User Manual

FCC ID: RPNE5KTX10046340

Users Manual

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EVOLUTION 5000 Transmitter
Wireless Video Transmission System
Operation and Instructions

10048454 / 00

Table of Contents

1   Before Use / Description                   4     Battery Information
    Introduction                                     Rechargable Batteries
    Features and Benefits                            Battery Installation and Care
    Before Use / Description                         Battery Maintenance
    About the Transmitter                            Caution
                                               5   Maintenance and Adjustments
2   Warnings and Cautions
                                                     General Maintenance
3   Operation                                        Troubleshooting
    Getting Started                                  Service
    Turning the Transmitter ON and OFF
                                               6   Warranty and Service
    Channel Selection Button
                                               7   Ordering Information
    Using Interface- Indicators and Warnings
    Battery LED / System Status


1   Before Use / Description
    Introduction                                             Construction                  Flame resistant,
    Congratulations on the purchase of your new                                            water resistant,
    MSA EVOLUTION 5000 Thermal Imaging                                                    externally mounted to
    Transmitter. This handheld unit provides                                               the TIC.
    advanced technology backed by years of MSA               Approximate      Height       210 mm, 8.5 in
    quality, dedication, and service.                        Dimensions       Width        140 mm, 5.5 in
                                                                              Length       120 mm, 5 in
    This high definition Transmitter provides the
                                                             Weight           w/ battery 455 g, 16.1 oz
    latest in available transmission technology
                                                                              w/o battery 360 g, 12.7 oz
    Before Use / Description                                 Power Source                  Rechargable Li Ion
    The   EVOLUTION        5000     Thermal     Imaging                                    battery
    Transmitter is a highly sophisticated piece of           Power            at room      max 430 mA when both
    electronic equipment. The unit is designed to            Consumption      temperature Channel LED´s are lit and

    withstand the firefighting conditions of heat,                                         the battery LED is
    driving spray, and frequent impact normally                                            flashing red
    seen in the Fire Service. Exsessive rough                Operating        1 Li Ion     > 4 hours
    handling may damage the Transmitter and                  Time             battery
    render it inoperable. It is not recommended                               pack
    that the Transmitter run for extended periods            Transmitting     EIRP         450 mW
    in high-heat conditions.                                 Power
                                                             Transmission     Line of      1 mile
    The EVOLUTION 5000 Thermal Imaging
                                                             Range            sight
    Camera and Transmitter is intended as an aid
                                                             Channel 1        Frequency               2458 MHz
    to fire and rescue operations, and training. It is
                                                             Channel 2        Frequency               2474 MHz
    not a replacement for standard firefighting
    techniques and precautions. Users must ensure              This device complies with part 90 of the FCC
    that the fire department´s standard operating              rules. Operation is subject to the following two
    procedures are followed while using the                    conditions: (1) this device may not cause
    Transmitter.                                               harmful interference, and (2) this device must

    About the Transmitter                                      accept any interference received, including
                                                               interference      that    may      cause    undesired
    The EVOLUTION 5000 Thermal Imaging
    Transmitter is:

    • equipped with two user selectable channels
       to provide the best transmission of images.

    • designed ergonomically for the firefighting

    • designed        to   easily   attach      to    the
       EVOLUTION           5000     TIC   for        rapid
       deployment without compromising the
       TIC´s design when not in use.


2       Warning and Cautions
                         WARNING                                                              CAUTION
    1    The user must be trained and thoroughly                         1    Ensure that the battery is fully charged
         familar with the proper operation and                                before use. If not fully charged, the system
         limitations of the Transmitter. Use in                               will not operate for the specified amount of
         controlled exercises is suggested before                             time. Monitor level during use and be
         using the equipment in actual emergency                              prepared to exit the hazardous area when a
         situations. Improper use of the equipment in                         low battery warning is observed.
         a hazardous atmoshere could result in
                                                                         2    Electromagnetic radiation (radio transmis-
         serious injury or death.
                                                                              sion) may cause interference. Minimize other
    2    Do not rely on the TIC´s image as the sole                           nearby   radio     transmissions      if    exessive
         means      of    navigation    or      deviate     from              interference occurs.
         standard fire-fighting practices during use.
                                                                         3    Do not drop the Transmitter. Although the
         Most electronic devices will cease to operate                        system is designed to withstand normal
         at    certain    high    temperature         extremes.               impacts that occur in fire service, such
         Exposure to excessive thermal conditions                             impacts may alter the transmission or
         may result in deterioration and loss of                              damage the unit.
                                                                              FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE ABOVE CAUTIONS
    3    This Transmitter is not rated as "Intrinscally                       CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY
         Safe".     Do    not     use     the     system      in              OR DEATH.
         environments, or atmosheres where static or
         sparks may cause an explosion.
                                                                         1    Although the Transmitter is water resistant,
    4    Before entering a hostile environment, test
                                                                              the thermal imaging camera does not
         the      Transmitter     as    specified      in    the
                                                                              provide under water images.
         instructions to ensure that it is functional.
         After each use inspect the system to                            2    The system will show reduced or no

         determine if servicing is required.                                  performance when transmitting video signals
                                                                              through thick walls of concrete or other
    5    Replacement batteries must be identical to
                                                                              building materials.
         the ratings and configuration of those
         supplied with the equipment.
                                                                   3         Operation
    6    Do not remove the case or cover of the
         electronics. Only authorized personnel may                Operation
         service the unit.                                         Getting started
                                                                   The       rechargable     batteries   supplied        with   the
         FAILURE         TO      FOLLOW         THE       ABOVE
                                                                   Transmitter must be fully charged before use. Also,
         WARNINGS         CAN      RESULT       IN    SERIOUS
                                                                   periodically check and replace the battery in an
                                                                   actively-used transmission system.
                                                                              See "Battery care and Installation" later in
                                                                              this manual.


The     unit    must      be    attached      to    the   Attaching      the     Transmitter       to    the
                                                                      
EVOLUTION 5000 TIC.                                       EVOLUTION 5000 TIC

n     Place a fully charged battery inside the housing.
      Open the housing

                                                          o   Fasten the TRANSMITTER to the EVOLUTION
                                                          5000 TIC housing

Insert the fully charged battery

                                                          p   Secure the antenna inside of the front handle of
                                                              the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC

Close the housing


q   Place   the       transmitter    housing   onto   the   Turning the system ON and OFF
    EVOLUTION          5000    TIC    and   connect   the
                                                            Once the Transmitter is properly mounted to the TIC
    Transmitter via cable to the SMA video outlet of
                                                            turn on the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC [see instructions
    the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC
                                                            for use of the TIC]. The Transmitter will switch on
                                                            automatically. The system will begin to operate on
                                                            channel one [1]. The system shows the ON mode with
                                                            a lit battery and channel LED.

                                                            Verify that the Transmitter is functioning – the
                                                            thermal image must be shown on the display of the
                                                            receiver station or monitor.

                                                                    • The Transmitter is now ready for use

r   The system is now ready for operation                   NOTE:      If the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC is switched to
                                                                       standby     mode,     the    Transmitter   will
                                                                       continue to transmit a video signal.

                                                            Turning     the      camera    completely     OFF     will
                                                            automatically switch OFF the Transmitter.

                                                            Channel Selection Button

                                                            The green channel selection button offers the ability
                                                            to change the transmitting frequency. Pushing the
                                                            button for about one second will change from
                                                            channel 1 to channel 2 or vice-versa.

                                                            It is also possible to switch OFF the Transmitter
                                                            seperately. To turn the Transmitter OFF, press and
                                                            hold the channel selection button [green] in for four


•     To avoid inadvertent switching of the channels     Channel LED [green]
         changes or shutdown, the green button
                                                                 One lit LED indicates channel 1 is selected.
         must be held for four seconds to turn OFF
         the Transmitter.                                        Two lit LEDs indicate channel 2 is selected.

                                                         When the wireless video tansmission system is
      • When all LED indicators shut OFF the user        turned OFF, all LED´s are darkened.
         may release the green button

                                                         4      Battery Information
      • The Transmitter is now OFF
                                                         Rechargable Batteries

                                                         The EVOLUTION 5000 Transmitter runs on one
                                                         Lithium Ion battery. Although this is the same type
                                                         battery used in the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC the
                                                         Transmitter is powered seperately

                                                         Battery Installation and Care

                                                         Install the battery as described in point 3 "getting

                                                         Battery Maintenance
To turn the Transmitter ON again push the channel
selection button and hold it for approximately one       After each use, inspect:
second. The Transmitter will restart on the same                • battery contacts for damage
channel in which it was switched off.

User interface-indicators and warnings

                                                                Normal battery shown.
Battery LED / System Status

        A lit battery and channel LED indicates that
        the Transmitter is on and fully operational.

        • Green indicates full or nearly full battery.

        • Yellow       indicates   marginal    battery

        • Red     indicates   battery   warning    and
           nominally 15 minutes of battery capacity

        • Flashing Red indicates battery shutdown
           is imminent [about one minute of
           warning time].


•     batteries for damage or leakage                     5       Maintenance and Adjustments

                                                          General Maintenance

                                                          After each use, inspect

                                                              •     the Transmitter for structural, heat and / or
                                                                    chemical damage.

                                                              •     the mechanical hardware to ensure no
                                                                    screws are loose and no O-rings or gaskets
                                                                    are loose or misplaced.

                                                              •     to ensure that all warning labels are intact.

                                                              •     battery - see "Battery Care and Installation"
      Image indicates no damage.
                                                              •     charger and Transmitter LED´s for proper
Stand Alone Battery Charger
                                                                    indication that the system is operating
The battery charger [sold seperately] is the same that              properly.
is used with the EVOLUTION 5000 TIC or is available
                                                          NOTE: Transmitter         not    meeting       the   above
as accessory [see ordering information]. Please
                                                                    inspection must be removed from service and
consult your EVOLUTION 5000 TIC users manual for
                                                                    returned for repair.
battery charging instructions. The battery must be
removed from the Transmitter prior to charging.

Truck Charger                                             Cleaning

When the Transmitter is attached to the EVOLUTION        After each use, clean all external surfaces by wiping
5000 TIC, the combined unit cannot be used with the       with a solution of mild detergent and warm water.
EVOLUTION 5000 Truck Charger or Truck Bracket.            Dry with a lint-free cloth, to avoid scratching the
The Transmitter must be completely detached from          surfaces.
the TIC before inserting the TIC into the Truck Charger
                                                          Periodically check connector terminals, video socket,
or Truck Bracket. The Transmitter battery cannot be
                                                          channel     switch,   locking    latch   and    hinge     for
charged while inside the Transmitter.
                                                          contamination. Clean with a lint-free cloth.

Although    the    EVOLUTION        5000   TIC    and                            CAUTION
EVOLUTION 5000 Transmitter use the same type
                                                          Do not use solvents or paint thinners to clean the
of battery, each component is powered seperately.
                                                          Transmitter; otherwise, the protective case may
The Transmitter battery does not provide power to
                                                          become degraded.
the TIC and the TIC battery does not provide power
to   the   Transmitter.    Battery    indicators   are
independent for each device.                                                      WARNING

                                                          Do not remove the Transmitter cover or electrical
                                                          casing. Only authorized personnel may service the


 Troubleshooting Guidelines                                  6    Warranty and Service
           Symptom                     Possible Solution     MSA Warranty
 No LED´s lit                   Check cable connection to    1     Warranty - seller warrants that this product
                                SMA video outlet of the            will be free from mechanical defect or faulty
                                TIC. Is the cable threaded
                                                                   workmanship for a period of one [1] year from
                                correctly ?.
                                                                   date of purchase, provided it is maintained
                                Check power connections.           and used in accordance with seller´s
                                Is power available ?
                                                                   instructions and / or recommendations. The
                                Is a battery inside the            seller shall be released from all obligations
                                camera and is the                  under this warranty in the event repairs or
                                EVOLUTION 5000 TIC
                                                                   modifications are made by persons other
                                turned ON ?
                                                                   than its own or authorized service personnel
                                Is a battery inside the            or if the warranty claim results from physical
                                Transmitter ?                      abuse or misuse of the product.
                                Are the batteries fully            No agent, employee or representative of the
                                charged ?
                                                                   seller has any authority to bind the seller to
                                Inspect battery contacts           any affirmation, representation or warranty
                                for dirt, corrosion or             concerning the goods sold under this
                                damage. If necessary               contract.
                                clean or replace battery.
                                                                   THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER
                                Push the channel switch
                                                                   WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR
                                for approximately one
                                second.                            STATUTORY, AND IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO
                                                                   THE TERMS HEREOF: SELLER SPECIFICALLY
 Service                                                           DISCLAIMS    ANY     WARRANTY      OF
                                                                   MERCHANTIBILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A
 If your EVOLUTION 5000 Transmitter is in need of
                                                                   PARTICULAR PURPOSE:
 service or repair, please contact the MSA Service
 Center at 1-877-MSA-FIRE.                                   2     Exclusive remedy - It is expressly agreed that
                                                                   purchaser´s sole and exclusive remedy for
 Describe the Problem to the representative as                     breach of the above warranty, for any
 completely as possible.                                           tortious conduct of seller, or for any other
                                                                   cause of action, shall be the repair and / or
 1. Verify with your representative that the product
                                                                   replacement at the seller´s option, of any
     should be returned to MSA.                                    equipment or parts thereof, which after
 2. Before returning the product, decontaminate and                eamination by seller is proven to be defective.
                                                                   Replacement equipment and / or parts will be
     clean your Transmitter to remove any hazardous
                                                                   provided at no cost to purchaser, F.O.B.
     materials that may have settled on the product
                                                                   seller´s plant. Failure of seller to successfully
     during use.                                                   repair any nonconforming product shall not
3.   Laws and / or shipping regulations prohibit the               cause the remedy established hereby to fail
                                                                   of its essential purpose.
     shipment         of   hazardous     or   contaminated
     materials.                                              3     Exclusion of Consequential Damage -
                                                                   Purchaser specifically understands and
 4. Products suspected of contamination will be                    agrees that under no circumstances will seller
     professionally decontaminated at the customer´s               be liable to purchaser for economic, special,
     expense before servicing.                                     incidental or consequential damages or
                                                                   losses of any kind whatsoever, including but
 5. Ship returned products [including those under                  not limited to, loss of anticipated profits and
     warranty] with pre-paid transportation charges;               any other loss caused by reason of non-
     MSA cannot accept returned goods on a freight-                operation of the goods. This exclusion is
     collect basis.                                                applicable to claims for breach of warranty,
                                                                   tortious conduct or any other cause of action
                                                                   against seller.


                     MSA Factory Repair & Service Policy Card
To help process your repair requests, please provide the following information:
Please complete this form in full. Thank you.

Customer´s billing address:                              Customer´s shipping address:
Company Name                                             Company Name

Street / P.O. Box                                        Street / P.O. Box

City / State / Zip                                       City / State / Zip

Contact name                                             Phone number

Product name                                             Fax number

Model number                                             Your PO

To save time - please check ONE of these alternatives:   Description of problem / special instructions:

           Repair and return [PO number must
           be provided

           Estimate required before return

           Warranty claim [original MSA invoice

           Medical RA

Authorized by:                                  Title:                        Date:     -       -



7   Ordering Information

       Part number                                         Description

        10046340           EVOLUTION 5000 Transmitter
         10041100          Charger, 110 / 220 VAC with cigarette lighter adapter
         10038412          Lithium Ion battery
         10046342          Replacement Strap
         10048454          "Operation and Instructions" Manual
         10048134          Receiver station w/ LCD-monitor
         10048135          Receiver station w/o LCD-monitor



Document Created: 2003-12-18 09:13:10
Document Modified: 2003-12-18 09:13:10

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