Exemption Reason of FCC DFS Review


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Exemption Reason of FCC DFS Review

       Exemption Reason of FCC DFS Review

                                           Ape Hou

                                          Revision 1.0



Shunji Taki — Director, ATKK PTE Dept.

   uc7k /n

                                     Revision History
Revision Date      Originator   Description
1.0      2017/02/09 Ape Hou     First release


Chapter 1.         Purpose.......................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2.         Modification in TQ4400e‘s new firmware ..................................................................... 5
Appendix: Antenna/cable Specification ................................................................................................. 8


Chapter 1. Purpose
The DFS sample of TQ4400e (FCC ID: RSL-TQ4400E) has been tested on Sep. 13, 2016 in US FCCs Lab.
Allied Telesis’s customers have a new request for the support of bigger gain antenna (10/16/19dBi).
New firmware includes new TX power settings and GUIs for the support of new optional antenna
(10/16/19dBi). Allied Telesis K.K. declares that TQ4400e’s (FCC ID: RSL-TQ4400E) new firmware
does not change any DFS algorithm and behavior (Please refer to Chapter 2 to see the detail). Hope
TQ4400e (FCC ID: RSL-TQ4400E) can exempt from sample request for certified equipment for
FCC inspection.

There are two main reasons:
1. New firmware does not replace default antenna (gain: 7dBi).
   According to previous DFS test experience, Test Lab (BV-ADT) chooses minimal gain antenna
     (default antenna, gain: 7dBi) to do the DFS test. Hence, we think FCC does not need to test the
     same sample with same DFS function of TQ4400e (FCC ID: RSL-TQ4400E) twice.

2. New firmware does not change any DFS algorithm and behavior. (Please refer to Figure 1)
   New firmware only changes the following two items which are related to 10/16/19dBi optional
            -         Add “Antenna Model Selection” in Web-GUI
            -         Add TX power setting for optional antennas (10/16/19dBi).
                                       No Change function               New Add function

       Radar Signal (Raw data)                                                                      GUI
                                                                                               Default antenna

                                                                                              Optional antenna
          DFS detect radar
          signal algorithm
                                                            Wireless Applications                                    User Space

                                                             Broadcom BCM43460 wireless driver                       Kernel space

                                                                           802.11 protocol stack                     2            Add TX Power for
                                                                                                                                    10/16/19 dBi
                                                                                     Tx Power                                     optional antenna
                                              Device                        Default          Optional antenna
                                    Arch                     DFS
                                              Driver                    antenna (7 dBi)       (10/16/19 dBi)
                                                                          Tx Power              Tx Power

                                                                                                                             Set Wireless IC TX Power
                                                                       Hardware Abstraction Layer

                                                  Broadcom BCM53016 ARM Platform                                     Hardware Platform


                                 Figure 1 Feature difference between the firmware


Chapter 2.                    Modification in TQ4400e‘s new firmware

Table 1 Firmware difference
 Item                         Old Firmware (Default antenna)      New Firmware (Optional antenna)
 FCC ID                       RSL-TQ4400E                         Same as left side list.
 Differences in Chipset       BCM53016 x 1                        Same as left side list.
                              BCM43460 x 2
 Differences in DFS           Tested on Sep. 13, 2016 in US FCC   DFS function is same as left side list.
 functioning, circuitry,      Lab.
 software, etc.
 Antenna information and      Default antenna (Minimum gain):     Default antenna (Minimum gain):
 differences for the          5dBi antenna (2.4G)                 Same as left side list.
 minimum gain antennas        7dBi antenna (5G)
                              ------------------------            -----------------------
                              Optional antenna:                   Optional antenna:
                              None                                Support below three new antennas

                                                                             Ant enna            Ant enna gain
                                                                  AT-AN2458-10DP (2.4G/5G)         8 dBi/10 dBi
                                                                  AT-AN5158-16DP (5G)                 16 dBi
                                                                  AT-AN5158-19DP (5G)                 19 dBi

 Differences in channel       Default antenna (Minimum gain):     Default antenna (Minimum gain):
 range                        CH36-CH48,                          Same as left side list.
                              (Note: Channel 120~CH128 are
                              ------------------------            ------------------------
                              Optional antenna:                   Optional antenna:
                              None                                Please see Table 2 (red range)
 Differences in Bandwidth     Default antenna (Minimum gain):     Default antenna (Minimum gain):
                              20/40/80MHz                         Same as left side list.
                              ------------------------            -----------------------
                              Optional antenna:                   Optional antenna:
                              None                                Please see Table 3 (red range)
 Software security required   Default antenna (Minimum gain):     Default antenna (Minimum gain):
 for new application – Are    GUI Disabled (See Table 4)          GUI Enabled and selectable (See Table 5)
 the GUIs the same?           -----------------------             -----------------------


                         Opicnal niema                         Optionalantemna:
                         Nove                                  Sclectable(See Tob6, Tob7
Difirences bewveen be    Defadl miema (Minimumgain)            Defaslaniema (Minimum gain>
producs such as TX       Supportdectaniemna TX pover           Same aslesid is
pover, moddtaion,
recaives,prcessing       Opicnal niema:                        Optionalantemna:
creviny e                None                                  A€dnee TX poverfor three new

Names of th stlabs fr    Only one iesLab (GVADT)               Only e iesLab (GVADT)
varous Grams             (Bareas Ves Consumer Procics          (Birews VeniasConnime Prodicis
                         Servces(HX) Li Toyum                  Servees(f X) 1d, Taopan Brnct)

Table 2 Channel list difference between the firmware
          Red region shows new added antemna in new frmware

             ys      [covsenor         Tas
                    ecansisersor       fean           El            El            El            El
                    etansisesor        ras            o             a             a             a
              Nore 1: Channel 120—CHI28 w distledin Tosd0te
Table 3 Bandwidth difference between the firmware
          Red region shows new added antemna in new frmware

             us     [taaseaor             wan              a             a             a
                    xransise—io0r         rean             a             a             a
                    kransiseio0r          wan              a             a             o

Table 4 Default Antenna Configuration in Old firmware
          Antenma Mode! Selection in GUI s disabled

            z«aso         Antenna Medel Selection

Table 5 Default Antenna Configuration in New firmware
          Antenma Model Selection in GUL is enabled and selectable.
          Cable loss tem is disabled automatically ifusers select defou‘t antenne.

               Radio           GUI

Table 6 Optional Antenna Selection in New firmware
               The radio of 2.4G GUI supports two antennas.
               The radio of 5G GUI supports three antennas.
               Radio          GUI


Table 7 Cable Loss Setting of Optional antenna in New firmware
     Antenna Model        Antenna      GUI
     Default              2.4G: 5dBi
     (default antenna)    5G: 7dBi

     AT-AN2458-10DB       2.4G: 8dBi
     (Optional antenna)   5G: 10dBi

     AT-AN5158-16DB       5G: 16dBi
     (Optional antenna)

     AT-AN5158-19DB       5G: 19dBi
     (Optional antenna)


Appendix: Antenna/cable Specification
     Item   Detail Specification




Document Created: 2017-02-10 09:00:25
Document Modified: 2017-02-10 09:00:25

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