In Situ Report Revised


Test Report

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                                                                   TEST REPORT
                                                        Report Number: 100165617ATL-002

                                                                      August 17, 2010

                                                             Product Designation: XSN1

                           Standard: FCC Part 15, Subpart C, Intentional Radiators (15.239)
                                     RSS-210, Issue 7 (Annex A2.8)

                 Tested by:                                                                                       Client:
     Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.                                                                   SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio
     1950 Evergreen Blvd., Suite 100                                                                       1500 Eckington PL NE
             Duluth, GA 30096                                                                             Washington, DC 20002
                                                                                                         Contact: Beejay Jolayemi
                                                                                                           Phone: 202.380.5126
                                                                                                            Fax: 202.380.1647

     Tests performed by:                                                                            Report reviewed by:

     Troy J. Ihle                                                                                   Jeremy O. Pickens
     EMC Project Engineer                                                                           EMC Department Manager

All services undertaken are subject to the following general policy: This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the
agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek
assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of
this report. Only the Client is authorized to copy or distribute this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for
the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this
report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an
Intertek certification program. This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by A2LA, NIST, or any agency of the US Government.

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                               Page 1 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                  Issued: 08/17/2010

1.0    Introduction and Conclusion
The tests indicated in section 2.0 were performed on the product constructed as described in section 3.0. The remaining
test sections are the verbatum text from the actual data sheets used during the investigation. These test sections
include the test name, the specified test Method, a list of the actual Test Equipment Used, documentation Photos,
Results and raw Data. No additions, deviations, or exclusions have been made from the standard(s) unless specifically

Based on the results of our investigation, we have concluded the product tested complies with the requirements of the
standard(s) indicated. The results obtained in this test report pertain only to the item(s) tested.

2.0    Test Summary
Section Test Full Name                                                                                                           Test Date    Result
 4.0    System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block diagram. (System Setup)
 5.0    Transmitter Information for equipment operating under Parts 11, 15 and 18 of the rules (Transmitter Info - Unlicensed)   08/12/2010
 6.0    § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Small vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))                                     07/30/2010   PASS
 7.0    § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Medium vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))                                    07/15/2010   PASS
 8.0    § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Large vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))                                     08/02/2010   PASS
 9.0    Revision History (Revision History)

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Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                     Issued: 08/17/2010

3.0     Description of Equipment Under Test

                                                        Equipment Under Test
               Description                   Manufacturer                Model Number                          Serial Number
       Really Simple Radio (RSR)        SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio            XSN1                                   None

               EUT receive date:       July 30, 2010
            EUT receive condition:     Good

      Description of EUT provided by Client:

      The EUT is a portable satellite radio which retransmits the received satellite signal in the FM band which is then received by
      the vehicle’s FM radio.

      Description of EUT exercising:

      The EUT is powered with the 12Vdc power supplied by the vehicle and tested in 3 channels. The radio’s output power was
      set to maximum. For the purpose of this evaluation modulation was not applied.

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                        Page 3 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                            Issued: 08/17/2010

4.0      System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block
         diagram. (System Setup)

Record the details of EUTcabling, document the support equipment, and show the interconnections in a block diagram.





Setup Block Diagram

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                              Page 4 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                               Issued: 08/17/2010

4.0      System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block
         diagram. (System Setup)




                    receive                                B

EUT Block Diagram


EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                    Page 5 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                         Issued: 08/17/2010

4.0        System setup including cable interconnection details, support equipment and simplified block
           diagram. (System Setup)

                                                         EUT Cabling
      ID       Description           Length Shielding Ferrites           From                          To
      A          12VDC                ±1m      No       No               EUT                  Vehicle DC output
      B      Satellite receiver       ±5m      No       No               EUT                   Satellite receiver

                                                       Support Equipment
             Description                    Manufacturer              Model Number                Serial Number
           Satellite receiver                Sirius XM                    NA                            NA

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                              Page 6 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                          Issued: 08/17/2010

5.0      Transmitter Information for equipment operating under Parts 11, 15 and 18 of the rules (Transmitter
         Info - Unlicensed)



   FCC Rule Part
                                                             Company Name: Sirius XM Satellite Radio, Inc.
                                                                                3161 S.W. 10th Street,
                                       Applicant                                Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
                                                                        Phone: 202-680-4288
      2.1033(b)(1)                                             Contact Name: Beejay Jolayemi
                                                             Company Name: Same
                                                                      Address: Same
                                                                        Phone: Same
                                                               Contact Name: Same
                                                                      FCC ID: RS2XSN1
      2.1033(b)(2)                   Equipment          EUT Model Number: XSN1
                                                         EUT Serial Number: Not labeled
      2.1033(b)(3)                                               User Manual Attach as separate exhibit.
      2.1033(b)(4)                       Brief description of circuit functions Attach as separate exhibit.
      2.1033(b)(5)            Block diagram showing frequency of oscillators Attach as separate exhibit.
      2.1033(b)(6)                                                 Test report Incorporated with this document

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                             Page 7 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                     Issued: 08/17/2010

6.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Small vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

The field strength of any emissions within the permitted 200 kHz band shall not exceed 250 microvolts/meter at 3 meters. The emission limit in this
paragraph is based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector. The provisions in §15.35 for limiting peak emissions apply.

- EUT connected to the vehicle's CLA socket by its PowerConnect plug module, supplying the EUT with 5V for each of the three sized vehicles used
(i.e. small, medium and large.)
- EUT connected to a satellite antenna which mounted at the rear of the vehicle's roof
- Vehicle cradle connected to the satellite antenna which is mounted on the roof at the rear of the vehicle.
- Measurement antenna maintains a distance of 3 meters from the surface of the vehicle.
- At each emission peak, the antenna height was be adjusted from 1 to 4 meters to maximize the emissions.
- Testing should be performed with the receive antenna positioned both vertically and horizontally.
- All peak measurements should be performed with the RBW set to 120KHz and the VBW set to 300KHz; then with the VBW set to 100Hz for average
- EUT should be configured to receive live Sirius XM broadcast channels.
- EUT should be configured for Max audio output levels.
- The process described above should be repeated for each position of the vehicle (i.e. 0˚, 45˚, 90˚, 135˚, 180˚, 225˚, 270˚ & 315˚) at a low, mid and
high frequency of the FM band

The test site is a 10 meter semi-anechoic chamber located at 1950 Evergreen Blvd, Suite 100, Duluth, GA 30096. This site is accredited by A2LA
(see and listed by the FCC. The test site number for Industry Canada is 2042J-1.

Compliance of the product is based on the measured value. However, the measurement uncertainty is included for informational purposes. The
values given are the measurement uncertainty values with an expanded uncertainty of k=2.
30 MHz to 1000 MHz at 3 meters: +/- 3.9 dB
30 MHz to 1000 MHz at 10 meters: +/- 3.6 dB
1 GHz to 18 GHz at 3 meters: +/- 4.2 dB

Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                     Manufacturer:             Model:                Asset Number:         Cal Date:          Cal Due:
Antenna, BiLog, 20-2000MHz                       Chase                     CBL6112B              211386                10/02/2009         10/02/2010
Cable E201, 18 GHz, N, 3m                        Megaphase                 TM18 NKNK 118         E201                  02/02/2010         02/02/2011
Cable MP3, 18 GHz, N, 10m                        Megaphase                 G919-NKNK-394         MP3                   05/04/2010         05/04/2011
Cable, 7 meters, 1-18GHz                         Storm Products Co.        PR90-195-7MTR         ST-3                  08/18/2009         08/18/2010
Cable, N-N 3 meters, 18GHz                       Megaphase                 TM18 NKNK 118         E203                  05/04/2010         05/04/2011
Excel spreadsheet for radiated emissions         Software                  Excel - RE Worksh     SW004                 12/09/2009         12/09/2010
Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 2000 MHz, 27 dB gain     Mini-Circuits             ZKL-2                 200074                09/17/2009         09/17/2010

Results: The sample tested was found to Comply.


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Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                              Issued: 08/17/2010

6.0      § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Small vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))
                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                          Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                      Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                        Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
       Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
       Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                      Low Channel
        V        88.100  51.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        34.8         68.0      -33.2       0     Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  51.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        34.2         48.0      -13.8       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  46.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.1         68.0      -38.9       0     Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  44.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.7         48.0      -20.3       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  48.5      8.9     2.1          28.1        31.4         68.0      -36.6       45    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  47.4      8.9     2.1          28.1        30.3         48.0      -17.7       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  52.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        35.6         68.0      -32.4       45    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  51.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        34.7         48.0      -13.3       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  52.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        35.8         68.0      -32.2       90    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  51.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        34.8         48.0      -13.2       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  46.3      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.4         68.0      -38.6       90    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  44.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        28.0         48.0      -20.0       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  43.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        26.8         68.0      -41.2      135    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  42.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        25.2         48.0      -22.8      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  44.1      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.2         68.0      -40.8      135    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  42.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        25.5         48.0      -22.5      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  47.2      8.9     2.1          28.1        30.1         68.0      -37.9      180    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  45.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        28.8         48.0      -19.2      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  47.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        31.0         68.0      -37.0      180    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  46.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.7         48.0      -18.3      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  49.5      8.9     2.1          28.1        32.4         68.0      -35.6      225    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  48.6      8.9     2.1          28.1        31.5         48.0      -16.5      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  50.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        33.1         68.0      -34.9      225    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  49.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        32.1         48.0      -15.9      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  53.1      8.9     2.1          28.1        36.0         68.0      -32.0      270    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  52.1      8.9     2.1          28.1        35.0         48.0      -13.0      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  48.8      9.1     2.1          28.1        31.9         68.0      -36.1      270    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  47.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        30.6         48.0      -17.4      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  52.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        35.7         68.0      -32.3      315    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  51.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        34.8         48.0      -13.2      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  44.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.7         68.0      -40.3      315    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  43.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        26.1         48.0      -21.9      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Low Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                Page 9 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                Issued: 08/17/2010

6.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Small vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                            Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                        Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                          Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
          A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
         Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
         Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
        (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                        Mid Channel
          V        96.900  54.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        39.1         68.0      -28.9       0     Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  54.1     10.4     2.2          28.0        38.6         48.0       -9.4       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  44.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        29.3         68.0      -38.7       0     Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  42.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        28.0         48.0      -20.0       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  41.9     10.4     2.2          28.0        26.4         68.0      -41.6       45    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  40.0     10.4     2.2          28.0        24.5         48.0      -23.5       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  51.4     11.0     2.2          28.0        36.6         68.0      -31.4       45    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  50.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        36.0         48.0      -12.0       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  42.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        27.2         68.0      -40.8       90    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  40.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        25.3         48.0      -22.7       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  50.9     11.0     2.2          28.0        36.1         68.0      -31.9       90    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  50.2     11.0     2.2          28.0        35.4         48.0      -12.6       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  51.4     10.4     2.2          28.0        35.9         68.0      -32.1      135    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  50.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        35.0         48.0      -13.0      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  47.5     11.0     2.2          28.0        32.7         68.0      -35.3      135    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  46.3     11.0     2.2          28.0        31.5         48.0      -16.5      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  51.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        36.1         68.0      -31.9      180    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  50.4     10.4     2.2          28.0        34.9         48.0      -13.1      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  44.0     11.0     2.2          28.0        29.2         68.0      -38.8      180    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  42.3     11.0     2.2          28.0        27.5         48.0      -20.5      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  53.9     10.4     2.2          28.0        38.4         68.0      -29.6      225    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  53.1     10.4     2.2          28.0        37.6         48.0      -10.4      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  38.7     11.0     2.2          28.0        23.9         68.0      -44.1      225    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  35.9     11.0     2.2          28.0        21.1         48.0      -26.9      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  48.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        33.0         68.0      -35.0      270    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  47.4     10.4     2.2          28.0        31.9         48.0      -16.1      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  46.0     11.0     2.2          28.0        31.2         68.0      -36.8      270    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  45.6     11.0     2.2          28.0        30.8         48.0      -17.2      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  51.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        36.2         68.0      -31.8      315    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  50.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        35.3         48.0      -12.7      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  46.4     11.0     2.2          28.0        31.6         68.0      -36.4      315    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  45.0     11.0     2.2          28.0        30.2         48.0      -17.8      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Mid Channel

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Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                Issued: 08/17/2010

6.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Small vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                            Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                        Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                          Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
          A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
         Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
         Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
        (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                       High Channel
          V       107.900  57.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        43.6         68.0      -24.4       0     Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  56.4     12.1     2.3          28.1        42.8         48.0       -5.2       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  48.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.4         68.0      -32.6       0     Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  47.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        34.4         48.0      -13.6       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  53.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        40.3         68.0      -27.7       45    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  52.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        39.3         48.0       -8.7       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  51.0     12.7     2.3          28.1        38.0         68.0      -30.0       45    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  49.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        36.9         48.0      -11.1       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  47.8     12.1     2.3          28.1        34.2         68.0      -33.8       90    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  46.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        33.0         48.0      -15.0       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  49.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        36.7         68.0      -31.3       90    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  48.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.7         48.0      -12.3       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  51.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.4         68.0      -30.6      135    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  50.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        36.4         48.0      -11.6      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  46.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        33.4         68.0      -34.6      135    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  45.2     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.2         48.0      -15.8      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  52.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        38.4         68.0      -29.6      180    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  51.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.4         48.0      -10.6      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  49.2     12.7     2.3          28.1        36.2         68.0      -31.8      180    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  48.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.1         48.0      -12.9      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  51.7     12.1     2.3          28.1        38.1         68.0      -29.9      225    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  51.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.4         48.0      -10.6      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  51.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        38.1         68.0      -29.9      225    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  50.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        37.1         48.0      -10.9      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  50.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        36.6         68.0      -31.4      270    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  49.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        35.4         48.0      -12.6      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  50.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        37.9         68.0      -30.1      270    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  49.8     12.7     2.3          28.1        36.8         48.0      -11.2      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  51.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.6         68.0      -30.4      315    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  50.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        36.6         48.0      -11.4      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  45.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.4         68.0      -35.6      315    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  44.0     12.7     2.3          28.1        31.0         48.0      -17.0      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - High Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                 Page 11 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                          Issued: 08/17/2010

7.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Medium vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

Field strengthe measurements were taken as described in the previous section.

Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                   Manufacturer:            Model:              Asset Number:   Cal Date:         Cal Due:
Antenna, BiLog, 20-2000MHz                     Chase                    CBL6112B            211386          10/02/2009        10/02/2010
Cable E201, 18 GHz, N, 3m                      Megaphase                TM18 NKNK 118       E201            02/02/2010        02/02/2011
Cable MP3, 18 GHz, N, 10m                      Megaphase                G919-NKNK-394       MP3             05/04/2010        05/04/2011
Cable, 7 meters, 1-18GHz                       Storm Products Co.       PR90-195-7MTR       ST-3            08/18/2009        08/18/2010
Cable, N-N 3 meters, 18GHz                     Megaphase                TM18 NKNK 118       E203            05/04/2010        05/04/2011
EMI Receiver                                   Hewlett Packard          8546A               211505          02/02/2010        02/02/2011
EMI Receiver, Preselector section              Hewlett Packard          85460A              015762          02/02/2010        02/02/2011
Excel spreadsheet for radiated emissions       Software                 Excel - RE Worksh   SW004           12/09/2009        12/09/2010
Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 2000 MHz, 27 dB gain   Mini-Circuits            ZKL-2               200074          09/17/2009        09/17/2010

Results: The sample tested was found to Comply.


EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                           Page 12 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                              Issued: 08/17/2010

7.0      § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Medium vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))
                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                          Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                      Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                        Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
       Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
       Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                      Low Channel
        V        88.100  41.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        24.2         68.0      -43.8       0     Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  38.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        21.7         48.0      -26.3       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  47.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        30.6         68.0      -37.4       0     Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  46.2      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.3         48.0      -18.7       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  42.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        25.2         68.0      -42.8       45    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  40.2      8.9     2.1          28.1        23.1         48.0      -24.9       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  42.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        26.0         68.0      -42.0       45    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  40.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        24.0         48.0      -24.0       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  46.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        29.2         68.0      -38.8       90    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  44.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        27.7         48.0      -20.3       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  33.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        16.7         68.0      -51.3       90    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  28.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        11.6         48.0      -36.4       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  40.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        23.7         68.0      -44.3      135    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  38.0      8.9     2.1          28.1        20.9         48.0      -27.1      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  40.8      9.1     2.1          28.1        23.9         68.0      -44.1      135    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  38.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        21.1         48.0      -26.9      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  41.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        24.2         68.0      -43.8      180    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  36.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        19.7         48.0      -28.3      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  46.8      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.9         68.0      -38.1      180    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  45.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        28.5         48.0      -19.5      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  46.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        29.2         68.0      -38.8      225    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  44.6      8.9     2.1          28.1        27.5         48.0      -20.5      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  46.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.7         68.0      -38.3      225    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  45.2      9.1     2.1          28.1        28.3         48.0      -19.7      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  33.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        16.7         68.0      -51.3      270    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  27.4      8.9     2.1          28.1        10.3         48.0      -37.7      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  46.1      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.2         68.0      -38.8      270    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  44.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.7         48.0      -20.3      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100  43.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        26.7         68.0      -41.3      315    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100  42.1      8.9     2.1          28.1        25.0         48.0      -23.0      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100  47.2      9.1     2.1          28.1        30.3         68.0      -37.7      315    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100  45.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.0         48.0      -19.0      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Low Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                               Page 13 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                Issued: 08/17/2010

7.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Medium vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                            Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                        Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                          Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
          A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
         Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
         Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
        (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                        Mid Channel
          V        96.900  48.1     10.4     2.2          28.0        32.6         68.0      -35.4       0     Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  47.0     10.4     2.2          28.0        31.5         48.0      -16.5       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  43.9     11.0     2.2          28.0        29.1         68.0      -38.9       0     Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  42.2     11.0     2.2          28.0        27.4         48.0      -20.6       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  46.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        31.0         68.0      -37.0       45    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  44.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        29.2         48.0      -18.8       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  46.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        32.0         68.0      -36.0       45    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  45.3     11.0     2.2          28.0        30.5         48.0      -17.5       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  48.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        33.3         68.0      -34.7       90    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  47.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        32.1         48.0      -15.9       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  40.6     11.0     2.2          28.0        25.8         68.0      -42.2       90    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  37.4     11.0     2.2          28.0        22.6         48.0      -25.4       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  50.0     10.4     2.2          28.0        34.5         68.0      -33.5      135    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  48.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        33.2         48.0      -14.8      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  35.0     11.0     2.2          28.0        20.2         68.0      -47.8      135    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  30.3     11.0     2.2          28.0        15.5         48.0      -32.5      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  51.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        36.2         68.0      -31.8      180    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  50.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        35.1         48.0      -12.9      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  41.0     11.0     2.2          28.0        26.2         68.0      -41.8      180    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  38.4     11.0     2.2          28.0        23.6         48.0      -24.4      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  44.2     10.4     2.2          28.0        28.7         68.0      -39.3      225    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  42.4     10.4     2.2          28.0        26.9         48.0      -21.1      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  47.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        32.3         68.0      -35.7      225    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  45.7     11.0     2.2          28.0        30.9         48.0      -17.1      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  42.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        27.3         68.0      -40.7      270    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  40.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        25.3         48.0      -22.7      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  41.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        27.0         68.0      -41.0      270    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  39.7     11.0     2.2          28.0        24.9         48.0      -23.1      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V        96.900  39.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        24.1         68.0      -43.9      315    Pk/120k/300k
          V        96.900  36.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        21.0         48.0      -27.0      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H        96.900  44.6     11.0     2.2          28.0        29.8         68.0      -38.2      315    Pk/120k/300k
          H        96.900  42.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        28.0         48.0      -20.0      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Mid Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                 Page 14 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                Issued: 08/17/2010

7.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Medium vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date: 7/15/2010
  Frequency Range (MHz): 88-108                            Test Distance (m):   3
             Input power: 12VDC                                        Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
                                          Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
          A          B       C       D        E            F           G             H          I       J           J
         Ant.                     Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
         Pol.   Frequency Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
        (V/H)       MHz   dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB           dB       dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                       High Channel
          V       107.900  44.8     12.1     2.3          28.1        31.2         68.0      -36.8       0     Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  43.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        29.6         48.0      -18.4       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  37.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        24.9         68.0      -43.1       0     Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  34.5     12.7     2.3          28.1        21.5         48.0      -26.5       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  48.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        34.4         68.0      -33.6       45    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  46.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        33.0         48.0      -15.0       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  35.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        22.7         68.0      -45.3       45    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  30.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        17.9         48.0      -30.1       45    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  50.8     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.2         68.0      -30.8       90    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  49.8     12.1     2.3          28.1        36.2         48.0      -11.8       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  35.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        22.9         68.0      -45.1       90    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  31.3     12.7     2.3          28.1        18.3         48.0      -29.7       90    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  52.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        38.4         68.0      -29.6      135    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  50.7     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.1         48.0      -10.9      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  48.3     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.3         68.0      -32.7      135    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  47.0     12.7     2.3          28.1        34.0         48.0      -14.0      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  51.1     12.1     2.3          28.1        37.5         68.0      -30.5      180    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  49.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        36.0         48.0      -12.0      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  41.5     12.7     2.3          28.1        28.5         68.0      -39.5      180    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  39.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        26.1         48.0      -21.9      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  47.8     12.1     2.3          28.1        34.2         68.0      -33.8      225    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  46.5     12.1     2.3          28.1        32.9         48.0      -15.1      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  49.8     12.7     2.3          28.1        36.8         68.0      -31.2      225    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  48.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.7         48.0      -12.3      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  46.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        33.0         68.0      -35.0      270    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  45.0     12.1     2.3          28.1        31.4         48.0      -16.6      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  43.9     12.7     2.3          28.1        30.9         68.0      -37.1      270    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  41.6     12.7     2.3          28.1        28.6         48.0      -19.4      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          V       107.900  44.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        31.3         68.0      -36.7      315    Pk/120k/300k
          V       107.900  42.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        29.3         48.0      -18.7      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          H       107.900  48.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        35.1         68.0      -32.9      315    Pk/120k/300k
          H       107.900  46.6     12.7     2.3          28.1        33.6         48.0      -14.4      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
          Calculations       G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - High Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                 Page 15 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                          Issued: 08/17/2010

8.0       § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Large vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

Field strengthe measurements were taken as described in the previous section.

Test Equipment Used:
Description:                                   Manufacturer:            Model:              Asset Number:   Cal Date:         Cal Due:
Antenna, BiLog, 20-2000MHz                     Chase                    CBL6112B            211386          10/02/2009        10/02/2010
Cable E201, 18 GHz, N, 3m                      Megaphase                TM18 NKNK 118       E201            02/02/2010        02/02/2011
Cable MP3, 18 GHz, N, 10m                      Megaphase                G919-NKNK-394       MP3             05/04/2010        05/04/2011
Cable, 7 meters, 1-18GHz                       Storm Products Co.       PR90-195-7MTR       ST-3            08/18/2009        08/18/2010
Cable, N-N 3 meters, 18GHz                     Megaphase                TM18 NKNK 118       E203            05/04/2010        05/04/2011
EMI Receiver                                   Hewlett Packard          8546A               211505          02/02/2010        02/02/2011
EMI Receiver, Preselector section              Hewlett Packard          85460A              015762          02/02/2010        02/02/2011
Excel spreadsheet for radiated emissions       Software                 Excel - RE Worksh   SW004           12/09/2009        12/09/2010
Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 2000 MHz, 27 dB gain   Mini-Circuits            ZKL-2               200074          09/17/2009        09/17/2010

Results: The sample tested was found to Comply.


EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                           Page 16 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                   Issued: 08/17/2010

8.0      § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Large vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))
                    Date:   9/2/2010                          Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz):    88-108                                        Limit:   15_239-3m / RSS-210
             Input power:   12VDC            Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B             C       D       E            F           G             H          I       J           J
       Ant.                          Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                          Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency     Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit     Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz        dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB            dB      dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)      dB             Det/RBW/VBW
                                                           Low Channel
        V        88.100       42.6      8.9     2.1          28.1        25.5         68.0      -42.5       0     Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       38.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        21.8         48.0      -26.2       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       33.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        16.5         68.0      -51.5       0     Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       21.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        5.0          48.0      -43.0       0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       50.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        33.7         68.0      -34.3      45     Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       40.0      8.9     2.1          28.1        22.9         48.0      -25.1      45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       51.0      9.1     2.1          28.1        34.1         68.0      -33.9      45     Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       39.7      9.1     2.1          28.1        22.8         48.0      -25.2      45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       53.2      8.9     2.1          28.1        36.1         68.0      -31.9      90     Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       44.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        27.2         48.0      -20.8      90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       50.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        33.5         68.0      -34.5      90     Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       32.2      9.1     2.1          28.1        15.3         48.0      -32.7      90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       52.4      8.9     2.1          28.1        35.2         68.0      -32.8      135    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       44.0      8.9     2.1          28.1        26.9         48.0      -21.1      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       52.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        35.5         68.0      -32.5      135    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       43.9      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.0         48.0      -21.0      135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       54.1      8.9     2.1          28.1        36.9         68.0      -31.1      180    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       45.9      8.9     2.1          28.1        28.7         48.0      -19.3      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       51.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        34.6         68.0      -33.4      180    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       34.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        17.6         48.0      -30.4      180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       46.8      8.9     2.1          28.1        29.6         68.0      -38.4      225    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       44.5      8.9     2.1          28.1        27.4         48.0      -20.6      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       46.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.5         68.0      -38.5      225    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       43.6      9.1     2.1          28.1        26.7         48.0      -21.3      225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       39.6      8.9     2.1          28.1        22.5         68.0      -45.5      270    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       34.1      8.9     2.1          28.1        16.9         48.0      -31.1      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       41.5      9.1     2.1          28.1        24.6         68.0      -43.4      270    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       37.1      9.1     2.1          28.1        20.1         48.0      -27.9      270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        88.100       40.3      8.9     2.1          28.1        23.2         68.0      -44.8      315    Pk/120k/300k
        V        88.100       34.2      8.9     2.1          28.1        17.1         48.0      -30.9      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        88.100       46.4      9.1     2.1          28.1        29.5         68.0      -38.5      315    Pk/120k/300k
        H        88.100       44.3      9.1     2.1          28.1        27.4         48.0      -20.6      315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Low Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                    Page 17 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                  Issued: 08/17/2010

8.0      § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Large vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date:   9/2/2010                          Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz):    88-108                                        Limit:   15_239-3m
             Input power:   12VDC            Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B             C      D        E            F           G             H         I       J           J
       Ant.                          Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                         Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency     Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit    Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz        dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB            dB      dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)    dB              Det/RBW/VBW
                                                           Mid Channel
        V        96.900       43.0     10.4     2.2          28.0        27.5         68.0      -40.5      0     Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       39.6     10.4     2.2          28.0        24.1         48.0      -23.9      0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       36.9     11.0     2.2          28.0        22.0         68.0      -46.0      0     Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       29.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        14.2         48.0      -33.8      0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       41.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        26.0         68.0      -42.0     45     Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       37.8     10.4     2.2          28.0        22.3         48.0      -25.7     45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       39.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        25.0         68.0      -43.0     45     Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       32.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        17.9         48.0      -30.1     45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       50.3     10.4     2.2          28.0        34.8         68.0      -33.2     90     Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       32.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        17.3         48.0      -30.7     90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       50.5     11.0     2.2          28.0        35.6         68.0      -32.4     90     Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       34.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        19.2         48.0      -28.8     90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       51.9     10.4     2.2          28.0        36.4         68.0      -31.6     135    Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       39.1     10.4     2.2          28.0        23.6         48.0      -24.4     135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       50.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        35.3         68.0      -32.7     135    Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       35.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        21.0         48.0      -27.0     135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       50.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        35.0         68.0      -33.0     180    Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       48.7     10.4     2.2          28.0        33.2         48.0      -14.8     180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       34.3     11.0     2.2          28.0        19.5         68.0      -48.5     180    Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       26.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        11.9         48.0      -36.1     180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       45.4     10.4     2.2          28.0        29.9         68.0      -38.1     225    Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       41.5     10.4     2.2          28.0        26.1         48.0      -21.9     225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       44.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        29.2         68.0      -38.8     225    Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       40.2     11.0     2.2          28.0        25.4         48.0      -22.6     225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       45.1     10.4     2.2          28.0        29.6         68.0      -38.4     270    Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       41.9     10.4     2.2          28.0        26.4         48.0      -21.6     270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       40.1     11.0     2.2          28.0        25.2         68.0      -42.8     270    Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       33.8     11.0     2.2          28.0        18.9         48.0      -29.1     270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V        96.900       37.3     10.4     2.2          28.0        21.8         68.0      -46.2     315    Pk/120k/300k
        V        96.900       31.9     10.4     2.2          28.0        16.4         48.0      -31.6     315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H        96.900       42.4     11.0     2.2          28.0        27.5         68.0      -40.5     315    Pk/120k/300k
        H        96.900       37.9     11.0     2.2          28.0        23.1         48.0      -24.9     315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - Mid Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                   Page 18 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                                                  Issued: 08/17/2010

8.0      § 15.239(b) / (c) Field strength requirements - Large vehicle (FCC 15C - 15.239 (b))

                    Date:   9/2/2010                          Test Distance (m):   3
  Frequency Range (MHz):    88-108                                        Limit:   15_239-3m
             Input power:   12VDC            Modifications for compliance (y/n):   n
        A          B             C      D        E            F           G             H         I       J           J
       Ant.                          Antenna   Cable      Pre-amp                      3m                         Detectors /
       Pol.    Frequency     Reading  Factor   Loss        Factor        Net          Limit    Margin   Azimuth   Bandwidths
      (V/H)       MHz        dB(uV)  dB(1/m)    dB            dB      dB(uV/m)      dB(uV/m)    dB              Det/RBW/VBW
                                                          High Channel
        V       107.900       43.4     12.1     2.3          28.1        29.8         68.0      -38.2      0     Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       38.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        25.0         48.0      -23.0      0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       40.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        27.1         68.0      -40.9      0     Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       35.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        22.1         48.0      -25.9      0     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       43.6     12.1     2.3          28.1        30.0         68.0      -38.0     45     Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       40.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        27.3         48.0      -20.7     45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       47.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        34.3         68.0      -33.7     45     Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       45.1     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.1         48.0      -15.9     45     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       47.4     12.1     2.3          28.1        33.8         68.0      -34.2     90     Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       43.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        29.6         48.0      -18.4     90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       45.3     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.3         68.0      -35.7     90     Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       42.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        29.7         48.0      -18.3     90     Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       52.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        39.3         68.0      -28.7     135    Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       44.3     12.1     2.3          28.1        30.6         48.0      -17.4     135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       40.5     12.7     2.3          28.1        27.5         68.0      -40.5     135    Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       36.3     12.7     2.3          28.1        23.3         48.0      -24.7     135    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       40.1     12.1     2.3          28.1        26.4         68.0      -41.6     180    Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       31.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        17.6         48.0      -30.4     180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       38.6     12.7     2.3          28.1        25.6         68.0      -42.4     180    Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       32.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        19.4         48.0      -28.6     180    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       45.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        32.3         68.0      -35.7     225    Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       42.9     12.1     2.3          28.1        29.3         48.0      -18.7     225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       45.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.7         68.0      -35.3     225    Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       42.6     12.7     2.3          28.1        29.6         48.0      -18.4     225    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       46.2     12.1     2.3          28.1        32.6         68.0      -35.4     270    Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       43.7     12.1     2.3          28.1        30.0         48.0      -18.0     270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       45.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        32.3         68.0      -35.7     270    Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       42.7     12.7     2.3          28.1        29.7         48.0      -18.3     270    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        V       107.900       39.4     12.1     2.3          28.1        25.8         68.0      -42.2     315    Pk/120k/300k
        V       107.900       33.1     12.1     2.3          28.1        19.5         48.0      -28.5     315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        H       107.900       47.0     12.7     2.3          28.1        33.9         68.0      -34.1     315    Pk/120k/300k
        H       107.900       44.4     12.7     2.3          28.1        31.4         48.0      -16.6     315    Av/120k/1.6Hz
        Calculations            G=C+D+E-F            I=G-H

Test data - High Channel

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                                                   Page 19 of 20

Report Number: 100165617ATL-002                                                                           Issued: 08/17/2010

9.0       Revision History (Revision History)

Document the history of the report.


      Revision Level                      Date           Report Number                      Notes
       Original issue                 August 13, 2010   100165617ATL-002                      --
             1                        August 17, 2010   100165617ATL-002 Corrected radiated emissions test procedure.

EMC Report for SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio on the XSN1                                                            Page 20 of 20

Document Created: 2010-08-17 15:08:24
Document Modified: 2010-08-17 15:08:24

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