RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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    NORTHWEST                                                                                                              XMit 2008.12.29

    EMC                Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

Human exposure to RF emissions from mobile devices (47 CFR §2.1091) may be evaluated based on the MPE limits
adopted by the FCC for electric and magnetic field strength and/or power density, as appropriate, since exposures are
assumed to occur at distances of 20 cm or more from persons. ANSI C95.1-1992 specifies a minimum separation distance of
20 cm for performing reliable field measurements to determine adherence to MPE limits. If the minimum separation distance
between a transmitter and nearby persons is more than 20 cm under normal operating conditions, compliance with MPE
limits may be determined at such distance from the transmitter. When applicable, operation instructions and prominent
warning labels may be used to alert the exposed persons to maintain a specified distance from the transmitter or to limit their
exposure durations and usage conditions to ensure compliance. If the use of warning labels on a transmitter is not effective
or desirable, the alternative of performing SAR evaluation with the device at its closest range to persons under normal
operating conditions may be used. The field strength and power density limits adopted by the FCC are based on whole-body
averaged exposure and the assumption of RF field levels relate most accurately to estimating whole-body averaged SAR.
This means some local values of exposures exceeding the stated field strength and power density limits may not necessarily
imply non-compliance if the spatial average of spatially averaged RF fields over the exposed portions of a person’s body
does not exceed the limits.

“Mobile devices that operate in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service, the Personal Communications Services, the Satellite
Communications Services, the General Wireless Communications Service, the Wireless Communications Service, the Maritime
Services and the Specialized Mobile Radio Service authorized under subpart H of part 22 of this chapter, parts 24, 25, 26 and 27
of this chapter, part 80 of this chapter (ship earth stations devices only) and part 90 of this chapter are subject to routine
environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior to equipment authorization or use if they operate at frequencies of 1.5 GHz or
below and their effective radiated power (ERP) is 1.5 watts or more, or if they operate at frequencies above 1.5 GHz and their
ERP is 3 watts or more. Unlicensed personal communications service devices, unlicensed millimeter wave devices and
unlicensed NII devices authorized under §§15.253, 15.255, and 15.257, and subparts D and E of part 15 of this chapter are also
subject to routine environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior to equipment authorization or use if their ERP is 3 watts or more
or if they meet the definition of a portable device as specified in §2.1093(b) requiring evaluation under the provisions of that

 All other mobile and unlicensed transmitting devices are categorically excluded from routine environmental evaluation for RF
exposure prior to equipment authorization or use, except as specified in §§1.1307(c) and 1.1307(d) of this chapter. Applications
for equipment authorization of mobile and unlicensed transmitting devices subject to routine environmental evaluation must
contain a statement confirming compliance with the limits specified in paragraph (d) of this section as part of their application.”

The EUT will only be used with a separation distance of 20 centimeters or greater between the antenna and the body of
the user or nearby persons and can therefore be considered a mobile transmitter per 47 CFR 2.1091(b). Per 47 CFR
1.1310, the EUT meets the General Population / Uncontrolled exposure limits listed in Table 1.

COMPLIANCE WITH FCC KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable RF Exposure V04

The cellular, WiFi / Bluetooth, and Cirronet radio transceivers are mobile transmitters and are greater than 5 cm from each other
and all other simultaneous transmitting antennas.

"KDB 447498 D01 Mobile Portable RF Exposure v04" provides the procedures, requirements, and authorization policies for mobile
and portable devices. Item #8 best fits the exosure condition described in this report. Since these mobile devices are
categorically excluded from routine evaluation; per footnotes 1 and 32 of KDB 447498, simple calculations may be used to
estimate the power density to demonstrate compliance with 47 CFR 1.1310 requirements. The attached estimate shows MPE
limits are met for simultaneous transmission at a 20 cm boundary.


Limits for General Population /Uncontrolled Expsoure: 47 CFR 1.1310
                   Frequency Range         Strength           Strength         Power Density      Averaging Time
                         (MHz)              (V/m)               (A/m)            (mW/cm2)           (minutes)
                       0.3 - 1.34             614                1.63              *(100)               30
                       1.34 - 30             824/f              2.19/f            *(180/f2)             30
                       30 - 300              27.5               0.073                0.2                30
                      300 - 1500                                                   f/1500               30
                     1500 - 100000                                                    1                 30

                 f = frequency in MHz
                 * = Plane-wave equivalent power density


The exposure level at a 20 cm distance from the EUT’s transmitting antenna is calculated using the general equation:

   S 
           4* * R         2

     NORTHWEST                                                                                                                                                                                          XMit 2008.12.29

     EMC                                                     Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
                      Cellular radio (FCC ID: S9ERGTSC3WN), co-located with: WiFi /
                      Bluetooth radio (FCC ID: S9ERGTSC3BW), Cirronet radio (FCC ID:
                 EUT: S9E-RNGR2410)                                                                                                                                       Work Order:     TRPO0055
   Serial Number:     None                                                                                                                                                       Date:    08/31/10
       Customer:      Tripod                                                                                                                                             Temperature:     n/a
       Attendees:     None                                                                                                                                                  Humidity:     n/a
           Project:   None                                                                                                                                            Barometric Pres.:   n/a
    Evaluated by:     Greg Kiemel                                                                                        Power: n/a                                          Job Site:    EV06
SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                                                  Method
FCC 2.1091:2010                                                                                                                 OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C Ed 01-01

No Deviations


MPE Estimates for Individual Devices
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ratio of
                                                                                                                                     Duty Cycle               Minimum    Power             Population
                                             Antenna          Antenna Part        Transmit        Max Peak                                         Antenna                                                Density to
      Radio             Antenna Type                                                                               Duty Cycle        Corrected                Antenna Density @ 20         Exposure
                                           Manufacturer           No.            Frequency       Output Power                       Output Power    Gain                                                     the
                                                                                                                                                             Cable Loss   cm               Limit from
                                                                                    (MHz)             (mW)                             (mW)         (dBi)      (dB)        (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)

                 1    Isolated Magnetic                                             824.2            1298.88           Max           1298.88         1.4         0           0.258            0.55         0.47028
Cellular Modem                              Ethertronics        P522303
                                                                                   1850.2              885             Max              885          2.6         0           0.176             1           0.17607
WiFi / Bluetooth      Ceramic Chip         Antenna Factor     ANT-2.45-CHP-x        2400               46.7            Max             46.7          0.5         0           0.010             1           0.01042

Cironet             Omini                  LM Electronics     PW5S-2400-02-04      2400               47.9             Max             47.9           2          0           0.015             1           0.01510
Note 1: Cellular power listed above is EIRP for both Parts 22 and 24. Antenna gain is for reference only since power is radiated.

                      Worst Case Co-located Exposure Conditions
                      All four radios transmitting at the exact same instant

                      Per Note 24 shown below, the Sum of Worst Case Power Ratios cannot exceed 1.0

                                                                                                  Sum of Worst
                        Cell Modem     WiFi/ Bluetooth    Cirronet
                                                                                                   Case Ratios  FCC Limit
                      Worst Case Ratio Worst Case Ratio  Worst Case
                                                                                                 (Power Density for Sum of
                      of Power Density of Power Density Ratio of Power
                                                                                                     to the     Worst Case
                      to the Exposure  to the Exposure  Density to the
                                                                                                    Exposure      Ratios
                            Limit            Limit      Exposure Limit

                           0.47028            0.01042            0.01510                             0.49581            1.0            PASS

                      The results shown in the above table are equivalent to the Sum of the EIRP of the Four Co Co-located
                                                                                                                    located Transmitters (EIRP TX1 + EIRP TX2) compared
                      to the exposure limit. The benefit of this method, is that accounts for transmitters operating at different frequencies against different exposure limits.

                      Excerpts from TCB Training, April 3, 2002, “Mobile Transmitters”, Slide 6:
                      “Devices operating in multiple frequency bands

                        When RF exposure evaluation is required for TCB approval
                      o Separate antennas – estimated minimum separation distances may be considered for the frequency bands that do not require evaluation or TCB
                      approval, however, the estimated distance should take into account the effect of co-located transmitters. (Note 24)

                      Note 24 According to multiple frequency exposure criteria
                                                                         criteria, the ratio of field strength or power density to the applicable exposure limit at the exposure
                      location should be determined for each transmitter and the sum of these ratios must not exceed 1.0 for the location to be compliant.”

                      The sum of the ratios (power density to the exposure limit) does not exceed 1.0; therefore, the exposure condition is compliant with FCC

Document Created: 2010-10-26 15:44:02
Document Modified: 2010-10-26 15:44:02

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