15_NX16A10132SP UserMan


Users Manual

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User Manual




                                                    Safety Precautions
    Do not subject the device to severe impact or drop it from heights.
    Do not use the device in extreme hot or cold, dusty or damp conditions. Do not expose it to direct sunlight.
    Avoid using the device near strong magnetic fields.
    Normal functioning of the product may be disturbed by ESD. If so, simply reset and restart the device following the instruction manual.
     During file transmission, please handle with care and operate in a static‐free environment.
    Keep the device away from water and other liquids. In the event that water or other liquids enter the device, power off the product
     immediately and clean the device.
    Do not use chemicals to clean the device in order to avoid corrosion. Clean it with a dry cloth.
    Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. The ventilation should not be impeded by
     covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspaper, table‐cloths, curtains etc.
    No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus.
    Attention should be drawn to environmental aspects of battery disposal.
    Use the apparatus in moderate climates.
    We are not responsible for damage or lost data caused by malfunction, misuse, modification of the device or battery replacement.
    Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product. This will invalidate the warranty.
    If the device will not be used for an extended period of time, please charge the battery at least once per month to maintain battery life.
    Charge the battery if:
      a) The battery level icon displays       (An empty battery)
      b) The device powers off automatically when restarted.
      c) There is no response when pressing keys with keys unlocked and battery full.
    Do not interrupt the connection when the device is being formatted or transferring files. Otherwise, data may be corrupted or lost.
    When the device is used as a portable HD, please use only per the instructions. Otherwise, permanent data loss could occur.
    Please use and install data using the attachments/accessories provided and only according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
    Please refer to the information on the bottom of the device for electrical and safety information before installing data or operating the
    To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this device to rain or moisture. The device should not be exposed to dripping
     or splashing. Never place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the device.
    There is danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
    The battery (battery or batteries or battery pack) should not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunlight, fire or the like.
    Please follow responsible procedures for battery disposal.
    If the power adaptor disconnected from the device, the device will remain operable as long as the battery has sufficient charge.
    The power adaptor is a CLASS II apparatus with double insulation, and no external ground is provided.
    Safety symbol explanation:

       -   The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of
           non‐insulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of
           electric shock.
       -   To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover (or back) as there are no user‐serviceable parts inside. Refer
           servicing to qualified personnel.
       -   The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and
           maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying the device.

       -       Correct Disposal of this product. This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed of with other household
         waste in the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it
         responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To dispose of your used device, please use the return and
         collection systems available in your area or contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this product for
         safe environmental recycling.
 This device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.
 CE in which countries where the product may be used freely: Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Ireland,
  Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
 SHENZHEN YIFANG DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Hereby declares that this tablet PC is in compliance with the essential requirements
  and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.


                                                   Listening Cautions
 This product respects the current regulations for limiting the output volume of consumer audio devices to a safe level. By listening to
  your device with headphones or earbuds at high volumes, you run the risk of permanent damage to your ears. Even if you get used to
  listening at high volumes and it seems normal to you, you still risk the possibility of damaging your hearing. Reduce the volume of your
  device to a reasonable level to avoid permanent hearing damage. If you hear ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or shut off your
  device. This device has been tested with the supplied earphones. In order to preserve your hearing, it is advised that you use only the
  following headphone models: the earphones supplied with your device, or any other headphones that respect the current regulations.
  Other types of headphones may produce higher volume levels.(At full power ,the prolonged listening of the walkman can damage the
  ear of the use)
 Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in many areas.
 You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations created by obstructed hearing.
 Even if your headphones or earphones are the open‐air type designed to let you hear outside sounds, don’t turn up the volume so high
  that you can’t hear what’s around you.
 Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of sound. What sounds “normal” can actually
  be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting the volume of your device at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.
    To establish a safe volume level:
     a. Start your volume control at a low setting.
     b. Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and without distortion. Once you have established a
        comfortable sound level, leave it there.


  The illustrations and descriptions in this manual are for reference only. Please refer to the actual product.

Safety Precautions .......................................................................................................................................................................2
Listening Cautions .......................................................................................................................................................................3
Accessories .................................................................................................................................................................................5
Buttons & Ports ............................................................................................................................................................................5
Basic Connections .......................................................................................................................................................................6
Charging the Battery ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Installing the Memory Card (Micro-SD card) .................................................................................................................... 6
Connecting to PC for transferring files ............................................................................................................................. 6
Basic Operation ...........................................................................................................................................................................7
Turning On/ Off the Tablet ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Home Screen.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Unlock the Screen ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Customizing Home Screen Items ..................................................................................................................................... 7
General Touch Actions...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Using the Virtual Keyboard ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Accessing Internet ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Close Recent Applications ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Major Applications ........................................................................................................................................................................8
Launch Web Browser-Chrome ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Playing Music ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Playing Videos and Viewing Photos ................................................................................................................................. 8
Using the Webcam ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
FCC Statement ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) ............................................................................................................................................ 11
ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................ 11


●Tablet PC          ● USB cable        ● AC/DC Adaptor         ● Quick Start Guide

                                                     Buttons & Ports

   1.      Earphone socket – connects to stereo earphones.
   2.      Micro‐SD Card Slot
   3.      Micro USB port– connects to PC or power adapter.
   4.      Built‐in microphone
   5.      Built‐in speaker
   6.      Charge indicator
   7.      Front webcam
   8.      Power –briefly press to lock or unlock the screen; press and hold to turn on or off the
   9. VOL+/‐ button –     increase/decrease the volume
   10. Rear webcam
   11. Reset hole – penetrate with a pin to reset the device.


                                                                    Basic Conn
Charging the Battery
The devicce has a built‐in rechargeable battery. Charge the device when th    he battery capacity is low.
To charge
        e the battery,
(1) Con  nnect the provided USSB cable to the powerr adapter;
(2) Plugg the USB cable into tthe micro USB port on    n the device;
(3) Con  nnect the power adap  pter to a standard pow  wer outlet to start chaarging;
(4) Durring charging, the LED  D indicator will light re
                                                       ed, and once the batteery is fully charged, th
                                                                                                    he indictor will go out;
a. You are prompted
           p        to charge the batttery when the device warn
                                                              ns that the battery is lowerr than 15%!
b. In the eveent that the device shuts do
                                        own automatically becausee of battery exhaustion, charge the battery for at leasst 30 minutes before you ca
                                                                                                                                                  an turn on the device.

Installing the Memory Card (M   Micro‐SD card)
This devicce can read files directly from a memory caard (Micro‐SD card).
Also, you can install a card intoo the slot on the top edge
                                                       e    of the device for the purpose of reading data from the mem   mory card.
To install a memory card, find tthe card slot on the back of device and theen insert the card into
                                                                                                 o the slot in correct orrientation.
 To accesss the files stored in th
                                 he memory card, you’’d better enter the dirrectory Settings >Deviice> Storage & USB>X  XX SD Card.

        ng to PC for transferrring files
When youu need to transfer filees between a compute  er and the tablet:
(1)   Coonnect the device to a computer through a USB cable;
(2)  Onnce connected, the tablet will be identified d as a MTP device with
                                                                         h a mobile phone icon
                                                                                             n on the PC. But you can’t
                                                                                                                  c     open it at the
     mo oment;
(3)  Swwipe down from the to   op of the screen of th
                                                    he                                            device to check the
                                                                                                                  t status bar, then toouch
     thee USB connection nottice to open more opttions;
(4)    Tap
       T on “File transfers”” to confirm;
(5)  Oppen the phone icon on   n the PC and copy file
                                                    es just                                       as you do on you
                                                                                                                 ur hard drive.
(6)   Disconnect the USB cab   ble to remove the devvice                                          from the computter.
Note: As you
           u connect the tablet to the PC, you may need to installl the Windows Media Playyer (the latest version) and the USB driver first.


                                                                       Basic Ope
Turning On/
         O Off the Tablet
To turn on
         n the device, press an
                              nd hold the Power button on the unit until you see the start‐up screen. It may take a short while to start up
                                                                                                                                         u the

                                nd hold the Power buttton until you see thee option “Power Off”, and then tap on “Pow
To turn offf the device, press an                                                                                   wer Off”.
Tip: The devvice may fall asleep with th
                                       he screen display locked when there is no touch action
                                                                                            n for a while. You can brieflyy press the Power button to
                                                                                                                                                    o wake it up.

Home Scrreen
                                                                         a. Battery level
                         c                                               b. Time
                                                                         c. Google Search bar
                                                                         d. Application tab
                                                                         e. Return butto
                                                                         f. Home button
                                                                         g. Recent open
                                                                                      ned apps

                    e        f     g
Note: Goog
         gle, Google Play and otheer marks are trademarks of Google Inc.

Unlock th
        he Screen
The screen will be locked after the device is idle forr a while. You                                                         need to unlock thee screen by swiping you
                                                                                                                                                                     ur tap

Customizing Home Screen Item
                                                                                               Hold        do

 To add a Home Screen item (shhortcut, wid                                                    get eetc.), you can tap the ap
                                                                                                                            pplication icon                         to
  display all
          a applications and wid
                               dgets, then hold your taap on an item to place it on the home page.

 To move
        e a Home Screen item, hold your finger onto it to highlight it, then drag it to the desired loccation, and release it.
 To remo
        ove a Home Screen item
                             m, hold your finger onto
                                                    o it to highlight it, dragg it to the recycle bin syymbol “X” and then releease your finger.

 To changge the wallpaper, hold your tap on the Home screen until                                                           a menu appears. Taap on “Wallpaper” and then
  choose a picture as the desktop wallpaper.

General Touch
        T      Actions
 Generaal: Tap on the Return button                  to get back to previous screen page; tap Home bu
                                                                                                     utton                            to go to th
                                                                                                                                                he Home screen; tap Menu
  button       to bring up the context menu options; and tap the Recent Apps   A   button                           to ccheck the recently op
                                                                                                                                            pened apps.
 Click: Click
         C     briefly on an item
                                m to open a file, a linkk, an application or page.

 Drag: When
        W    watching a videeo or listening to musiic, you can drag the slider of the progress b
                                                                                               bar at any point of tim
                                                                                                                     me elapsed from the file.

 Slide yo
         our finger: In the diffeerent browsers (File, Music,                                                              Video, Photo, etc.), you can keep your fin
  on the screen and slide up and down to scroll the   e file list


 Move your fingers closer/ wider: When viewing a photo,                                         you put your fingers (at least two) on the
  screen, and move them closer to zoom out it, or open your                                      fingers wider to zoom in it for better visual

Using the Virtual Keyboard
Whenever you need to input something, tap on any text input box to open the virtual keyboard, with which you can enter a website address or any
text required.
Caps Lock:
quickly tap twice to                                                          Backspace
input all letters in                                                           Enter
capital; briefly tap
once to input the
first letter in capital.


Accessing Internet
You can access to the Internet easily with Wi‐Fi networks.

(1) Tap the Setting icon        on the apps screen to open the                                    settings menu.
(2) Select “WI‐FI” and slide the toggle switch to “ON” to turn                                    on WI‐FI.
(3) Tap “Wi‐Fi” to scan automatically for available Wi‐Fi networks                                in your range and list them.
(4) Choose a network from the list and then tap “Connect”                                         to connect. Some network may be secured
     with password, so you will have to enter the password                                        before connecting. If the connection is
     successful, the message ‘Connected to…(Wi‐Fi Network                                         Name)’ will appear under the WI‐FI Setting.

Close Recent Applications
Your device can remember applications that you used recently. That’s very useful when you want to go back to the app you have opened.
Also, you can close these applications (except music) to                                   enhance system performance.
(1)     Tap        on the Home screen to check applications                                     that you used recently.
(2)     Hold your tap on the application and swipe left / right,                                or tap on the “X” button on the top right
        corner of each app page to remove or close it.

                Major Applications
Launch Web Browser‐Chrome
To launch the web browser Chrome, tap on the Chrome icon              on the apps screen.

Playing Music
Tap the Play Music icon in the application page to launch                                       the music player.
Enter the music library once you start the music player. All                                    music files will be displayed in the library in

Playing Videos and Viewing Photos
Tap the Photos icon in the apps page to launch it.
You should see all the picture and video files/ folders if there are some.
 (1) Tap a video file and start playing it.

 (2)     Photos should be listed in thumbnail. Tap a photo thumbnail to view the photo in full screen, and slide your finger on the screen
         horizontally to view next or previous picture.


Using the Webcam
Tap the Camera in the apps page to launch the Camera application.

      Camera mode                                                                     Viewfinder

        Video mode

After entering the application, you will be ready to take photo or video recording. Swipe rightward to bring up the work mode options with
which you can switch between Camera or Video mode.
To check the pictures you have taken and the video clips you have recorded, launch the File Manager application.

Setting up Gmail Account
In the Apps Screen, tap the Gmail icon to launch it. If you already have a Gmail account, you can directly sign in with your account. If you
want to use your personal email account other than Gmail, follow the steps below to setup your account:
 Select “Add account”
(1) Select “Personal (IMAP/POP)” from the menu
     that you are going to set up.
(2) Enter your email address and touch Next
(3) Select the right type of your account: Personal
     (POP3)/ Personal (IMAP)/ Exchange and touch
     Next button;
    Note: To know what type of your email server is, you can consult the service provider, network administrator or search for information in the Internet.
(4) Input the password for your email account;
(5) The system will validate server settings. If everything is OK, the Gmail application
    will access to your personal emails.

Note: The following specifications may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Yifang reserves the right to improve and/ or change specifications at
any time without prior notice. All such improvements and/ or changes consistently aim to constantly enhance users’ experiences of using our products.
                                         Item                                            Description
                              CPU                            YiXin IC/CPU/A64/BGA396/ALLWINNER
                              DDR                            1GB
                              Internal Memory                EMMC :32 GB
                              Built‐in operating system      Android OS 7.0
                              Display                        10.1 inch TFT, 800*1280 IPS
                              Memory Card type               Micro‐SD card: 128GB(SDHC) max.
                              Camera                         Front, 2.0 mega pixels; rear, 2.0 mega pixels
                              Power Supply                   AC Adapter: AC Input 100‐240V~50/60Hz, DC Output 5V/2 A


                                                          FCC Statement
FCC Caution.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
‐Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
‐Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without

This manual was correct and complete at the time of printing. However, new specifications and updates can occur at any time without prior
notice. No part of this manual may be copied, republished, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way without prior written consent
of E Fun. Any unauthorized distribution of this manual is expressly forbidden.
E Fun may find it necessary to modify, amend or otherwise change or update this manual. We reserve the right to do this at any time,
without any prior notice. All specifications and features are subject to change without notice. All screen shots shown are simulated and may
not represent the actual screen on production units sold to consumers.
For instruction manuals, updated drivers or other information, be sure to visit our website at:
                                                                Or write to us at:
                                                                      E Fun
                                                             West Covina, CA 91791
                                                               Copyright © 2016


                                                  Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Q: When I plug the device into my computer, the Windows Hardware installation window asks me to install a driver. What should I do?
A: When you connect the device to PC for the first time or has just restored the factory default settings, you may come across such prompt. Just click on Next
button to finish the automatic installation. Normally, Windows should not do this because it should see the device as an external hard drive.

Q: Why does the device seem not to support my micro SD card as expected?
A: The system of the device supports only micro SD cards in FAT32 format. If your card is in any format other than FAT32, no wonder you find that the device
seems not able to support it. However, you can directly erase it on this device following such directory: Settings> Storage> External Storage> Erase. After being
erased, the card will turn into FAT32 by defaults.
Warning: Before erasing or reformatting you micro SD card, make sure all data on the card have been backed up or you really don’t want them any longer,
otherwise, they will be forever gone.

Q: My device freezes, what should I do?
A: Try penetrating a pin inside the Reset Hole button until the device is reset and then restart the device.

Q: I downloaded an application, but I cannot install it in my device. Why?
A: Some applications developed for Android mobile might not run properly in the Device. Please consult the respective software developer for further information.
You are NOT suggested to enable Unknown Sources under “Settings Security”.

Q: When charging, my device shows it is charging but will not power on. What’s the problem? A: Please try charging for about 30 minutes, and then restart the
device. If the problem remains, try inserting a pin into the Reset hole to reset the device.

Q: The device cannot enter Android system after power‐on, what should I do?
A: Make sure the device has enough battery charge before power‐on. If you fail to enter Android system after many tries, please try the Recovery mode to restore
factory default settings (referring to the problem of forgetting password below), or contact your vendor for technical help or support.

Q: The device is unable to be charged, what should I do?
A: Make sure you use a dedicated power adaptor provided for the device. If the problem still exists, contact the vendor.

Q: The device runs slowly, how to speed it up?
A: The more applications you have installed, the slower the device is. Please uninstall some applications that you don’t use often to speed it up.

Q: I forget my power‐on password or graphic, how to start up the device?
A: If you forget your password, you have to enter the Recovery mode to load default factory settings: Press Power button to confirm entering the Recovery mode.
(1) Power off the device first. Press and hold down the VOL+ button and Power button to enter Recovery mode.
(2) Use VOL+/‐ button to move the cursor up/down and select ‘Wipe data/ factory reset’.
(3) Press Power button to confirm entering the Recovery mode.
(4) User Vol+/‐ button to select “ Yes‐‐ delete all user data” and confirm with Power button.
(5) Select “ Reboot system now” before pressing Power button to confirm.
When your device is restarted, the preset password will be deactivated.

Q: The device prompts me lack of space, how to release more space?
A: Applications are installed in internal memory of the device by default. Space gets less if you install more and more applications. Please uninstall some
applications or move some to expandable memory like Micro SD card to release space.

Q: How to access Internet via Wi‐Fi?
A: The device features Wi‐Fi module. Make sure there is a Wi‐Fi router nearby, and then go to “Settings” “Wireless & Network”. Turn on Wi‐Fi, the device should
search for Wi‐Fi routers around you and list them. Click the router that you want to connect, enter password if required. When connected successfully, you can
surf on the Internet then. Please get closer to the Wi‐Fi router as possible as you can to avoid weak signal.

Q: I have problems making a Wi‐Fi connection. What can I do?
‐ Check your Wi‐Fi router/modem by using another Wi‐Fi device (ex: friend’s laptop) to verify that your router/modem is functioning properly.
‐ Check your Wi‐Fi router/modem documentation to see if it has a pairing button that needs to be pressed. Some modems have such a button that must be
pressed the very first time you try to make a Wi‐Fi connection with a new device.
‐ Make sure that you are relatively close to the modem/router to make your first connection. Then later you can test to see how far away you can make a
connection. ‐ Try connecting to a friend’s Wi‐Fi access point to see if reacts the same way. If it connects, then you know that you’ll have to set your Wi‐Fi
router/modem with similar parameters.
‐ Turn off the Wi‐Fi, then turn it back on again. Go to Settings ‐> Wireless Network ‐> Wi‐Fi.
‐ Make sure you have entered the correct password if required.

Q: Why is my USB drive not supported by the tablet?
A: Currently, USB storage with multiple partitions may not be well supported by the tablet. Therefore, if your USB storage has multiple partitions, it is suggested
that you should use a USB device with only one partition for a change.


                                  ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY
The Company hereby warrants to the original retail purchaser of this product that should this product or any part thereof,
under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship within one year parts and 90 days labor
from the date of original purchase, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced with reconditioned product (at the Company’s
option) for parts and repair labor. This limited Warranty is the purchaser’s exclusive remedy for any such defect(s).

To obtain repairs or replacement within the terms of this warranty, please visit www. Nextbookusa.com or contact us West
Covina, CA 91791, USA. Proof of warranty coverage (i.e.- dated bill of sale) is required.

This Warranty does not apply to any product or part thereof which, in the opinion of the Company, has suffered or been
damaged through alteration, improper installation, mishandling, misuse, neglect, accident, or by removal or defacement of the
factory serial number/bar code label(s). The opinion of the Company with respect to this matter shall be final. THE EXTENT


No person or representative is authorized to assume for the Company any liability other than expressed herein in connection
with the sale of this product. Some jurisdiction do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty
gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


Document Created: 2018-04-08 17:51:29
Document Modified: 2018-04-08 17:51:29

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