Quick Guide


Users Manual

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                                                                                                 SKYFi2      ™
                                                                                                 Satellite Radio
      Warning: This manual and the SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver User Guide contain
important safety and operating information. Please read and follow the instructions in these
manuals. Failure to do so could result in personal injury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2
Receiver, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or other property.

SKYFi2 Receiver Controls                                                          S earch button
Use your SKYFi2 control buttons                      Menu button                  Changes search mode
                                                     Selects and changes          between search by
to operate various functions.                                                     category or search by
                                                     configuration options.                                     30-Minute Replay buttons
                                                                                  scanning.                     Pause and replay up to 30 minutes
See your SKYFi2 User Guide and                                                                                  of live XM broadcast.
SKYFi2 Installation Guide for
additional operating, installation,
                                                                                                                Scroll wheel
and safety information.                                                                                         Previews channels; also
                                                                                                                selects various menu options.
                    Display button
                    Displays additional
                    information on screen                                                                       XM button
                    such as stocks or sports                                                                    Confirms selected channel or
                    scores.                                                                                     menu option.

                    Me mory button                                                                              Power button
                    Saves and recalls song                                                                      Powers SKYFi2 on and off.
                    information such as artist
                    and song title.                                                                             Number keys
                                                                                                                Enter a channel directly or
                                                                                                                select your favorite presets.
                                                 Pre set/direct button               Jump button
                                                 Selects between direct channel      Switches between current
                                                 entry or up to 30 presets.          and previous channel.

Menu                                    To access the menu, press the            TuneSelect
The menu in your SKYFi2 lets you        “menu” button, use the scroll wheel      TuneSelect notifies you when a
change the brightness and contrast      (or remote) to move the cursor, then     favorite song or artist is playing on
of the display, set the FM modulator    press the “XM” button to select an       a channel other than the channel
frequency, set the audio level, aim     option. Pressing the “menu” button       you are currently listening to. You
the Home Antenna, manage your           will always exit any menu to either      can choose to search for songs
TuneSelect™ list, enter and delete      the previous menu level or back to       either by song title or by the artist
stock symbols from the Stock Ticker,    the play screen. If the “menu” button    name, configurable in the menu
access Info Extras, restore your unit   is not pressed or the cursor is not      under TuneSelect.
to the factory default settings, and    moved within 8 seconds, the menu
more. See your SKYFi2 User Guide        will time out and automatically return   To store a song title or artist in the
for an explanation of these features.   the user to the play screen.             TuneSelect list, press and hold the
                                                                                 “XM” button for 2 seconds while
                                                                                 you listen to that song. SKYFi2 will
                                                                                 beep once and display “Artist/Song

Later, when any song on your list is      30-Minute Replay                           Built-in FM Modulator
playing on another channel, SKYFi2        30-Minute Replay gives users the           SKYFi2 includes a built-in FM modulator
will beep once and display the song       opportunity to finally “hear that          that transmits XM audio to your vehicle’s
and artist name along with the channel    song again.” Pressing the       button     FM radio. Use the menu to select the
name and number where the song is         replays the previous song, and can be      proper FM frequency, and make sure
currently playing. Press the “XM”         used to replay songs previously lis-       nothing is plugged into SKYFi2’s audio
button to go to the channel where         tened to over the last 30 minutes.         output jack.
the song is playing. You can use the      This feature applies to the current lis-
menu to erase all or only some of the     tening session only. Turning your          Note: Use of the FM modulator requires
songs from your TuneSelect list.          SKYFi2 off removes all songs from the      the installation of the XM SureConnect
                                          up-to-30-minute buffer. You can also       accessory. See the SKYFi2 Install Guide
Stock Ticker                              pause the live broadcast anytime by        and XM SureConnect Vehicle Installation
You can track up to 20 stocks with your   pressing the “pause” button. Press         Guide for additional information.
SKYFi2. Use the menu to enter your        the     or     buttons to skip back to
favorite stock symbols, and then use      songs or programs within the last 30
the “display” button to select display    minutes. To resume live broadcast,
                                                                                          Warning: When using this product it is always
                                                                                     important to keep your eyes on the road and your
mode 2 in order to view your Stock        press and hold the      button until       hands on the wheel. Failure to do so could result in
Ticker.                                   SKYFi2 beeps.                              personal injury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2
                                                                                     Receiver, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or other

Some Other Features to Know About...
Basic Channel Selection             Presets                                 To choose a preset channel, press the
Turn the scroll wheel, then press   Your SKYFi2 has three banks of pre-     “preset/direct” button to select the
“XM” to select.                     sets: A, B, and C. Each bank of pre-    desired bank. Then, press the number
                                    sets can hold up to 10 channels for a   key for the preset channel you wish
-or-                                total of 30 presets. Use these banks    to play.
                                    to organize your favorite channels or
Press the “preset/direct” button    create separate preset banks for
until the “Direct” icon appears,    additional users to enjoy.
then use the number keys to
enter the channel number. For       To set a preset, tune to a channel
example, for channel 50, press      and make sure that it is playing.
“5” then “0” or for channel 121,    Then choose between banks A, B, or
press “1,” then “2,” then “1.”      C by pressing the “preset/direct”
                                    button. Then, press and hold (for 2
                                    seconds) the number key you wish
                                    to assign for that channel. SKYFi2
                                    will beep once and display the pre-
                                    set number that has been set.

Delphi Corporation
1441 West Long Lake Road
Troy, Michigan 48098-5090
Customer Service: [1] 877.GO DELPHI


   Printed on Recycled Paper
©2006 Delphi Corporation. All rights reserved.   The SKYFi2 name, XM name, and related logos are
DPSS-04-E-066                                    trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.

Document Created: 2006-09-12 13:32:26
Document Modified: 2006-09-12 13:32:26

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