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                                   Sub1GHz (433 or 868 or 915 MHz) programmable transceiver module

                                                                                                        Preliminary Datasheet


   LGA-SMT module
   Complete RF-ready module based on:
    o SPIRIT1 low data rate, low power sub-GHz transceiver by ST Microelectronics
    o STM32L151RDY6 Ultra low power ARM-based 32-bit microcontroller by ST
       Microelectronics with 32 MHz CPU, 384 KB Flash Memory and 48 KB RAM
    o Embedded balun and filtering network.
   Compact size: 27.15 mm x 16 mm x 2.5 mm
   Operating on ETSI band 433.05 MHz to 434.79 MHz (SPSGPE-433)
   Operating on ETSI bands 868 MHz to 868.6 MHz and 869.4 MHz to 869.65 MHz
   Operating on FCC band is configured by uploading the relevant application firmware image
    (see section 0) band 902.0 MHz to 928.0 MHz (SPSGPE-915).
   Operating from a single 1.9 V to 3.6 V supply
   Output power up to +10.5 dBm (SPSGPE-868/SPSGPE-915) and up to +10 dBm
   Data rates up to 50 kbps
   Modulation scheme GFSK
   Operating temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
   UART and USB interface with AT command set.

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          1/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

    List of tables

1       Description .............................................................................................................................. 5
2       Hardware specifications........................................................................................................... 6
     2.1 Recommended operating conditions ..................................................................................6
     2.2 Absolute maximum ratings .................................................................................................6
     2.3 I/O operating specifications ................................................................................................6
     2.4 Current consumption ..........................................................................................................7
     2.5 RF compliance limits ..........................................................................................................7
     2.6 RF sensitivity data ..............................................................................................................8
     2.7 Pin assignment ...................................................................................................................9
     2.8 Pin placement...................................................................................................................10
     2.9 Memory resources ............................................................................................................11
     2.10     Hardware block diagram...............................................................................................11
3       Hardware design ................................................................................................................... 12
     3.1 Pin usage .........................................................................................................................12
     3.2 Typical application circuits ................................................................................................13
     3.3 Layout guidelines .............................................................................................................16
     3.4 Recommended footprint ...................................................................................................18
     3.5 Module reflow installation .................................................................................................19
4       Module operation ................................................................................................................... 20
5       Package mechanical data...................................................................................................... 21
6       Regulatory compliance .......................................................................................................... 22
     6.1 CE certification .................................................................................................................22
     6.2 FCC certification ...............................................................................................................22
     6.3 IC certification...................................................................................................................22
     6.4 Labeling instructions .........................................................................................................23
     6.5 Product manual instructions .............................................................................................24
7       Ordering information .............................................................................................................. 25
Appendix 1 Document revision history ........................................................................................26

    February 2017                                     DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                                2/27
     This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
     without notice.

 List of tables

 List of tables
Table 1. Recommended operating conditions. ................................................................................ 6
Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings. ............................................................................................... 6
Table 3. I/O operating specifications. .............................................................................................. 6
Table 4. Current consumption......................................................................................................... 7
Table 5. RF compliance limits. ........................................................................................................ 7
Table 6 RF sensitivity data. ............................................................................................................ 8
Table 7. Pin assignment. ................................................................................................................ 9
Table 7. Memory resources. ......................................................................................................... 11
Table 8. SPSGPE pins requiring connections, when the module is connected to a host
microcontroller unit. ...................................................................................................................... 12
Table 9. SPSGPE pins requiring connections, when the module is connected to a host computer
via USB. ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 10. Outputs to external LED by pin STAT_LED (TP10). ...................................................... 15
Table 11. Soldering profile. ........................................................................................................... 19
Table 12. Ordering information. .................................................................................................... 25
Table 13. Document revision history. ............................................................................................ 26

 February 2017                                       DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                                3/27
   This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
   without notice.

                                                                                                                     List of figures

 List of figures

Figure 1. Pin Placement (top view of LGA pads placed on bottom side).Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.
Figure 2. Hardware block diagram ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 3. Typical application circuit of SPSGPE connected to a host microcontroller. ................... 13
Figure 4. Typical application circuit of SPSGPE connected to a host computer via USB. ............. 13
Figure 5. Example of SPSGPE layout........................................................................................... 13
Figure 6. Recommended SPSGPE footprint. ................................................................................ 18
Figure 7. Soldering profile. ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure 8. Package mechanical data…………………………………………………………… 21

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

1          Description
SPSGPE is a hardware LGA-SMT module for easy development of high performance wireless
network applications for a wide range of applications.
Compact-sized, low power and fully integrated, SPSGPE is available in 3 versions:
      SPSGPE-433 operating on ETSI 433 MHz band
      SPSGPE-868 operating on ETSI 868 MHz band
      SPSGPE-915 operating FCC 915 MHz band.
All versions have the same pin-out and mechanical shape.
SPSGPE is based on SPIRIT1 RF sub-GHz transceiver (with integrated SMPS) and
STM32L151RDY6 microcontroller by ST Microelectronics. Balun and filtering network are
embedded in the module. An external antenna can be connected through one pin of the module
which requires an impedance-controlled track of 50 Ω. The UART host interface and USB device
interface allow simple connection to an external microcontroller with a standard firmware or a
host computer, enabling AT commands to facilitate RF configuration, data transmission and
reception, using simple point-to-point communication. Selected STM32L1 GPIO and peripherals
are available to interface external devices and enable user applications. Advanced features of
SPIRIT1 radio are also accessible.
SPSGPE is designed and engineered to build OEM solutions and applications primarily in the
following domains:
      Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M);
      Smart Cities;
      Smart Grids and Energy Management;
      Home & Building Automation;
      Wireless Sensor Networks;
      Data acquisition equipment management;
      Industrial condition and asset monitoring.

 February 2017                                      DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          5/27
    This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
    without notice.

2             Hardware specifications

Unless otherwise specified, typical data are based on T A = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V.

2.1 Recommended operating conditions

Symbol                                       Parameter                                          Min.        Typ.         Max.     Unit
     TA        Operating ambient temperature range                                               -40              -       +85      °C
    VDD        Operating supply voltage                                                          1.9          3.3          3.6      V
 FREQ          RF frequency 1 for SPSGPE-433                                                   433.05             -     434.79    MHz
 FREQ          RF frequency 1 in ETSI band for SPSGPE-868                                        868              -      868.6    MHz
 FREQ          RF frequency 2 in ETSI band for SPSGPE-868                                      869.4              -     869.65    MHz
 FREQ          RF frequency 1 in FCC band for SPSGPE-915                                       902.0              -      928.0    MHz
      (1) USB is not functional below VDD=2.0V. Should be USB compliant from I/O voltage standpoint, the
          minimum VDD is 3.0 V. For further details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 datasheet.
Table 1. Recommended operating conditions.

2.2 Absolute maximum ratings

Symbol                                       Parameter                                          Min.        Typ.         Max.     Unit
 TSTG          Storage temperature range                                                         -40              -       +85      °C
    VDD        Operating supply voltage                                                         -0.3              -       3.9      V
    VIO        I/O pin voltage                                                                  -0.3              -       5.5      V
Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings.

2.3 I/O operating specifications

Symbol                                       Parameter                                         Min.        Typ.         Max.      Unit
    VIL        I/O input low level voltage                                                     -0.3           -        0.3 VDD     V
  VIH          I/O input high level voltage                                                  0.7 VIN          -       VDD+0.3      V
      (1) For further details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 datasheet, I/O port features.
Table 3. I/O operating specificat

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    This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
    without notice.

2.4 Current consumption

Symbol           Parameter                                   Test conditions                                     Typ.           Unit
                           Operating mode                                                                         27
   IDD        Supply current                                                                                                    mA
                           TX, +11 dBm, freq. 868MHz
                           Operating mode
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                         39            mA
                           TX, +10.5 dBm, freq. 915MHz
                           Operating mode
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                         24            mA
                           TX, +10 dBm, freq. 433MHz
                           Operating mode
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                         19            mA
                           RX, freq. 868MHz
                           Operating mode
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                         28            mA
                           RX, freq. 915MHz
                           Operating mode
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                         18            mA
                           RX, freq. 433MHz
                           Stand-by (Radio off, STM32L151RDY6 in Stop
  IDD      Supply current                                                                                          5            µA
                           mode with RTC)
Table 4. Current consumption.

2.5 RF compliance limits

RF compliance limits for CE and FCC certifications, referring to factory loaded firmware. If applying a
custom firmware, please ensure these limits are not exceeded, voiding CE and FCC certifications.

               Standards                                             Parameter                                  Max.            Unit
          FCC Part 15.207                                             Data rate                                   50            kbps
          FCC Part 15.247
                                                                    Output power
                                                  (ETSI 868 MHz and FCC 915 MHz band)
         EN 300 220-2 V2.4.1                                                                                                    dbm
                                                                    Output power
      EN 301 489-01 V1.9.2                                                                                       +10
                                                              (ETSI 433 MHz band)
      EN 301 489-03 V1.4.1

                                                                     Modulation                                GFSK

    (1) FCC standards are only applicable to SPSGPE-915 operating in the FCC 915 MHz band
    (2) EN standards are only applicable to SPSGPE-433 and SPSGPE-868 operating in the ETSI
        433MHz and ETSI 868MHz respectively.
Table 5. RF compliance limits.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

2.6 RF sensitivity data
RF sensitivity data for all the versions of SPSGPE are reported in Table 6.

Parameter                                                               Test conditions                           Typ.          Unit
                                                           FREQ = 434 MHz,
                                                           Data Rate = 50 kbps (25 kHz dev.
(1% BER)
                           SPSGPE-433                      CH Filter=125kHz),                                     -98           dBm
                                                           VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C
                                                           Spirit1 SMPS enabled
                                                           FREQ = 868 MHz,
                                                           Data Rate = 50 kbps (25 kHz dev.
(1% BER)
                           SPSGPE-868                      CH Filter=125kHz),                                     -104          dBm
                                                           VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C
                                                           Spirit1 SMPS enabled
                                                           FREQ = 915 MHz,
                                                           Data Rate = 50 kbps (25 kHz dev.
(1% BER)
                           SPSGPE-915                      CH Filter=125kHz),                                     -105          dBm
                                                           VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C
                                                           Spirit1 SMPS enabled

Table 6 RF sensitivity data.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

2.7 Pin assignment

Pin                Name                   Type                            Description                                      (1)
                             (4)                       2          (3)
TP1            I2C1_SCL                    I/O        I C clock    or general purpose input/output                      PB8
TP2              SWDIO                     I/O                        Serial wire I/O                                  PA13
TP3              GPIO_11                   I/O                General purpose input/output                              PB7
TP4              GPIO_12                   I/O                General purpose input/output                             PC12
TP5              GPIO_13                   I/O                General purpose input/output                             PA15
TP6               RESET                      I          Reset input, active low, internal pull-up                      NRST
                                                           2               (3)
                             (4)                          I C data in/out or general purpose
TP9            I2C1_SDA                    I/O                                                                                 PB9
TP10            STAT_LED                    O                      Status indicator LED                                        PB6
                                                          Pull high, if USB is used/connected,
TP11       USB_DEV_CONN                      I                                                                                 PB5
                                                         pull low, if USB is not used/connected
TP12             GPIO_8                    I/O                General purpose input/output                                     PB4
TP13             GPIO_10                   I/O                General purpose input/output                                     PB3
                                                      Power ON monitor, goes high if the module
TP14           PWR_MON                      O        is powered on, goes low if the module is not                          PC11
TP15             GPIO_14                  I/O                 General purpose input/output                                     PD2
TP16             SWCLK                      I                        Serial wire clock                                         PA14
TP17              GND                    Power                            Ground                                                 -
                                                     USB DATA- or Request to send signal from
TP18          USB_P / RTS                  I/O                                                                                 PA12
                                                      DTE, depending on firmware configuration
                                                     USB DATA+ or Clear to send signal to DTE,
TP19          USB_N / CTS                  I/O                                                                                 PA11
                                                         depending on firmware configuration
TP20           UART2_RX                     I                   Serial data input from DTE                                     PA10
TP21           UART2_TX                    O                    Serial data output to DTE                                      PA9
TP22            GPIO_9                    I/O                 General purpose input/output                                     PC6
TP23           SPI_MISO                   I/O         SPI MISO or general purpose input/output                                 PB14
TP24           SPI_MOSI                   I/O         SPI MOSI or general purpose input/output                                 PB15
TP25               RI                      O                      Ring indicator to DTE                                        PB12
TP26           SPI_CLK                    I/O          SPI clock or general purpose input/output                               PB13
TP27              VDD                    Power                     Supply input voltage                                          -
TP28              DTR                       I                 Data terminal ready from DTE                                     PB2
TP29            TX_AUX                     O           Auxiliary serial data output for debug/test                             PB10
TP30            ADC_01                    I/O         ADC input or general purpose input/output                                PB0
TP31            GPIO_6                    I/O                 General purpose input/output                                     PC5
TP32            GPIO_5                    I/O                 General purpose input/output                                     PC4
TP33            ON/OFF                      I         Input for switching ON or OFF the module                                 PA0
TP34           UART1_RX                   I/O                         Serial data input                                        PA3
TP35           UART1_TX                   I/O                        Serial data output                                        PA2
                                                             Alarm output or general purpose
TP36        ALARM/GPIO_1                   I/O                                                                                 PCO
TP37              GPIO_4                   I/O                General purpose input/output                                     PC3
                                                         RF transmitter ON monitor or general
TP38    GPIO_2/RF_TX_MON                    O                                                                                  PC1
                                                                   purpose input/output
TP39            RX_AUX                       I          Auxiliary serial data input for debug/test                             PB11
TP40            ADC_01                     I/O        ADC input or general purpose input/output                                PB1
TP41           RESERVED                      -        Must be left unconnected (for future uses)                               PA8
TP42            GPIO_7                     I/O                General purpose input/output                                     PA1
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 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

TP43             GPIO_3                 I/O                    General purpose input/output                                     PC2
TP44              GND                  Power                             Ground                                                  -
TP45               ANT                   I/O          Connection pin for external antenna (50 Ω)                                 -
TP46               GND                 Power                                 Ground                                              -
Table 7. Pin assignment.
(1) For further details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 datasheet, Pin descriptions section.
(2) Do not use SWD interface for any reason, unless to intentionally erase module flash memory and install
a different firmware image. Any attempt to use SWD interface will force an immediate flash memory full
erase, leaving SPSGPE in a clean state. Please notice that “FW Copy Protection Level 1” of
STM32L151RDY6 microcontroller is activated.
         2                                                                                                              2
(3) For I C operation at 100 kHz an external pull-up resistor of 4.7 kΩ needs to be used. For I C operation
at 400 kHz an external pull-up resistor of 4.7 kΩ needs to be used.
(4) Pin may be configured either as the function indicated in the pin name, or as general purpose

2.8 Pin placement

Figure 1. Pin placement (top view of LGA pads placed on bottom side).

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  without notice.

2.9 Memory resources
Memory resources available in the STM32L151RDY6 microcontroller unit adopted in all SPSGPE
versions are listed in Table 8. For further details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 microcontroller unit
datasheet and user manual, and SPSGPE user manual.

                             Item                                                   Value
                        Flash Memory                                              384 kByte
                             RAM                                                   48 kByte
                             I/O                                                 39 channels
Table 8. Memory resources.

(1) Amount of Flash memory available without any firmware installed on SPSGPE. To calculate the
amount of available Flash memory with SPSGPE firmware, please refer to SPSGPE software user
manual. For further details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 datasheet.
(2) The number of available I/O channels may change depending on actual hardware configuration. For
further details, please refer to par. 0and 0.

2.10 Hardware block diagram

Figure 1. Hardware block diagram

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

3          Hardware design

3.1 Pin usage
If used with default firmware and interfaced to a host microcontroller unit, SPSGPE requires minimum
power, ground and UART to transmit and receive signals, that is to be connected. Other signals are
optional and provide additional functionality. Unused signals must be left unconnected.
In case the module is connected to a host microcontroller unit, SPSGPE pins requiring connections are
outlined in Table 9.

  Pin              Name                                          Description                                             Optional
 TP27              VDD                                        Supply input voltage                                         No
 TP44               GND                                               Ground                                                 No
 TP21          UART2_TX                          Serial data output to DTE                                                   No
 TP20          UART2_RX                         Serial data input from DTE                                                   No
                                       Request to send signal from DTE, if used.
              USB_P /        If flow controls are not used, this pin must be connected to
 TP18                                                                                                                       Yes
                RTS                                          GND.
                               It could be left floating, if USB is supported by firmware.
                                      Input for switching ON or OFF the module
 TP33         ON/OFF                                                                                                        Yes
                                                     (toggle command)
 TP6           RESET                    Reset input, active low, internal pull-up                                            No
 TP45           ANT                    Connection pin for external antenna (50 Ω)                                            No
   (1)     Open drain connection is required.

Table 9. SPSGPE pins requiring connections, when the module is connected to a host
microcontroller unit.

In another typical application circuit, SPSGPE is connected to a host computer through a standard USB
connector. In this case, module pins requiring connections are listed in Table 10.

  Pin                 Name                                          Description                                          Optional
 TP27                 VDD                                        Supply input voltage                                      No
 TP44                  GND                                                Ground                                             No
 TP18           USB_P / RTS                USB Data– (90 Ω differential)             No
 TP19           USB_N / CTS                USB Data+ (90 Ω differential)             No
                USB_DEV_CO    Input for detecting the connection to the USB cable.
  TP11                                                                               No
                    NN             Pull it high when USB cable is connected.
                                     Input for switching module ON or OFF
  TP33       ON/OFF                                                                 Yes
                                                (toggle command)
  TP6         RESET                  Reset input, active low, internal pull-up       No
  TP45         ANT                Connection pin for external antenna (50 Ω)         No
Table 10. SPSGPE pins requiring connections, when the module is connected to a host computer
via USB.

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    This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
    without notice.

3.2 Typical application circuits
In a typical application circuit, SPSGPE is connected to a host microcontroller unit through a standard
UART to transmit and receive signals. This application is pictured in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Typical application circuit of SPSGPE connected to a host microcontroller.

Please notice that “USB / RTS” could be left floating if USB is supported by firmware.

In another typical application circuit, SPSGPE is connected to a host computer through a standard USB
connector. This application is pictured in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Typical application circuit of SPSGPE connected to a host computer via USB.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

NOTE: when using the SPSGPE in a USB self-powered application, USB back-voltage test requirement
must be met (i.e. a maximum of 400 mV may be measured on the VBUS, D+, or D- when the device is not
plugged into a USB port). For this purposes, SPSGPE requires to receive on the pin USB_DEV_CONN a
signal indicating, when set at high logical level, that the VBUS is detected in order to properly control the
internal pull-up resistor connected to D+ line available internally to the STM32L151RDY6. For further
details, please refer to STM32L151RDY6 datasheet.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

Special features are enabled by the following pins:
        - STAT_LED (pin TP10): output to drive an external LED and indicated status of SPSGPE
            connections. If this pin is used as output to an external LED, possible outputs are listed in
            Table 11.

                          LED Output                                                     Description
              Periodic single flashing with long                  Application is waiting for commands from DTE.
              ON time and short OFF time.
              Periodic single flashing with short                 Application has started and SPSGPE is seeking for
              ON time and long OFF time.                          connection.
              Periodic fast double flashing.                      Application has started and SPSGPE is connected to
                                                                  a gateway.

              Table 11. Outputs to external LED by pin STAT_LED (TP10).

         -    RESET (pin TP6): internal pulled-up signal for resetting SPSGPE. It has to be tied low for at
              least 100 ms and then released to perform SPSGPE unconditional hardware restart. Please
              notice that unconditional hardware restart must not be used during normal device operation,
              since it does not detach the device from the network. It shall be kept as emergency exit
              procedure in the rare case the module gets stacked waiting for network response. It is
              suggested to implement unconditional hardware restart (through a GPIO of the host
              microcontroller unit, to be configured as open drain or through a push button) on SPSGPE
              applications only as emergency exit procedure.
         -    ON/OFF (pin TP33): it performs the turning on/off procedure for SPSGPE when voltage
              supply at VDD (pin 27) stands within recommended operating range (please refer to Table 1).
              To start the turning off procedure when the module is turned on, the ON/OFF signal needs to
              be tied low for at least 2 seconds. Similarly, to start the turning on procedure when the module
              is turned off, the ON/OFF signal needs to be tied low for at least 2 seconds. The turning on/off
              procedure can also be performed via AT commands (please refer to SPSGPE software
         -    PWR_MON (pin TP14): output signal indicating SPSGPE power status. It climbs high when
              SPSGPE is properly powered on, and it climbs down when SPSGPE is not powered.
         -    USB_DEV_CONN (pin TP11): input signal to detect USB cable connections. It has to be high
              when USB is connected, and low when USB is disconnected. Considering a 5 V tolerant pin, it
              is recommended to connect it to the VBUS pin of USB connector with proper protection and
              filtering network, adopting components like diode, ferrite bead and capacitors. If USB is used,
              UART interface to DTE is automatically disabled. To re-enable UART, this pin has to be tied

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          15/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

3.3 Layout guidelines
When adopting SPSGPE, please consider the following guidelines for a correct PCB design:
  1. A minimum four-layer PCB is suggested.
  2. At least one of the PCB layers should be used to implement a copper ground plane
      without cuts.
  3. Copper planes and/or heavy traces are recommended to implement power supply
  4. Decoupling capacitors (recommended values are 100 nF and 10 µF in parallel) have to
      be placed very close to power supply pins.
  5. Routing of traces (especially noisy and high frequency ones) across the power supply
      should be avoided.
  6. The ANT pin (pin TP45) needs to be used for connecting the module to an external
      antenna. Its related RF ground is represented by pins TP44 and TP46. A trace having a
      controlled impedance of 50 Ω needs to be used to connect the ANT pin (pin TP45) to an
      external antenna (microstrip or grounded coplanar waveguide solutions of 50 Ω are
  7. Routing of traces (especially noisy, high frequency and power supply ones) near or
      across the connection between the ANT pin (pin TP45) and the external antenna should
      be avoided.
  8. Connection of all ground metallization and/or layers should have as many vias as
      possible. Number and density of these vias should be increased in the connection area
      between the ANT pin (pin TP45) and the external antenna.
  9. A differential trace of 90 Ω needs to be used to connect pins TP18 and TP19 (USB_P /
      RTS and USB_N / CTS, respectively) to a USB connector, in case they are used as USB
      traces. It is also strongly recommended to follow all hardware and layout guidelines by
      USB standards.

An example of SPSGPE layout is pictured in
Figure 4.

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  without notice.

Figure 4. Example of SPSGPE layout.

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  without notice.

3.4 Recommended footprint

Figure 5. Recommended SPSGPE footprint.

All dimensions are in millimeters.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

3.5 Module reflow installation

SPSGPE is a surface mount module supplied on a 46-pin, 6-layer PCB, with gold surface finish. Final
assembly recommended reflow profile is outlined below, based on IPC/JEDEC JSTD-020C, July 2004

                  Profile feature                                                         Lead-free assembly
Average ramp-up rate (TSMAX to TP)                                                          1.7°C/sec max
        - Temperature min (TS min.)                                                            150°C
        - Temperature max (TS max.)                                                            200°C
        - Time (TS min. to TS max.) (tS)                                           60-100 sec (suggested: 85 sec)
Time maintained above:
        - Temperature TL                                                                       217 °C
        - Temperature TL                                                           60-100 sec (suggested: 99 sec)
Peak temperature (TP)                                                                          242 °C
Time within 5°C of actual peak temperature (T P)                                             10-20 sec
Ramp-down rate                                                                                2°C/sec
Time from 25°C to peak temperature                                                        8 minutes max.

Table 12. Soldering profile.

Figure 6. Soldering profile.

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  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

4 Module operation
SPSGPE software architecture is based on SPSGPE.OS operating system and provides a set of
precompiled firmware libraries to manage module operation.
Two operational modes are supported:
        SPSGPE working as a “communication module”, using AT/HDLC commands;
        SPSGPE working as a “standalone module”, running embedded standalone application.

When using SPSGPE as a communication module, the module acts as a wireless RF module.
SPSGPE.OS operating system handles SPSGPE internal transceiver and any external device connected
to it, providing mesh routing connectivity. Thus, it allows to configure SPSGPE either as a node or as a
gateway, enabling different application domains including and not limited to low-power applications.
This operational mode enables module configuration and status interrogation, and supports two different
high-level communication interfaces: AT command set and HDLC command interface.
AT and HDLC command interfaces assume communications with an external host processor via USB
and/or UART serial interfaces, in a scenario where SPSGPE acts as an RF modem device and the user
application runs on the host processor.
The two types of command modes are briefly described below:
         -    AT command: it implements a set of AT commands compliant with Hayes standard AT
              command set and expanded through Paradox Engineering proprietary AT command set for
              special purposes.
         -    HDLC command: it offers a fast optimized binary HDLC protocol with a set of HDLC
              commands for managing and controlling SPSGPE.

When using SPSGPE as a standalone module, the user can develop its own application code and link it
to SPSGPE.OS, or customize a standard SPSGPE application firmware image through the scripting tool.
Once developed with the scripting tool, compiled script programs can be uploaded and executed under the
control of SPSGPE Script Engine.

For further details about SPSGPE software architecture, command and operating modes, please refer to
SPSGPE Application and Software – User Guide (document reference: tbd)

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          20/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

5 Package mechanical data

Figure 7. Package mechanical data.
All dimensions are in millimeters.

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          21/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

6 Regulatory compliance

NOTE: this section will be completed and confirmed after the certification process is done.

6.1 CE certification

SPSGPE-433 and SPSGPE-868 are certified in accordance with the following standards:

         EN 300 220-2 V2.4.1
         EN 301 489-01 V1.9.2
         EN 301 489-03 V1.6.1

Receiver category: Class 2 receiver.

6.2 FCC certification

SPSGPE-915 is certified in accordance with the following standards:

         FCC Part 15.207
         FCC Part 15.247


6.3 IC certification

SPSGPE-915 is certified in accordance with the following standards:
         RSS-247 Issue 1


(Please, refer to Appendix A of this document for the French translation).

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          22/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

6.4 Labeling instructions
When integrating SPSGPE-915 into a finished product, the OEM must ensure that FCC labeling
requirements are satisfied. A statement must be placed over the finished product to indicate it includes a
certified module. The label should state the following (or similar wording that conveys the same meaning):
This product contains FCC ID: S9NSPSGPE
The OEM must place the following statements over the finished product unless it is too small (e.g. less
than 4 x 4 inches):

           This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
           two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
           must accept any interference received, including any interference that may cause
           undesired operation.

When integrating SPSGPE-915 into a finished product, the OEM must ensure that IC labeling
requirements are satisfied. A statement must be placed over the finished product to indicate it includes a
certified module. The label should state the following (or similar wording that conveys the same meaning):
Contains IC ID: 8976C-SPSGPE
This product contains IC ID: 8976C-SPSGPE
The OEM must place the following statements over the finished product unless it is too small (e.g. less
than 4 x 4 inches):

           This device complies with RSS-247 of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
           two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
           must accept any interference received, including any interference that may cause
           undesired operation.

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          23/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

6.5 Product manual instructions

This paragraph applies to OEM finished products containing SPSGPE and subject to FCC compliance.
The finished product manual must contain the following statement (or similar wording that conveys the
same meaning):

           WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
           for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

In cases the OEM seeks Class B (residential) limits for the finished product, the following statement must
be included in the finished product manual:

           NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
           Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
           provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
           This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
           installed and used in accordance with given instructions, may cause harmful
           interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
           will not occur under certain circumstances. If this equipment does cause harmful
           interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
           equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
           or more of the following measures:
           – Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
           – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
           – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
           receiver is connected.
           – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

In cases the OEM seeks Class A digital device category for the finished product, the following statement
must be included in the finished product manual:

           NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
           Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
           provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
           operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
           radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
           instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
           Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference
           in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expenses .

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          24/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

7 Ordering information
        Product name                        EAN code                                   Description
                                                                  Version operating on ETSI 433 MHz band (Region 1,
         SPSGPE-433                              tbd
                                                                  Version operating on ETSI 868 MHz band (Region 1,
         SPSGPE-868                              tbd
                                                                  Version operating on FCC 915 MHz band (Region 2,
         SPSGPE-915                              tbd
                                                                  The Americas)
Table 13. Ordering information.

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          25/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

 Appendix A
 Déclaration de conformité

 A.1             Certification FCC
                 Le module SPSGPE-915 a été testé et déclaré conforme avec la section 15 de la Règlementation
                 FCC. Ces limitations sont stipulées afin de procurer une protection raisonnable contre les
                 interférences gênantes dans les installations approuvées. Cet appareil génère, utilise et diffuse des
                 ondes radio et, s’il n’est pas installé et utilisé en conformité avec les instructions dont il fait l’objet,
                 peut causer des interférences gênantes sur les communications radio.

                 Il n’y a cependant pas de garantie qu’une interférence ne se produira pas dans une installation

                 Cet appareil est en conformité avec la section 15 des règlements FCC. L’utilisation est soumise
                 aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences nocives, et (2)
                 Cet appareil doit supporter toute interférence reçue, y compris des interférences qui peuvent
                 provoquer un fonctionnement non désiré.
                 Tout changement ou modification fait(e) à cet appareil et non expressément approuvé(e) par
                 STMicroelectronics peut annuler l’autorisation pour l’utilisateur de faire fonctionner l’appareil.

                 Approbation du module
                 FCC ID: S9NSPSGPE
                 Conformément à la section 15 des règlements FCC, le module SPSGPE-915 est répertorié comme un
                 dispositif émetteur modulaire.
                 Ce module n’est évalué que pour une utilisation autonome. Les produits finis incorporant plusieurs
                 émetteurs doivent être conformes à la colocation et aux exigences d'exposition RF en
                 concordance avec les procédures FCC multi-émetteurs. D’autres émetteurs fonctionnant dans des
                 dispositifs portables exposés aux RF (par exemple, situés à moins de 20 cm des personnes avec
                 dispositifs portatifs ou portés contre le corps) peuvent nécessiter d'une approbation séparée.

 A.1.1           Instructions d'étiquetage
                 Lors de l'intégration du module SPSGPE-915 dans le produit final, le fabricant doit s’assurer que
                 les exigences en matière d'étiquetage de la FCC sont satisfaites. Une déclaration doit être placée
                 sur l’étiquette extérieure du produit final indiquant que le produit comprend un module certifié.
                 L'étiquette doit comporter les informations suivantes (ou une mention analogue que recouvre la
                 même notion):

                                                 Contient FCC ID: S9NSPSGPE
                         OU              Ce produit contient FCC ID: S9NSPSGPE

                 Le sous-traitant doit inclure les énoncés suivants sur l’étiquette extérieure du produit final à
                 moins que le produit ne soit trop petit (par exemple moins de 4 x 4 pouces):
                Cet appareil est en conformité avec la section 15 des règlements FCC. L’utilisation est soumise
                aux deux conditions suivantes:
                (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences nocives, et
(2) Cet appareil doit supporter toute interférence reçue, y compris des interférences qui peuvent provoquer un
fonctionnement non désiré.

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          26/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

A.1.2          Instructions pour l’utilisation du produit
                La présente section concerne les produits finis contenant le module SPSGPE-915, assujettis aux
                normes FCC. Le manuel du produit final doit contenir la déclaration suivante (ou une mention
                analogue que recouvre la même notion):
                “ Avertissement: Les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par la partie
                responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur de faire
                fonctionner cet équipement. (Section 15.21)”
                Dans le cas où le produit finis d’un fabriquant OEM rentre dans les limites de la Classe B
                (résidentiel), les énoncés suivants doivent être inclus dans le manuel du produit finis:
                “Remarque : Cet équipement a été testé et déclaré conforme aux limitations prévues dans le cadre
                de la classe B des appareils numériques, définies par la section 15 du règlement de la FCC. Ces
                limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre toute interférence
                dangereuse issue d'une installation résidentielle. Cet équipement produit, utilise et peut émettre
                de l'énergie radio électrique et, s'il n'est pas installé et utilisé conformément aux présentes
                instructions, peut causer des interférences nuisibles aux communications radio. Cependant, il se
                peut que des interférences se produisent dans une installation particulière. Si cet appareil cause
                des interférences nuisibles à la réception des signaux de radio ou de télévision, ce qui peut être
                déterminé en allumant et en éteignant l'appareil, on encourage l'utilisateur d'essayer de corriger
                ces interférences par l'un des moyens suivants:
                      –     Réorienter ou repositionner l'antenne de réception.
                      –     Augmenter la distance séparant l’équipement du récepteur.
                      –     Connecter l’équipement à une prise appartenant à un circuit différent de celui sur
                            lequel le récepteur est connecté.
                      –     Consulter le revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV expérimenté pour obtenir de l’aide.”
                Dans le cas où le produit fini d’un sous-traitant rentre dans les limites imposées aux
                appareils numériques de classe A, les énoncés suivants doivent être inclus dans le manuel
                du produit finis:

                “REMARQUE : Cet appareil a été testé et certifié conforme aux spécifications d'un appareil
                électronique de classe A (class A digital device), conformément à la partie 15 du règlement de la
                FCC. Ces contraintes sont destinées à fournir une protection raisonnable contre les interférences
                nuisibles quand l'appareil est utilisé dans une installation commerciale. Cet équipement produit,
                utilise et peut émettre de l'énergie radio électrique et, s'il n'est pas installé et utilisé
                conformément aux présentes instructions, peut causer des interférences nuisibles aux
                communications radio. L'utilisation de cet appareil dans une installation résidentielle peut
                entraîner des interférences nuisibles et l'utilisateur devra corriger les interférences à ses propres

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          27/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

A.2            Certification IC (a)
                Le module SPSGPE-915 a été testé et déclaré conforme avec la Règlementation IC CNR-210. Ces
                limitations sont stipulées afin de procurer une protection raisonnable contre les interférences
                gênantes en installations approuvées. Cet appareil génère, utilise et diffuse des ondes radio et, s’il
                n’est pas installé et utilisé en conformité avec les instructions dont il fait l’objet, peut causer des
                interférences gênantes sur les communications radio.
                Il n’y a cependant pas de garantie qu’une interférence ne se produira pas dans une installation

                Ce produit répond aux exigences de la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement
                est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
                (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences nocives, et
                (2) Cet appareil doit supporter toute interférence reçue, y compris des interférences qui peuvent
                provoquer un fonctionnement non désiré.
                Tout changement ou modification fait(e) à cet appareil et non expressément approuvé(e) par
                STMicroelectronics peut annuler l’autorisation pour l’utilisateur de faire fonctionner l’appareil.

                Approbation du module
                IC: 8976C-SPSGPE

                Conformément à IC CNR-210, le module SPSGPE-915 est répertorié comme un dispositif émetteur
                Ce module n’est évalué que pour une utilisation autonome. Les produits finis incorporant plusieurs
                émetteurs doivent être conformes à la colocation et aux exigences d'exposition RF en
                concordance avec les procédures FCC multi-émetteurs. D’autres émetteurs fonctionnant dans des
                dispositifs portables exposés aux RF (par exemple, situés à moins de 20 cm des personnes avec
                dispositifs portatifs ou portés contre le corps) peuvent nécessiter d'une approbation séparée.

A.2.1           Instructions d'étiquetage
                Lors de l'intégration du module SPSGPE-915 dans le produit final, le fabricant doit s’assurer que
                les exigences en matière d'étiquetage de la IC sont satisfaites. Une déclaration doit être placée
                sur l’étiquette extérieure du produit final indiquant que le produit comprend un module certifié.
                L'étiquette doit comporter les informations suivantes (ou une mention analogue que recouvre la
                même notion):

                                                   Contient IC ID: 8976C-SPSGPE
                        OU                Ce produit contient IC ID: 8976C-SPSGPE

                Le sous-traitant doit inclure les énoncés suivants sur l’étiquette extérieure du produit final à
                moins que le produit ne soit trop petit (par exemple moins de 4 x 4 pouces):
                Cet appareil est en conformité aux normes IC. L’utilisation est soumise aux deux conditions
                (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférences nocives, et
                (2) Cet appareil doit supporter toute interférence reçue, y compris des interférences qui peuvent
                      provoquer un fonctionnement non désiré

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          28/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

A.2.2          Instructions pour l’utilisation du produit
                La présente section concerne les produits finis contenant le module SPSGPE-915, assujettis aux
                normes IC. Le manuel du produit final doit contenir la déclaration suivante (ou une mention
                analogue que recouvre la même notion):
                “Avertissement: Les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par la partie
                responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur de faire
                fonctionner cet équipement. (CNR-210)”
                Dans le cas où le produit finis d’un fabriquant OEM rentre dans les limites de la Classe B
                (résidentiel), les énoncés suivants doivent être inclus dans le manuel du produit finis:
                “ Remarque : Cet équipement a été testé et déclaré conforme aux limitations prévues dans le cadre
                de la classe B des appareils numériques, définies par la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada.

                Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre toute interférence
                dangereuse issue d'une installation résidentielle. Cet équipement produit, utilise et peut émettre
                de l'énergie radio électrique et, s'il n'est pas installé et utilisé conformément aux présentes
                instructions, peut causer des interférences nuisibles aux communications radio. Cependant, il se
                peut que des interférences se produisent dans une installation particulière. Si cet appareil cause
                des interférences nuisibles à la réception des signaux de radio ou de télévision, ce qui peut être
                déterminé en allumant et en éteignant l'appareil, nous encourageons l'utilisateur à essayer de
                corriger ces interférences par l'un des moyens suivants:
                      –     Réorienter ou repositionner l'antenne de réception.
                      –     Augmenter la distance séparant l’équipement du récepteur.
                      –     Connecter l’équipement à une prise appartenant à un circuit différent de celui sur
                            lequel le récepteur est connecté.
                      –     Consulter le revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV expérimenté pour obtenir de l’aide.”
                Dans le cas où le produit finis d’un fabriquant OEM rentre dans le cadre des limites imposées aux
                appareils numériques de classe A, les énoncés suivants doivent être inclus dans le manuel du
                produit finis:
                “ REMARQUE: Cet appareil a été testé et certifié conforme aux spécifications d'un appareil
                électronique de classe A (class A digital device), conformément à la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie
                Canada. Ces contraintes sont destinées à fournir une protection raisonnable contre les
                interférences nuisibles quand l'appareil est utilisé dans une installation commerciale. Cet
                équipement produit, utilise et peut émettre de l'énergie radio électrique et, s'il n'est pas installé et
                utilisé conformément aux présentes instructions, peut causer des interférences nuisibles aux
                communications radio. L'utilisation de cet appareil dans une installation résidentielle peut entraîner
                des interférences nuisibles et l'utilisateur devra corriger les interférences à ses propres frais.”

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          29/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

A.3             Certification CE
                Le module SPSGPE a obtenu une certification de conformité aux normes suivantes:
                      –     EN 300 328 V1.8.1 :2012
                      –     EN 300 328 V1.9.1 :2015
                      –     EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1 :2009
                      –     EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2:2011
                      –     EN 62479 :2010
                      –     EN60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2 :2013
                          Le module est certifié CE.

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          30/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          31/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

Appendix 1                    Document revision history

   Date                 Revision                                                    Changes
2016-09-15                1.0                  First release
2016-10-11                1.1                  by A.R.
2017-02-16                1.2                  By A.R.

Table 14. Document revision history

 February 2017                                    DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                          32/27
  This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
  without notice.

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February 2017                                           DocID0xxxxx Rev 0.xx                                                                        33/27
 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change
 without notice.

Document Created: 2017-03-22 16:18:00
Document Modified: 2017-03-22 16:18:00

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