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RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                         SchweizerischerKalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                                  Service suisse d‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                                  Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                      Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Federal Offce of Metrology and Accreditation                            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

Client       CCS (Auden)—                                                                       Gertificate No: EX3—3531_Dec06

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                                            I
 Object                                EX3DV3 — SN:3531

 Calibration procedure(s)              QA CAL—O1.v5, QA CAL—12.v4 and QA CAL14.v3
                                       Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

 Calibration date:                     December 14, 2006

 Condition of the calibrated item      In Tolerance

 This callbration certificate documents the traceabilty to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1).
 The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probabiliy are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facilty: environment temperature (22 2 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)
 Primary Standards                      i#                        Cal Date (Calibrated by. Certificate No.)           Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter E44198                     cestzessra                5—Apr—08 (METAS, No. 251—00557)                     Apror
 Power sensor E4412A                    MY41495277                5—Apr—06 (METAS, No. 251—00557)                     Apr—07
 Power sensor E4412A                    My41408087                5—Apr—06 (METAS, No. 251—00557)                     Apr.o7
 Reference 3 dB Attenuator              SN: $5054 (3c)            10—Aug—06 (METAS, No. 217—00592)                    Aug—07
 Reference 20 dB Attenuator             h: ssose (206)            4—Apr.06 (METAS, No. 251—00558)                     Apror
 Reference 30 dB Attenuator             sh: ss120 (30b)           10—Aug—06 (METAS, No. 217—00508)                    Aug—07
 Reference Probe ESSDV2                 SN: 3013                  2—an—06 (SPEAG, No. ES3—3013_Jan06)                 Jan—07                       |
 DAE4                                   SN: 654                   21—Jun—06 (SPEAG, No. DAE4—654_Jun06)               Jun—07

 Secondary Standards                    n#                        Check Date (in house)                               Scheduled Check
 RF generator HP 8648C                  Usse42u01700              4—Aug—99 (SPEAG, in house check Nov—05)             In house check: Nov—07
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E              ussrsooses                18—0ct—01 (SPEAG, in nouse check Oct—06)            In house check: Oct.07
                                       Name                                    Function                              Signature
 Calibrated by:                        Kaga Pokovie                            Technical Manager                    ///g' / 7

 Approved by:                          Niels Kuster                            Qualty Manager

                                                                                                                      Issued: January 19, 2007
 This callbration certiicate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: EX3—3531_Dect6                                        Page 1 of 9

      i      Laboratory of                                                      B   Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
 Schmid & Partner                                                               c   Service suisse d‘étalonnage
   Engineering AG                                                                   Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                    S   Swiss Calibration Service

 Accredited by the Swiss Fedoral Offce of Metrology and Accreditation            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
 The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
 Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

TSL                           tissue simulating liquid
NORMx.y,z                     sensitivity in free space
ConF                          sensitivity in TSL / NORMxy,z
DCP                          diode compression point
Polarization o               © rotation around probe axis
Polarization $               8 rotation around an axis thatis in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                              measurement center), i.e., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
     b) CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurementof Specific Absorption Rate
          related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3
          GHz), July 2001

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E—field polarization $ = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—cell; f > 1800 MHz:
     R22 waveguide). NORMx,y,z are only intermediate values, i.e., the uncertainties of
     NORMx,y,z does not effect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
  * NORM(Axy,z = NORMx,y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
         linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
         the frequency responseis included in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
    *    DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of
         power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
    *    ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or
         Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field
         distributions based on power measurements for £ > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
         assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
         typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
         improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds to
         NORMx,y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
         frequency dependent ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows
         extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100 MHz.
    ©    Sphericalisotropy (3D deviation from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a
         flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
    *    Sensor Offset; The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
         from the probetip (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

Certificate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                                  Page 2 of 9

    EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                               December 14, 2006

                       Probe EX3DV3

                                Manufactured:                    May 17, 2004
                                Last calibrated:                 September 18, 2006
                                Repaired:                        November 27, 2006
                                Recalibrated:                    December 14, 2006

                                    Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                     (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certficate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                  Page 3 of 9

    EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                                                 December 14, 2006

    DASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV3 SN:3531

    Sensitivity in Free Space*®                                                           Diode Compression®
              NormX                    0.740 £10.1%               uV/(Vim)               DCP x           96 mV
              NormY                    0.600 £10.1%               uV/(V/m)               DCP Y           94 mV
              NormZ                    0.670 £10.1%               pV/(Vim)               DCP Z           94 mV

    Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
    Please see Page 8.

    Boundary Effect

    TSL                       900 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 5 % per mm

              Sensor Center to Phantom Surface Distance                                  2.0 mm 3.0 mm
              SARs, %]             Without Correction Algorithm                              2.6   0.7
              SARs, [%]            With Correction Algorithm                                 0.0   0.1

    TSL                     1750 MHz           Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

              Sensor Center to Phantom Surface Distance                                  2.0 mm 3.0 mm
              SARs, %]             Without Correction Algorithm                              2.9    18
              SARs. 0)             With Correction Algorithm                                 0.5   0.5

    Sensor Offset
              Probe Tip to Sensor Center                                            1.2 mm

    The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of
    measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

   * The uncertainties of NomXY,Z do not affectthe E*—eld uncertainty inside TSL (see Page 8).
   * Numerical inearization parameter: uncertainty not required

Certficate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                               Page 4 of 9

    EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                                                            December 14, 2006

                                                              Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                                (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                                                 o Inalaafn    artmanl

                                                 13 +
               Frequency response (normalized)

                                                          Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

Certficate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                                                Page 5 of 9

       EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                              December 14, 2006

                                   Receiving Pattern (6), 8 = 0°

                                                                     £= 1800 MHz, WG R22


       ‘     I—O—X        —@—y   —@—Z   —O—Toti      |

   | g i
             1.0 ——
             as       —
                                                                                           [—o—so kz
                                                                                           |—a—100 MHz
   | g’g e                                                                                 ——600 MHz
   | § as                                                                                  —=— 1800 MHz ‘
           4 94                                                                            —a—2500 MHz ‘
             «8 (——
             10       —                                                                                  |
                  0                                                                  360                 ‘
   |                                                                                                     |
                                 Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (k=2)

Certficate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                     Page 6 of 9

    EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                                            December 14, 2006

                                                Dynamic Range f(SARpesq)
                                                      (Waveguide R22, f = 1800 MHz)
              Input Signal [uV)

                                     0.0001   0.001

                                                           SAR [mWiem‘]

                                              Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                               Page 7 of 9

     EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                                                  December 14, 2006

                                   Conversion Factor Assessment

    f mHz] Validity [MHz]®           TSL      Permittivity    Conductivity       __Alpha   Depth      ConvE Uncertainty
    450       *50 /+ 100            Head      43.5%5%         0.87£5%             0.46       0.61      10.68    £13.3% (k=2)
    835       50 /+ 100             Head     41.5%5%          0.9025%             0.50      0.80       10.57    £11.0% (k=2)
    200       *50 /+ 100            Head     41.5%5%          0.9725%             0.59       0.75      10.51    £11.0% (k=2)
    1450      50 / 100              Head     40.5%5%          1.2025%             0.30       1.10       8.75    £11.0% (k=2)
    1750      * 50 /# 100           Head     40.1%5%            1.3745%           0.16      115         8.88 £11.0% (k=2)
    1900      50 / £ 100            Head     40.0%5%          1.4025%             0.19       1.09       8.52 £11.0% (k=2)
    2000      *50 /+ 100            Head     40.0£5%          14025%              0.32       1.00       8.61 £11.0% (k=2)
    2450      50 /£ 100             Head     39.2%5%          1.8025%             0.33       1.00       7.96 £11.8% (k=2)
    4950      * 50 /# 100           Head     36.3%5%          4.4025%             0.35      1.75        5.26 £13.1% (k=2)
    5200      * 50 /« 100           Head     36.0£5%          4.6625%             0.35       1.75       4.80 £13.1% (k=2)
    5300      *50 /+ 100            Head     35.925%          4.7625%             0.35       1.75       4.54 £13.1% (k=2)
    5500      + 50 /x 100           Head     35.625%          4.9625%             0.35       1.75       446 £13.1% (kc=2)
    5600      + 50 /# 100           Head     35.5%5%          5.0725%             0.35       1.75       4.33 £13.1% (=2)
    5800      * 50 / £ 100          Head     35.3%5%          5.27 25%            0.30      1.80        4.28 213.1% (k=2)

    450       *50 /+ 100            Body     56.7%5%          0.94%5%             0.40      0.60       11.61 £13.3% (c=2)
    835       50 / £ 100            Body     55.2%5%          0.97£5%             0.60      0.80       10.96 £11.0% (k=2)
    900       * 50 /+ 100           Body     55.0%5%          1.0525%             0.59      0.75       10.89 £11.0% (k=2)
    1450      * 50 /# 100           Body     54.025%          1.3025%             0.30       1.10       8.66 £11.0% (k=2)
    1750      +50 /+ 100            Body     534%5%           14915%              0.15      141         8.75    £11.0% (k=2)
    1900      +50 /+ 100            Body     53.325%          1.52125%            0.12       1.67       843.    £11.0% (k=2)
    2000      *50 /x 100            Body     53.325%          1.5225%            041       1.00         8.27    211.0% (k=2)
    2450      *50 / x 100           Body     52.1725%        1.9525%             044       1.00         7.88    £11.8% (k=2)
    4950      *50 / 100             Body     49.4%5%         5.0125%             0.35       1.85        440     £13.1% (k=2)
    5200     +50 / + 100            Body     49.025%         5.3015%             0.35       1.85        411.    213.1% (k=2)
    5300     50 / £ 100             Body     48.525%         542+5%              0.35       1.85        381.    £13.1% (k=2)
    5500     50 / £ 100             Body     48.625%         5.65 25%            0.35       1.85        3.82.   £13.1% (k=2)
    5600     * 50 /# 100            Body     48.5%5%         5.77 25%            0.35       1.85        3.70    £13.1% (k=2)
   5800      50 /+ 100              Body     48.215%         6.00£5%             0.35       1.85        3.61.   £13.1% (k=2)
   © The validity of £ 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2}. The uncertainty is the RSS
   of the Convi® uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band.

Certiicate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                            Page 8 of 9

    EX3DV3 SN:3531                                                                           December 14, 2006

                                Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                             Error (¢, 8), f = 900 MHz

                                                                                                  Error [dB]

               |                                   on ines
                                ©—1.00—0.80 ©—0.80—0.60 ©1—0.60—0.40 —0.40—0.20 ©1—0.20—0.00

               |                ©o.00020 ©o20040 O              —0.60   ©0.50—0.80   ©0.80—1.00                J

                            Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (Kk=2)

Certficate No: EX3—3531_Dec06                     Page 9 of 9

Document Created: 2007-03-03 13:43:54
Document Modified: 2007-03-03 13:43:54

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