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Test Report

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FCC LISTED, REGISTRATION                                                                                         AT4 wireless, S.A.
NUMBER: 905266                                                                                                Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
                                                                                                                     c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2
                                                                                                             29590 Campanillas/ Málaga/ España
IC LISTED REGISTRATION NUMBER                                                                                Tel. 952 61 91 00 - Fax 952 61 91 13
IC 4621A-1                                                                                                      MÁLAGA, C.I.F. A29 507 456
                                                                                                           Registro Mercantil de Málaga,Tomo 1169,
                                                                                                              Libro 82, Folio 133, Hoja MA3729

                                                                         TEST REPORT
                                                                REFERENCE STANDARD:
                                                                USA FCC Part 15.247, 15.109
                                                                CANADA RSS-210, RSS-Gen
Radio Frequency Devices. Operation within the bands 902 - 928 MHz, 2400 -2483.5 MHz, and 5725 - 5850
Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment.
General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio Apparatus.
NIE........................................................ :     32032RET.003                                                      Firmado digitalmente por
                                                                                                       Alejandro Llamas Alejandro Llamas Rodríguez
Approved by                                                                                            Rodríguez        Fecha: 2011.03.30 09:40:29
(name / position & signature) ............... :                   A. Llamas / RF Lab. Manager
Elaboration date .................................... :           2011-03-30
Identification of item tested ................ :                  WIRELESS MODULE 2.4 GHz
Trademark ............................................ :          TELIT
Model and/or type reference ................. :                   ZE51-2.4
Serial number ........................................ :          FRCJ1000038
Other identification of the product ........ :                    Commercial name: ZE51-2.4
                                                                  HW version: Rev C1 / SW version: 1.02
                                                                  FCC ID: RI7ZE51
                                                                  IC ID: 5131A-ZE51
Features ................................................. :      ZigBee module with integrated antenna
Description ............................................ :        ZigBee module integrated antenna
Applicant ............................................. :         Telit Communications S.p.A.
Address.................................................. :       Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B 34010 -SGONICO (TRIESTE) – ITALY
CIF/NIF/Passport................................... :             ----
Contact person:                                                   Xavier TATOPOULOS
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :           +33.(0) / +33.(0)
e-mail: ................................................... :     xavier.tatopoulos@telit.com
Test samples supplier ......................... :                 Same as applicant
Manufacturer ...................................... :             TELIT RF TECHNOLOGIES SAS
Address.................................................. :       Rue Evariste Galois Emerald Square - Bâtiment D, Sophia-Antipolis,
Contact person:                                                   Xavier TATOPOULOS (xavier.tatopoulos@telit.com)
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :           +33.(0) / +33.(0)

         Report Nº(NIE): 32032RET.003                                          Page 1 of 32                                                 2011-03-30

Test method requested ........................: See Standard
Standard ................................................: USA FCC Part 15.247 10-01-09 Edition: Operation within the bands 902 -
                                                           928 MHz, 2400 -2483.5 MHz, and 5725 - 5850 MHz:
                                                           -Section 15.247 Subclause (b). Maximum output power and antenna gain.
                                                           -Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Band-edge emissions compliance
                                                           -Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Emissions radiated (Transmitter).
                                                           USA FCC Part 15.109: Receiver radiated emission.
                                                           CANADA RSS-210 Issue 8 (December 2010).
                                                           CANADA RSS-Gen Issue 3 (December 2010).
                                                           Guidelines for measurement of Digital Transmission Systems operating
                                                           under section 15.247 dated March 23, 2005.
                                                           ANSI C63.10-2009: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed
                                                           Wireless Devices.
Test procedure .......................................: PEET034: Medidas radioeléctricas a equipos de radio de espectro
                                                        ensanchado en la banda de 2,4 GHz.
Non-standardized test method ...............: N/A
Used instrumentation .............................:
                                                                                                                Last Cal. date      Cal. due date
                                                              Semianechoic Absorber Lined Chamber
                                                      1.                                                             N.A.               N.A.
                                                              IR 11. BS
                                                      2.      Control Chamber IR 12.BC                              N.A.               N.A.
                                                              Hybrid Bilog antenna Sunol Sciences                  2008/10            2011/10
                                                              Corporation JB6
                                                      4.      Antenna mast EM 1072 NMT                               N.A.               N.A.
                                                      5.      Rotating table EM 1084-4. ON                           N.A.               N.A.
                                                              Double-ridge Guide Horn antenna 1-18
                                                      6.                                                           2008/03            2011/03
                                                              GHz HP 11966E
                                                              Double-ridge Guide Horn antenna 18-
                                                      7.                                                           2008/09            2011/09
                                                              40 GHz Agilent 119665J
                                                      8.      EMI Test Receiver R&S ESIB26                         2009/09            2011/09
                                                              RF pre-amplifier Miteq JS4-12002600-
                                                      9.                                                           2010/07            2012/07
                                                      10.     Multi Device Controller EMCO 2090                     N.A.               N.A.
                                                      11.     Spectrum Analyzer Agilent E4440A                     2010/02            2012/02
                                                              RF     pre-amplifier   Miteq   AFS5-
                                                      12.                                                          2010/07            2012/07
                                                      13.     RF pre-amplifier Schaffner CPA 9231.                 2009/03            2011/03

Report template No. .............................: FDT08_12
IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means, except in full, without the previous
written permission of AT4 wireless, S.A.

Report Nº(NIE): 32032RET.003                                      Page 2 of 32                                                   2011-03-30


Competences and guarantees ................................................................................................................ 4
General conditions ................................................................................................................................ 4
Uncertainty............................................................................................................................................ 4
Usage of samples................................................................................................................................... 4
Testing period ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Environmental conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5
Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Remarks and comments ........................................................................................................................ 6
Testing verdicts ..................................................................................................................................... 6
APPENDIX A: Test result .................................................................................................................... 7

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Competences and guarantees
AT4 wireless is a laboratory with a measurement facility in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948
of the FCC rules and has been added to the list of facilities whose measurements data will be accepted in
conjuction with applications for Certification under Parts 15 or 18 of the Commission's Rules. Registration
Number: 905266.
AT4 wireless is a laboratory with a measurement site in compliance with the requirements of RSS 212, Issue 1
(Provisional) and has been added to the list of filed sites of the Canadian Certification and Engineering Bureau.
Reference File Number: IC 4621A-1.
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, AT4 wireless has a calibration
and maintenance programme for its measurement equipment.
AT4 wireless guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the
report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at AT4 wireless at the time of
performance of the test.
AT4 wireless is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
under test and the results of the test.
General conditions
       1.    This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2.    This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification
             Bodies or competent Authorities.
       3.    This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous
             written permission of AT4 wireless.
       4.    This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
             previous written permission of AT4 wireless and the Accreditation Bodies.
Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the AT4 wireless internal document PODT000.
Usage of samples
Samples undergoing test have been selected by: the client.

Sample M/01 is formed by the following elements:
     Control No.              Description                   Model              Serial No.       Date of reception
      32032/01          RF module with integral            ZE51-2.4          FRCJ1000038            08/12/2010
                        antenna on DIP support
      32032/06                 Test board             B DIGITAL CEB                  ---            08/12/2010
      32032/13              AC/DC adaptor                 FBC12050                   ---            08/12/2010

1.       Sample M/01 has undergone following test(s).
         All tests indicated in appendix A.

Testing period
The performed test started on 2011-02-22 and finished on the same day
The tests have been performed at AT4 wireless.

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Environmental conditions
In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                Temperature                           Min. = 22.1 ºC
                                                      Max. = 22.7 ºC
                Relative humidity                     Min. = 43.3 %
                                                      Max. = 44.7 %
                Shielding effectiveness               > 100 dB
                Electric insulation                   > 10 kΩ
                Reference resistance to earth         < 0,5 Ω
In the semianechoic chamber (21 meters x 11 meters x 8 meters), the following limits were not
exceeded during the test.

                Temperature                           Min. = 23.2 ºC
                                                      Max. = 23.8 ºC
                Relative humidity                     Min. = 41 %
                                                      Max. = 43 %
                Air pressure                          Min. = 1020 mbar
                                                      Max. = 1020 mbar
                Shielding effectiveness               > 100 dB
                Electric insulation                   > 10 kΩ
                Reference resistance to earth         < 0,5 Ω
                Normal site attenuation (NSA)         < ±4 dB at 10 m distance between item
                                                      under test and receiver antenna, (30
                                                      MHz to 1000 MHz)
                Field homogeneity                     More than 75% of illuminated surface
                                                      is between 0 and 6 dB (26 MHz to 1000

Report Nº(NIE): 32032RET.003                    Page 5 of 32                              2011-03-30

Considering the results of the performed test according to standard USA FCC Parts 15.247 and 15.109 / RSS-
210, the item under test is IN COMPLIANCE with the requested specifications specified in the standard.
NOTE: The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in page 1
of this document, as presented for test on the date(s) shown in section, “USAGE OF SAMPLES, TESTING
Remarks and comments
1: Test not requested. Only radiated measurements were requested.

Testing verdicts
Not applicable .................................................... :          NA
Pass..................................................................... :    P
Fail ..................................................................... :   F
Not measured...................................................... :           NM

                                  FCC PART 15 PARAGRAPH / RSS-210                                                             VERDICT
                                                                                                                         NA   P    F    NM
 Section 15.247 Subclause (a) (2) / RSS-210 A8.2. (a)                                   6 dB Bandwidth                                  NM1
 Section 15.247 Subclause (b) / RSS-210 A8.4. (4)                                       Maximum radiated output power         P
                                   ..................                                   and antenna gain
 Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-210 A8.5.                                           Emission limitations conducted                  NM1
                                   ..................                                   (Transmitter)
 Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-210 A8.5.                                           Band-edge conducted emissions                   NM1
                                   ..................                                   compliance (Transmitter)
 Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-210 A8.5.                                           Band-edge radiated emissions          P
                                   ..................                                   compliance (Transmitter)
 Section 15.247 Subclause (e) / RSS-210 A8.2. (b)                                       Power spectral density                          NM1
 Section 15.247 Subclause (d) / RSS-210 A8.5.                                           Emission limitations radiated         P
                                   ..................                                   (Transmitter)
 Section 15.109 / RSS-210 2.5.                          ..................              Radiated emission limits for          P
                                                        ..................              receiver
1: See point “Remarks and comments”.

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                       APPENDIX A: Test result

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TEST CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................................9

Computation of duty-cycle correction factor .....................................................................................................10

Section 15.247 Subclause (b). Maximum output power and antenna gain ............................................................12

Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Band-edge emissions compliance (Transmitter) ....................................................15

Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Emission limitations radiated (Transmitter) ..........................................................17

Section 15.109. Receiver spurious radiation .....................................................................................................26

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                                            TEST CONDITIONS

Power supply (V):
    Vnominal = 12 Vdc
Type of power supply = DC voltage from AC/DC adaptor.
Type of antenna = Integral chip antennal.

Lowest channel: 2405 MHz
Middle channel: 2440 MHz
Highest channel: 2480 MHz

The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C63.4: 2009.

All radiated tests were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber. The measurement antenna is situated at a
distance of 3 m for the frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz (30 MHz-1000 MHz Bilog antenna) and at a
distance of 1m for the frequency range 1 GHz-25 GHz (1 GHz-18 GHz Double ridge horn antenna and 18
GHz-40 GHz horn antenna).
For radiated emissions in the range 1 GHz-25 GHz that is performed at a distance closer than the
specified distance, an inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per decade is used to normalize the
measured data for determining compliance.
The equipment under test was set up on a non-conductive (wooden) platform one meter above the ground
plane and the situation and orientation was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. It was also
rotated 360º and the antenna height was varied from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated
Measurements were made in both horizontal and vertical planes of polarization.
The transmission is pulsed so the average values of transmitter fundamental and spurious emissions are
calculated from the measured peak values using the duty cycle correction factor δ as indicated in standard
ANSI C63.10-2009.

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                               Computation of duty-cycle correction factor

1. Pulse train length.

The pulse train length is > 100 ms
2. Pulse train period and number of pulses within 100 ms.

Pulse train period: 39.83 ms
Number of pulses within 100 ms: 3

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3. Pulse duration.

Pulse duration: 3.5 ms

4. Duty-cycle correction factor calculation.

       Sub-pulse                 Duration (ms)            Number of pulses   Sub-pulse “On Time”
           1                          3.5                        3                  10.5
                                                         TOTAL ON TIME:             10.5

Duty cycle correction factor δ = 10.5 / 100 = 0.105
δ = 20 log (0.105) = -19.58 dB

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             Section 15.247 Subclause (b). Maximum output power and antenna gain

For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band: 1 watt (30 dBm).



                                    Lowest frequency     Middle frequency   Highest frequency
                                        2405 MHz             2440 MHz           2480 MHz
  Maximum EIRP power (dBm)                 -2.09               -2.79                 -3.38
  Measurement uncertainty (dB)                                 ±4.0

Verdict: PASS

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Lowest frequency

Middle frequency

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Highest frequency

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             Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Band-edge emissions compliance (Transmitter)

Emissions outside the frequency band in which the intentional radiator is operating shall be at least 20dB below the
highest level of the desired power.

Band-edge compliance of radiated emissions
Maximum peak and average field strength of fundamental emission at 3 m distance.

Maximum field strength at 3 m. Peak value.

Note: The correction factor is already included in the spectrum analyzer as a transducer factor so that the marker
shows directly the field strength level.

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Maximum field strength at 3 m. Average value.

 E-Field at 3m Peak (dBµV/m)            Duty-cycle correction factor δ (dB)            Corrected E-Field at 3m
                                                                                         Average (dBµV/m)
               90.22                                    -19.58                                 70.64


Note: No correction is applied for this relative measurement.

Band edge compliance of radiated emissions

Fundamental max. average value           Delta value            Calculated value 3 m          Limit
          70.64 dBµV/m                    41.57 dB                     29.07               54 dBµV/m

Fundamental max. Peak value 3 m          Delta value            Calculated value 3 m          Limit

          90.22 dBµV/m                    41.57 dB                     48.65               74 dBµV/m

Verdict: PASS

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             Section 15.247 Subclause (d). Emission limitations radiated (Transmitter)


Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with
the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)):

        Frequency Range        Field strength (µV/m)       Field strength         Measurement
             (MHz)                                          (dBµV/m)              distance (m)
          0.009-0.490              2400/F(kHz)                   -                     300
          0.490-1.705             24000/F(kHz)                   -                     300
          1.705 - 30.0                  30                       -                      30
             30 - 88                   100                      40                       3
            88 - 216                   150                      43.5                     3
            216 - 960                  200                      46                       3
          960 - 25000                  500                      54                       3

The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing CISPR quasi-peak
detector except for the frequency bands 9-90 kHz, 110-490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated emission
limits in these three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
For average radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz, there is also a limit corresponding to 20
dB above the indicated values in the table is specified when measuring with peak detector function.

The situation and orientation was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. It was also rotated 360º
and the antenna height was varied from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated emission.
Measurements were made in both horizontal and vertical planes of polarization.
All tests were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3 m for the frequency range 30
MHz-1000 MHz and at distance of 1m for the frequency range 1 GHz-25 GHz.
The field strength is calculated by adding correction factor to the measured level from the spectrum
analyzer. This correction factor includes antenna factor, cable loss and pre-amplifiers gain.
The transmission is pulsed so the average values of transmitter fundamental and spurious emissions are
calculated from the measured peak values using the duty cycle correction factor δ as indicated in standard
ANSI C63.10-2009.

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Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
Note: The spurious emissions below 1 GHz do not depend on the operating channel selected in the

Spurious levels operating (radiated) closest to limit.

      Spurious frequency       Polarization       Detector      Emission Level  Measurement
            (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)     Uncertainty (dB)
           39.7194                  V            Quasi-peak         23.50            ±3.8
           49.4389                  V            Quasi-peak         24.18            ±3.8
          121.3627                  V            Quasi-peak         31.80            ±3.8
          171.9038                  V            Quasi-peak         38.20            ±3.8
          216.6132                  V            Quasi-peak         25.98            ±3.8
          237.9961                  V            Quasi-peak         27.08            ±3.8

Frequency range 1 GHz-25 GHz


No spurious signals were found.


Spurious frequency     Polarization      Emission Level Duty-cycle correction   Corrected Emission
      (MHz)                              (dBµV/m) Peak      factor δ (dB)             Level
                                                                                (dBµV/m) Average
    4880.011                V                 44.85             -19.58                 25.27


Spurious frequency     Polarization      Emission Level Duty-cycle correction   Corrected Emission
      (MHz)                              (dBµV/m) Peak      factor δ (dB)             Level
                                                                                (dBµV/m) Average
    4959.966                V                 46.28             -19.58                 26.70

Measurement Uncertainty (dB): ± 4.0 dB.

Verdict: PASS

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(This plot is valid for all three channels).

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CHANNEL: Lowest (2405 MHz).

Note: The peak shown in the plot is the carrier frequency.

CHANNEL: Middle (2440 MHz).

Note: The peak shown in the plot is the carrier frequency.

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CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz).

Note: The peak shown in the plot is the carrier frequency.

CHANNEL: Lowest (2405 MHz).

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CHANNEL: Middle (2440 MHz).

CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz).

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FREQUENCY RANGE 12.75 GHz to 18 GHz.

(This plot is valid for all three channels).


(This plot is valid for all three channels).

Report Nº(NIE): 32032RET.003                   Page 23 of 32   2011-03-30


(This plot is valid for all three channels).

(This plot is valid for the lowest and middle channels).

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CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz).

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                               Section 15.109. Receiver spurious radiation


The field strength shall not exceed the following values:

   Frequency Range        Field strength (µV/m)        Field strength        Measurement
        (MHz)                                           (dBµV/m)             distance (m)
      0.009-0.490               2400/F(kHz)                     -                 300
      0.490-1.705              24000/F(kHz)                     -                 300
      1.705 - 30.0                  30                          -                  30
         30 - 88                    100                     40                     3
        88 - 216                    150                     43.5                   3
       216 - 960                    200                     46                     3
      960 - 25000                   500                     54                     3

The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing CISPR quasi-peak
detector except for the frequency bands 9-90 kHz, 110-490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated emission
limits in these three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
For average radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz, there is also a limit corresponding to
20 dB above the indicated values in the table is specified when measuring with peak detector

The situation and orientation was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. It was also rotated
360º and the antenna height was varied from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated emission.
Measurements were made in both horizontal and vertical planes of polarization.
All tests were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3 m for the frequency range 30
MHz-1000 MHz and at distance of 1m for the frequency range 1 GHz-25 GHz.
The field strength is calculated by adding correction factor to the measured level from the spectrum
analyser. This correction factor includes antenna factor, cable loss and pre-amplifiers gain.

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Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.

Note: The spurious emissions below 1 GHz do not depend on either the receiving channel.

Spurious levels operating (radiated) closest to limit.
     Spurious frequency        Polarization      Detector      Emission Level  Measurement
           (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)     Uncertainty (dB)
          123.3066                  V           Quasi-peak          28.63             ±3.8
          136.9138                  V           Quasi-peak          27.47             ±3.8
          169.9599                  V           Quasi-peak          32.13             ±3.8

Frequency range 1 GHz-25 GHz.

1. CHANNEL: LOWEST (2402 MHz).

     Spurious frequency        Polarization      Detector      Emission Level  Measurement
           (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)     Uncertainty (dB)
          4810.033                  V              Peak             43.98             ± 4.0
          4810.033                  V            Average            40.50             ± 4.0

2. CHANNEL: MIDDLE (2441 MHz).

     Spurious frequency        Polarization      Detector      Emission Level  Measurement
           (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)     Uncertainty (dB)
          4879.967                  V              Peak             43.74             ± 4.0
          4879.967                  V            Average            39.60             ± 4.0


     Spurious frequency        Polarization      Detector      Emission Level  Measurement
           (MHz)                                                 (dBµV/m)     Uncertainty (dB)
          4959.975                  V              Peak             43.22             ± 4.0
          4959.975                  V            Average            39.36             ± 4.0

Verdict: PASS.

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(This plot is valid for all three channels).

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CHANNEL: Lowest (2405 MHz).

CHANNEL: Middle (2440 MHz).

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CHANNEL: Highest (2480 MHz).


(This plot is valid for all three channels).

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(This plot is valid for all three channels).

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(This plot is valid for all three channels).


(This plot is valid for all three channels).

Report Nº(NIE): 32032RET.003                   Page 32 of 32   2011-03-30

Document Created: 2011-03-30 09:40:29
Document Modified: 2011-03-30 09:40:29

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