MPE Test Report


RF Exposure Info

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        " SPORTON International Inc.
                      No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwel—Shan Hsiang, Tao Yuan Hslen, Talwan, R.0.C.
                      Ph: 886—3—327—3456 / FAX: 886—3—327—0973 /

                                                                                   Projeci No: CB10510244

                                  Maximum Permissible Exposure

             Applicant‘s company              Technicolor Delivery Technologies Belgium
             Applicant Address                Prins Boudewijnlaan 47, 2650 EDEGEM BELGIUM
             FCC ID                           RSE—TG1 7O0DACHP

             Manufacturer‘s company           Technicolor Delivery Technologies Beigium
             Manufacturer Address             Prins Boudewijnlagn 47, 2650 EDEGEM BELGIUM

             Model Name                       MediaAccess TG1700ac High Power
             Brand Name                       technicolor
             Model No.                        TG1700dac HR, TG1700ETidac HP
             Ref. Standard(s)       _         47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091
             EUT Freq. Range                  2400 ~ 2483.5MHz / 5150 ~ 5250MHz/       5725 ~ 5850MHz
             Received Date                    oct. 07, 2014
             Final Test Date                  Sep. 19, 2016
             Submission Type                  Original Equipment

/        Sam Chen

                                                                                       zy              Testing Laboratory

        Report FormalVerion: 01
        ree in : rsete17000acHP

                                                                                                                                                           Report No.: FA4O2168-02

                                                                           Table of Contents
1. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE .................................................................................................................... 1
   1.1.    Applicable Standard ..........................................................................................................................................................................1
   1.2.    MPE Calculation Method ....................................................................................................................................................................1
   1.3.    Basic Description of Equipment under Test .........................................................................................................................................2
   1.4.    Calculated Result and Limit ................................................................................................................................................................2

Report Format Version: 01                                                                                                                                 Page No.              : i of ii
FCC ID : RSE-TG1700DACHP                                                                                                                                  Issued Date           : Dec. 19, 2016

                                                                        Report No.: FA4O2168-02

                             History of This Assessment Report

               REPORT NO.      VERSION           DESCRIPTION                   ISSUED DATE

               FA4O2168-02      Rev. 01       Initial issue of report         Dec. 19, 2016

Report Format Version: 01                                               Page No.      : ii of ii
FCC ID : RSE-TG1700DACHP                                                Issued Date   : Dec. 19, 2016

                                                                                                  Report No.: FA4O2168-02

1.1. Applicable Standard

       Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the
       public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess limit for maximum permissible exposure.
       In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as a mobile
       device whereby a distance of 0.2 m normally can be maintained between the user and the device.
       (A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                                                                             Averaging Time
         Frequency Range              Electric Field     Magnetic Field         Power Density (S)
                                                                                                              |E|²,|H|² or S
               (MHz)               Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)         (mW/ cm²)
               0.3-3.0                    614                 1.63                    (100)*                        6
                3.0-30                  1842 / f             4.89 / f                (900 / f)*                     6
               30-300                    61.4                 0.163                     1.0                         6
              300-1500                                                                 f /300                       6
           1500-100,000                                                                    5                        6
       (B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                                                                                             Averaging Time
         Frequency Range              Electric Field     Magnetic Field        Power Density (S)
                                                                                                              |E|²,|H|² or S
               (MHz)               Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)        (mW/ cm²)
               0.3-1.34                  614                  1.63                    (100)*                       30
               1.34-30                   824/f                2.19/f                  (180/f)*                     30
               30-300                    27.5                 0.073                     0.2                        30
              300-1500                                                                f /1500                      30
           1500-100,000                                                                 1.0                        30
       Note: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

1.2. MPE Calculation Method

       E (V/m) =
                      30  P  G                   Power Density:      Pd (W/m²) =
                          d                                                          377
       E = Electric field (V/m)
       P = Peak RF output power (W)
       G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
       d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
       The formula can be changed to

       Pd =
               30  P  G
                377  d 2
       From the EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as well as the gain of
       the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained.

Report Format Version: 01                                                                         Page No.      : 1 of 2
FCC ID : RSE-TG1700DACHP                                                                          Issued Date   : Dec. 19, 2016

                                                                                           Report No.: FA4O2168-02

1.3. Basic Description of Equipment under Test

       Model Name            : MediaAccess TG1700ac High Power
       Model No.             : TG1700dac HP, TG1700ETIdac HP
       Brand Name            : technicolor
       Product Code          :
        Model No.                    Product Code             Description
        TG1700dac HP                 DSLCBH843HP              GW TG1700dac HP Gen NAM
        TG1700dac HP                 DSLCBH643RJ              GW TG1700dac HP Gen ROW
        TG1700ETIdac HP              DSLCBH643EM              GW TG1700dac HP Etisalat AE

1.4. Calculated Result and Limit

       Exposure Environment: General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
       For 5GHz UNII Band:
       Antenna Type : Printed Antenna
       Conducted Power for IEEE 802.11VHT20 / SDM MCS0Nss3: 22.26 dBm
                                                  The maximum combined                       Limit of
                                       Antenna                                 Power
        Distance        Antenna                    Average Output Power                       Power
                                        Gain                                 Density (S)                      Test Result
           (m)          Gain (dBi)                                                          Density (S)
                                      (numeric)      (dBm)       (mW)        (mW/cm²)
            0.2             7.64       5.8076       22.1961    165.8093      0.191672            1            Complies

       For 2.4GHz Band:
       Antenna Type : Printed Antenna
       Conducted Power for IEEE 11n HT20 / MCS0 CDD : 24.89dBm
                                                  The maximum combined                       Limit of
                                       Antenna                                 Power
        Distance        Antenna                    Average Output Power                       Power
                                        Gain                                 Density (S)                      Test Result
           (m)          Gain (dBi)                                                          Density (S)
                                      (numeric)      (dBm)       (mW)        (mW/cm²)
            0.2             5.33       3.4104       24.8863    308.0590      0.209115            1            Complies

       Both of the WLAN 2.4GHz Band and WLAN 5GHz Band can transmit simultaneously, the formula of
       calculatedthe MPE is:
       CPD1 / LPD1 + CPD2 / LPD2 + ……etc. < 1
       CPD = Calculation power density
       LPD = Limit of power density
       Therefore, the worst-case situation is 0.209115 / 1 + 0.191672 / 1 = 0.400787, which is less than “1”. This
       confirmed that the device comply with FCC 1.1310 MPE limit.

Report Format Version: 01                                                                  Page No.       : 2 of 2
FCC ID : RSE-TG1700DACHP                                                                   Issued Date    : Dec. 19, 2016

Document Created: 2017-12-20 11:04:11
Document Modified: 2017-12-20 11:04:11

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