Extrnal Antenna specification Zikr V2_2


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                                  Internal information – Confidential Document
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Prepared / Préparé                Title / Titre
F. Maingot                        Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé               Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                                  2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx

                           Voyager _V2.2

                      Bluetooth antenna for Parrot Zikr

                                                                         Internal information – Confidential Document
                                                                         Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé                                                       Title / Titre
F. Maingot                                                               Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé                                                      Date                    Révision     File / Fichier
                                                                         2013-07-05              1.0          Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx

                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1      FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
 2      MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS.............................................................................................................................. 1
 3      RADIATION DIAGRAM ................................................................................ ERREUR ! SIGNET NON DEFINI.
 4      IMPEDANCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

                                            Internal information – Confidential Document
                                            Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé                          Title / Titre
F. Maingot                                  Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé                         Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                                            2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx

 1 Features
 All parameters are measured with antenna installed at nominal position inside Zik headphones, and at room
 temperature (25°C)

 Parameter             Unit       Min        Nominal         Max         Comments
 Connector                                 IPEX MHF1                     u.fl compatible
 Frequency range       MHz       2400         2440           2480
 Max gain              dBi                     0.5
 S11                    dB                                     -4        In frequency range
 Average gain          dBi                       -7
 Impedance                                    50
 Polarization                                 linear
 Flex dimensions       mm                  29.3 x 15.6
 Coax length           mm                       58
 Adhesive                                   3M 467

 2 Mechanical dimensions


                                            Internal information – Confidential Document
                                            Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé                          Title / Titre
F. Maingot                                  Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé                         Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                                            2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx

 Radiation Pattern
 Radiation diagram measured in Zik headphones, on 3 main axis, and at 3 following frequencies: 2400, 2440
 and 2480 MHz.


                      Internal information – Confidential Document
                      Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé    Title / Titre
F. Maingot            Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé   Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                      2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx


                      Internal information – Confidential Document
                      Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé    Title / Titre
F. Maingot            Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé   Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                      2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx


                                          Internal information – Confidential Document
                                          Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé                        Title / Titre
F. Maingot                                Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé                       Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                                          2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx

 3 Impedance
 Impedance is measured on Rohde and Schwarz ZNB8 network analyzer, with antenna installed in nominal
 position in Zik R2 headphones.


                      Internal information – Confidential Document
                      Information interne – Document confidentiel

Prepared / Préparé    Title / Titre
F. Maingot            Zik r BT antenna V2_2
Approved / Approuvé   Date            Révision   File / Fichier
                      2013-07-05      1.0        Data-sheet antenna ZikR2 V2_2.docx


Document Created: 2013-09-09 15:49:04
Document Modified: 2013-09-09 15:49:04

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