Users Guide Revised


Users Manual

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                                                                                                    SKYFi2      ™
                                                                                                    Satellite Radio
      Warning: This manual and the SKYFi2 Installation Guide contain important safety and
operating information. Please read and follow the instructions in these manuals. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,
and/or to your vehicle or other property.

    Please note that the power cable that has been supplied with your
    device is supplied with permanently attached ferrite beads. It is
                                                                          cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
                                                                          which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
    the responsibility of the user to use the power cable with the fer-   the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one   Thank you for purchasing a Delphi
    rite beads.                                                           or more of the following measures:                                 XM SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver.
    The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly         - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the            Your SKYFi2 gives you access to over
    approved by XM Satellite Radio Inc. can void the user’s authority           affected receiver.                                           170 XM Satellite Radio channels of
    to operate this device.                                                   - Increase the separation between the XM equipment             music, news, and information from
    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
                                                                                and the affected receiver.                                   coast to coast.*
                                                                              - Connect the XM equipment into an outlet on a cir
    subject to the following two conditions:
                                                                                cuit different from that to which the affected receiver
          (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
                                                                                is connected.
          (2) this device must accept any interference received,
                                                                              - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV techni
         including interference that may cause undesired operation.
                                                                                cian for help.
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim-
    its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
                                                                          Important: The FCC and FAA have not certified the
                                                                          Delphi XM SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver for use in
    Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection     any aircraft (neither portable nor permanent installation).
    against harmful interference in a residential installation.           Therefore, Delphi cannot support this type of applica-
                                                                          tion or installation.
    This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
    energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the                                                                             *XM subscription required for reception of XM service.
    installation instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio                                                                       Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.
    communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
    will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does

SKYFi2 improves upon the award-            tickers. Track your favorite stocks                 Receiver, you must have a Vehicle                 3
winning SKYFi Satellite Radio Receiver     and sports scores on your SKYFi2’s                  Adapter Kit (SA10102), Home
by offering these new features:            display while listening to your                     Adapter Kit (SA10103), or Marine
• Builtin FM modulator. Listen to XM      favorite music.                                     Adapter Kit (SA10046), or Delphi
   through any vehicle FM radio.         • A brighter, white LED backlit display               portable audio system (each sold
• 30Minute Replay. Pause and              for even better visibility.                         separately). We do not recom-
   replay up to 30 minutes of live       • More versatile vehicle mounting                     mend using the old SKYFi Vehicle
   XM broadcast.                           options than previous model.                        Adapter Kit (SA10002) with the
• TuneSelect. Find your favorite         To use the SKYFi2 Satellite Radio                     SKYFi2 Receiver since the SA10102
   songs by song title or artist name                                                          has been designed to maximize
   if they’re currently playing on any                                                         the performance of SKYFi2.
   XM channel.
• Personalized stock and sports

                                          Caution: Your SKYFi2 must be used with the enclosed connecting devices or other approved accessories
                                          to ensure maximum performance. Do not modify or alter wires or connections in any way. Shortening
                                          wires or connections may prevent proper functioning of the electrical circuit, which may damage your
                                          receiver and will void your warranty.

4   About Delphi                                About XM                                Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan,
    Delphi is a worldwide leader in             XM is America's number one satellite    Subaru, Suzuki and Porsche, is avail-
    mobile electronics, vehicle compo-          radio service with more than 7 mil-     able in more than 140 different vehi-
    nents, and audio technology. Delphi         lion subscribers. Broadcasting live     cle models for 2006. XM's industry-
    created the first in-dash car radio in                                              leading products are available at con-
                                                daily from studios in Washington,
    1936 and continues its strong tradition                                             sumer electronics retailers nation-
                                                DC, New York City, the Country Music
    of innovation in the audio industry.
                                                Hall of Fame in Nashville, Toronto      wide. For more information about XM
    Now Delphi technology has helped
    make satellite radio a reality, and         and Montreal, XM's 2006 lineup          hardware, programming and partner-
    Delphi continues to expand its in-vehicle   includes more than 170 digital chan-    ships, please visit http://www.xmra-
    and consumer electronics technolo-          nels of choice from coast to coast:
    gies. With its exciting line of satellite   the most commercial-free music
    radio products, Delphi offers a broad       channels, sports, talk, comedy, chil-
    portfolio of products to answer a wide      dren's and entertainment program-
    variety of information and entertain-       ming; and the most advanced traffic
    ment needs in the vehicle, home,
                                                and weather information.
    office, or virtually anywhere.

                                                XM, the leader in satellite-delivered
                                                entertainment and data services for
                                                                                        *To receive the XM service, you must subscribe to
                                                the automobile market through part-     XM. Available in the continental United States and
                                                                                        Canada only. Satellite radio reception depends on
                                                nerships with General Motors,           the ability of the antenna to receive a signal. The
                                                                                        signal may not be available in buildings or if
                                                                                        obstructed (e.g., by mountains, trees, bridges, etc).

Contents                                                 Advanced Features
                                                           Listening to XM Using Your
                                                                                                                      Skipping Channels WhileTuning .
                                                                                                                      Setting the Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Getting Started                                              Vehicle’s FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . 14                Restoring Factory Defaults . . . . .           25
  Activating Your SKYFi2 . . . . . . . . . 6               Adjusting the Audio Level . . . . . . 15                   Setting the Display Screen Mode . .            26
                                                           Auto-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16      Reference
SKYFi2 Receiver
                                                           Adjusting the                                             Care of Your SKYFi2 . . . . . . . . . . .       27
  Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                             Brightness and Contrast . . . . . 16                    Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   27
  Display Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                           Auto-Off and Sleep Timer . . . . . . 16                   Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     28
  Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                                                           Aiming the Home Antenna . . . . . 17                      Contacting Technical Support
Basic Operations                                           TuneSelect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18           and Customer Service . . . . . . .            30
  Turning SKYFi2 On and Off . . . . . 10                   Stock Ticker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19       Technical Information . . . . . . . . .         30
  Selecting Channels . . . . . . . . . . . 10              Info Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
  Changing the Display . . . . . . . . . 12                30-Minute Replay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20           Warranty
  Memorizing Song Information . . 13                       Recall Last Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 21             Delphi Limited Consumer
                                                           Direct Tune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22         Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                                                           Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

  6               Getting Started                                      2. Press     to turn on your SKYFi2
                                                                          and verify that it is playing channel
                                                                                                                     4. Activate your XM Satellite Radio
                                                                                                                        service. To subscribe, make sure
Getting Started

                  Activating Your SKYFi2                                  1, the XM Preview channel.                    you have your XM Satellite Radio
                  To quickly begin enjoying XM Satellite               3. Select channel 0. The receiver’s              ID and a major credit card. Contact
                  Radio with your SKYFi2,                                 eight-character XM Satellite Radio            XM at
                  follow these simple steps:                              ID will appear on the display. Write          or by calling 1.800.XM.RADIO
                  1. Set up your SKYFi2 Receiver using                    the ID here:                                  (1.800.967.2346).
                      the installation instructions included                                                         5. After subscribing, make sure you
                      in the SKYFi Home Adapter Kit,                                                                    keep your receiver on for at least
                      SKYFi Vehicle Adapter Kit, Delphi                                                                 one hour in order to complete the
                      XM SKYFi Marine Adapter Kit, any                                                                  activation process. The process is
                      of the available audio systems, or                                                                complete when you can access the
                                                                          Note: Carefully check your XM Radio ID.
                      with the help of a professional                     The letters I, O, S, and F are not used.
                                                                                                                        full channel lineup on your SKYFi2.

                                                                                                                          Warning: When using this product it is
                        Warning: Failure to properly follow all                                                      always important to keep your eyes on the road
                  installation instructions could result in personal                                                 and your hands on the wheel. Failure to do so
                  injury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2                                                        could result in personal injury, death, and/or
                  Receiver, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or                                                   damage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,
                  other property.                                                                                    and/or to your vehicle or other property.

                                                                                      Search button
SKYFi2 Receiver                                           Menu button
                                                          Selects and changes
                                                                                      Changes search mode
                                                                                      between search by
                                                          configuration options.      category or search by         30Minute Replay buttons
Receiver Controls                                                                     scanning.                     Pause and replay up to 30 minutes     7
                                                                                                                    of live XM broadcast.
Use your SKYFi2 control buttons

                                                                                                                                                        SKYFi2 Receiver
to operate various functions.
                                                                                                                    Scroll wheel
                                                                                                                    Previews channels; also
                                                                                                                    selects various menu options.
                    Display button
                    Displays additional
                    information on screen                                                                           XM button
                    such as stocks or sports                                                                        Confirms selected channel or
                    scores.                                                                                         menu option.

                    Memory button                                                                                   Power button
                                                                                                                    Powers SKYFi2 on and off.
                    Saves and recalls song
                    information such as artist
                    and song title.                                                                                 Number keys
                                                                                                                    Enter a channel directly or
                                                                                                                    select your favorite presets.
                                                     Preset/direct button                Jump button
                                                     Selects between direct channel      Switches between current
                                                     entry or up to 30 presets.          and previous channel.

                                                 Figure 1. SKYFi2 Receiver.

                                                                                                  Indicates that internal FM modulator is
                  Display Screen                                                                  turned on and set to an FM frequency
                  While tuned to an XM channel, the                             Mode (DIRECT, Preset A,                     Category name
  8               SKYFi2 default display contains                               Preset B, or Preset C)                      or clock
                  information about that channel and
SKYFi2 Receiver

                  the SKYFi2 settings. See figure 2.     Signal strength
                                                         (zero to three bars)
                  Your SKYFi2 display can be
                  customized. See the Basic Operations   Channel name                                                                       Channel number
                  section, beginning on page 10.
                                                                                                                                            Artist name
                                                                                                                                            Song title
                                                         (such as stocks or
                                                         sports tickers)

                                                                                Figure 2. SKYFi2 Receiver display screen.

Remote Control
Power button                                                                                                                                 9
Powers SKYFi2 on and off.                                                              + buttons

                                                                                                                                           SKYFi2 Receiver
                                                                                       Immediately select a different channel (and
30Minute Replay buttons                                                               control volume in some audio systems).
Pause and replay up to 30 minutes of live
XM broadcast.                                                                          Jump button
                                                                                       Switches between current and previous channel.
Channel button
Previews channels; also selects various menu                                           Preset/direct button
options.                                                                               Selects between direct channel entry or up to
                                                                                       30 presets.
XM button
Confirms selected channel or menu option. Push                                         Number keys
and hold to select song or artist for TuneSelect.                                      Enter a channel directly or select your favorite
Search button
Changes search mode between search by category                                         Memory button
or search by scanning.                                                                 Saves and recalls song information such as artist
                                                                                       and song title.
Mute button
Mutes the audio.                                                                       Display button
                                                                                       Changes the display mode, providing a different
                                                                                       appearance and additional information such as
                                                                                       stocks or sports scores.
                                                    Figure 3. SKYFi2 Remote Control.

                        Warning: When using this product it is
                                                                    Basic Operations                            Selecting Channels
                   always important to keep your eyes on the road
                                                                                                                You may select channels by using the
                   and your hands on the wheel. Failure to do so    Turning SKYFi2 On and Off                   scroll wheel, by pushing one of the pre-
                   could result in personal injury, death, and/or   1. To turn on: press     .                  set buttons, or by keying in the channel
  10               damage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,
                   and/or to your vehicle or other property.        2. To turn off: press        and hold for   number directly. You can also use the
Basic Operations

                                                                       2 seconds.                               equivalent buttons on the remote control.

                                                                    If SKYFi2 is installed in a vehicle, you    Using the Scroll Wheel
                                                                    may use the ignition key to power           1. Turn the scroll wheel.
                                                                    SKYFi2 on or off. This will not affect      2. When you find your desired
                                                                    SKYFi2 in any way.                             channel, press the “XM” button
                                                                                                                   to select it.

                                                                                                                You can also set up SKYFi2 so that you
                                                                                                                do not have to press the “XM” button
                                                                                                                to select a channel. See “Direct Tune”
                                                                                                                (page 22).

Direct Entry                        Using Presets                           To select a stored preset:
1. Press the “preset/direct” but-   There are 30 presets in all: Each       1. Press the “preset/direct” button
   ton until the “DIRECT” icon      bank (A, B, and C) holds 10 presets.       until the appropriate “Preset”
   appears in the display.          Press the “preset/direct” button to        icon (preset bank A, B, or C)
2. Press the number keys corre-     select the proper bank. Use these          appears in the display.                  11

   spond-ing to the channel         banks to organize your favorite chan-   2. Press one of the number keys.

                                                                                                                      Basic Operations
   number. For example, for         nels or to create separate preset          SKYFi2 will tune to that channel.
   channel 31, press         “3”    banks for additional users to enjoy.
   followed by “1.” You can                                                 Note: If a number key is pressed that
   select the channel faster by     To set a channel preset:                has not been assigned to a favorite
   pressing the “XM” button         1. Tune to the desired channel.         channel, SKYFi2 will automatically tune
                                                                            to channel 1 or the XM Preview channel,
   after entering the channel       2. Press the “preset/direct” button
                                                                            reminding you to make a selection.
   number.                             until the appropriate “Preset”
                                       icon (preset bank A, B, or C)
                                       appears in the display.
                                    3. Press and hold the number key
                                       that corresponds to the preset
                                       you would like to set. SKYFi2
                                       beeps when the channel is

                   Changing the Display
                   Press the “display” button to select
                   any one of four screens.

Basic Operations

                                                          Display Option 1                                 Display Option 2
                                                          Default display                                  Scrolls stock ticker at bottom of screen

                                                          Display Option 3                                 Display Option 4
                                                          Scrolls information extras at bottom of screen   Large display of artist and song title

                                                          Figure 4. SKYFi2 screen displays.

Memorizing Song Information
SKYFi2 can remember the artist name
and title of the song or programming
you are currently listening to.
1. Press and release the “memory”

                                           Basic Operations
   button to save the information of
   the current song or program.
   SKYFi2 can remember up to 20
   entries, after which any new infor-
   mation that is saved will replace the
   oldest entry in memory.
2. To recall saved information, press
   and hold the “memory” button for
   3 seconds. Turn the scroll wheel or
   use the up and down buttons on
   the remote to view the entire list of
   songs or programs.

                    Advanced Features                           1. Turn on your vehicle’s FM radio.
                                                                2. Tune the FM radio to each of the
                                                                                                            8. Press the “menu” button to
                                                                                                               return to the main menu and
                    Listening to XM Using                          following FM frequencies:                   then again to return to the
                    Your Vehicle’s FM Radio                        88.1, 88.3, 88.5, 88.7, 88.9, 106.7,        play screen.
                    SKYFi2 has a built-in FM modulator             106.9, 107.1, 107.3, 107.5, 107.7, and   9. You should now hear XM pro-
                    that transmits the XM audio signal to          107.9.                                      gramming over your vehicle’s
                    any vehicle FM radio. You can use the       3. Note the frequency that has no FM           FM radio. If the sound is not
Advanced Features

                    FM modulator in your vehicle cradle            station or the least amount of              clear or you hear interference
                    only.                                          interference.                               or static, try another frequen-
                                                                4. Turn on your SKYFi2.                        cy by repeating the process
                    You will first need to determine if your    5. Press the “menu” button.                    above.
                    installation will require the use of the    6. Use the scroll wheel to select
                    FM modulator or the use of the cassette        “FM Frequency.” Press the “XM”           Note: If you are not using the FM modu-
                    adaptor. If your vehicle’s radio does not      button to confirm.                       lator, set the FM frequency to “FM Off”
                    have a cassette player, you will need to    7. Use the scroll wheel to select the       for the best audio quality.
                    use either the Professional wired FM or
                                                                   frequency noted in step 4. Press
                    the self install XM SureConnect method
                    of installation. Please read the XM            the “XM” button to confirm.
                    SureConnect installation guide before

Note: If you are traveling long dis-        Adjusting the Audio Level             3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to
tances, you may need to repeat this pro-    The factory default setting should       select the desired level. Press the
cedure periodically if you hear interfer-                                            “XM” button to confirm selection.
                                            work well in most situations.
ence from local FM stations.This is due
                                            However, if you hear distortion,      4. Press the “menu” button to return
to the differences in the strength of FM
                                            you should decrease the audio            to the main menu and then again
stations being broadcast in these areas,
and not to any problems associated          level. If the XM audio level is too      to return to normal operation.
with your SKYFi2.                           low compared to other sources

                                                                                                                                  Advanced Features
                                            such as CD, cassette, or other FM     Note: This is not a volume control. This fea-
                                            stations, you may want to             ture should be used to better match the
In the rare situation that you can-
                                                                                  SKYFi2 audio level with the other audio
not find an acceptable open FM              increase the audio level.
                                                                                  sources in the receiver. Set the volume
frequency, consult a professional           1. Press the “menu” button.           using the audio system or FM radio con-
audio installer.You may improve             2. Use the scroll wheel (or           nected to your SKYFi2.
the audio quality by using the                  remote) to select “Audio
Delphi FM Direct Adapter                        Level.” Press the “XM” button
(SA10112), sold separately.                     to confirm.

                    AutoOn                                   Adjusting the Brightness                 AutoOff and Sleep Timer
                    Normally, SKYFi2 turns on whenever        and Contrast                             You can set SKYFi2 to automati-
                    it receives power. If SKYFi2 is wired     1. Press the “menu” button.              cally shut off between 15 min-
                    to a power source that is always on,      2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   utes to three hours after your
                    you should disable the “Auto-On”             select “Brightness” or “Contrast.”    last input or action. Use this fea-
                    option:                                      Press the “XM” button.                ture if SKYFi2 continues to
                    1. Press the “menu” button.               3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   receive power even after you
Advanced Features

                    2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to       select the desired level. Press the   remove the ignition key; setting
                         select “Auto-On.” Press the “XM”        “XM” button to confirm.               Auto-Off prevents SKYFi2 from
                         button to confirm selection.         4. Press the “menu” button to return     draining the vehicle battery. You
                    3. Select “Off.” Press the “XM”              to the main menu and then again       may also use Auto-Off as a
                         button to confirm selection.            to return to normal operation.        “sleep” feature to turn SKYFi2
                    4. Press the “menu” button to return                                               off automatically after a period of
                         to the main menu and then again                                               time.
                         to return to normal operation. You
                         must now use the       button to
                         turn SKYFi2 on or off.

To set AutoOff:
1. Press the “menu” button.              Aiming the Home Antenna
2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   For the best reception possible, aim
   select “Auto-Off/Sleep Timer.”        the home antenna using the follow-
   Press the “XM” button to confirm      ing method:
   selection.                            1. Press the “menu” button.
3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to

                                                                                  Advanced Features
   select the time period. Press the        select “Antenna Aiming.” Press the
   “XM” button to confirm selection.        “XM” button to confirm selection.
4. Press the “menu” button to return     3. Slowly turn and tilt the antenna.
   to the main menu and then again          The “Satellite” and “Terrestrial”
   to return to normal operation.           signal bars will change. Find the
                                            position that gives the strongest
                                            signal strength on either
                                            “Satellite” or “Terrestrial.”
                                         4. Press the “menu” button to return
                                            to the main menu and then again
                                            to return to normal operation.

                    TuneSelect                                 To add a song to the TuneSelect list:       3. When any song in the list plays
                    TuneSelect notifies you when a             1. Press the “menu” button and select          on any channel, SKYFi2 beeps
                    favorite song or artist is playing on a       the “TuneSelect” option. You can            and displays “Artist/Song
                    channel other than the one you are            choose “Select by Song” (factory            Found” and the name of the
                    currently listening to. You can choose        default) or “Select by Artist.” Press       song.
                    to search for songs either by song title      the “menu” button to return to nor-      4. While the “Artist/Song Found”
                    or by the artist name, configurable in        mal operation.                              message is displayed, press the
Advanced Features

                    the menu under TuneSelect.                 2. While the song is playing, press and        “XM” button to switch to the
                                                                  hold the “XM” button for 2 seconds.         channel playing the song.
                                                                  SKYFi2 will beep and
                                                                  display “Artist/Song Selected.”
                                                                  SKYFi2’s TuneSelect feature can
                                                                  remember up to 20 songs or artists
                                                                  (not both); when the list is full, any
                                                                  new entry will replace the oldest
                                                                  song or artist in the list.

To delete a song from the                Stock Ticker                                         Note: SKYFi2 has an embedded list of
TuneSelect list:                         SKYFi2 can track up to 20 of your                    more than 9,000 regularly traded stock
1. Press the “menu” button.                                                                   symbols that helps complete partial
                                         favorite stock symbols, displaying
                                                                                              entries and prevents you from entering
2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   the price and daily movement on                      a non-existent symbol.
   choose “TuneSelect.” Press the        the screen.*
   “XM” button to confirm selection.
                                                                                              5. Press the “XM” button to con-            19
3. You may erase all songs or artists    To add a stock symbol:                                  firm and save the stock symbol

                                                                                                                                       Advanced Features
   in the list, or erase individual      1. Press the “menu” button.                             in memory.
   songs or artists. Use the scroll      2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)                  6. Press the “menu” button to
   wheel (or remote) and “XM” but-          to select “Stock Ticker.” Press the                  return to the main menu and
   ton to select the desired option         “XM” button to confirm.                              then again to return to normal
   and follow the instructions on the    3. Select “Add Stocks.”                                 operation.
   SKYFi2 display.                       4. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)                  7. Press the “display” button to
4. Press the “menu” button to return        to select each letter in the desired                 select mode 2 to view your
   to the main menu and then again          stock symbol. Press the “XM”                         personal Stock Ticker.
   to return to normal operation.           button after each letter.
                                         *You can track any stock and most indices listed on the NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ. Market
                                         information is delayed approximately 25 minutes. Stock data provided by ComStock, Inc.

                    To delete a stock symbol:                Info Extras                                  30Minute Replay
                    1. Press the “menu” button.              XM Satellite Radio will broadcast addi-      30-Minute Replay gives users the
                    2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   tional information such as sports scores     opportunity to finally “hear that song
                       select “Stock Ticker.” Press the      and other useful information features        again.” This feature applies to the
                       “XM” button to confirm.               throughout the time you own and use          current listening session only. Turning
                    3. Select “Erase Stocks.”                your SKYFi2.To view the most recent list     your SKYFi2 off removes all songs
                    4. SKYFi2 gives you a choice of          of available information, press the          from the up-to-30-minute buffer.
Advanced Features

                       deleting individual or all symbols.   “menu” button and select “Info Extras.”
                       Use the scroll wheel (or remote)      Then just follow the instructions on the
                       and the “XM” button to make           display to choose the type of Info Extras
                       your choice.                          you are interested in, personalize it to
                    5. Press the “menu” button to return     view as little or as much as you like, and
                       to the main menu and then again       look for new information that has been
                       to return to normal operation.        added.

To rewind to the beginning of a song:        4. To exit 30-Minute Replay and        Recall Last Channel
1. Press the        button. If a song has       return to the live XM broadcast,    Press the “jump” button to switch
    been playing for less than 5 seconds,       press and hold the     button       to the channel that was previously
    SKYFi2 rewinds to the beginning of          until SKYFi2 displays “LIVE” at     being listened to. Pressing the
    the previous song. If the song has          the top of the screen.              “jump” button more than once
    been playing for longer than 5                                                  allows you to switch between two
    seconds, SKYFi2 rewinds to the           To pause a song:                       channels at a time.

                                                                                                                         Advanced Features
    beginning of the current song.           1. Press the      button. The word
2. Pressing the       button again skips        “PAUSE” appears in the display.
    backward to previous songs in the        2. To resume playback from where
    order they played. SKYFi2 allows            you had paused, press the
    you to access up to 30 minutes of           button again.
    previously listened to live broadcast.   3. To return to the live XM broad-
3. Pressing the        button skips             cast, press and hold the
    forward.                                    button until SKYFi2 beeps and
                                                displays “LIVE” at the top of the

                    Direct Tune                              3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   To search by category:
                    Normally, you can use the scroll            select “On.” Press the “XM” button    1. Press the “menu” button. Select
                    wheel (or the remote’s up and down          to confirm.                              “Search Mode,” then select
                    buttons) to preview the artists and      4. Press the “menu” button to return        “Search by Category.” Return to
                    song titles on other channels. You          to the main menu and then again          normal operation by pressing the
                    must press the “XM” button to tune          to return to normal operation.           “menu” button. (“Search by
                    to the desired channel. To change                                                    Category” is the factory default.)
Advanced Features

                    this so that you do not have to press                                             2. Press the “search” button to enter
                    the “XM” button and SKYFi2               Search                                      category mode.
                    behaves like an FM radio or televi-      SKYFi2 allows you to search channels     3. Press the “search” button repeatedly
                    sion, change the “Direct Tune”           by category, scan through all presets,      until you find the desired category.
                    option to “On.”                          or scan through all channels. Select     4. Turn the scroll wheel to view
                    1. Press the “menu” button.              the search method through the menu.         channels within that category.
                    2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)                                                  Press the “XM” button to select a
                        to select “Direct Tune.” Press the                                               channel.
                        “XM” button to confirm.

To scan all presets:                    To scan all channels:                   Note: When searching, SKYFi2 does not
1. Press the “menu” button. Select      1. Press the “menu” button. Select      play any channel that you skipped using
   “Search Mode,” then select              “Search Mode,” then select           the “Channel Skip/Add” feature. You can
                                                                                always tune to these channels using the
   “Search by Scanning.” Return to         “Search by Scanning. Return to
                                                                                scroll wheel or by direct entry.
   normal operation by pressing the        normal operation by pressing the
   “menu” button.                          “menu” button.
2. Press the “preset/direct” button     2. Press the “preset/direct” button

                                                                                                                          Advanced Features
   to select one of the preset banks.      to select direct mode.
3. Press the “search” button.           3. Press the “search” button. SKYFi2
   SKYFi2 plays each preset channel         each channel for 5 seconds,
   for 5 seconds, then advances to         then advances to the next channel.
   the next preset.                     4. Press the “search” button again to
4. Press the “search” button again to      stop scanning.
   stop scanning.

                    Skipping Channels                        5. To add a channel back, use the scroll   Note: You can still tune to skipped channels
                    While Tuning                                wheel (or remote) to highlight that     by entering the channel number (in direct
                                                                channel. Press the “XM” button to       entry mode) or by pressing a preset (in pre-
                    You can choose to skip over certain
                                                                                                        set mode) if that channel has already been
                    channels when using the scroll wheel.       change the “-“ to a “+.”
                                                                                                        stored.This is not considered an appropri-
                    1. Press the “menu” button.              6. Press the “menu” button to return
                                                                                                        ate method for performing “parental con-
                    2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to      to the main menu and then again to      trol.” To completely block access to any XM
                       select “Channel Skip/Add.” Press         return to normal operation.             channel, contact XM Listener Care at
Advanced Features

                       the “XM” button to confirm.                                                      1.800.XM.RADIO (1.800.967.2346).
                    3. SKYFi2 displays a list of channels.
                       In front of each channel is a “+”
                       (meaning the channel is not
                       skipped) or a “-“ (meaning the
                       channel is skipped).
                    4. To skip a channel, use the scroll
                       wheel (or remote) to highlight that
                       channel. Press the “XM” button to
                       change the “+” to a “-.“

Setting the Clock                        Restoring Factory Defaults
1. Press the “menu” button.              This feature erases all of your person-
2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to   al settings in the presets, TuneSelect,
   select “Set Clock.” Press the “XM”    memory, Stock Ticker, and Sports
   button to confirm.                    Ticker, and resets all other settings to
3. You can use a 12-hour or 24-hour      the original factory configuration.
   (“military” time) format. Use the     1. Press the “menu” button.

                                                                                    Advanced Features
   scroll wheel (or remote) and “XM”     2. Using the scroll wheel (or remote),
   button to make your choice.               select “Set Factory Defaults.” Press
4. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) to       the “XM” button to confirm.
   choose your local time zone. You      3. Select “Yes” to restore the factory
   can also choose whether or not to         default settings. Press the “XM”
   adjust settings for daylight-saving       button to confirm. Otherwise,
   time. Press the “XM” button to            press the “menu” button to return
   confirm. XM automatically sets            to the main menu and then again
   the minutes.                              to return to normal operation.
5. Press the “menu” button to return
   to the main menu and then again
   to return to normal operation.

                    Setting the Display                        3. You may select between white
                    Screen Mode                                   characters on black background             Warning: Failure to follow these instructions
                                                                                                        could result in personal injury, death, and/or
                    You may change the appearance of the          or black characters on white          damage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,
                    display to suit your preference, or to        background (using “Background         and/or to your vehicle or other property.
                    improve visibility in bright sunlight or      Mode”) or scrolling versus non-
                    cold weather by disabling the scrolling       scrolling (using “Scrolling Mode”).
   26                                                                                                    Caution: Refrain from consuming or storing
                    text to allow information to be viewed     4. Press the “menu” button to return      food or drinks near your SKYFi2. Spilling food
Advanced Features

                    without scrolling.                            to the main menu and then again        or drink on the unit could damage it. Improperly
                                                                                                         installing the antenna cable could cause leaks
                    1. Press the “menu” button.                   to return to normal operation.         that can damage your SKYFi2, accessories,
                    2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)                                                  vehicle, or other property.
                    to select “Display Screen Mode.”
                    Press the “XM” button to confirm.

Reference                                   Accessories (sold separately)               Marine Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10046)
                                                                                        Allows you to use SKYFi2 on a boat.
                                            There are various accessories
                                                                                        Includes a splash-proof case, marine
Care of Your SKYFi2                         available for your SKYFi2. Consult
                                                                                        antenna, mount, and FM modulator.
Important:                                  your local retailer or
• Use only a soft, dry cloth to clean or                           Antenna Extension Cable for
   the outside of your SKYFi2, any for availability.           XM Home Antenna (SA10006)
   peripherals, and any accessories.                                                    Extends the antenna cable by 50 feet.
• Do not use any solvents, chemicals,       Vehicle Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10102)     Includes all necessary cables and             27
   or cleaning solutions containing         Use the Vehicle Kit to install SKYFi2 in    connectors.

   alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives.          another vehicle. Includes an antenna, 12V
                                            power adapter, cradle, and various          FM Direct Adapter by Delphi (SA10112)
• Do not allow liquids to spill on
                                            mounts.                                     For geographic areas with many FM sta-
   the unit.
                                                                                        tions and few open FM channels, the
• Do not use sprays near your SKYFi2.       Home Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10103)        Delphi FM Direct Adapter minimizes
• It is best to keep SKYFi2 out of direct   Allows you to use SKYFi2 in your home       interference. A professional installer can
   sunlight or other sources                or office. Includes a high-gain home        advise you whether this adapter is suit-
   of extreme heat.                         antenna, an AC power adapter, home          able for your vehicle and driving condi-
• Avoid placing SKYFi2 in places where      stand, and audio cable.                     tions. You may require additional anten-
   air cannot circulate around the unit.                                                na cable adapters depending on your
                                                                                        vehicle; consult your installer.

            Troubleshooting                       3. If you have installed SKYFi2 in a            with a 1-amp fuse only. If the 12V
            SKYFi2 is designed and built to          vehicle and it does not power on,            adapter does not have a remov-
            provide you with trouble-free per-       check the 12V adapter fuse by                able end-cap, it has an internal
            formance without the need for            unscrewing the ribbed end of the             fuse that resets itself after it is left
            servicing. If it does not appear to      12V adapter. If required, replace            unplugged for a period of time.
            be functioning properly, follow
            these troubleshooting steps first
            to try to remedy the situation        If you see this on the display:   You should:
            yourself:                             NO SIGNAL                         Move SKYFi2’s antenna away from the obstruct-

            1. Attach all connections firmly      Cause: the XM signal is being     ed area, e.g., an underground garage. Make sure
                and securely.                     blocked.                          the vehicle antenna is mounted outside the vehi-
                                                                                    cle or the home antenna is positioned near a
            2. Make sure the cigarette
                                                                                    south-facing window.
                lighter/auxiliary power socket
                is clean and free of corrosion.   ANTENNA                           Make sure the antenna is correctly attached to
                                                  Cause: the XM antenna is not      SKYFi2 and that the cable is not damaged or
                                                  plugged into SKYFi2.              kinked. Turn SKYFi2 off, then on, to reset this

                                                  OFF AIR                           Tune to another channel.
                                                  Cause: the channel selected is
                                                  not currently broadcasting.

If this happens:                     You should:
You do not receive all XM channels   Contact XM Satellite Radio (see page 6).
you have subscribed to.

Audio sounds distorted.              Reduce audio output level (see page 15).

Audio is too soft.                   Increase audio output level (see page 15).

You cannot tune to a channel.        Check that you have not chosen to skip that channel (see page 24). If the problem persists, contact
                                     XM Satellite Radio at 1.800.967.2346. Verify that you are authorized to receive that channel as part    29
                                     of your XM subscription, and that you have not asked XM Satellite Radio to block that channel.

No song title or artist name         Nothing is wrong with your SKYFi2. That information may be in the process of being updated.
displayed.                           On some sports and news channels, there is no title or artist information.

Audio has static while listening     Change to another FM frequency (see page 14). If the problem persists and you are using the
through your vehicle’s FM radio.     FM modulator in a vehicle, change to a hard-wired FM modulator (see page 15, page 27).

Audio on XM instant traffic and      Nothing is wrong with your SKYFi2. These channels use a different audio technology than the
weather channels sounds different    other XM channels.
from other XM channels.

            Contacting Technical Support             Technical Information                            Delphi Limited Consumer Warranty
                                                                                                      Delphi Product and Service Solutions
            and Customer Service                     Dimensions                                       (“Delphi”) warrants all Portable XM
            For additional information in solving      SKYFi2 Receiver: 4.65 in. W x 2.91 in. H x     Satellite Radio Accessory Products sold
            problems with your SKYFi2, contact          1.26 in. D (118 mm x 74 mm x 32 mm)           by Delphi (each “Product”) to be free of
            Delphi at 1.877.GO DELPHI                  SKYFi2 Remote Control: 1.58 in. W x 4.65 in.   defects in material and workmanship,
            (1.877.463.3574).                           H x .87 in. D (40 mm x 118 mm x 22 mm)        subject to the following conditions:
            • Customer Service: Monday—Friday,       Weight
                                                      SKYFi2 Receiver: 5.20 oz. (147 g)               The duration of Delphi’s warranty with
               8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
                                                      SKYFi2 Remote Control: 1.60 oz. (45 g)          respect to each Product is limited to one
            • Technical Support: Monday—Friday,                                                       (1) year from the date of sale to the original

               8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Eastern Time      Inputs and Outputs (when connected to car        consumer purchaser.
                                                     cradle or home stand)
            Customer service and technical support      Antenna: 1 RF SMB connector                   No other express warranties are made with
                                                        Power: 6V, 1000 mA maximum current,           respect to any Product. All implied warranties,
            are also available at
                                                          P13 connector, positive polarity            including warranties of merchantability and
                                                        Audio output: 3.5 mm diameter                 fitness for a particular purpose are limited
                                                          mini-stereo jack                            to the warranty period set forth above. This
                                                                                                      warranty is not transferable and applies
                                                                                                      only to the original consumer purchaser of
                                                                                                      the Product.

                                                                                                      Delphi will, as its sole obligation under this
                                                                                                      warranty, replace or repair, at its option,

any Product that does not conform to this       written instructions, (iii) alteration or         the warranty period, the purchaser will
warranty. Products may be repaired or           modification of a Product, (iv) misuse,           be required to furnish a sales
replaced with new or with refurbished           (v) neglect, (vi) abuse, (vii) accident, (viii)   receipt/proof of purchase indicating the
items. This limited warranty does not cover     normal wear and tear, (ix) commercial use,        date of purchase, amount paid, and
defects in appearance, cosmetic or decora-      (x) improper storage, (xi) environmental          place of purchase. Customers who fail
tive items, including any non-operative         conditions, including excessive temperature       to provide such proof of purchase will
parts. Under no circumstances will Delphi       or humidity, (xii) service by anyone other        be charged for the repair/replacement
be liable for any incidental or consequential   than a Delphi authorized repair facility,         of any Product.
damages under this warranty or any              (xiii) other improper application, installation
implied warranties. These remedies are the      or operation of the Product, or (xiv) defects     How state law relates to the warranty:
customer’s exclusive remedies for breach        or malfunctions of which Delphi is not            Some states do not allow limitations on
of warranty. This limited warranty only         advised within ten (10) days of the expiration    the duration of implied warranties, or      31

extends to customers who purchase the           of the limited warranty period.                   the exclusion or the limitation of inci-

Products in the United States.                                                                    dental or consequential damages. So
                                                How you (the Customer) can get service:           the above limitations or exclusions may
Delphi will not be responsible for damage       To obtain warranty service, you must return       not apply to you. This warranty gives
resulting from any (i) deviation from           the defective Product with the original           you specific legal rights. You may also
Delphi’s operating instructions as printed in   receipt to the original place of purchase. If     have other rights that may vary from
Delphi’s catalog or on any packaging,           further clarification or additional information   state to state. NO PERSON IS AUTHOR-
labels, or other literature provided with a     is required from Delphi, you may call Delphi      IZED BY DELPHI TO MODIFY OR ADD TO
Product, (ii) installation of a Product in a    at 1.877.GO DELPHI (1.877.463.3574). If war-      THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
manner which is inconsistent with Delphi’s      ranty service is needed at any time during

Delphi Corporation
1441 West Long Lake Road
Troy, Michigan 48098-5090
Customer Service: [1] 877.GO DELPHI

  Printed on Recycled Paper
©2006 Delphi Corporation. All rights reserved.   The SKYFi2 name, XM name, and related logos are
DPSS-06-E-060                                    trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.

Document Created: 2006-09-15 14:01:40
Document Modified: 2006-09-15 14:01:40

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