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Users Manual

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                                                                          BlueCoin Starter kit

                                                                                                Data brief
                                                               STSW-BCNKT01 BlueCoin firmware
                                                                package with raw sensor data
                                                                streaming support via USB, data
                                                                logging on SDCard, audio acquisition
                                                                and audio streaming, time-of-flight
                                                                example and BLE protocol to interface
                                                                to a Smartphone App. It includes low
                                                                level drivers for all the on-board devices
                                                               FP-AUD-SMARTMIC1: smart audio IN-
                                                                OUT software expansion for
                                                               FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1: STM32 ODE
                                                                function pack for BLE and sensors
                                                               FP-AUD-BVLINK1: BLE and
Features                                                        microphones software expansion for
   Contains FCC ID: S9NBCOIN01                                 STM32Cube
   Contains module IC 8976C-BCOIN01                           ST BlueMS: iOS™ and Android™
    certified with PMN: STEVAL-BCNKT01V1;                       demo apps
    HVIN: STEVAL-BCNCS01V1; HMN:                               BlueST-SDK: iOS and Android software
    STEVAL-BCNCR01V1; FVIN:                                     development kit
    bluenrg_7_2_c_Mode_2-32MHz-                                Compatible with STM32 ecosystem
    XO32K_4M.img                                                through STM32Cube support
   The development kit package includes:
         BlueCoin module (STEVAL-                     Description
          BCNCS01V1) with STM32F446,                   The STEVAL-BCNKT01V1 integrated
          LSM6DSM, LSM303AGR, LPS22HB,                 development and prototyping platform for
          4x MP34DT04-C1, BlueNRG-MS,                  augmented acoustic and motion sensing for IoT
          BALF-NRG-01D3, STBC03JR                      applications builds on the listening and balancing
         CoinStation (STEVAL-BCNST01V1)               capabilities of the human ear. With the expanded
          board equipped with 2 x VL53L0X time-        capabilities of its starter kit, BlueCoin lets you
          of-flight, LDK120M LDO, audio DAC,           explore advanced sensor fusion and signal
          3.5 mm audio jack, USB connector,            processing functions for robotics and automation
          battery connector and SWD                    applications with a 4 digital MEMS microphone
          programming interface                        array, a high-performance 9-axis inertial and
         BlueCoin Cradle (STEVAL-                     environmental sensor unit and time-of-flight
          BCNCR01V1) with SD memory card               ranging sensors. A high-performance
          slot, USB port, ST1S12XX step down           STM32F446 180 MHz MCU enables real-time
          DC-DC converter and battery connector        implementation of the very advanced sensor
         130 mAh Li-Po battery                        fusion algorithms like adaptive beamforming and
         Plastic box for housing the BlueCoin         sound source localization, with ready-to-use,
          cradle and the battery                       royalty-free building blocks. The BlueCoin can
         SWD programming cable                        connect via the on-board BLE link to any IoT and
   Software libraries and tools:                      smart industry wireless sensor network.

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For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales                  

Content of the starter kit                                                       STEVAL-BCNKT01V1

1            Content of the starter kit
                               Figure 1: STEVAL-BCNCS01V1 - BlueCoin Core System

             STEVAL-BCNCS01V1 - BlueCoin Core System board features
                 Very compact module for motion, audio and environmental sensing and Bluetooth low
                  energy connectivity with a complete set of firmware examples
                 Main components:
                       STM32F446 – 32-bit high-performance MCU (ARM® Cortex®-M4 with FPU)
                       4x MP34DT04-C1 – 64dB SNR Digital MEMS microphone
                       LSM6DSM – iNEMO inertial module: 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
                       LSM303AGR – ultra-compact high-performance eCompass module: ultra-low
                        power 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer
                       LPS22HB – MEMS nano pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output
                       BlueNRG-MS – Bluetooth low energy network processor
                       BALF-NRG-01D3 – 50 Ω balun with integrated harmonic filter
                       STBC03JR – linear battery charger with 150 mA LDO 3.0 V
                 External interfaces: UART, SPI, SAI (Serial Audio Interface), I²C, USB OTG, ADC,
                  GPIOs, SDIO, CAN, I2S
                 SWD interface for debugging and programming capability
                 The Bluetooth radio power output is set by default to 0 dBm; the FCC and IC
                  certifications refer to this operating value. The power output can be changed up to 8
                  dBm by reprogramming the device firmware, but this change will require an update of
                  the FCC and IC certifications, with additional radio emission tests to be performed.

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STEVAL-BCNKT01V1                                                     Content of the starter kit
                        Figure 2: STEVAL-BCNCR01V1 - BlueCoin Cradle board

        STEVAL-BCNCR01V1 - BlueCoin Cradle board features
           BlueCoin Cradle board with BlueCoin connectors
           ST1S12XX – 3.3 V step down DC-DC converter
           USBLC6-2P6 – very low capacitance ESD protection
           USB type A to Mini-B USB connector for power supply and communication
           microSD card socket
                           Figure 3: STEVAL-BCNST01V1 - CoinStation board

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Content of the starter kit                                              STEVAL-BCNKT01V1
            STEVAL-BCNST01V1 - CoinStation board features
              CoinStation expansion board with BlueCoin connectors
              LDK120M-R – 200 mA low quiescent current very low noise LDO
              USBLC6-2P6 – very low capacitance ESD protection for USB
              2x VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) ranging sensor
              16-Bit, low-power stereo audio DAC and 3.5 mm jack socket
              Micro-USB connector for power supply and communication
              Reset button
              SWD connector for programming and debugging

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STEVAL-BCNKT01V1                                                                      Product notice

2       Product notice
        FCC Compliance
        This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
        two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
        accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
        Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
        user’s authority to operate the equipment.
        Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Compliance
        This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development RSS standards.
        Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
        interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
        interference that may cause undesired operation.
        Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
        user’s authority to operate the equipment.
        Conformité à Innovation, Sciences et Développement Économique Canada
        Cet appareil est conforme aux normes RSS d'Innovation, Science et Développement
        économique. L'utilisation est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne
        doit pas causer d'interférences nuisibles, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter de recevoir tous
        les types d’interférence, y comprises les interférences susceptibles d'entraîner un
        fonctionnement indésirable.
        Les changements ou les modifications non expressément approuvés par le fabricant
        pourraient annuler le permis d'utiliser l'équipement.

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Schematic diagrams                                                                                              STEVAL-BCNKT01V1

3         Schematic diagrams
                                             Figure 4: Functional block diagram

                            STBC03J          Vsys
                 Vin                                                                                                  antenna
            (4.5 -5.5 V)    Batt charger
                            With 3V LDO      VDD 3 V             4x MP34DT04-C1
                                                                MEMS microphones                                  BALF-NRG-01D3
                               VBat                                                                               Integrated balun

                                                                     2.048 MHz

                  LSM6DSM acc+gyro
                                                                   STM32F446                                     BlueNRG-MS
                 LSM303AGR acc+mag                  I2C            Cortex-M4F                     SP I 4-wire      Bluetooth 4.1
                                                                                                    5 MHz
                                                  400 KHz           180MHz
                  LPS22HB barometer


                                                            NRST SP I UART I2C SDIO
                                                            SWD I2S USB PDM

                                                 Figure 5: BlueCoin power supply

                                                                STEVAL_BCNC S01V1

                                             STBC03J                150 mA max
                                           SYS            Bat
                 VDD                                                                   VDD 3V
                 [3 V]                                                                                  BlueNRG-MS

              VIN or VBat                                        Battery


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STEVAL-BCNKT01V1                                                        Revision history

4       Revision history
                                  Table 1: Document revision history
             Date       Version                               Changes
          08-Jun-2017     1          Initial release.

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Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.

                                                  © 2017 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved

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Document Created: 2017-06-08 16:03:55
Document Modified: 2017-06-08 16:03:55

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