Users Manual Part 5of5


Users Manual

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Welcome to use the DEVO F4 transmittor                                                  cJeUen{ion

3.13 Sennor View
This selting nead to start using Sensor satting ls effective.
Safting mathod: Press ENT to the Main Menu. Pross UP or DN to mave the cursor—to polnt to Function
Menu, press ENT to Function Menu; Press UP or DN to move the cursor——to polnt to Sensor View, press
ENT to Sensor View setting Interface.
If all the sensors disconnect, telematry signal last, there will be Inhibits   8°7°9 VI=®           174V
shown on the view. If all work normal, all the measured data will be shown.        Inhibit       Inhibit
(1) Voltage: Show 3 different measured voltage value;                              I"h!bft       I"h!b!'
(2) Temporature: Show 4 different measured temperature value;                      I"hfb!t       I"hfbft
(3) Rate Sensor: Show 2 diferent measured RPM value;                               :":fbf‘       Inhibit
(4) GPS Sensor: Press UP or DN to tum to GPS function, show located                nhibt
   date, time, longitude, latitide, alitude and speed;

                     Sensor View           wrav                             Sensor View        iav
                       sav             2r              (2) Temperniure      East 113<D>23.7265
    (1) Voltago        Fev             mro                                  North 22<D>53.4650
                       aov             ere                (4) GPS Sensor——b         15.6m
(3) Rato Sensor:       sooorpi)        |sog                                         0.0Knots
                       4000RPM                                              26—12—2012       142530

3.14 Trainer
Two DEVO F4 fransmitiers can be made to work togather In order to offer a teacher—tralner function, meeting
the requirements for a beginner. The setup of fraining mode Is described below:
(1} Modal data fransmisslon
First stop is to use the DEVO F4‘s wiralass data transmission feature to fransfer the teacher‘s maln modal
data to the trainee‘s DEVO F4 fransmitter. This stop guarantoes that the model data in each transmitieris
identical. Refer to item "2.4 model wireless capy" in the Helcopter section later in this manual. Two DEVO
F4 transmittrs are needed for wiralees data tranemiesion.
(2) Training connection                                                                                7AV
Insart the signal wire from the trainer‘s transmitter Into the DSC socket of
the trainee‘s transmitter, Turn on the transmifferand a IInkage Icon, PC—
Link will be shown on the boot screen. Insert one and of the signal wire
{included) into the DSC socket of the trainee‘s transmitter and tun it on.
PC—Link wil be shown in the traines‘s DEVO F4 display (Seo Image right).
                                                                               0    0        0     0       0
linkage icon
Tum on the power of the trainer‘s DEVO F4. Select the same model as the trainee (as transferred in the
previous section) and briefly fy the aireraft to confim the setings are good. Tum off the alroraft and tum off
the trainer‘s DEVO F4 power. Insert the other end of the signal wire into the trainer‘s DEVO F4 DSC port
and tum on the power once more, T—Ready will be shown In the trainee‘s DEVO F4 dsplay (soo Image lef).

   00:00 01 AB

(3) Traniner Function Channol Sotup
The trainee can Inquire the control part or whole channel operation by safting the frainer‘s function channel.
Here is the setup:


cJeUen{ion                                                          Welcome to use the DEVO F4 transmitter
      bevo ra

Press ENT to the Main Monu. Press UP ar DN to move the cursor—to point
to Function Menu, press ENT to Function Menu; Press UP or DN to move             Trainer                       TAV
the cursor——to point to Trainer, press ENT to Trainer Function sotting; Pross     —> Elevator        Inhibit
UP or DN to move the cursor—to point to the desired setting channel, there
are Elevator, Alleron, Throtle, Rudder channals available. Press R+ or L—             Alleron        Inhibit
to sat Active or Inhlblt for the choosed Channal.                                     Throttlo       Inhibit
(4) Training mode usage                                                               Rudder         Inflolt
Trainer toggle kays is R+ button, as Ilustration,

                                                        TAV     On a fight, If the Trainor press the button R+,
                                                                it means the Trainer turn over the command to
                                                                the Trainee to operate, Mearwhile, the starting
                                                                up picture will be showing T—Work. The showing
                                                                throtle date is the trainoe operated. Ifthe Trainer
                                                                press the R+ agaln, It meansthe frainer ratract
                                                                the command and operate by the frainer.

3.15 Timer
There are two timers which can be set as stopwatch and countdown,                Timer                         TAV
respectively. Each imer can be operated by switch or by shortout.
Satting method: Press ENT to the Main Menu, Press UP or DN to move               —>Type              Stopwatch
the cursor——to point to Function Menu, press ENT to Function Menu; Press
UP ar DN to move the cursor——to point to Timer, press ENT to Timer seting
interface. See the right Ilustration:                                                                Inhibit
(1) Type
Press UP or DN to move the cursor—to point to Type. Press R+ or L— to choose Stopwatch or Countdown.
The default sefting is stopwatch. The time range of stopwatch is from 0 to 59:59 (69 minutes 59 seconds).
(2) Countdown setting
                                                                                 Timer                         TAV
if you need countdown time manner, press R+ or L— to selact the countdown.
There is an expand sub—menu set time item. Press UP or DN to select the             T
option of Set time item, Press R+ or L— to set the countdown time. The           * Ime               Countdown
sottable countdown time range is from 00:05 to 50:58.                                Set Time        1000
(3) Switch selection
Press UP or DN to move the cursor——to polnt to Switch sotting, with
*Inhbif" and optlonal switch Item. If select switch, pross L— or R+. Avallable to select other switches SPS0 SW,
SPS1 SW, SPS2 SW, SPS3 SW, need to set "Stick Position Switch* of the "Model Menu" and then i
effective(refer to "2.8 Stick Postion Switch").
                                                                                00:00) 01 As                   TAV
(4) Usage of timer
Press UP or DN by pressing UP key for one time, and to pause it by
pressing it the second time. Prass DN to clear timer. ts ok to controltime
by Switch when time setting is finlshed on swttch. Timerwl be shown In
main intereface, See the right Mustration:
                                                                                0       0        0      0        0

4.0 Upgrading
Software can be upgraded in PC via downloading or uploading the                   devention
configuration files.
Enter upgrading Interface: Pross EXT and power on the radlo when the
radio is in powered off state, the illustration will be shown in the right.

The operation guide for connecting to PC upgrading should be mentioned               Program Update....
with upgrading software.

bevo Fa—50

Welcome to use the DEVO F4 transmitter                                                Jeysnn{ion

              G Transmitting channel selecti
There are 8 different channels can be selected. You can choose the best frequency channel according to
the image qualitylike follows:

               ON                       ON                         ON                        ON
                                    0                                0                   0   1
          1     0 1                     1 1                    1         1                        1
          10203                     10203                      1     203                 10203

        Channel 1                 Channel. 2                Channel 3                  Channel 4
        code position             code position             code position              code position

               O                        On                         OM                        ON
                    0               0        0                       0 0                 0   0 0
          0     0                       0                      0
          10203                     10203                      1   203                   10203

        Channel 5                 Channel 6                 Channel 7                  Channel 8
        code position             code position             code position              code position

Remarkc 5.8G Transmiting channel is coresponding to the video receive channol.

6.0 DVO4 Camera instruction
DVO4 Camera has the following two ways to contral the video:
(1) Press the red swich once onthe rear of the DVO4 Camera, it means the DVO4 Camera starts to video.
    Press the red switch again to stop the video.
(2) Pullthe Gear Switch to postion "1" and keep about1—2 seconds, then pull back to postion "0". After finish
    the press, the DVO4 Camera starts to video. Pull Gear Switch again to stop video.
Notice: The Mamory card must ba insertad before the DVO4 connects the battary, and remove the Memory
        card after power off

7.0 FPV connect Illustration

                                                  Camera controllr

                                                                                   JST power comecter
                                                          5.80 Trenomitier

   This symbol indicating separate collection for electrical
mm and elecironic equipment.


FCC Information

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC results. Operations is subject to the
following two conditions:

   (1) This Device may not cause harmful interface, and
   (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
       may cause undesired operation.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for CLASS B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of FCC Rules. These Limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, users can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment dose cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try contact the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
1.1 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
1.2 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
1.3 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that two which
    receiver is connected.
1.4 Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help.


Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.

RF exposure statement

This module meets the requirements for a mobile device that may be used at separation
distances of more than 20cm from the human body. It may be used in hand-held
controllers that provide a separation distance of at least 5cm between the antenna and the
body (excluding hands wrists). The instructions to the user for the host device must
include information requiring the product be used in a manner to ensure the appropriate
separation (20cm or 5cm) between antenna and body and requiring that the transmitter
not be collocated with another transmitter device.

Document Created: 2013-03-01 10:22:26
Document Modified: 2013-03-01 10:22:26

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