

Users Manual

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                                     HandyWave Co., Ltd
                            202-4 Yatap-dong, Bundang-gu,Seongnam City,
                            Kyunggi Province, 463-070, Korea
                            Tel.: + 82-31-709-8900   Fax: + 82-31-708-9455


                              Wireless Solutions in your Hand

                                                       User’s Manual

                                                       Table of Contents
1.     INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 3

     1.1.    FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ 3
     1.2.    PACKAGE .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.     SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................. 4

     2.1.    GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 4
     2.2.    RS-232 INTERFACE .......................................................................................................... 5
       2.2.1. Pin-out ......................................................................................................................... 5
       2.2.2. Signals......................................................................................................................... 5
     2.3.    FACTORY SETTING ............................................................................................................ 5
     2.4.    DISPLAY STATUS ............................................................................................................... 6
     2.5.    RESET BUTTON ................................................................................................................. 6
       2.5.1. Enter Configuration Mode ........................................................................................... 6
       2.5.2. Exit Configuration Mode .............................................................................................. 6
       2.5.3. Re-connection ............................................................................................................. 6

3.     HARDWARE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................... 7

     3.1.    HARDWARE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 7
     3.2.    POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................ 7
     3.3.    INSTALL PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 7

4.     USAGE................................................................................................................................... 8

     4.1.    HYPER TERMINAL SETTINGS .............................................................................................. 8
     4.2.    CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................ 8
       4.2.1. Start Configuration....................................................................................................... 8
       4.2.2. Usage Printing............................................................................................................. 8
       4.2.3. After Configuration ...................................................................................................... 8
     4.3.    COMMAND SET ................................................................................................................. 9
       4.3.1. Command List for Local Device .................................................................................. 9
       4.3.2. Command List for Remote Device ............................................................................ 10


                                                                        1. Introduction

Thank you for purchasing a HandyPort-Serial. The HandyPort-Serial can be used as a
component in many types of systems allowing them to communicate wirelessly with other
Bluetooth products such as PC-cards, laptops, handheld computers, mobile phones and other
HandyPort-Serial. The HandyPort-Serial is a suitable component in new products as well as in
existing products.

1.1. Features
         Supports Bluetooth Serial Port Profile and Generic Access Profile
         No need of external host and software
         Easy of installation and use
         Supports configuration of the local device
         Supports configuration of the remote device via Over-the-Air
         Easy of maintenance
         Supports up to 100 meter (Line of Sight)

1.2. Package
         HPS-120 2 EA
         Antenna 2 EA
         A USB Cable for Power Supply
         A Manual


                                                                2. Specifications

2.1. General
Baud Rate           Up to 115.2kbps (Recommend above 2.4kbps)
                    Supports 1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2/38.4/57.6/115.2kbps
Coverage            Up to 100 M
Connection          Point-to-Point
Signal              DCD, TxD, RxD, GND, CTS/DSR(Remark1), DTR, RTS
RS-232 Interface    D_SUB 9 Pin Female
Standard            Bluetooth Specification Version 1.1
Frequency           2.400 ~ 2.4835GHz
Hopping             1,600/Sec, 1MHz Channel Space
Modulation          GFSK, 1Mbps, 0.5BT Gaussian
Tx. Power           Max 20 / Typical 16dBm (Class 1)
Rx. Sensitivity     -84dBm
Antenna Interface   SMA Female
Antenna Gain        Max. 2dBi
Power Supply        +5 ~ +12Vdc
Current             Max. 110mA
Operation           -20 ~ 75 °C
Size                35mm (W) x 65mm (D) x 16mm (H)
Remark1) The default hardware configuration is for using CTS. If you want to use DSR, please
contact us.


2.2. RS-232 Interface
2.2.1. Pin-out

2.2.2. Signals
Pin Number      Signal          Direction     Description
1               DCD             Output        Data Carrier Detect
2               TxD             Output        Transmitted Data
3               RxD             Input         Received Data
4               DSR             N/A (Input)   Option: Data Set Ready(Remark1)
5               GND             N/A           Signal Ground
6               DTR             Output        Data Terminal Ready
7               CTS             Input         Clear to Send(Remark1)
8               RTS             Output        Request to Send
9               Vcc                Input      Power Supply
Remark1) The default hardware configuration is for using CTS. If you want to use DSR, please
contact us.

2.3. Factory Setting
The following is the factory setting of COM port.
         Baud rate: 9600 bps
         Data Bit: 8 bit
         Parity Bit: No parity
         Stop Bit: 1 stop bit
         Flow control: None


2.4. Display Status
The following is status LED information.
          OPR (Red): When HPS-120 is powered on, it is turned on or flashing.
          LNK (Green): When a wireless link is on, it is turned on. If HPS-120 is in the
          configuration mode, it will be flashing every second.

2.5. Reset Button
The RST button has the following functions.
          Enter / Exit the configuration mode
          Restore the factory settings
          Disconnect and reconnect a wireless connection.

2.5.1. Enter Configuration Mode
When the LNK LED is OFF, push the RST button. When the LNK LED is ON, you have to push
the RST button twice to enter the configuration mode. If you enter the configuration mode
successfully, LNK LED will be flashing every second. And HPS-120 COM port will be stored the
factory settings.

2.5.2. Exit Configuration Mode
You can have two options to exit the configuration mode.
Exit the configuration mode by software: Type “X”.
Exit the configuration mode by the RST button: Push the RST button.

2.5.3. Re-connection
When the LNK LED is on, you can push the RST button to disconnect and reconnect a wireless

If you push the RST button, the COM port of HPS-120 will be stored the factory setting.


                                                       3. Hardware Installation

3.1. Hardware Description
 RST Button                                    Screw




                                     DC In Jack
                                                             USB   Cable   Antenna /
                                                             for Power     Connector

3.2. Power Supply
You can supply power to the HPS-120 as follows:
Use an AC/DC converter (Output Power: +5 ~ +12Vdc / 300mA).

Use a provided USB cable.
You can supply power via 9th pin of D_SUB 9 Pin connector.

3.3. Install Procedure
Step 1: Assemble a provided antenna to HPS-120 body.
Step 2: Plug a HPS-120 into the COM port of device.
Step 3: Power on.
Step 4: Configure the HPS-120, if necessary.


                                                                               4. Usage

You can change the configuration of HPS-120 using Hyper Terminal.

4.1. Hyper Terminal Settings
Baud Rate: 9600 bps / Data Bit: 8 / Parity Bit: None / Stop Bit: 1 / Flow Control: None /
Emulation: VT100

4.2. Configuration
4.2.1. Start Configuration
Step 1: Plug a HPS-120 into a COM port of PC. And Power it on.
Step 2: Open a Hyper Terminal and set it up.
Step 3: Push the RST button on HPS-120. If you enter the configuration mode successfully, LNK
LED will be flashing every second.
Step 4: Hit the <Enter> key, 5 second later.
Step 5: Change the configuration of HPS-120 with commands, if necessary.

4.2.2. Usage Printing
If you are in the configuration mode, type “?” key. You will see the usage. All commands and
parameters are case sensitive. And you cannot use a <Backspace>.

4.2.3. After Configuration
After finishing the configuration, you have to execute a command “X” to apply changes.


4.3. Command Set
4.3.1. Command List for Local Device
Item               Syntax            Description                        Remarks
1.     Connecting AAddr<Enter>      Set       a   remote      device A       local    and      remote
address                             address       for   a   wireless BD_ADDR always need to
                                    connection.                         be difference.
2. Baud rate       BBaud Rate       Change the baud rate                Baud Rate - 0: 1200, 1:
                                                                        2400, 2: 4800, 3: 9600, 4:
                                                                        19200, 5: 38400, 6: 57600,
                                                                        7: 115200
3. COM port        CCOM Port        This is only valid in connection

                                    mode 2.

4. PIN code        EPIN<Enter>      Authentication Off: Type <Enter>    Paired    adapters     should
                                    Authentication On: Type up to 11    have a same PIN code.

5. Flow control    FFlow Control    Set the Flow control.               0: None, 1: Hardware, 2:
                                                                        DTR/DSR, 3: Hardware &
6.     Connection Mmode             Set a connection mode               0: 1:1 Mode, 1: WAIT Mode,
mode                                                                    2:       REGISTER         and
                                                                        CONNECT Mode
7. Friendly name   Nname<Enter> Set a friendly name up to 11
8. Command for     O                Enter configuration mode
the remote                          for the remote.
9. Parity Bit      Pparity          Set the parity bit.                 0: None, 1: Odd 2: Even
10. Stop Bit       Sstop            Set the stop bit.                   0: 1 Stop, 1: 2 Stop
11. View           V                Display             configuration
12. Exit           X                 Apply changes.
13. Usage          ?                Print the usage.
If you push the RST button, the COM port of HPS-120 will be stored the factory setting.


4.3.2. Command List for Remote Device
To change the configuration for a remote device via over-the-air, firstly you have to use a
command “O” at the local device. The following are a procedure for changing configuration of
remote device via over-the-air.
           Configure a remote device at the local device.
           Save changes at the local device.
           Make a connection between the local device and remote device (Automatically).
           Send changes from the local device to the remote device (Automatically).
           Apply changes at the remote device and reboot (Automatically).
Item                 Syntax            Description                            Remarks
1.     Connecting AAddr<Enter>         Set a connecting address for
address                                remote device.
2. Baud rate         BBaud Rate        Change the baud rate for the
3. COM port          CCOM Port         This is only valid in mode 2.

4. PIN code          EPIN<Enter>       Authentication Off: Type <Enter>       Paired adapters should
                                       Authentication On: Type up to 11       have a same PIN code.

5. Flow control      FFlow Control     Set the Flow control for remote.

6.     Connection MMode                Set a connection mode for
mode                                   remote.
7. Friendly name     NName<Enter> Set a friendly name up to 11
                                       characters for remote.
8. Parity Bit        PParity           Set the parity bit.                    0: None, 1: Odd 2: Even
9. Stop Bit          SStop             Set the stop bit.                      0: 1 Stop, 1: 2 Stop
10 View              V                 Display                configuration
                                       information for remote
11. Exit             X                 Save changes and return to
                                       main menu.
12. Usage            ?                 Print the usage.
Remarks1: To configure a remote device via over-the-air, a local device must be able to make a
connection to the remote device.
Remarks2: You can change a PIN code for the remote and local device as follows:
Change a PIN for remote at the local -> Apply it. -> Change a PIN for local and apply it.
Remarks3: Once you change a connecting address, and connection mode for the remote, the
local device won’t be able to make a connection to the remote device.

This equipment has been tested and found no comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
              - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
              - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
              - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
               which the receiver is connected
              - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall
caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

FCC Radio-Frequency Exposure Statement
This equipment generates and radiates radio frequency energy. In order to comply with
FCC radio-frequency radiation exposure guidelines for an uncontrolled environment, this
equipment has to be installed and operated while maintaining a minimum body to antenna
distance of 20cm.
User are not permitted to make changes or modify the system in any way.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
distance of at least 20cm from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired


Document Created: 2004-02-20 11:21:38
Document Modified: 2004-02-20 11:21:38

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC