FCC ID: RS2SA10113

Test Report

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                                                                         Certification # 1367—01
Laboratory ID                                          Submitter ID
PRODUCT SAFETY ENGINEERNG, NC                          XM Radio
12955 Bellamy Brothers Boulevard                       7777 Glades Road
Dade City, Florida 33525 USA
pi 3s2) 5e                    s2s44                    Boca Raton, FL 33434
Report Issue Date:_10/182004                           Test Report Number: 4461
Sample S/N:__ Non                                      Model Designation: MyFi
Sample Receipt Date:_10/12/2004                        Product Description:. Satellte Radio
Sample Test Date:        see datasheets                Marketing Approval
Description ofnor—standard test methodortest practice: None
Estimated Messurement Uncertainty:    Nor Applicuble
Special limitations of use: None
Traceabilty: reference stundards of measurement have been callbrated by a competent body using
standards traceublet the NIST:
Accodoteine premed aProacStiy isinoi. o. tatoemeionun s n w lans wi e elesunamotc
conpatbiy uim deocin rcaulaion indtcon pae )o ts epr. Thts uts coind hsn clac ont ie
medel dauon se mufaure s epansnlty ts o td proucton onof is nodd e manaticunw
Wtc and mctancl ols
As trsponileEMC Froict nc rcy icth equpnentond s ocfi atve cofoms o h resuiemensnloued
Signature                                     Name "David Eoerstner
   te    —_Engineering GroupL                 pae oet
Approved Signatory                                     Date   |§ oSt QH

              Thio may ob brepoid inA wl witepernision ow Proac Sfay Eniceto. ns

                                     Test Report Number OAFAGIB
                   Produtsates Enincing, ic     Helliny Broters Bhd. Dade Ciy, F3538
                                    rac        w racomsmase
                                                                                        Page 1 of 12

A)   Documentation

      Tost report                                                                  1—10
      Test Requlations
      General Remarks                                                              10
      Testsetups (Photos)                                                          n—r2
8)   Testdata

     Conducted emissions                       107150 kit — 30 MHz

                                                                              wsoo oo
                                                                                    ©5000 00
     Radiated emissions                        10 kit — 30 MHz
     Radiated emissions                        30 Ntz — 1000 MHz
     Interference power                        30 Ntz — 300 Miiz
     Equivalent Radiated emissions             1GHz— 10 Cz
     Anterna Disturbance Votage                30 Mit — 1,000 Miiz

C)   AppendicA
     Test Equipment Calbration Information
     Test Data Sheets                                                             As—An1_

D)   Appendic®
     System Under Test Description                                                s2— 82
E)   Appendix
     Measurement Protocol                                                         ci—c1_.

                                        Test Report Number OAF4GIB
                      ProdutStey Kninerns ic 98 bellny Brotken Rod. Dade ciy,F3828
                                      ta dsn ssm reomnsssase
                                                                                               Page 2 of 12

The emissions tests were porformed according to following regulations:

a— EN 81000—8—3:2001
a— EN 61000.6—4:2001

o — EN ssor 1008 /Ar—1000                             a— Group 1                      a— Group2
                                                      a— Class A                      a—Class 8
o EN ssots 1090 / Ar2:tooe /Ard:to08 /Ate:to00

a EN seord —1: 2001                                   : — Household appliances and simiar
                                                      a — Portable tols
                                                       — Sermiconductor devices

a — EN seo22 toos                                     a— Class A                      ©— Class 8

a —AsNzS ase8:t00                                     a— Class A                      0 Class 8
a—ices—ons                                            a— Class A                      a— Class 8
a— ons tarse                                          a> Class A                      a— Class 8
a—veet: tese                                          a— Class A                      a— Class 8
x FCG Part 15                                         a— Class A                      a— Class 8
                                                      * ~ Certfcation
                                                      =— Verffcation
                                                      5 — Dectaration of Conformity

a—FCG Part 10

                                         Test Report Number O4FAGIB
                       ProductStay ninerng lc E295 blliny Brothers Bhd. Dade Ciy, F3828
                                       radisn sssam. e omm sssase
                                                                                                   Page 3 of 12

Environmental conditions during testing:
                                                         ts             onts
Temperature: *

Relative Humiy: °*
* The ambent temperature during the testing was wthinthe range of (50° — 104° F) unless indicted above
"* The humiity levels during the testing was witin the range of(10% — 90%)reative humiity unless indicated above

Power supply system                           110         Vots_60___Hiz           SINGLE       prase
                                           Also intemal 3 6 VDC battery at & extemal 12 VDC

Sign Explanations:
a— not applcable
* — applcatie

                                           Test Report Nunber CAFAGUB
                                         evie,tnc 298tm oation. Dade Cio, FL ies
                                          e sssam ns omm ssease
                                                                                                       Page 4 of 12

Emissions Test Conditions: CONDUCTED EMISSIONS (Interference Voltage)

 The Connucre» EMiSIONS (INTEREERENCE VoLTAGt) measurements were performed at the following
test location:

5 — Test not applicable
a — Darty Test Site (Open Area Test Ste)
* Darty Laboratay
Test equipment used :
     Model Number            Manufacturer               Description                  Sorial Number
     sor0.50                 Soler                      so 0 LiSN                    sesota, se0oze
     seror                   Soler                      so 0 LISN                    serseo
     EMG30                   ElectroMetics              EMI Receiver                 101
     sseen                   HewletPackard              Spectrum Analyzer            2«m00s2s
     sseson                  HewlettPackard             Quasi—Peak Adapter           2043200200
     sssoon                  HenlettPackard             Analyzer Display             2avaA0rse
     sor8—50                 Solar                      so 0 LisN                    soar25, sosrze
     reo—rusnere             Fisher Custom Com          Telecom ISN                  20072

Emissions Test Conditions: RADIATED EMISSIONS (Magnetic Field)

The Rapirep EviSSIONs (M.iGNETIC FiELD) measurements were performed at the following test

is — Darty Test Site (Open Area Test Ste)
at a test distance of:
a— 3 meters
— 30 meters
[« Test not applicable
Test equipment used :
     Model Number            Manufacturer               Description                  Serial Number
a—   86005                   Enton                      Log Paridic Antemna          1oss
a—   Blass                   ElectroMetics              Biconical Antenna            az0
a—   ssesb                   HewettPackard              Spectrum Analyzer            2421a00525
a—   sseeeh                  HewlettPackard             Analyzer Display             2ecsanrase
a—   ssesoA                  HewlettPackard             Quas—Paak Adapter            2013000200
a—   AlR:3oM                 ElectroMetics              Loop Antenna                 s2e
a—   s4ro                    Hewett Packard             Preampiiter                  2cannsece
a—   EMC30                   ElectroMetics              EMI Receiver                 101
a—   AlA130MA                Antenna Research           Loop Antenna                 105

                                            Test Report Number OAF4GIB
                                                           i Broters h. pade ciy, F3828
                                                           s asn sssase
                                                                                                     Page 5 of 12

Emissions Test Conditions: RADIATED EMISSIONS (Electric Field)

[The RApiareo Emssions (Ececrric Fieto) measurements, in the frequiency range of 30 MHz—1000 MHz, were
 ested in a horizontal and vertical polarization at the following test location :

G — Test not applicable
    Darby Site (Open Area Test Ste)
a — Derby Lob
at atest cistance of:
   3 meters
a— 10 meters
a—30 meters
Test equipment used :
     Model Number           Manufacturer              Description                  Serial Number
     teaso                  e€lectro.Matics           Log Periodic Antenna         2280
     Bmzo                   ElectroMetrcs             Biconical Antenna            aese
     ssesp                  HelottPackard             Spectrum Analyzer            2a21a00528
     eseoon                 HewettPackard             Analyzer Display             2e0sa0r3s2
     eseson                 Hewet—Packard             Ouas—Peak Adapter            204300200
     st7o                   HewetPackard              Preampiiier (2008)           2ocaansece
     EMG30                  ElectroMetics             ENI Recaiver                 101
     sseep                  Howett Packard            Spectrum Analyzer            2eornoszts
     sssson                 Howlett Packard           Quasi—Poak Adapter           2os3n0035s
     sseczn                 Howet Packard             Analyzer Display             2a«0nsa0s
     seoos                  Eaton                     Log Parodie                  ts
     Bia2s                  Electro—Mavics            Biconical Antenna            «203

Emissions Test Conditions): INTERFERENCE POWER

[the Inrenrencnce Powen measurements were performed by using the absorbing clamp on the mains and
 interface cables in the frequency range 30 Miz — 300 Miizat the following test location :
[« — Test not applicable
a Darty Lob
Test equipment used :
     Mode! Numbor           Manufacturer             Description                   Serial Number
a— MDS21                    RhodasSchworz            Absorbing Clamp               scossar0z0
a— seR                      HowelPackard             Spectrum Analyzer             2421200528
a— sseezA                   HowetPackard             Analyzer Display              2apaA0rase
a— ssesoA                   HowletPackard            Quas—Poak Adapter             204300200
a— s«trD                    HowettPackard            Ampifie(28 dB)                2osaAossse
a— EMG20                    Electro—Metics           EMI Recelver                  101

                                         TestReport Nunber OAF4GIB
                        ProductStey Kinern, ie 1225 Betany Brother Rvd. DadeCiyF33828
                                        ta snswam recomssase
                                                                                                   Page 6 of 12

[the Eoumacenr Raoiareo Ewssions measurements in the frequency range                 Giiz—      oiz
lwere performed in a horizontal and vertical polarization at the following tostlocation :
     Datby Test Ste (Open Area Test Ste)

at a test cistance of
    1 meters
    3 meters
a— 10 meters
o — Test not applicabe
Test equipment used :
     Model Number            Monufacturer              Description                      Sorial Number
     sseop                   Hewet—Packard             Spectrum Analyzer                2«100528
     essoon                  HewetPackard              Analyzer Display                 2eosnorase
w— sseson                    HewlettPackard            Quast—Peak Adapter               2013000209
      saon                   HewletPackard             Preampifier                      soosanos20
      sns                    ElectroMechanics          Double Ridge Guide Hom           set0

(The Anteria Termnat bisrureanceVou.ra5e in the frequeney range 30 MHz— 1000 MHz were performed.                       ]

a— Derty Test Site (Opan Area Test Ste)
a Laborstoy

e — Test not applicable
      Model Number          Manufacturer               Description                      Serial Number
a—    250304305             Wavecom                    UHE PAL TV Modulater             1esero
a—    26304305              Wavecom                    VHE PAL TV Modulator             157720
a—    A2000                 iER                        Spectum Analyzer                 1208
a—    seces                 HewlettPackard             Signal Generator                 seasaotass
a—    soice                 Hewet—Packard              Signal Generator                 seasa0te77
a—    LiV—tezA              Leader                     RMS Mil—Vatmater                 sor00s1
a—    s20e                  kmon—Hite                  Actve fiter                      seso
o—    FMTHS                 Leaming                    FM Modulator                     none
a—    am                    uor                        Optical sower meter              csssr
u—    Tess                  Tektronx                   PAL video / Audio generator      Borssss

                                           TestReport Nunber OAF4GIB
                        ProdutSatey icineering oe            Broters Bna. pade cis, F33528
                                          ra dn sss        « omm ssase
                                                                                                        Page 7 of 12

Equipment Under Test (EUT) Test Operation Mode — Emission tests :
The device under test was operated under the following conditions during emissions testing:
o Standby

51— Test program (H — Patten)
5s — Test program (color bar)
t — Test program (customer specifc)
1 — Practce operation
*    Normal Operating Mode


Configuration of the device under test:
* See System Under Test Information in Appendix B

Rationale for EUT setup / confiquration:
Anst cona

                                            Test Report Nunber OAF4GIB
                          ProdutSafey Enincerns ic 1228Botany Rothers ivd. DadeCiyF33828
                                           vaday ssam ns omswase
                                                                                              Page 8 of 12

Emission Test Results:

 Conducted emissions 150 kHz — 30 MHz
The requirements are                                x—MET                    o — NOT MET
Minimum limit margin                                     6.1 dB         at      0239 Miz

 Radiated emissions (magnetic field) 10 kHz — 30 MHz
The requirements are                             o— MET                      o — NOT MET
Minimum limit margin                                         dB         at            MHz

 Radiated emissions (clectric field) 30 MHz — 1000 MHz
The requirements are                            «—MET                     o — NoT mET
Minimumn limit margin                                 03 as             m      1075 Mitz
Remarks:      Measured with the Home Docking configuration

Interference Power at the mains and interface cables 30 MHz — 300 MHz
The requirements are                                o— MET                   o — NOT MET
Minimum limit margin                                         dB        at            MHz

Radiated emissions         1 GHz—        1.08 GHz
The requirements are                                *—MET                    o — NOT MET
Minimum limit margin                                    >20 dB         at         all GHtz

Antenna Terminal DisturbanceVoltage         30 Mz — 1,000 MHz
The requirements are                                o—MET                    a — NOT MET
Minimum limit margin                                         dB        at            MHz

                                         Test Report Nunter OAF4GIB
                       ProdutSfey Kalncerng, in 129Ratany Rrthe ui. Dadeciy, F3828
                                        Tagmssaw is on smase
                                                                                             Page 9 of 12


 The EUT‘s were tested in (3) orthogonal planes.

Measurements were made up to the tenth harmonic of the highest frequency transmitted.

There are (3) separate configurations that were tested.
(1) Home installation uses home style antenna and internal anterna and home style cradle
(2) Mobile installation uses vehicle style antenna & intemal antenna and vehicle style cradle
(3) Battery operated installation using internal anterna and no cradle

The EUTonly transmits on 88.1, 88.3, 88.5, 88.7, 88.9, 106.7, 106.9, 107.1, 107.3, 107.5, 107.7 & 107.9
We test all (3) configurations at both 88.7 & 107.5 MHz.
The line out port was never cabled during testing because it shuts off the transmiter.
"The requirements according tothe technical regulations are
®= met
9 not met

"The device undertst does

x — fulill the general approval requirements mentioned on page 3.
 — mot fultl the general approvalrequirements mentioned on page 3

Testing Start Date                      101272004

Testing End Date:                       1071272004


                                            Tast Report Nunber OAF46 1B
                        ProductStasEnlneron ie 129# hliny Brthen Rod. Dade Ciy. F3838
                                                                                                Page 10 of 12

T        tup photo(
    onducted emission 450/150 KHL   0 MHz

                                     Test Report Nunber OAFAGLB
                     Prduc Stey Eninwin,toc io notamy h Moc. made cis t sies
                                    T en sssamm es omm smase
                                                                               Page 11 of 12

Testsctup photo()

                                     Test Repor Nunter OAFIGTB

                    ProducsSaty Enoorins, n 3vs Retany Brher i. Bade Ciy. . Sisis
                                     a dsn ssiau n omsmase
                                                                                    Page 12 of 12



Test Equipment Calibration Information

           Test Data Sheets

   o          ic tz9ts Betamy Broter tc. nade Ciy. F3828
                  roan rcamsmase
                                                           Page Al of AIL


Manufacturer       Model        Description                    Serial Number          Cal Due
Hewlelt Packard    85668        Spectrum Analyzer              2421a00528             cartais
Hewlett Packard    85662A       Display                        2403007352             centans
Hewlett Packard    85650A       Quasi—Peak Adapter             2043000209             canans
Hewlett Packard    8447D        Preamp 0.1 — 1,000 MHz         2044408832             rarrorde
Hewlett Packard    85688        Spectrum Analyzer              2407a0cet3             canais
Hewlett Packard    85002A       Display                        2340005808             cartans
Hewlelt Packard    85650A       Quasi—Peak Adapter             2o«3a003s8             certalos
Hewlelt Packard    8447D        Preamp 0.1 — 1,000 Mz          2044208901             cartas
Hewlett Packard    8447D        Preamp 0.1 — 1000 Mriz         1937403247             osrtais
Hewlelt Packard    84408        Preamp 1 —26.5 GHz             2008A00320             1202004
Hewlett Packard    86488        Signal Generator               se«suo03t2             ostoas
Hewlett Packard    8672A        Signal Generator               2211202428             1ortzi0
Eaton              2e005        Log Periodic Antenna           1089                   aztosios
Electro—Metrics    LPA 30       Log Periodic Antenna           2200                   owas
Electro—Metrics    BA 30        Biconical Antenna              sese                   omans
Electro—Metrics    BA 25        Biconical Antenna              4283                   czt0ws
ElectroMechanics   3115         Double Ridge Guide Ant.        3810                   112505
Electro—Metres     ALRIOM       MagneticLoop Antenna           824                    orans
Solar              e012         LsN                            s24840                 1ara/o4
Solar              sore         LsN                            s2001ze00022           122004
Soler              sore         LiSN                           sosrasteosr2e          120v(04
Schwartzbeck       MDS—21..—    Absorbing Clamp                case1                  comeros
Leader             LFG1310      Function Generator             sosorss                ostowrs
IFR Systems        A—2000       Spectrum Analyzer              1308                   120804
Electro—Metrics    EMC—30       EMI Receiver                   191                    ostoas
Antenna Research   ALA—190/A    Loop Antenna                   105                    ostoaos
Radio Shack        cc—asr       Temp/Hygrometer                NA                     ostoa0s
Radio Shack        63—867A      Temp/Hygrometer                NA                     ostows

                                                                                           Page A2 ofA1
                     ProductSafeKnincering,  129hetamy Ruthrs Rind. DadeCiy M.33528
                                        tadnssm n omsseasi

                                  rropuct Entsszons
 Propucr sarety ENGTNEERING            Data File:       MYFL MOBILE DOCK FCC—B 10—12—2004
     mnzsston    SPEC        vensurements                 stte           conr
No   FREpUENCY   LINET    mBS       dLm     MoDE    PoL, HGT AZM        ractor                              coments
       wite         dBuy/m            as                  cm deg          as
                 43.5    45.3        1.8    9P      v     100      1

                                                                          iA h a us a iohb inb t n t o
     107. 498    43.5     46.80       3.3   oP      v 200        315
     392. 400    4325    a7lg      —16.20   PK      w 200        315
     215. so7    43.5     d4.4     —20.10   PK      i 200         45
     266. 200    46.0    17.0      ~29.0    PK      m 200         45
     323. 7i     46.0     20.9     —25.1     PK     m 200         45
     ase. 800    46.0    19.8      ~26.3    PK      m 200          1
     431. 614    a6.0    22.0      —24.10   PKO     m 200         45
     443. 500    «6.0    19.6      —26.4     PK     ® 200          1
     12. 200     46.0    21.4      —24.6    PK      i 200          1
     sa9. s17    a6.0    2112      —2600     PKO    w 200         45
     620. 900    46.0    23.1      —22.9     PK     m 200          o1
     647. a21    a6.0    2a.1      —22.00   PKo     w 200         45
     709. 600    46.0    25.4      ~20.6    PK      m 200          1
     755. 325    46.0    25.8      —20.3     PK     M 200         45
     798. 300    46.0    19.%      ~20.5    PK      i 200          1
     a63. 230    a6.0    12.3      —39.7     PK     m 200         45
     sa7. 000    a6.0    26.6      —19.4     PK     200            1

     971. 131    54.0    20.4      ~25.6    PK      w 200         45
     978 700     s4.0    20.2      —24.8     PK     m 200         45

     1000.00     54.0                  3    PK      w     200     45                                     Mke e 1079 wz


                                rropucr Entsstons
 propucr sarery EncmNEERING          Data File:       MYFL BATTERY RCC—B 10—12—2004
      Enisston   sprc     ueasurements                 sire          conr
No FREQUENCY     LIMIT ABS        dbtM MobE Pob HGT zM              FACTOR       commeuts
     vite           dBu¥/m         as           cm deg                as
  £    se.711    a3.5    41.9    —1.6    op       m    400    ais   —19.6
  2   107.480    43.5    41.5    —2200   gp       m    400    315   —15.2
  a   177.400    a3.5   r8.4    —25.1    PK       v    200    ais   —10.6
  a   215.007    43.5    13.2   —30.3     PK      m    200    270   —13.2
  5   266.100    46.0   17.2    —28.8    PK       m    200    270   —12.3
  6   323.711    46.0   17.9    —28.1    PK       m    200    270   —10.5
  7   354.800    46.0   15.5    —30.6    PK       m    200    270   —10.4
  a   asi.614    46.0   19.4    —26.7    PK       m    200    270    —9.1
  9   443.500    46.0   17.8    —28.2    PK       m    200    270    —a.9
10    532.200    46.0   23.9    —22.1     PK      H    200    270    —7.7
11.   §30.517    46.0   18.0    —28.1    PK       m    200    270    —7.6
12.   620.900    46.0   19.5    —26.5    PK       m    200    270    —6.4
13.   647.421    46.0   20.8    —25.2    PK       m    200    270    —5.7
14—   709.600    46.0   22.3    —23.7    PK       m    200    270    —3.4
35    Topd0S     a6.0   22.0    —24.1     PK      m    200    270    —3.4
16    798.300    46.0   23.0    —23.0    PK       m    200    270    —3.4
17    863.230           25.0    —21.0    PK       M    200    270      .
18    887.000           25.0    —21.0    PK       m    200    270      18
19    o7has1            26.2    —27.8    PK       m    200    270
20    975.700           26.9    —27.1     PK      m    200    270      4
21—   1000.00           26.8    —27.2     PK      m    200    270      5.    wke e 1079 mz


                                 rropuct Emtsstons
 rropuct sarery EncrxEERING           Data File:    MVFI HOME DOCK FCC—B 10—12—2004
      EMtsston    serc      weasurewents               sire          corr
No    FREQUENCY    LIMIT    aBs dbrM Mobk          Po HGT AZM       ractor      commurs
        wite          dBu¥/m      as                   on deg         as
  1    88.706                                      ®
  2   107.486                                      ®
  3   177.400                                      ®
  4   215.807                                      w
  s   266.100               :        4             ®
  6   323.71      46.0   28.1    —27.9    PK       m    200   315   —10.5
  7   354.800     a6.0   17.0    —29.1    P         ®   200   315   —10.4
  a    agi.614    46.0   20.0    —26.1    PK       m    200   315    —9.1
  9   443.500     46.0   21.3    —24.7    PR       m    200   315    —8.9
10    532.200     46.0   21.0    —25.     s        m    200   315    —7.7
11.   539.517     46.0   2i.6    —24.5     PK      m    200   315    —7.6
12—   620.900     46.0   23.1    —22.9    PK       m    200   315    —6.4
13.   647.421     46.0   23.2    —22.0    PK       m    200   ais    —5.7
14    709.600     «6.0   25.6    —20.4     PK      W    200   315    —3.4
15    T56.908     46.0   26.2    —19.9     PK      m    200   315    —3.4
i6    798.300     46.0   24.8    —21.20   PK       M    200   315    —3.4
17    a63.230     46.0   19.7    —26.3    PK       m    200   31s    —2
18    887.000     46.0   27.2    —18.8     PK      H    200   315    —1.3
19    s7ias1      s4.0   28.8    —25.2    PK       m    200   315     1
20    975700      sa.0    2e.8   —25.2     PK      m    200   315     314
21    1000.00     s4.0   28.8    —25.2    PK       m    200   315     1.5.   Mkr @ 1079 iz

Product Safety Engineering

xn Rroto                                                                Enc—30 setTIN$             SPECS
  Date 1       10/12704              Time +       15¢11228.10           Detector OvasiPeak         11 CISPR 22 Ouasi Peak
  Technician 1 JACK GARNER           Test Equip. 1ENC—30                Banduidth CISPR            2) Ciser 22 AVG
 Test Method 1ENS5022 CLAGS 8        Test Number 11                     Durp/Due 1/A               a
 Equipment + MIFL U WONE Dock                                           RF AHen. 10 08             ©
 Hede of Op. 1NORMBL                                                    IF Atten. 10 d8
 Serial No. 1 SPTSGRC
 Comnent 1 120 YAC / 60 HZ
                   l ERCEL                                          1       T    T en                                       ies\

     + «d
     0                                                                                                                      oner
     & sa—
     & >                                                                                      h        _/
    §    10—                                                                                      x l’\v/

                  Lt            af    (BL 1J                    L          _     O T                                          a&~
     e                                                1.                                     10.
   0.1se                                                   Frequency MHz                                              so.cc0

| test tire                                                                   I
| pata rrue     _x.                                           i                             Freq. (Mitz)        1
| Amplitude Units   dBuy                     Threshold —11 ds I                               0.1500            1
              I                                           c22m09.530           cazeave.530|
              I   Freq(MHz)          Amp                vs Spec(dB)           vs Spec(dB) |
              1    o.193a        |    43.0        |                       |       —10.894   *      |
              I     0.1975      |    43.0           |                    |        —10.715 * |
              1    o.sos3        |   35.0         |                       |       —11.000   *      |
              I    0.6097      |      35.0        |                       |       —11.000   *      |
              1    o.er31      1     35.0         |                     |         —11.000   *      |
              |    o.e708      |     35.0         |                     |         —11.000   *      |
              |    c.e7zas     |      35.0      |                       |         +21.000   *      |
              [    o.6777      |     as.0       |                       |         —11.000   *    |
              I    o.6947      1     35.0         |                     |         —21.000   *    |
              I    o.ea81      |      35.0      |                       |         —21.000   *    |
              I    o.7018      |     35.0       |                       |         —21.000   *    |
              I    0.7049      |     35.0         |                     I         ~11.000   *    |
             1     o.7oss      |     35.0         |                    |          —11.000   +    |
             I     o.7ia8      |      35.0      |                       |         —21.000   *    |
             1     o.7a0s     |      as.0       |                      |          —11.000   +    |
             I     o.77es      |     35.0       |                      |          ~21.000   *    |
             I     o.7799     |      35.0       |                      |          ~11.000   *    |
             1     o.teas     |       35.0      |                      |          —11.000   *    |
             1     o.7ee?     |       35.0      |                      |          —11.000   *    |
             1     o.7901     |      35.0       |                      |          —11.000   *    |
             |     o.793s     |      35.0      |                       |          —11.000   *    |
             |     o.7969     |      35.0      |                       |          —11.000   *    |
             |     o.e002     |      35.0      |                       |          —11.000   *    |
             |     c.8o3s     |       35.0     |                       |          —11.000   *    |
             1     o.8o70     |      35.0      |                       1          —11.000   *   |
             |     c.8z0s     |      35.0      |                       |          —11.000   *   |
             |     o.eise     |       35.0     |                       |          —12.000   *   |


Product Safety Engineering
xt Reoto                                                                Enc—30 SETTINGS           SPECS
  Date :       10/12704              Tine :       15125100.25           Detector OvasiPeak          11 CISPR 22 Quasi Peak
  Technician 1 JACK GARNER           Test Equip. 1ENC—30                Banduidth CISPR           2) Ciser 22 AlG
 Test Method 1ENSS022 CLASS B        Test Number +1                     Dure/Dvel NVA             a
 Equipment +. MFL W HonE D0tk        Sentor Loc.. +NEUTRAL              RF Aitfen. 10 i8          ®
 Mode of Op.. 11ORNAL                Sensor Po                          IF Atten. 10 do
 Serial No. 1 8PTSGMC                Ext. Alten. 10 dB
 Comment 1. 120 YAC / 60 HZ
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                              Freq. (Wiz)
Threshold   10 aB |             0.1500
      cazmor.s30      cazeave.s30|
   vs Spec(dB)     vs Spec(dB)


       PRODUCT SAFETY ENGINEEAING                           MKR A 122.6 kHz
 ho REF _97.@ deiy ATTEN 9 aB                                   —2.10 dB
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staRTt 68.000 MHz                                          sTOP 88.200 MHz
             RES BW 30 kHz        vew 30 kHz               SWP 100 msec

             PRODUCT     SAFETY    ENGINEEAING                      MKA     A—103.4    kHz
pp         hE     97.9 dew        atTeN s cs                                 2.00 as
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10    dB/                                            PRODUCT   w>“m.~.4   mZflHzmm—qum    w

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centen 107 .990 MHz                                                          AN 200 hz
                 Aes BW 30 kHz          vew 32 kHz                    SWP   100 msec


 System Under Test Description

                                                          Page BI of B2.
ProductSatey Euie     Hlany Rroters i. pade cis, 133528
                        ts on snvase

                                    system components

DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XMRadio Moble Cradle
DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XM Radio Home Crade
DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XM Radio Mobile Antemna
DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XM Radio Home Anterna
DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XM Radio XM Radio Power Supply (mode! SMPSSV2A—XM)

                                     inverrace canurs

DEVICE TYPE: EUT XM Radio (Home Cradle)
LENGTH: 8 feat
CONNECTOR TYPE: Specialto dedicated
PORT: 5V DC in

DEVICE TYPE: EUT XM Radio (Home Cracle)
LENGTH 25 feet
GONNECTOR TYPE: Special Coax to decicated
PORT: ANT Port to Home Antenna

DEVICE TYPE: EUT XM Rado (Moble Cracle)
cenark o
GONNECTOR TYPE: Specialto dedicated

DEVICE TYPE: EUT XM Radio (Moble Cradle)
LENGTH 25 feet
GONNECTOR TYPE: Special Comx to decicated
PORT: ANT Portto Mobie Antenna

                                       Ac Lint corns

DEVICE TYPE: EUT — XM Radio Power Supply
LENGTH: 8 feat
CONNECTOR TYPE: Dedicated to Dedicated
                                                                        sz or B2



           Measurement Protocol

                                                                Page C1 of CJ
Produtsatey Engine   h ti9sBetany Broties Rnd. Dadeciy, F3528
                          m ricomsssasu

The test methodology followed during the collection of the data included within this
technical report was ANSI ©63.4:1992

The EUT was powered with (120) VAC / (60) Hz during the collection of data included
The data is compared to the FCC Part 15 Class A limits

The "EMI" instrumentation is capable of calculating the final emission level based on
the following formula:
Level at the receiver (dBpV) + Antenna Correction Factor (dB/M) + Cable Loss (dB) —
Preamp Gain (dB) = Actual Level in dBuVMM

The sample calculation below is based on the actual test data collected:

           Observed Level          62.5.   dBuV
           ACF                +    10.2.   dBM
           Cable Loss         +—    1.0    dB
           Preamp Gain        —    260     dB
           Actual Level            47.7—   dBuViM      @170.5 MHz

      Please have a company official review this report and sign.

                                                                           Page C2 of C2

Document Created: 2004-10-19 12:42:47
Document Modified: 2004-10-19 12:42:47

© 2024 FCC.report
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC