Operational Description


Operational Description

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SPBT3.0DP1 module: some technical note about the Radio
device embedded in the module, displayed in the Module
Block Diagram as “STLC2690”.

3 Bluetooth
3.1 Bluetooth functional description
3.1.1 Modem receiver
The Bluetooth subsystem implements a low-IF receiver for Bluetooth modulated input signals. The radio
signal is taken from a balanced RF input and amplified by an LNA. The mixers are driven by two
quadrature LO signals, which are locally generated from a VCO signal running at twice the frequency. The I
and Q mixer output signals are band pass filtered by a poly-phase filter for channel filtering and image
rejection. The band pass filter amplifies the signals to the optimal input range for the ADC. Further channel
filtering is done in the digital part. The digital part demodulates the GFSK, π/4-DQPSK or 8-DPSK coded
bit stream by evaluating the phase information. RSSI data is extracted. Overall automatic gain amplification
in the receive path is controlled digitally. The RC time constants for the analog filters are automatically
calibrated on chip.
3.1.2 Modem transmitter
The transmitter uses the serial transmit data from the Bluetooth controller. The transmitter modulator
converts this data into GFSK, π/4-DQPSK or 8-DPSK modulated I and Q digital signals for respectively 1,
2 and 3 Mbps transmission speed. These signals are then converted to analog signals that are low pass
filtered before up-conversion. The carrier frequency drift is limited by a closed loop PLL.
3.1.3 RF PLL
The on-chip VCO is part of a PLL. The tank resonator circuitry for the VCO is completely integrated without
need of external components. Variations in the VCO center frequency are calibrated out automatically.

3.1.4 Bluetooth controller
V1.2 and V2.0 + EDR Features
The Bluetooth controller is backward compatible with the Bluetooth specification V1.2 [4] and V2.0 + EDR
[3]. Here below is a list with the main features of those specifications:

limit range
                                supports EV3, EV4 and EV5 packets

different Slaves

         -DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5
           -EV3, 2-EV5

         -DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5
eSCO: 3-EV3, 3-EV5

Bluetooth controller V2.1 + EDR features
                    resume (EPR)

Bluetooth controller V3.0 features

TX output power control
The Bluetooth subsystem supports output power control:
                                                                                        ts its output power
when a remote BT device supports the RSSI feature; this allows the remote device to measure the link
strength and to request the Bluetooth subsystem to decrease/increase its output power. In case the remote
device does not support the RSSI feature, the Bluetooth subsystem uses its ‘default’ output power level

The Bluetooth subsystem supports operation at Class 1 output power levels up to 10 dBm.
3.1.5 Main processor and memory

     -chip RAM, including provision for patches
     -chip ROM preloaded with

                                                                                without changing the ROM

3.1.6 CoProcessor

Download of the SW parameter file
To change the device configuration a set of customizable parameters have been defined and put together
in one file, the SW Parameter File. This SW Parameter File is downloaded at start-up into the Bluetooth
Examples of parameters are: radio configuration, PCM settings etc.
The same HCI command is used to download the file containing the patches (both those for the SW and
HW mechanism).
For a more detailed description of the SW Parameter File refer to [16].
3.1.8 Pitch period error concealment (PPEC)
PPEC stands for pitch period error concealment. It is an algorithm and associated hardware used in the
STLC2690 chip to improve the quality of voice transfer over the Bluetooth air channel. It provides for
increased speech quality in the vicinity of interference, and improves the coexistence with WLAN. The

algorithm works at the receiver side and has no implications at all on the implementation of the Bluetooth
PPEC works as follows: whenever a received packet is completely lost, instead of muting the output some
previously received CVSD samples are inserted. These inserted samples are retrieved from a buffer. The
PPEC algorithm continuously analyzes the samples that were previously received, and it uses fundamental
speech properties to determine which samples from the buffer need to be inserted. As samples are just
replaced, the PPEC algorithm does not add any latency to the voice transfer.
3.1.9 Bluetooth – WLAN/WiMAX coexistence in collocated scenario
The coexistence interface uses up to 4 WLAN control signal pins, which can be mapped via the SW
Parameter File download on different pins of the Bluetooth subsystem (see Section 4.1.7: "Download of the
SW parameter file").
The functionality of the 4 WLAN control signal pins depends on the selected algorithm, as explained below
and summarized in Table 24: "WLAN HW signal assignment".
Bluetooth and WLAN 802.11 technologies occupy the same 2.4 GHz ISM band. The Bluetooth subsystem
implements a set of mechanisms to avoid interference in a collocated scenario.
The Bluetooth subsystem supports 5 different algorithms in order to provide efficient and flexible
simultaneous functionality between the two technologies in collocated scenarios:
  Algorithm 1: PTA (packet traffic arbitration) based coexistence algorithm defined in accordance with the
IEEE 802.15.2 recommended practice [7].
  Algorithm 2: the WLAN is the Master and it indicates to the Bluetooth subsystem when not to operate in
case of simultaneous use of the air interface.
  Algorithm 3: the Bluetooth subsystem is the Master and it indicates to the WLAN chip when not to
operate in case of simultaneous use of the air interface.
  Algorithm 4: Two-wire mechanism
  Algorithm 5: Alternating wireless medium access (AWMA), defined in accordance with the WLAN
802.11 technologies.

The algorithm is selected via an HCI command. The default algorithm is algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: PTA (packet traffic arbitration)
The algorithm is based on a bus connection between the Bluetooth subsystem and the WLAN chip

Bluetooth STLC2690
44/79 DocID022051 Rev 3 Figure 18: PTA
Figure 18: PTA

By using this coexistence interface it is possible to dynamically allocate bandwidth to the two devices when
simultaneous operations are required while the full bandwidth can be allocated to one of them in case the
other one does not require activity.
The algorithm involves

A typical application would be to guarantee optimal quality to the Bluetooth voice communication while an
intensive WLAN communication is ongoing.
Several algorithms have been implemented in order to provide a maximum of flexibility and efficiency for
the priority handling. ST specific HCI commands are implemented to select the algorithm and to tune the
priority handling.
The combination of time division multiplexing and the priority mechanism avoids the interference due to
packet collision. It also allows the maximization of the 2.4 GHz ISM bandwidth usage for both devices while
preserving the quality of some critical types of link.

 Algorithm 2: WLAN master
 In case the Bluetooth subsystem has to cooperate, in a collocated scenario, with a WLAN chip not
 supporting a PTA based algorithm, it is possible to put in place a simpler mechanism.
 The interface is reduced to 1 line:
 Figure 19: WLAN master

 When the WLAN has to operate, it alerts high the BT_RF_NOT_ALLOWED signal and the Bluetooth
 subsystem does not operate while this signal stays high.
 This mechanism permits to avoid packet collision in order to make an efficient use of the bandwidth but
 cannot provide guaranteed quality over the Bluetooth links.
 Algorithm 3: Bluetooth Master
 This algorithm represents the symmetrical case of algorithm 2. Also in this case the interface is reduced to 1 line:

 When the Bluetooth subsystem has to operate it alerts high the WLAN_RF_NOT_ALLOWED signal and
 the WLAN does not operate while this signal stays high.
 This mechanism permits to avoid packet collision in order to make an efficient use of the bandwidth, it
 provides high quality for all Bluetooth links but cannot provide guaranteed quality over the WLAN links.
 Algorithm 4: Two-wire mechanism
 Based on algorithm 2 and 3, the Host decides, on a case-by-case basis, whether WLAN or Bluetooth is
 Master. The Master role can be checked and changed at run-time by the Host via an HCI command.
 Algorithm 5: Alternating wireless medium access (AWMA)
 AWMA utilizes a portion of the WLAN beacon interval for Bluetooth operations. From a timing perspective,
 the medium assignment alternates between usage following WLAN procedures and usage following
 Bluetooth procedures.
 The timing synchronization between the WLAN and the Bluetooth subsystem is done by the HW signal
 WiMax co-existence interface
 The WiMax co-existence interface connects a single wire between the STLC2690 and the WiMax
 controllers. The goal of the WiMax PTA implementation is to protect the traffic in the WiMax licensed bands
 adjacent to both ends of the 2.4 GHz ISM band used by Bluetooth. The WiMax disable pin is interpreted as
 a request to immediately shut down any ongoing or scheduled RF activity on the Bluetooth side. The
 WiMax system should assert this pin each time the Wimax RX activity takes place. The disable pin is
 directly connected to the BT radio control and BT shutdown can happen in less than 20 μs.

 WLAN HW signal assignment
Table 24: WLAN      Scenario 1: PTA      Scenario 2:          Scenario 3: BT       Scenario 4: 2-       Scenario 5:
HW signal                                WLAN Master          Master               wire                 AWMA
WLAN control
WLAN 1              RF_CONFIRM           BT_RF_NOT_ALLO       Not used             BT_RF_NOT_ALLO       MEDIUM_FREE
                                         WED                                       WED
WLAN 2              RF_REQUEST           Not used             WLAN_RF_NOT_A        WLAN_RF_NOT_A        Not used
                                                              LLOWED               LLOWED
WLAN 3              STATUS               Not used             Not used             Not used             Not used
WLAN 4              FREQ (optional)      Not used             Not used             Not used             Not used

 3.2 Bluetooth RF performance
 All the values are provided according to the Bluetooth specification V3.0 unless otherwise specified.

 3.2.1 Receiver
 All specifications below are given at device pin level and with the conditions as specified. Parameters are
 given for each of the 3 modulation types supported.
 (Typical is defined at Tamb = 25 °C, VDD_HV_x = 1.8 V. Minimum and maximum are worst cases over
 corner lots and temperature. Parameters are given at device pin, except for receiver interferers measured
 at antenna with a filter having a typical attenuation of 2.3 dB, for filter details see [12]. Measured with an
 impedance of 26+j32 at the IC pins (this impedance is at 25 degrees, at low/high temp the impedance is
 changing with temperature).)
Table 25: 1   Parameter     Test          Min.           Typ.          Max.          Unit
Mbps                        condition
s - GFSK
RFin                  Input frequency     2402               2480             MHz
RXsensC       Receiver         @ BER         -92.5        -91         - 86.5      dBm
              sensitivity      0.1%
RXsensD       Receiver         @ BER         -91.5        -90         -86         dBm
              sensitivity      0.1%
RXmax             Maximum          @ BER 0.1%      10             10            dBm
                  useable input
                  signal level
Receiver blocking performance @ BER 0.1% on channel 58 (without filter)
CW signal in GSM           @ Input signal          -7                     dBm
band 900 MHz               strength = -67 dBm
(824 MHz to 960
CW signal in GSM           @ Input signal          -3                     dBm
band 1800 MHz              strength = -67 dBm
(1805 MHz to 1990
CW signal in WCDMA @ Input signal                  -1                     dBm
band                       strength = -67 dBm
(2010 MHz to 2170
Receiver interferer performance @ BER 0.1%
C/Ico-channel     Co-channel       @ Input         8.5            10            dB
                  interference     signal
                                   strength = -60
C/I1MHz           Adjacent (±1     @ Input         -9             0             dB
                  MHz)             signal
                  interference     strength = -60
C/I+2MHz          Adjacent (+2     @ Input         -39            -30           dB
                  MHz)             signal
                  interference     strength = -60
C/I-2MHz          Adjacent (-2     @ Input         -25            -9            dB
                  MHz)             signal
                  interference     strength = -67
C/I+3MHz          Adjacent (+3     @ Input         - 46.5         -40           dB
                  MHz)             signal
                  interference     strength = -67
C/I-3MHz          Adjacent (-3     @ Input         -43            -20           dB

                     MHz)                    signal
                     interference            strength = -67
C/I≥4MHz             Adjacent (≥             @ Input               -45                   -40            dB
                     ±4 MHz)                 signal
                     interference            strength = -67

 STLC2690 Bluetooth
 DocID022051 Rev 3 47/79
Symbol            Parameter            Test               Min.              Typ.                 Max.     Unit
Receiver inter-modulation
IMD             Inter-                       Measured as           -39                   -32.3          dBm
                modulation                   defined in BT

 (1) Dirty transmitter   including carrier frequency drift, as defined in the BT SIG spec [6].

 (Typical is defined at Tamb = 25 °C, VDD_HV_x = 1.8 V. Minimum and maximum are worst cases over corner lots and
 temperature. Parameters are given at device pin, except for receiver interferers measured at antenna with a filter
 having a typical attenuation of 2.3 dB, for filter details see [12]. Measured with an impedance of 26+j32 at the IC
 pins (this impedance is at 25 degrees, at low/high temp the impedance changes with temperature).

Table 27: 3          Parameter               Test                  Min.                  Typ.           Max.             Unit
Mbps                                         condition
parameters -
RFin                  Input frequency         2402             2480                                                MHz
RXsensC        Receiver          @ BER           -85       -83                                          -78.5            dBm
               sensitivity       0.01%
RXsensD        Receiver          @ BER           -84       -82                                          -77.5            dBm
               sensitivity       0.01%
RXmax                 Maximum useable         @ BER 0.1%       -3                                                  dBm
                      input signal level
Receiver blocking performance @ BER 0.1% on channel 58 (without filter)
CW signal in GSM band        @ Input signal            -11                                                   dBm
900 MHz                      strength = -67 dBm
(824 MHz to 960 MHz)
CW signal in GSM band        @ Input signal            -7                                                    dBm
1800 MHz                     strength = -67 dBm
(1805 MHz to 1990 MHz)
CW signal in WCDMA           @ Input signal            -9                                                    dBm
band                         strength = -67 dBm
(2010 MHz to 2170 MHz)

Receiver interferer performance @ BER 0.1%

C/Ico-channel              Co-channel                @ Input signal           19                          21    dB
                           interference              strength = -60
C/I1MHz                    Adjacent (±1              @ Input signal           -5                          5     dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -60
                           interference              dBm
C/I+2MHz                   Adjacent (+2              @ Input signal           -37                         -25   dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -60
                           interference              dBm
C/I-2MHz                   Adjacent (-2              @ Input signal           -12                         0     dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -67
                           interference              dBm
C/I+3MHz                   Adjacent (+3              @ Input signal           -46                         -33   dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -67
                           interference              dBm
C/I-3MHz                   Adjacent (-3              @ Input signal           -40                         -13   dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -67
                           interference              dBm
C/I≥4MHz                   Adjacent (≥ ±4            @ Input signal           -42                         -33   dB
                           MHz)                      strength = -67
                           interference              dBm

       (1)      Dirty transmitter including carrier frequency drift, as defined in the BT SIG spec [6].

 3.2.2 Transmitter

 (Unless otherwise stated, typical is defined at T amb = 25 °C, VDD_HV_x = 1.8 V. Minimum and maximum
 are worst cases over corner lots and temperature. Parameters are given at device pin, except for in-band
 spurious measured at antenna with a filter having a typical attenuation of 2.3 dB, for filter details see [12].
 Measured with an impedance of 26+j32 at the IC pins (this impedance is at 25 degrees, at low/high temp
 the impedance changes with temperature).)
Table 28:       Parameter        Test                Min.           Typ.                Max.               Unit
Transmitter                      condition
RFout                  Output frequency        2400                     2483. 5                     MHz
RF transmit power
TXpout         Maximum          @ 2402 -      8               10                        12                 dBm
(GFSK)         output           2480 MHz
               power(1)         @ 25 °C
TXpout         Maximum          @ 2402 -      7               10                        13                 dBm
(GFSK)         output           2480 MHz
               power(1)         @ worst
                                cases over
                                corner lots
TXprange               Power control range  @ 2402 - 2480 MHz    40                                 dB
(GFSK, π/4-
Resolution of power control(2)        0.25                                        dB
TXpout          Maximum         @ 2402 -             5              7                   9                  dBm
(π/4-           output          2480 MHz
DQPSK)          power(1) (3)    @ 25 °C
TXpoutrel       Relative        @ 2402 -             0              -0.5                -1                 dB
(π/4-           transmit        2480 MHz
DQPSK)          power(4)
TXpout          Maximum         @ 2402 -             5              7                   9                  dBm
(8-DPSK)        output          2480 MHz
                power(1) (2)    @ 25 °C
TXpoutrel       Relative        @ 2402 -             0              -0.5                -1                 dB
(8-DPSK)        transmit        2480 MHz
In-band spurious emissions(5)
FCC                    FCC’s 20 dB BW          935                      970                         kHz
ACP_2                  Channel offset = ±2     -39                      -20                         dBm
ACP_3                  Channel offset = ±-3    -47                      -40                         dBm
ACP_4                  Channel offset ≥ ±4     -50                      -40                         dBm
EDR_IBS_1              Channel offset = ±1     -27                      -26                         dBc
                       MHz (2 and 3 Mbps)
EDR_IBS_2              Channel offset = ±2     -28                      -20                         dBm
                       MHz (2 and 3 Mbps)

Symbol           Parameter           Test           Min.                Typ.                 Max.                Unit
EDR_IBS_3                 Channel offset = ±3   -44                        -40                           dBm
                          MHz (2 and 3 Mbps)
EDR_IBS_4                 Channel offset = ±4   -47                        -40                           dBm
                          MHz (2 and 3 Mbps)
Initial carrier frequency tolerance (for an exact reference)
ΔF                    |f_TX-f0|           -75                0(6)                      75                      kHz
Carrier frequency stability(7)
|Δf_s|                    Carrier frequency     3.2                        10                            kHz
Carrier frequency drift(8)
|Δf_p1|                   One slot packet       12(5)                      25                            kHz
|Δf_p3|                   Three slots packet    14(5)                      40                            kHz
|Δf_p5|                   Five slots packet     14(5)                      40                            kHz

Carrier frequency drift rate(7)
|Δf/50us|               Frequency drift rate          8                           20                         kHz/50μs
Modulation accuracy(6) (7) (9)
Δf1avg             Maximum               140                        163                    175                     kHz
Δf2avg                  Minimum modulation            115                         140                        kHz
Δf2avg/ Δf1avg                           0.8                                               0.9
2-DH5 RMS DEVM                  7.2                                 20                                  %
2-DH5 99% DEVM                           30                                                %
2-DH5 Peak DEVM                 17.5                                35                                  %
3-DH5 RMS DEVM                  7.2                                 13                                  %
3-DH5 99% DEVM                           20                                                %
3-DH5 Peak DEVM                 15                                  25                                  %
TX out of band emissions
E100                    Emission in FM band           (7) (10)                    -123                       dBm/Hz
                        (76-108 MHz)
E700                    Emission in                   (7) (9)                     -135                       dBm/Hz
                        CDMA2000 band
                        (776-794 MHz)
E850                    Emission in GSM               (7) (9)                     -134                       dBm/Hz
                        (869-960 MHz)
E900                    Emission in GSM               (7) (9)                     -134                       dBm/Hz
                        (925-960 MHz)
E1500                   Emission in GPS               (7) (9)                     -140                       dBm/Hz
                        (1570-1580 MHz)
E1800                   Emission in GSM               (7) (9)                     -136                       dBm/Hz
                        (1805-1880 MHz)
E1900                   Emission in GSM               (7) (9)                     -136                       dBm/Hz
                        (1930-1990 MHz)

Symbol            Parameter         Test                  Min.               Typ.                Max.               Unit
E2100                     Emission in WCDMA          (7) (9)                     -136                       dBm/Hz
                          band (2110- 2170
E2600                     Emission in WCDMA          (7) (9)                     -135                       dBm/Hz
                          (2620-2690 MHz)
E5000                     Emission in WLAN           (7) (9)                     -130                       dBm/Hz
                          (5150-5825 MHz)

 (1) Lower  transmit power (i.e. Class 2) can be obtained by programming the radio init power table via the SW Parameter File download
 or an HCI command.
 (2) The step size can be controlled via the SW Parameter File.
 (3) Power of GFSK part.
 (4) Relative power of EDR part compared to the GFSK part.
 (5) At antenna with maximum output power, filter attenuation of 2.3 dB.
 (6) Phase noise adds maximum [-10 kHz;10 kHz] for worst case clock 200 mVpp at 13 MHz.
 (7) Worst case clock 200 mVpp at 13 MHz. Measurement according to EDR RF test spec V2.0.E.3
 (8) With maximum output power.
 (9) Measured on reference schematic following layout recommendations.
 (10) Transmitting DH5 packets.

 3.3 Bluetooth interfaces

3.3.1 HCI transport layer
H4 UART transport layer
The HCI transport layer supported on the UART is the H4 transport layer defined by the SIG [5]. The HCI
UART transport layer assumes that the UART communication is free from line errors.
The UART interface is defined in Section 3.12.2: "UART interface".
Two ways to enter and exit the low power modes are supported (For more details, refer to [15]):

Enhanced H4 SPI transport layer
The HCI transport layer supported on the SPI is the H4 transport layer defined by the SIG [5]. The HCI SPI
transport layer assumes that the SPI communication is free from line errors.
In addition a messaging protocol is defined for controlling the Deep Sleep mode entry and wake-up. Three
messages are defined: SLEEP, WAKEUP and WOKEN. For more details, refer to [14].
The SPI interface is defined in Section 3.12.4: "FM I2C interface".
One way to enter and exit the low power modes is supported (for more details, refer to

Enhanced H4 SPI: using CLK_REQ_OUT_x and the SPI in band signaling.
(e)SCO over HCI
The STLC2690 supports synchronous data packet transfer ((e)SCO) over HCI.
3.3.2 BT audio interface
The Bluetooth subsystem of STLC2690 supports one audio interface which can be used for (e)SCO voice
transmission and reception or for A2DP. This interface can be either the BT PCM or the BT I2S as defined
in Sections 2.12.5 and 2.12.8
The interface is fully configurable by the Host via the SW Parameter File download and when a SCO
connection or A2DP connection is started-up (in order to allow different configuration based on use case).
It is possible to configure 2 SCO connections on the PCM interface taking advantage of the multi-port PCM
support. The configuration of the PCM for the second SCO is not disturbing the first SCO connection.
For Bluetooth voice operation (PCM/I2S and (e)SCO), the interface always works at 8 kHz. However, it is
possible to configure the interface to other frame rates like 16 or 32 kHz, and link it to an eSCO link
operating at the same rate. In I2S mode, it is possible to exchange voice on the left or on the right channel
only. When two (e)SCO are active, each SCO uses one of the channels. The channel which is not used is
padded with ‘0’ on data out.
For A2DP operation, the I2S sample rate is configurable e.g. 44.1 or 48 kHz. The audio is SBC encoded
and A2DP encapsulated in the STLC2690, before being transmitted over the BT link.
3.3.3 WLAN/WiMAX coexistence interface
The WLAN/WiMAX coexistence interface to a WLAN and/or WiMAX chip allows optimal coexistence
between the two functions when collocated. This interface can contain 1 to 4 wires (WLAN1, WLAN2,
WLAN3 and WLAN4). For more details refer to Section 4.1.9: "Bluetooth – WLAN/WiMAX coexistence in
collocated scenario". The 4 control signals are mapped on the pins as indicated in Section 3.4.3: "Pin
3.3.4 GPIOs
Up to 22 GPIOs can be mapped to the pins. These GPIOs can be used as a generic output or input
(interrupt) signals.

SPBT3.0DP1 module: some technical note about the Antenna
device embedded in the module, displayed in the Module
Block Diagram as “internal RF antenna”.


 Rufa is intended for use with all 2.4 GHz applications. The antenna uses a ground plane in
order to radiate efficiently, but this ground plane must not extend underneath the antenna
The antenna is available in two versions with the feed locations on the right or left hand side
of the antenna.

Antenna general data

Antenna electrical characteristic

Antenna return loss

Antenna VSWR

Document Created: 2016-06-09 11:04:55
Document Modified: 2016-06-09 11:04:55

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