Test report


Test Report

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   Final Report on
   Parrot Zikr (FCC ID: RKXZIKR)
   Report Reference:                        MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                            acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B
   Date:                                    September 24, 2013

Test Laboratory:
7Layers AG
Borsigstr. 11
40880 Ratingen
Note :
The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be r eproduced in parts
without the wr itten approva l of the test laboratory.

7Layers AG                                          Aufsichtsra tsvorsitze nde rh                Registe rgericht h registered in:
Borsigstra sse 11                                   Chairman of the Supervisory Boa rd:          Düsseldorf, HRB 44096
40880 Ratinge n, Ge rma ny                          Ralf Me rte ns                               USt- IdNr h VAT No.:
Phone: +49 ( 0) 2102 749 0                          Vorstandh Board:                             DE 203159652
Fax : +49 (0) 2102 749 350                          Dr. H.-J. Meckelburg                         TAX No. 147/5869/0385
www.7La yers.com

                                                                               acc. Title 47 CFR chapter   I part   15 subpart B

   1          Administrative Data
   1.1        Project Data
      Project Responsible:                                       Imad Hjije
      Date Of Test Report:                                       20L3/09/24
      Date of firsf tesf;                                        20L3/08/22
      Date of last tesf;                                         2073/08/22

   1.2      Applicant Data
      Company         Name: parrot S.A.
        Street:                  174 quai de Jemmapes
        Clty:                    75010 Paris
        Country:                 France

     Contact Person:             Mr. Cherif Si ahmed
        Functlon:                Qualification
        Phone:                    +33 (0) 1 48 03 50 60
        Fax:                     +33 (0) 1 48 03 74 00
        E-Mail:                  cherif,sia hmed @pa rrot. com

  1.3      Test Laboratory Data
  The following list shows all places and laboratories involved
                                                                for test result generation:
     7 layers DE

           Sfreet ;                              Borsigstrasse 11
           City :                                40880 Ratingen
          Country :                              Germany
        Contact Person :                         Mr. Michael Albert
          Phone :                                +49 2702 749 207
          Fax :                                  +49 2702 749 444
          E Mail :                               michael.albert@TLayers.de

      Laboratory Details
        Lab ID ldentification                    Responsible           Accreditation Info
         Lab   1      Conducted Emissions Mr. Robert Machulec DAkks-Registration
                                                                                 no. D-pL-12140-01-01
                                          Mr. Andreas petsz
        Lab    2      Radiated   Emissions       Mr. Robert Machulec DAkks-Registration no. D-pL-12140-01-01
                                                 Mr. Andreas petz

  L.4     Signature of the Testing Responsibte

      responsible for tests performed
                                                                                                              Page 2 of 23

%t ayers
                                                                                  Reference :   M   DE-PARRO-1 307-FCCb

                                                                          acc. Title 47 CFR chapter    I part   15 subpart B

  1.5      Signature of the Accreditation Responsible

            (J,W fe B€nKA7
        Accreditation scope responsible person
        responsible for Lab t, Lab 2

           Test Object Data
  2.L      General OUT Description
  The following section lists all OUTs (Object's Under Test) involved during testing.

     OUT: Parrot Zikr

        Company Name:                             See applicant data:

        Contact Person:

      Parameter Listt
        Parameter name                             Value
        ilifi;;"öä'x1***                           1       (dBi)
        DC Power Supply                            s       (v)
        highest channel (BT)                       24BO          (MHz)
        lowest channel (BT)                        24oz          (MHz)
        mid channel (BT)                           244L          (MHz)

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                                                                           Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                    acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

2.2        Detailed Description of OUT Samples

  Sample : a01

      OUT Identifier                          Parrot Zikr
      Sample Description                      Sample#1
      Serial No.                              PI040286D231
      HW Status                               03
      SW Status                               SW 1.06 RC3_BTTM
      Low Voltage                             3.5 V            Low Temp.                  -10 °C
      High Voltage                            4.2 V            High Temp.                 +55 °C
      Nominal Voltage                         3.7 V            Normal Temp.               +23 °C

      Parameter List:

           Parameter Description              Value

           Parameter for Scope FCC_v2
           Antenna Gain                       1    (dBi)
           Frequency_high                     2480     (MHz)
           Frequency_low                      2402     (MHz)
           Frequency_mid                      2441     (MHz)

2.3        OUT Features

  Features for OUT:       Parrot Zikr
      Designation Description                                     Allowed Values          Supported Value(s)

      Features for scope: FCC_v2
      AC            The OUT is powered by or connected to AC
      BT            EUT supports Bluetooth data rate of 1 Mbps
                    with GFSK modulation in the band 2400 MHz -
                    2483.5 MHz
      DC            The OUT is powered by or connected to DC
      EDR2          EUT supports Bluetooth using data rate of 2
                    Mbps with PI/4 DQPSK modulation in the band
                    2400 MHz - 2483.5 MHz
      EDR3          EUT supports Bluetooth using data rate of 3
                    Mbps with 8DPSK modulation in the band 2400
                    MHz - 2483.5 MHz
      Iant          Integral Antenna: permanent fixed antenna,
                    which may be built-in, designed as an
                    indispensable part of the equipment
      TantC         temporary antenna connector, which may be
                    only built-in for testing, designed as an
                    example part of the equipment

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                                                                                 Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                         acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

2.4       Setups used for Testing
    For each setup a relation is given to determine if and which samples and auxiliary equipment is used.
    The left side list all OUT samples and the right side lists all auxiliary equipment for the given setup.

    Setup No.   List of OUT samples                             List of auxiliary equipment
        Sample No.               Sample Description             AE No.           AE Description

    A01 (Radiated test setup)

        Sample: a01                Sample#1

3         Results
3.1       General

       Documentation of tested                   Available at the test laboratory.

       Interpretation of the                     The results of the inspection are described on the following
       test results:                             pages, where 'Conformity' or 'Passed' means that the
                                                 certification criteria were verified and that the tested device is
                                                 conform to the applied standard.

                                                 In cases where 'Declaration' is printed, the required documents
                                                 are available in the manufacturers product documentation.

                                                 In cases where 'not applicable' is printed, the test case
                                                 requirements are not relevant to the specific equipment

       Note:                                     1) The laboratory environmental conditions are available and
                                                 recorded in the Interlab System.

3.2       List of the Applicable Body

       (Body for Scope: FCC_v2)

          Designation                            Description
          FCC47CFRChIPART15bRADIO                Part 15, Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators

3.3       List of Test Specification
          Test Specification:   FCC part 2 and 15
          Version               10-1-11 Edition
          Title:                PART 2 - GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS
                                PART 15 - RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES

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                                                            Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                     acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

3.4     Summary
Test Case Identifier / Name                                               Lab
 Test (condition)                           Result      Date of Test      Ref.        Setup

15b.1 Conducted Emissions (AC Power Line) §15.107
 15b.1; Mode = generating a high power      Passed      2013/08/22       Lab 1         A01
15b.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions §15.109
 15b.2; Mode = generating a high power      Passed      2013/08/22       Lab 2         A01

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                                                                 Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                          acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

3.5        Detailed Results
3.5.1         15b.1 Conducted Emissions (AC Power Line) §15.107

Test: 15b.1; Mode = generating a high power consumption
 Result:                       Passed

 Setup No.:                    A01

 Date of Test:                 2013/08/22 12:46

 Body:                         FCC47CFRChIPART15bRADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES

 Test Specification:           FCC part 2 and 15

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                                                                                 Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                          acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

Detailed Results:

EUT:                      (CX610a01)
Manufacturer:             Parrot
Operating Condition:      hopping
Test Site:                7 layers Ratingen
Operator:                 MOH/MIT
Test Specification:       ANSI C63.4; FCC 15.107 / 15.207
Comment:                  FCC 15b Class B, comp. peri. Setup, USB data traffic, 120 V/60 Hz
Start of Test:            22.08.2013 / 12:30:42


    Short Description:                   FCC Voltage
    Start      Stop            Step         Detector   Meas.     IF       Transducer
    Frequency Frequency        Width                   Time      Bandw.
    150.0 kHz 30.0 MHz         5.0 kHz       MaxPeak   20.0 ms   9 kHz    ESH3-Z5

    Level [dBµV]



 50                        x
                      x                  x
                                              x        x




        150k   300k   500k               1M       2M 3M           5M 7M 10M                   30M
                                         Frequency [Hz]

x       MES PAR_1307_021_fin QP
        MES PAR_1307_021_pre PK
        MES PAR_1307_021_pre AV
        LIM FCC 15b QP volt  Voltage QP Limit
        LIM FCC 15b AV volt  Voltage QP Limit

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                                                                      Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                               acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

22.08.2013 12:36
   Frequency   Level    Transd   Limit   Margin   Line    PE
         MHz    dBµV        dB    dBµV       dB

   0.415000     45.10    10.1       58     12.4   L1     FLO
   0.505000     49.80    10.1       56      6.2   L1     FLO
   1.010000     46.30    10.1       56      9.7   L1     FLO
   1.325000     42.10    10.1       56     13.9   N      FLO
   2.440000     41.20    10.2       56     14.8   N      GND

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                                                                 Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                          acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

3.5.2         15b.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions §15.109

Test: 15b.2; Mode = generating a high power consumption
 Result:                       Passed

 Setup No.:                    A01

 Date of Test:                 2013/08/22 13:48

 Body:                         FCC47CFRChIPART15bRADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES

 Test Specification:           FCC part 2 and 15

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                                                                         Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                 acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

Detailed Results:

EUT:                   (CX610a01)
Manufacturer:          Parrot
Operating Condition:   hopping
Test Site:             7 layers, Ratingen
Operator:              MOH/MIT
Test Specification:    FCC part 15 b rad., comp. peri. Setup, USB data traffic, 120 V/60 Hz
Comment:               Horizontal EUT position
Start of Test:         22.08.2013 / 10:50:36

SCAN TABLE: "FCC part 15 b"

    Short Description:            FCC part 15 b
    Start      Stop       Step       Detector Meas.     IF      Transducer
    Frequency Frequency   Width                Time     Bandw.
    30.0 MHz   1.0 GHz    60.0 kHz   MaxPeak   1.0 ms   120 kHz HL562

 Marker:             71.1 MHz             39.23 dBµV/m

    Level [dBµV/m]




        xx x              x
 20                                                         x


        30M    50M     70M      100M          200M      300M       500M 700M         1G
                                  Frequency [Hz]

x       MES PAR_1307_020_fin QP
        MES PAR_1307_020_pre PK
        LIM FCC part 15 b  Field Strength QP Limit

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                                                               acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

22.08.2013 11:41
   Frequency   Level    Transd    Limit   Margin   Height   Azimuth   Polarisation
         MHz  dBµV/m        dB   dBµV/m       dB       cm       deg

   30.240000    33.50    20.4      40.0      6.5    105.0   292.00    VERTICAL
   32.820000    34.70    19.0      40.0      5.3    100.0    22.00    VERTICAL
   38.040000    35.00    16.1      40.0      5.0    106.0    67.00    VERTICAL
   50.580000    31.70     8.4      40.0      8.3    100.0   157.00    VERTICAL
   71.100000    32.40     8.0      40.0      7.6    125.0   247.00    VERTICAL
  104.040000    34.00    10.7      43.5      9.5    100.0     0.00    VERTICAL
  325.140000    37.90    13.7      46.0      8.1    100.0   338.00    VERTICAL
  334.080000    21.20    13.9      46.0     24.8    191.0   202.00    VERTICAL
  343.080000    17.00    14.1      46.0     29.0    175.0   202.00    VERTICAL
  825.600000    25.80    23.1      46.0     20.2    118.0   157.00    VERTICAL

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                                                                                 Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                          acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

4         Test Equipment Details
4.1       List of Used Test Equipment

    The calibration, hardware and software states are shown for the testing period.

    Test Equipment Anechoic Chamber
      Lab ID:                 Lab 2
      Manufacturer:           Frankonia
      Description:            Anechoic Chamber for radiated testing
      Type:                   10.58x6.38x6.00 m³
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              NSA (FCC, IC)                                              2011/01/10     2014/01/10

      Single Devices for Anechoic Chamber
       Single Device Name     Type                                    Serial Number      Manufacturer

       Air compressor         none                                    -                  Atlas Copco
       Anechoic Chamber       10.58 x 6.38 x 6.00 m³                  none               Frankonia
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              FCC listing 96716 3m Part15/18                             2011/01/11     2014/01/10
                              IC listing 3699A-1 3m                                      2011/02/07     2014/02/06

       Controller Maturo      MCU                                     961208             Maturo GmbH
       EMC camera             CE-CAM/1                                -                  CE-SYS
       EMC camera Nr.2        CCD-400E                                0005033            Mitsubishi
       Filter ISDN            B84312-C110-E1                                             Siemens&Matsushita
       Filter Universal 1A    BB4312-C30-H3                           -                  Siemens&Matsushita

    Test Equipment Auxiliary Equipment for Conducted emissions
      Lab ID:                 Lab 1
      Manufacturer:           Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KG
      Description:            EMI Conducted Auxiliary Equipment

      Single Devices for Auxiliary Equipment for Conducted emissions
       Single Device Name     Type                                    Serial Number      Manufacturer

       Cable "LISN to ESI"    RG214                                   W18.03+W48.03      Huber&Suhner
       Coupling-Decoupling-   CDN ENY41                               100002             Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
       Network                                                                           Co. KG
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              Standard Calibration                                       2013/03/01     2015/02/28

       One-Line V-Network     ESH 3-Z6                                100489             Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                                         Co. KG
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              Standard calibration                                       2011/02/08     2014/02/07

       Two-Line V-Network     ESH 3-Z5                                828304/029         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                                         Co. KG
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              Standart Calibration                                       2013/03/01     2015/02/28

       Two-Line V-Network     ESH 3-Z5                                829996/002         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                                         Co. KG
                              Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                              Standard Calibration                                       2013/03/01     2015/02/28

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                                                                      Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                               acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

Test Equipment Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions
 Lab ID:                Lab 2
 Description:           Equipment for emission measurements
 Serial Number:         see single devices

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions
  Single Device Name    Type                              Serial Number       Manufacturer

  Antenna mast          AM 4.0                            AM4.0/180/11920 Maturo GmbH
  Biconical Broadband   SBA 9119                          9119-005            Schwarzbeck
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                  2009/06/04     2014/06/03

  Biconical dipole      VUBA 9117                         9117-108            Schwarzbeck
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                  2008/10/27     2013/10/26
                        Standard Calibration                                  2012/01/18     2015/01/17

  Broadband Amplifier   JS4-18002600-32-5P                849785              Miteq
  Broadband Amplifier   AFS4-01000400-1Q-10P-4            -                   Miteq
  Broadband Amplifier   JS4-00101800-35-5P                896037              Miteq
  Cable "ESI to EMI     EcoFlex10                         W18.01-             Kabel Kusch
  Antenna"                                                2+W38.01-2
  Cable "ESI to Horn    UFB311A+UFB293C                   W18.02-             Rosenberger Micro-Coax
  Antenna"                                                2+W38.02-2
  Double-ridged horn    HF 906                            357357/001          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                              Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                  2012/05/18     2015/05/17

  Double-ridged horn    HF 906                            357357/002          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                              Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                  2012/06/26     2015/06/25

  High Pass Filter      4HC1600/12750-1.5-KK              9942011             Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      5HC2700/12750-1.5-KK              9942012             Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      5HC3500/12750-1.2-KK              200035008           Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      WHKX 7.0/18G-8SS                  09                  Wainwright
  Horn Antenna          BBHA 9170
  Schwarzbeck 15-26
  GHz BBHA 9170
  Log.-per. Antenna     HL 562 Ultralog                   100609              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                              Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                  2012/12/18     2015/12/17

  Log.-per. Antenna     HL 562 Ultralog                   830547/003          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                              Co. KG
  Loop Antenna          HFH2-Z2                           829324/006          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                              Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                   Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard calibration                                  2011/10/27     2014/10/26

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                                                                             Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                      acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions (continued)
  Single Device Name      Type                                 Serial Number         Manufacturer

  Pyramidal Horn          3160-09                              00083069              EMCO Elektronik GmbH
  Antenna 26,5 GHz
  Pyramidal Horn          3160-10                              00086675              EMCO Elektronik GmbH
  Antenna 40 GHz
  Tilt device Maturo      Antrieb TD1.5-10kg                   TD1.5-          Maturo GmbH
  (Rohacell)                                                   10kg/024/379070

Test Equipment Auxiliary Test Equipment
 Lab ID:                  Lab 2
 Manufacturer:            see single devices
 Description:             Single Devices for various Test Equipment
 Type:                    various
 Serial Number:           none

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Test Equipment
  Single Device Name      Type                                 Serial Number         Manufacturer

  Broadband Power         1506A / 93459                        LM390                 Weinschel Associates
  Divider N (Aux)
  Broadband Power         WA1515                               A855                  Weinschel Associates
  Divider SMA
  Digital Multimeter 03   Fluke 177                            86670383              Fluke Europe B.V.
                          Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                          Customized calibration                                     2011/10/19     2013/10/18

  Fibre optic link        FO RS232 Link                        181-018               Pontis
  Satellite (Aux)
  Fibre optic link        FO RS232 Link                        182-018               Pontis
  Transceiver (Aux)
  Isolating Transformer   LTS 604                              1888                  Thalheimer
  Notch Filter Ultra      WRCA800/960-6EEK                     24                    Wainwright
  Stable (Aux)
  Spectrum Analyser       FSP3                                 836722/011            Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                                     Co. KG
                          Calibration Details                                        Last Execution Next Exec.
                          Standard                                                   2012/06/13     2015/06/12

  Vector Signal           SMIQ 03B                             832492/061            Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Generator                                                                          Co.KG

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Test Equipment Digital Signalling Devices
 Lab ID:                 Lab 1, Lab 2
 Description:            Signalling equipment for various wireless technologies.

 Single Devices for Digital Signalling Devices
  Single Device Name     Type                                  Serial Number       Manufacturer

  Bluetooth Signalling   CBT                                   100589              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Unit CBT                                                                         Co. KG
                         Calibration Details                                       Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/11/24     2014/11/23

  CMW500                 CMW500                                107500              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                         Calibration Details                                       Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Initial factory calibration                               2012/01/26     2014/01/25

  Digital Radio        CMD 55                                  831050/020          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                         Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/11/28     2014/11/27

  Universal Radio      CMU 200                                 102366              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       HW/SW Status                                                Date of Start Date of End
                         Hardware:                                                 2007/07/16
                         B11, B21V14, B21-2, B41, B52V14, B52-2,
                         B53-2, B56V14, B68 3v04, PCMCIA, U65V04
                         K21 4v21, K22 4v21, K23 4v21, K24 4v21, K42     4v21,
                         K43 4v21, K53 4v21, K56 4v22, K57 4v22, K58     4v22,
                         K59 4v22, K61 4v22, K62 4v22, K63 4v22, K64     4v22,
                         K65 4v22, K66 4v22, K67 4v22, K68 4v22, K69     4v22
                         µP1 8v50 02.05.06
  Universal Radio      CMU 200                                 837983/052          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                         Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/12/07 2014/12/06
                         HW/SW Status                                              Date of Start Date of End
                         HW options:                                               2007/01/02
                         B11, B21V14, B21-2, B41, B52V14, B52-2,     B53-2,
                         B54V14, B56V14, B68 3v04, B95, PCMCIA,      U65V02
                         SW options:
                         K21 4v11, K22 4v11, K23 4v11, K24 4v11,     K27 4v10,
                         K28 4v10, K42 4v11, K43 4v11, K53 4v10,     K65 4v10,
                         K66 4v10, K68 4v10,
                         µP1 8v40 01.12.05
                         SW:                                                       2008/11/03
                         K62, K69
  Vector Signal          SMU200A                               100912              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Generator                                                                        Co. KG

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                                                                       Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

Test Equipment Emission measurement devices
 Lab ID:               Lab 1, Lab 2
 Description:          Equipment for emission measurements
 Serial Number:        see single devices

 Single Devices for Emission measurement devices
  Single Device Name   Type                                  Serial Number     Manufacturer

  Personal Computer    Dell                                  30304832059       Dell
  Power Meter          NRVD                                  828110/016        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard calibration                                    2013/05/03     2014/05/02

  Sensor Head A        NRV-Z1                                827753/005        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard calibration                                    2013/04/30     2014/04/29

  Signal Generator     SMR 20                                846834/008        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                               Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       standard calibration                                    2011/05/12     2014/05/11

  Spectrum Analyzer    ESIB 26                               830482/004        Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                               Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard Calibration                                    2011/12/05 2013/12/04
                       HW/SW Status                                            Date of Start Date of End
                       Firmware-Update 4.34.4 from 3.45 during calibration     2009/12/03

Test Equipment Shielded Room 02
 Lab ID:               Lab 1
 Manufacturer:         Frankonia
 Description:          Shielded Room for conducted testing
 Type:                 12 qm
 Serial Number:        none

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5     Annex
5.1   Additional Information for Report

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                                                                              Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                     acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B
Test Description


Conducted emissions (AC power line)

Standard       FCC Part 15 Subpart B

The test was performed according to: ANSI C 63.4, 2009

Test Description
The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C 63.4-2009.
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was setup in a shielded room to perform the conducted emissions
measurements in a typical installation configuration. The EUT was powered from 50µH || 50 Ohm Line
Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) which meets the requirements of ANSI C63.4–2009, Annex B, in the
frequency range of the measurements. The LISN’s unused connections were terminated with 50 Ohm loads.

The measurement procedure consists of two steps. It is implemented into the EMI test software ES-K1 from

Step 1: Preliminary scan
Intention of this step is, to determine the conducted EMI-profile of the EUT.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Peak - Maxhold
- Frequency range: 150 kHz – 30 MHz
- Frequency steps: 5 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 20 ms
- Measurement on phase + neutral lines of the power cords

On basis of this preliminary scan the highest amplitudes and the corresponding frequencies relative to the
limit are identified. Emissions above the limit and emissions which are in the 10 dB range below the limit are

Step 2: Final measurement
Intention of this step is, to determine the highest emissions with the settings defined in the test specification
for the frequencies identified in step 1.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak
- IF - Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s / frequency

At   each frequency determined in step 1, four measurements are performed in the following combinations:
1)   Neutral lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
2)   Phase lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
3)   Neutral lead - reference ground (PE floating)
4)   Phase lead - reference ground (PE floating)

The highest value is reported.

Test Requirements / Limits

If not stated within the measurement plot and/or test result, class B limits are applied.

FCC Part 15, Subpart B, §15.107, Class B Limit

Frequency Range (MHz)      QP Limit (dBµV)        AV Limit (dBµV)
0.15 – 0.5                 66 to 56               56 to 46
0.5 – 5                    56                     46
5 – 30                     60                     50

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FCC Part 15, Subpart B, §15.107, Class A Limit

Frequency Range (MHz)     QP Limit (dBµV)        AV Limit (dBµV)
0.15 - 0.5                79                     66
0.5 - 30                  73                     60

Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV) = 20 log (Limit (µV)/1µV).

A missing result table in the corresponding test report section means, that no final measurement was
performed because no relevant frequencies (peaks) were found in the preliminary scan.
The chosen operating mode is selected as representative mode to generate “worst-case” conditions, i.e. high
power consumption.


Spurious radiated emissions

Standard     FCC Part 15, Subpart B

The test was performed according to: ANSI C 63.4, 2009

Test Description

Measurement below 1 GHz:
The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C 63.4-2009.
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-conductive table 1.0 x 2.0 m in the semi-anechoic
chamber. The influence of the EUT support table that is used between 30–1000 MHz was evaluated.
The test was performed at the distance of 3 m between the EUT and the receiving antenna. The
measurement procedure is implemented into the EMI test software ES-K1 from R&S. The radiated emissions
measurements were made in a typical installation configuration. Exploratory tests are performed at 3
orthogonal axes to determine the worst-case orientation of a body-worn or handheld EUT. The final test on all
kind of EUTs is performed at 2 axes. A pre-check is also performed while the EUT is powered from both AC
and DC (battery) power in order to find the worst-case operating condition.

Step 1: Preliminary scan (test to identify the highest amplitudes relative to the limit)
Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT.
Settings for step 1:
- Detector: Peak-Maxhold
- Frequency range: 30 – 1000 MHz
- Frequency steps: 60 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 µs
- Turntable angle range: –180° to +180°
- Turntable step size: 90°
- Height variation range: 1 – 3 m
- Height variation step size: 2 m
- Polarisation: Horizontal + Vertical
On basis of this preliminary scan the highest amplitudes and the corresponding frequencies relative to the
limit are identified. Emissions above the limit and emissions which are in the 10 dB range below the limit are

Step 2:
A further measurement will be performed on the frequencies determined in step 1. Intention of this step is,
to find out the approximate turntable angle and antenna height for each frequency.
Settings for step 2:
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: –180° to +180°
- Turntable step size: 45°
- Height variation range: 1 – 4 m

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- Height variation step size: 0.5 m
- Polarisation: horizontal + vertical
After this step the EMI test system has determined the following values for each frequency (of step 1):
- Frequency
- Azimuth value (of turntable)
- Antenna height
The last two values have now the following accuracy:
- Azimuth value (of turntable): 45°
- Antenna height: 0.5 m

Step 3: final measurement
In this step the accuracy of the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be improved. This is necessary to
find out the maximum value of every frequency.
For each frequency, which was determined the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be adjusted. The
turntable azimuth will be slowly varied by +/- 22.5° around this value. During this action the value of
emission is continuously measured. The turntable azimuth at the highest emission will be recorded and
adjusted. In this position the antenna height is also slowly varied by +/- 25 cm around the antenna height
determined. During this action the value of emission is also continuously measured. The antenna height of
the highest emission will also be recorded and adjusted.
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 100ms
- Turntable angle range: –22.5° to +22.5° around the determined value
- Height variation range: -0.25 m to +0.25 m around the determined value

Step 4: Final measurement (with QP detector)
With the settings determined in step 3, the final measurement will be performed:
EMI receiver settings for step 4:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak(< 1GHz)
- Measured frequencies: in step 3 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s

Measurement above 1 GHz:
The following modifications apply to the measurement procedure for the frequency range above 1 GHz:
The measurement distance was reduced to 1 m. The results were extrapolated by the extrapolation factor of
20 dB/decade (inverse linear-distance for field strength measurements, inverse-linear-distance-squared for
the power density measurements). Due to the fact that in this frequency range a double ridged wave guided
horn antenna (up to 18 GHz) and a horn antenna (18–25 GHz) are used, the steps 2-4 as described before,
are omitted. Step 1 was performed at one height of the receiving antenna only.
Detector: Peak, Average (simultaneously)
RBW = VBW = 1 MHz; above 7 GHz 100 kHz

Test Requirements / Limits

If not stated within the measurement plot and/or test result, class B limits are applied.

FCC Part 15, Subpart B, §15.109, Radiated Emission Limits
Frequency Range (MHz): Class B Limit (dBµV/m)

Frequency Range (MHz)      Class B Limit (dBµV/m)
30 – 88                    40.0
88 – 216                   43.5
216 – 960                  46.0
above 960                  54.0

Frequency Range (MHz) Class A Limit (dBµV/m) / @ 3m !
30 - 88                49.5
88 - 216               54.0
216 - 960            56.9
above 960              60.0

..., there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak
detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit....
Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV/m) = 20 log (Limit (µV/m)/1µV/m)

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                                                                          Reference: MDE_PARRO_1307_FCCb

                                                                  acc. Title 47 CFR chapter I part 15 subpart B

 NOTE: A missing result table in the corresponding test report section means, that no final measurement was
 performed because no relevant frequencies (peaks) were found in the preliminary scan.

Setup Drawings

Setup in the Anechoic chamber. For measurements below 1 GHz the ground was replaced
by a conducting ground plane.

                LISN                            Analyzer


Setup in the shielded room for conducted measurements at AC mains port

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6         Index
1 Administrative Data                                                                                   2

    1.1 Project Data                                                                                    2

    1.2 Applicant Data                                                                                  2

    1.3 Test Laboratory Data                                                                            2

    1.4 Signature of the Testing Responsible                                                            2

    1.5 Signature of the Accreditation Responsible                                                      3

2 Test Object Data                                                                                      3

    2.1 General OUT Description                                                                         3

    2.2 Detailed Description of OUT Samples                                                             4

    2.3 OUT Features                                                                                    4

    2.4 Setups used for Testing                                                                         5

3 Results                                                                                               5

    3.1 General                                                                                         5

    3.2 List of the Applicable Body                                                                     5

    3.3 List of Test Specification                                                                      5

    3.4 Summary                                                                                         6

     3.5 Detailed Results                                                                               7

     3.5.1 15b.1 Conducted Emissions (AC Power Line) §15.107                                            7

     3.5.2 15b.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions §15.109                                                   10

4 Test Equipment Details                                                                               13

    4.1 List of Used Test Equipment                                                                    13

5 Annex                                                                                                18

    5.1 Additional Information for Report                                                              18

6 Index                                                                                                23

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Document Created: 2013-10-03 10:09:22
Document Modified: 2013-10-03 10:09:22

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