WLAN channels declaration


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                         /                @

   Telit Communications S.p.A,
   Via Stazione di Prosecco n. 5/B
   34010 Trieste, Italy

    February 14, 2016

   Federal Communications Commission,
   Authorization & Evaluation Division,
   7435 Oakland Mills Road,
   Columbia, MD. 21046

   Attention: RIZWE9223GR WLAN Channels

   Telit Communications S.p.A declares that FCC ID: RITWE9223GR uses WLAN Channels 1—11.
   Channels 12 and 13 are disabled by software and end users don‘t have possibility take them into use.


   By: Ken Bednasz
   Title: VP Application Engineering
   Company: Telit Communications S.p.A
   Telephone: +1 919 415 1517
    e—mail: Ken.Bednasz@telit.com

Telit Communications S.p.A.       Cap. Soc. €3.000.000      Societa soggetta all‘attivita            Societa con socio unico
Via Stazione di Prosecco n. 5/B   Partita IVA 03711600266   di direzione e coordinamento             (Telit Communications PLC)
34010 Sgonico (TS) — ITALY        Cod.Fisc. 03711600266     da parte di Telit Communications PLC        g              eso!|
Phone +39040 4192111              Nr. R.E.A. TS~120027      con sede in Londra (art.2497 bis C.C.)         CO@         H@
Fax     +390404192333                                                                                    cernricoiso n  cermnenisoss

Document Created: 2017-03-15 16:11:47
Document Modified: 2017-03-15 16:11:47

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