Test Report Part 2 Revised


Test Report

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4.4 Radiated Emissions 15.239
Intentional Radiator (Operation in the Band 88 MHz to 108 MHz)

4.4.1 Car Cradle with FM Aerial Antenna and Sure-Connect Setup

The XM Satellite Radio Inc, Xpress R receiver was evaluated for two Sure-Connect accessories:
Sure-Connect 1.0 and Sure-Connect 1.5. The Xpress-R receiver was set up on a wooden table 80
centimeters above the ground plane turntable of the FCC listed Semi-Anechoic test site.

In the Sure-Connect 1.5 setup Diagram 5A, the EUT was placed into a Universal Car Cradle with an
XM FM Coupler (Sure-Connect 1.5) connected to the audio output port (line out) of the car cradle.
An XM car antenna is attached to the RF jack of the car cradle. A 5V low noise cigarette lighter
adapter (CLA) power supply is connected to the radio, and powered by a car battery which is placed
on the floor. Additional test data is also reported for EUT programmed to 96.9 MHz:
    • Xpress-R playing content from replay memory
    • Xpress-R with the alternate display (Ocular LCD) playing live XM signal
The setup is depicted in Photograph 7 of the technical document 07-027ph.

In the Sure-Connect 1.0 setup Diagram 5, the EUT was placed into an Xpress Car Cradle with an
XM FM Coupler attached to the RF jack of the car cradle. An XM car antenna is attached to the FM
Coupler’s RF jack. A 5V cigarette lighter adapter (CLA) power supply is connected to the radio,
and powered by a car battery which is placed on the floor.

The Xpress-R unit is evaluated for two different CLAs:
    • The ITI dual ferrite CLA
    • The ITI Low-Noise CLA
For the second CLA test, additional data is also reported for EUT programmed to 96.9 MHz, playing
content from the internal memory.

Diagram 5 above and Photograph 8, representing the setup previously described, are in the separate
document entitled, 07-027ph.

For the evaluations with the Sure-Connect accessories, an EMCO 3104 Broadband Biconical
antenna was installed on an EMCO pneumatically controlled Antenna Mast at a distance of 3 meters
from the system. The 30 to 200 MHz frequency range was automatically scanned on the HP 8566B
Spectrum Analyzer operated in the peak detector mode with a bandwidth of 120 kHz obtained
through the HP 85650A Quasi Peak Adapter. It should be noted that the RES BW and VBW of the
spectrum analyzer must be set to 1 MHz for the Quasi Peak Adapter to provide 120 kHz bandwidth
correctly. Hence, in the figures RES BW and VBW are still indicated as 1 MHz. The turntable was
incrementally rotated through 360 degrees and at the same time the receiving antenna was scanned
in height from 1 to 4 meters in both the horizontal and vertical polarizations. An EMCO 3146 Log
Periodic antenna was then installed and the above procedure was repeated for the 200 to 1000 MHz

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 35 of 68

                                                                                Car FM
                                      XM Antenna Cable
      FM Coupler                      23 ft.
      2 ft.                           Randomly placed onto table
      Placed on table.                Placement peaked.                                        Passive
                                                              FM Coupler Cable
                                                              18ft.                            Coupler
                                                              Randomly placed onto table.
                                                              Placement peaked.
                                        FM Coupler
                                        Splitter Box
CLA               Vehicle Cradle

                                                       XM Antenna
                                   Note : A 10cm. distance is maintained between adjacent    Plane
                                   edges of each device placed on the table-top.            3ft x 4ft.


      +             -

          12V car battery

                                Diagram 5: Intentional Radiator –
                   FM Aerial Setup with Xpress Car Cradle and SureConnect 1.0

                                              Technical Report No. 07-027                      Page 36 of 68

                                                                                Car FM
                                 XM Antenna Cable
                                 23 ft.
                                 Randomly placed onto table.
                                 Placement peaked.                                           Passive
                                                          FM Coupler Cable
                                                          18ft.                              Coupler
                                                          Randomly placed onto table.
                                                          Placement peaked.

CLA          Vehicle Cradle

                                                  XM Antenna
                              Note : A 10cm. distance is maintained between                Plane
                              adjacent edges of each device placed on the table-top.      3ft x 4ft.


      +         -

        12V car battery

                              Diagram 5A: Intentional Radiator
                FM Aerial Setup with Universal Car Cradle and SureConnect 1.5

The FCC Class B limit lines have been corrected for the appropriate antenna factors, cable loss, and
amplifier gain based on the following equation:

E (dBμV/m) = SA reading (dBμV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB) - Amp Gain (dB)

It should be noted that the limit line indicated in Figures 80-127 is for FCC Class B unintentional
radiators. However, the allowable field strength for Intentional radiation as per Section 15.239 is 250
µV/m or 48 dBµV/m, which is 4.5 dB higher than the unintentional FCC Class B (43.5 dBµV/m)
limit in this frequency range. As an example, the measured value at 96.9 MHz on Figure 93 was 1.58
dB (45.08 dBµV/m) above the FCC Class B unintentional limit, but it was 2.92 dB below the
intentional Class B limit of 48 dBµV/m.

                                           Technical Report No. 07-027                           Page 37 of 68 Universal Car Cradle, FM Aerial Antenna and Sure-Connect 1.5 Data

The Xpress-R unit, placed in the Universal Car Cradle, is set to receive a live XM signal.

 Figure 80 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                       Figure 81 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                                 (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)

 Figure 82 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                         Figure 83 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                                  (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                       Page 38 of 68

Figure 84 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                    Figure 85 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                              (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

Figure 86 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                      Figure 87 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
   (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 39 of 68

Figure 88 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                    Figure 89 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)               (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

Figure 90 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                      Figure 91 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
   (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                   Page 40 of 68 Xpress-R Playing Content from Memory

The Xpress-R receiver , placed in the Universal Car Cradle, programmed to 96.9 MHz, is
playing contents from its memory.

 Figure 92 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                    Figure 93 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

 Figure 94 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                      Figure 95 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 41 of 68 Xpress-R with Alternate Display

The Xpress-R receiver with the alternate display (Ocular LCD)is programmed to 96.9 MHz and
is playing a live XM Satellite Radio content.

Figure 96 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                     Figure 97 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

 Figure 98 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                      Figure 99 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 42 of 68 Xpress Car Cradle, FM Aerial Antenna and Sure-Connect 1.0 Data
       ITI Dual Ferrite CLA

In this configuration, the Xpress-R receiver is placed in the Xpress Car Cradle and powered by
the Dual Ferrite CLA.

Figure 100 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                     Figure 101 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                  (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)

 Figure 102 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                      Figure 103 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                                (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                     Page 43 of 68

Figure 104 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                   Figure 105 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                              (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

Figure 106 200 MHz to 1 GHZ Vertical                     Figure 107 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                               (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 44 of 68

Figure 108 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                   Figure 109 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)                             (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

Figure 110 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                    Figure 111 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
   (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)                              (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                    Page 45 of 68 Xpress Car Cradle, FM Aerial Antenna and Sure-Connect 1.0,
        ITI Low Noise CLA Data

In this configuration, the Xpress-R receiver is placed in the Xpress-Cradle powered by an ITI Low-
Noise CLA.

Figure 112 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                      Figure 113 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                                 (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)

Figure 114 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                        Figure 115 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)                                  (FM programmed to 88.1 MHz)

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                      Page 46 of 68

Figure 116 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                  Figure 117 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                             (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

Figure 118 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                    Figure 119 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                              (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                   Page 47 of 68

Figure 120 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                  Figure 121 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)                            (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

Figure 122 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                    Figure 123 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
   (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)                              (FM programmed to 107.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                   Page 48 of 68 Xpress Car Cradle, FM Aerial Antenna and Sure-Connect 1.0, ITI Low
          Noise CLA Data, Playing Content from Memory

In this configuration, the Xpress-R unit is placed in the Xpress Car Cradle powered by the ITI Low-
Noise CLA. The EUT is set to play contents from its internal memory.

Figure 124 30 MHz to 200 MHz Vertical                     Figure 125 30 MHz to 200 MHz Horizontal
     (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                                (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

Figure 126 200 MHz to 1 GHz Vertical                       Figure 127 200 MHz to 1 GHz Horizontal
    (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)                                 (FM programmed to 96.9 MHz)

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                      Page 49 of 68

 4.4.2 Data Table

 The following table shows peak emissions that were within 5dB of the limit for Figures 80 to 127.
 Where noted, the QP measurement or intentional radiator limit is used.

                                   Peak       Quasi    Correction                            Margin to
                    Frequency                                         Peak       FCC Limit
                                  Voltage     Peak      Factor                                Limit
Figure    Plot ID      (MHz)       (dBµV)     (dBµV)     (dB/m)      (dBµV/m)    dBµV/m         dB
  81         J-2        88.1         61.6                 17.95        43.65       48*         4.35
  84         J-3        96.9        61.25                 16.92        44.33       48*         3.67
  88         J-5       107.9        58.75                 15.85        42.9        48*          5.1
  89         J-6       107.9         58.4                 15.85        42.55       48*         5.45
  92       J-3C         96.9        59.45                 16.92        42.53       48*         5.47
  93       J-4C         96.9         62.0                 16.92        45.08       48*         2.92
  96       J-3B         96.9         60.1                 16.92        43.18       48*         4.82
  97       J-4B         96.9         60.9                 16.92        43.98       48*         4.02
 100        J-25        88.1         63.2                 17.95        45.25        48*        2.75
 101        J-26        88.1         61.2                 17.95        43.25        48*        4.75
 104        J-27        96.9         60.2                 16.92        43.28        48*        4.72
 105        J-28        96.9         60.6                 16.92        43.68        48*        4.32
 112       J-121        88.1         60.9                 17.95        42.95        48*        5.05
 113       J-122        88.1         62.7                 17.95        44.75        48*        3.25
 116        J-65        96.9         60.3                 16.92        43.38        48*        4.62
 117        J-66        96.9        60.25                 16.92        43.33        48*        4.67
 120       J-125       107.9         58.6                 15.85        42.75        48*        5.25
 121       J-126       107.9        58.95                 15.85         43.1        48*        4.9
 124        J-69        96.9         60.5                 16.92        43.58        48*        4.42
 125        J-70        96.9         60.6                 16.92        43.68        48*        4.32

                      Table 3: Measurements from FAU 3-m chamber

 *Note that the intentional radiator limit is used for these frequency points.

 It can be seen from the data above that the emissions did not exceed the limit. Hence the device is in

                                    Technical Report No. 07-027                       Page 50 of 68

4.5.    Radiated Emissions Measured on Vehicles 15.239

Per FCC instructions, the FM fundamental power measurements using the FM Coupler device were
measured on three different vehicles which utilize embedded FM antennas in the vehicle’s glass.

The test vehicles that were used during the test include:

   •    Lexus SUV
   •    Toyota Camry
   •    Cadillac Escalade

The XM satellite Radio, Inc. Xpress-R receiver was evaluated respectively in the Universal Car
Cradle and the Xpress Car Cradle.

4.5.1 In Vehicle Measurements Test Setup


   1.      The satellite radio receiver and FM Coupler were installed in each vehicle per the
           installation guidelines provided to the user and tuned to one of the three test FM
   2.      The RBW and VBW of the spectrum analyzer were set to 120 kHz and 300 kHz,
           respectively. A peak detector was utilized.
   3.      For tests where the receiving antenna is in Vertical polarization, the receive antenna is
           initially placed at one meter from the ground. For Horizontal polarization, the receive
           antenna is initially placed at three meters from the ground.
   4.      While monitoring the power of the fundamental FM emission, the receive antenna base is
           moved horizontally along one of the vehicles sides, at 3 meters from the vehicle. The
           position that produces the highest emission is found.
   5.      At the position found in step (4) above, the antenna is moved vertically from 1 meter to 4
           meters. The highest FM emission is found and recorded.
   6.      The above procedure is repeated for each of the four sides of the vehicle.
   7.      The above procedure is repeated for each of three FM frequencies (88.7 MHz, 96.9 MHz
           and 107.1 MHz). The low and high frequency measurements were taken at 88.7 and
           107.1 MHz, respectively, in lieu of 88.1 and 107.7 MHz to avoid interference from FM
           broadcast stations that were detected on the test range.
   8.      The cable loss, amplifier gain, and antenna factors are used to determine the absolute
           field strength from each peak power measurement as shown in the table below.

         Test Frequency          Vertical Polarization           Horizontal Polarization
              (MHz)                    V-Factor                         H-Factor
               88.7                   -19.2 dB/m                       -18.8 dB/m
               96.9                   -20.0 dB/m                       -18.2 dB/m
              107.1                   -21.0 dB/m                       -18.7 dB/m

                 Table 4: Calibration Factors for In-Vehicle Measurements

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                         Page 51 of 68

        Diagram 6: In-Vehicle Measurement Method
Coaxial Cable                   Low Noise          Analyzer


                                                           Test VehicleTest

                                  3 meters


 Adjustable mast
 1 – 4 meter

                             Technical Report No. 07-027                              Page 52 of 68

Diagram 7: In Vehicle Measurement Method

                Measurement Track

                                    Sense antenna mast with 1-4 meter ant height

                                                                     3 meters


             Vehicle                                                     Vehicle
      0°      Front                                                       Rear           180°

 3 meters                                                                                3 meters

                                          90°                      3 meters

            Technical Report No. 07-027                                         Page 53 of 68

  4.5.2 Test Data – In-Vehicle Measurements
        Universal Cradle

                                      FAU OATS reading            Meas.      Corr.
                           V-                                                           Limit    Margin
 Product         Freq                    VERTICAL                 Peak       Peak
Description     (MHz)               0     90   180     270
                        (dB/m)                                    (dBuV)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                                   deg   deg   Deg     deg
                 88.7   -19.20    46.3    43.5    51.4    47.5     51.4      32.2        48           15.8
 Lexus SUV       96.9   -20.00    43.9    44.6    47.8    50.4     50.4      30.4        48           17.6
                107.1   -21.00    47.4     48     49.3     49      49.3      28.3        48           19.7
                 88.7   -19.20    47.7    48.9    53.3    48.5     53.3      34.1        48           13.9
Toyota Camry     96.9   -20.00    45.1    44.3    45.9    46.6     46.6      26.6        48           21.4
                107.1   -21.00    50.8    45.5    51.3    46.3     51.3      30.3        48           17.7
                 88.7   -19.20    51.84   50.74   53.24   59.64    59.6      40.4        48           7.6
  Escalade       96.9   -20.00    50.69   51.19   55.89   61.89    61.9      41.9        48           6.1
                107.1   -21.00    48.94   50.49   54.74   57.79    57.8      36.8        48           11.2

                Table 6: Vertical Polarization results from In-Vehicle Measurements

                                      FAU OATS reading            Meas.     Corr.
                          H-                                                           Limit     Margin
 Product         Freq                   HORIZONTAL                Peak      Peak
Description     (MHz)              0      90   180     270
                        (dB/m)                                    (dBuV)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                  deg    deg   Deg     deg
                88.7    -18.8     43.1    42.3    40.6    42.8     43.1      24.3        48       23.7
 Lexus SUV      96.9    -18.2     43.2     42     43.3    44.6     44.6      26.4        48       21.6

                107.1   -18.7     44.3    44.5    44.4    45.6     45.6      26.9        48       21.1

                88.7    -18.8      44     52.4    39.2     45      52.4      33.6        48       14.4
Toyota Camry    96.9    -18.2     40.8    44.1    41.3    43.8     44.1      25.9        48       22.1

                107.1   -18.7     47.5    49.5     46     46.7     49.5      30.8        48       17.2

                88.7    -18.8     51.34   48.24   48.09   49.99    51.3      32.5        48       15.5
  Escalade      96.9    -18.2     48.49   48.74   48.54   47.59    48.7      30.5        48       17.5

                107.1   -18.7     48.54   48.24   48.74   48.49    48.7      30.0        48       18.0

               Table 7: Horizontal Polarization results from In-Vehicle Measurements

                                     Technical Report No. 07-027                      Page 54 of 68

  4.5.2 Test Data – In-Vehicle Measurements
  Xpress Cradle

                                       FAU OATS reading               Meas.     Corr.
                           V-                                                               Limit    Margin
 Product         Freq                     VERTICAL                    Peak      Peak
Description     (MHz)               0     90    180     270
                        (dB/m)                                        (dBuV)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                                   deg    deg   Deg     deg
                 88.7    -19.20    43.09    49.59    54.04    50.44    54.0      34.8        48           13.2
 Lexus SUV       96.9    -20.00    44.64    44.89    50.34    52.34    52.3      32.3        48           15.7
                107.1    -21.00    48.94    50.24    55.84    53.39    55.8      34.8        48           13.2
                 88.7    -19.20    47.2     50.9     55.2     50.6     55.2      36.0        48           12.0
Toyota Camry     96.9    -20.00    58.3     58.3     63.3     55.7     63.3      43.3        48           4.7
                107.1    -21.00    57.9     57.3     60.1     53.8     60.1      39.1        48           8.9
                 88.7    -19.20    48.84    52.94    54.34    59.74    59.7      40.5        48           7.5
  Escalade       96.9    -20.00    49.49    54.99    57.24    62.34    62.3      42.3        48           5.7
                107.1    -21.00    52.39    55.14    47.49    62.59    62.6      41.6        48           6.4

                Table 8: Vertical Polarization results from In-Vehicle Measurements

                                      FAU OATS reading                Meas.      Corr.
                          H-                                                                Limit     Margin
 Product        Freq                    HORIZONTAL                    Peak       Peak
Description    (MHz)               0      90   180     270
                        (dB/m)                                        (dBuV)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                                  deg    deg   Deg     deg
                88.7    -18.8     41.2     45.39    43.14    43.39     45.4      26.6         48          21.4
 Lexus SUV      96.9    -18.2     43.3     48.69    47.89    49.04     49.0      30.8         48          17.2

               107.1    -18.7     45.8     47.94    47.49    49.54     49.5      30.8         48          17.2

                88.7    -18.8      47      54.6     45.4     51.7      54.6      35.8         48          12.2
Toyota Camry    96.9    -18.2     53.2     61.9     50.1     60.9      61.9      43.7         48           4.3

               107.1    -18.7     53.5     60.8     48.3     58.8      60.8      42.1         48           5.9

                88.7    -18.8     48.59    47.84    46.74    49.59     49.6      30.8         48          17.2
  Escalade      96.9    -18.2     49.79    48.79    48.59    49.09     49.8      31.6         48          16.4

               107.1    -18.7     51.19    51.34    46.54    51.94     51.9      33.2         48          14.8

               Table 9: Horizontal Polarization results from In-Vehicle Measurements

  It can be seen from the previous data that the emissions did not exceed the limit. Hence, the
  device is in compliance.

                                        Technical Report No. 07-027                       Page 55 of 68

4.6 Occupied Bandwidth – Section 15.239(a)

4.6.1 Occupied Bandwidth Test Setup

The Xpress-R unit was evaluated in the Universal Car Cradle and in the Xpress Car Cradle.

The occupied bandwidth test was performed using an FM direct adapter to maximize the power into
the spectrum analyzer. The unit was programmed to the minimum and maximum FM frequencies
as well as one mid-range frequency (88.1 MHz, 96.9 MHz and 107.9 MHz). The XM Satellite
Radio, Inc. Xpress-R receiver was evaluated in three modes:
       • The FM carrier modulated by live XM Satellite Radio signal.
       • The FM carrier unmodulated.
       • The FM carrier modulated by the audio signal played from the device’s memory.

For the first two configurations, EUT was set to receive live over-the-air signal. It was verified that
the unit could not be programmed outside of this frequency range. The FM audio level was
maximized during the occupied bandwidth measurements.

A Rhode & Schwarz, FSQ8, spectrum analyzer was used for the evaluation. The resolution
bandwidth (RBW) of the spectrum was set to 2 kHz which corresponds to 1% of the maximum
allowed bandwidth of 200 kHz. The Spectrum Analyzer was set to the average detector mode and
the peak emissions were recorded with the command max hold. The minimum observation time for
each configuration was about 5 minutes. Photograph 18, representing the setup described above, is
included in the separate document entitled, 07-027ph.

                                 XM antenna

       EUT                                                      Spectrum Analyzer
                                     FM                            R&S FSQ8

                            Diagram 8: Occupied Bandwidth Setup

                                  Technical Report No. 07-027                       Page 56 of 68

4.6.2 Occupied Bandwidth with Universal Car Cradle

These results correspond to the Xpress-R unit evaluated in the Universal Car Cradle.

                                                                 * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                                 * VBW 20 kHz                  -48.73 dBm
                   Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB       * SWT 500 ms            88.076762821 MHz

                   -45                                       1
                            D1 -48.73 dBm
                   -50                                                                                       A


            2 PK   -60

                                D2 -68.73 dBm






                   -100                                                         F2

                   Center   88.1 MHz                         50 kHz/                        Span   500 kHz

            Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:14:07

                                   Figure 128: 88.1 MHz With Modulation
                                                                 * RBW 2 kHz
                                                                 * VBW 20 kHz
                   Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB       * SWT 500 ms

                            D1 -48.73 dBm
                   -50                                                                                       A


            2 PK   -60

                                D2 -68.73 dBm






                   -100                                                         F2

                   Center   88.1 MHz                         50 kHz/                        Span   500 kHz

            Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:15:02

                                       Figure 129: 88.1 MHz No Modulation

                                             Technical Report No. 07-027                                         Page 57 of 68

                                                       * RBW 2 kHz
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB         * SWT 500 ms

                D1 -48.73 dBm
       -50                                                                                         A


2 PK   -60

                    D2 -68.73 dBm






       -100                                                           F2

       Center   88.1 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:17:39

                       Figure 130: 88.1 MHz with Modulation
                           Playing Content from Memory

                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz                  -50.37 dBm
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB         * SWT 500 ms            96.892788462 MHz

       -50      D1 -50.37 dBm                                                                      A


2 PK   -60

       -70          D2 -70.37 dBm






       -100                                                           F2

       Center   96.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:20:40

                       Figure 131: 96.9 MHz With Modulation

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                                           Page 58 of 68

                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz                 -102.61 dBm
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB         * SWT 500 ms            96.892788462 MHz


       -50      D1 -50.37 dBm                                                                      A


2 PK   -60

       -70          D2 -70.37 dBm






       -100                                        1                  F2

       Center   96.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:21:55

                        Figure 132: 96.9 MHz No Modulation
                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz                  -49.93 dBm
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB         * SWT 500 ms            96.899198718 MHz

       -50      D1 -49.93 dBm                                                                      A


2 PK   -60

       -70          D2 -69.93 dBm






       -100                                                           F2

       Center   96.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    13:27:56

                      Figure 133: 96.9 MHz With Modulation
                          Playing Content from Memory

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                                           Page 59 of 68

                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz                  -50.89 dBm
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB          SWT 125 ms            107.899198718 MHz

       -50                                                                                         A
                D1 -50.89 dBm


2 PK   -60

                    D2 -70.89 dBm






       -100                                                           F2

       Center   107.9 MHz                        50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    14:36:06

                      Figure 134: 107.9 MHz With Modulation
                                                       * RBW 2 kHz
                                                       * VBW 20 kHz
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB          SWT 125 ms


       -50                                                                                         A
                D1 -50.89 dBm


2 PK   -60

                    D2 -70.89 dBm






       -100                                                           F2

       Center   107.9 MHz                        50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    14:37:33

                       Figure 135: 107.9 MHz No Modulation

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                                           Page 60 of 68

                                                        * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                        * VBW 20 kHz                  -51.07 dBm
       Ref -45 dBm                  Att   5 dB           SWT 125 ms            107.900000000 MHz


       -50                                                                                          A
                D1 -51.07 dBm


2 PK   -60

                    D2 -71.07 dBm






       -100                                                            F2

       Center   107.9 MHz                        50 kHz/                           Span   500 kHz

Date: 14.MAR.2007    14:45:00

                     Figure 136: 107.9 MHz With Modulation
                          Playing Content from Memory

                                 Technical Report No. 07-027                                            Page 61 of 68

4.6.3 Occupied Bandwidth with Xpress Car Cradle

These results correspond to the Xpress-R unit evaluated in the Xpress Car Cradle.

                                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                                       * VBW 10 kHz                  -48.29 dBm
                     Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB          * SWT 125 ms            88.102403846 MHz


                              D1 -48.29 dBm

            2 AV *



                                 D2 -68.29 dBm




                     Center   88.1 MHz                          50 kHz/                           Span   500 kHz

            Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:35:45

                                    Figure 137: 88.1 MHz With Modulation
                                                                       * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                                       * VBW 10 kHz                  -48.97 dBm
                     Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB          * SWT 125 ms            88.099198718 MHz



                              D1 -48.97 dBm

            2 AV *



                                 D2 -68.97 dBm




                     Center   88.1 MHz                          50 kHz/                           Span   500 kHz

            Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:37:56

                                         Figure 138: 88.1 MHz no Modulation

                                               Technical Report No. 07-027                                             Page 62 of 68

                                                            * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                            * VBW 10 kHz                  -48.62 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB           * SWT 125 ms            88.080769231 MHz


                  D1 -48.62 dBm

2 AV *



                     D2 -68.62 dBm




         Center   88.1 MHz                          50 kHz/                            Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:41:28

                        Figure 139: 88.1 MHz With Modulation
                            Playing Content from Memory
                                                            * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                            * VBW 10 kHz                  -49.26 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB           * SWT 125 ms            96.897596154 MHz



                  D1 -49.26 dBm

2 AV *



                     D2 -69.26 dBm




         Center   96.9 MHz                          50 kHz/                            Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:27:50

                        Figure 140: 96.9 MHz With Modulation

                                   Technical Report No. 07-027                                              Page 63 of 68

                                                           * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                           * VBW 10 kHz                  -49.86 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB          * SWT 125 ms            96.899198718 MHz



         -50      D1 -49.88 dBm

2 AV *



         -70         D2 -69.88 dBm




         Center   96.9 MHz                          50 kHz/                           Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:22:55

                             Figure 141: 96.9 MHz no Modulation
                                                           * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                           * VBW 10 kHz                  -49.13 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB          * SWT 125 ms            96.900000000 MHz



                  D1 -49.13 dBm

2 AV *



                     D2 -69.13 dBm




         Center   96.9 MHz                          50 kHz/                           Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:31:28

                        Figure 142: 96.9 MHz With Modulation
                            Playing Content from Memory

                                   Technical Report No. 07-027                                             Page 64 of 68

                                                          * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                          * VBW 10 kHz                  -49.17 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB         * SWT 125 ms           107.897596154 MHz



                  D1 -49.17 dBm

2 AV *



                     D2 -69.17 dBm




         Center   107.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:57:33

                       Figure 143: 107.9 MHz With Modulation
                                                          * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                          * VBW 10 kHz                  -48.61 dBm
         Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB         * SWT 125 ms           107.899198718 MHz


                  D1 -48.61 dBm

2 AV *



                     D2 -68.61 dBm




         Center   107.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

Date: 30.MAR.2007      14:59:08

                         Figure 144: 107.9 MHz no Modulation

                                   Technical Report No. 07-027                                            Page 65 of 68

                                                                      * RBW 2 kHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                                      * VBW 10 kHz                  -48.16 dBm
                     Ref -40 dBm                   Att   5 dB         * SWT 125 ms           107.898397436 MHz


                              D1 -48.16 dBm

            2 AV *



                                 D2 -68.16 dBm




                     Center   107.9 MHz                         50 kHz/                          Span   500 kHz

            Date: 30.MAR.2007      15:02:44

                                   Figure 145: 107.9 MHz With Modulation
                                        Playing Content from Memory

It can be seen from the previous figures that the FM audio signal did not exceed the 200 kHz
bandwidth. Hence the device is in compliance.

                                               Technical Report No. 07-027                                            Page 66 of 68


Equipment                                                     Calibration
          Manufacturer Description       Model     Serial No.                   Interval
  Type                                                           Date
Spectrum      Hewlett
                         RF Section      8566B     2403A06381 Aug-22-06             2
Analyzer      Packard
Spectrum      Hewlett
                          Display       85662A 2407A06381 Aug-22-06                 2
Analyzer      Packard
Spectrum      Hewlett    Quasi Peak
                                        85650A 2430A00559 Aug-22-06                 2
Analyzer      Packard     Adapter

    RF        Hewlett
                         Preselector    85685A 2510A00151         Feb-8-06          2
Preselector   Packard

  LISN        EMCO            LISN      3825/2R       1095    March-10-06           2

 Antenna      EMCO        Biconical       3108        2147        Feb-24-06         2

 Antenna      EMCO      Log Periodic      3146        1385        Feb-24-06         2

Amplifier                 Amplifier      8447D     2443A03952 Dec-01-06             2

                 Manufacturer            Model        Cal Date            Due Date
                Rhode & Schwarz          FSIQ7        3/28/2006           3/28/2007
 Low Noise
                     Sonoma              Inst310       6/9/2006              6/9/2007
                 ETS-Lindgren            3142C         6/5/2006              6/5/2007


                 Manufacturer            Model        Cal Date            Due Date
                Rhode & Schwarz           FSQ8        3/28/2006           3/28/2007
                              Technical Report No. 07-027                     Page 67 of 68


FAU EMI Research and Development Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
(561) 361-4390

A2LA Certificate Number: 2129.01
FCC Registration: 90599
Industry of Canada: IC46405-4076

  Description:     The 3-m semi-anechoic chamber and Power Line Conducted Spurious
                   Voltage test setup is constructed and calibrated to meet the FCC
                   requirements of Section 2.948, as well as Industry Canada RSS 212 Issue
  Site Filing:     A site description is on file with the Federal Communications
                   Commission, 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046, and with
                   the Industry Canada, Certification and Engineering Bureau, 3701 Carling
                   Ave., Building 94, P.O. Box 11490, Station “H”, Ottawa Ontario, K2H
  Instrument       All measuring equipment is in accordance with ANSI C63.4 and CISPR
  Tolerance:       22 requirements.

                              End Report

                               Technical Report No. 07-027                      Page 68 of 68

Document Created: 2007-04-12 18:41:51
Document Modified: 2007-04-12 18:41:51

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