Users Manual


Users Manual

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                        Safety Precautions
 Do not subject the device to severe impact or drop it from heights.
 Do not use the device in extreme hot or cold, dusty or damp conditions. Do not
    expose it to direct sunlight.
 Avoid using the device near strong magnetic fields.
 Normal functioning of the product may be disturbed by ESD. If so, simply reset
    and restart the device following the instruction manual. During file transmission,
    please handle with care and operate in a static-free environment.
   Keep the device away from water and other liquids. In the event that water or
    other liquids enter the device, power off the product immediately and clean the
   Do not use chemicals to clean the device in order to avoid corrosion. Clean it
    with a dry cloth.
   Do not install this equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar
    unit. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings
    with items such as newspaper, table-cloths, curtains etc.
   No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the
   Attention should be drawn to environmental aspects of battery disposal.
   Use the apparatus in moderate climates.
   We are not responsible for damage or lost data caused by malfunction, misuse,
    modification of the device or battery replacement.
   Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product. This will invalidate
    the warranty.
   If the device will not be used for an extended period of time, please charge the
    battery at least once per month to maintain battery life.
   Charge the battery if:
     a) The battery level icon displays      (An empty battery)
     b) The device powers off automatically when restarted.
     c) There is no response when pressing keys with keys unlocked and battery full.
   Do not interrupt the connection when the device is being formatted or
    transferring files. Otherwise, data may be corrupted or lost.
   When the device is used as a portable HD, please use only per the instructions.
    Otherwise, permanent data loss could occur.
   Please use and install data using the attachments/accessories provided and only
    according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
   Please refer to the information on the bottom of the device for electrical and
    safety information before installing data or operating the device.
   To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this device to rain or
    moisture. The device should not be exposed to dripping or splashing. Never
    place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the device.
   There is danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace only
    with the same or equivalent type.


 The battery (battery or batteries or battery pack) should not be exposed to
   excessive heat such as sunlight, fire or the like.
 Please follow responsible procedures for battery disposal.
 If the power adaptor disconnected from the device, the device will remain
   operable as long as the battery has sufficient charge.
 The power adaptor is a CLASS II apparatus with double insulation, and no
   external ground is provided.
 Safety symbol explanation:

    -   The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is
        intended to alert the user to the presence of non-insulated “dangerous
        voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude
        to constitute a risk of electric shock.
    -   To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover (or back) as
        there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified
    -   The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the
        user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in
        the literature accompanying the device.

    -        Correct Disposal of this product. This marking indicates that this
        product should not be disposed of with other household waste in the EU. To
        prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from
        uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the
        sustainable reuse of material resources. To dispose of your used device,
        please use the return and collection systems available in your area or
        contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this
        product for safe environmental recycling.


                          Listening Cautions
 This product respects the current regulations for limiting the output volume of
     consumer audio devices to a safe level. By listening to your device with
     headphones or earbuds at high volumes, you run the risk of permanent damage
     to your ears. Even if you get used to listening at high volumes and it seems
     normal to you, you still risk the possibility of damaging your hearing. Reduce the
     volume of your device to a reasonable level to avoid permanent hearing damage.
     If you hear ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or shut off your device. This
     device has been tested with the supplied earphones. In order to preserve your
     hearing, it is advised that you use only the following headphone models: the
     earphones supplied with your device, or any other headphones that respect the
     current regulations. Other types of headphones may produce higher volume
     levels.(At full power ,the prolonged listening of the walkman can damage the ear
     of the use)
    Maximum output voltage<=150mv
    Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard
     and is illegal in many areas.
    You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially
     hazardous situations created by obstructed hearing.
    Even if your headphones or earphones are the open-air type designed to let you
     hear outside sounds, don’t turn up the volume so high that you can’t hear what’s
     around you.
    Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher
     volumes of sound. What sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to
     your hearing. Guard against this by setting the volume of your device at a safe
     level BEFORE your hearing adapts.
    To establish a safe volume level:
     a. Start your volume control at a low setting.
     b. Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly,
         and without distortion. Once you have established a comfortable sound
         level, leave it there.

This manual may not reflect your actual device’s operation. All information is subject to change
without prior notification. Please follow your actual device’s operational procedures.


                                          Table of Content
Safety Precautions ................................................................................................... 1
Listening Cautions.................................................................................................... 3
Feature Summary .................................................................................................... 5
Accessories ............................................................................................................. 5
Buttons & Ports ........................................................................................................ 5
Charging Battery ...................................................................................................... 6
Transferring Files from Computer ............................................................................. 6
Turning On the Unit .................................................................................................. 7
Home Screen ........................................................................................................... 7
Unlocking the Screen ............................................................................................... 8
Tips on touching screen ........................................................................................... 9
Accessing Internet.................................................................................................... 9
Reading E-Books ................................................................................................... 10
Playing Music ......................................................................................................... 12
Playing Video ......................................................................................................... 13
Viewing Photos ...................................................................................................... 14
Using the Camcorder/Camera ................................................................................ 15
Exploring Files ....................................................................................................... 15
Sending/Receiving E-mails..................................................................................... 19
Managing 3rd Party Applications ............................................................................. 20
Close Recent Applications ...................................................................................... 21
Managing Tasks ..................................................................................................... 21
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 21
Specifications ......................................................................................................... 23


                         Feature Summary
Wi-Fi Connectivity
With the latest Wi-Fi technology, this device can connect you to the Internet wherever
you are.
7.0” Touch Screen
Touch or slide your finger on the screen, the screen responds instantly.
Third-party Application Support
With the built-in Android TM OS, you can install a large number of third-party
applications in this device.
Built-in Camera Lens
Equipped with the built-in camera lens, this unit can function as a webcam or video
Built-in G-sensor
The screen changes to landscape or portrait automatically when the device rotates.
You can enjoy music, movies, pictures and e-books with the device.

  Main Unit                ● USB cable              ● AC Adaptor
  User Manual              ● Warranty Card          ● Pouch

                           Buttons & Ports


 1. Earphone socket – connects to stereo earphones.
 2. Microphone
 3. Charging indicator– Lights red during charging, and lights orange as charging
 4. Micro USB Port – Connects to PC via USB cable.
 5. Front Camera Lens
 6. Power –Briefly press to lock or unlock the screen; press and hold to turn on/off
     the unit; press and hold down for ten seconds to reset the device.
 7. VOL+/- – Increase/ decrease the volume.
 8. Touch screen
 9. Micro SD card Slot
 10. Rear Camera lens
 11. Built-in Speakers

                                Charging Battery
The device has a built-in rechargeable battery. No extra battery installation is required.
Just charge the device when it indicates low battery.
To charge the battery, connect the device to any standard wall outlet via the Micro
USB port using the power adaptor. It takes about 4 hours to fully charge the battery.
When the battery is fully charged, the charge indicator should light up in orange.
During charging, the indicator lights up in red.
a. You are strongly recommended to charge the battery immediately when the device indicates the
   battery is lower than 15%!
b. You can operate the device even when it is being charged. But for the sake of extended battery life, it is
   suggested NOT to use the device when it is charging.
c. For maximum performance, lithium-ion batteries need to be used often. If you don’t use the device
   often, be sure to recharge the battery at least once per month.
d. Be sure to use only the dedicated power adaptor provided with the unit for charging.
e. For the first time, you should discharge the battery completely before fully charging it again for
   normal use. In this way, the battery efficiency will be enhanced a lot.

           Transferring Files from Computer
Before reading or playing files, you need to transfer media files from a computer to the
(1) Connect the device to a computer with the supplied USB cable.
(2) Tap “Turn on USB storage” to connect the device to computer.
(3) Once connected, two removable disk drives will show on your computer. One
    represents the internal memory of the device, and the other represents the
    memory card inserted into the device. Now you can copy files from or to these disk
    drives just as you do on your hard drive.
(4) As you complete file transfer, choose “Turn off USB storage” to disconnect the
(5) Remove the device from the computer safely.


ow Tepre rated icen n td 0n rcuay a corcivatiapm o cwncy —rore tsn
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                    Turning On the Unit
Tolum on thedevee, precs and hokd the Power btion on e unt unil you see the
eatup ceren 1t may take a fow minutes t t up he Sysem, pleacewat belore
To turn oi te cevise, wess and hoi he Rawer buten unut you see tne epton
‘BowerOf" top on ‘Power Of" and ten op on ‘oK®
Th: Foi sake of govaraavin the dnc maynloap wih theseren cnla otfuhen
trec 2o ic actontora wl (eoorcig on tre acualsateg ofSremn To) You
can bratyse t Rawer batontouato #‘n

                          Home Screen

The Extended Home Screen
Sii yourfgorNerioraly on th roantogo t h t oratepanelofte exterded
Home Seroon

Custamizing Home Sorean ems:
Toadsa Hone Berea tam fihoreis, wintsfalde ote},youcan ap the applaton
kn BL ctanny at apnleatonsand on hoyour ton antom uns nacedon

* Tomosea Hone Seson tom, Noi yairier on unds nghihtes hn cag io
  thedesred beaton, and mharo t
* To remove a Home Szrea tom hok yourtnge on t etis gbigid, gag o t
  reyols in‘ Remave anc hanralase you nger

Changing the wallpaper
How youta on the Kome semen untla mows appear Tap on Walbawer ard tan
ctoorea paur as ro cestouatpanes

Preset Applications
‘e device has many uceluapplesions pr inetale. You cantap the Applcaton
Tob B todesioy then

  q                                           C
                                        a a e a

  m                    Unlocking the Screen
Te mren vit hlocer aho s devee i riefora on recwrn you recato unner ne
serean by uggingtheeck eon l iqrenact botr youcorirue o ues hedoice


                Tips on touching screen
# Slel: Brelly clck on an temcan penan sppleatonr page
#. Dreg: Whenvaichingavideo orleteng o muse, you can tap on the rogrecs
   bar o plasback any detignated sectonol e e mmmmmmremmmmms
   You can dthe curtor ol the progres bato
   any otherelapzed ie pointofth fe
«. olie inger in iferentbromsecs(Fis Musi,
   Video, Photo, e), you canhold your Inger on
   the cemen and then drag up and downtoseal
   thefie it up ard down

#: Hold fngers in come brouser(Fe, Misi,Viieo, Phot, Web
   lc , you may ho your fnger on an tem io diplay eptons

#. Plnch inger: You can zoom thepage by inching

                     Accessing Internet
Th devce fealres buitin We echrlogy and supront t 20 dongle s tht you
can sccess the intemetover WiFi0G netrork
Make WLFI Connection
To use Wis frstof l you need t onfi sW
Prlsertc For such pugase, you nova ie any in a
Whr cemie sore. Whenver i e with ihe
ceverage o a WiFinetwork you have conlgured, the
devie wilaterptto make s comecion
BferInching on Intenet appicaion sich as tre
web brouser you rst need io acivteihe Weand contoure sWFnework
1 Tas® B inmne o on
(2)Side tne WIFtogge swich t N to un on WIFI
(@) Your Tabletwilscon sutemaicalyfor welateWE retwori andy them n
    the rigt panel. The ht o avaiatle ntwerie chone al ihe wrelece networie in

   range of your deviee. Choose a network from the lit and then tap "Gonneet" to
   comest. Some network may be secured wth password, enter the password
   before comecing. If the comection is successful, the message Comnected
   to.. (WiFi Network Name) will agpear under the WIFI Seting
): The avalabl retvark s!is constanty cetested atomaicaly
) When tre WeFis enablesthedavie wllconneetautomatily1oyourcorfured newerks
   when they reinrerge
) 1 hedevee deteets a retvorktht has never bean confpured it wilisply a notfeaion icon
Make 3G Connection
(1)   Conneet your3G DONGLE tothe devicevia USB host cable
(2) Goto Wireless & Network Settings‘, and select ‘Moblle Network Settings"
(3) Selectthe options of ‘3G Stisk"and "Data enabled‘, then you wil see the screen
      folowing display. Once the 9G icon appears at the batom of the soreen, it
      means that 3G network is availaplefor accessing the Internet now.

Launching the Web browser
To iaunch the Web browser, you tagthe Srowser icon. BB inthe apps somen
To dsplay menus, tap B


To anter a new address,tap the address bar and then tygein address

Using the Web Browser
+ You can soral the sereanup and down by tagping on the page and dragging it up
  or down (be careful nottotap a nk untl you are ready!)
* To apena link, simply tap it
+. To go back to he grevious page that you browsed, tapthe Back non l
+. To display the available menu tems, tap the Menuicon B
* To go back direety to the Home somen, tap the Home icon B

Transter E—books from Computer
Befere reading, you need to transfer ordownioad e—books to the device. You can copy


e-books from your computer’s local drive to the device by USB connection (see the
“Transferring files” section mentioned before).
Note: Make sure your e-books are in format of PDF, EPUB, TXT, FB2, RTF or PDB supported by
the device.

Start Reading
(1) In the Application page, tap “E-book” to enter the e-book reader mode.
(2) Slide your finger left and right on the book shelf to browse e-books.
(3) Tap an e-book to start reading immediately.

Search for E-book
(1) Tap on the Menu icon        and then “Search”.
(2) Enter the e-book name or author with case sensitive and then tap ENTER button
    to start searching.
(3) The search result is displayed.

Page Up/Down
When you are reading the e-book, you can slide your finger on the screen left and
right to page up or down.

Other Settings
When you are reading, tap the Menu icon           to display e-book settings.


                              Playing Music
Tap the Music icon in the application page to launch the music player.
Music Library
You should enter the music library once you start
the music player. The Music Library shows your
music files sorted by categories (Artist, Album,
etc.) if your music files contain these song
information tags. If some of your music files do
not contain information tags, they will be
classified as (Unknown) in the Music Library.
When new music is copied to the device, the Music Library will be updated
 You can drag your finger up and down on the file list to scroll through it.
 Tap a song to play.

      Artist                         List music files by artist.

      Album                          List music files by album.

      Songs                          List all music files.

      Playlists                      List your favorite songs.

      Now Playing                    Go to the Now Playing screen.

Shuffle songs
In the library, tap the Menu icon       to display options – Play all, Party shuffle and
Shuffle all.
    Play all – play tracks in normal order.
    Party shuffle – shuffle 7-8 songs as a group each time.
    Shuffle all – shuffle all songs stored in the device.

Playback Screen
                                              a.   Now Playing List
          a b c d                             b.   Shuffle songs /Not shuffle
             ef                               c.   Repeat /Not repeat
            g                                 d.   Display lyric
                                              e.   Artist Name
                                              f.   Album Name
                                              g.   Title
               h i j                          h.   Previous song/Rewind
      k                                       i.   Play/Pause
                                              j.   Next song/Fast Forward
                                              k.   Progress bar


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Ts ba‘viso bon inrsleatonpage i rrch bavinoplyms
Navigate twough ¥ideo Flea
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                            Viewing Photos
Tap the Gallery icon in the application page to launch the Photo Gallery.
Viewing Photos
(1)   Photos should be listed in thumbnail. You can slide your finger on the screen left
      or right to browse photos.

(2)   Tap a photo thumbnail to view the photo in full screen.

(3)   To display the previous/next picture, slide your finger on the screen horizontally.

(4)   To zoom in or out the picture, pinch your finger on the picture.


Display Menu
When you are viewing the picture, you can tap on the screen or the Menu icon         to
show a menu.

               Using the Camcorder/Camera
Tap the Camera icon in the application page to launch it.

                                                                 Settings tab


      Front/Rear                                                Mode: Photography/
      camera                                                    Panorama/ VCR

                                   Settings    Scene mode

  To start making video clips, tap on the Start/Stop button     to start video
  Tap  on the Start/Stop button      again to stop video recording or photographing.
  The  video clip / photo can be previewed in the Preview Window.
  To play the video clip that you have made, enter the Video Player, and then tap the
  To view the photo that you have taken, enter the Photo Viewer mode, and then tap
   the photo.

                           Exploring Files
You can explore files and folders with the Explorer and Astro application. In the Home
Screen, tap the Applications shortcut to display all applications and then tap the
Explorer icon or ASTRO to enter the file explorer mode.


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      that you want to delete.
(2)   Hold the selected file/folder until a pop-up menu appears.
(3)   Select “Delete” from the pop-up menu, then select “Delete” to confirm or “Cancel”
      to quit.
Rename Files and Folders
(1) In the file list, scroll up and down the list by sliding finger to select the file/folder
    that you want to rename.
(2) Hold the selected file/folder until a pop-up menu appears.
(3) Select “Rename” from the pop-up menu.
(4) Tap the input field to display the virtual keyboard, and then choose letters from
    the virtual keyboard to rename the file/folders.
(5) Tap “OK” to confirm the new name.
Select Multiple Items
You can select more than one file or folder together.
(1) In the top toolbar, tap the Multi icon “     .”
(2) Tap the files/folders you want to choose. The file/folder name turns red when
     selected. (To deselect the file/folder, tap it again.)
(3) Once you finished selection, you can delete, copy or move the selected files by
     tapping on the Editor icon     .

Using the ASTRO
Navigate through Files and Folders
 You can drag your finger up and down to scroll the file list up and down.
 To open a file or folder, tap the file/folder.
 Tap the menu icon        , you can manage the
  applications (see details in the “Managing 3rd
  party Applications” section).
 You can go back or forward one level in the
  interface by tapping on the Back icon           or
  Next icon      .
 You can go back one level in the directory by tapping on the LevelUp button    .
 Wherever you are in the interface, you can go back directly to the Home screen by
  tapping on the Return icon          .
 Tap the Home icon           to go to the root directory.
Using the Toolbar
You can use the toolbar to navigate through your device’s internal memory/ memory
card and delete or copy files.
  Tapping on the grey area can hide/display the toolbar.


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                   Sending/Receiving E-mails
This device has an E-mail application pre-installed. You can send or receive e-mails
from the Internet at any time with this device. Make sure you have an Internet
connection before using the email service.
In the Home Screen, tap the Applications shortcut to display all applications and then
tap the Email icon to launch the e-mail application.

Setup Email Account
First you need to setup an E-mail account for receiving or sending emails.
(1) Start up the email application by tapping the Email application icon and you are
    prompted to setup an account.
(2) Input your email address and login password. You can set the account as default
    by selecting the option “Send email from this account by default”.
(3) Tap “Manual Setup” to set the email server information.
(4) Choose the server type from POP3, IMAP or Exchange for incoming emails. To
    know what type of your email server is, you can consult the service provider,
    network administrator or search for information in the Internet.
(5) Input required information (server, port etc.). You can obtain the information from
    the service provider, network administrator or the Internet.
(6) Choose the server type for outgoing emails, and input required server information.
(7) Click “Next” to continue. Your tablet will check the server settings. When it prompts
    you that “Your account is set up, and email is on its way”, your account is set up
(8) Input your name and then tap on “Done” to finish.
Note: If you have more than one account, every time when you start up the email application, you enter the
default email account.

Manage Accounts
You can setup more than one account and manage these accounts by checking
information about the account, adding another account or deleting an account.
Add another Account
Following these steps to add another account if you want.
(1) Launch the email application and then tap on the Menu icon        to display the
    menu item. Choose “Accounts” to display accounts.
(2) Tap on the Menu icon         to display the menu item, and then choose “Add
(3) Follow the steps of setting up a Email Account to add an account.
Delete an Email Account
(1) When you are in the email box, tap on the Menu icon         to display the menu
(2) Tap on “Accounts” to display all email accounts.
(3) Hold your tap on the account that you want to delete until a menu pop up.


(t)Tap on ‘Remove Account and then tap on 0Kto cortim
Check ihe Account Seting
(1) When you ae n the emall box, ton the Menu con B tiplaythe menu
) Tap on ‘Aceounts‘to dplay allemal accounts
(€)Feld youtapon the accounthat you wantto check unll a menw pop up
(4)Tap: Aecountsettigst, anthen you shoullsee allsting informaton aboutthe
     sccount You can ethese selings as you want
View Emails
Youtould enter your mailso when youstaun the enall appaton
 + in the mailto, you an cideyour inger up and doun toscrl though the emat
 * Tap on an emal to open t
 + Hoingyour tap on the emall can igplay a mens Wih the menu, you canopen
   reply omard o delretne emai

Your devie proves supporto many uselu thid patyapptcatons You can
purchase the anpleationsto add morefunctons t yourdevie, They ae aralatle
anine ah Intemet o imel on your product
Install Applications
Youean netat apploatons manualy folowing hece stepe:
(1) Countoad the intalation Recrectl rem the bultin anploaton brary(+ 0
     Sidette) orIntemet, Make aurethe e i in ormat ol apkwhch is cuppoted by
     youInteet Tablet sysem
(2)Ceny he instlatonfie o youItermtTablet by USB connecon
(8)Turn on yourInrneTablt and bcate the inctalaion fie wih the Explor
(1)Once in apploaion is nstalesuccecsluly, you an ind n the appicaton tb
Uninstall Applications
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(@ Tab on the applcaion tatyou wanti unieiat
(¢) Tob on ‘Uninstal! to uinstalthe ppicaton

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IC Caution.

RSS-Gen Issue 3 December 2010"&"CNR-Gen 3e éditionDécembre 2010:

- English:
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.

- French:
Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le
brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement.

FCC Caution.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


            Item                                         Description
CPU                         Based on Cortex-A9 (dual-core); Main CPU frequency:1.4GHz
DDR3                        1GB
Built-in operating system   Android OS 4.2
Hardware                    IBM PC or compatible PC, Note-book or Macintosh with USB port
Internal Memory             4GB,8GB (Optional)
Memory Card type            SD card: 2GB, 4GB (SDHC), 8GB, 16GB, 32GB(SDHC)
Operation System            Windows2000/XP/Vista/windows 7/Linux2.4/ MAC OS 10.6.7 above
Interface                   USB2.0 High speed/ SD (compatible SDHC)/ 3.5mm Earphone
Connection Agreement        WiFi (802.11 b/g/n)
Bluetooth                   Support(optional)
Webcam                      Front camera: 0.3 Mega Pixels; Rear camera 2.0 Mega Pixels
G-sensor                    Support 360 degrees rotation
E-Book Format               PDF/Epub/TXT/FB2/RTF
Photo Format                BMP / GIF/ PNG
Audio File Format           MP3/WAV/WMA(License)/OGG/FLAC /AAC
Video File Format           AVI,3GP,MP4,FLV,MKV,MOV,VOB,DAT
Battery Charge Time         About 5.5 Hours
                            About 5.5 hours of music playback; about 5.5 hours of video playback;
Battery Life
                            about 5.5 hours of web browsing.
Display                     7.0-inch IPS LCD, Touchpad (capacitive touch pad), 1024X600 pixels.
SNR                         >=80dB
Frequency Response
                            Rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery;
Power Supply
                            AC Adapter: AC Input 100-240V~50/60Hz, DC Output 5V/1.2A
Storage Temp.               -20℃~ +65℃
Ambient Temp.               0℃ ~ +40℃
Operation Relative
                            20% ~ 90% (40℃)
Storage Relative
                            20% ~ 93% (40℃)


Document Created: 2014-06-11 15:59:50
Document Modified: 2014-06-11 15:59:50

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