order is subject to the conditions of STMicroelectronics, available for consultation at the following address
                 — Conferma e corrispondenza da inviare a: STMicroelectronics Srl — 20041 Agrate Brianza — Via C. Olivetti, 2.
                 + Pis ship confirmations and corrispondences to: STMicroslectronics Srl — 20041 Agrate Brianza — Via C. Olivetti, 2.                                             f        a                                .        ws
                                                                                                                                                                              Nelattesa di una Vs/pronta conferma, Vi porgiamo distinti saluti.
                 — Preghiamo riportare sulle Fatturee sulle Bolle di Accompagnamento il nostro numero d‘ordine e, se indicato, il nostro codice.                              Looking forward to your kind confirmation we remain, yours truly.
                 — Pis show purchase order number and code number on your invoice and delivery notes.
                 " Pls show net prices on your invoice".                                                                                                                                       STMicroelectronics Srl


                                                                                                                    STMicroelectronics Srl
                                                                                                                    Socio Unico; Direzione e Coordinamento: STMicroelectronics N.V. — Amsterdam — Olanda
                                                                                                                    Sede legale, direzione generale e amministrativa: 20041 Agrate Brianza — Italia — Via C. Olivetti, 2
                                                                                                                    Telefono: +39 039 603.1 linea passante — Telefax: +39 039 6035700
                                                                                                                    Capitale Sociale € int. vers. — Codice Fiscale 09291380153 — Partita IVA 00951900968
                                                                                                                    VAT Code: IT 00951900968 — Registro delle Imprese di Milano n. 09291380153

                                                                                           Request for Confidentiality

           Date: 14 October 2014

           Subject: Confidentiality Request for: SONSPSGRF

           Pursuant to FCC 47 CRF 0.457(d) and 0.459 and IC RSP—100, Section 10, the applicant requests that a part of the
           subject FCC application be held confidential.

                            Type of Confidentiality Requested                                                      Exhibit
                      [_] Short Term              Permanent                                                        Block Diagrams
                          Short Term                                                                               External Photos
                          Short Term          [_] Permanent*                                                       Internal Photos
                      [_] Short Term                                       Permanent                               Operation Description/Theory of Operation
                      [_] Short Term                                       Permanent                               Parts List & Placement/BOM
                      [_] Short Term                                       Permanent                               Tune—Up Procedure
                      [_] Short Term                                [X] Permanent                                  Schematics
                  [X] Short Term                                                                                   Test Setup Photos
                      Short Term            [_] Permanent*                                                         User‘s Manual
           *Note:          (Insert Explanation as Necessary)

           ST Microelectronics has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is one of the first of its kind in
           industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would negate the advantage they have
           achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the details of the design will result in financial hardship.

           Permanent Confidentiality:
           The applicant requests the exhibits listed above as permanently confidential be permanently withheld from public
           review due to materials that contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the public.

           Short—Term Confidentiality:
           The applicant requests the exhibits selected above as short term confidential be withheld from public view for a
           period of 180 days from the date of the Grant of Equipment Authorization and prior to marketing. This is to avoid
           premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release ofthe product to the public. Applicant is also
           aware that they are responsible to notify ACB in the event information regarding the product or the product is made
           available to the public. ACB will then release the documents listed above for public disclosure pursuant to FCC
           Public Notice DA 04—1705.

           NOTE for Industry Canada Applications:
           The applicant understands that until such time that IC distinguishes between Short Term and Permanent
           Confidentiality, either type of marked exhibit above will simply be marked Confidential when submitted to IC.

                                     (                      —                       A| 4
           By:                                                                                                             ?'fi? Olo               PVA WeeliSNM}
                                                      (Signature/Title?)                                                             (Print name)

      — The asterisked items (*) require further justification before permanent confidentiality will be allowed. These also currently
        require review by the FCC under their Permit—But—Ask policy before the grant is issued and can delay completion of an
        application. Further justification should be added to the note above. One such example for a potted device would be: "The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    wE CARE: RECYCLED AND CHLORINE FREE PAPER

        EUT is FULLY potted using a non—removable epoxy based material. Removal of potting material causes irreparable
        damage to internal circuitry. See photographs exhibits that outline the device before and after potting."
    3 — Must be signed by applicant contact given for applicant on the FCC site, or by the authorized agentif an appropriate
        authorized agent letter has been provided. Letters should be placed on appropriate letterhead.

IMPORTANTE       — II presente ordine di acquisto viene contferito alle condizioni della STMicroelectronics, disponibili per consultazione all‘indirizzo hnp://}cond/index.htm
IMPORTANT        — This purchase order is subject to the conditions of STMicroelectronics, available for consultation at the following address
                 — Conferma e corrispondenza da inviare a: STMicroelectronics Srl — 20041 Agrate Brianza — Via C. Olivetti, 2.
                 — Pis ship contfirmations and corrispondences to: STMicroclectronics Srl — 20041 Agrate Brianza — Via C. Olivetti, 2.
                                                                                                                                                                               Nellattesa di una Vs/pronta conferma, Vi porgiamo distinti saluti.
                 — Preghiamo riportare sulle Fatture e sulle Bolle di Accompagnamento i1 nostro numero d‘ordine e, se indicato, i1 nostro codice.                              Looking forward to yourkind confirmation we remain, yours truly.
                 — Pis show purchase order number and code numberon yourinvoice and delivery notes.
                 " Pis show net prices on your invoice".                                                                                                                                       STMicroelectronics Srl


Document Created: 2019-05-29 20:33:07
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 20:33:07

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