15 239 Report


Test Report

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                                               Certification Test Report

                                                               FCC ID: RS2XSN1
                                                                IC: 5697A-XSN1

                                           FCC Rule Part: 15.239
                                 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210

                                     ACS Report Number: 10-2062.W06.11.A

                                                         Applicant: XM Radio Inc.
                                                               Model: XSN1

                                                    Test Begin Date: 07-28-2010
                                                     Test End Date: 08-11-2010

                                                 Report Issue Date: 08-12-2010

                                       FOR THE SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION UNDER LAB Code 200897-0

         This report is not be used to claim certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any government agency.

    Project Manager:                                                                     Reviewed by:

    Thierry Jean-Charles                                                                 Kirby Munroe
    EMC Engineer                                                                         Director, Wireless Certifications
    Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc.                                                  Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc.

This test report shall not be reproduced except in full. This report may be reproduced in part with prior written consent of ACS, Inc. The results contained in this report
                                                        are representative of the sample(s) submitted for evaluation.
                                                            This report contains 30 pages

                            3998 FAU Blvd. Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 561-961-5585 Fax: 561-961-5587

Model: XSN1                                                  FCC ID: RS2XSN1                                                       IC: 5697A-XSN1

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

1     GENERAL ......................................................................................................3
1.1     Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2     Product description .......................................................................................................................... 3

1.3     Test Methodology and Considerations ........................................................................................... 3

2     TEST FACILITIES ..........................................................................................4
2.1     Location............................................................................................................................................. 4

2.2     Laboratory Accreditations/Recognitions/Certifications ............................................................... 4

2.3     Radiated & Conducted Emissions Test Site Description .............................................................. 5

3     APPLICABLE STANDARD REFERENCES...................................................6

4     LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT..........................................................................7

5     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT..........................8

6     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM ..............................9

7     SUMMARY OF TESTS .................................................................................11
7.1     Antenna Requirement – FCC: Section 15.203 ............................................................................. 11

7.2     Radiated Emissions – FCC: Section 15.109(Unintentional Radiation) IC: RSS-210 2.6.......... 12

7.3     20 dB Bandwidth - FCC: Section 15.239 (a) IC: RSS-210 A2.8.................................................. 22

7.4     Transmitter Field Strength – FCC Section 15.239 (b) IC: RSS-210 A2.8 (b)............................ 26

7.5     Radiated Spurious Emissions - FCC Section 15.209 IC: RSS-210 2.6 ....................................... 27

8     CONCLUSION..............................................................................................29

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                          IC: 5697A-XSN1


1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this report is to demonstrate compliance with Part 15 Subpart C of the FCC’s
Code of Federal Regulations and Industry Canada’s Radio Standards Specification RSS-210.

1.2 Product description
The XM Snap, Model No.:XSN1, is a Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) receiver for
Sirius XM Radio. The unit is a vehicle accessory with a transmitter operating in the 88 - 108 MHz
FM band. The XM Snap supplies the incoming satellite digital audio signal to the vehicle's radio
via wired connection (Audio cable, FM Direct, or Cassette Adapter) or wireless FM transmission
(Power Connect or FEA).

                                        Frequency                              Channel
                                                             Number of
           Mode of Operation              Range                               Separation
                                          (MHz)                                 (kHz)
                      FM                88.1 – 107.9            100              200

Applicant Information:

XM Radio Inc.
1500 Eckington Pl, NE
Washington DC 20002

Manufacturer Information:

WNC (Kunshan) Corp.
NO.88 Central Avenue, Area B, Kunshan Export Processing Zone,
Kunshan City, Jiangsu, China

Test Sample Serial Number(s): JZA212M5, MNZ2124E.

Test Sample Condition: Good

1.3 Test Methodology and Considerations
The unit is tested receiving live XM programming. The unit was tested for radiated emissions in
three configurations:
    1. EUT in Power Connect mode with an auxiliary cable,
    2. EUT with an FEA and a cassette adapter,
    3. EUT with an FM Direct and an auxiliary cable.
The audio level were set to the maximum and the I/O cables were configured for worst case
emissions during the evaluation.

Additionally, A/B comparison tests were performed to demonstrate that equivalent components
for Fixed Coils, SMT, inductors L300 and L304, as described in the table below, led to equivalent
results, within measurement tolerance.

                         Inductor   Value      Description   Part Number       Manufacturer
                           L300      150NH        0603        SWI0603F-R15J      Tai-Tech
             Unit A        L304     1200NH        1008       SWI1008UF-1R2J      Tai-Tech
                           L300:     150NH        0603        LLQ1608-FR15J       Toko
             Unit B        L304:    1200NH        1008       1008CS-122XGLC      Coilcraft

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Model: XSN1                            FCC ID: RS2XSN1                          IC: 5697A-XSN1


2.1 Location
The radiated and conducted emissions test sites are located at the following address:

Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc.
3998 FAU Blvd, Suite 310
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Phone: (561) 961-5585
Fax: (561) 961-5587

FCC Test Firm Registration #: 581606
Industry Canada Lab Code: 4175C-1

2.2 Laboratory Accreditations/Recognitions/Certifications
ACS is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology under
their National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 200897-0. Unless
otherwise specified, all tests methods described within this report are covered under the ISO/IEC
17025 scope of accreditation.

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Model: XSN1                            FCC ID: RS2XSN1                            IC: 5697A-XSN1

2.3   Radiated & Conducted Emissions Test Site Description

2.3.1 Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site
The EMC radiated test facility consists of an RF-shielded enclosure. The interior dimensions of
the indoor semi-anechoic chamber are approximately 48 feet (14.6 m) long by 36 feet (10.8 m)
wide by 24 feet (7.3 m) high and consist of rigid, 1/8 inch (0.32 cm) steel-clad, wood core modular
panels with steel framing. In the shielded enclosure, the faces of the panels are galvanized and
the chamber is self-supporting. 8-foot RF absorbing cones are installed on 4 walls and the ceiling.
The steel-clad ground plane is covered with vinyl floor.

The turntable is driven by pneumatic motor, which is capable of supporting a 2000 lb. load. The
turntable is flushed with the chamber floor which it is connected to, around its circumference, with
metallic loaded springs. An EMCO Model 1051 Multi-device Controller controls the turntable

A pneumatic motor is used to control antenna polarizations and height relative to the ground. The
height information is displayed on the control unit EMCO Model 1050.

The control room is an RF shielded enclosure attached to the semi-anechoic chamber with two
bulkhead panels for connecting RF, and control cables. The dimension of the room is 7.3 m x 4.9
m x 3 m high and the entrance doors of both control and conducted rooms are 3 feet (0.91 m) by
7 feet (2.13 m).

A diagram of the Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site is shown in Figure 2.3.1-1 below:



                                                                    Control Room


                          Conducted EMI Site
                               7.33m                               7.33m

                      Figure 2.3.1-1: Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Site

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Model: XSN1                           FCC ID: RS2XSN1                            IC: 5697A-XSN1

2.3.2 Conducted Emissions Test Site Description
The dimensions of the shielded conducted room are 7.3 x 4.9 x 3 m3. As per ANSI C63.4 2003
requirements, the data were taken using two LISNs; a Solar Model 8028-50 50 Ω/50 μH and an
EMCO Model 3825, which are installed as shown in Photograph 3. For 220 V, 50 Hz, a Polarad
LISN (S/N 879341/048) is used in conjunction with a 1 kVA, 50 Hz/220 V EDGAR variable
frequency generator, Model 1001B, to filter conducted noise from the generator.

A diagram of the room is shown below in figure 2.3.2-1:


                                                              1.0m x 1.5m
                                                          Non-Conductive Table



                        Figure 2.3.2-1: AC Mains Conducted EMI Site


The following standards were used:

    ™ ANSI C63.4-2003: Method of Measurements of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-
      Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the 9KHz to 40GHz
    ™ US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 2, Subpart J: Equipment
      Authorization Procedures, 2010
    ™ US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C: Radio Frequency
      Devices, Intentional Radiators, 2010
    ™ Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210 - Low-power License-exempt
      Radiocommunication Devices (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment, Issue 7
      June 2007
    ™ Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification: RSS-GEN – General Requirements and
      Information for the Certification of Radiocommunication Equipment, Issue2, June 2007.

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Model: XSN1                             FCC ID: RS2XSN1                          IC: 5697A-XSN1


The calibration interval of test equipment is annually or the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where the calibration interval deviates from the annual cycle based on the instrument
manufacturer’s recommendations, it shall be stated below.

                                  Table 4-1: Test Equipment
AssetID      Manufacturer              Model #            Equipment Type        Serial #   Cal Due Date
 2002            EMCO                    3108                Antennas            2147        9/10/2011
 2004            EMCO                    3146                Antennas            1385        9/10/2011
 2006            EMCO                    3115                Antennas            2573        2/21/2011
 2011       Hewlett-Packard           HP 8447D               Amplifiers       2443A03952     1/4/2011
 2012       Hewlett-Packard           HP83017A               Amplifiers       3123A00324    12/30/2010
 2013       Hewlett Packard           HP8566B            Spectrum Analyzers   2407A03233      8/5/2012
 2014       Hewlett Packard          HP 85650A           Quasi Peak Adapter   2430A00559      8/5/2012
 2037          ACS Boca          Chamber EMI Cable Set       Cable Set           2037       12/30/2010
 2044              QMI                    N/A                  Cables            2044        1/6/2011
 RE40     Agilent Technologies         E7405A            Spectrum Analyzers   US39150132     7/20/2011

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Model: XSN1                             FCC ID: RS2XSN1                    IC: 5697A-XSN1


                       Table 5-1: EUT and Support Equipment
 Item   Equipment Type Manufacturer Model Number                     Serial Number
    1   EUT                 WNC              XSN1             JZA212M5
    2   Antenna             Sirius XM        SX-7500-0067     N/A
        FM Extender
    3   Antenna (FEA)       Sirius XM        FEA25            N/A
    4   Cassette            Sirius XM        XMTTZ00257       N/A
        Cigarette Lighter
        Socket with
        Twisted Pair
    5   Cable               Sirius XM        N/A              N/A
    6   Car Battery         Controls, Inc.   Everstart 26-5   N/A

                            Table 5-2: EUT and Support Equipment
 Item   Equipment Type       Manufacturer Model Number               Serial Number
    1   EUT                 WNC              XSN1             MNZ2124E
                            Sirius XM
    2   Antenna             Radio            SX-7500-0067     N/A
    3   Auxiliary Cable     Sirius XM        A4B9090-LP4      N/A
        Cigarette Lighter
        Socket with
        Twisted Pair
    4   Cable               Sirius XM        N/A              N/A
    5   Car Battery         Controls, Inc.   Everstart 26-5   N/A

                       Table 5-3: EUT and Support Equipment
 Item   Equipment Type Manufacturer Model Number                     Serial Number
    1   EUT                 WNC              XSN1             MNZ2124E
    2   Antenna             Sirius XM        SX-7500-0067     N/A
        FM Direct
    3   Adapter             Sirius XM        FMDA25           N/A
        Ground Plane
        with Whip
    4   Antenna             Sirius XM        N/A              N/A
    5   Auxiliary Cable     Sirius XM        A4B9090-LP4      N/A
        Cigarette Lighter
        Socket with
        Twisted Pair
    6   Cable               Sirius XM        N/A              N/A
    7   Car Battery         Controls, Inc.   Everstart 26-5   N/A

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Model: XSN1                        FCC ID: RS2XSN1                       IC: 5697A-XSN1




                 3            2             1            4

              Figure 6-1: EUT with FEA and Cassette Adapter (See Table 5-1)



                              2             1

           Figure 6-2: EUT (Power Connect) with audio Cable (See Table 5-2)

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Model: XSN1                       FCC ID: RS2XSN1                    IC: 5697A-XSN1


                       75 Ohms


              4             3              1            2


                    Figure 6-3: EUT with FM Direct (See Table 5-3)

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Model: XSN1                          FCC ID: RS2XSN1                          IC: 5697A-XSN1


Along with the tabular data shown below, plots were taken of all signals deemed important
enough to document.

7.1    Antenna Requirement – FCC: Section 15.203

The XM Snap, XSN1 radiates an FM signal in both Power Connect and FEA configurations. In
the Power Connect mode, no external antenna is needed since the FM Snap couples the FM
signal through the cigarette lighter adapter to the vehicle's wiring.

The FM Extendable Antenna (FEA) provides an alternative to the Power Connect mode. The
FEA is to be connected to a 2.5 mm FM jack of the unit. When the 2.5 mm plug of the FEA is
inserted in the FM port of the Sirius XM FM transmitter the FM signal no longer couples through
the cigarette lighter adapter but radiates through the FEA cable.

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Model: XSN1                             FCC ID: RS2XSN1                       IC: 5697A-XSN1

7.2     Radiated Emissions – FCC: Section 15.109(Unintentional Radiation) IC: RSS-210 2.6

7.2.1    Measurement Procedure

Radiated emissions tests were performed over the frequency range of 30 MHz to 16 GHz.
Measurements of the radiated field strength were made at a distance of 3m from the boundary of
the equipment under test (EUT) and the receiving antenna. The antenna height was varied from
1m to 4m so that the maximum radiated emissions level would be detected. Radiated
measurements above 30MHz and below 1 GHz were made with the Spectrum Analyzer’s
resolution bandwidth set to 120 kHz using a Quasi-peak detector. Above 1 GHz, peak and
average measurements are taken with the RBW and VBW were set to 1 MHz.

The XM Snap was tested in three configurations:
   a) FEA with a cassette adapter.
   b) Power Connect with an auxiliary cable.
   c) FM Direct with an auxiliary cable, a whip antenna and a ground plane.

For all three configurations, the FM tuner was set to 3 different frequencies corresponding to
lower, middle and upper frequencies of the FM band. When peak and average measurements
were required, the peak emission was compared to the average limit. When the peak emission
failed the average limit, it was then compared to the peak limit.

7.2.2    Measurement Results

Results of the test are given in Table 7.2.2-1 to 7.2.2-9 below:

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Model: XSN1                              FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

            Table 7.2.2-1: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA - 88.1 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
             Pk     Qpk/Av      (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 116.50     40.40     ---         H           15.85      24.55       ---     43.50      18.95           ---
 153.90     47.10     ---         H           13.76      33.34       ---     43.50      10.16           ---
 193.70     45.20     ---         H           12.04      33.16       ---     43.50      10.34           ---
 200.00     44.05     ---         H           11.60      32.45       ---     43.50      11.05           ---
 339.20     41.45     ---         H           10.28      31.17       ---     46.00      14.83           ---
 702.40     33.25     ---         H            2.04      31.21       ---     46.00      14.79           ---
 750.40     34.35     ---         H            1.44      32.91       ---     46.00      13.09           ---
 799.20     29.10     ---         H            1.00      28.10       ---     46.00      17.90           ---
 3118.25    43.18   35.50         H           -8.92      52.10      44.42    54.00      1.90            9.58
 3870.52    44.35   38.93         H           -11.80     56.15      50.73    54.00      -2.15           3.27
  31.00     34.95     ---         V           13.46      21.49       ---     40.00      18.51           ---
  48.50     40.30     ---         V           15.83      24.47       ---     40.00      15.53           ---
 152.90     44.25     ---         V           13.77      30.48       ---     43.50      13.02           ---
 185.00     39.30     ---         V           12.81      26.50       ---     43.50      17.01           ---
 347.20     39.40     ---         V           10.21      29.19       ---     46.00      16.81           ---
 606.40     32.50     ---         V            4.26      28.24       ---     46.00      17.76           ---
 654.40     31.50     ---         V            3.29      28.21       ---     46.00      17.79           ---
 702.40     34.55     ---         V            2.04      32.51       ---     46.00      13.49           ---
 750.40     34.40     ---         V            1.44      32.96       ---     46.00      13.04           ---
 3870.52    41.13   31.75         V           -11.80     52.93      43.55    54.00      1.07        10.45

* Notes:
    1. The peak emission at 3870.52 MHz complies with the peak limit of 74 dBµV/m.
    2. All emissions above 3870 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                              FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

            Table 7.2.2-2: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA - 96.9 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
             Pk     Qpk/Av      (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 153.60     50.75     ---         H           13.76      36.99       ---     43.50      6.51            ---
 189.30     38.95     ---         H           12.46      26.50       ---     43.50      17.01           ---
 204.00     42.30     ---         H           13.86      28.44       ---     43.50      15.06           ---
 372.80     43.30     ---         H            9.87      33.43       ---     46.00      12.57           ---
 702.40     29.60     ---         H            2.04      27.56       ---     46.00      18.44           ---
 750.40     31.40     ---         H            1.44      29.96       ---     46.00      16.04           ---
 798.40     30.40     ---         H            1.01      29.39       ---     46.00      16.61           ---
 847.20     30.95     ---         H            0.35      30.60       ---     46.00      15.40           ---
 3118.30    42.50   36.08         H           -8.92      51.42      45.00    54.00      2.58            9.00
 3483.60    42.10   34.92         H           -10.43     52.53      45.35    54.00      1.47            8.65
  48.40     40.70     ---         V           15.83      24.87       ---     40.00      15.13           ---
  58.70     37.75     ---         V           17.15      20.60       ---     40.00      19.40           ---
 153.30     45.40     ---         V           13.77      31.63       ---     43.50      11.87           ---
 181.00     38.15     ---         V           12.96      25.19       ---     43.50      18.31           ---
 214.40     40.60     ---         V           14.21      26.39       ---     43.50      17.11           ---
 352.00     39.35     ---         V           10.16      29.19       ---     46.00      16.81           ---
 557.60     31.65     ---         V            5.48      26.17       ---     46.00      19.83           ---
 605.60     32.35     ---         V            4.29      28.06       ---     46.00      17.94           ---
 654.40     32.25     ---         V            3.29      28.96       ---     46.00      17.04           ---
 702.40     35.15     ---         V            2.04      33.11       ---     46.00      12.89           ---
 750.40     35.60     ---         V            1.44      34.16       ---     46.00      11.84           ---

* Notes:
    1. All emissions above 3483.6 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

              Table 7.2.2-3: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA - 107.9 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 117.00       42.50     ---          H           15.78      26.72       ---     43.50      16.78           ---
 153.60       45.45     ---          H           13.76      31.69       ---     43.50      11.81           ---
 189.10       39.00     ---          H           12.48      26.52       ---     43.50      16.98           ---
 217.60       42.00     ---          H           14.28      27.72       ---     46.00      18.28           ---
 300.80       38.85     ---          H           10.74      28.11       ---     46.00      17.89           ---
 372.80       44.70     ---          H            9.87      34.83       ---     46.00      11.17           ---
 702.40       31.85     ---          H            2.04      29.81       ---     46.00      16.19           ---
 750.40       34.15     ---          H            1.44      32.71       ---     46.00      13.29           ---
 799.20       29.55     ---          H            1.00      28.55       ---     46.00      17.45           ---
 3118.30      43.20    36.15         H           -8.92      52.12      45.07    54.00      1.88            8.93
 3448.50      42.55    34.29         H           -10.29     52.84      44.58    54.00      1.16            9.42
  48.50       43.05     ---          V           15.83      27.22       ---     40.00      12.78           ---
  97.20       44.05     ---          V           18.16      25.89       ---     43.50      17.61           ---
 153.60       42.15     ---          V           13.76      28.39       ---     43.50      15.11           ---
 181.10       38.70     ---          V           12.96      25.74       ---     43.50      17.76           ---
 372.80       39.50     ---          V            9.87      29.63       ---     46.00      16.37           ---
 606.40       32.40     ---          V            4.26      28.14       ---     46.00      17.86           ---
 654.80       32.80     ---          V            3.29      29.51       ---     46.00      16.49           ---
 702.40       35.00     ---          V            2.04      32.96       ---     46.00      13.04           ---
 750.40       36.00     ---          V            1.44      34.56       ---     46.00      11.44           ---
 800.00       29.90     ---          V            1.00      28.90       ---     46.00      17.10           ---

* Notes:
           1. All emissions above 3448 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

      Table 7.2.2-4: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect - 88.1 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 150.50       48.65     ---          H           13.80      34.85       ---     43.50      8.65            ---
 217.60       37.05      ---         H           14.28      22.77        ---    46.00      23.23            ---
 339.20       47.55      ---         H           10.28      37.27        ---    46.00      8.73             ---
 356.80       45.75      ---         H           10.09      35.66        ---    46.00      10.34            ---
 458.40       34.80      ---         H            7.53      27.27        ---    46.00      18.73            ---
 3118.30      44.20    39.38         H           -8.92      53.12      48.30    54.00      0.88            5.70
 3870.60      40.85    31.93         H           -11.80     52.65      43.73    54.00      1.35        10.27
 4677.45      40.25    32.19         H           -14.27     54.52      46.46    54.00      -0.52           7.54
 150.90       47.55     ---          V           13.79      33.76       ---     43.50      9.74            ---
 175.50       36.05      ---         V           13.28      22.77        ---    43.50      20.73            ---
 338.40       41.60      ---         V           10.31      31.29        ---    46.00      14.71            ---
 368.80       39.75      ---         V            9.98      29.77        ---    46.00      16.23            ---
 558.40       32.95      ---         V            5.44      27.51        ---    46.00      18.49            ---
 605.60       31.95     ---          V            4.29      27.66       ---     46.00      18.34           ---
 654.40       30.50      ---         V            3.29      27.21        ---    46.00      18.79            ---
 702.40       30.95      ---         V            2.04      28.91        ---    46.00      17.09            ---
 750.40       30.65      ---         V            1.44      29.21        ---    46.00      16.79            ---
 799.20       28.35      ---         V            1.00      27.35        ---    46.00      18.65            ---

* Notes:
           1. The peak emission at 4677.45 MHz complies with the peak limit of 74 dBµV/m.
           2. All emissions above 4677.45 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A               Advanced Compliance Solutions                  Page 16 of 30

Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

      Table 7.2.2-5: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect - 96.9 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 151.90       46.10      ---         H           13.78      32.32        ---    43.50      11.18            ---
 334.40       49.25      ---         H           10.46      38.79        ---    46.00      7.21             ---
 342.40       48.20     ---          H           10.24      37.96       ---     46.00      8.04            ---
 372.80       42.60     ---          H            9.87      32.73       ---     46.00      13.27           ---
 3118.30      45.25    39.65         H           -8.92      54.17      48.57    54.00      -0.17           5.43
 3870.60      40.85    33.30         H           -11.80     52.65      45.10    54.00      1.35            8.90
 151.20       48.50      ---         V           13.79      34.71        ---    43.50      8.79             ---
 342.40       46.50      ---         V           10.24      36.26        ---    46.00      9.74             ---
 372.80       37.15     ---          V            9.87      27.28       ---     46.00      18.72           ---
 556.80       32.30     ---          V            5.52      26.78       ---     46.00      19.22           ---
 606.40       31.15      ---         V            4.26      26.89        ---    46.00      19.11            ---
 653.60       30.70      ---         V            3.32      27.38        ---    46.00      18.62            ---
 702.40       30.20     ---          V            2.04      28.16       ---     46.00      17.84           ---
 750.40       30.25     ---          V            1.44      28.81       ---     46.00      17.19           ---

* Notes:
           1. The peak emission at 3118.30 MHz complies with the peak limit of 74 dBµV/m.
           2. All emissions above 3870 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

      Table 7.2.2-6: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect - 107.9 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 151.60       51.15     ---          H           13.78      37.37       ---     43.50      6.13            ---
 216.00       41.45     ---          H           14.25      27.20       ---     43.50      16.30           ---
 334.40       49.95     ---          H           10.46      39.49       ---     46.00      6.51            ---
 606.40       30.95     ---          H            4.26      26.69       ---     46.00      19.31           ---
 3118.20      45.55    40.55         H           -8.92      54.47      49.47    54.00      -0.47           4.53
 3879.60      40.95    32.63         H           -11.83     52.78      44.46    54.00      1.22            9.54
 4677.60      41.66    32.85         H           -14.27     55.93      47.12    54.00      -1.93           6.88
 150.20       48.00     ---          V           13.80      34.20       ---     43.50      9.30            ---
 372.80       38.55     ---          V            9.87      28.68       ---     46.00      17.32           ---
 377.60       45.60     ---          V            9.70      35.90       ---     46.00      10.10           ---
 556.80       33.00     ---          V            5.52      27.48       ---     46.00      18.52           ---
 605.60       31.45     ---          V            4.29      27.16       ---     46.00      18.84           ---
 654.40       31.40     ---          V            3.29      28.11       ---     46.00      17.89           ---
 702.40       30.10     ---          V            2.04      28.06       ---     46.00      17.94           ---
 798.40       28.85     ---          V            1.01      27.84       ---     46.00      18.16           ---

* Note:
           1. The peak emissions at 3118.20 and 4677.60 MHz comply with the peak limit of 74
           2. All emissions above 4677 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

            Table 7.2.2-7: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FM Direct - 88.1 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
  87.10       40.30     ---          H           19.18      21.12        ---    40.00      18.88           ---
 150.70       50.00    48.36         H           13.79      36.21      34.57    43.50      7.29            8.93
 200.00       42.90     ---          H           11.60      31.30       ---     43.50      12.20           ---
 313.60       39.55     ---          H           10.29      29.26       ---     46.00      16.74           ---
 342.40       42.20     ---          H           10.24      31.96       ---     46.00      14.04           ---
 368.80       44.60     ---          H            9.98      34.62       ---     46.00      11.38           ---
 605.60       30.95     ---          H            4.29      26.66       ---     46.00      19.34           ---
 3118.30      43.85    37.57         H           -8.92      52.77      46.49    54.00      1.23            7.51
 3870.60      40.95    33.86         H           -11.80     52.75      45.66    54.00      1.25            8.34
 6236.00      44.24    35.73         H           -8.43      52.67      44.16    54.00      1.33            9.84
  30.70       42.85     ---          V           13.43      29.42       ---     40.00      10.58           ---
  40.70       37.45     ---          V           15.05      22.40       ---     40.00      17.60           ---
 113.50       43.15     ---          V           16.23      26.92       ---     43.50      16.58           ---
 128.40       42.50     ---          V           14.35      28.15       ---     43.50      15.35           ---
 152.10       46.95     ---          V           13.78      33.17       ---     43.50      10.33           ---
 167.70       40.10     ---          V           13.55      26.55       ---     43.50      16.95           ---
 200.00       43.35     ---          V           11.60      31.75       ---     43.50      11.75           ---
 343.20       39.35     ---          V           10.24      29.11       ---     46.00      16.89           ---
 374.40       41.90     ---          V            9.82      32.08       ---     46.00      13.92           ---
 702.40       30.85     ---          V            2.04      28.81       ---     46.00      17.19           ---
 750.40       30.40     ---          V            1.44      28.96       ---     46.00      17.04           ---
 6236.00      44.72    35.39         V           -8.43      53.15      43.82    54.00      0.85        10.18

* Note:
           1. All emissions above 6236 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

            Table 7.2.2-8: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FM Direct - 96.9 MHz)

Frequency     Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)          (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
              Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 151.40      50.40     ---          H           13.79      36.61       ---     43.50      6.89            ---
 164.40      37.25     ---          H           13.56      23.69       ---     43.50      19.81           ---
 200.01      43.25     ---          H           13.70      29.55       ---     43.50      13.95           ---
 308.00      39.10     ---          H           10.26      28.84       ---     46.00      17.16           ---
 342.40      44.70     ---          H           10.24      34.46       ---     46.00      11.54           ---
 374.40      44.00     ---          H            9.82      34.18       ---     46.00      11.82           ---
 3118.30     44.90    38.81         H           -8.92      53.82      47.73    54.00      0.18            6.27
3870.60*     42.75    34.47         H           -11.80     54.55      46.27    54.00      -0.55           7.73
4677.50*     41.20    32.65         H           -14.27     55.47      46.92    54.00      -1.47           7.08
 6236.00     45.03    36.05         H           -8.43      53.46      44.48    54.00      0.54            9.52
  41.60      38.85     ---          V           15.15      23.70       ---     40.00      16.30           ---
  56.70      38.75     ---          V           16.96      21.79       ---     40.00      18.21           ---
 113.50      42.10     ---          V           16.23      25.87       ---     43.50      17.63           ---
 125.00      42.80     ---          V           14.72      28.08       ---     43.50      15.42           ---
 152.10      47.75     ---          V           13.78      33.97       ---     43.50      9.53            ---
 200.00      41.80     ---          V           11.60      30.20       ---     43.50      13.30           ---
 339.20      41.70     ---          V           10.28      31.42       ---     46.00      14.58           ---
 374.40      39.90     ---          V            9.82      30.08       ---     46.00      15.92           ---
 702.40      29.70     ---          V            2.04      27.66       ---     46.00      18.34           ---
 750.40      30.00     ---          V            1.44      28.56       ---     46.00      17.44           ---
 3118.30     41.90    33.51         V           -8.92      50.82      42.43    54.00      3.18        11.57
 6236.00     44.69    36.70         V           -8.43      53.12      45.13    54.00      0.88            8.87

   * Notes:
   1. The peak emissions at 3870.6 and 4677.5 MHz comply with the peak limit of 74 dBµV/m.
   2. All emissions above 6236 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                               IC: 5697A-XSN1

            Table 7.2.2-9: Radiated Emissions Tabulated Data (FM Direct - 107.9 MHz)

Frequency      Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level     Limit              Margin
  (MHz)           (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors           (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)             (dB)
               Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)       Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk        Qpk/Av
 150.50       44.45      ---         H           13.80      30.65        ---    43.50      12.85            ---
  87.30       42.65      ---         H           19.16      23.49        ---    40.00      16.51            ---
 200.00       43.45      ---         H           13.70      29.75        ---    43.50      13.75            ---
 373.60       45.70      ---         H            9.85      35.85        ---    46.00      10.15            ---
 308.80       39.15      ---         H           10.21      28.94        ---    46.00      17.06            ---
 3118.30      44.00    37.95         H           -8.92      52.92      46.87    54.00      1.08            7.13
 6236.00      44.48    33.96         H           -8.43      52.91      42.39    54.00      1.09        11.61
 159.40       43.60      ---         V           13.53      30.07        ---    43.50      13.43            ---
 124.90       41.95      ---         V           14.72      27.23        ---    43.50      16.27            ---
  41.90       39.00      ---         V           15.18      23.82        ---    40.00      16.18            ---
  32.70       37.30     ---          V           13.79      23.51       ---     40.00      16.49           ---
 200.00       43.20     ---          V           13.70      29.50       ---     43.50      14.00           ---
 334.40       39.70      ---         V           10.46      29.24        ---    46.00      16.76            ---
 369.60       38.95      ---         V            9.98      28.97        ---    46.00      17.03            ---
 606.40       32.50      ---         V            4.26      28.24        ---    46.00      17.76            ---
 702.40       30.25      ---         V            2.04      28.21        ---    46.00      17.79            ---
 750.40       29.70      ---         V            1.44      28.26        ---    46.00      17.74            ---
 6236.00      45.15    36.82         V           -8.43      53.58      45.25    54.00      0.42            8.75

           1. All emissions above 6236 MHz were attenuated below the permissible limit.

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Model: XSN1                           FCC ID: RS2XSN1                           IC: 5697A-XSN1

7.3     20 dB Bandwidth - FCC: Section 15.239 (a) IC: RSS-210 A2.8

7.3.1   Measurement Procedure (Conducted Method)

The RF output port of the EUT was directly connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer. The
spectrum analyzer span was set to 2 to 3 times the estimated bandwidth of the emission. The
RBW was to ≥ 1% of the estimated emission bandwidth. The trace was set to max hold with a
peak detector active. The Delta function of the analyzer was utilized to determine the 20 dB
bandwidth of the emission. The same procedure was used to measure the 99% (26 dB)

7.3.2   Measurement Results

Results are shown below in Table 7.3.2-1 and Figures 7.3.2-1 through 7.3.2-6.

                                     Table 7.3.2-1: 20dB
                                                                  99% (26dB)
                  Frequency            20dB Bandwidth
                    [MHz]                   [kHz]
                     88.1                    166.5                  188.5
                     96.9                    150.5                  190.5
                     107.9                   168.0                  182.5

                             Figure 7.3.2-1: 20dB BW Low Channel

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A        Advanced Compliance Solutions               Page 22 of 30

Model: XSN1                     FCC ID: RS2XSN1                IC: 5697A-XSN1

                      Figure 7.3.2-2: 20dB BW Middle Channel

                       Figure 7.3.2-3: 20dB BW High Channel

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A   Advanced Compliance Solutions   Page 23 of 30

Model: XSN1                     FCC ID: RS2XSN1                    IC: 5697A-XSN1

                     Figure 7.3.2-4: 99% (26dB) BW Low Channel

                   Figure 7.3.2-5: 99% (26 dB) BW Middle Channel

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A   Advanced Compliance Solutions       Page 24 of 30

Model: XSN1                     FCC ID: RS2XSN1                  IC: 5697A-XSN1

                    Figure 7.3.2-6: 99% (26dB) BW High Channel

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Model: XSN1                                 FCC ID: RS2XSN1                           IC: 5697A-XSN1

7.4      Transmitter Field Strength – FCC Section 15.239 (b) IC: RSS-210 A2.8 (b)

7.4.1     Measurement Procedure

The EUT was rotated through 360° and the receive antenna height was varied from 1m to 4m so
that the maximum radiated emissions level would be detected. The measurements were made
using a resolution bandwidth RBW of 120 kHz and a video bandwidth VBW of 1 MHz.

The measurements were performed for both Power Connect and FEA FM transmitting
configurations. The cables were maximized for worst case FM emissions.

7.4.2     Measurement Results

Results are shown below in Table 7.4.2-1 and 7.4.2-2.

                        Table 7.4.2-1: Fundamental E-Field (Power Connect)
             Measured                                Corrected
               Level       Antenna      Correction     Level           Limit                  Margin
              (dBuV)     Polarization    Factors     (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                 (dB)
  (MHz)         Pk          (H/V)          (dB)         Pk       FCC             IC   FCC               IC
  88.1          62.6          H           19.12        43.48     48              60   4.52             16.52
  88.1          57.7          V           19.12        38.58     48              60   9.42             21.42
  96.9          56.1          H           18.21        37.89     48              60   10.11            22.11
  96.9         54.95          V           18.21        36.74     48              60   11.26            23.26
  107.9        53.95          H           16.97        36.98     48              60   11.02            23.02
  107.9        55.85          V           16.97        38.88     48              60   9.12             21.12

                             Table 7.4.2-2: Fundamental E-Field (FEA)
             Measured                                Corrected
               Level       Antenna      Correction     Level           Limit                  Margin
              (dBuV)     Polarization    Factors     (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                 (dB)
  (MHz)         Pk          (H/V)          (dB)         Pk       FCC             IC   FCC               IC
  88.1         57.25          H           19.12        38.13     48              60   9.87             21.87
  88.1          50.7          V           19.12        31.58     48              60   16.42            28.42
  96.9         57.65          H           18.21        39.44     48              60   8.56             20.56
  96.9         52.75          V           18.21        34.54     48              60   13.46            25.46
  107.9        58.55          H           16.97        41.58     48              60   6.42             18.42
  107.9        52.73          V           16.97        35.76     48              60   12.24            24.24

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Model: XSN1                              FCC ID: RS2XSN1                              IC: 5697A-XSN1

7.5     Radiated Spurious Emissions - FCC Section 15.209 IC: RSS-210 2.6

7.5.1   Measurement Procedure

Radiated emissions tests were made over the frequency range of 30 MHz to 16 GHz, 10 times
the highest fundamental frequency or 5 times the highest digital or tuning frequency, whichever is

The EUT was rotated through 360° and the receive antenna height was varied from 1m to 4m so
that the maximum radiated emissions level would be detected. For frequencies below 1000 MHz,
quasi-peak measurements were made using a resolution bandwidth RBW of 120 kHz and a video
bandwidth VBW of 300 kHz. For frequencies above 1000 MHz, peak and average
measurements made with RBW and VBW of 1 MHz and 3 MHz respectively.

7.5.2   Measurement Results

Radiated spurious emissions found in the band of 30MHz to 16 GHz are reported in the Tables
7.5.2-1 to 7.5.2-6 below. Spurious emissions that were attenuated below the sensitivity of the
spectrum analyzer or were more than 20 dB below the limits are not included.

 Table 7.5.2-1: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect, 88.1 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level     Antenna      Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
             Pk    Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

 Table 7.5.2-2: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect, 96.9 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level     Antenna      Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
             Pk    Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

 Table 7.5.2-3: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (Power Connect, 107.9 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level     Antenna      Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
             Pk    Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A            Advanced Compliance Solutions                 Page 27 of 30

Model: XSN1                              FCC ID: RS2XSN1                              IC: 5697A-XSN1

       Table 7.5.2-4: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA, 88.1 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
            Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

       Table 7.5.2-5: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA, 96.9 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
            Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

       Table 7.5.2-6: Radiated Spurious Emissions Tabulated Data (FEA, 107.9 MHz)

Frequency   Measured Level    Antenna       Correction   Corrected Level    Limit            Margin
  (MHz)        (dBuV)        Polarization    Factors          (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)           (dB)
            Pk     Qpk/Av       (H/V)          (dB)      Pk       Qpk/Av   Qpk/Av       Pk      Qpk/Av

* Note: All spurious emissions were attenuated below the noise floor of the measurement

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A            Advanced Compliance Solutions                 Page 28 of 30

Model: XSN1                         FCC ID: RS2XSN1                         IC: 5697A-XSN1

7.5.3 Sample Calculation:

CFT      =     Total Correction Factor (AF+CA+AG)-DC (Average Measurements Only)
RU       =     Uncorrected Reading
RC       =     Corrected Level
AF       =     Antenna Factor
CA       =     Cable Attenuation
AG       =     Amplifier Gain
DC       =     Duty Cycle Correction Factor

Example Calculation: Average
Corrected Level: 36.15 + 8.92 - 0= 45.07dBuV/m
Margin: 54dBuV/m – 45.07 dBuV/m = 8.93 dB


In the opinion of ACS, Inc. the XM Snap, XSN1, manufactured by XM Radio Inc. meets the
requirements of FCC Part 15 subpart C and Industry Canada’s Radio Standards Specification

ACS Report: 10-2062.W06.11.A       Advanced Compliance Solutions             Page 29 of 30

Model: XSN1                     FCC ID: RS2XSN1                IC: 5697A-XSN1

                               END REPORT

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Document Created: 2010-08-12 17:45:59
Document Modified: 2010-08-12 17:45:59

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