Users Manual


Users Manual

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PACCAR Display
INTRODUCTION                                When you see this word, the message            Provides general information: for
This manual describes the vehicle’s         that follows is especially vital. It signals   example, the note may suggest how to
interactive system located on your          a potentially hazardous situation which,       operate the vehicle more efficiently.
dashboard.                                  if not avoided, could result in an injury      Example:
                                            or death. This message will tell you           Pumping the accelerator will not assist
                                            what the hazard is, what can happen if         in starting the engine.
SAFETY                                      you don't heed the warning, and how to
                                            avoid it.                                      Please take the time to read these
In this operator manual                     Example:                                       messages when you see them, and
                                            Never carry additional fuel containers         remember:
A number of alerting messages are in        in the vehicle. Such containers, full or
this manual. Please read and follow         empty, may leak, explode or cause a                    WARNING Something that
them. They are there for your               fire in the event of a collision.                      could seriously injure or kill you
protection and information. These                                                                  or others.
messages can help you avoid injury to       CAUTION
yourself and others, as well as prevent     Signals a potentially hazardous                        CAUTION Something that
costly damages to the vehicle.              situation which, if not avoided, could                 could cause property or vehicle
Key symbols and “signal words” are          result in property or vehicle damage.                  damage.
used to indicate what kind of message       Example:
is going to follow. Pay special attention   Continuing to operate your vehicle with                NOTE Useful information.
to instructions prefaced by symbols         insufficient oil pressure will cause
and the signal words “WARNING”,             serious engine damage.                         General safety reminders
“CAUTION”, and “NOTE”. Please do
not ignore any of these alerts.             NOTE                                           Certain functions are restricted to
                                                                                           operate only when the vehicle is

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PACCAR Display
stationary for your safety and the safety changing the settings on the
of those not in the vehicle.              System. Programming the system FCC Statement
                                          while driving can cause you to take
                                                                                   This device complies with Part 15 of
Safe driving is only possible with the    your eyes off the road, which could
                                                                                   the FCC rules subject to the
proper concentration on the driving       result in an accident. Failure to do     following two conditions:
task. Keep distraction to a minimum to so could lead to death, serious                   This device may not cause
improve your concentration. Examples injury or equipment damage.                         harmful interference.
of distractions may include radio                                                        This device must accept all
                                          CAUTION: Do not rely on the
controls, GPS navigation controls, cel- Navigation System to route you to the            interference received,
lular telephone calls, cellular text                                                     including interference that may
                                          closest emergency services. Not all
messages, reading or reaching for                                                        cause undesired operation.
                                          emergency services are in the                  Changes or modifications not
something on the floor. Minimizing        database.
your distractions will improve safe                                                      expressly approved by the
                                                                                         party responsible for
driving and will help avoid an accident   NOTE:    Regardless  of how  and where
                                                                                         compliance could void the
involving death or personal injury.       the navigation system directs you, it is       user’s authority to operate the
                                          your responsibility to operate the             equipment
                                          vehicle in a safe and legal manner.      Dear customer, to ensure a healthy
WARNING: Only glance at the
                                                                                   RF exposure please keep a distance
display monitor while driving.                                                      of at least 20 cm from the device.
                                          NOTE: Ensure the volume level of all
Prolonged periods of viewing while                                                 For any other request regarding RF
driving could result in an accident audio devices is set to a level that still     exposure compliance in Canada,
and death or possible personal allows you to hear outside traffic and              please refer to our local
injury.                                   emergency vehicles.                      representative:
                                                                                          Renaissance Consulting
WARNING: Do not program the                                                               11 Parsons Ridge Road,
System while driving. Always stop                                                         Kanata, Ottawa
your vehicle when programming or                                                          Ontario, Canada, K2L 2M1

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PACCAR Display
                                              •   Nav Button                               Image 10 - PB Main Menu
Description                                   •   Tools Button
The system is comprised of a remote           •   Cancel Button
head unit and a display screen. The           •   Audio Button
remote head unit will be located in the       •   RWD Button
instrument panel and disassociated            •   FWD Button
from the display.                             •   Phone Button
                                              •   Setup Button
                                              •   USB jack
                                              •   3.5 AUX jack
                                                                                           Image 11 – KW Main Menu
                                          The buttons will be referred to as hard
                                          keys or hard buttons in the rest of this   The display has three general areas for
    Image 1 – Remote Head Unit            specification. The keys on the touch       information and interaction.
                                          screen will be referred to as soft keys
The following buttons, knobs and          or soft buttons.                           Center
connectors are on the face of the head                                               The center of the display will have the
unit                                                                                 available functions and information for
     • Power Button                                                                  the operator.
     • Volume Knob
     • Eject Button                                                                  Title bar
     • Voice Button                                                                  The ‘Title Bar’ is placed at the very top
     • Home Button                                                                   of the display. Not every screen will
     • Truck Button                                                                  have the title bar visible due to
     • Connect Button                                                                graphics requirements of some third

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PACCAR Display
party applications. This will be noted in Set up home location
the appropriate sections of the                                                  Image 82 – Pairing Successful
document.                                 Pair a Bluetooth device                         Notification

                                                                             Once the target device is paired, it will
                                                                             take the user back to the Bluetooth
    Image 6 – Title Bar Examples                                             main screen (ref. image 80).

Quick Jump Bar
The ‘Quick Jump Bar’ is placed at the
very bottom of the display.

                                          Image 81 – Adding Device Screen

 Image 8 – Screen Bottom Example        The notation for SmartNav will be
                                        replaced with NavPlus for Kenworth
How to care for your screen             devices.                               Image 83 – Pairing Unsuccessful
Before using the system for the first                                        If the target device fails to pair, it will
time, you may need to program the                                            take the user back to the Bluetooth
system for the home location, setup                                          main screen (ref. image 80).
any pairing devices or decide what
virtual gauges you want to display.                                          Program address book

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PACCAR Display
Virtual gauges                                      have to go the Camera sub-        <CONNECT> – Model based
                                                    menu to view camera and           functions
OPERATING THE                                       select from multiple installed    <NAVIGATION>
                                                    cameras.                          <TOOLS> - Tools for the user
SYSTEM                                                                                <PHONE>
The PACCAR Display shall operate in         Hands-Free Calling – The system shall     <AUDIO>
two distinct modes for the purposes of      show the screens per the ASR tree         <SETUP> - Setup of the system
mitigating driver distraction. All          (section 9) but there shall be no touch
screens and features are functional         interaction with the screens – buttons
when the vehicle is stationary. While       greyed out. When the call ends the
moving, only certain screens will be        device will remain in the phone home
functional. The restricted functions are    screen per the ASR tree. Upon the first
visible as grey icons to let the operator   time the PACCAR Display is powered
know that they are not functioning while    on in a vehicle it will default to the
the vehicle is in motion. For example,      ‘Home Menu’ screen. After all
the system will allow a destination         subsequent power on events, the
location to be programmed while the         PACCAR Display will automatically          Image 10 - PB Main Menu
vehicle is in motion but will not allow     launch into the screen/mode that was
the home location to be programmed          last active during the previous power
while the vehicle is in motion.             down event.
NOTE: Camera – If the user setting for      The PACCAR Home Menu screen
         camera is set to automatic,        consists of the following:
         then the cameras can                    <TRUCK> - Vehicle monitoring
         automatically function as               functions (shows a Peterbilt or
         defined. If the user setting is         Kenworth logo)
         set to manual, the user would

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PACCAR Display
                                                                                    the vehicle CAN. Settings are defined
     Image 11 – KW Main Menu              The screen/function identification is     in section 7.11.5.
                                          simply the screen the user is currently
Title Bar                                 in and is shown in subsequent sections 5 – Back Button
The ‘Title Bar’ is placed at the very top by image examples.
of the display. Not every screen will                                               The back button is a tool to allow the
have the title bar visible due to         2 – Available Screen Pages                user to go back up one level in the
graphics requirements of some third                                                 menu structure. The back button is
party applications. This will be noted in The screen pages serve the purpose of only visible when the device is in a
the appropriate sections of the           notifying the user if multiple pages are lower sub menu. It will not be available
document.                                 available in each menu and also           on the home screen or next level
                                          function as soft keys to select different menus where simply pressing the
                                          menu pages. This feature is only          home button will take the user back to
                                          available on menus where more than        the previous screen.
        1         2          3       4    one page is available.
                                                                                    Quick Jump Bar
                                          3 – Time                                  The ‘Quick Jump Bar’ is placed at the
                                                                                    very bottom of the display. The font on
      5                                   The time display simply displays the      the ‘Quick Jump Bar’ is called out
                                          current system time. Settings are         further below.
     Image 6 – Title Bar Examples         defined in section 7.11.4.

The following items will be shown on     4 – Temperature
the ‘Title Bar’                                                                     Image 8 – Screen Bottom Example
                                         The temperature display displays the
1 – Identification of Screen/Function    outside temperature as received from

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PACCAR Display
The following items will be shown on      be 100% opaque. Pressing the Home         Display detection of an out of
the ‘Quick Jump Status Bar’               Menu button returns the user to the       specification vehicle condition and is
     • <HOME MENU> soft button            Home Menu.                                kept active for as long as the out of
     • <VEHICLE STATUS                                                              specification condition exists.
         MONITOR> soft button             2 - The ‘Vehicle Status
     • <AUDIO MONITOR> soft               Monitor’ will display an                  If only one ‘out of specification’ vehicle
         button                           overall status message                    condition exists, the PACCAR Display
     • <PHONE INDICATOR> and              for the vehicle systems the PACCAR        will take the user directly to the specific
         soft button                      Display is monitoring.                    screen which will display the out of
     • <DISPLAY SETTINGS> soft                                                      specification information upon selection
         button                           A vibrantly colored green ‘OK’ icon is    of the Vehicle Status Monitor soft key.
                                          displayed when all PACCAR Display
                                          monitored vehicle systems are running     Should more than one out of
                                          within specification. The Vehicle         specification condition exist when the
 1       2     3      4    5     6        Status Monitor button is rendered         user selects the Vehicle Status Monitor
                                          inactive as no PACCAR Display             soft button, the PACCAR Display will
   Image 9 – Screen Bottom Detail         monitored vehicle systems require         go to the ‘Faults Screen’ where all
                                          monitoring by the operator.               PACCAR Display monitored out of
1 - The Home Menu                                                                   specification conditions will be listed.
soft button is active on                  Should a PACCAR Display monitored         The user will then select which fault he
all screens except for the Home Menu      vehicle system go out of specification,   or she wants to monitor further.
screen. This graphic will be set to 70%   the ‘OK’ graphic will change to a
transparency and be rendered inactive     vibrantly colored ‘!” warning icon.       The Vehicle Status Monitor will be
on the Home Menu screen. For all                                                    detailed further in the ‘Fault Monitoring’
other screen, the Home Menu icon will     The Vehicle Status Monitor soft button    section of this document.
                                          will become active upon an PACCAR

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PACCAR Display
3 - Navigation Monitor and Soft Button            • Aux input                             MCP200 (Qualcomm functionality will
(see section 7.7)                            5 – Phone Button (see section 7.9)           not be supported at product launch).
The navigation button allows the user        If no phone is connected, phone is
to go easily to the navigation               greyed out. The red X shows up only if       Truck Menu
environment. The button shows the            a call is missed on Bluetooth
compass heading the vehicle is               connected phone.                             The truck menu will host the vehicle
traveling: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE,           The envelope is greyed out if no text        monitoring functions of the PACCAR
SW.                                          message is received on Bluetooth             Display. Five vehicle monitoring
4 - Audio Monitor and Soft Button (see       connected phone.                             features are required at product launch
secton 7.10)                                 Cellular strength is only for optional
The audio mode and audio                     external modem, not Bluetooth                    •     Gauges
identification will be shown in this         connected phone. This will be grayed             •     Hybrid Mode (if equipped)
section of the Quick Jump Status Bar.        out if there is no modem or modem has            •     Warnings
Selecting the Audio Monitor soft button      no signal strength.                              •     Diagnostic Messages
will take the user directly to the display   6 – Display Settings                             •     Camera
screen of the currently active audio         Soft Button (see
source. The band will be listed as 24        section 7.11)
point.                                       The Display Settings soft button is
                                             active on all screens. Selection of this
The audio modes that will be shown           soft button will open up the ‘Display
are (depending on which mode was             Settings’ pop up window overlay on
last selected)                               any active screen. The programming
     • Station frequency                     should support the future addition of a
     • CD/USB/BT Track #                     Qualcomm green/yellow/red indicator
     • Satellite station number              to take the place of the display button if           Image 12 – PB Truck Menu
                                             the vehicle is equipped with Qualcomm

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PACCAR Display

                                        Image 15 – KW Hybrid Truck
Image 13 – PB Hybrid Vehicle Menu
                                    Selecting the <GAUGES> soft button,
                                    the screen will change to the virtual
                                    gauge view. Please refer to the
                                    vehicle’s operator manual for a
                                    complete description of each gauge.

     Image 14 – KW Truck Menu

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PACCAR Display
                                        PB % Torque Gauge                       PB Idle Fuel Gauge
                                        This is engine flywheel torque,         Show accumulated idle fuel burned as
                                        calculated from torque and RPM          reported by vehicle as whole digits with
                                        information from the engine computer.   no decimal places

    Image 19 – PB Virtual Gauges
             (Standard)                                                         PB Fuel Rate Gauge
                                                                                Show current fuel flow rate reported by
PB % Horsepower Gauge                                                           vehicle as whole digits with no decimal
                                        PB Idle Time Gauge                      places
This is engine flywheel horsepower,     Show accumulated idle time elapsed
calculated from torque and RPM          as reported by vehicle in Minutes
information from the engine computer.

                                                                                Hybrid Display
                                                                                Pressing the Hybrid soft button will
                                                                                launch the Hybrid monitoring

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PACCAR Display
When in the Hybrid monitoring               Image 36 – Diagnostic Message            arrows on the right hand side of the
environment, the screens shown below                Home Screen                      screen. Once a message is selected,
would consume the main screen area                                                   the system will go to the Diagnostic
in addition to the top bar area. The     The truck diagnostic screen will be         Detail Screen (Image 37).
bottom bar menu shall be maintained.     populated with active messages from
The screens have no touch screen         the following systems:                      The <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DOWN>
functionality or interaction. Only the   • Engine                                    soft button arrows on the right hand
bottom bar will maintain the touch       • Engine Aftertreatment System              side of the screen will be grayed out
control.                                 • Transmission                              unless the number of messages
                                         • Instrumentation System                    require their use to page up or down
Please refer to Operator’s Manual        • Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)            the list.
Supplement Y53-6031 for more details     • PACCAR Display Internal
about the hybrid display.                  Diagnostics                               This feature is merely to show the user
                                                                                     the published diagnostic messages on
Diagnostic Messages                      The messages will populate as long as       the vehicle and cannot be used as a
                                         the fault remains published from the        method to clear them. Clearing
                                         system source. Once the fault is no         messages will still have to be
                                         longer published, the message will be       accomplished via each publishing
                                         removed from the screen. The                systems diagnostic clearing processes.
                                         possible faults are listed in Appendix I.

                                         The Diagnostic Message Home Screen
                                         (Image 36) will show a maximum of 5
                                         messages per screen and can be
                                         paged up or down using the soft key

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PACCAR Display
                                           soft buttons at the bottom of the

                                           The user can press the <CLOSE> soft
                                           button at the bottom of the screen to
                                           return to the Truck Diagnostic Home

    Image 37 – Truck Diagnostic Detail                                               Image 38 – Automatic Camera Mode
                 Screen                                                                      (Image Example Only)
                                                                                    In the manual mode, the cameras are
The Diagnostic Detail Screen will give                                              identified by numbers. The number
more information on a selected                                                      icons 1-4 at the top of the screen
diagnostic message. The items                                                       correspond with the camera that are
displayed include:
                                           Cameras (Optional)                       installed to video inputs 1-4 in the head
                                                                                    unit and are also soft buttons to select
•    Source Address                        Cameras (when connected to video         different camera inputs These
•    Source of Diagnostic Code             input 1-4 in the head unit) can be       numbers may or may not correspond to
•    SPN                                   viewed in the display in two modes:      any direction that the camera is
•    FMI                                   Automatic and Manual.                    installed in.
                                           In the automatic mode, the cameras
•    Text Description of Code
                                           are identified by the arrow keys. The
                                           arrow keys indicate what direction the
The user can page to a previous
                                           operator wants to see.
message (if applicable) or next
message (if applicable) by selecting the

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PACCAR Display
                                                                                    Final design must be reviewed and
                                                                                    approved by PACCAR.

                                                                                    Sprint’s PACCAR Dedicated Phone #:
                                                                                    Sprint’s PACCAR Dedicated URL:
                                                                                    Bell Canada’s PACCAR Dedicated
  Image 39 – Manual Camera Mode                     Image 45 - Internet Default     Phone #: TBD
       (Image Example Only)                             Website Screen              Bell Canada’s PACCAR Dedicated
                                                                                    URL: TBD.
                                           Services and Internet features are
The screen will be blank with the          dependent on an external modem       Internet
number icons 1-4 at the top of the         connected to the PACCAR Display and
screen for any cameras that are not        wireless communication service being Internet browsing is accomplished via
installed.                                 active.                              the Opera browser. Selecting the
                                                                                Opera button on the Connect Menu
Connect                                    Connection Manager                   Screen (Image 40) will launch the
Connectivity and telematics                HMI for the Connection Manager shall browser.
functionality will be found under the      be similar to the FWS’s HMI with the
Connect menu. Services and Internet        look and feel of the PACCAR Display.
function keys will be present at launch.   Supplier and Sprint (US CDMA Carrier)
These functions require a modem and        and Bell Canada (Canada CDMA
active subscription with a wireless        Carrier) will jointly develop the HMI.
carrier (Sprint-US at launch).

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PACCAR Display

                                         The Calculator function is a tool to
                                         perform quick computations.

 Image 48 – Opera Browser Screen                                                        Image 52 – Alarm Screen

The browser can occupy the main area                                              The alarm shall activate the PACCAR
of the screen and the top bar area but                                            Display if it is in sleep mode when it is
the bottom bar shall be maintained.                                               time for the alarm to sound.
                                             Image 51 – Calculator Screen
Tools                                                                             The <↑> and <↓> soft keys on the left
                                                                                  hand side of the screen are used to set
The Tools menu houses productivity       Alarm                                    the hour as the hour advances past 12,
tools for the vehicle operator.          Selecting the Alarm soft button opens    the AM to PM transition will happen the
                                         up the alarm clock function. The         same hold true if the hours are
The following tools will be made         operator can set the alarm and pick an   decreasing and go from 1 to 12 in the
available                                audio source/noise to play at the        downward direction. The <↑> and <↓>
    • Calculator                         designated time. The Alarm will only     soft keys on the right hand side of the
    • Alarm Clock                        provide for one alarm setting.           screen are used to set the minutes
    • Video Player                                                                advancing the minutes over 59 or
    • Calendar

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PACCAR Display
decreasing below 1 do not affect the         If no video signal is present from the        •    Hang up/Ignore
hour setting.                                aux-in or usb inputs, the main area of
                                             the screen will remain blacked out.
Selecting the <SET> soft key sets the
alarm and the bell icon goes from 50%        Calendar
intensity to full intensity. Selecting the
<SET> soft key again turns the alarm
off and the bell icon reduces back to
50% intensity.

Selecting the <SNOOZE> soft key will                                                           Image 54 – Phone Screen
gain the user X more minutes before
the next alarm.                                                                        The <PACCAR> soft key shall dial the
                                                                                       Peterbilt or Kenworth call center
Video                                                 Image 53 - Calendar
                                                                                       depending on whether the device is a
                                                                                       Peterbilt or Kenworth. The call center
The video screen allows the user to          Phone                                     phone numbers are:
bring in video using the aux-in or usb       The Phone function provides the ability
inputs on the front of the head unit.        for the user to place and receive calls       •    Peterbilt Call Center: 1-800-
When the video soft key is selected,         via a Bluetooth connected phone.                   473-8372 (1-800-4-Peterbilt)
the screen will bring in video to the                                                      •    Kenworth Call Center: 1-800-
main area of the screen. The top and             •   Phone key pad                              592-7747 (1-800-KWASSIST)
bottom bars will be maintained.                  •   Contacts
                                                 •   Connect phone
                                                 •   Call/Answer

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PACCAR Display
The emergency button (<RED              PHONE title changes to PHONE – IN
CROSS> in lower right half of screen)   CALL once dialing begins               Press <HANG UP> soft key to end call
shall be used to dial 911                                                      or <CANCEL> button on faceplate to
                                        Dialed call Contact/Number populates   end call
                                        CALLS → DIALED menu in PHONE
Make Call                               screen                                 Remaining phone buttons should be
                                                                               rendered inactive while IN CALL
                                        In Call
                                                                               Any call received while IN CALL will
                                                                               simply show missed call icon (‘X’) on
                                                                               the bottom bar

                                                                               Incoming Call

    Image 55 – Make Call Screen

Phone number or contact shows up in           Image 56 – In Call Screen
phone number field
                                        In CALL appears next to PHONE on
User presses <GREEN PHONE> soft         top bar.
key to make call
                                        Phone number or contact ID shows up      Image 57 – Incoming Call Popup
Phone turns red once dialing begins     on the phone number field
                                                                               Incoming call popup with
                                        Hang up icon is red                    <ACCEPT/IGNORE> option buttons

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PACCAR Display
Voice Recognition                                                                  Radio Band Select

The Audio screen gives the user
access to the entertainment audio
                                               Image 60 – Main Audio Screen
The audio sources are:                                                                    Image 61 – Band Select
   • AM/FM/WB                               The audio main screen has selections
   • CD                                                                            The band select screen allows the user
   • Sirius Satellite Radio                                                        to select different control features of
                                               •   Band – FM/AM/WB
   • USB (including iPod)                                                          the FM/AM/WB radio.
                                               •   Sirius – Satellite Radio
   • AUX
                                               •   CD
   • Bluetooth audio streaming                                                     The first press of the <BAND> soft
                                               •   USB – Memory Stick Input        button in the top left hand corner of the
                                               •   Aux – MP3 device input or       audio main screen takes the user to the
If an audio source is not available, the           Ipod® input                     band select screen. The screen will be
source soft button for that device will        •   BT - Bluetooth® Paired Device   for the band last selected and the
be grayed out and rendered non-                    Input                           default will be FM. By pressing the
functional. The soft button will activate                                          <BAND> soft button again the user
once the source becomes active.                                                    can change audio bands in the

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PACCAR Display
following order: FM → AM → WB and         The <PRESET> soft keys number 1-6           CD
then starts over at FM.                   allow the user to store and access up
                                          to 24 presets. The presets are divided
The <SEEK↓> soft key allows the user      into four groups of 6 preset labeled 0-4.
to select the next available station      Pressing on a <PRESET> soft key
down the band and the Seek↑ key           takes the user to the assigned station.
allows the user to advance to the next
available station up the band.             The <PRESET SELECT> soft key
                                           allows the user to select between
The <SCAN> soft key allows the user        groups of presets and displays the
to set the radio to automatically scan all group currently available by the preset               Image 62 – CD
available stations by advancing up the keys. Example: PRESET 0 is the first
band until it reaches the end of the       group of presets 1-6, PRESET 1 is the      The CD screen is accessed by
band and then will start again at the      next group of presets labeled 1-6 and      pressing the <CD> soft key in the audio
bottom of the band advancing upward. so on.                                           main screen. The CD keys at the top
The user can select a station by                                                      and bottom of the screen and
pressing the <SCAN> soft key again.        The information area shows what            information on the CD inserted in the
                                           preset the user is on, the station, the    middle of the screem.
The <TUNE↓> soft key allows the user band, and any station info that is
to manually tune down the dial while       broadcast.                                 When a CD is loaded the screen will
the <TUNE↑> soft key allows the user                                                  display the Artist Name, Album Title,
to manually tune up the dial. There is                                                Song Title, Track Number out of Tracks
no fast advancement by holding down                                                   available (x/xx), and Time Elaspted.
on either key.
                                                                                      The <RPT> soft key allows the user to
                                                                                      repeat the track.

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PACCAR Display
                                           IPOD® Controls                         The screen is intended to allow the
The <SHUF> soft key allows the user                                               user to have similar controls available
to select shuffle play mode which                                                 to them on their Ipod®.
similates a random play order of the
available tracks on the CD.                                                       The <MENU> soft key allows the user
                                                                                  to access the menu in the same
The <GENRE> soft key allows the user                                              manner as pressing the Menu portion
to page forward to the next genere of                                             of their Ipod® control wheel.
music (if supported on the CD
information).                               Image 63 – IPOD Controls Screen       The <UP> and <DOWN> arrows on the
                                                                                  right hand side of the screen allow the
The <ARTIST> soft soft key allows the                                             user to move up and down the menu
user to page forward to the next artist                                           list.
(if supported on the CD information).
Note: This feature is for CD’s that have                                          Selecting the menu line item on the
files loaded from numerous other                                                  screen is the same as pressing the
sources where the track maintains the                                             select button in the center of the Ipod®
original artist information.                                                      control wheel.

The <ALBUM> soft key allows the user         Image 64 – IPOD Playlist Control     The <←←> soft key allows the user to
to page forward to the next album (if                                             page backward in the playlist. The
supported on the CD information).          The Ipod® controls screen allows the   <→→> allows the user to page forward
Note: This feature is for CD’s that have   user to access and play Ipod®          in the playlist.
files loaded from numerous other           information when an Ipod® is
albums where the track maintains the       connected to the USB port.
original album information.

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PACCAR Display
The <PAUSE/PLAY> soft key allows           USB Input                                been paired to the PACCAR Display.
the user to alternate between playing                                               (refer to QUICK SETUP) in this
an pausing the selected track.                                                      manual.

The information screen displays the                                                 Sirius
Artist Name, Track Title, Album Title,
Track Number out of Tracks available                                                Selecting the <SIRIUS> soft key takes
(x/xx), and Time Elapsed.                                                           the user to the Sirius Main Screen.

Aux Input
                                                     Image 66 – USB In

                                           In USB in mode the device will simply
                                           play audio files in the MP3 format and
                                           functions in the same manner as the
                                           CD controls.

                                           Bluetooth® Device Input                     Image 67 – Sirius Main Screen
                                           Selecting the <BT> soft key on the
           Image 65 – Aux In                                                        <CAT ↑> takes the user to the next
                                           audio main menu takes the user to the
By the user selecting the <AUX> soft                                                available category and <CAT ↓> on top
                                           Bluetooth® audio imput screen. The
key from the audio main screen, the                                                 bar takes the user to the previously
                                           screen functions similarly to the CD
system allows the operator to play                                                  available category.
                                           screen in section. The screen only
sound through their auxiliary system.
                                           displays information when a
There is no control from the display for                                            <TUNE ↑> up takes the user to the
                                           Bluetooth® capable audio device has
this input device.                                                                  next available station and <TUNE ↓>

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PACCAR Display
on top bar takes the user t othe                                             ESN screen is activated when the user
previously available station.            Image 68 – Sirius Category Select   presses the information softkey on the
                                                                             Sirius Main Screen.
<INFO> goes to the system information
screen below

Category text line added to audio
display text field – note “Rock” above
“Rock 22”

<CAT Select> takes user to Category
screen below (Image 68)                                                          Image 71 – Sirius Special Message
<CH Select> take user to Channel         Image 69 – Sirius Channel Select    Special messages screen comes up
Select screen below (Image 69)                                               when the Sirius Mode needs to inform
                                                                             user of status. The messages
Screen has 6 presets.                                                        available are:

                                                                             •    Acquiring Signal
                                                                             •    Antenna Error
                                                                             •    Channels Updating
                                                                             •    Firmware

                                               Image 70 - Sirius Info

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PACCAR Display
Setup                                                                            Sound
The Setup screen allows the user to
modify the product settings of the    Display Setup
PACCAR Display

                                                                                        Image 75 – Audio Setup

                                                                                 The sound setup screen allows the
                                            Image 74 – Display Setup             user to adjust the audio settings of the
   Image 72 – First Setup Screen                                                 head unit. The settings are:
                                      Within the display settings the screen
                                      can be turned off, can be set to adjust    Treble – default is the median value
                                      for daytime or nighttime display mode      and allows to user to adjust to increase
                                      and can be adjusted for brightness.        using the <+> soft key and decrease
                                      Turning the screen off will not turn off   using the <–> soft key. The keys allow
                                      the unit functionality. The screen will    for 10 incremental adjustments from
                                      light up to alert the operator of any      minimum to maximum.
                                      warning messages or incoming phone
                                      calls.                                     Mid – default is the median value and
                                                                                 allows to user to adjust to increase
  Image 73 – Second Setup Screen
                                                                                 using the <+> key and decrease using

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PACCAR Display
the <–> soft key. The keys allow for 10   American passenger’s side). The           Appendix 10.4 Language Translations
incremental adjustments from minimum      buttons allow for 20 incremental          (except for the Garmin Navigation
to maximum.                               adjustments from left to right.           environment).
Bass – default is the median value and    All of the halos and buttons remain
allows to user to adjust to increase      default grey. The buttons will have an    The language setting that is currently
using the <+> soft key and decrease       amber halo while being selected but       active will have the halo illuminated in
using the <–> soft key. The keys allow    will return to a default grey halo when   amber. The non-active settings will
for 10 incremental adjustments from       not selected.                             have a default grey halo.
minimum to maximum.                       The buttons in this menu only react
The balance fade keys allow the user      when they are touched. There is no        Clock
to adjust the balance and fade of the     hold-down capability.
system while also receiveing a visual
feedback on the “center” of the audio     Language
image. Pushing the <↓> arrow biases
the system towards the rear of the
vehicle while pressing the <↑> arrow
biases the system towards the front of
the vehicle. The buttons allow for 20
incremental adjustments from front to
rear.                                                                                  Image 77 – Clock Setup Screen
Pressing the <←> arrow biases the
system towards the left hand side of      Image 76 – Language Setup Screen
the vehicle (North American driver’s
side) whicle pressing the <→> arrow       The language setup screen allows the
biases the system towards the right       user to change the system language.
hand side of the vehicle (North           The language translation is defined in

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PACCAR Display
Unit of Measure                           Camera                                   means to select the camera they want
                                                                                   to view (for functionality see section

                                                                                   The user shall only be able to select
                                                                                   either Automatic or Manual. The
                                                                                   selected mode shall have the halo
                                                                                   highlighted noted as “– ON”. The unit
                                                                                   not selected shall be noted as “– OFF”.

  Image 78 – Unit of Measure Setup         Image 79 – Camera Setup Screen          The setting that is currently active will
                 Screen                                                            have the halo illuminated in amber.
The units of measure can be changed       The Camera setup screen allows the       The non-active setting will have a
by the user such that any visible or      user to select between two modes:        default grey halo. The button that is
reported units of measure are affected.                                            currently selected shall have an amber
Unit calculation and source information   Automatic Mode when selected allows      appearance to it while the non-selected
from the vehicle cannot be changed in     the user to have their cameras pre-      button shall have the default grey.
this mode.                                configured per Section 7.5.5:

                                          Automatic mode also allows the user to
                                          turn <ON> or <OFF> the auto reverse

                                          Manual Mode allows the driver to
                                          toggle between cameras by soft-key
                                          press on the top of the screen as a

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PACCAR Display
Bluetooth® Devices                      empty boxes shall have the defuault
                                        grey halo.

                                        Adding Device

                                                                                 Image 82 – Pairing Successful
Image 80 – Bluetooth® Main Screen                                                         Notification

Favorite device indicated with star                                           Once the target device is paired, it will
                                         Image 81 – Adding Device Screen      take the user back to the Bluetooth
Connected device indicated with green                                         main screen.
check                                  The notation for SmartNav will be
                                       replaced with NavPlus for Kenworth
Saved device ‘Phone 1’ box highlightes devices.
upon selection and device options
window opens

Selecting <BACK> arrow returns user
to SETTINGS screen

The boxes that have phones paired to                                            Image 83 – Pairing Unsuccessful
them will have an amber halo. All                                                         Notification

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PACCAR Display
                                              In the Download Phonebook selection,   Selecting <YES> deletes device and
If the target device fails to pair, it will   either the yes or no key needs to be   returns user to main BT devices screen
take the user back to the Bluetooth           highlighted in amber depending on
main screen (ref. image 80).                  which mode is selected. The non        Selecting <NO> returns user to BT
                                              selected button will remain default    devices options screen
Options                                       grey.
                                                                                     Selecting <BACK>’ arrow returns user
                                              Cancel button returns user to main     to CONFIG screen
                                              device screen
                                              Selecting <BACK> arrow returns user
                                              to CONFIG screen

   Image 84 – Bluetooth® Options

Device name on top row with Delete
                                                                                         Image 86 – Modem Settings
Connect, Set As Favorite, and
Download Phonebook need the halo to                                                  SIGNAL STRENGTH: Field will be
be illuminated in amber or grayed out            Image 85 – Bluetooth® Delete        blank if there is not signal.
as applicable.                                              Screen

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PACCAR Display
ROAMING STATUS: ROAM, HOME             CONNECTION: This feature may be
or NO SERVICE (instead of “Error”)     used to manually                          Press <ACTIVATION WIZARD> soft
                                       CONNECT/DISCONNECT service                button
PHONE NUMBER: Phone number             (assume service is activated).            ACTIVATION WIZARD screen appears
appears when device is activated.      If connected, the <CONNECT> soft
Field will be blank if device is not   button will be grayed out.
activated.                             If disconnected, <DISCONNECT> soft        Press <ADVANCED SETTINGS> soft
                                       button will be grayed out.                button
NOTE: It is a federal requirement to   User may manually DISCONNECT to           ADVANCED SETTINGS screen
display the phone number. Sprint       avoid roaming to prevent unwanted         appears
needs the Phone number and ESN #       roaming charges.
when troubleshooting. To avoid
confusion for the user, Sprint will    Press <CONNECT> soft button
include in the FAQ that this phone     The system will connect to the wireless
number does not carry voice nor text   network.
messaging functionality. This should
also be included in the PACCAR         Press <DISCONNECT> soft button
Display Users Manual.                  The system will disconnect from the
Phone Number = MDN (Mobile Device      wireless network.
Number) = MEID                                                                       Image 87 – Modem Activation
                                       NOTE: Sprint will include explanation
ESN: ESN # from attached modem.        of this functionality in the FAQ. This    Scenario 1: For Activated Modems
Field will be blank if modem is not    should also be included in the            If the modem is already activated, the
present.                               PACCAR Display Users Manual.              <YES> and <NO> soft buttons will be
                                                                                 grayed out.

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PACCAR Display
Message says:
      “Your modem has been                   For Peterbilt device:                      NOTE: An explanation needs
      activated.”                            “Service update failed. Would              to be in the PACCAR Display
                                             you like to try again?                     Users Manual and the FAQ on
Scenario 2: For Not Activated Modems         If this problem persists, please           what this is and why it would
Message says:                                contact Sprint at 1-877-301-               be selected.
       “Your device is not activated.        9874 or visit
       Would you like to activate it?” for
                                             information about this service”
Press <YES> soft button.
The system runs an OMADM process.            Press <NO> soft button
                                             The screen returns to MODEM
If successful, message says:                 screen
        “Activation completed
successfully.”                               Press <CANCEL> soft button
                                             The screen returns to MODEM
If failed, message for Sprint modem          screen                                Image 88 – Advanced Settings
says:                                                                                         Screen
          For Kenworth device:               PRL UPDATE: PRL =
          “Service update failed. Would      Preferred Roaming List             This is a Diagnostic screen for Sprint.
          you like to try again?             (Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.)          NOTE: Font size for the selectable
          If this problem persists, please   Press <YES> soft button            fields must be large enough for user to
          contact Sprint at 1-877-301-       System checks for updated          select easily.
          9874 or visit                      PRL and new network will be
 for         pushed to the modem by             Upper Left Box:
          information about this service”    Sprint.

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PACCAR Display
The selectable options are:                 This will update any of those fields    If the “Verify MSL” is successful, the
        Modem Info                          above and is purely a diagnostician     configurable fields will be filled in.
        System Preferences                  step. The customer should never have
        Connection & RF                     a need to go here without instruction   If failed, a message would appear.
        Data Settings                       from a Sprint Tier 2 support person.    “Failed”
        Advanced                            The <UPDATE> button will only be
        Factory Defaults                    active for certain configurable         If <VERIFY MSL> button is not
                                            parameters.                             pressed, user will not be able to do
The values for the selected option will                                             anything on this screen.
appear in the Bottom Left Box.              MSL Box:
The modem firmware version will be          MSL = Master Subsidiary Lock (Unlock Reverse Tunneling: These check
display when Modem Info is selected.        code; unique to ESN)                 boxes should not be used by
                                                                                 customers unless directed.
In Configurable Parameters the              To perform manual activation:
selectable options are based on valid       1. Press the box above <VERIFY       MEID and MSID will be populated in
MSL:                                        MSL> soft button.                    the filed boxes directly right to the field
        MDN                                 2. A keyboard will pop up.           where they will show up in the dialogue
        MSID                                3. Enter the MSL number and press <  boxes below MSL field once the MSL is
        Home – SID & NID                    VERIFY MSL> soft button.             correctly entered. This is a Tier 2
                                            4. The system will reach out to the  support activity.
When user selects one of the                network and try to activate on the
Configurable Parameters options, two        network.                             Press <CANCEL> soft button.
text boxes and list box in the right side                                        The screen returns to MODEM screen
will populate the respective data.          If MSL verifcation failed, a message
                                            would appear. “Failed”
Press <UPDATE> button.

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PACCAR Display
Keyboard                                                                            Troubleshooting
The display has a keyboard available in
the following screens:                                                              Overtemp Warning
• Phone Text Message
• Navigation                                 Image 92 – Symbol Charactors
• Internet Browser
                                        The user enters the keyboard mode by
                                        selecting a botton on the screen that
There are two keyboards available:
                                        says keyboard or when selecting an
Alpha and Symbol Charactors pressing
                                        area that need text entry.
in an area that needs text entered. The
user can toggle between the two
                                        The keyboard overlays the bottom
keyboards by selecting the keyboard
                                        portion of the screen such that the user       Image 93 – Overtemp Warning
selector toggle key.
                                        can see what they are typing in the top                   Screen
                                                                                    The PACCAR display will notify the
                                          Pressing the red <X> on the keyboard      when the unit becomes too hot. The
                                          allows the user to exit the keyboard      unit will shut off and will turn back on
                                          and it will disappear from view.          when the temperature returns to an
                                                                                    acceptable level.
    Image 91 – Alpha Characters           The user nust not be allowed to use the
                                          keyboard when the vehicle is in motion.

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Document Created: 2010-12-02 19:22:14
Document Modified: 2010-12-02 19:22:14

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