report test


Test Report

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EMITECH atiantique
          15, rue de la Claie
       Z.1. Angers—Beaucouzé
        49070 BEAUCOUZE
         Tél. 02 41 73 26 27
         Fax 02 41 73 26 40
   e—mail :
            R.C.S, ANGERS 95 B 543                  RA'05'24045"1/A Edo 0
            SIRET 344 545 645 00055

                                                FCC CERTIFICATION
                                                   RADIO Measurement
                                                         Technical Report
                                                               standard to apply:
                                                                  FCC Part 15

                                             Equipment under test:
                                      HANDSFREE CAR KIT FOR BLUETOOTH
                                          PHONE CK3000 EVOLUTION

                                                  FCC ID : RKXCK3000Evolution


      DISTRIBUTION: Mr PRUD‘HOMME                                                       Company: PARROT

                                                                                        Number of pages: 25 including 4 annexes

                                                                                                                     Technical Verification
           Ed.                   Date               Modified        Written by                                    Quality Approval
                                                      pages  _|Name                                      Visa| Name               Visa
             0                8—Apr—05              Creation |L. BERTHAUD                                 P. Bomnwenw Famt~
      Duplication of this test report is only permitted for an integral photographic facsimile. It includes the number of pages referenced here above.

      This document is the result of testing a specimen or a sample of the product submitted. It does not imply an assessment of the conformity of the
      whole manufactured products of the tested sample.

                                                  SIEGE SOCIAL : EMITECH S.A.
 3, rue des Coudriers — Z.A. de l‘Observatoire — 78180 MONTIGNY—LE—BRETONNEUX — Tél. 01 30 57 55 55 — Fax 01 30 43 74 48
                          S.A. AU CAPITAL DE 480 000 € — R.C. VERSAILLES B 344 545 645 — SIRET 344 545 645 000 22 — CODE APE 742 C

EMITECH atiantioue            [RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                          PAGE: 2


  Reference / model:       CK3000 EVOLUTION

  Serial number:           not communicated



  Company:                 PARROT

  Address:                  174, quai de Jemmapes
                           75010 PARIS

  Responsible:              Mr PRUD®HOMME

  DATES OF TEST:            March, the 04"" and 07"" of 2005

                       EMITECH ATLANTIQUE open area test site in L¥ POUEZE (49)

                       Registration Number by FCC: 101696/FRN: 0006 6490 08

   TESTED BY:               L. BERTHAUD


EMITECH attantioue                                     (RA#5—24M45—v/a E4. 0                                                   PAGE: 3


                    TITLE                                                                                                         PAGE

  InINFRODECEION rsssssrrsresersescrarerereserersrssserserer                                                                                4

  2, PRODUAEN MDESCRIEDLOINE:ryrssssrerserrereresesssesserertenereyrire reue etsereaprsarare se se¥en Ts dha To reT enspe nsoo¥ eeerraniges 4

  3. NORMATIVE REFERENCE ..,.,2020200200rsereceseccresceescssesessesrree se se es ess sncerersere seevere ce cce s isccce re cssn se rcccnre 4

  J. TESE METHODOLAOGY¥sssrsrsrererrrrrrerascesernrerrcerrerrens hasanec ies esarerererserereersrsrertvesersereresntcesneesesreessrnre 5

  S.ANDDATPACHMENTAIFINIAESI issA rersererserseer enearrerran esnescrerevereereraerenrersarsecensessessreretrresratressarts 5

  6. TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS .....................                                                                                            6

  FaPBAK OUEPUE PONVENE arererersrersssanisrnsstuasreessaersor ce eson9 sea9eresF eeater e serere es renearersrarer ese e enreraverereeeces 7

  S.JPEAK POWER DENSEDY 1,;111s:sssersiseser8se181s3s3sssreriererTersYIrrestererrersrerrerererararsessersrsrxseeerrresserverrserse8s 9

  9. RADIATED EMISSION TRANSMITTER.,,1,021002220e2000000000r0e0800se0ess00sesseeerereasessese ce ces se esc cseerssree 11

  ANNEX 1; CHANNEL SEPARATION .222200000ses00e0eresseeverer0er0cee0es0seresseve cesescesese ccererses resesc 0esen ces s0e0 13

  ANNEX 2: TIMING BY HOPPING AND TIMING BY CHANNEL 2.2222202sss2erssesseccrceserseccccrse0e 16

  ANNEX 3: PHOTOS OF THE EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST 2022020202022202s0s0sesee0eversserseseccccsccrce0es 22

  ANNEX 4: PHOTOS OPEN AREA TEST SITE AND TEST SET UP 2.2000080s2ssrsesveserccreccccecccees 24


EMITECH atiantioue                        RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                               PAGE: 4


  This document presents the result of RADIO test carried out on the following equipment:
  normative reference.


  ITU Emission code:           1M0O0F7D

  Class:                       B (residential environment)

  Utilization:                 handsfree car kit for Bluetooth phone

  Antenna type:                incorporated antenna

  Operating frequency range: from 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz

  Number of channels:          79

  Channel spacing:             1 MHz

  Frequency generation:        O SAW Resonator         O Crystal      © Synthetiser

  Modulation: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
                               O Amplitude                O Digital         ® Frequency          O Phase

  Power source:                12 Vd.c.

  Power level, frequency range and channels characteristics are not user adjustable.

  The details pictures of the product and the circuit boards are joined with this file.


  FCC Part 15 (2004)             Code of Federal Regulations
                                 Title 47 — Telecommunication
                                 Chapter 1 — Federal Communications Commission
                                 Part 15 — Radio frequency devices
                                 Subpart C — Intentional Radiators


EMITECH atiantioue                      RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                         PAGE: 5


  Radio performance tests procedures given in part 15:

                Paragraph 33:     frequency range of radiated measurements
                Paragraph 35:    measurement detector functions and bandwidths
                Paragraph 205:   restricted bands of operation
                Paragraph 207:   conducted limits
                Paragraph 209:   radiated emission limits; general requirements
                Paragraph 247:   operation within the bands 2400—2483.5 MHz


                 *Synoptic **
                 "Block diagram *
                 "External photos and Product labeling **
                 "Internal photos **
                 "Layout peb**
                 "Bil of materials *
                 *Schematics *
                 "Product description *
                 "Tser guide **


                                                  RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                                                               PAGE: 6
EMITECH atcantique


        Test                            Description of test                       Criteria respected ?                                  Comment
     procedure                                                                   Yes No NAp NAs

  FCC Part15.205__|     RESTRICTED BANDS OF OPERATION                                x
  FCCPart 15.207        CONDUCTED LIMITS                                                                 x                  |_ _ _|    Note 4
  FCC Part 15.209       RADIATED EMISSION LIMITS; generalrequirements|__X_|_____ _                                                     Note 5      _
  FCC Part 15.247       OPERATION WITHIN THE BAND 2400—2483.5MHz                                         |_ _ |_ _ |_ _ _
  FCC Part 15.247_ (a) (1) hopping mode       e                                      X                                                 Note 1
  FCC Part 15.247  (a) (1)(ii1) hopping timing                                       X                                                 Note 2
  FCC Part 15.247       (b) (1) max output power ________        0_                  X                                                 Note 6
  FCC Part 15.247       (c) operation with directional antenna                       _ _ _ _ _ _ |._ _   X                             Note 3
  FCC Part 15.247       (d) intentional radiator _                                     y                                    ee
  FCC Part 15.247       (e)peak power spectral density                                 l                                               Note 6________
  FCC Part 15.247       (£) hybrid system                                                                X __|_
  FCCPart15.247_|(g)_                                  _                              X_|._                                            Note7
  FCC Part 15.247 _|(h)______________                                                 X     frrscmmmmma
  FCC Part 15,247       (i)RF exposure compliance                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |._X _                                         Note 8      ____

  NAp: Not Applicable         NAs: Not Asked

  Note 1: see appendix 1, the frequency hopping system have hopping channel carrier frequencies
             separated by 1 MHz. The system hop to channel frequencies from a pseudo randomly
             ordered list of hopping frequencies. Each frequency is used equally on the average by the
             transmitter, and separated by a minimum of20 dB bandwidth ofthe hopping channel.

  Note 2: the frequency hopping system use more than 15 channels.
             The timing by channel is 436 us (see annex 2).
             During 79 channels x 0.4 s (part 15) = 31.6 s, any channel is used 47 times, then
             47 x 436 us = 20.5 ms, thus the average time ofoccupancy on any channel is less than 400
             ms within a period of 0.4 s multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed, in
             normal operating mode.

  Note3:      the antenna gain is less than 6 dBi.

   Note4:     battery source power.

   Note5:     see FCC part 15.247 (d).

   Note6:     conducted measurement is not possible (integral antenna), so we used the substitution
              method in open field.

   Note 7: speech application.

   Note 8: this type of equipment uses less than 0.5 W of output power with a high signal transmitting
              dutyfactor (section 3 from Oet 65¢).


   submitted to the tests complies with the regulations of the standard FCC Part 15 in accordance with the
   limits or criteria defined in this report.

EMITECH atiantique                      [RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                            PAGE: 7


  Standard: FCC Part 15 (04)

  Test procedure: paragraph 15.247

  Test equipment:
                    TYPE                                  BRAND                    EMITECH
    Spectrum analyzer FSEM 30                Rohde & Schwarz                           1244
    Diode detector OD20004A                  Omniyig                                  2469
    Oscilloscope THS 720                     Tektronix                                0940
    Antenna RGA6O                            Electrometrics                           1938
    Antenna RGA6O                            Electrometrics                           1204
    Open site                                EMITECH                                  1274
    Radio frequency generator SMEO6          Rohde & Schwarz                          1669
    High pass filter HPM11630                Micro—tronics                            1673
    Low noise amplifier 1 to 18 GHz          ALC                                      2648
    Power source                             TT                                       2148
    Power meter 8541B                        Gigatronics                              3479
    Power sensor 80401A                      Gigatronics                              3182

  Test set up:

  The system is tested in an open area test site (OATS).
  The test unit is placed on a rotating table, 0.8 m from a ground plane. Zero degree azimuth
  corresponds to the front of the equipment under test.
  We use for this measure outdoor test site, by substitution method. The measuring distance between
  the equipment and the test antenna is 3 m. The antenna have been oriented in the two polarizations,
  we have recorded only highest level.

  In first the spectrum analyzer is replaced by a diode detector which is connected to the vertical
  channel of an oscilloscope.
  The equipment under test is substituted by a signal generator with a calibrated double ridged guide
  antenna, and its level adjusted such that the deviation of the Y—trace of the oscilloscope.
  The output power level of the signal generator is measured with a calibrated RF power meter.

  Then a measurement of the electro—magnetic field is realized, with a resolution bandwidth and video
  bandwidth adjusted at 1 MHz.

  Distance of antenna: 3 meters

  Antenna height: 1 to 4 meters

  Antenna polarization: vertical and horizontal

  Equipment under test operating condition:

  The equipment is in continuous transmission mode, at the highest output power level which the
  transmitter is intended to operate (hopping mode).
  The equipment is fitted with an internal antenna, without connector.



Ambient temperature (°C):     15.5
Relative humidity (%):         43

Polarization of test antenna: vertical (height: 209 cm)
Position of equipment:        use position (azimuth: 274 degrees)

Sample N° 1

                                        Peak Output Power radiated at these        Limits
                                                 frequencies (W):
                                           from 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz                (W)
  Normal test   Nominal power source                 32715 x 104                     1#
  conditions    (v): 12

* the frequency hopping systems use at least 75 hopping channel.

Sample n° 1     Channel 1 (2402 MHz)

                                       Level dBuV    Cable loss dB     Antenna     Electro—magnetic
                                                                       factor dB    field (dBuV/m):
  Normal test   Nominal power source
   conditions   |(V): 12                   57.35          4.75          27.71             89.81

Sample n°*° 1   Channel 40 (2441 MHz)

                                       Level dBuV    |Cable loss dB|   Antenna     Electro—magnetic
                                                                       factor dB    field (dBuV/m):
  Normal test   Nominal power source
   conditions   (V): 12                    58.95          4.75           27.71            91.41

Sample n° 1     Channel 79 (2480 MHz)

                                       Level dBuV    |Cable loss dB|   Antenna     Electro—magnetic
                                                                       factor dB    field (dBuV/m):
  Normal test   Nominal power source
   conditions   (V): 12                    56.21          4.75           27.71            88.67

Test conclusion:



E MITECH ATLANTIQUE                    RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                            PAGE: 9


  Standard: FCC Part 15 (04)

  Test procedure: paragraph 15.247

  Test equipment used:

                   TYPE                        MANUFACTURER                   EMITECH
    Spectrum analyzer FSEM3O0             Rohde & Schwarz.                      1244
    Open site                             Emitech                               1274
    Radiofrequency generator SMEO6        Rohde & Schwarz                       1669
    Antenna RGA—60                        Electrometrics                        1938
    Antenna RGA—60                        Electrometrics                        1204
    Power source                          TT                                    2148
    Power meter 8541B                     Gigatronics                           3479
    Power sensor 80401A                   Gigatronics                           3182

  Measured condition:

  We used the same method of the peak output power, but the oscilloscope and the diode is replaced
  by a spectrum analyser used in combination with an RF power meter.
  Resolution bandwidth:    3 kHz
  Video bandwidth:         10 kHz

  Test operating condition of the equipment:

  The equipment is in continuous transmission mode, at the highest output power level which the
  transmitter is intended to operate (hopping mode).
  The equipment is fitted with an internal antenna, without connector.


                                             RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                      PAGE: 10
EMITECH atiantique


  Ambient temperature (°C):    15.5
  Relative humidity (%):       43

  Power source:                   12 Vd.c.

  Sample n° 1     Channel 1

                                                  Peak power density at frequency:
                                                             2402 MHz
         Normal test conditions                             —20.39 dBm
                Limits                                        +8 dBm

  Sample n° 1     Channel 40

                                                  Peak power density at frequency:
                                                             2441 MHz
         Normal test conditions                             —19.29 dBm
                Limits                                        +8 dBm

  Sample n° 1     Channel 79

                                                  Peak power density at frequency:
                                                             2480 MHz
         Normal test conditions                             —20.11 dBm
                  Limits                                      +8 dBm

  Test conclusion:



EMITECH ATLANTIQUE                     RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                            PAGE: 11


  Standard: FCC Part 15 (04)

  Test procedure: paragraph 15.205
                  paragraph 15.209
                  paragraph 15.247

  Test equipment:

                     TYPE                               BRAND                  EMITECH
      Test receiver ESH3                     Rohde & Schwarz                     1058
      Test receiver ESVS 10                  Rohde & Schwarz                     1219
      Spectrum analyzer FSEM 30              Rohde & Schwarz                     1244
      Loopantenna                            EMCO                                1406
      Biconical antenna HP 11966C            Hewlett Packard                      728
      Log periodic antenna HL 223            Rohde & Schwarz                     1999
      Open site                              Emitech                             1274
      Antenna RGA—60                         Electrometrics                      1204
      Low—noise amplifier                    Microwave DB                        1922
      High pass filter HP12/3200—5¥A         Filtek
      Antenna WR42                           IMC                                   1939
      Power source                           TT                                    2148

  Test set up:

  The system is tested in an open area test site (OATS).
  The test unit is placed on a rotating table, 0.8 m from a ground plane. Zero degree azimuth
  corresponds to the front of the equipment under test.

  Frequency range:     from 9 kHz to harmonic 10 (Fcariee < 10 GHz)

  Detection mode: Quasi—peak (F < 1 GHz)
                  Average (F > 1 GHz)

  Bandwidth: 120 kHz (F < 1 GHz) or 100 kHz, following 15.205 or 15.247
             1 MHz (F > 1 GHz) or 100 kHz, following 15.205 or 15.247

  Distance of antenna: between 30 m and 3 m according the frequencies and the limits.

  Antenna height: 1 to 4 meters

  Antenna polarization: vertical and horizontal

  Equipment under test operating condition:

  The equipment is blocked in continuous hopping transmission mode.


                                                RA—05—24045—1/A Ed. 0                                        PAGE: 12
EMITECH atiantique


  Ambient temperature (°C):           15.5
  Relative humidity (%):               43

  Power source:     12 Vd.c.

  The polarity column refers to the antenna polarity at which the maximum emissions level is

  FREQUENCIES         Antenna height Azimuth resolution Polarization                     Field strength     Limits        Margin
     (MHz)                (cm)       (degree) bandwidth H: Horizontal                      (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                                                (kHz)   V: Vertical
       4802                118           0       1000          V                                 46.75         54*         7.25
       4882                118           0       1000          V                                 48.45         54*         5.55
       4960                150         219       1000          H                                 43.81         54*         10.19
  *   restricted bands of operation in 15.205, this limit corresponding at the 15.209 section.

  Applicable limits:       20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the
                           highest level of the power produced by the equipment, in 100 kHz bandwidth
                           outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum is operating. In
                           addition radiated emissions which fall in the restricted band, as defined in
                           section 15.205 (c), must also comply with the radiated emission limits
                           specified in section 15.209 (a).



                            {AO0 End of report, 4 annexes to be forwarded OQO00


Document Created: 2005-06-23 15:38:33
Document Modified: 2005-06-23 15:38:33

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