

Operational Description

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Alcon GPS
WaveLight GmbH
Rheinstr 814513 Teltow, Germany
                                                                                           a Novartis company
Tel +49 (0) 33 28 3115—0. Fax +49 (0) 33 28 3115—999

Alcon GPS — WaveLight GmbH       Rheinstr 8   14513 Teltow

                                     Declaration concerning Antenna Specification

It is hereby declared that the product

         Model No.: X—SRC
         FCC ID:          RI7ZXE6S1

fulfills the requirement in FCC test relating to the antenna type.

The device specified above confirms to the FCC recommendations for internal antenna type
described below:

         Model No. of antenna: MHF/U.FL 802.11 b/g/n —5 dBi 60 mm intern 805 PIFA
         Type of antenna:                 simple wire antenna (1/4 wave antenna)
                                          permanently soldered to the PCB

         Peak Gain of the antenna:                     3 dBi
         Frequency range:                              2400—2500 MHz

The mounting of the antenna is fixed to the radio module and no other antenna should be used.

Company name:                                                   Alcon GPS WaveLight GmbH
Address:     Rheinstr. 8
City:                    Teltow

ZIP / Postal code: 14513

Country:                 Germany

Place:                      Teltow                           Date: 02/09/2013


WaveLight GmbH
Registered Office: Erlangen, Germany Commercial Register Firth, Germany: HRB 12413
VAT Registration No: DE 812749883    Managing Director: Martin Reichelt
Deutsche Bank AG, (Bank Code Ne 760 700 12) Account Ne 7 73 99 56 00
S WIF T.—Code: DEUTDEMM760          IBAN: DE807607001420773995600

Document Created: 2013-09-03 10:20:55
Document Modified: 2013-09-03 10:20:55

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