Antennan 5

FCC ID: RRK2007030071

Parts List/Tune Up Info

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              Salt-Spray Test Report
Module number: 120700001400E
Test equipment: TMJ 9701- 755305
Test ambience: 23±5℃

Humidity: 60±15%
EUT’s Model and quantity:
 1. Part number:
 2. Quantity: 10 pcs
Test condition: Non-operation
Test Method: Refer MIL-STD-810E Method 509.3
Test chamber temperature: 35± 1℃

Salt concentration: 5%± 1%
Salt solution Ph value: 6.5 to 7.2
Salt solution gravity: 1.035
Salt deposit rate: 0.5~3mls/80cm2/hrs
Duration of exposure: total 72 hrs

                    Salt-Spray Test Report
Test Results:
1. Visual inspection as normal.
2. Function test as normal during the test

Salt Spray Tester                    Test Before Appearance

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Pages 1

                                gzm ..
                                                                          Repert no. ca111391
                                                                          Date: sep. 29. 2004
                                      TEST REPORT
Kurabe tndustsiat Co., td.
4850 Takatsuka—Cho Hamamatou—Sbi
Shtruotccon, dopan

sarrte pescriprion
ue (1) group of sibunited samples said to be:
nem name             : 1235008 / F33022 Diclectric Core, ducket
ate sample reeeived : dul. 21, 2004
Pate test started       ut 22, 200.

Test comucrzo
As requested by the applicant,for details please

Remark : Resubis were transferred 6                       by dared    ut

Prepared and checked by
wor Intertek Testing Services
Taiwan Limited

Jrcob tin                                                            ‘hisrepontshailnot be
General Manager                                                      reprodvood cxcent in.
                                                                     wihout the waiten spprovet
                                                                     orthe tborster.

                             Intortek Tosting Services Tatwan Ltd.
                      167, 2t Ghin Shan Noth Road,Sec 2 Taims Tanan, no.0
                              4o mt tuet mmt t M i 9
                              dauts t ne mar n ie n
                     Taisaseaasoncosse rsuranes recs asense

                              DlEkicHq Labtest

                                                              Page a«s
                                                              repore o. catiinat
                                                              Date sep. as. aco«
Test conpucten
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                             DlEkicHq Labtest

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                            Inertes Teating Gervices TabranLis.
                      166 27.Gay SoaYorboss Sre5 Page, tamn. 00
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                                gzm ..
                                                                       page: nora
                                                                       Repert no. C415008
                                                                       pate: o. o1, 2004
                                     TEST REPORT
xurabe tndustsiat Co., tt.
4800 Tukartnutea—ChHamamatow—Sid
sttruotccon. dopan

sarrte pescriprion
ue (1) group of sibunited samples said to be:
nem name              : 11755020 / PSSOR% — Center Conductor, Outer Conductor
                        #ws5008 / 1755000 / EWSSO3® — Center Conductor
Date aample received : Sep. 24, 2004
Pate test started    : Sep. 2a, 2004

Test comucrzo
As requested by the applicant,for details pl                a       xge

Prepared and checked by
wor Intertek Testing Services
Taiwan Limited

Jrcob tin                                                         ‘hisrepontshailnot be
General Manager                                                   reprodvood cxcent in.
                                                                  wihout the waiten spprovet
                                                                  orthe tborster.

                             Intortek Tosting Services Tatwan Ltd.
                      167, 2t Ghin Shan Noth Road,Sec 2 Taims Tanan, no.0
                              4o mt tuet mmt t M i 9
                              dauts t ne mar n ie n
                     Taisaseaasoncosse rsuranes recs asense

                              DlEkicHq Labtest

                                                               pages a cca
                                                               Report o. C418058
                                                               Date: 0st at, 2004
Test conpucten
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Remarks : poon * Pari per sition

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Remarc: Reporting it » Guantation Tint of analse t sample solation
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                          Inertes Teating Gervices TabranLis.
                    166 27.Gay SoaYorboss Sre5 Page, tamn. 00
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    Test Report
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  Test Report meam (commynim
    x owevor crouseirons. n   (zegml
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    Test Report
I-PEX JP CO., LTD. TAIWAN BRANCH (JAPAN)                                                   Report No : CE/2004/42496
4F-4, NO.2, JIAN BA ROAD, CHUNG HO CITY,                                                   Date       : 2004/04/27
TAIPEI 235, TAIWAN, R.O.C.                                                                 Page      : 1 of 1

The following merchandise was(were) submitted and identified by the client as :

Type of Product                         :      MHF CONNECTOR
Style/Item No                           :      20278-111R-XX
Sample Received                         :      2004/04/22.
Testing Date                            :      2004/04/22 TO 2004/04/27


Test Result

PART NAME NO.1                          :      MIX GOLDEN COLORED METAL & BLACK PLASTIC

     Test Item(s):                  Unit        Method                                     MDL           NO.1
Chromium VI (Cr+6)                  ppm As per US EPA 7196A                                2             N.D.
                                         and US EPA 3060A.
Cadmium (Cd)                        ppm ICP-AES After As per EN 2                                        N.D.
                                        1122, Method B:2001 or
                                        other acid digestion.
Mercury (Hg)                        ppm ICP-AES After As per US 2                                        N.D.
                                        EPA 3052 or other acid
Lead (Pb)                           ppm ICP-AES After As per US 2                                        N.D.
                                        EPA 3050B or other acid

NOTE:(1) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)
      (2) ppm = mg/kg
      (3) MDL= Method Detection Limit
      (4) " ---" = Not Applicable

     The content of this PDF file is in accordance with the original issued reports for reference only. This Test Report cannot be reproduced, except in full,
     without prior written permission of the Company

         SGS TAIWAN LIMITED      NO. 136-1, Wu Kung Road, WuKu Industrial Zone, Taipei county, Taiwan.
                                  t(886-2) 22993939 f(886-2) 2299-3237

  Test Report

JeedimEeEe® w2i                                   We : cuzconrouts
en d temead t e mesnt                             SR      : 2000/007z0
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             Not. detected. (cl0L) / ARM i coctiBR
   C) pm = ma/g / BAz
   (3) MDt Wethod Dotection Limit(ORBIARI

sas ramancro.

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                in memininmb tnw                                         _

 FUSTOMER:                                                       CUST.PAt:
                    KSB RH 3.5x9x1.3 _                           K.C.PMN:    PS0329IA
  (1) SHAPE :                         ©                          A |3.5020.15           m/im
                                                                 B |9.0103              m/m
                          sc                                     c |1.30:0.15           m/m
                                                                 D                      m/im
                                                                 E                      m/im
                                                                 F                      m/m
                                                                 G                      m/m

  Z=          46° OHM AT. 25 MHz
  Zp          72° OHMfAT

' (4)pAcxm¢
         C                                                      (5) APPEARANCE
        [K]        moux        D vacuum         []   msermo            wasemonmsats
  z00| rcsmacee s      momoer Boiee       sorscarton= «m PCSJ           @tsemanats

       EespuATer       matescaktor=       PCS

       reymare         mayscattons        PCS

 (SREMARK:                                                      Approved by 4 3A & »s)
                                                                Checked by 7 44 ‘Z)
                                                                        _E A 146
                          KING CORE ELECTRONICS INC.                              ERONB

|customer                                                          CUST. PN
  rrEm                      KSB RH 3.5x9x1.3.                      KC.PN |PS032914
  TEMP.              24 °c            RH             69       9|   DwGNno.
 wRe            rew                   wmpme12                Tsl    oT
[Test Instruments

Mes.lem.        |z (OHM)|Z (OHM)                    A m/m          B m/im        C m/m

[SpecSussest.         45°              *            _|3.50:015|    9.0:03       A3+0.15
[TestFrea.      |25 MHZ |100 MHZ                                      I             7P
      1             62       98                        348.—||      8.98—|            1
      2             62       96                        348          8.96—]|        .20
      3             62       95                        346          9.00           1,20°
      a          _6          95                        348          896|           1.20
      s             6n   \|[1%6,||                    \3ias         8.98           118
     6                      | )            u\/ g‘     //
     7                      TT         F7
     8                            C



   x                   62              96             3.48          8.98          1.20
   R                    1              3              0.02          0.04          0.03
[Your Sample.
REMARK:                                                                       lApproved by:/& ij l
                                                                              (Checked by:   _& fl; %Z

                                                                              * 38%

                      K5B RH—3.5x9x1.3



                          10           100      1000
                               FREQ(MHZ)   _‘


表單編號:       94          申請日期: 2005/6/13    結單日期: 2005/6/14       結單: 9
部     門:PE產品工程部                            名    稱: WLAN Cable 16cm + core
主     旨: WLAN Cable 16cm + core test

傳簽內容: WLAN Cable 16cm + core test Report

 會簽人員            意見                            說明

核    准: 林棟樑 2005/06/14      審   查: 吳尚倫 2005/06/14   執   行: 湯仁智 2005/06/13

                  PE 主料測試報告
                           16cm WLAN Cable

               測試機種:VigorPro 100

測試結果: Pass
Tested by:      ______________________________   Date: ______________________

Checked by:     ______________________________   Date: ___________________

Approved by:    ______________________________   Date: ___________________

項次                           Test 項目
 0    File Download and Upload over-night Test   Pass
 1    Outdoor test                               Pass
 2    Indoor Test                                Pass


主測人員           Charles       協測人員                     日期     94 年 5 月 26 日
主 料:        16cm WLAN Cable                代用料:

製造商:        亞驪                             製造商:
測試機種        VigorPro100VGi                 相關機種 Vigor2600VG

          品名                  報價          幣別    匯率          平均單價 NTD
16cm WLAN Cable + core(無                  NTD
鉛)                            31.5                0             31.5
16cm WLAN Cable(無鉛)           30          NTD     0                 30


項目   設備名稱                          數量
1    AC Power Source(INTEK)        NA
2    PC(Windows XP)                 2
3    FTP Server                     1
4    電表                            NA
5    LAN Cable                      2
6    Wireless LAN Card(Vigor560)    1
7    VigorPro100VGi                 1
8    Note Book(IBM R40)             1
9    DLSM(M801)                    NA
10   SmartBits                     NA
11   Vigor2600VG                   NA
12   COUNTER                       NA
13   ISDN Server                   NA

1. DUT substance

      Vendor : 亞驪企業股份有限公司
      Cable length : 16 cm

Having a core on the antenna cable           Not include a core on the antenna cable
( DUT1 )                                     ( DUT2 )

2. Qulity of Antenna cable test
   A). Outdoor test :
     A-1). Devices requirement :

                    Device                  Quantity
                    DUT (VigorPro 100VGi)   *1
                    Notebook                *2
                    WLAN Cardbus            *1
                    Router Test Tool        *2

     A-2).Test environment :

     A-3). Notice :

            *The test engineer must to acknowledge at the test environment
            *About Router test tool setup :
                  Sampling Frequency : 1 times / sec.
                  Sessions : 2
                  Time interval :180 sec.
            *Test channel : Channel 1
      A-4). Result table :
                                            Mixed(11b + 11g)
                                     加core               未加core
                       TX            15.674 Mbps       14.853 Mbps
                       RX            17.895 Mbps       17.672 Mbps

      A-5). Test result :
Having a core on the antenna cable           Not include a core on the antenna cable

Mixed , TX                                    Mixed , TX

Mixed , RX                                    Mixed , RX

B). Indoor test
  B-1). Devices requirement :
             Device                            Quantity
             DUT (VigorPro 100VGi)             *1
             PC                                *2
             WLAN PCI card (Ralink solution)   *1
             Router Test Tool                  *2
  B-2).Test environment :

  B-3). Notice :
        *The test engineer must to acknowledge at the test environment
        *About Router test tool setup :
              Sampling Frequency : 1 times / sec.
              Sessions : >=2
              Time interval :>=60 sec.

      B-4). Result table :
                                      TX                      RX
                               加core      未加core       加core      未加core
                  11b       5.323 Mbps 5.376 Mbps 5.635 Mbps 5.595 Mbps
                  11g       21.262 Mbps 22.076 Mbps 19.871 Mbps 20.163 Mbps
             Mixed(11b+11g) 19.948 Mbps 20.148 Mbps 20.762 Mbps 20.700 Mbps

      B-5). Test result :

Having a core on the antenna cable         Not include a core on the antenna cable

11b , TX                                    11b , TX

11b , RX                                    11b , RX

11g , TX     11g , TX

11g , RX     11g , RX

Mixed , TX   Mixed , TX

Mixed , RX                                                                                                      Mixed , RX
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Document Created: 2007-07-27 12:20:40
Document Modified: 2007-07-27 12:20:40

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