RF Exposure Evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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                        Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) &
                                             Exposure evaluation

                               Report identification number: 1-0716/15-01-11

                                   Certification numbers and labeling requirements
 FCC ID                                                             ROJ-AVIATOR700
 IC number                                                          6200B-AVIATOR700
 HVIN (Hardware Version Identification Number)                      AVIATOR700
 PMN (Product Marketing Name)                                       Aviator 700
 FVIN (Firmware Version Identification Number)                      -/-
 HMN (Host Marketing Name)                                          -/-

This test report is electronically signed and valid without handwriting signature. For verification of the electronic signatures,
the public keys can be requested at the testing laboratory.

                                                                  Document authorized:
                                                                                                   DN: cn=Thomas Vogler, o=CTC advanced
                                                                                                   GmbH, ou=VOG-161125,
                                                                                                   Datum: 2018.06.19 14:21:22 +02'00'

                                                                  Thomas Vogler
                                                                  Lab Manager
                                                                  Radio Communications & EMC

                                                         Page 1 of 3

EUT technologies:

     Technologies:                   Max. power:                Max. antenna gain:         Min. pathloss:
  Aeronautical Satellite
                                      39.4 dBm                      see below              -- (if applicable)

Prediction of MPE limit at given distance - FCC

Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

S = PG / 4π R2

where: S = Power density
       P = Power input to the antenna
       G = Antenna gain
       R = Distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

The table below is excerpted from Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 titled “Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure
(MPE), Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure”

     Frequency Range (MHz)                Power Density (mW/cm2)                Averaging Time (minutes)
           300 -1500                              f/1500                                   30
         1500 - 100000                              1.0                                    30

where f = Frequency (MHz)

Prediction: minimum safety distance (worst case for each antenna)

   Marketing                        Max Output Power Max. Ant. Gain MPE limit minimum safety distance
     Name           Antenna Type         / dBm          / dBic      / mW/cm²   during operation / cm
   Aviator 700       HGA-6000             39.4             12           1             104.81
   Aviator 700       HGA-6500             39.4             12           1             104.81
   Aviator 700       HGA-7000             39.4             12           1             104.81
   Aviator 700       HGA-7001             39.4             8.8          1              72.51
   Aviator 700       CMA-2102             39.4              9           1              74.20
   Aviator 700      CMA-2102SB            39.4              9           1              74.20
   Aviator 700        AMT-50              39.4             12           1             104.81
   Aviator 700       AMT-3800             39.4             10           1              83.25
   Aviator 700        AMT-700             39.4            13.5          1             124.56

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Prediction of MPE limit - IC

RSS-102, Issue 5, Section 4 Table 4:

Power density at 1626 MHz = 0.02619*16260.6834 = 4.098 W/m²

Prediction: minimum safety distance (worst case for each antenna)

   Marketing                       Max Output Power Max. Ant. Gain     MPE limit   minimum safety distance
     Name          Antenna Type         / dBm          / dBic          / W/m²       during operation / cm
   Aviator 700      HGA-6000             39.4             12            4.098              163.72
   Aviator 700      HGA-6500             39.4             12            4.098              163.72
   Aviator 700      HGA-7000             39.4             12            4.098              163.72
   Aviator 700      HGA-7001             39.4             8.8           4.098              113.27
   Aviator 700      CMA-2102             39.4              9            4.098              115.91
   Aviator 700     CMA-2102SB            39.4              9            4.098              115.91
   Aviator 700       AMT-50              39.4             12            4.098              163.72
   Aviator 700      AMT-3800             39.4             10            4.098              130.05
   Aviator 700       AMT-700             39.4            13.5           4.098              194.58

Conclusion: Safety distance according to RSS-102 represents the worst case of both FCC and ISED

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Document Created: 2018-06-19 14:21:22
Document Modified: 2018-06-19 14:21:22

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