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                         The E-MSM430, E-MSM460, and E-MSM466 are Wi-Fi Alliance
                         authorized Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 802.11n/a/b/g products. The Wi-Fi    In
                         CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

                  E-MSM430, E-MSM460, and E-MSM466 802.11n Access Points Quickstart
 This Quickstart shows you how to install and get started using the E-MSM430, E-MSM460, and E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points, hereafter referred
 to as the AP except for where specific model references are made. (See Products list on page 8 for part numbers.)
 Please visit for the latest documentation including the MSM3xx / MSM4xx Access Points Management and Configuration Guide
 and the MSM7xx Controllers Management and Configuration Guide.

Hardware overview

                                                                                                                 ➃                  ➃



                                                               ➀                                      ➆                                          ➆


                                                                                                        ➆                                    ➆
                                                                ➂                                                ➇      ➈

          Front view                                                                                  Back view
          1: Status Lights (Left to right) Power, Ethernet, Radio1, Radio 2                           4: Antenna connectors (E-MSM466 only), 
          2: Cable lock hole                                                                             Radio 1 right, Radio 2 left
          3: Retention screw hole                                                                     5: Reset button
                                                                                                      6: Cable channel
                                                                                                      7: AP Bracket tab slot
                                                                                                      8: Console port
                                                                                                      9: Ethernet port Page 2 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           2                                              Important information to read before installing

Package contents                                                                          Surge protection and grounding: When connecting antennas installed
The AP, AP Bracket, Padlock Bracket, two sets of AP Bracket T-bar clips with              outdoors to the E-MSM466, make sure that proper lightning surge protection
screws, two mounting screws with wall anchors, retention screw (4-40x1/4”),               and grounding precautions are taken according to local electrical code. Failure
Adapter Bracket, and documentation.                                                       to do so may result in personal injury, fire, equipment damage, or a voided
                                                                                          warranty. The HP hardware warranty provides no protection against damage
Ports                                                                                     caused by static discharge or a lightning strike.
  • Ethernet port: Auto-sensing 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet port with RJ-45                Cabling: You must use the appropriate cables, and where applicable, surge
    connector. The port supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af.                       protection, for your given region. Cat 5e (or better) cabling is required.
  • Console port: Standard console (serial) port with RJ-45 connector. See                Plenum installation: The AP can be installed in a plenum. The AP is suitable
    Console Ports in the MSM3xx / MSM4xx Access Points Management and                     for use in environmental air space in accordance with Section 300-22(C) of the
    Configuration Guide. Note that there is no need to use the Console port for           National Electrical Code, and Sections 2-128, 12-010(3) and 12-100 of the
    initial configuration. The CLI Reference Guide is available online.                   Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, CSA C22.1. It should be installed in a similar
    Warning: Never connect the Console port to an Ethernet switch or                      orientation as in a ceiling installation. However, it is left to a qualified installer
    PoE power source. This may damage the AP. Connect it only to other                    to determine how to install/secure the AP in a plenum in an appropriate and
    serial ports using an RJ-45 to Serial Port adapter.                                   safe manner. Plenum-rated cables and attachment hardware must be used.
Radios and antennas                                                                       Country of use: In some regions, you are prompted to select the country of
Each AP features two radios, providing 802.11n/a on Radio 1 and                           use during setup. After the country has been set, the AP will automatically limit
802.11n/a/b/g on Radio 2. For maximum performance, the E-MSM460 and                       the available wireless channels, ensuring compliant operation in the selected
E-MSM466 both support 3x3 MIMO three-spatial-stream 802.11n. The                          country. Entering the incorrect country may result in illegal operation and may
E-MSM430 only supports 2x3 MIMO two-spatial-stream 802.11n.                               cause harmful interference to other systems.

The E-MSM430 and the E-MSM460 each contain two 3-element, dual-band,                      Safety: Take note of the following safety information during installation.
MIMO antennas. The E-MSM466 includes no integrated antennas. It provides                    • If your network covers an area served by more than one power distribution
three antenna connectors for each radio, color-coded red, green, and blue.                     system, make sure all safety grounds are securely interconnected.
When connecting the antenna cables, be sure to respect the color-coding. See                • Network cables may occasionally be subject to hazardous transient
E-MSM466 available antennas on page 8.                                                         voltages (caused by lightning or disturbances in the electrical power grid).
Reset button                                                                                • Handle exposed metal components of the network with caution.
The Reset button is accessible via a hole on the bottom of the AP, labeled as 5             • The AP is powered-on when connected to a PoE power source.
on page 1. Insert a paper clip into the Reset button hole. Press and quickly
                                                                                            • The AP and all interconnected equipment must be installed indoors within
release the button to reset the AP. To reset the AP to factory defaults, press the
                                                                                               the same building (except for outdoor antennas), including all
button until the status lights blink three times, then release.
                                                                                               PoE-powered network connections, as described by Environment A of the
Important information to read before installing                                                IEEE 802.3af standard.
                                                                                          See also Other regulatory information on page 8.
installation only. Prior to installing or using the AP, consult with a                    Powering the AP
professional installer trained in RF installation and knowledgeable in local              The AP can be powered by:
regulations including building and wiring codes, safety, channel, power,                    • A 10/100 or 10/100/1000 PoE-enabled switch. Various PoE-enabled
indoor/outdoor restrictions, and license requirements for the intended
                                                                                               switches are available from HP.
country. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that installation
and use comply with local safety and radio regulations.                                     • An HP 1-Port Power Injector (J9407A). Page 3 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           3                                                                           Installation

Caution:      If the AP will be powered by a user-supplied PoE power injector,             3. If necessary, drill a hole for the Ethernet cable in the marked cutout area
use only a gigabit-compatible power injector. Although 10/100 PoE-enabled                     of the AP Bracket. Alternatively, you can feed the Ethernet cable from
switches are compatible, PoE injectors designed for 10/100 networks only are                  above and through the AP cable channel.
NOT compatible with the AP.
                                                                                           4. Insert the anchors and tap them flush with the wall surface.
Installation                                                                               5. Pull the Ethernet cable through the hole in the wall and the AP Bracket.
                                                                                           6. Screw the AP Bracket to the wall. Continue with Attach the AP on page 4.
The AP can be mounted on a wall, a wall-mounted electrical box, or a suspended
ceiling. The AP Bracket is mounted first and then the AP is attached to the               Mounting on an electrical box
bracket. The AP Bracket is two-sided: The AP is installed on the side with the UP          1. Disconnect power and take any other needed security precautions.
arrow. The other side with the T-bar clip screw holes faces the wall or T-bar.             2. Remove the electrical box cover and any contents.
                                                                                           3. Pull the Ethernet cable down into the box and then through the hole in the
                        ➁                                                                     AP Bracket.
      ➀                          ➀
                     ➂                                                                     4. Hold the AP Bracket against the box respecting the UP arrow, and attach
  ➃       ➄                 ➄        ➃                    ➇                ➇                  the AP Bracket to the box using appropriate countersunk screws.
                                                                                              Continue with Attach the AP on page 4.
                                                                  ➅                       Mounting on a suspended ceiling
                   ➅                                                     ➇                The AP can be mounted on a suspended ceiling using the supplied T-bar clips.
                                                          ➇                               Two sets of T-bar clips are provided, a 12.5 mm set for recessed tiles and a 4.5
                                                                                          mm set for flush-mount tiles.
  ➃       ➄                 ➄        ➃
      ➀                          ➀              AP Bracket (AP side left, wall/
                                                ceiling side right)
                                                                                                         ➀             ➁                                      ➁
                                                1: Adapter Bracket mounting holes                                             ➃                        ➃
                                                2: AP Bracket latch
                                                3: Electrical box mounting holes
          ➆                                     4: AP retention tabs
                                                5: Drywall mounting holes
                                                                                                         ➀             ➂                                     ➂
                                                6: Cutout area                                                                ➃                        ➃
                                                7: AP Bracket lock tab
                                                8: T-bar clip screw holes
                                                                                                 T-bar clips for ceiling mount
Mounting directly on a wall                                                                      1: AP Bracket                          3: Flat tile 4.5 mm T-bar clip
 1. Respecting the UP arrow on the AP Bracket, hold it against the wall at the                   2: Recessed tile 12.5 mm T-bar clip    4: AP Bracket T-bar slot
    desired position. Mark two holes for the screws (wall anchors) and one
    hole in the cutout area of the AP Bracket for the Ethernet cable.
 2. Drill two holes for the wall anchors, typically 4.7 mm (3/16 inch) in
    diameter. Page 4 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           4                                                                            Installation

 1. Slide one of the T-bar clips into the AP Bracket T-bar slot. Screw it into             3. While firmly holding the AP against the AP Bracket, slide the AP toward the
      place using two of the four provided self-tapping screws. Select the screw              AP Bracket lock tab so that the AP snaps onto the bracket. DO NOT let go
      holes marked according to the width of your T-bar, one of 9/16”, 15/16”,                of the AP until you confirm that it is firmly in place.
      or 1.5”. (The other T-bar clip must be attached to the AP Bracket from
      above the false ceiling, after the bracket is in place on the T-bar.)                         ➀
      Warning: Areas above false ceilings may contain dangerous                                                ➁                          ➂
      electrical cabling, gas pipes, and other hazards. Make whatever safety
      arrangements are needed to ensure that you can work safely above the
                                                                                                        ➂                                              ➂
      false ceiling. It is recommended that you use a non-conductive step
      ladder such as one made of fiberglass.
 2.   Normally, you will need to position yourself at shoulder-height above the
      ceiling so that you can attach the second T-bar clip. Remove/relocate two                                    ➂                          ➃
      ceiling tiles, one on each side of the T-bar on which you will perform the
 3.   Carrying a screw driver, the AP Bracket with T-bar clip attached, and the                          AP attached to bracket
      other T-bar clip and two screws, position yourself approximately 60 cm                            1: AP Bracket lock tab    3: AP tab slots snapped onto
      (2 feet) above the T-bar on which you will install the AP Bracket.                                 2: AP Bracket                AP Bracket retention tabs
 4.   Attach the AP Bracket with the already-installed T-bar clip onto the T-bar,                                                  4: AP Bracket latch
      and then slide the other T-bar clip into the AP Bracket T-bar clip slot and
      screw it in place so that both T-bar clips firmly grip the T-bar.                   Secure the AP
 5.   Tighten all four T-bar clip screws fully and verify that the AP Bracket is          It is strongly recommended that as soon as the AP is installed, you perform
      firmly anchored to the T-bar from both sides.                                       the following.
 6.   Re-install the ceiling tile through which you will pass the Ethernet cable.          1. Install at least the retention screw that anchors the AP Bracket to the AP.
 7. Using the hole in the AP Bracket as a guide, drill or cut a hole in the                2. Optionally, attach a cable lock in its hole or Insert the tab of the supplied
    ceiling tile at the desired position large enough to pass through the                     AP Padlock Bracket into the cable lock hole, and then align the AP
    Ethernet connector. Alternatively, you can run a cable outside of the                     Padlock Bracket hole with the AP Bracket lock hole and install a
    ceiling tile and through the cable channel.                                               user-supplied padlock.
 8. Slide the ceiling tile to the side. Feed the Ethernet cable down from above
    and through the hole in the tile and through the hole in the AP Bracket.                                 ➀                               Retention/locking features
    Pull through an extra 60 cm (2 feet) of cable.                                                                  ➁          ➂             1: AP Bracket
Attach the AP                                                                                                                  ➃             2: Retention screw
 1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the AP.                                                                                                    3: AP Bracket lock tab
 2. Hold the bottom side of the AP against the AP Bracket, aligning the AP tab                                             ➄                 4: Padlock hole
      slots with the AP retention tabs on the AP Bracket. Pull back any Ethernet                                                             5: AP Padlock Bracket
      cable slack at the same time.                                                                                    ➅                     6: Cable lock hole Page 5 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           5                                          About controlled mode and autonomous mode

Connect the antennas (E-MSM466 only)                                                      About controlled mode and autonomous mode
Connect the antenna cables to the E-MSM466, respecting the color-coding and
radio designation.                                                                        The AP can operate in one of two modes: controlled (the default) or autonomous.
                                                                                          Switching modes resets all configuration settings to factory defaults.
Removing the AP
To remove the AP from the bracket:                                                          • Controlled mode: To become operational, the AP must establish a
                                                                                              management tunnel with an MSM7xx Controller. The controller manages
 1. Detach any locks and remove the retaining screw.                                          the AP and provides all configuration settings. Discovery of the controller
 2. While carefully holding the AP, insert a flat screwdriver into the cable                  is automatic if default settings are used on the AP and the controller, and
    channel between the channel wall and the AP Bracket latch, releasing the                  both devices are on the same subnet. See Working with controlled APs in
    AP from the bracket, while being careful to retain grip on the AP as you                  the MSM7xx Controllers Management and Configuration Guide.
    slide it away from the AP Bracket lock tab and remove the AP.
                                                                                            • Autonomous mode: After being switched to autonomous mode, the AP
 3. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the AP.                                                operates as a stand-alone AP. You configure and manage an autonomous
                                                                                              AP by using its Web-based management tool, as described in Initial
Using pre-installed brackets (optional)                                                       configuration (autonomous mode) on page 6.
If you have other AP brackets installed for HP devices such as the MSM320,
MSM335, and MSM422 APs, you can attach the supplied Adapter Bracket                       Status light behavior in controlled mode
between the existing bracket and the supplied AP Bracket using the existing
screw holes. In some cases, for example with the MSM335 and the MSM422,                    Status light behavior              Description
you must discard the old bracket, and attach the Adapter Bracket, using the                Power light blinks every two       The AP is starting up.
same screw holes. (Note that the above MSM products are also known as                      seconds.
E-MSM320, E-MSM335, and E-MSM422.)                                                         Power light blinks once per        The AP is looking for an IP address, or
 1. Attach the Adapter Bracket to the AP Bracket via the four raised screw holes           second.                            building the list of VLANs on which to
    on the Adapter Bracket and the four outermost screw holes on the four                                                     perform discovery. The management tool
    corners of the AP Bracket. Four counter-sunk machine screws are                                                           is available until discovery occurs.
    provided.                                                                              Power, Ethernet, and Radio lights The AP has obtained an IP address and is
 2. Attach the AP to the AP Bracket as already described. Openings in the                  blink in sequence from left to    attempting to discover a controller.
    center of the Adapter Bracket that align with similar openings in the AP               right.
    Bracket can be used for running an Ethernet cable.                                     Power light is on. Ethernet and    The AP has found a controller and is
Note: The AP can be directly attached to an MSM410 (also known as                          Radio lights blink alternately.    attempting to establish a secure
       E-MSM410) bracket in place of the AP Bracket. However you must                                                         management tunnel with it.
       provide your own mechanism to ensure that the AP remains firmly                     Power and Ethernet lights blink    The AP has received a discovery reply
       anchored to the ceiling. This is not an issue when mounting the AP                  alternately and quickly. Radio     from two or more controllers with the
       vertically on a wall.                                                               lights are off.                    same priority setting. It is unable to
                                                                                                                              connect with either controller until the
                                                                                                                              conflict is resolved.
                                                                                           Power and Radio lights blink       The AP is attempting to establish a local
                                                                                           slowly.                            mesh link to a master node.
                                                                                           Power and Ethernet lights blink    The AP is attempting to establish wired
                                                                                           slowly.                            connectivity. Page 6 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           6                                                Initial configuration (autonomous mode)

After the discovery process is complete, and the AP has established a secure              A. Configure your computer
management tunnel to a controller, the Power light remains on and the                      1. Disconnect your computer LAN port and configure it to use a static IP
Ethernet and Radio lights blink to indicate the presence of traffic.
                                                                                              address in the range to, and a subnet mask
                                                                                              of Set the default gateway to, and DNS
Status light behavior in autonomous mode
                                                                                              server to For example to do this in Windows Vista, use
     Light              State                         Description                             Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network
                  Off               The AP has no power.                                      connections, right click Local Area Connection, select Properties then
                                                                                              select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties.
                  Blinking          The AP is starting up. If the Power light
                                    continues to blink after several minutes, it
                                                                                           2. Disable any wireless connection on your computer.
     Power                          indicates that the software failed to load.
                                    Reset or power cycle the AP. If this condition        B. Connect the cables and power on the AP
                                    persists, contact HP customer support.                 1. Connect the cables:
                  On                The AP is fully operational.                              • If using a PoE switch, use Ethernet cables to connect your
                  Off               The port is not connected or there is no                     computer and the AP to an unused factory-default PoE switch.
    Ethernet                        activity.                                                 • If using a PoE injector, use Ethernet cables to connect your
                  Blinking          The port is transmitting or receiving data.                  computer to the data in port of the PoE injector and the AP to the
                                                                                                 data and power out port of the PoE injector.
     Radio        Blinking          The radio is transmitting or receiving data.
                                                                                           2. Power on the AP by powering on the PoE switch or injector.
                                                                                              Initially, the AP power light will blink once every two seconds. Wait
Initial configuration (autonomous mode)
                                                                                              approximately a minute until it begins blinking once per second before
This procedure describes how to switch a factory-default AP to autonomous                     proceeding to the next step.
mode and then perform its initial configuration that enables you to establish a
wireless connection through the AP to the Internet.                                       C. Switch the AP to autonomous mode
Note: For controlled-mode configuration, see Working with controlled APs in                   Note: A factory-default AP is assumed.
        the MSM7xx Controllers Management and Configuration Guide.                         1. In a Web browser, enter the address:
In autonomous mode, the AP is managed via its Web-based management tool                    2. A security certificate warning is displayed the first time you connect to the
using at least Microsoft Internet Explorer 7/8 or Mozilla Firefox 3.x.                        management tool. This is normal. Select whatever option is needed in
Caution:      Wireless Protection: A factory-default AP that has been switched                your Web browser to continue to the management tool.
to autonomous mode has wireless protection options disabled. It is                         3. On the Login page, specify admin for both Username and Password
recommended that you either follow the procedure in Configure basic wireless                  and then select Login. The AP management tool home page opens.
protection on page 7 or configure protection of your choice.
                                                                                           4. Select Switch to Autonomous Mode and confirm the change. The AP
See also Wireless protection in the MSM3xx / MSM4xx Access Points
                                                                                              restarts in autonomous mode.
Management and Configuration Guide.
                                                                                          Note: To avoid a delay after switching modes, clear the ARP (address
Note: Do not power on the AP until directed.
                                                                                                 resolution protocol) cache on your computer. In Windows for
                                                                                                 example, from the Windows Start menu, select Run and enter
                                                                                                 “arp -d” (without the quotes). Select OK. Page 7 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           7                                               Initial configuration (autonomous mode)

D. Log in                                                                                   • Let the DHCP server automatically assign an IP address. By default,
 1. Wait until the Power light stops blinking and remains on.                                 the DHCP server will assign an IP address after the AP connects to the
                                                                                              network. After the DHCP server has assigned the AP an IP address, you can
 2. On the Login page, specify admin for both Username and Password
                                                                                              then find the IP address of the AP by looking for its Ethernet base MAC
    and then select Login.                                                                    address in the DHCP server log. For example after Step F.4 below, you could
 3. Click through the other prompts for License and Registration.                             go to the DHCP server log to retrieve the IP address assigned to the AP.
 4. In some regions, a Country prompt appears. Select the country in which                  • Assign a static IP address to the AP. The address must be on the same
    the AP will operate.                                                                      subnet as the network to which the AP will connect.
    Caution: The correct country must be selected. See Country of use                         1. Select Network > DNS, and set the DNS server address. Select Save.
    on page 3.
                                                                                              2. Select Network > Ports > Bridge port.
 5. At the password prompt it is recommended that you change the default
     password and select Save. Passwords must be at least six characters                      3. Select Static and then Configure. For IP address set an address that
     long and include four different characters.                                                 is on the same subnet as the network to which the AP will connect
                                                                                                 after installation. Respect any DHCP server-mandated static address
The management tool is organized with menus and sub-menus. Instructions for
                                                                                                 ranges. Also set Mask and Default gateway.
making menu selections, such as “select Wireless > Local mesh” instruct you
to select the Wireless menu and then the Local mesh sub-menu, as follows:                     4. Select Save. Connection to the management tool is lost. You can later
                                                                                                 reconnect to the management tool by specifying the new IP address.

                                                                                          G. Test the wireless network
                                                                                          For the purposes of this example, the network must have a DHCP server and
                                                                                          an Internet connection. Broadband routers typically include a DHCP server.
E. Configure basic wireless protection
It is recommended that you at least configure basic wireless protection. See
                                                                                           1. Disconnect your computer from the PoE switch or injector.
Wireless protection in the MSM3xx / MSM4xx Access Points Management and                    2. Power off the AP by disconnecting the Ethernet cable from the AP.
Configuration Guide. To configure basic WPA protection:                                    3. Use a standard Ethernet cable to connect the switch or the data in port of
 1. Select VSC > HP and then enable Wireless protection and set it to WPA.                    the injector to the network.
 2. Under Mode, select WPA or WPA2, then under Key source, select                          4. Reconnect and power on the AP. Use a standard Ethernet cable to reconnect
    Preshared key and specify a key of at least 20 characters. Select Save.                   the AP to the PoE switch or the data and power out port of the injector.
                                                                                           5. Enable the wireless network interface of your computer, and verify that it
F. Assigning an IP address to the AP                                                          is set to obtain an IP address automatically. For example, to do this in
By default the AP operates as a DHCP client. This means that if the network                   Windows Vista, use Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center >
has a DHCP server, the AP will automatically receive a new IP address in place                Manage Network Connections > Wireless Network Connection,
of its default address of upon connecting to the network. Use one                 right-click Properties and select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
of the following methods to assign an IP address to the AP:                                   > Properties, and make sure that Obtain an IP address automatically
  • Pre-configure the DHCP server to assign a specific IP address to the AP.                  and Obtain a DNS server address automatically are both enabled.
    To do this you need to specify the AP Ethernet MAC address and a                       6. By default, the AP creates a wireless network named HP in the 5GHz band
    reserved IP address on the DHCP server. The AP Ethernet MAC address is                    for 802.11n and 802.11a users. Connect your computer to this wireless
    printed on the AP label identified as LAN MAC, and listed on the                          network, specifying the preshared key you set earlier in step E.2.
    management tool Home page as Ethernet base MAC address.                                7. Confirm that you can browse the Internet using the wireless network. Page 8 Friday, October 15, 2010 12:49 PM

HP E-MSM430, E-MSM460, E-MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart           8                                                                               Products list

H. Before performing additional configuration                                             Other regulatory information
Configure your computer LAN port and connect it to the same network as the
AP. Re-launch the AP management tool at https://<IP address> where                       FCC Notice
<IP address> is the AP IP address from Section F above.                                   This FCC Class B device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to
                                                                                          the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2)
Products list                                                                             this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
                                                                                          undesired operation.
                                                                                          This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
 Model         Part Numbers                                                               device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
                                                                                          reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
 E-MSM430 J9651A (WW), J9650A (AM), J9652A (JP), J9653A (IL).                             equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
 E-MSM460 J9591A (WW), J9590A (AM), J9589A (JP), J9618A (IL).                             and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
                                                                                          communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
 E-MSM466 J9622A (WW), J9621A (AM), J9620A (JP).                                          particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
                                                                                          television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
WW=World-wide, AM=The Americas, JP=Japan, IL=Israel.                                      user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
E-MSM466 available antennas                                                                  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                                                             • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Only the following antennas are approved for use with the E-MSM466:
                                                                                             • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
Part        Type                Band         Gain             Use         Elements              receiver is connected.
                                                                                             • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help. The FCC
J9169A      Narrow Beam         2.4/5GHz 8/10.7dBi            Outdoor           3               requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to the
            Sector                                                                              device that are not expressly approved by the Hewlett-Packard Company may void
                                                                                                the user's authority to operate the equipment.
J9170A      Directional         2.4/5GHz 10.9/13.5dBi Outdoor                   3
                                                                                          Caution: In the United States, operation on channels 100-140 in the
J9171A      Omni-directional 2.4/5GHz 3/4dBi                  Indoor            3         5470-5725 MHz band is restricted to indoor-use only. Outdoor operation on these
                                                                                          channels is a strict violation of the FCC rules and can cause harmful interference to
J9659A      Omni-directional 2.4/5GHz 1.5/5dBi                Indoor            6         commercial radar communications. For outdoor operation, channels 100-140 must
                                                                                          not be used. If using automatic channel assignment, add channels 100 through 140
The following information applies only to the E-MSM466.                                   to the Automatic channel exclusion list.
Caution:      The J9169A and J9170A antennas are only approved for outdoor
use. Using these antennas indoors may violate local regulatory requirements.
All antennas must be used in compliance with local regulatory requirements.
Caution: Depending on the country of use, the antenna selected, and your
radio settings, it may be mandatory to reduce the radio transmission power
level to maintain regulatory compliance. For specific power limits for your
country, consult the Antenna Power-Level Setting Guide (for MSM Products)
available from
For MIMO antenna installation information, refer to the respective Antenna                © Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development        November 2010
Guide. Important safety information is included.                                          Company, L.P. The information contained herein is   Printed in
                                                                                          subject to change without notice.                   Document part # 5998-0615


Document Created: 2010-10-15 12:59:06
Document Modified: 2010-10-15 12:59:06

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