Test report b

FCC ID: RK7193-00

Test Report

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                                            FCC Test Report (Part 15C)

 Test Report no.:                   EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)               Date of issue:                         17-JAN-2019
 Number of pages:                   14                                 Project support engineer:              Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann
 Test period:                       20.12.18-11.01.19

 Applicant:                         Laird Dabendorf GmbH, Märkische Straße 72, 15806 Zossen, Germany, Mr. Michael Schmidt
 Manufacturer:                      Laird Dabendorf GmbH, Märkische Straße 72, 15806 Zossen, Germany

 EUT identification:                Laird, WCH-193b
 FCC ID:                            RK7193-00                                   IC ID:             4774A-19300

                                    LairdLab, Laird Bochum GmbH, Meesmannstr.103, 44807 Bochum, Germany
                                    Tel.:                              +49 234 51668-0
 Testing laboratory:                e-mail:                            Product.Validation.Bochum@lairdtech.com
                                    FCC Designation number             DE0017                   IC recognition no.:              7847A-1
                                    Laboratory manager:                Jürgen Mitterer

 Test result                        The test result complies with the requirements made in the referred test documents.

 Approver:                          Ines Baufeld                             Technical review:                        Frank Wittmann
 Title:                             Laboratory Quality Manager               Title:                                   Senior EMC Test Engineer

 Signature:                                                                  Signature:

This test report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission of testing laboratory. The test result in this test report relates only
to the tested sample, which is mentioned in this test report. Laird cannot be made responsible for any generalisations or conclusions drawn from this
test report. Modification of the tested sample is prohibited and leads to invalidity of this test report.

Project support engineer:           Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                         FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                      17-JAN-2019                                                                                Template version 3.6
Report No.:                         EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                  Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                         1 (14)


1. SUMMARY FOR FCC PART 15C TEST REPORT .............................................................................................. 3
    1.1.      EUT AND ACCESSORY INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 3
    1.2.      APPLIED STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................... 3
    1.3.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS..................................................................................................................... 3
    1.4.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES ............................................................................................................... 4
2. TEST SETUPS ................................................................................................................................................ 5
    2.1.      CONDUCTED RF TEST SETUP ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.2.      RADIATED EMISSIONS TEST SETUP .............................................................................................................. 5
3. RADIATED EMISSIONS BELOW 30 MHZ....................................................................................................... 6
    3.1.      TEST METHOD AND LIMIT ......................................................................................................................... 6
    3.2.      TEST RESULTS (FCC)................................................................................................................................ 7
4. RADIATED EMISSIONS ABOVE 30 MHZ ....................................................................................................... 9
    4.1.      TEST METHOD AND LIMIT ......................................................................................................................... 9
    4.2.      TEST RESULTS (FCC).............................................................................................................................. 10
    4.3.      TEST RESULTS (ISED) ............................................................................................................................ 11
5. OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ............................................................................................................................ 12
    5.1.      TEST METHOD AND LIMIT ....................................................................................................................... 12
    5.2.      TEST RESULTS (FCC).............................................................................................................................. 12
    5.3.      TEST RESULTS (ISED) ............................................................................................................................ 13
6. TEST EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 14
    6.1.      RADIATED EMISSION ............................................................................................................................. 14
    6.2.      CONDUCTED RADIO .............................................................................................................................. 14

Project support engineer:             Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                             FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                        17-JAN-2019                                                                                    Template version 3.6
Report No.:                           EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                      Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                             2 (14)

1.             Summary for FCC Part 15C Test Report

 Date of receipt                                 20-Dec-2018
 Testing completed                               11-Jan-2019
 The customer's contact person                   Mr. Michael Schmidt
 Notes                                           none

1.1.           EUT and Accessory Information
The EUT is an inductive wireless power transfer device (wireless charger) with load modulation operating at 111 kHz.
The highest output power is available at 111 kHz. The EUT is tested with the highest duty cycle of 100%. Same current
consumption was observed between 5% and 95% charging level of the mobile phone, so that measurement was done
at around 50%.

              Product                Type                 SN                 HW          MV             SW              DUT
     Wireless charging unit        WCH-193b          000002B700AB            H03          -            0002          DAB181159E
     Artificial load               WCH-Rec.              0005                3.4          -              -           DAB15133E
     Power cable                       -                   -                  -           -              -           DAB181161E
     RF cable cellular                 -                   -                  -           -              -           BOC190050E

1.2.           Applied Standards

     Standard / Rule Part                             Version               Year
     CFR 47, FCC Part 15C                             -                     Dec-2018
     ANSI C63.10                                      -                     Jun-2013
     ISED RSS-Gen                                     Issue 5               Apr-2018
     ISED RSS-216                                     Issue 2               Jan-2016

Deviations or clarifications to these standards are noted in the related test result under “test method and limit”.

1.3.           Summary of Test Results

     Section      Section in        Section in          Section in                     Name of the test                   Result
                    CFR 47           RSS-Gen             RSS-216
      3&4       15.205, 15.209         8.9                 Radiated emissions                           PASSED
                                                   (Type 1 WPT devices)
        -       15.207                  -                  AC powerline conducted emissions               NA
        5       15.215 (c)             6.7                   -              Occupied bandwidth                           PASSED

PASSED:          The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
FAILED:          The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard.
NP:              The test was not performed.
NA:              The test was not applicable.

Project support engineer:        Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                              FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                   17-JAN-2019                                                                     Template version 3.6
Report No.:                      EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                       Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                3 (14)

1.4.       Measurement Uncertainties

             Parameter                    Measurement Uncertainty
           Radio Frequency                       ±3.6 x 10-7
       Total RF Power, conducted                    ±0.79 dB
         Emissions, conducted                       ±1.67 dB
        All emissions, radiated                     ±5.38 dB
             Temperature                            ±0.25 °C
               Humidity                              ±1.0 %

Project support engineer:    Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                          FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:               17-JAN-2019                                                 Template version 3.6
Report No.:                  EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                   Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
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2.         Test setups
2.1.       Conducted RF test setup


                                          Directional                         EUT
  Spectrum                10dB
  analyser             attenuator

2.2.       Radiated emissions test setup


         Mast & turn table
         controller                                                Test

Project support engineer:    Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                              FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:               17-JAN-2019                                                     Template version 3.6
Report No.:                  EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                       Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                          5 (14)

3.         Radiated emissions below 30 MHz

                  EUT with DUT number                         DAB181159E
                  Accessories with DUT numbers                DAB181161E, BOC190050E, DAB15133E
                  Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]                12 V / DC
                  Result                                      PASSED
                  Remarks                                     none
                  Temp [°C] / Humidity [%RH]                  21.5 °C / 35.0 %
                  Date of measurements                        20.12.2018
                  Measured by                                 Oliver Flecke
                  Test system SW version                      V1.7.1

3.1.       Test method and limit
              The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-Gen as follows:

              The measurement distance is 3m with a shielded loop antenna

              The Limit has been adjusted with the distance correction factor according to 15.31(f)(2)
              (+40 dB for 30 m distance and +80 dB for 300 m distance)

              The measurement is divided into the Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement.
              The suspected frequencies are searched for in Preliminary Measurement with measuring antenna at
              fixed height using 2-axis EUT position system, set on the turntable, which is rotated 360 degrees.

              The emissions less than 20 dB below the permissible value are reported.

              The measurement results are obtained as described: E [µV/m] = URX + ACF
              Where URX is receiver reading and ACF is total correction factor including cable loss, antenna factor and
              preamplifier gain (ACF = LCABLES + AF - GPREAMP).

              FCC limits for radiated emissions measurements (3 m measurement distance)
                   Frequency range [MHz]            Limit [µV/m]        Limit [dBµV/m]                     Detector
                          0.009 - 0.09                                                                       AV
                           0.09 - 0.11                                                                       QP
                                                10000 * 2400 / f[kHz]     128.5 - 93.8
                           0.11 - 0.19                                                                       AV
                           0.19 - 0.49                                                                       AV
                         0.490 - 1.705           100 * 24000 / f[kHz]     73.8 - 63.0                        QP
                          1.705 - 30.0                 100 * 30               69.5                           QP

              CISPR11 Induction cooking (group 2) limits (3 m measurement distance)
                   Frequency range [MHz]          Limit [dBµA/m]        Limit [dBµV/m]                     Detector
                        0.009 - 0.070                    69.0                 120.5                          QP
                       0.070 - 0.1485                  69 - 39             120.5 - 90.5                      QP
                        0.1485 - 4.0                    39 - 3             90.5 - 54.5                       QP
                           4.0 - 30                       3                    54.5                          QP
              Conversion factor between dBµA/m and dBµV/m is 51.5 dB

Project support engineer:     Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                         FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                17-JAN-2019                                                                Template version 3.6
Report No.:                   EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                  Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                              6 (14)

3.2.       Test results (FCC)
              @111 kHz: Peak (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200 Hz, > 150 kHz: RBW 10 kHz)
                  Level [dBµV/m]






                                                                                               x          x         xx
                  20                                                                           +                          x
                                                                                                          +         ++    +

                           9k   20k      40k       100k               300k              1M         2M         4M      10M           30M
                                                               Frequency [Hz]

              Quasi-Peak (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200 Hz, >150 kHz: RBW: 9 kHz)
                 Frequency           Level     Transducer           Limit       Margin       Height       Azimuth     Polarisation        Result
                   [MHz]           [dBµV/m]       [dB]            [dBµV/m]       [dB]         [cm]         [Deg]
                 0.111116             83.20       23.20             106.70      23.50        170.0         36.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 1.644476             25.40       23.00              63.30      37.90        170.0        161.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 3.242662             24.40       23.20              69.50      45.10        170.0         18.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.087348             24.70       23.40              69.50      44.80        170.0        274.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.876471             24.70       23.40              69.50      44.80        170.0        192.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 10.638052            22.50       23.40              69.50      47.00        170.0        143.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

              Average (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200Hz, > 150 kHz: RBW: 9 kHz)
                 Frequency           Level     Transducer           Limit       Margin       Height       Azimuth     Polarisation        Result
                   [MHz]           [dBµV/m]       [dB]            [dBµV/m]       [dB]         [cm]         [Deg]
                 0.111116             83.20       23.20             106.70      23.50        170.0         36.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 1.665976             20.10       23.00              63.20      43.10        170.0        142.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 3.197662             19.50       23.10              69.50      50.00        170.0         14.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.118848             19.50       23.40              69.50      50.00        170.0        290.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.924471             19.60       23.40              69.50      49.90        170.0        201.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 10.720052            17.40       23.40              69.50      52.10        170.0        128.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

Project support engineer:          Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                        FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                     17-JAN-2019                                                                               Template version 3.6
Report No.:                        EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                 Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                       7 (14)

              Test results (ISED)
              @111 kHz: Peak (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200 Hz, > 150 kHz: RBW 10 kHz)
                  Level [dBµV/m]






                                                                                               x          x         xx
                  20                                                                           +          +         ++    x

                           9k   20k      40k       100k               300k              1M         2M         4M      10M           30M
                                                               Frequency [Hz]

              Quasi-Peak (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200 Hz, >150 kHz: RBW: 9 kHz)
                 Frequency           Level     Transducer           Limit       Margin       Height       Azimuth     Polarisation        Result
                   [MHz]           [dBµV/m]       [dB]            [dBµV/m]       [dB]         [cm]         [Deg]
                 0.111116             83.30       23.20             102.10      18.80        170.0         36.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 1.644476             25.40       23.00              64.20      38.80        170.0        161.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 3.242662             24.80       23.20              56.80      32.00        170.0         18.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.087348             24.70       23.40              54.50      29.80        170.0        274.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.876471             24.70       23.40              54.50      29.80        170.0        192.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 10.638052            21.90       23.40              54.50      32.60        170.0        143.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

              Average (< 150 kHz: RBW: 200Hz, > 150 kHz: RBW: 9 kHz)
                 Frequency           Level     Transducer           Limit       Margin       Height       Azimuth     Polarisation        Result
                   [MHz]           [dBµV/m]       [dB]            [dBµV/m]       [dB]         [cm]         [Deg]
                 0.111116             83.20       23.20             102.10      18.90        170.0         36.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 1.665976             20.10       23.00              64.10      44.00        170.0        142.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 3.197662             19.50       23.10              56.90      37.40        170.0         14.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.118848             19.40       23.40              54.50      35.10        170.0        290.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 7.924471             19.60       23.40              54.50      34.90        170.0        201.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
                 10.720052            17.50       23.40              54.50      37.00        170.0        127.00         VERTICAL         PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

Project support engineer:          Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                        FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                     17-JAN-2019                                                                               Template version 3.6
Report No.:                        EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                 Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                       8 (14)

4.         Radiated emissions above 30 MHz

                 EUT with DUT number                      DAB181159E
                 Accessories with DUT numbers             DAB181161E, BOC190050E, DAB15133E
                 Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]             12 V / DC
                 Result                                   PASSED
                 Remarks                                  none
                 Temp [°C] / Humidity [%RH]               21.5 °C / 35.0 %
                 Date of measurements                     21.12.2018
                 Measured by                              Oliver Flecke
                 Test system SW version                   V1.7.1

4.1.       Test method and limit
              The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10 and RSS-Gen as follows:

              The Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement is performed in 3 m distance by rotating the
              turntable of 360 degrees and moving the antenna height between 1-4 m.
              The Preliminary Measurement is performed with floor absorbers on the floor and measuring antenna at
              fixed height using 2-axis EUT position system.
              The Final Measurement is performed without floor absorbers, if the Preliminary Measurement results
              are closer than 20 dB to the permissible limit.

              The measurement is divided into the Preliminary Measurement and the Final Measurement.
              The EUT is placed on a nonconductive plate in the center of the turntable.

              The emissions less than 20 dB below the permissible value are reported.

              The measurement results are obtained as described below:
              E [µV/m] = URX + ACF

              Where URX is receiver reading and ACF is total correction factor including cable loss, antenna factor and
              preamplifier gain (ACF = LCABLES + AF - GPREAMP).

              FCC limits for radiated emissions measurements (3 m measurement distance)
                   Frequency range [MHz]            Limit [µV/m]        Limit [dBµV/m]                     Detector
                            30 – 88                      100                   40                            QP
                            88 – 216                     150                  43.5                           QP
                           216 – 960                     200                   46                            QP
                          960 – 1000                     500                   54                            QP

               CISPR11 Class B group 2 limits (3 m measurement distance)
                    Frequency range [MHz]            Limit [µV/m]        Limit [dBµV/m]                    Detector
                          30 – 80.872                     100                   40                           QP
                        80.872 – 81.848                  1000                   60                           QP
                       81.848 – 134.786                   100                   40                           QP
                       134.786 – 136.414                 1000                   60                           QP
                         136.414 – 230                    100                   40                           QP
                          230 - 1000                      500                   47                           QP

Project support engineer:   Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                           FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:              17-JAN-2019                                                                  Template version 3.6
Report No.:                 EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                    Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                         9 (14)

4.2.       Test results (FCC)
              Peak (< 300 MHz: RBW: 300 kHz, > 300 MHz: RBW 1 MHz)
                 Level [dBµV/m]






                20       x                                                                                                        x
                         30M       50M       70M       100M                      200M     300M            500M       700M         1G
                                                           Frequency [Hz]

              QuasiPeak (RBW: 1 MHz)
                 Frequency          Level     Transducer         Limit           Margin   Height     Azimuth       Polarisation        Result
                   [MHz]          [dBµV/m]       [dB]          [dBµV/m]           [dB]     [cm]       [Deg]
                 30.150000          20.50          -8.30         40.00           19.50    176.0       38.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
                 72.053607           8.20          -25.60        40.00           31.80    401.0      274.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
                166.283467           4.60          -31.60        43.50           38.90    276.0       58.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
                519.439078          13.80          -22.50        46.00           32.20    323.0      142.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
                713.877856          16.80          -19.50        46.00           29.20    126.0      184.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
                929.108717          19.80          -16.30        46.00           26.20    173.0       10.00         VERTICAL           PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

Project support engineer:         Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                    FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                    17-JAN-2019                                                                           Template version 3.6
Report No.:                       EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                             Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                   10 (14)

4.3.       Test results (ISED)
              Peak (< 300 MHz: RBW: 300 kHz, > 300 MHz: RBW 1 MHz)
                   Marker:                         30.420842 MHz                                         30.44 dBµV/m

                     Level [dBµV/m]






                20       x                                                                                                                                        x
                         30M                50M           70M           100M                           200M             300M            500M         700M         1G
                                                                               Frequency [Hz]

               x             MES RSS216WPT<1G_finQP
                             MES FCC15CWPT<1G_prePK
                             LIM RSS216 IndCook<1G QP RSS-216 Induction Cooking

              QuasiPeak (RBW: 1 MHz)
                   Frequency                Level            Transducer              Limit             Margin           Height     Azimuth         Polarisation        Result
                     [MHz]                [dBµV/m]              [dB]               [dBµV/m]             [dB]             [cm]       [Deg]
                   30.150000                 20.60                  -8.30              40.00           19.40            176.0       38.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
                   72.053607                  8.20                  -25.60             40.00           31.80            401.0      274.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
                   166.283467                 4.60                  -31.60             40.00           35.40            276.0       58.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
                   519.439078                13.80                  -22.50             47.00           33.20            323.0      142.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
                   713.877856                16.70                  -19.50             47.00           30.30            126.0      184.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
                   929.108717                19.80                  -16.30             47.00           27.20            173.0       10.00           VERTICAL           PASSED
              No further emissions found less than 20 dB to the regulatory limit and no emission found in the
              restricted band of operation.

Project support engineer:                Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                                           FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                           17-JAN-2019                                                                                                  Template version 3.6
Report No.:                              EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                                    Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                                         11 (14)

5.         Occupied bandwidth

                  EUT with DUT number                                                  DAB181159E
                  Accessories with DUT numbers                                         DAB181161E, BOC190050E, DAB15133E
                  Operation Voltage [V] / [Hz]                                         12 V / DC
                  Result                                                               PASSED
                  Remarks                                                              none
                  Temp [°C] / Humidity [%RH]                                           21.6 °C / 40.5 %
                  Date of measurements                                                 11.01.2019
                  Measured by                                                          Bhushan Pawar
                  Test system SW version                                               V1.3

5.1.       Test method and limit
              The measurement is made according to FCC 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen.

              Limits for 20 dB / 99 % bandwidth measurements
                                                          Limit [MHz]

5.2.       Test results (FCC)

                      Laird                                                * RBW   10 Hz          Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                           * VBW   30 Hz                    32.31 dBµA
                      Ref     42 dBµA                  * Att   20 dB       * SWT   10 s              111.108974359 kHz
                      40                                                                          ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
                                                                                                1 BW 26.442307692 Hz
                                                                                                  Temp 1 [T1 ndB]       A
                      30                                                                                    12.11 dBµA SGL
               1 PK                                                                                  111.095352564 kHz
                                                                                                  Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                                            13.43 dBµA
                                                                                           T1        111.121794872 kHz TDF




                            SWP         5 of       5




                      Center      111 kHz                              50 Hz/                             Span   500 Hz

               20dB Bandwidth / 0.111MHz / WPT_111kHz_unmodulated
               Date: 11.JAN.2019        09:14:33

                frequency [kHz]                         20 dB bandwidth [Hz]                         Result
                111.108                                 26.442                                       PASSED

Project support engineer:               Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                                           FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                          17-JAN-2019                                                                                                  Template version 3.6
Report No.:                             EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                                    Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                                      12 (14)

5.3.       Test results (ISED)
                      Laird                                                * RBW   10 Hz        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                           * VBW   30 Hz                  32.31 dBµA
                      Ref     42 dBµA                  * Att   20 dB       * SWT   10 s            111.108974359 kHz
                      40                                                                      OBW 22.435897436 Hz
                                                                                            1 Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                        18.62 dBµA  A
                      30                                                                         111.097756410 kHz SGL
               1 PK                                                                             Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                           T1   T2        17.91 dBµA
                                                                                                   111.120192308 kHz



                            SWP         5 of       5




                      Center      111 kHz                              50 Hz/                           Span   500 Hz

               99% Bandwidth / 0.111MHz / WPT_111kHz_unmodulated
               Date: 11.JAN.2019        09:13:34

                frequency [kHz]                         99 % bandwidth [Hz]                          Result
                111.108                                 22.435                                       PASSED

Project support engineer:               Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                                                         FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                          17-JAN-2019                                                                                                Template version 3.6
Report No.:                             EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                                                                  Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                                                      13 (14)

6.          Test Equipment
6.1.        Radiated Emission

                                                                                                     Actual           Next
        Equipment                  Manufacturer                        Type      SERIAL-NO.
                                                                                                   Calibration     Calibration

         Antenna            Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik          FMZB_1519        1519-056         14.07.2017      14.07.2020

     EMI Test Receiver          ROHDE & SCHWARZ                       ESIB26     827769/010        15.08.2017      15.08.2019
       Power Supply          Hewlett Packard - Agilent                E3632A     KR75303301        17.05.2018      17.05.2020
     Temp. / Humidity
                                       Lufft                          Opus 10       13262          11.01.2017      11.01.2020
         Antenna                ROHDE & SCHWARZ                        HL562       100191          26.10.2018      26.10.2021
         Antenna                   Schwarzbeck                  BBHA-9120-D         01617          18.08.2016      18.08.2019

6.2.        Conducted Radio

                                                                                                    Actual            Next
        Equipment                 Manufacturer                         Type     SERIAL-NO.
                                                                                                  Calibration      Calibration
     Climatic Chamber                 Vötsch                          VT4002     521/85094         09.10.2018      09.10.2019
     EMI Test Receiver         ROHDE & SCHWARZ                        ESU26       100077           16.08.2017      16.08.2019
       Power Supply          Hewlett Packard - Agilent            E3632A        MY40011318         23.05.2018      23.05.2020

                                                End of Report

Project support engineer:      Ralf Lange, Frank Wittmann                                    FCC Test Report (RK7193-00)
Date of issue:                 17-JAN-2019                                                           Template version 3.6
Report No.:                    EMC_BO_002191 (v1.0)                             Copyright © 2019 Laird. All rights reserved.
                                                            14 (14)

Document Created: 2019-05-04 01:36:12
Document Modified: 2019-05-04 01:36:12

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