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Report On
RF Exposure Assessment of the
Thrane & Thrane A/S
TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder

IC ID: 6200B-6282A

Document 75921133 Report 09 Issue 3    July 2013

                  TÜV SÜD Product Service, Octagon House, Concorde Way, Segensworth North,
                              Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO15 5RL
                            Tel: +44 (0) 1489 558100. Website: www.tuv-sud.co.uk

REPORT ON                          RF Exposure Assessment of the
                                   Thrane & Thrane A/S
                                   TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder

                                   Document 75921133 Report 09 Issue 3

                                   July 2013

PREPARED FOR                       Thrane & Thrane A/S
                                   Lundtoftegaardsvej 93D
                                   DK-2800 Lyngby

                                   S Jones
                                   Project Manager

                                   N Forsyth
                                   Authorised Signatory

DATED                                05 July 2013

                  This report has been up-issued to Issue 3 to amend the IC ID.

Document 75921133 Report 09 Issue 3                                                          Page 1 of 13


Section                                                                                                                                       Page No

1         REPORT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1       Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2       Brief Summary of Results ............................................................................................................. 5
1.3       Product Information ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4       Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2         TEST DETAILS ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1       Rationale for Assessment of the RF Exposure ............................................................................ 9
2.2       Defined Limits ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.3       Establishing Wavelength and 1/4 Wavelength ........................................................................... 10
2.4       Far Field Calculations ................................................................................................................. 11
3         DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT ........................................................................................... 12
3.1       Disclaimers and Copyright.......................................................................................................... 13

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                                         SECTION 1

                                      REPORT SUMMARY

                               RF Exposure Assessment of the
                                    Thrane & Thrane A/S
                           TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder

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        The information contained in this report is intended to show verification of the RF Exposure
        Assessment of the Thrane & Thrane A/S TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder to the
        requirements of the applied test specifications.

        Objective                           To perform RF Exposure Assessment to determine the
                                            Equipment Under Test's (EUT’s) compliance of the applied
        Applicant                           Thrane & Thrane A/S

        Manufacturer                        Thrane & Thrane A/S

        Manufacturing Description           AIS Transponder

        Model Number(s)                     TT-6282A SAILOR 6282

        Test Specification/Issue/Date       EN 62311:2008
                                            OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                            RSS-102 Issue 4 March 2010
                                            Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation –
                                            Human Exposure) Standard: 2003
        Related Document(s)                 Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC:1999
                                            FCC CFR 47 Part 1: 2011
                                            FCC CFR 47 Part 2: 2011
                                            Health Canada's Safety Code 6
                                            ICNIRP 1998
                                            National Council on Radiation Protection and
                                            Measurements (NRPC) - Report No. 86(1986)
                                            EN 50383:2002
                                            IEEE Std C95.1-2005
                                            Australian Standard 2772.2 – 1988

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1.2.1   General Public Exposure Levels

         Antenna     Peak     Field   Calculated RF        General Public   Application
         Gain        Output           Exposure at 0.20 m   Exposure Limit
         (Numeric)   Power            (20cm)
                                                 2                 2
                              S       1.24 W/m             2 W/m            ICNIRP
                                                     2                 2
                              S       0.124 mW/cm          0.2 mW/cm        FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
                                                 2                 2
                              S       1.24 W/m             2 W/m            Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                                                 2                 2
                              S       1.24 W/m             2 W/m            ARPANSA
                              E       2.64 V/m             28 V/m           ICNIRP
                              E       2.64 V/m             27.5 V/m         FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
         3.311       12500
                              E       2.64 V/m             28 V/m           Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                              E       2.64 V/m             27.4 V/m         ARPANSA
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.073 A/m        ICNIRP
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.073 A/m        FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.073 A/m        Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.0729 A/m       ARPANSA

        The calculations have shown that they meet the General Public Exposure Levels described in the
        ICNIRP Guidelines, FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310 Guidelines, Health Canada’s RF exposure guideline
        Safety Code 6 and the Australian ARPANSA limits at 20cm, the point of investigation.

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1.2.2   Occupational Exposure Levels

         Antenna     Peak     Field   Calculated RF        Occupational     Application
         Gain        Output           Exposure at 0.20 m   Exposure Limit
         (Numeric)   Power            (20cm)
                                                 2                  2
                              S       1.24 W/m             10 W/m           ICNIRP
                                                     2                  2
                              S       0.124 mW/cm          1 mW/cm          FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
                                                 2                  2
                              S       1.24 W/m             10 W/m           Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                                                 2                  2
                              S       1.24 W/m             10 W/m           ARPANSA
                              E       2.64 V/m             61 V/m           ICNIRP
                              E       2.64 V/m             61.4 V/m         FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
         3.311       12500
                              E       2.64 V/m             60 V/m           Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                              E       2.64 V/m             61.4 V/m         ARPANSA
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.16 A/m         ICNIRP
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.163 A/m        FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.163 A/m        Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
                              H       0.01 A/m             0.163 A/m        ARPANSA

        The calculations have shown that they meet the Occupational Exposure Levels described in the
        ICNIRP Guidelines, FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310 Guidelines, Health Canada’s RF exposure guideline
        Safety Code 6 and the Australian ARPANSA limits at 20 cm, the point of investigation.

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1.3.1   Attestation

        The wireless device described within this report has been shown to be capable of compliance
        with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300
        MHz) - General public. The calculations shown in this report were made in accordance the
        procedures specified in the applied test specification(s).

1.3.2   Technical Description

        The Equipment under test was a Thrane & Thrane A/S TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS
        Transponder. A full technical description can be found in the manufacturer’s documentation.

        All reported calculations were carried out on the relevant information supplied for the TT-6282A
        SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder to demonstrate compliance with the applied test specification(s)
        the sample assessed was found to comply with the requirements of the applied rules.

1.4     SUMMARY

        The RF exposure assessment is based upon the following criteria:

        The TT-6282A SAILOR 6282 AIS Transponder operates in the frequency range of 156.025 –
        162.025 MHz.

         Gain                                             5.2 dBi

         Power                                            12.5 W

         Distance                                         0.20 m (20 cm)

         Duty Cycle                                       1.5%

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                                       SECTION 2

                                      TEST DETAILS

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        The aim of the assessment report is to evaluate the compliance boundary for a set of given input
        power(s) according to the basic restrictions (directly or indirectly via compliance with reference
        levels) related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
        The chosen assessment method to establish the compliance boundary in the far-field region is
        the reference method as defined in EN50383:2002 Clause 5.2; E-field or H-field calculation. The
        method of calculation used is defined in EN50383:2002; Clause 8.2.2, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4.
        The calculated values have been compared with limits provided in the ICNIRP guidelines.
        Calculations can be made in three separate regions, based on distance from the antenna. These
        are called:

        - far-field region,
        - radiating near-field region,
        - reactive near-field region.
        The theory that defines these regions is given in EN50383:2002 Annex A.

        Far-field region

        As shown in EN50383 Annex A, the far-field calculations are accurate when the distance, r, from
        an antenna of length D to a point of investigation is greater than

               2D 2
         r 
        Where, r is the distance from the antenna to the point of investigation.

        Radiating near-field region

        The radiating near-field region of an antenna of length D as shown in EN50383 Annex A, this
        region is defined by

                      2D 2
             r 
         4              
        Reactive near-field region

        The reactive near-field region of an antenna as shown in EN50383 Annex A, this region is
        defined by

        Where, r is the distance from the antenna to the point of investigation.
        Recommend λ/4 as the boundary between the radiated near-field and reactive near-field for RF
        exposure compliance assessment.

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        Normative Reference: ICNIRP Advice on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
        (0-300GHz). Table A4, Reference Levels for General Public Exposure to Time Varying Electric &
        Magnetic Fields. Vol 15 No.2. 2004. The defined limits are in accordance with 47 CFR § 1.1310
        Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

        Reference levels for general public exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields
        (unperturbed rms values)

        At 156.025 MHz
        Power density (W/m2)         =2          ICNIRP
        Power density (mW/cm2)       = 0.2       FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        Power density (W/m2)         =2          Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        Power density (W/m2)         =2          Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 28        ICNIRP
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 27.5      FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 28        Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 27.4      Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.073     ICNIRP
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.073     FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.073     Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.0729    Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3

        Reference levels for occupational exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields
        (unperturbed rms values)

        At 156.025 MHz
        Power density (W/m2)         = 10        ICNIRP
        Power density (mW/cm2)       =1          FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        Power density (W/m2)         = 10        Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        Power density (W/m2)         = 10        Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 61        ICNIRP
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 61.4      FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 60        Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        E-Field (Vm-1)               = 61.4      Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.16      ICNIRP
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.163     FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.163     Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        H-Field (Am-1)               = 0.163     Australian Radiation Protection Series Publication No. 3


                                               3 x108                                  
        (MHz)                           
                                                  f                                    4
                                 m                      cm                    m                  cm

        156.025           1.92276878705336       192.276878705336     0.480692196763339    48.0692196763339
        159.025           1.88649583398837       188.649583398837     0.471623958497092    47.1623958497092
        162.025           1.85156611634007       185.156611634007     0.462891529085018    46.2891529085018

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        The following calculations are based on: 5.2 dBi gain antenna

        P=            12.5 (Power (Watts)) or 12500 (Power milliwatts)
        G=            3.311 (Numeric Gain)
        r=            20 (Distance (centimetres)) or 0.20(Distance (meters))

        The power flux:

              PG ( ,  )
         S                                 S = 1.24 W/m2
               4r 2
                                            S= 0.124 mW/cm2
        The electric field strength:

                30 PG ( ,  )
         E                                 E = 2.64 V/m
        The magnetic field strength:

         H                                 H = 0.01 A/m
                 o

        The calculations meet the General Public Exposure Levels described in the ICNIRP Guidelines.
        The calculations meet the General Public Exposure Levels described in the FCC 47CFR§1.1310.
        The calculations meet the General Public Exposure Levels described in the Canada’s RF Safety Code 6.
        The calculations meet the General Public Exposure Levels described in the Australian Radiation
        Protection Series Publication No. 3

        The calculations meet the Occupational Exposure Levels described in the ICNIRP Guidelines.
        The calculations meet the Occupational Exposure Levels described in the FCC 47CFR§1.1310
        The calculations meet the Occupational Exposure Levels described in the Canada’s RF Safety Code 6
        The calculations meet the Occupational Exposure Levels described in the Australian Radiation Protection
        Series Publication No. 3

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                                       SECTION 3

                               DISCLAIMERS AND COPYRIGHT

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                         This report relates only to the actual item/items tested.

       This report must not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written permission of
                                      TÜV SÜD Product Service

                                   © 2013 TÜV SÜD Product Service

Document 75921133 Report 09 Issue 3                                                             Page 13 of 13

Document Created: 2013-07-05 10:28:54
Document Modified: 2013-07-05 10:28:54

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