Install Guide


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                            Guide  H o m e a n d Ve h i c l e K i t s

                                                                                                           Warning: This manual and the SKYFi2
                                                                                                    Satellite Radio Receiver User Guide contain
                    Contents:                                                                       important safety and operating information.
                                                                                                    Please read and follow the instructions in
                    SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
                                                                                                    these manuals. Failure to do so could result
                    SKYFi2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                                                                    in personal injury, death, and/or damage to
                    XM Antenna Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                                                                    your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories, and/or to
                    SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
                                                                                                    your vehicle or other property.
                    Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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  2    Important: See page 19 for important
       FCC information.
                                              SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit (SA10102) Setup
                                              Your Delphi XM® SKYFi2™ Vehicle Adapter Kit contains the following components:

                                                 SKYFi2 Cradle       Swivel and Vent Mounts       XM Vehicle Antenna     XM SureConnect

                                                                                                                       Your kit also includes:
                                                                                                                       • Extra adhesive pad
                                                                                                                       • Surface preparation
                                                                                                                         cleaning kit
                                                 Cassette audio         Nokia®style button                            • Alcohol prep pad
                                                    adapter              mount converter         12V power adapter     • Cable wrap
                                                                                                                       • Adhesive-backed
                                              Figure 1. SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit components.                           Velcro® pads

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     Hooking up Your SKYFi2 Receiver Cradle                                                                                               3

       Caution: Connect only appropriate input devices
       to the SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit. Connecting any
       incorrect input devices may damage the system and/
       or the external electronic device. It is recommended
       that you use only the 12V to 6V conversion power
       adapter that came with your SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit.

       If you choose to use the self install method using the
       XM SureConnect please see the XM SureConnect Install
       guide for more information.

                                                                 Figure 2. Connect accessories to your SKYFi2 Cradle as shown.

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 4     After connecting the power and            When using the FM modulator, secur-
       antenna jacks into the car cradle, the    ing and tie-wrapping the excess cable
       included organizer can be used to         reduces background hissing noise.
       improve the appearance of the instal-
       lation. See figure 3.                     Check movement of doors and trunks
                                                 as well as seats so they do not dam-
       The cable twist ties that were provid-    age excess cable.
       ed with the power adapter and car
       antenna cables can be reused to
       gather, bundle, twist tie, and secure
       any excess cable. Excess cable can be
       gathered under the dash, between the
       seat or console, or under the mat so it
       is not in the way.

                                                                                         Figure 3.

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                                                       The SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit            5
                                                       offers you many ways of connecting
                                                       your SKYFi2 to your vehicle’s radio.
                                                       All options provide excellent sound
                                                       quality and stereo separation.
                                                       Review and consider your own
                                                       unique situation when choosing
                                                       from the three options.

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 6     Cassette Adapter                             Professional Wired FM                      Self Install (XM SureConnect)
       For vehicles with a built-in cassette        A wired FM installation kit is available   The XM receiver is equipped with an
       player. Due to its superior audio quality,   from your retailer for professional        FM modulator, which can transmit the
       this configuration is recommended            installation. See your retailer for        XM audio to your car’s FM radio. See
                                                    details. This solution is recommended      the XM SureConnect Installation
       over the professionally wired or self
                                                    if you cannot get acceptable perform-      Guide for more information.
       install XM SureConnect configurations        ance with the FM modulator.
       if a cassette slot is available in the                                                  The factory default setting for the FM
       vehicle.                                                                                modulator is turned off. See the
                                                                                               SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver User
                                                                                               Guide for more details.

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       SKYFi2 Installation                             able to hear audio on you vehicle’s FM
                                                       Radio) 12V power adapter, and
                                                                                                Note: If using the XM SureConnect or the
                                                                                                professional wired (Delphi FM Direct

       Because every vehicle is different, these       audio connector or cassette adapter      Adapter), set the SKYFi2 Receiver and the
       instructions are provided as a general          (if used) to the SKYFi2 Vehicle          vehicle’s FM radio to the same frequency. See
       guideline only. If you need help, consult       Adapter cradle with the SKYFi2           the SKYFi2 User Guide section on Listening
       a professional installer.                                                                to XM using your vehicle’s FM Radio.
                                                       Receiver inserted. Plug the 12V
       1. Decide which method (cassette                power adapter into the cigarette
           adapter, professional wired FM, or          lighter and place the XM Antenna
           self install (XM SureConnect) is            on the roof of your vehicle. Make
           most appropriate for your vehicle           sure you are outdoors and not sur-
           and where you live.                         rounded by tall buildings or trees.
       2. Verify the system is working by              Turn on both your vehicle’s radio
           completing a test. Before installing        and SKYFi2 Receiver. Tune the
           the system, connect the XM Antenna,         SKYFi2 Receiver to XM channel 1.              Warning: Do not install the mount where it
                                                                                                or SKYFi2 could block your vision or usage of
           (If you are using the XM SureConnect        You should be able to hear the XM        controls, or interfere with any safety devices
           Installation you will need to install the   Preview channel. If not, check all       such as airbags. Failure to correctly place
                                                                                                SKYFi2 could result in injury to you or others if
           XM SureConnect before you will be           connections.                             the unit becomes detached during an accident
                                                                                                and/or obstructs the deployment of an airbag.

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 8     3. Turn off the radio and SKYFi2         5. The SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit        b. Vent mount: Assemble the
          Receiver. Disconnect all cables.         has three mounting options: flat         mount (if not assembled) by
       4. Find a place where you can mount         mount, vent mount or swivel              inserting the two clips into
          your SKYFi2 vehicle cradle where         mount.                                   the main piece. Clip the
          it is most convenient for you to         a. Flat mount: Use the included          assembly onto the vent, and
          use. It should be mounted to a              Velcro pads or extra adhesive         then position the pivoting
          hard, flat surface below the top of         pad, attaching them to the back       kickstand atthe bottom. The
          the dash within easy reach.                 of the SKYFi2 vehicle cradle          orientation of the clips must
                                                      and then to a flat surface in         match each other and may
                                                      your vehicle. Do not install the      need to be rotated in one of
                                                      mount on a leather surface.           two possible orientations
                                                                                            depending on the design of
                                                                                            the air vent being used. Be
                                                                                            careful when installing and
                                                                                            removing the vent mount
                                                                                            clips to prevent damaging
                                                                                            the vent fins.

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       c. Swivel mount:This mount allows you          motion or back and forth. Dry the          on. Remove the liner from the           9
           to adjust the angle of your SKYFi2         area with a clean, dry cloth.              adhesive pad and adhere to the
           Vehicle Adapter after it is installed.     Repeat the cleaning process.               vehicle’s surface. Make sure you
           This mount uses a strong adhe-             Allow to air dry thoroughly.               accurately place the pad on the
           sive that is not easily repositioned     – Clean the same surface with the            first try since in many cases it will
           when installed, so use care when           enclosed alcohol prep pad. Wipe            bond almost immediately. For
           choosing the location of and placing       in one direction only. Dry the             best results, do not touch or apply
           the mount. Do not install this mount       area with a clean, dry cloth.              pressure to the vehicle mount for
           on a leather surface. Install the          Allow to air dry thoroughly.               72 hours.
           mount only if the temperature is at      – Warm the vehicle mount adhesive
           least 60°F.                                pad by using a hair dryer or by
           – Clean the mounting surface with          placing the vehicle mount on top
             the enclosed surface preparation         of the vehicle’s defrost outlet for
             cleaning kit. Wipe the towelette         several minutes with the heater
             in one direction only. Do not
             wipe the surface in a circular

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 10                                                                                                     6. Clip the SKYFi2 vehicle cradle
                                                                                                           onto the swivel mount (figure 4).
                                                                                                        7. Reassemble the system as in step 2.
                                                                                                        8. Attach the antenna as explained
                                                                                                           on page 12 and route the antenna
                                                                                                           cable as described on page 13.

                                                        To vehicle

          Figure 3. Installing the vent mount to your   Figure 4. Attach vehicle mount to back of
          vehicle’s air vent.                           SKYFi2 as shown.

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      Removing swivel mount                   2. If the pad fails to loosen, warm it    Caution: Never use a commercial heat gun or   11

      from your dashboard                        with a hair dryer for 2 to 3 minutes   a paint-stripping gun. This can damage the
                                                                                        unit or your vehicle.
      You can remove the swivel mount            to soften the adhesive. Be careful
      from your dashboard by following           not to apply too much heat, which
      these steps:                               could damage the mounting
      1. Lift one edge of the adhesive pad       surface. Repeat step 1.
         gently with fingers or the rounded   3. If any adhesive remains on the
         edge of a spoon. Once enough of         dashboard surface, the adhesive
         the edge is loosened to grip with       can easily be removed by rubbing
         your fingers, pull the pad gently       your thumb or finger across it.
         from the mounting surface at a       4. As necessary, use a mild household
         90-degree angle. Do not use             cleaner to clean the dashboard
         sharp tools that could damage           surface.
         the vehicle’s interior.

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 12    XM Antenna Setup                          – Trunk mounting is an alternative for
                                                   hard- or soft-top convertibles with
                                                                                           Important: Do not install antenna inside the
                                                                                           vehicle passenger compartment. An antenna
       For best reception, the XM Antenna          nonmetallic rooftops, though recep-     mounted on the dashboard or on the rear window
                                                                                           deck area of the vehicle will likely experience signal
       should be placed either:                    tion may not be as good.                interruption issues and must be avoided. Mounting
       – In front of the rear window (option1)                                             the antenna on a nonmetallic surface will also
                                                                                           result in severe degradation in reception.
       – Behind the windshield (option 2)

       When deciding which location to
                                                                                               Warning: Failure to properly install the
       choose, keep in mind:                                                              antenna may result in injury to you or others if it
       – The antenna will perform best if it                                              becomes detached during an accident.
         has an unobstructed view of the
         open sky.
       – If the vehicle has roof racks or skid
         ribs, the antenna can be mounted

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       Routing the Cable                                                      Option 2                              13
       Option 1                                                               When using option 2, route the
       When using option 1, route the cable                                   cable along the door jamb and
       into the trunk as shown in figure 6.                                   into the vehicle as shown in figure
       Always cross the weather seal at the                                   6. Route the cable across the
       lowest part of the trunk to reduce                                     weather seal near the bottom of
       water leaks. From the trunk, route the                                 the door to reduce water leaks.
       cable into the passenger compart-
       ment through available wire channels
       and then along the floor under the
       door jamb trim or under the carpet to
       the front of the passenger compart-
       ment. Do not leave the cable loose in
       the passenger compartment where it
       is likely to be damaged.

                                                                  Figure 6.

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 14    SKYFi2 Home                                                                              Hooking up Your
                                                                                                SKYFi2 Receiver Home Stand
       Adapter Kit (SA10103) Setup                                                              Note: See SKYFi2 User Guide for important
       Your Delphi XM SKYFi2 Home Adapter                                                       user information.
       Kit contains the following components:    SKYFi2 Home Stand          XM Highgain
                                                                                                 Caution: Connect only the appropriate input
                                                                           Indoor/Outdoor        devices to the SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit jacks.
                                                                            Home Antenna         Connecting any incorrect input device may
                                                                           with 25 ft. cable     damage the system and/or the external elec-
                                                                                                 tronic device. It is recommended that you use
                                                                                                 only the AC power adapter that came with
                                                                                                 your SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit. If you need to
                                                                                                 use a different adapter, it must be a 6V, 1000
                                                                                                 mA DC adapter and must contain a unified
                                                                                                 polarity-type jack, identified by the
                                                      6V AC power            Audio cable

                                                Figure 7. SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit components.

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       Installation instructions:                                                                                                         15
       1. Turn off both your SKYFi2
           Receiver and home stereo.
       2. Connect cables as illustrated in
           figure 8.
       3. Position the XM Antenna so that it
           is facing south. Ideally, it should
           point through a window.
       4. Turn on your SKYFi2 Receiver and
           the stereo.Tune to XM channel 1.You
           should be able to hear the XM
           Preview channel. If not, check all

       Note: The Delphi SA10006 Antenna
       Extension Cable (sold separately) is
       designed to work with the SKYFi2 Home
       Adapter Kit and provides an additional 50
       feet of cable length to the standard XM     Figure 8. Connect the SKYFi2 Home Stand to power, antenna, and home stereo as shown.
       Home Antenna.

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 16    Aiming the XM Home Antenna                     change. Find the position that gives
                                                      the strongest signal strength (at
       For best reception, aim the home
                                                      least two bars) on either “satellite”
       antenna by following these
                                                      or “terrestrial.”
                                                   4. Once you are convinced you have
       1. Press the “menu” button on the
                                                      determined the proper position to
           SKYFi2 Receiver.
                                                      receive the best possible signal,
       2. Use the scroll wheel to select the
                                                      press the “menu” button to return
           “Antenna Aiming” option. Press
                                                      to normal operation.
           the “XM” button to confirm selection.
       3. This display will remain on until                                                   Figure 9. Signal strength indicator.
           you press the “menu” button
           again, so you have plenty of time
           to aim the antenna. Slowly turn
           and tilt the antenna.The “satellite”
           and “terrestrial” signal bars will

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       Delphi Limited Consumer Warranty                  Delphi will, as its sole obligation under this   Delphi will not be responsible for damage         17
       Delphi Product and Service Solutions              warranty, replace or repair, at its option,      resulting from any (i) deviation from
       (“Delphi”) warrants all Portable XM               any Product that does not conform to this        Delphi’s operating instructions as printed in
       Satellite Radio Accessory Products sold by        warranty. Products may be repaired or            Delphi’s catalog or on any packaging,
       Delphi (each “Product”) to be free of             replaced with new or with refurbished            labels, or other literature provided with a
       defects in material and workmanship,              items. This limited warranty does not cover      Product, (ii) installation of a Product in a
       subject to the following conditions:              defects in appearance, cosmetic or decora-       manner which is inconsistent with Delphi’s
                                                         tive items, including any non-operative          written instructions, (iii) alteration or
       The duration of Delphi’s warranty with            parts. Under no circumstances will Delphi        modification of a Product, (iv) misuse,
       respect to each product is limited to one         be liable for any incidental or consequential    (v) neglect, (vi) abuse, (vii) accident, (viii)
       (1) year from the date of sale to the original    damages under this warranty or any               normal wear and tear, (ix) commercial use,
       consumer purchaser.                               implied warranties. These remedies are the       (x) improper storage, (xi) environmental
                                                         customer’s exclusive remedies for breach         conditions, including excessive temperature
       No other express warranties are made with         of warranty. This limited warranty only          or humidity, (xii) service by anyone other
       respect to any Product. All implied warranties,   extends to customers who purchase the            than a Delphi authorized repair facility,
       including warranties of merchantability and       Products in the United States.                   (xiii) other improper application, installation
       fitness for a particular purpose are limited                                                       or operation of the Product, or (xiv) defects
       to the warranty period set forth above. This                                                       or malfunctions of which Delphi is not
       warranty is not transferable and applies                                                           advised within ten (10) days of the expiration
       only to the original consumer purchaser of                                                         of the limited warranty period.
       the Product.

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       How you (the Customer) can get service:           How state law relates to the warranty:
       To obtain warranty service, you must return       Some states do not allow limitations on the
       the defective Product with the original           duration of implied warranties, or the
       receipt to the original place of purchase. If     exclusion or the limitation of incidental or
       further clarification or additional information   consequential damages. So the above limi-
       is required from Delphi, you may call Delphi      tations or exclusions may not apply to you.
       at: 1.877.GO DELPHI (1.877.463.3574). If war-     This warranty gives you specific legal
       ranty service is needed at any time during        rights. You may also have other rights that
       the warranty period, the purchaser will be        may vary from state to state. NO PERSON
       required to furnish a sales receipt/proof of      IS AUTHORIZED BY DELPHI TO MODIFY OR
       purchase indicating the date of purchase,         ADD TO THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
       amount paid and place of purchase.
       Customers who fail to provide such proof
       of purchase will be charged for the
       repair/replacement of any Product.

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       FCC Statement                                     This equipment has been tested and found to       - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   19
       Please note that the power cable that has         comply with the limits for a Class B digital      - Increase the separation between the
       been supplied with your device is supplied        device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.       equipment and the receiver.
       with a permanently attached ferrite bead. It is   These limits are designed to provide reason-      - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
       the responsibility of the user to use the cable   able protection against harmful interference        circuit different from that to which the
       with the ferrite bead.                            in a residential installation.                      receiver is connected.
                                                                                                           - Consult the dealer or an experienced
       The user is cautioned that changes or modifi-     This equipment generates, uses, and can             radio/TV technician for help.
       cations not expressly approved by XM              radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
       Satellite Radio, Inc. can void the user’s         installed and used in accordance with the         Warning: The FCC and FAA have not certified
       authority to operate this device.                 instructions, may cause harmful interference      XM Satellite Radio Receivers for use in any
                                                         to radio communications. However, there is        aircraft (neither portable nor permanent
       This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC      no guarantee that interference will not occur     installation). Therefore, XM Satellite Radio
       rules. Operation is subject to the following      in a particular installation. If this equipment   Inc. cannot support this type of application
                                                         does cause harmful interference to radio or       or installation.
       two conditions: (1)This device may not cause
       harmful interference, and (2) this device must    television reception, which can be deter-
       accept any interference received, including       mined by turning the equipment off and on,
       interference that may cause undesired             the user is encouraged to try to correct the
       operation.                                        interference by one or more of the following

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          Delphi Corporation
          1441 West Long Lake Road
          Troy, Michigan 48098-5090
          Customer Service: [1] 877.GO DELPHI

                                         The SKYFi2 name, XM name, and related logos
                                                                 are trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc. All
                                                                 other trademarks are the property of their
                                                                 respective owners.

            Printed on Recycled Paper
          ©2006 Delphi Corporation. All rights reserved.

Document Created: 2006-09-21 12:11:34
Document Modified: 2006-09-21 12:11:34

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