Sirius XM Xpress RCi FCC 15 239 Test Report R1 0


Test Report

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                                Engineering and Testing for EMC and Safety Compliance

                                           Accredited under A2LA Testing Certificate # 2653.01

                                       Certificate of Compliance Report
                                    FCC Part 15.239 / IC RSS-210 Certification

Test Lab:                                                       Applicant:

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. Phone:703-689-0368                XM Radio Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway           Fax: 703-689-2056                 1500 Eckington Place NE
Suite 1400                           Washington DC 20002-2164
Herndon, VA 20170                                               Contact: James Blitz

FCC ID                       RS2XDPRCL1                         Test Report Date                     August 13, 2009

EUT                          Xpress RCi                         RTL Work Order Number                2009219
Model #                      XDRC2                              RTL Quote Number                     QRTL08-332

FCC Classification           Part 15 Low Power Transceiver, Rx Verified

FCC Rule Part(s)             FCC Part 15 Subpart C (15.239)

Industry Canada              RSS-210 Issue 7 June 2007: Low Power License-Exempt Radio Communication
Standard                     Devices (All Frequency Bands)
Receiver Information         Receiver was found to be compliant

   Frequency Range                                                                                         Emission
                                   Output Power (W)                 Frequency Tolerance
         (MHz)                                                                                            Designator
     88 – 108 MHz
                                           N/A                                  N/A                            N/A
      (FM Band)

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment tested and referenced in this report conforms to the
identified standard(s) as described in this test report. Modifications made to the equipment during testing in
order to achieve compliance with these standards are listed in the report.
Furthermore, there was no deviation from, additions to, or exclusions from the applicable part of FCC Part 15,
Industry Canada RSS-210, and ANSI C63.4.

Signature:                                                              Date:    August 13, 2009

Typed/Printed Name: Desmond A. Fraser                                   Position: President

      This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.
                       and XM Radio Inc. The test results reported relate only to the item tested.

                                           360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400
                                                   Herndon, VA 20170
                                          Tel: 703-689-0368 Fax: 703-689-2056

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                                              Client:       Sirius XM Radio Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                                                      Model #:        XDRC2
Suite 1400                                                                                                              Standard:        FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                                                        FCC ID:         RS2XDPRCL1                                                                                                Report #:        2009219

                                                                          Table of Contents

1     General Information .................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.1       Scope .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
    1.2       Modifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
    1.3       Test Facility ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2     Product Information.................................................................................................................................... 3
    2.1       Equipment Description......................................................................................................................................... 3
    2.2       Operation Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 3
    2.3       Test Configuration Descriptions ........................................................................................................................... 3
3     Test Information .......................................................................................................................................... 4
    3.1       Test Justification .................................................................................................................................................. 4
    3.2       Exercising the EUT .............................................................................................................................................. 4
    3.3       Test Result Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 4
    3.4       Test System Details ............................................................................................................................................. 4
4     Radiated Emissions – FCC 15.209, 15.239 / IC RSS-210 ......................................................................... 5
    4.1       Radiated Emission Measurements Standalone Injected FM CLA - Test Configuration 1 .................................... 5
      4.1.1       In-Band Radiated Emissions Test Data (15.239) ................................................................................................................... 6
      4.1.2       Out-of-Band Radiated Emissions Test Data .......................................................................................................................... 6
    4.2       In-Band Radiated Emission Measurements – In-Situ Test Configuration 2 ......................................................... 7
      4.2.1       Radiated Measurement Data for Nissan Sentra (15.239(b) / 15.209).................................................................................... 8
      4.2.2       Radiated Measurement Data for Subaru Outback (15.239(b) / 15.209) ................................................................................ 9
      4.2.3       Radiated Measurement Data for Range Rover SUV (15.239(b) / 15.209)........................................................................... 10
5     Sample Calculations ................................................................................................................................. 11
    5.1       Radiated Emissions Measurement Sample Calculation .................................................................................... 11
6     Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 11

                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 11

    Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                         Client:   Sirius XM Radio Inc.
    360 Herndon Parkway                                                 Model #:    XDRC2
    Suite 1400                                                         Standard:    FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
    Herndon, VA 20170                                                   FCC ID:     RS2XDPRCL1                                           Report #:    2009219

1      General Information

1.1       Scope

FCC Rules Part 15 Subpart C (15.239); Operation within the band 88 – 108 MHz.

1.2       Modifications


1.3       Test Facility

The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data is located at
Rhein Tech Laboratories (RTL), 360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon, Virginia 20170. This site has
been fully described in a report and approved by the Federal Communications Commission and Industry
Canada to perform AC line conducted and radiated emissions testing (ANSI C63.4 2003).

2      P ro d u c t In fo rm a tio n

2.1       Equipment Description

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Sirius XM Radio Xpress RCi FM Transmitter, Model # XDRC2,
FCC ID: RS2XDPRCL1. The FM transmitter is located within the satellite broadcast receiver but is only
capable of FM transmissions in the Vehicle Mode while docked in the car cradle. The test data contained in
this report pertains only to the equipment tested.

2.2       Operation Mode

The Sirius XM Radio Xpress RCi FM Transmitter was set to transmit in the FM band while receiving live
satellite broadcast.

2.3       Test Configuration Descriptions

The Sirius XM Radio Xpress RCi FM Transmitter was tested in a total of two different configurations for
unintentional and intentional emissions compliance to FCC rules and regulations and IC standards. Each test
configuration is shown in the test information section.

                                                                                       Page 3 of 11

    Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                       Client:   Sirius XM Radio Inc.
    360 Herndon Parkway                                                               Model #:    XDRC2
    Suite 1400                                                                       Standard:    FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
    Herndon, VA 20170                                                                 FCC ID:     RS2XDPRCL1                                                         Report #:    2009219

3      Te s t In fo rm a tio n

3.1       Test Justification

The EUT tested was the Sirius XM Radio Xpress RCi with FM Transmitter, Model # XDRC2, FCC ID:.
RS2XDPRCL1. The FM transmitter is located within the Xpress RCi housing and is only capable of FM
transmission. The test data contained in this report pertains only to the emissions due to the FM band
transmitter of the EUT. The test results relate only to the item that was tested. The test procedure document
used for this report was Sirius XM Satellite Radio Documents: Xpress RCi; dated June 18, 2009.

3.2       Exercising the EUT

The EUT was tested with the FM modulator enabled while receiving live satellite broadcast. The EUT was
tested using 89.1 MHz, 97.7 MHz and 106.3 MHz. There were no deviations from the test standard(s) and/or
methods. The EUT was tested using frequencies from the low, mid, and high bands across its frequency
tuning range 88.1 MHz-107.9 MHz. The lowest and highest tuning frequencies, namely, 88.1 MHz and 107.9
MHz, were not used during testing due to very strong local ambient that prevented their use. The tuning
range of the Xpress RCi was verified during testing. There were no deviations from the test standard(s)
and/or methods.

3.3       Test Result Summary

FCC Part Section                 IC Section      Test Description                    Test Limit                      Pass/Fail
        15.239(a)                                     Bandwidth                      < 200 kHz                         Pass
                                  RSS-210              In-band          <250 uV/m within permitted 200 kHz
        15.239(b)                                                                                                      Pass
                                   (A2.8)             Emissions                          band
                                                                         Emissions outside of the specified
        15.239(c)                RSS-210             Out-of-Band         band must meet the radiated limits
         15.209                   (2.7)               Emissions         detailed in 15.209 (RSS-210 table 3

3.4       Test System Details

The test sample was received on June 20, 2009. The FCC Identifiers for all equipment, plus descriptions of
all cables used in the tested system, are shown in the table below.

Ta b le 3.4-1:         Eq u ip m e n t u n d e r Te s t (EUT)
             Part                   Manufacturer           Model          Serial Number                                      Bar
                                                                         FCC unit 1: HW
         Xpress RCi                  Sirius XM            XDRC2                                          N/A           019076
  Vehicle Cradle
                                     Audiovox             XDPIV1             CJ 1769                     N/A           019078
 Power adapter for
   Gen2 cradle                       Sirius XM                               HW: PV                      N/A           019081
     (to cradle)
Vehicle XM Antenna                   Sirius XM        Satellite Radio          N/A                       N/A           019075

                                                                                                     Page 4 of 11

    Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                  Client:    Sirius XM Radio Inc.
    360 Herndon Parkway                                                                          Model #:     XDRC2
    Suite 1400                                                                                  Standard:     FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
    Herndon, VA 20170                                                                            FCC ID:      RS2XDPRCL1                                                                    Report #:     2009219

4      Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s – FCC 15.209, 15.239 / IC RS S -210

4.1       Radiated Emission Measurements Standalone Injected FM CLA - Test Configuration 1

The EUT was configured as shown below. The intentional radiated emissions were measured at a distance
of three meters. The EUT was powered by a fully charged 12 Vdc car battery. The FM Modulator was
enabled and the audio level set to the maximum audio level. The EUT was configured to either receive live
satellite broadcast or to playback saved broadcast. The cables were manipulated to produce the highest
emission level. The EUT was tested using the following in-band frequencies: 89.1 MHZ, 97.7 MHz and 106.3
MHz. Data was taken for both horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations with the worst case levels

                                                                  iFMCLA Adapter         Receiver
                                        +             -
                                            12V DC
                                                                                          Gen2          Satellite Antenna
                                                                                        Car Cradle      Audio output to speakers


                                                                                                              Ground Plane

Fig u re 4.1-1:       Te s t Co n fig u ra tio n 1:       Xp re s s RCi Re c e ive r with Ge n 2 Ca r Cra d le a n d iFMCLA Ad a p te r

                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 11

     Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                           Client:    Sirius XM Radio Inc.
     360 Herndon Parkway                                                                   Model #:     XDRC2
     Suite 1400                                                                           Standard:     FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
     Herndon, VA 20170                                                                     FCC ID:      RS2XDPRCL1                                                             Report #:     2009219

    4.1.1    In -Ba n d Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s Te s t Da ta (15.239)

    Ta b le 4.1-1:     In -Ba n d Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s : Live XM Ra d io

                                                   Temperature: 80°F       Humidity: 67%
 Emission               Antenna      Turntable   Antenna     Analyzer                 Emission      FCC           FCC           IC        IC
              Test                                                        Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth      Height     Reading                    Level       Limit        Margin        Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                       Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)         (deg)       (m)        (dBuV)                  (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)       (dBuV/m)    (dB)
89.100        Qp           H           245         4.0         60.4         -22.9       37.5           48.0      -10.5        60.0      -22.5
89.100        Qp           V           250         1.0         61.8         -22.9       38.9           48.0       -9.1        60.0      -21.1
97.700        Qp           H           235         3.5         59.0         -20.8       38.2           48.0       -9.8        60.0      -21.8
97.700        Qp           V           220         1.2         61.8         -20.8       41.0           48.0       -7.0        60.0      -19.0
106.300       Qp           H           150         3.0         57.8         -19.6       38.2           48.0       -9.8        60.0      -21.8
106.300       Qp           V           245         1.0         61.5         -19.6       41.9           48.0       -6.1        60.0      -18.1

    Ta b le 4.1-2:     In -Ba n d Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s : P la yb a c k Mo d e

                                                   Temperature: 76°F       Humidity: 65%
 Emission               Antenna      Turntable   Antenna     Analyzer                 Emission      FCC           FCC           IC        IC
              Test                                                        Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth      Height     Reading                    Level       Limit        Margin        Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                       Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)         (deg)       (m)        (dBuV)                  (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)       (dBuV/m)    (dB)
89.100        Qp           V            20         1.0         59.4         -26.0       33.4           48.0      -14.6        60.0      -26.6
89.100        Qp           V           200         3.5         64.2         -26.0       38.2           48.0       -9.8        60.0      -21.8
97.700        Qp           H           250         3.0         64.7         -23.2       41.5           48.0       -6.5        60.0      -18.5
97.700        Qp           V           285         1.0         59.8         -23.2       36.6           48.0      -11.4        60.0      -23.4
106.300       Qp           H            80         2.8         62.8         -21.8       41.0           48.0       -7.0        60.0      -19.0
106.300       Qp           V           200         1.0         58.8         -21.8       37.0           48.0      -11.0        60.0      -23.0
212.600       Qp           H           150         2.0         43.3         -21.8       21.5           43.5      -22.0        43.5      -22.0

    4.1.2    Ou t-o f-Ba n d Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s Te s t Da ta

    Ta b le 4.1-3:     Ou t-o f-Ba n d Ra d ia te d Em is s io n s Te s t Da ta

                                                  Temperature: 76°F         Humidity: 65%
 Emission               Antenna      Turntable   Antenna     Analyzer                  Emission     FCC           FCC           IC        IC
              Test                                                        Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth      Height     Reading                     Level      Limit        Margin        Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                       Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)         (deg)       (m)        (dBuV)                   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)        (dB)       (dBuV/m)    (dB)
212.600       Qp           H           150         2.0         43.3         -21.8       21.5           43.5      -22.0        43.5      -22.0

    No harmonics found above the noise floor. Investigated 89.1, 97.7, and 106.3 MHz to the 10th harmonic
    using both “live XM radio” mode and “playback” mode. The data table above represents the investigation of
    the harmonics of 97.7 and 106.3 MHz. These emissions represent noise floor measurements.

                                                                                                              Page 6 of 11

 Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                             Client:   Sirius XM Radio Inc.
 360 Herndon Parkway                                                     Model #:    XDRC2
 Suite 1400                                                             Standard:    FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
 Herndon, VA 20170                                                       FCC ID:     RS2XDPRCL1                                               Report #:    2009219

4.2    In-Band Radiated Emission Measurements – In-Situ Test Configuration 2

The Xpress RCi was installed into the Gen2 car cradle placed on the center (middle) of the vehicle’s
dashboard. The Gen2 car cradle was powered by the FM injected CLA power adapter cable which was
plugged into the vehicle’s CLA port. The satellite antenna port of the Gen2 car cradle was also fed with the
satellite signal via the XM satellite antenna cable for the following three vehicles: (1) Nissan Sentra, (2)
Subaru Outback, and (3) Range Rover SUV. The XM satellite antenna was placed in the rear center of the
vehicles roof, with its cable routed all the way to the vehicle’s dash board along the vehicle’s door lining
spaces. The EUT was configured to receive live satellite broadcast signals and the audio levels were set to
maximum. The antenna mast was moved along the side of the vehicle under test to maximize the emission
levels. During the maximization process, a three meter distance was maintained between the antenna mast
and vehicle. At the emission peaks, the antenna height was also varied between 1 & 4 meters to maximize
the emissions. The frequencies used were 89.1 MHz, 97.7 MHz & 106.3 MHz.

Testing was performed using both horizontal and vertical antenna polarities, with the highest level recorded.
The data was recorded using a RBW of 120 kHz and a VBW of 300 kHz. The data was recorded using a
Quasi Peak detector.

Each vehicle was tested on all four sides. The test configuration is shown below.

                                                                                        Page 7 of 11

     Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                           Client:     Sirius XM Radio Inc.
     360 Herndon Parkway                                                                   Model #:      XDRC2
     Suite 1400                                                                           Standard:      FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
     Herndon, VA 20170                                                                     FCC ID:       RS2XDPRCL1                                                             Report #:      2009219

   4.2.1     Ra d ia te d Me a s u re m e n t Da ta fo r Nis s a n S e n tra (15.239(b ) / 15.209)

 Emission               Antenna      Vehicle   Antenna     Analyzer                  Emission      FCC           FCC        IC        IC
              Test                                                     Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth    Height     Reading                     Level       Limit        Margin     Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                    Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)        (deg)      (m)        (dBuV)                   (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)    (dB)
89.100         Qp           H          90         4.0        66.8        -22.9         43.9            48.0       -4.1       60.0   -16.1
89.100         Qp           H         270         2.5        67.0        -22.9         44.1            48.0       -3.9       60.0   -15.9
89.100         Qp           H          0          1.5        54.9        -22.9         32.0            48.0      -16.0       60.0   -28.0
89.100         Qp           H         180         3.5        60.4        -22.9         37.5            48.0      -10.5       60.0   -22.5
89.100         Qp           V          90         2.0        61.9        -22.9         39.0            48.0       -9.0       60.0   -21.0
89.100         Qp           V         270         1.5        62.3        -22.9         39.4            48.0       -8.6       60.0   -20.6
89.100         Qp           V          0          3.0        65.6        -22.9         42.7            48.0       -5.3       60.0   -17.3
89.100         Qp           V         180         2.0        66.4        -22.9         43.5            48.0       -4.5       60.0   -16.5
97.700         Qp           H          90         4.0        62.9        -20.8         42.1            48.0       -5.9       60.0   -17.9
97.700         Qp           H         270         2.0        62.2        -20.8         41.4            48.0       -6.6       60.0   -18.6
97.700         Qp           H          0          2.5        60.9        -20.8         40.1            48.0       -7.9       60.0   -19.9
97.700         Qp           H         180         3.0        59.9        -20.8         39.1            48.0       -8.9       60.0   -20.9
97.700         Qp           V          90         3.0        61.9        -20.8         41.1            48.0       -6.9       60.0   -18.9
97.700         Qp           V         270         1.5        62.2        -20.8         41.4            48.0       -6.6       60.0   -18.6
97.700         Qp           V          0          1.5        64.3        -20.8         43.5            48.0       -4.5       60.0   -16.5
97.700         Qp           V         180         1.5        63.7        -20.8         42.9            48.0       -5.1       60.0   -17.1
106.300        Qp           H          90         4.0        60.2        -19.6         40.6            48.0       -7.4       60.0   -19.4
106.300        Qp           H         270         4.0        59.8        -19.6         40.2            48.0       -7.8       60.0   -19.8
106.300        Qp           H          0          3.0        66.1        -19.6         46.5            48.0       -1.5       60.0   -13.5
106.300        Qp           H         180         3.5        59.0        -19.6         39.4            48.0       -8.6       60.0   -20.6
106.300        Qp           V          90         2.5        62.9        -19.6         43.3            48.0       -4.7       60.0   -16.7
106.300        Qp           V         270         3.0        59.1        -19.6         39.5            48.0       -8.5       60.0   -20.5
106.300        Qp           V          0          2.0        59.4        -19.6         39.8            48.0       -8.2       60.0   -20.2
106.300        Qp           V         180         2.0        64.0        -19.6         44.4            48.0       -3.6       60.0   -15.6

   NOTE: No out-of-band emissions were found.

                                                                                                              Page 8 of 11

     Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                           Client:    Sirius XM Radio Inc.
     360 Herndon Parkway                                                                   Model #:     XDRC2
     Suite 1400                                                                           Standard:     FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
     Herndon, VA 20170                                                                     FCC ID:      RS2XDPRCL1                                                             Report #:     2009219

    4.2.2    Ra d ia te d Me a s u re m e n t Da ta fo r S u b a ru Ou tb a c k (15.239(b ) / 15.209)

 Emission               Antenna      Turntable   Antenna   Analyzer                   Emission      FCC           FCC           IC        IC
              Test                                                      Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth      Height   Reading                      Level       Limit        Margin        Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                     Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)         (deg)       (m)      (dBuV)                    (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)       (dBuV/m)    (dB)
89.100        Qp           H            0         3.0        57.0         -22.9         34.1           48.0      -13.9        60.0      -25.9
89.110        Qp           V            0         1.0        60.7         -22.9         37.8           48.0      -10.2        60.0      -22.2
89.100        Qp           H            90        4.0        60.1         -22.9         37.2           48.0      -10.8        60.0      -22.8
89.100        Qp           V            90        3.0        55.6         -22.9         32.7           48.0      -15.3        60.0      -27.3
89.100        Qp           H           180        3.0        54.3         -22.9         31.4           48.0      -16.6        60.0      -28.6
89.110        Qp           V           180        3.0        58.8         -22.9         35.9           48.0      -12.1        60.0      -24.1
89.100        Qp           H           270        3.0        61.9         -22.9         39.0           48.0       -9.0        60.0      -21.0
89.100        Qp           V           270        2.0        59.3         -22.9         36.4           48.0      -11.6        60.0      -23.6
97.700        Qp           H            0         4.0        44.9         -20.8         24.1           48.0      -23.9        60.0      -35.9
97.700        Qp           V            0         3.0        55.1         -20.8         34.3           48.0      -13.7        60.0      -25.7
97.700        Qp           H            90        4.0        53.7         -20.8         32.9           48.0      -15.1        60.0      -27.1
97.700        Qp           V            90        3.5        50.0         -20.8         29.2           48.0      -18.8        60.0      -30.8
97.700        Qp           H           180        2.5        48.3         -20.8         27.5           48.0      -20.5        60.0      -32.5
97.700        Qp           V           180        3.0        55.6         -20.8         34.8           48.0      -13.2        60.0      -25.2
97.700        Qp           H           270        4.0        52.5         -20.8         31.7           48.0      -16.3        60.0      -28.3
97.700        Qp           V           270        1.5        52.1         -20.8         31.3           48.0      -16.7        60.0      -28.7
106.300       Qp           H            0         3.5        51.8         -19.6         32.2           48.0      -15.8        60.0      -27.8
106.300       Qp           V            0         1.0        51.6         -19.6         32.0           48.0      -16.0        60.0      -28.0
106.300       Qp           H            90        2.5        48.0         -19.6         28.4           48.0      -19.6        60.0      -31.6
106.300       Qp           V            90        3.0        47.5         -19.6         27.9           48.0      -20.1        60.0      -32.1
106.300       Qp           H           180        3.0        46.4         -19.6         26.8           48.0      -21.2        60.0      -33.2
106.300       Qp           V           180        2.5        51.8         -19.6         32.2           48.0      -15.8        60.0      -27.8
106.300       Qp           H           270        3.8        49.2         -19.6         29.6           48.0      -18.4        60.0      -30.4
106.300       Qp           V           270        1.5        47.9         -19.6         28.3           48.0      -19.7        60.0      -31.7

    NOTE: No out-of-band emissions were found.

                                                                                                              Page 9 of 11

     Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                         Client:     Sirius XM Radio Inc.
     360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model #:      XDRC2
     Suite 1400                                                                         Standard:      FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
     Herndon, VA 20170                                                                   FCC ID:       RS2XDPRCL1                                                           Report #:      2009219

    4.2.3    Ra d ia te d Me a s u re m e n t Da ta fo r Ra n g e Ro ve r S UV (15.239(b ) / 15.209)

 Emission               Antenna      Turntable   Antenna   Analyzer                Emission       FCC          FCC          IC        IC
              Test                                                    Correction
Frequency               Polarity     Azimuth      Height   Reading                   Level        Limit       Margin       Limit    Margin
            Detector                                                   Factor
  (MHz)                  (H/V)         (deg)       (m)      (dBuV)                 (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dB)      (dBuV/m)    (dB)
89.100        Qp           H            90        2.0       51.9        -22.9        29.0            48.0      -19.0      60.0      -31.0
89.100        Qp           H            0         2.5       48.2        -22.9        25.3            48.0      -22.7      60.0      -34.7
89.100        Qp           H           180        3.0       56.0        -22.9        33.1            48.0      -14.9      60.0      -26.9
89.100        Qp           H           270        4.0       52.9        -22.9        30.0            48.0      -18.0      60.0      -30.0
89.100        Qp           V            90        1.0       48.0        -22.9        25.1            48.0      -22.9      60.0      -34.9
89.100        Qp           V            0         2.0       50.8        -22.9        27.9            48.0      -20.1      60.0      -32.1
89.100        Qp           V           180        1.5       52.9        -22.9        30.0            48.0      -18.0      60.0      -30.0
89.100        Qp           V           270        1.4       55.7        -22.9        32.8            48.0      -15.2      60.0      -27.2
97.700        Qp           H            90        4.0       49.2        -20.8        28.4            48.0      -19.6      60.0      -31.6
97.700        Qp           H           180        3.2       56.3        -20.8        35.5            48.0      -12.5      60.0      -24.5
97.700        Qp           H           270        3.5       55.7        -20.8        34.9            48.0      -13.1      60.0      -25.1
97.700        Qp           V            90        2.5       51.8        -20.8        31.0            48.0      -17.0      60.0      -29.0
97.700        Qp           V            0         1.5       48.8        -20.8        28.0            48.0      -20.0      60.0      -32.0
97.700        Qp           V            0         4.0       48.8        -20.8        28.0            48.0      -20.0      60.0      -32.0
97.700        Qp           V           180        2.0       53.4        -20.8        32.6            48.0      -15.4      60.0      -27.4
97.700        Qp           V           270        1.5       50.5        -20.8        29.7            48.0      -18.3      60.0      -30.3
106.300       Qp           H            90        4.0       50.3        -19.6        30.7            48.0      -17.3      60.0      -29.3
106.300       Qp           H           180        2.8       55.1        -19.6        35.5            48.0      -12.5      60.0      -24.5
106.300       Qp           H           270        3.8       48.2        -19.6        28.6            48.0      -19.4      60.0      -31.4
106.300       Qp           V            90        1.0       49.0        -19.6        29.4            48.0      -18.6      60.0      -30.6
106.300       Qp           V            0         1.8       49.5        -19.6        29.9            48.0      -18.1      60.0      -30.1
106.300       Qp           V            0         3.5       50.0        -19.6        30.4            48.0      -17.6      60.0      -29.6
106.300       Qp           V           180        1.2       53.0        -19.6        33.4            48.0      -14.6      60.0      -26.6
106.300       Qp           V           270        1.0       47.6        -19.6        28.0            48.0      -20.0      60.0      -32.0

    NOTE: No out-of-band emissions were found.

                                                                                                         Page 10 of 11

    Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                   Client:   Sirius XM Radio Inc.
    360 Herndon Parkway                                                           Model #:    XDRC2
    Suite 1400                                                                   Standard:    FCC 15.239 / IC RSS-210
    Herndon, VA 20170                                                             FCC ID:     RS2XDPRCL1                                                     Report #:    2009219

5      S a m p le Ca lc u la tio n s

5.1       Radiated Emissions Measurement Sample Calculation

          Limit = 150 µV/m = 20 * log (150µV/1µV) = 43.5 dBµV/m

          Field Strength Level (dBµV/m) = Analyzer Level (dBµV) + Site Correction Factor (dB)


          Site Correction Factor (dB) = Antenna Correction Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)

          Margin (dB) = Field Strength Level - Limit

6      Conclusion

The data in this test report demonstrates that the Sirius XM Radio Xpress RCi with FM Transmitter, Model
# XDRC2, FCC ID: RS2XDPRCL1 / IC: 5697A-XDPRCL1, is in compliance with the requirements specified
within FCC Section 15.239 and Annex A2 of RSS-210 of Industry Canada standard.

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Document Created: 2009-08-25 14:39:50
Document Modified: 2009-08-25 14:39:50

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