test report part 80


Test Report

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Test report

based on:
FCC Part 80 (10-1-10 Edition)

150W MF/HF SSB radiotelephone with integrated
class-A DSC controller, NBDP controller and 6-ch
scanning watch-keeping receiver

                                                                                                                         Report number:                 20103937306


MAIN MODULE ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1       INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................. 3
   2       PRODUCT .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
   3       TEST SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
   4       PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................................................. 5
   5       OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS....................................................................................................................... 6
   6       SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
   7       CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 7
TEST RESULTS MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... 8
   1      SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
   2      TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 9
       2.1     Radiated spurious (> 30 MHz), cabinet radiation .................................................................................. 9
       2.2     Conducted spurious at the antenna terminal ......................................................................................... 10
       2.3     Occupied bandwidth .............................................................................................................................. 11
       2.4     Transmitter power ................................................................................................................................. 17
       2.5     Frequency stability with temperature .................................................................................................... 18
       2.6     Frequency stability with supply voltage ................................................................................................ 19
       2.7     Audio frequency response of SSB telephony .......................................................................................... 20
       2.8     Level control and/or limiter for SSB ...................................................................................................... 21
USED TEST EQUIPMENT MODULE ................................................................................................................... 22

This report comprises of three modules. The total number of pages is: 22

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Main module                                                         Report number: 20103937306

Main module
1     Introduction
This report contains the result of tests performed by:

        Telefication B.V.
        Edisonstraat 12a
        6902 PK Zevenaar
        The Netherlands

Telefication complies with the accreditation criteria for test laboratories as laid down in ISO/IEC
17025:2005. The accreditation covers the quality system of the laboratory as well as the specific
activities as described in the authorized annex bearing the accreditation number L021 and is
granted on 30 November 1990 by the Dutch Council For Accreditation (RvA: Raad voor
Accreditatie). The copyright of this test report is owned by Telefication bv and may not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of Telefication bv.

Ordering party:

Company name       :    Thrane & Thrane A/S
Address            :    Lundtoftegårdsvej 93 D
Zipcode            :    2800
City/town          :    Kgs. Lyngby
Country            :    Denmark
Date of order      :    2 September 2010

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Main module                                                         Report number: 20103937306

2       Product
A sample of the following product was submitted for testing:

Product name                 :   150W MF/HF SSB radiotelephone with integrated class-A DSC
                                 controller, NBDP controller and 6-ch scanning watch-keeping
Manufacturer                 :   Thrane & Thrane A/S
Trade mark                   :   SAILOR
Type designation             :   TT-6311A

Units                        :   Transceiver unit       TT-6361A (FET technology))
                                 Control unit           TT-6301A
                                 Antenna tuner unit     TT-6381A

FCC ID                       :   ROJ6300

Software version             :   Test SW: 1.02 - 1.03

Hardware version             :   BOM Revision A

Serial number TU             :   0704040006

3       Test schedule
Tests are carried out in accordance with the specification detailed in chapter 6 "Summary" of this

Tests are carried out at the following location:
        Telefication, Zevenaar

Tests are carried out between:
         28 October 2010 and 16 February 2011

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Main module                                                        Report number: 20103937306

4     Product documentation
For production of this report the following product documentation is used:

Description                        Identification                            Date
User manual                        98-131070-A_USER_MANUAL.pdf               February 16, 2011
Installation manual                98-130890-A Preliminary-01_.pdf           2010
Correction sheet User Manual       correction-sheet-for-9813170-A.pdf        25-2-2011
Installation Guide Control Unit    TT98-132396-A Installation Guide          9-2-2011
                                   SAILOR 630x MF_HF Control
Installation Guide Transceiver     TT98-133081-A Installation Guide          9-2-2011
Unit and Antenna Tuning Unit       SAILOR MF_HF ATU and TU.pdf
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122883-C55.pdf                       21-12-2006
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122883-C56.pdf                       21-12-2006
Electrical diagram                 TT93-122883-D.pdf                         26-9-2007
Assembly drawing                   38-127961-C_CD1.PDF                       14-1-2011
Assembly drawing                   38-127961-C_CD8.PDF                       14-1-2011
Electrical diagram                 93-127961-c.pdf                           14-1-2011
Assembly diagram                   38-127962-B_ASB.pdf                       14-1-2011
Assembly drawing                   38-127962-B_AST.pdf                       14-1-2011
Electrical diagram                 93-127962-b.pdf                           14-1-2011
Printed circuit board              TT38-122881-C54.pdf                       31-1-2007
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122881-C56.pdf                       19-12-2006
Electrical diagram                 TT93-122881-H.pdf                         27-4-2009
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122880-D56.pdf                       1-6-2007
Electrical diagram                 TT93-122880-F.pdf                         1-6-2007
Printed Circuit Board              38-122882-A54.pdf                         31-1-2007
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122882-A55.pdf                       12-12-2006
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122882-A56.pdf                       12-12-2006
Electrical diagram                 TT93-122882-A.pdf                         12-12-2006
Printed circuit board              TT38-122879-E54.pdf                       12-6-2007
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122879-E55.pdf                       11-6-2007
Assembly drawing                   TT38-122879-E56.pdf                       11-6-2007
Electrical diagram                 TT93-122879-G.pdf                         20-8-2007

The above mentioned documentation will be filed at Telefication B.V. Zevenaar for a period of 10
years following the issue of this report.

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Main module                                                          Report number: 20103937306

5       Observations and comments

6       Summary
The product is intended for use in the following application area:


The sample is tested according to the following specification:

FCC Part 80 (10-1-10 Edition)

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Main module                                                            Report number: 20103937306

7      Conclusions
The sample of the product showed NO NON-COMPLIANCES to the specification stated in
chapter 6 of this report.

The results of the tests as stated in this report, are exclusively applicable to the product item as
identified in this report. Telefication does not accept any responsibility for the results stated in this
report, with respect to the properties of product items not involved in these tests.

All tests are performed by:

name         : P.A. Suringa

function     : Senior Engineer Radio/EMC

signature    :

Review of test methods and report by:

name         : ing. A. van der Valk

function     : Senior Test Engineer

signature    :

The above conclusions have been verified by the following signatory:

date         : 5 May, 2011

name         : ing. A. van der Valk

function     : Manager Laboratory a.i.

signature    :

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Test results module                                                Report number: 20103937306

Test results module

1     Summary

According to FCC Parts 2 & 80, the following requirements have been assessed:

 Port             Reference               Phenomena                              Result
 Enclosure        § 2.1053 (a)            Radiated emissions                     P
                                          Conducted spurious at the antenna
 RF connector     § 80.211 (a) (3)                                               P
 RF connector     § 80.211 (a) (1), (2)   Occupied bandwidth                     P
 RF connector     § 80.209 (a)            Frequency stability                    P
 RF connector     § 80.213 (b)            Modulation limitation                  P
 RF connector     § 80.215 (d)            Transmitter power                      P
 RF connector     § 80.209 (a)            Frequency stability vs. voltage        P
                                          Audio frequency response of SSB
 RF connector     § 2.1047 (a)                                                   P
 RF connector     § 2.1047 (b) (c)        Level control and/or limiter for SSB   P

P        =      pass                      NA    =       not applicable
F        =      fail                      NP    =       not performed

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Test results module                                                    Report number: 20103937306

2     Test results

2.1       Radiated spurious (> 30 MHz), cabinet radiation

Requirement reference :        FCC part 2, section 2.1053 (a)

Method                 :       Measurements in the range 0.03 – 1 GHz are performed in a 3 m
                               semi anechoic room (SAR).
                               At 3m distance the following relationship is applied:
                               ERPdBm = EdBµV/m – 80.5 dB

Compliance limit       :       > 60 dB attenuation w.r.t. mean power

Results                :       In the table, “c” refers to the fundamental carrier frequency of
                               25.070 MHz.

                               Frequency                 dBµV/m                Attenuation (dB)
                               1c                        131.6*)               0
                               2c                        36.6                  95
                               3c                        56.3                  75.3
                               4c                        50.9                  80.7
                               5c                        48.7                  82.9
                               6c                        62.0                  69.6
                               7c                        57.9                  73.7
                               8c                        57.8                  73.8
                               9c                        55.7                  75.9
                               10c                       60.2                  71.4
                               11c                       48.5                  83.1
                               12c                       41.2                  90.4
                               13c                       47.6                  84
                               14c                       43.5                  88.1
                               15c                       50.8                  80.8
                               16c                       47.7                  83.9
                               17c                       48.6                  83
                               18c                       43.9                  87.7
                               19c                       52.1                  79.5
                               20c                       52.9                  78.7
                               21c                       49.5                  82.1
                               22c                       43.7                  87.9
                               23c                       Noise level
                               24c                       Noise level
                               25c                       45.9                  85.7
                                    calculated value: 52 dBm PEP – 3 dB + 2.14 dBi = 51.14 dBm ERP

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                      5, 16, 21, 22
section “used test equipment”

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Test results module                                                  Report number: 20103937306

2.2       Conducted spurious at the antenna terminal

Requirement reference :        FCC part 80, section 80.211 (a) (3)

Compliance limit       :       attenuation > 43 dB + 10 log P = 43 + 22 = 65 dB

Method                 :       Modulated in J3E mode with 400 and 1800 Hz tones with a level
                               10 dB greater than that necessary to produce rated peak envelope

Results                :

                                       Attenuation (dB) w.r.t. fundamental
             Channel frequency (kHz)   2nd harmonic          3rd harmonic
             1605                      > 80.4                69.6
             2060                      > 82.6                71
             3800                      > 78.1                72.1
             4065                      75.2                  72
             6203                      74.2                  75
             8195                      66.4                  75
             12230                     72.5                  73
             16360                     > 79.8                72.8
             18780                     > 81                  74
             22000                     > 81.3                70.3
             25070                     > 75.2                70.2

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                  2, 3, 10, 16, 17
section “used test equipment”)

                                                                             Page:     11 of 22
Test results module                                                 Report number: 20103937306

2.3      Occupied bandwidth

Requirement reference :          FCC part 80, sections 80.211(a) (1); 80.211(a) (2)
                                 FCC part 2, section 2.1049 (c) (4)

Compliance limit         :       see plots below

Method                   :       Modulated in J3E mode with 400 and 1800 Hz tones with a level
                                 10 dB greater than that necessary to produce rated peak envelope

Microphone input

            *ATTEN        30dB

             RL       -11.0dBm         10dB/


 1.6 MHz

             CENTER          1.60610MHz                   SPAN      20.00kHz

            *RBW       100Hz         VBW    100Hz             SWP    1.60sec

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Test results module                                          Report number: 20103937306
            *ATTEN        30dB

             RL       -11.0dBm      10dB/


  2 MHz

             CENTER        2.06110MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

            *RBW       100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP    1.60sec

            *ATTEN        30dB

             RL       -11.0dBm      10dB/


 3.8 MHz

             CENTER        3.80110MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

            *RBW       100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP    1.60sec

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Test results module                                         Report number: 20103937306
              *ATTEN      30dB

                RL    -11.0dBm      10dB/


  4 MHz

                CENTER     4.06610MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

              *RBW     100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP     1.60sec

              *ATTEN      30dB

                RL    -11.0dBm      10dB/


  6 MHz

                CENTER     6.20110MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

              *RBW     100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP     1.60sec

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Test results module                                         Report number: 20103937306
              *ATTEN      30dB

                RL    -11.0dBm      10dB/


  8 MHz

                CENTER     8.19610MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

              *RBW     100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP     1.60sec

              *ATTEN      30dB

                RL    -11.0dBm      10dB/


 12 MHz

                CENTER     12.23110MHz              SPAN     20.00kHz

              *RBW     100Hz       VBW   100Hz         SWP     1.60sec

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Test results module                                           Report number: 20103937306
              *ATTEN       30dB

                RL    -11.0dBm       10dB/


 16 MHz

                CENTER      16.36110MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

              *RBW      100Hz       VBW   100Hz          SWP     1.60sec

             *ATTEN       30dB

              RL      -11.0dBm      10dB/


 18 MHz

              CENTER       18.78110MHz               SPAN     20.00kHz

             *RBW      100Hz       VBW    100Hz         SWP    1.60sec

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Test results module                                                     Report number: 20103937306
              *ATTEN       30dB

                RL     -11.0dBm         10dB/


 22 MHz

                CENTER         22.00110MHz                       SPAN    20.00kHz

              *RBW      100Hz          VBW     100Hz               SWP     1.60sec

            *ATTEN        30dB

              RL      -11.0dBm         10dB/


 25 MHz

              CENTER       25.07110MHz                      SPAN        20.00kHz

            *RBW       100Hz          VBW    100Hz                SWP    1.60sec

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                               1, 2, 3, 10, 17
section “used test equipment”

                                                                            Page:     17 of 22
Test results module                                                Report number: 20103937306

2.4      Transmitter power

Requirement reference :        FCC part 80, section 80.215 (d); part 2, section 2.1046 (b)

Compliance limit       :       ≤ 150 W PEP

Method                 :      Modulated in J3E mode with 400 and 1800 Hz tones with a level
                              10 dB greater than that necessary to produce rated peak envelope

                                 Final voltage      Final current        Peak envelope
                                     (V)                 (A)              power (W)
         1605 kHz                    24.0                12.0                  115
         2187.5 kHz                  24.0                13.0                  118
         3800 kHz                    24.0                12.6                  122
         ITU ch 401                  24.0                12.5                  149
         ITU ch 601                  24.0                12.6                  146
         ITU ch 801                  24.0                13.4                  149
         ITU ch 1201                 24.0                12.9                  150
         ITU ch 1601                 24.0                12.7                  136
         ITU ch 1801                 24.0                12.9                  150
         ITU ch 2201                 24.0                13.1                  133
         ITU ch 2501                 24.0                13.0                  138
                                                        0.5 dB

           Used equipment:
            Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                                 2, 10, 12, 17, 20
            section “used test equipment”

                                                                              Page:     18 of 22
Test results module                                                  Report number: 20103937306

2.5       Frequency stability with temperature

Requirement reference :        FCC part 80, section 80.209 (a)

Compliance limit        :      +/-10 Hz (radiotelephony mode)

Results                 :

                      Temperature           Frequency error (Hz) at ch. freq.
                         °C                  2060 kHz            25118 kHz
                         -20                    0                     -3
                         -10                    0                      0
                          0                     0                     +3
                          10                    0                     +1
                          20                    0                     +1
                          30                    0                     +1
                          40                    0                     +5
                          50                    0                     +2

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                      2, 7, 10, 14
section “used test equipment”

                                                                           Page:     19 of 22
Test results module                                               Report number: 20103937306

2.6    Frequency stability with supply voltage

Requirement reference :         FCC part 80, section 80.209 (a)

Compliance limit         :      +/-10 Hz (radiotelephony mode)

    Voltage                             Frequency error (Hz) at ch. freq.
                      Voltage (V)
  variation (%)                          2060 kHz            25070 kHz
       -15               20.4               0                     +3
       -10               21.6               0                     +3
        -5               22.8               0                     +3
         0               24.0               0                     +3
         5               25.2               0                     +4
        10               26.4               0                     +4
        15               27.6               0                     +4

Used equipment:
 Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                    2, 7, 10
 section “used test equipment”

                                                                          Page:     20 of 22
Test results module                                              Report number: 20103937306

2.7      Audio frequency response of SSB telephony

Requirement reference :        FCC part 2, section 2.1047 (a)

Compliance limit       :       Not applicable (notwithstanding the plot mask)

Method                 :       The frequency of the AF test signal is varied between 100 Hz and
                               10 kHz. The level of the AF test signal is adjusted so that the
                               output power is 10 dB below the rated output power.

Test frequency: 8291 kHz

Microphone input:

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
section “used test equipment”

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Test results module                                                   Report number: 20103937306

2.8      Level control and/or limiter for SSB

Requirement reference :         FCC part 2, section 2.1047 (b) (c)

Compliance limit        :       Not applicable

Method                  :       The modulation in J3E mode was four tones at frequencies 700
                                Hz, 1100 Hz, 1700 Hz and 2500 Hz. The output power relative to
                                rated peak envelope power was measured with a spectrum

Microphone input

(9 mV input voltage for -10 dB relative to rated PEP)

Used equipment:
Equipment used (refers to item numbers in
                                                    1, 2, 3, 10, 17
section “used test equipment”

                                                                    Page:     22 of 22
Used test equipment module                                 Report number: 20103937306

Used test equipment module

 Ref    Description                        Telefication   Manufacturer    Model
 1      Spectrum analyzer                  TE 00099       HP              8562E
 2      500 W 10 dB attenuator             TE 00380       Bird            8325
 3      Multifunction synthesiser          TE 00176       HP              8904A
 4      Decade attenuator                  TE 00060       Danbridge       DA3HS/D
 5      Coaxial termination                TE 00070       Termaline       8080
 6      Spectrum analyzer                  TE 11125       HP              FSP
 7      Microwave counter                  TE 00252       HP              5350B
 8      Radio communication service mon.   TE 11129       R&S             CMS54
 9      RF attenuator                      TE 00343       Bird            8329
 10     RF attenuator                      TE 00172       Tenuline        8343-200
 11     Power supply                       TE 11130       Delta           SM35-45
 12     Power meter                        TE 00377       Bird            4381
 13     Digital multimeter                 TE 00210       Fluke           87
 14     Climate chamber                    TE 00741       CTS             C-40/350
 15     Mouth simulator                    TE 00530       Bruel & Kjaer   4227
 16     Test receiver                      TE 11128       R&S             ESCI
 17     RF attenuator                      TE 00128       Termaline       8343-100
 19     Pre-amplifier 0.01 – 30 MHz        TE 00036       Telefication    --
 20     Slug for feed through RF power     TE 00621       Bird            500W
        meter                                                             2-30 MHz
 21     Semi Anechoic Room                 TE 00861       Comtest         --
 22     BiconiLog antenna                  TE 00967       Chase           CBL6112A

Document Created: 2011-05-13 11:04:42
Document Modified: 2011-05-13 11:04:42

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