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    Entertainment       External devices

                                                         Connecting the device
                                                          Only connect the device when the vehicle
                                                   is stationary. Otherwise, you may become dis‐
                                                   tracted and endanger the vehicle occupants and
                                                   other road users.◀

                                                   1. "Settings"
                                                   2. "Connections"
                                                   3. "Bluetooth"
Bluetooth audio                                    4. "Add new device"
                                                       The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐
Overview                                               played in the control display.
▷ Playback of music files from external devi‐
                                                   5. To perform other operations on the device;
  ces such as audio devices or mobile phones
                                                      see the Owner's Handbook of the device: for
  via Bluetooth is possible.
                                                      example finding/connecting Bluetooth de‐
▷ The sound output is via the vehicle loud‐           vice or new device.
                                                       The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is shown
▷ The volume of the sound output depends on            on the display of the device.
  the device. If applicable, change volume set‐
                                                   6. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle on
  tings on the device.
                                                      the display of the device.
▷ Up to four external devices can be registered
                                                   7. Request using the iDrive or mobile phone to
  with the vehicle.
                                                      enter the same Bluetooth passkey. Enter
                                                      and confirm passkey.
▷ Suitable device. Visit‐
  tooth for more information.                          Compare the control number in the vehicle
                                                       display with the control number in the mo‐
▷ Device ready for operation.
                                                       bile phone display. Confirm the control num‐
▷ Ignition switched on.                                ber in the mobile phone and on the vehicle.
▷ Bluetooth in the vehicle, see page 79, and           "OK"
  device activated.
                                                   8. Select functions for which the device is to be
▷ Bluetooth presettings must be made on the           used, for example "Bluetooth audio".
  device, for example connect without confir‐
                                                   9. "OK"
  mation or visibility, see Owner's Handbook
  of the device.                                   If connection was successful, the device is
                                                   shown as connected.
▷ A number with a minimum of 4 and a maxi‐
  mum 16 positions is specified as the Blue‐          White symbol: device active as audio source.
  tooth passkey. Only required for non-recur‐      If connection was unsuccessful: What to do if...,
  ring registration.                               see page 62.
▷ Vehicle is at rest.

                          Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                           External devices      Entertainment

Connecting a certain device                          3. "External devices"
An already connected device can be connected         4.     Select the symbol.
as an active audio source.
Connection not possible if data is exchanged
using a mobile phone equipped with Bluetooth.

If necessary, activate the audio connection of
the desired device from the list of connected

1. "Settings"
                                                     Playback is automatically started.
2. "Connections"
3. "Bluetooth"                                       Changing the track
4. Call up "Options".                                Not all functions may be available, depending on
5. "Configure device"                                the device.
6. "Audio"                                            Symbol             Function
7. "OK"
                                                                         Next track
Connecting a device                                                      Previous title
1. "Settings"
2. "Connections"                                     Fast forward/rewind
3. "Bluetooth"                                                Keep button pressed.
4. Select the device to be connected.
  White symbol: device active as audio source.
                                                     Random playback
Playback                                             1. "Multimedia"
                                                     2. "External devices"
General                                              3.     Select the symbol.
▷ The following functions are dependent on           4. Call up "Options".
  the device: display of track information, fast
                                                     5. "Random"
  forward/rewind, random playback.
▷ Can be operated using the device or iDrive.        Disconnecting audio connection
▷ Playback is interrupted if data is exchanged       1. "Settings"
  using a mobile phone equipped with Blue‐
                                                     2. "Connections"
                                                     3. "Bluetooth"
Starting play                                        4. Highlight the desired device.
1. Connecting a device.                              5. Call up "Options".
2. "Multimedia"                                      6. "Configure device"

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

    Entertainment       External devices

7. "Audio"                                          Playback is disrupted when a button is pressed
8. "OK"                                             on the device or if other messages are issued via
                                                    the device.
Disconnecting a device                              ▷ Switch off keypad acknowledgement tones
1. "Settings"                                         and other audio output at the device.

2. "Connections"                                    Playback is interrupted by phone calls or traffic
                                                    announcements and does not resume automat‐
3. "Bluetooth"
4. Highlight the device to be disconnected.
                                                    ▷ Switch the radio off and on again.
5. Call up "Options".
                                                    Playback is not possible if the mobile phone is
6. "Delete device"                                  connected via Bluetooth Audio and via the USB
                                                    interface or snap-in adapter at the same time.
What to do if...                                    ▷ Disconnect one of the two pairing connec‐
Visit for more infor‐           tions, for example disconnect audio connec‐
mation on compatible devices.                         tion, see page 61, and restart playback.
Device not supported by the vehicle.                If all the points on the list have been reviewed
▷ If applicable, perform a software update, see     and the desired function cannot be run, contact
  page 62.                                          Hotline or Service Centre.
Device not registered or paired.
▷ Do the Bluetooth passkeys for device and
  vehicle match. Enter the same passkey on
  the device and using iDrive.
▷ Duration for passkey input longer than
  30 seconds. Repeat the connection at‐
▷ Is the mobile phone in power-save mode or
  is the battery low? Charge the mobile phone
  using the snap-in adapter or the charging
▷ Is the device no longer responding. Switch
  the device off and on again.
▷ Repeat the connection attempt.
No music can be played back.
▷ Start the program for playing back music
  files on the device and if necessary, select a
  track via the device.
▷ Switch the radio off and on again.
Music files are played back, but only at low vol‐
▷ Adjust the volume controls on the device.

                           Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication         Telephone

Vehicle Equipment                                   It might be necessary to have certain functions
                                                    enabled by the mobile phone or service pro‐
This chapter describes all standard, national and   vider.
special equipment provided in the model series.
                                                    At high temperatures, the charging function of
Therefore equipment not available in a vehicle is
                                                    the mobile can be restricted and no longer op‐
also described, for example the selected special
equipment or national version. That also applies
to safety-relevant functions and systems.           When using the mobile through the vehicle, fol‐
                                                    low the user manual of the mobile.

                                                    Compatible mobile phones
Mobiles or other external devices, for example
audio player, can be connected to the vehicle by    Visit for detailed in‐
Bluetooth.                                          formation about the mobile phones and external
                                                    devices with Bluetooth interface that are sup‐
After single registration, these devices are au‐
                                                    ported by the mobile phone preparation option.
tomatically detected with the ignition switched
on. As soon as they are in the vehicle, they can
                                                    Viewing vehicle identification number
be operated through iDrive, the buttons on the
                                                    (VIN) and software part number
steering wheel and by voice.
                                                    The vehicle identification number (VIN) and soft‐
                                                    ware part number are necessary so that you can
                                                    check which mobile phones are supported by
                                                    the mobile phone preparation option. You might
External devices can be used depending on           also need details about the mobile phone's soft‐
functionality of the device as a telephone or as    ware version.
an audio source through the vehicle.
                                                    1. "Settings"
Up to four external devices can be registered. If
the rear telephone is registered, three more ex‐    2. "Connections"
ternal devices can be registered.                   3. Call up "Options".
                                                    4. "Bluetooth info"
                                                    5. "Display system information"
Notes                                               These suitable mobile phones have a certain
     Using the telephone while the vehicle is in    software version that supports the functions of
     motion                                         the vehicle described below.
Only make inputs when traffic activity permits.     Malfunctions may occur when using other mo‐
As the driver, do not make telephone calls with     bile phones or software versions.
the mobile phone in your hand while the vehicle     Do not operate a connected mobile phone with
is in motion; use the hands-free speaking sys‐      the keypad of the phone to avoid malfunctions.
tem. The vehicle occupants and other road
                                                    You have the option of performing a software
users could otherwise be endangered.◀
                                                    update, see page 62.

                           Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                  Telephone       Communication

Functions                                             Connecting/disconnecting
The following functions can be assigned to a          the mobile phone
mobile when registering.
                                                      Operating requirements
Telephone and additional telephone                    ▷ Suitable mobile phone.
A mobile phone can be assigned the telephone          ▷ Mobile phone operational.
or supplementary telephone function.                  ▷ Ignition switched on.
                                                      ▷ Bluetooth in the vehicle and mobile phone
Data transfer
A mobile phone assigned the telephone or sup‐
                                                      ▷ Bluetooth presettings must be made on the
plementary telephone function may also be as‐
                                                        mobile phone, for example connect without
signed the data transmission function. For data
                                                        confirmation or visibility; see Owner’s
transmission, this can result in call charges, for
                                                        Handbook of the device.
example, with a roaming connection.
                                                      ▷ If applicable deactivate Bluetooth audio.
A data transmission is displayed in the status
box, see Owner's Handbook for the vehicle.            ▷ Any number with a minimum of 4 and a max‐
                                                        imum 16 positions is specified as the Blue‐
The services breakdown assistance, hotline, tel‐
                                                        tooth passkey. Only required for non-recur‐
eservice call, automatic teleservice call, Internet
                                                        ring registration.
and BMW Live can be used via the mobile
phone. Using the services does not require a          ▷ Vehicle is at rest.
valid ConnectedDrive contract.
                                                      Activating/deactivating Bluetooth
The availability of the function depends on the
country and is series-specific. The mobile
phone must be compatible with and support the         Bluetooth use is not permitted everywhere.
required Bluetooth radio standards, equipped          Comply with relevant local laws.
with a corresponding mobile tariff and have suit‐     1. "Settings"
able Internet settings.
                                                      2. "Connections"
An existing data transmission can be terminated
                                                      3. "Bluetooth"
immediately, for example, to avoid roaming
costs.                                                4. "Bluetooth"

1. Call up "Options".                                 Enabling/disabling functions
2. "Transferring data via device"                     Activate functions before registering, to be able
The data transfer supplementary function is de‐       to assign these to a mobile phone.
activated and can be assigned to another tele‐        Information about suitable mobile phones that
phone.                                                support this function, see page 78.

Bluetooth audio                                       1. "Settings"
A mobile phone can be assigned the Bluetooth          2. "Connections"
Audio function. The mobile phone can then be          3. "Bluetooth"
used as an audio source, see page 60.
                                                      4. Call up "Options".
                                                      5. "Configure Bluetooth"

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication           Telephone

6. Select desired functions.                          8. Select the function for which you would like
    ▷ "Bluetooth audio"                                  to use the mobile phone.

    ▷ "Office"                                        9. "OK"
    ▷ "Secondary telephone"                               The mobile phone is connected and shown
                                                          in the first position on the list of mobile
    ▷ "Show pictures"
7. Tilt the controller to the left.
                                                      Up to three mobile phones can be connected to
                                                      the vehicle at the same time.
                                                      If the registration was unsuccessful: What to do
      Connecting the mobile phone                     if..., see page 81.
      Only connect the mobile phone when the
vehicle is stationary. Otherwise, you may be‐         Display of supported functions
come distracted and endanger the vehicle oc‐          Functions supported by the mobile phone are
cupants and other road users.◀                        shown as a symbol when registering.
Perform the connection in full at either the front    White symbol: function is active.
or rear control display.                              Grey symbol: function is inactive.
1. "Settings"                                          Symbol Function
2. "Connections"
3. "Bluetooth"
                                                                 Additional telephone.
4. "Add new device"
    The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐                    Data transfer.
    played in the control display.
                                                                 Audio source.
5. Perform other operations on the mobile
   phone, see the Owner's Handbook of the
   mobile phone: for example finding/connect‐         After connecting for the first time
   ing Bluetooth device or new device.                The mobile phone is paired in the vehicle after a
    The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is shown        short delay when the engine is running or the
    on the display of the mobile phone.               ignition switched on.

6. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle on        Phonebook entries on the telephone's SIM card
   the display of the mobile phone.                   or the mobile phone itself are transferred to the
                                                      vehicle after it has been detected, depending on
7. Enter the same passkey on the mobile
                                                      the mobile phone.
   phone and via iDrive and confirm.
                                                      For a few mobile phones, certain settings are
                                                      needed, for example, authorisation or secure
    Compare the control number on the control         connection, see instruction manual of the mo‐
    display with the control number in the mo‐        bile phone.
    bile phone display. Confirm the control num‐
    ber in the mobile phone and on the control        Connecting a certain mobile phone
                                                      1. "Settings"
    "OK"                                              2. "Connections"

                             Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                 Telephone      Communication

3. "Bluetooth"                                       Disconnecting a mobile phone
4. Select the mobile phone to be connected.          1. "Settings"
Functions assigned to the mobile phone before        2. "Connections"
disconnection are reassigned to the mobile           3. "Bluetooth"
phone upon reconnection. If applicable, this
                                                     4. Highlight the mobile phone to be discon‐
function was deactivated for a previously con‐
nected mobile phone.
                                                     5. Call up "Options".
Configuring mobile phone                             6. "Delete device"
Functions can be activated or deactivated with
a registered and connected mobile phone.             What to do if...
                                                     Information about suitable mobile phones, see
1. "Settings"
                                                     page 78.
2. "Connections"
                                                     Mobile phone not registered or paired.
3. "Bluetooth"
                                                     ▷ Is Bluetooth activated in the vehicle and the
4. Highlight mobile phone to be configured.            mobile phone? Activate Bluetooth in the ve‐
5. Call up "Options".                                  hicle and the mobile phone.
6. "Configure device"                                ▷ Do the Bluetooth passkeys for the mobile
7. At least one function must be selected.             phone and vehicle match. Enter the same
                                                       passkey on the mobile phone and using
   ▷ "Telephone"
   ▷ "Secondary telephone"
                                                     ▷ Duration for passkey input longer than
   ▷ "Data transfer"                                   30 seconds. Repeat the connection at‐
   ▷ "Audio"                                           tempt.
8. "OK"                                              ▷ Does the control number on the mobile
If a function is assigned to a mobile phone, then      phone and vehicle agree? Repeat the con‐
this is deactivated for the already connected          nection attempt.
mobile phone and the mobile phone is logged          ▷ Too many Bluetooth devices paired to the
off.                                                   mobile phone or the vehicle? If necessary
                                                       delete the pairing information for some
Switching telephone and additional                     other device.
telephone                                            ▷ Is Bluetooth audio activated? Deactivate
The function of the telephone and additional tel‐      Bluetooth audio.
ephone can be switched automatically.                ▷ Is the mobile phone in power-save mode or
1. "Settings"                                          is the battery low? Charge the mobile phone
                                                       using the snap-in adapter or the charging
2. "Connections"                                       cable.
3. "Bluetooth"                                       ▷ If appropriate, only one mobile phone can be
4. "Swap phone/second. phone"                          connected to the vehicle, depending on the
                                                       mobile phone. De-register the mobile phone
                                                       from the vehicle and only register and con‐
                                                       nect one mobile phone.
                                                     The mobile phone is no longer responding.

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication        Telephone

▷ Switch the mobile phone off and on again.        Controls
▷ Too high or low ambient temperatures? Do
  not subject the mobile phone to extreme          Adjusting the volume
  ambient conditions.                              Turn the volume knob on the radio until the de‐
Telephone functions not possible.                  sired volume is reached. The setting is saved for
▷ Configure mobile phone and connect with          the remote control currently in use.
  the telephone or additional telephone func‐
  tion.                                            Automatic volume equalisation
No phone book entries, not all entries or incom‐   The vehicle adjusts the volume of the micro‐
plete entries are displayed.                       phone on the telephone and the volume of the
                                                   other party automatically. Depending on the
▷ Transfer of the phone book entries has not
                                                   mobile phone, it may be necessary to adapt the
                                                   volumes. Settings are possible only during a call
▷ Under certain circumstances only the phone       and must be adjusted separately for each mobile
  book entries saved in the mobile phone or        phone. The settings are deleted as soon as the
  on the SIM card are transferred.                 mobile phone is de-registered.
▷ It might be that phone book entries with spe‐
                                                   1. "Settings"
  cial characters cannot be displayed.
                                                   2. "Sound"
▷ Number of phone book entries to be stored
  is too high.                                     3. "Volume settings"

▷ Data volume of the contact too large, for ex‐    4. Select desired setting: "Microphone" or
  ample due to stored information such as             "Loudspeak."
  notes? Reduce data volume of the contact.        5. Adjusting: turn the controller.
▷ Mobile phone connected as audio source?          6. Saving: press the controller.
  Configure mobile phone and connect with
  the telephone or additional telephone func‐      Incoming call
Quality of the phone connection is poor.           Receiving a call
▷ Bluetooth signal strength can be adjusted        If the number of the caller is saved in the tele‐
  on mobile phone, depends on the model.           phone book and is transferred from the network,
                                                   the name of the contact and the telephone num‐
▷ Place the mobile phone in the snap-in
                                                   ber is displayed. Otherwise, only the phone
  adapter or close to the centre console.
                                                   number is displayed.
▷ Adjust the volume of the microphone and
  speaker separately.                              Accepting a call
If all the points on the list have been reviewed
and the desired function cannot be run, contact    Using iDrive
Hotline or Service Centre.                            "Accept"

                          Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                              Telephone       Communication

                                                 Via instrument cluster
                                                 "Hang up"

                                                 Dialling a number
                                                 1. "Telephone"
                                                 2. "Dial number"
                                                 3. Select the digits individually.
                                                 4.      Select the symbol. The call is made using
                                                      the mobile phone assigned to the telephone
Via button on the steering wheel                      function.
       Press the button.

Via instrument cluster

Rejecting a call

Using iDrive
   "Reject"                                      If a call is to be made through the supplementary
Via instrument cluster
                                                 1. Select the digits individually.
                                                 2. Call up "Options".
Ending a call                                    3. "Call via"
                                                 The phone number can also be entered using
Using iDrive                                     the voice control system. The call is made using
   "Hang up"                                     the mobile phone assigned to the telephone

                                                 Calls with a number of participants

                                                 It is possible to switch between calls or merge
                                                 two calls to set up a conference. The functions
                                                 must be supported by the mobile phone and
                                                 service provider.

Via button on the steering wheel                 Accepting a call during another call
                                                 If there is a second call during an ongoing call
       Press the button.
                                                 you hear a call waiting signal, if applicable.
                                                 The call is accepted and the existing call is held.

                    Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

     Communication        Telephone

Setting up a second call                             DTMF overlap dialling
Set up another call during a call.                   Using DTMF overlap dialling to access network
                                                     services or to control devices, for example re‐
1. "Telephone"
                                                     mote answer phone access. This requires the
2. "Active calls"                                    DTMF code.
3. Dial a new phone number or select from a
                                                     1. "Telephone"
                                                     2. Selecting a contact from a list or "Dial
Switching between two calls,                            number".
alternating                                          3.     "DTMF suffix dialling"
You can switch between two calls. The calls can      4. Enter DTMF code via iDrive.
be made using both connected mobile phones.
Active call is displayed in colour.                  Phone book
Call on hold is displayed in grey.
     "Swap calls"
                                                     The phone book has access to the contacts
The phone switches to the call that is in pro‐       stored in the vehicle and contacts of the mobile
gress.                                               phones assigned the function telephone or sup‐
                                                     plementary telephone. All contacts for which a
Setting up a conference                              phone number is entered are displayed. The
Two calls can be merged to set up a telephone        contacts saved with BMW Online are also
conference. The calls must be made through a         shown.
mobile phone.
1. Setting up two calls.
                                                     1. "Telephone"
2.         "Place conference call"
                                                     2. "Phone book"
On termination, both calls are always termina‐
ted. If one call is terminated by another sub‐       The symbols mark the storage location of the
scriber, the other call is continued, if required.   contacts.

Setting the microphone to mute
The microphone can be muted during active

1. "Telephone"
2. "Active calls"
3.         "Microphone muted"
The mute microphone is automatically activa‐
ted:                                                  Symbol      Storage location
▷ When a new call is set up.
▷ When alternating between call parties.
                                                                  Mobile phone.

                                                                  BMW Online address book.

                            Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                  Telephone        Communication

Making a call                                        tary telephone, are transferred to the vehicle.
The entries can be selected and a call set up.       The last 20 numbers dialled are displayed for
                                                     each mobile phone.
Symbol Meaning

          Contact with a stored number.              Dialling numbers via the instrument
          Contact with more than one stored          Possible if no call is currently active.

          Call not possible, mobile phone with‐      1.           Press key on the steering wheel.
          out reception or network, Teleser‐         2. Select the desired phone number.
          vice Call or data transfer active.
                                                     The call is made through the mobile phone from
                                                     the list of which the number comes.
Contact with a stored phone number: select de‐
sired entry.                                         Dial number using iDrive
Contact with more than one stored phone num‐         1. "Telephone"
ber: select desired entry and then phone num‐
                                                     2. "Last number redial"
                                                     3. Select the desired entry and telephone
The call is made using the mobile phone as‐
                                                        number as necessary.
signed to the telephone function.
                                                          The call is made using the mobile phone as‐
If the call is to be made using the mobile phone
                                                          signed to the telephone function.
assigned to the supplementary telephone func‐
tion:                                                If the call is to be made using the mobile phone
                                                     assigned to the supplementary telephone func‐
1. Highlight contact, and highlight the desired      tion:
   phone numbers if there are more than one.
                                                     1. Mark entry.
2. Call up "Options".
                                                     2. Call up "Options".
3. "Call via"
                                                     3. "Call via"
Editing contacts
                                                     Saving an entry in Contacts
Changing the entries in the "Contacts" menu. If
a contact is changed, the changes are not saved      1. Mark entry.
on the mobile phone. A copy of the entry is saved    2. Call up "Options".
in the vehicle.                                      3. "Save as contact" or "Add to contact"
1. Highlight the contact.                            4. If necessary, select contact.
2. Call up "Options".                                5. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work",
3. "Edit entry"                                         "Mobile" or "Others"
The contact can be edited.                           6. If necessary, complete the entries.
                                                     7. "Save contact"

Lists of number dialled on the mobile phones
assigned the function telephone or supplemen‐

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication         Telephone

Incoming calls                                     From mobile phone to the hands-free
General                                            Calls that were started outside the Bluetooth
Lists of incoming calls on the mobile phones as‐   range of the vehicle can be continued via the
signed the function telephone or supplementary     hands-free system when the ignition is switched
telephone, are transferred to the vehicle. The     on.
last 20 incoming calls are displayed for each      Depending in the mobile phone, there is an au‐
mobile phone.                                      tomatic switch to the hands-free mode.
                                                   If it is not automatically toggled, follow what is
Dial number using iDrive
                                                   displayed on the mobile phone screen, and also
1. "Telephone"                                     see the instruction manual for the mobile phone.
2. "Received calls"
3. Select the desired entry and telephone          From the hands-free system to the
   number as necessary.                            mobile phone
   The call is made using the mobile phone as‐     Calls taken via the hands-free system can also
   signed to the telephone function.               be continued via the mobile phone, depending
                                                   on the mobile phone.
If the call is to be made using the mobile phone
assigned to the supplementary telephone func‐      Then follow what is displayed on the mobile
tion:                                              phone, and also see the instruction manual of
                                                   the mobile phone.
1. Mark entry.
2. Call up "Options".
3. "Call via"                                      Snap-in adapter
Saving an entry in Contacts                        Principle
1. Mark entry.                                     The snap-in adapter enables:
2. Call up "Options".                              ▷ Storage of the mobile phone.
3. "Save as contact" or "Add to contact"           ▷ Charging of the battery.
4. If necessary, select contact.                   ▷ Connection to the external aerial of the ve‐
5. Select the type of number: "Home", "Work",
   "Mobile" or "Others"                            This ensures better network reception and uni‐
                                                   form reproduction quality.
6. If necessary, complete the entries.
7. "Save contact"                                  General
                                                   More detailed information on the snap-in adapt‐
Hands-free system
                                                   ers which compatibly support the functions of
                                                   the handy can be obtained from the Service cen‐
Calls taken via the hands-free system can be
continued via the mobile phone and vice versa.     Notes
                                                   At high temperatures, the charging functions of
                                                   the mobile can be restricted and no longer op‐

                          Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                Telephone      Communication

Installed position                                      nections, arrow 1, and push down, arrow 2,
In the front centre armrest. The direction of in‐       until it engages.
stallation in the centre armrest varies from vehi‐
cle to vehicle.

Inserting the snap-in adapter
1. Press the button and take out the cover.

                                                     Removing the mobile phone

2. Insert snap-in adapter at the front, arrow 1,
   and press to the bottom, arrow 2, until the
   adapter engages.

                                                     Press the button and pick up the mobile phone.

Inserting the mobile phone
1. Depending on the mobile phone, remove
   the protective cap from the aerial connector
   and from the USB port of the mobile phone
   if necessary.
2. Push the mobile phone with buttons up‐
   wards in the direction of the electrical con‐

                       Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication         Office

Vehicle Equipment                                   Operating requirements
This chapter describes all standard, national and   ▷ Office is activated, see page 79.
special equipment provided in the model series.     ▷ A compatible mobile phone is registered
Therefore equipment not available in a vehicle is     and connected to the vehicle. The mobile
also described, for example the selected special      phone is assigned the function telephone or
equipment or national version. That also applies      supplementary telephone.
to safety-relevant functions and systems.
                                                    ▷ For some mobile phones, data access must
                                                      be confirmed on the mobile phone.

Principle                                           ▷ Time, time zone and date are correctly set
                                                      on the Control Display and on the mobile
Contacts, appointments, tasks, notes, text mes‐       phone, for example to display appointments
sages and e-mails from the mobile phone can be        correctly.
viewed on the control display if the mobile phone
supports these functions and is compatible with
the corresponding Bluetooth standards. Func‐        Updating
tions have to be released separately as required.
                                                    The data is updated every time the mobile
Transmission can take a few minutes after the
                                                    phone is connected to the vehicle. Appoint‐
first time a mobile phone is paired.
                                                    ments, tasks, notes and reminders can be up‐
                                                    dated separately.

General                                             1. "Office"

Information on which mobile phones support          2. "Office today", "Calendar", "Tasks",
which Office functions can be found under              "Notes/voice memos" or "Reminders"                              3. Call up "Options".
Contents are completely displayed when the          4. "Update data"
vehicle is at standstill.                               Data from the mobile phone is transferred to
                                                        the vehicle again.

     Do not operate Office while the vehicle is     Office update
     in motion.                                     The number of unread messages and active
Only make adjustments if the traffic conditions     tasks as well as appointments coming up are
are appropriate. Otherwise, you may become          displayed.
distracted and endanger the vehicle occupants
                                                    1. "Office"
and other road users.◀
                                                    2. "Office today"

                           Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                        Office     Communication

3. Select the desired entry to display details.      Compose message and send
                                                     1. "Office"
                                                     2. "New element"

Compose a new message
                                                     3. "Type"
Principle                                                 ▷ "Text message"
A spoken message is detected by voice recog‐              ▷ "E-mail"
nition and converted to text. This can be correc‐         ▷ "Voice memo"
ted and added to as needed. The message can
                                                          ▷ "E-mail with voice memo"
be sent as an SMS or E-mail.
                                                     4. "Recipient"
SMS messages and E-mails stored on the mo‐
bile phone can also be sent.                              Enter telephone number or E-mail address
Recording voice messages, see page 97.
                                                          Tip the controller to the right and select re‐
General                                                   cipient and telephone number or E-Mail ad‐
                                                          dress through contacts.
When using for the first time, follow the instruc‐
tions with service provide when starting the con‐         Contacts are only shown for which a tele‐
tract. This service may give rise to costs.               phone number or E-Mail address is stored.
Approximately 30 seconds of spoken text can          5.        "Dictate text" or
be recorded for each dictation. Several dicta‐                "Record voice memo", see page 97.
tions can be recorded one after the other, which          Select the function:
are sent as one message.
                                                          ▷        "Select input language"
Requirements                                              ▷         "Record"
▷ The mobile phone supports and is compat‐                     Start recording. After the tone, the text
  ible with the required Bluetooth standards.                  can be dictated.
▷ A valid E-mail address and contract with                ▷       "Stop"
  service provider.                                            Stop recording. The text is converted.
▷ Mobile phone registered with the vehicle                ▷         "Delete last dictation"
  and connected, see page 79.
                                                               The last dictated text is deleted.
▷ To send E-mails: mobile phone with set-up
                                                          ▷       "Read out last dictation"
  E-mail account, see Owner's Handbook of
  the mobile phone.                                       ▷       "Read out everything"

▷ Mobile phone must have reception.                       ▷        "Confirm"

                       Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication           Office

          Finish recording.                            also be transferred from both connected mo‐
6. After the recording has been made, the text         biles.
   can be corrected.                                   1. Call up "Options".
    Select       "Correct" and function:               2. Select mobile from which the contacts are
    ▷         "Delete"                                    to be transferred.
          Delete selected word.                        A symbol indicates the storage location of the
    ▷        "Spell"                                   contacts:

          The selected word is corrected using          Symbol Storage location
          the spell-checker.
    ▷ No symbol: select the suggested alter‐
      native word to accept it.                                   Mobile phone.
7. For E-mail and E-mail with voicemail:                          BMW Online address book.
    Select the account as needed.                      Displaying contacts from BMW Online
8. "Send"                                              To display contacts from BMW Online, when
                                                       logging on to BMW Online the function "Log in
Delete all entries                                     automatically" must be enabled.
"Delete all entries"
                                                       Dial a phone number
                                                       1. Select the desired contact.
Contacts                                               2. Select the phone number.

General                                                    The connection is established.
Contacts can be created and edited. The con‐           If a call is to be made through the supplementary
tacts from the mobile phone assigned the func‐         telephone:
tion telephone or supplementary telephone are          1. Select the desired contact.
also shown, as are the contacts from the BMW
                                                       2. Highlight phone number.
Online address book. The addresses can be
used as navigation destinations and the phone          3. Call up "Options".
numbers dialled directly.                              4. "Call via"

Displaying contacts                                    Editing contacts
1. "Office"
2. "Contacts"
                                                       If a contact that comes from the mobile phone
    All contacts are listed in alphabetical order.
                                                       or BMW Online is edited, the changes are not
    The A-Z search function is offered, depend‐
                                                       saved on the mobile phone or at BMW Online. A
    ing on the number of contacts.
                                                       copy of the entry is saved in the vehicle.
It can be selected whether the contacts are to
be transferred from a mobile. The contacts can

                              Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                       Office      Communication

Edit                                                 Display the Internet address of a
1. Select the desired contact.                       contact
2. "Edit contact"                                    The Internet address stored for a contact can be
                                                     called up.

                                                     1. Select the desired contact.
                                                     2. Select Internet address.
                                                         The selected Internet address is displayed
                                                         in the browser.

                                                     Displaying additional information from
                                                     BMW Online
                                                     Display of additional information for a contact if
3. Change entries.                                   present at BMW Online.
4. "Save contact in veh."
                                                     1. Select the desired contact.

Selecting a contact as navigation                    2. Call up "Options".
destination                                          3. "Addit. info (BMW Online)"
1. Select the desired contact.
                                                     New contact
2. Select address.
   In the case of contacts from the mobile           Attaching
   phone and BMW Online address book, the
                                                     1. "Office"
   address might have to be matched to the
   navigation data in the vehicle. If that is the    2. "Contacts"
   case:                                             3. Call up "Options".
   Correct the address.                              4. "New contact"
3. "Start guidance" or "Add as another               5. Input boxes still show previous input: "Clear
   destination"                                         fields"
                                                     6. Complete input boxes: select input box.
Checking address as destination
                                                     7. Enter text and make any assignment.
An address that is to be added to the route guid‐
                                                     8. In the navigation system: enter address.
ance must match the navigation data contained
                                                        Only addresses that are present in the car’s
in the vehicle. Here, the address can be
                                                        navigation data can be entered. This en‐
                                                        sures that route guidance is possible for all
1. Select the desired contact.                          addresses.
2. Highlight address.                                    If applicable, "Accept"
3. Call up "Options".                                9. "Save contact in veh."
4. "Check as destination"                            The entries for a contact are assigned by the
5. If necessary, correct and save the address.       following symbols.
If the address is corrected and saved, a copy is
created in the vehicle. The address is not
changed on the mobile phone or BMW Online.

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  Communication         Office

Symbol        Meaning                                Display contact images
                                                     Photos saved for contacts are saved in the ve‐
              Private phone number
                                                     hicle when the mobile phone is connected to the
              Work phone number                      vehicle.

              Mobile phone number                    1. "Settings"
                                                     2. "Connections"
              Other phone number
                                                     3. "Bluetooth"
              Private address
                                                     4. Call up "Options".
              Work address                           5. "Configure Bluetooth"
              E-mail address                         6. "Show pictures"
                                                     Displaying all contact images is activated or de‐
              Internet address

Specifying home address                              Exporting/importing contacts
A home address can be saved in memory. This          Contacts can be exported and imported via Per‐
home address appears at the top of the list of       sonal Profile. The contacts stored in the vehicle
contacts.                                            are exported, not the contacts from the mobile
                                                     phone or BMW Online.
1. "Office"
2. "Contacts"                                        Deleting contacts
3. "Home address"                                    Only contacts saved in the vehicle are deleted.
4. Organising contacts                               The contacts from the mobile phone or BMW
5. "Save contact in veh."                            Online cannot be deleted.

                                                     1. "Office"
Selecting sort order for names
                                                     2. "Contacts"
Names can be displayed in a different order.
                                                     3. Highlight the contact.
1. "Office"                                          4. Call up "Options".
2. "Contacts"                                        5. "Delete contact" or "Delete all contacts".
3. Call up "Options".                                6. If applicable, "Yes"
4. "Display surname first" or "Display first
   name first"
The sort order for names might not be the same       Messages
as the selected sort order, depending on how
contacts are saved on your mobile phone.             General
                                                     Messages are only displayed when they are

                                                     Displaying messages
                                                     1. "Office"
                                                     2. "Messages"

                            Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                      Office      Communication

   The latest messages are shown.                            Only E-mails from the mobile phone are
It can be selected whether the messages are to               displayed.
be transferred from a mobile. The messages can           ▷ "Text message"
also be transferred from both connected mo‐                  Only SMS messages are displayed.
                                                         ▷ "Service messages"
If a mobile phone is assigned to more than one
                                                             Only service messages are displayed.
e-mail account, the desired e-mail account must
be selected.                                             Select message status.
                                                         ▷ "Unread messages"
1. Call up "Options".
                                                             Only unread messages are shown.
2. Select mobile and which account from
   which the messages are to be transferred.             ▷ "Since start of journey"
                                                             All SMS and E-mails received since the
                                                             start of the trip are shown.
                                                         ▷ "All messages"
                                                             All messages are displayed.

                                                     Deleting messages

                                                     All message types can be deleted in the vehicle.
A Symbol designated the message type.                SMS and E-mails transferred from the mobile to
                                                     the vehicle are also deleted on the mobile.
Symbol Message type

          SMS.                                       Deleting a service message
          My Info                                    1. Select the desired service message.
                                                     2. Call up "Options".
          Message from information service.
                                                     3. "Delete message"
          E-mail from mobile phone
                                                     Delete all service messages
Select this to display a message.                    1. Call up "Options".
                                                     2. "Delete all messages" or "Delete
Filter message list                                     messages"
The message list can be filtered if more than one
type of message is available. Filtering can be       SMS
combined between message type and message
status.                                              General
1. "Filter:"                                         SMS messages transferred from the mobile
                                                     phone to the vehicle.
2. Select type of message.
   ▷ "All message types"                             Additional functions
       All messages are displayed.                   The following functions are available when an
   ▷ "E-mail"                                        SMS message is selected:

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

  Communication          Office

Symbol     Function                                  Symbol    Function

           Browse in the SMS                                   "Sender/recipient"

           "Play", see page 99.                                Contact data are shown

           "Call sender"                                       "Use contact data", see page 98.

           "Use contact data", see page 98.                    "Reply"
                                                               Select between:
           Select between:
                                                                   "Reply to all"
                                                               Send e-mail, see page 89.
           Send SMS, see page 89.
                                                               "Mark as unread"
           "Mark as unread"
                                                               "Delete e-mail"
           "Delete message"

                                                    My Info
                                                    My Info messages from the BMW Assist Portal.
E-mail messages transferred from the mobile
phone to the vehicle.
Deactivate complete display                         Send a predefined reply.

Opening an E-mail in the vehicle completely         1. Select the desired message.
transfers it to the vehicle. This may be subject    2. Call up "Options".
to charges.
                                                    3. "Answer"
1. "Office"
2. "Messages"                                       Additional functions
3. Call up "Options".                               The following functions are available when a
                                                    message is selected:
4. "Fully download e-mails"
    Only part of the E-mail is loaded from the       Symbol Function
    mobile phone into the vehicle.                            "Start guidance" or "Add as another
Additional functions
The following functions are available when an e-
mail message is selected:                                     A phone connection is established if
                                                              the message contains a number.
Symbol     Function

           Browse in the e-mail

           "Play", see page 99.

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                                                                       Office    Communication

Symbol Function                                       Symbol Function

          "Select phone number"                                "Open link in browser"
          Select the desired number from the                   Call up Internet address.
          list if the message contains more
                                                               "Further information"
          than one number. Telephone con‐
          nection is set up.                                   Display additional information

          "Send e-mail (BMW Online)"

          "Open link in browser"                     Calendar
Message from information service                     Principle
                                                     The last 30 days and the next 90 days can be
General                                              displayed.
Messages from BMW information service.
Saving an address                                    1. "Office"
1. Select the desired message.                       2. "Calendar"
2. Call up "Options".                                    Yesterday, today and the next five days are
3. "Save contact in veh."                                shown.
                                                     It can be selected whether the appointments are
Additional functions                                 to be transferred from a mobile. The appoint‐
The following functions are available when a         ments can also be transferred from both con‐
message is selected:                                 nected mobiles.

Symbol Function                                      1. Call up "Options".
                                                     2. Select mobile phone from which the ap‐
          "Start guidance" or "Add as another
                                                        pointments are to be transferred.
                                                     Scroll to the current week, or
                                                     "Previous days": shows the last 7 days.
          A phone connection is established if
                                                     "Next days": shows the next 7 days.
          the message contains a number.

          "Select phone number"                      Show calendar month
          Select the desired number from the         1. Select date.
          list if the message contains more              The current month is shown. Appointments
          than one number. Telephone con‐                are entered on the highlighted calendar
          nection is set up.                             dates.
          "Send e-mail (BMW Online)"                 2. Turn controller until the previous or next
                                                        month is shown.

                                                     Show calendar day
                                                     1. Show calendar month.

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  Communication          Office

2. Select desired day.                              2. Select mobile phone from which the tasks
   The appointments of the selected day are            are to be transferred.
                                                    Sort task list
Appointment                                         1. Select headers in the task list.


                                                    2. Select sort criterion:
                                                        ▷ "Priority (!)"
Select the desired appointment.
                                                        ▷ "Subject"
Additional functions                                    ▷ "Due date"
The following functions are available for the ap‐
pointment entry selected:
                                                    Display task
                                                    Select the desired task.
Symbol Function

           Browse in the appointment                Additional functions
                                                    The following functions are available when a
           "Search powered by Google™"
                                                    task is selected:
           Start route guidance to the location
           of the appointment                        Symbol    Function

           "Read out", see page 99.                            Browse in the task

           "Use contact data", see page 98.                    "Read out", see page 99.

                                                               "Use contact data", see page 98.

Display task list
1. "Office"                                         Display notes
2. "Tasks"                                          1. "Office"
It can be selected whether the tasks are to be      2. "Notes/voice memos"
transferred from a mobile. The tasks can also be        All text memos from the mobile phone and
transferred from both connected mobiles.                voice memos recorded in the vehicle are
1. Call up "Options".                                   shown.

                           Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

                                                                         Office   Communication

It can be selected whether the notes are to be                The recording cannot be continued after
transferred from a mobile. The notes can also be              starting playback.
transferred from both connected mobiles.                  ▷      "To beginning"
1. Call up "Options".                                     ▷      "Fast reverse"
2. Select mobile phone from which the memos               ▷      "Fast forward"
   are to be transferred.                                 ▷        "Delete"
                                                          ▷       "OK"
Text memos
                                                              Finish recording.
Show text memos
Select desired text memo.
                                                      Displaying voice memo
                                                      Select desired voice memo.
Additional functions
The following functions are possible with a se‐
                                                      Additional functions
lected text memo:                                     The following functions are possible with a se‐
                                                      lected voice memo:
Symbol       Function
                                                       Symbol Function
             Browse in the memo
             "Read out", see page 99.
             "Use contact data", see page 98.
                                                                "To beginning"

Voice memos                                                     "Fast reverse"

                                                                "Fast forward"
A voice memo can be recorded. These are                         "Delete"
stored in the vehicle and can be exported
                                                                "Send as message"
through the USB interface.
                                                                Compose e-mail with voice memo,
Record voice note                                               see page 89.
1. "Office"
2. "Notes/voice memos"                                Export voice note
3. "New voice memo"                                   To export voice memos through the USB con‐
                                                      nection in the centre console, a suitable medium
4.       "Record voice memo"                          must be connected to the USB interface.
     Select the function:                             ▷ Suitable media: USB mass storage facilities,
     ▷      "Record"                                    for example USB memory sticks or MP3
          Start recording. After the voice memo         players with USB interface.
          can be recorded after the tone.             ▷ Unsuitable media: USB hard disks, USB
     ▷      "Pause"                                     hubs, USB memory card readers with a
                                                        number of bays, Apple iPod/iPhone.
          Pressing again restarts the recording.
     ▷       "Play"

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  Communication         Office

▷ File systems: current file systems for USB       2. Select mobile phone from which the remind‐
  devices are supported. FAT 32 format is             ers are to be transferred.
1. Connect USB medium to the USB interface         Activate/deactivate pop-up reminder
   in the centre armrest, see page 57.             1. "Office"
2. "Office"                                        2. Call up "Options".
3. "Notes/voice memos"                             3. "Reminder pop-up"
4. Highlight desired voice memo.                        All reminders for appointments and tasks
5. Call up "Options".                                   are shown in a list on the control display
                                                        when they are due.
6. "Export all memos (USB)" or "Export voice
   memo (USB)"
                                                   Close all reminders
   All voice notes are exported and/or the pre‐
                                                   1. "Office"
   viously-marked voice note is exported.
                                                   2. "Reminders"
Delete voice note                                  3. "Close all reminders"
1. Mark desired voice note.
2. Call up "Options".
                                                   Use contact data
3. "Delete all voice memos" or "Delete voice
   memo"                                           General
4. "OK"                                            Contact data from appointments, tasks, SMS,
                                                   E‑mails and notes can be stored or selected.

Reminders                                          Display contact or dial telephone
General                                            1.      "Use contact data"
Reminders connected to appointments and
                                                   2. Display contact or dial telephone number:
tasks are displayed. After an appointment or
task deadline has elapsed, the reminder is no           ▷ Select contact to display a detailed view
longer displayed.                                         of the contact.
                                                        ▷ Select telephone number to make a di‐
Display reminders                                         rect connection.
1. "Office"
                                                   Store contact data
2. "Reminders"
                                                   1.      "Use contact data"
3. Select the desired reminder.
                                                   2. Highlight telephone number or e-mail ad‐
   The relevant appointment or task is dis‐
                                                   3. Call up "Options".
It can be selected whether the reminders are to
be transferred from a mobile. The reminders can    4. "Add to contact" or "Save as contact"
also be transferred from both connected mo‐

1. Call up "Options".

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                                                                        Office     Communication

Reading out                                           ▷ Not all stored appointments, tasks, notes,
                                                        messages in the mobile phone are displayed
General                                                 in the vehicle, depending on the number of
                                                        stored appointments.
SMS, E-mails, appointments, tasks, memos and
voice memos can be read out or played back.           Are not all appointments, tasks and reminders
                                                      from the mobile phone displayed at the correct
Reading out                                           time?
1. Select desired element.                            ▷ Time zone, time or date is not correctly set
                                                        on the control display and the mobile phone.
2.      "Read out"
                                                      The E-mail attachment is not displayed.
The following possibilities are available when
reading out or playing back:                          ▷ E-mails are transferred without attach‐
▷      "Pause"
                                                      Texts of entries are not fully displayed.
     Interrupt reading out. Select again to restart
     reading out.                                     ▷ Texts are abridged before they are transfer‐
                                                        red from the mobile phone.
▷       "To beginning"
                                                      ▷ Synchronisation between mobile phone and
     Read out again from the beginning.
                                                        vehicle might take several minutes to com‐
▷       "Next paragraph"                                plete.
     Skip paragraph.                                  Contact photos are not displayed.
▷       "Previous paragraph"                          ▷ For each mobile phone connected, a maxi‐
     Return to last paragraph.                          mum of 200 contact images are transferred
▷ To end reading out or playback, tip the con‐          to the vehicle.
  troller to the left.                                Are E-mails displayed with a delay?
                                                      ▷ Check E-mail settings on the mobile phone
                                                        and adjust, if applicable.
What to do if...                                      If all the points on the list have been reviewed
Information about suitable mobile phones, see         and the desired function cannot be run, contact
page 78.                                              Hotline or Service Centre.
Appointments, tasks, reminders, memos, or
messages from the mobile phone are not dis‐
▷ Mobile phone is not suitable for the missing
  function or it is not connected correctly?
▷ Mobile phone is also connected by WLAN.
▷ Office function is deactivated.
▷ Mobile phone is not selected for transferring
  the desired elements.
▷ Appointments are more than 30 days old/
  more than 90 days ahead.
▷ Tasks are marked as done.

                        Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 917 877 - II/13

Document Created: 2012-12-03 13:49:06
Document Modified: 2012-12-03 13:49:06

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