

Test Report

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                                      FCC LISTED, REGISTRATION
                                                      NUMBER: 2764.01                       Test report No:
                                                      ISED LISTED REGISTRATION               2323ERM.007
                                                      NUMBER: 23595-1

                                          DFS Test report
                                    USA FCC Part 15.407 (U-NIII)
                                        CANADA RSS - 247
              Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices Operating in the
                5250-5350 MHz and 5470 – 5725 MHz Bands incorporating Dynamic
                                       Frequency Selection

          Identification of item tested                   WE866C3-P (Module)

          Trademark                                       Telit

          Model and /or type reference                    WE866C3-P
          Other identification of the product             FCC ID: RI7WE866C3
                                                          IC: 5131A–WE866C3

          Features                                        BT BR/EDR/LE 4.2 +Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac (Wave 1 => Max
                                                          BW=80 MHz)

          Manufacturer                                    TELIT communications s.p.a
                                                          Viale Stazione di Prosecco 5/b, Trieste, Italy, 34010

          Test method requested, standard                 USA FCC Part 15.407 10-1-18 Edition: Unlicensed
                                                          National Information Infrastructure Devices. General
                                                          technical requirements.
                                                          Canada RSS-247 Issue 2 (February 2017)
                                                          905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New
                                                          rules V02. Compliance Measurement procedures for
                                                          Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII)
                                                          Devices operating in the 5250 – 5350 MHz and 5470-
                                                          5725 MHz bands incorporating Dynamic Frequency

          Summary                                         IN COMPLIANCE
          Approved by (name / position & signature)       Domingo Galvez                            Digitally signed by Domingo
                                                          EMC&RF Lab Manager                        DN: cn=Domingo Galvez,
                                                                                                    o=DEKRA Certification Inc.,
                                                                                                    ou=Regulatory Lab,
                                                                                                    email=dgalvez@dekra.com, c=US
                                                                                                    Date: 2019.04.29 20:33:09 -04'00'

          Date of issue                                   04-14-2019
          Report template No                              FDT08_21

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                                                                                          04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

   Competences and guarantees ...................................................................................................... 3
   General conditions ........................................................................................................................ 3
   Uncertainty .................................................................................................................................... 3
   Data provided by the client ........................................................................................................... 3
   Usage of samples ......................................................................................................................... 4
   Test sample description ................................................................................................................ 4
   Identification of the client .............................................................................................................. 5
   Testing period and place ............................................................................................................... 5
   Document history .......................................................................................................................... 5
   Environmental conditions .............................................................................................................. 6
   Remarks and comments ............................................................................................................... 6
   Testing verdicts ............................................................................................................................. 6
   Summary....................................................................................................................................... 7
   List of equipment used during the test .......................................................................................... 8
   U-NII DFS RULE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 9
   U-NII DFS Test Setup ................................................................................................................. 13
   Appendix A: DUT Description ..................................................................................................... 15
   Appendix B: Test results 5.25 GHz-5.35 GHz ............................................................................ 17
   Appendix C: Test results 5.47 GHz – 5.725 GHz ....................................................................... 26

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                                 Page 2 of 34                                                             04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Competences and guarantees
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory accredited by A2LA (The American Association for Laboratory
   Accreditation), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate 2764.01
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
   In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA Certification Inc. has a
   calibration and maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
   measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on
   the report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA Certification at the time
   of performance of the test.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related
   to the item under test and the results of the test.
   The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this
   IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
   except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.

General conditions
       1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies
          or competent Authorities.
       3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
          permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.
       4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
          previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc. and the Accreditation Bodies.

   Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the DEKRA Certification internal document PODT000.

                                         Frequency (MHz)         U(k=2)   Units
                                             0,009 - 30           2.69    dB
                                              30-180              3.82    dB
                                             180-1000             2.61    dB
                                            1000-18000            2.92    dB
                                           18000-40000            2.15    dB

Data provided by the client
Companion module, supporting Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (wave 1) and BT (BR/EDR/LE (4.2)).
Single RF antenna port for both technologies Wi-Fi and BT.
SDIO and HCI I/F, respectively for Wi-Fi and BT control.
Module is controlled via a host Telit module, LE920A4 or LE910C1.
DEKRA declines any responsibility with respect to the information provided by the client and that may affect the
validity of results.

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                Page 3 of 34                                            04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Usage of samples
   Samples undergoing test have been selected by: The client.
   Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

                                                                                                           Date of
     Control Nº              Description                    Model                Serial Nº
       2323/01              Telit Cradle with            CS1742E            CS1742E-A-18000517            10/10/2018
                             power supply

       2323/20                Telit Module                 WE866C3-P                1868A-                10/10/2018

       1. Sample S/01 has undergone following test(s):
            All conducted tests indicated in appendix A & B

Test sample description
Ports………………………………. :                                                                               Cable
                                                Port name and description
                                                                                   Specified        Attached         Shielded
                                                                                  length [m]       during test

                                                WI-FI/BT RF Port                        0.1

Supplementary information to the                Not provided data
ports………………………………. :
Rated power supply .................... :                                                     Reference poles
                                                Voltage and Frequency
                                                                                   L1         L2     L3          N       PE



                                                      DC: 3.8V (Internal DCDC converter supplying the WE866C3-P
                                                      module with regulated voltage = 3.3 V)

Rated Power ............................... :   18 dBm max
Clock frequencies ....................... :     48 MHz
Other parameters ........................ :     Not provided data
Software version ......................... :    LE910_25.20.000-B010_CUST_012-c4_perf_TF
Hardware version ........................ :     CS1929a-A
Dimensions in cm (L x W x D) .... :             15x13mm
Mounting position ........................ :          Table top equipment
                                                      Wall/Ceiling mounted equipment
                                                      Floor standing equipment
                                                      Hand-held equipment

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                       Page 4 of 34                                             04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Modules/parts ............................. :           Module/parts of test item                       Type     Manufacturer

Accessories (not part of the test                       Description                                  Type        Manufacturer
item) ............................................ :
                                                        Not provided data

Documents as provided by the                            Description                                  File name   Issue date
applicant ...................................... :
                                                        Not provided data

                                                              Copy of marking plate:

Identification of the client

Testing period and place
      Test Location                 DEKRA Certification Inc.
        Date (start)                04-03-2019
       Date (finish)                04-05-2019

Document history
 Report number                        Date                                             Description
  2323ERM.007                    04-16-2019            First release

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                                 Page 5 of 34                                    04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Environmental conditions

   In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:
                                                       Min. = 15 ºC
                                                       Max. = 35 ºC
                                                       Min. = 30 %
           Relative humidity
                                                       Max. = 75 %
                                                       Min. = 860 mbar
           Air pressure
                                                       Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the semi-anechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.
                                                      Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
                                                      Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                      Max. = 75 %
                                                      Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:
           Temperature                             Min. = 15 ºC
                                                   Max. = 35 ºC
           Relative humidity                       Min. = 30 %
                                                   Max. = 60 %
           Air pressure                            Min. = 860 mbar
                                                   Max. = 1060 mbar

Remarks and comments
   The tests have been performed by the technical personnel: Divya Adusumilli

Testing verdicts
                            Not applicable :                                    N/A

                            Pass   :                                            P

                            Fail   :                                            F

                            Not measured :                                      N/M

Report No: 2323ERM.007                               Page 6 of 34                                       04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                          FCC PART 15 PARAGRAPH / RSS-247 (WIFI 5GHz)
                                                    5.25 GHz -5.35 GHz Band
Report             15.407                 RSS                Test                   Test Description
Section                                                                                                           Verdict   Remark
                 Spec Clause           Spec Clause
            § 15.407 (h) (2) &                        DFS Detection
     -                                 RSS 247 6.3                              UNII Detection Bandwidth           N/A      Refer 1
            7.8.1 (*)                                 Threshold
                                                                             Initial Channel Availability Check
                                                                                                                   N/A      Refer 1
                                                                                        Time (CAC)
            § 15.407 (h) (2)(ii) &                    Performance            Radar Burst at the Beginning of
     -                                 RSS 247 6.3                                                                 N/A      Refer 1
            7.8.2 (*)                                 Requirements Check               the CAC
                                                                              Radar Burst at the End of the
                                                                                                                   N/A      Refer 1
                                                                                   Channel Move Time                P       Refer 2
            § 15.407 (h)                                                      Channel Closing Transmission
    B.1                                RSS 247 6.3   In-Service Monitoring                                          P       Refer 2
            (2)(iii)(iv) & 7.8.3 (*)                                                     Time
                                                                                 Non-Occupancy Period               P       Refer 2
     -      7.8.4 (*)                  RSS 247 6.3    Radar Detection         Statistical Performance Check        N/A      Refer 1
Supplementary information and remarks:
     * The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of FCC KDB 905462 D02 General UNII Test
      Procedures New Rules v02.
   1) Not required for Client Devices without radar detection, according to the description provided by the applicant.
   2) During normal operation
   3) Prior to use a channel

                                          FCC PART 15 PARAGRAPH / RSS-247 (WIFI 5GHz)
                                                    5.47 GHz -5.725 GHz Band
Report             15.407                 RSS                Test                   Test Description
Section                                                                                                           Verdict   Remark
                 Spec Clause           Spec Clause
            § 15.407 (h) (2) &                        DFS Detection
     -                                 RSS 247 6.3                              UNII Detection Bandwidth           N/A      Refer 1
            7.8.1 (*)                                 Threshold
                                                                             Initial Channel Availability Check
                                                                                                                   N/A      Refer 1
                                                                                        Time (CAC)
            § 15.407 (h) (2)(ii) &                    Performance            Radar Burst at the Beginning of
     -                                 RSS 247 6.3                                                                 N/A      Refer 1
            7.8.2 (*)                                 Requirements Check               the CAC
                                                                              Radar Burst at the End of the
                                                                                                                   N/A      Refer 1
                                                                                   Channel Move Time                P       Refer 2
            § 15.407 (h)                              In-Service              Channel Closing Transmission
    C.1                                RSS 247 6.3                                                                  P       Refer 2
            (2)(iii)(iv) & 7.8.3 (*)                  Monitoring                         Time
                                                                                 Non-Occupancy Period               P       Refer 2
     -      7.8.4 (*)                  RSS 247 6.3    Radar Detection         Statistical Performance Check        N/A      Refer 1
Supplementary information and remarks:
     * The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of FCC KDB 905462 D02 General UNII Test
      Procedures New Rules v02.
   1) Not required for Client Devices without radar detection, according to the description provided by the applicant.
   2) During normal operation
   3) Prior to use a channel

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                       Page 7 of 34                                                04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

List of equipment used during the test
Conducted Measurements

Test system Rohde & Schwarz TS 8997:

 CONTROL                                                                                LAST          NEXT
                            DESCRIPTION          MANUFACTURER              MODEL
 NUMBER                                                                              CALIBRATION   CALIBRATION
                                                   ROHDE &
     1039                   Signal Analyzer                                FSV40        2017/03      2021/03
                                                   ROHDE &                OSP120 /
     1040              EMI Test Receiver                                                2017/03      2021/03
                                                   SCHWARZ                OSPB157
                                                   ROHDE &
     1041                   RF generator                                  SMB100A       2017/04      2021/04
                                                   ROHDE &
     1042                   RF generator                                  SMBV100A      2018/01      2021/01

Description of Support Units:

                      DESCRIPTION             MANUFACTURER            MODEL            FCC ID:      SERIAL NO
                                                                                        Q87-       198116090316
     1295                    Router              Linksys          WRT3200ACM
                                                                                     WRT3200ACM         5
Note: This device was functioned as a            Master     Slave device during the DFS test

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


The manufacturer shall state whether the EUT can operate as a Master and/or a Client. If the EUT can operate in
more than one operating mode, then each operating mode shall be tested separately. See tables 1 and 2 for the
applicability of DFS requirements for each of the operational modes.

                             Table 1: Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior to Use of a Channel

                            Table 2: Applicability of DFS reuqirements during normal operation

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America




Report No: 2323ERM.007                Page 10 of 34                       04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

               o Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms:

A minimum of 30 unique waveforms for each of the Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4.

               o    Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                  Page 11 of 34                   04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

               o Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the Long Pulse
Radar Type Waveforms.

               o Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The hopping
sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected from the hopping sequence defined.

The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from
5250 – 5724 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is
randomly selected from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475
frequencies are chosen for the set.

Report No: 2323ERM.007                            Page 12 of 34                                      04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

U-NII DFS Test Setup
    •    Setup Configuration of EUT (Conducted)

Report No: 2323ERM.007                        Page 13 of 34   04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

    •    Setup Configuration of TS8997 (Conducted)

    •    Channel Loading
System testing will be performed with channel-loading using means appropriate to the data types that are used by
the unlicensed device. The following requirements apply:

                            The data file must be of a type that is typical for the device (i.e.,
                     a)     MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WAV, MP3, MP4, AVI, etc.) and must generally
                            be transmitting in a streaming mode.

                            Software to ping the client is permitted to simulate data transfer but
                            must have random ping intervals.

                     c)     Timing plots are required with calculations demonstrating a
                            minimum channel loading of approximately 17% or greater.

                            Unicast or Multicast protocols are preferable but other protocols
                     d)     may be used. The appropriate protocol used must be described in
                            the test procedures.

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                   Page 14 of 34                                  04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

     Appendix A: DUT Description

   Appendix A: Test results
5.25 GHz – 5.35 GHz Band

Report No: 2323ERM.007      Page 15 of 34   04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

DUT Description
The following information is provided by the client

       Information                                    Description

       Equipment type                                 WIFI 5GHz/2.4 GHz + BT BR/EDR/LE

       DFS Operating Mode                             Slave without Radar Detection

       TPC Function                                   Not Supported1

       Antenna Supported                              Equipment with only one antenna

            -     Operating Frequency Range           5250 - 5350 MHz / 5470 -5725 MHz

            -     Nominal Channel Bandwidth           20/ 40/ 80 MHz

       Antenna type                                   Dedicated antenna (single)

       Antenna gain                                   4.5 dBi

       Supply Voltage                                 3.8 Vdc

       Max EIRP:                                      Range: 5250-5350 MHz
                                                      802.11a : 18.6 dBm
                                                      802.11n20: 16.3 dBm
                                                      802.11n40: 16.2 dBm
                                                      802.11ac20: 16.2 dBm
                                                      802.11ac40: 12.5 dBm
                                                      802.11ac80: 12.4 dBm

                                                      Range: 5470-5725 MHz
                                                      802.11a20 : 18.5 dBm
                                                      802.11n20: 17.4 dBm
                                                      802.11n40: 17.5 dBm
                                                      802.11ac20: 17.4 dBm
                                                      802.11ac40: 13.9 dBm
                                                      802.11ac80: 13.9 dBm

       Modulation:                                    OFDM (QPSK, BPSK,16QAM,64QAM,256QAM)

       Communication Mode:                            IP Based (Load Based)

       Transmit Data Rate:                            IEEE 802.11a: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
                                                      IEEE 802.11n HT20: 7.2, 14.4, 21.7, 28.9, 43.3, 57.8, 65,
                                                      72.2 Mbps
                                                      IEEE 802.11n HT40: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150 Mbps
                                                      IEEE 802.11ac VHT20: 86.7 Mbps
                                                      IEEE 802.11ac VHT40: 180, 200 Mbps
                                                      IEEE 802.11ac VHT80: 390, 433.3 Mbps

     1. TPC not required if Max EIRP < 500mW (27 dBm)

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                Page 16 of 34                                     04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

     Appendix B: Test results
     5.25 GHz – 5.35 GHz Band

Report No: 2323ERM.007      Page 17 of 34   04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                         Appendix B Content

   DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 19
   TEST B.1: DFS: IN-SERVICE MONITORING ............................................................................ 20

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


            TEST                                          DESCRIPTION
                            Power supply (V):
                                   Vnominal = 3.8 Vdc
                            Test Frequencies for Conducted Testing: (80 MHz)
            (ac mode)       Middle channel: 5300 MHz

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


                            Product standard:        Part 15 Subpart C §15.407, RSS-247 and KDB: 905462
                             Test standard:     Part 15 Subpart C §15.407 (h), RSS-247 6.3 and KDB: 905462 D02

200 ms + an aggregate of 60 ms over remaining 10s period. See Notes 1 and 2.
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type 0.
The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2: The Channel closing Transmission time is comprised of 200 ms starting at the beginning of the
channel move time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a channel move (an
aggregate of 60ms) during the remainder of the 10s period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not
count quiet periods in between transmissions.

                   TEST SETUP:

                                 CLIENT WITHOUT RADAR DETECTION MODE

Report No: 2323ERM.007                              Page 20 of 34                                       04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

              TESTED SAMPLES:                                                            S/01

      TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                               TC#01 (ac mode 80 MHz)

                 TEST RESULTS:                                                          PASS

                                               Measurement Summary
               DUT                Radar              Type of Measurement              Overall     Overall Comment
            Frequency             Type               value                            Result
              (MHz)                No.
             5300.000000                  0    First of all Transmitt Test            PASS                  DUT is
              5300.000000                 0    Channel Move Time                      PASS
              5300.000000                 0    Channel Closing                        PASS
                                               Transmission Time
              5300.000000                 0    Non-occupancy period                   PASS

                                     Channel Move Time Detailed Results
             DUT Frequency        Radar Type        CMT Tx            CMT Limit          CMT                    CMT
                (MHz)             No.                Time (s)           (s)              Result                 Comment
                                                                                                    Tx Time value is last
                    5300.000000                0       0.000                 10.000     PASS
                                                                                                    trailing edge
                                                                                                    found within sweep.
                                                                                                    See Note 1.

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                    Page 21 of 34                                               04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                             Channel Closing Transmission Time Detailed Results
                              DUTFrequency         RadarType                CCTT Type             CCTT    CCTT Tx
                              (MHz)                   No.                   of Value             No. of     Time
                                                                                                 Pulses     (ms)
                                 5300.000000                 0     first 200 ms              0                0.000
                                 5300.000000                 0     remaining 10.0            0                0.000
                                                                   second(s) period

(continuation of the "Channel Closing Transmission Time Detailed Results" table from column 5 ...)

                                DUT Frequency         CCTT Tx   CCTT Result CCTT Comment
                                   (MHz)             Time Limit
                                     5300.000000       200.000 PASS        See Note 1.
                                     5300.000000        60.000 PASS        See Note 1.

                                                   Additional Information

                      Note                                           Description

                              Because of the radar pulse event at the beginning,
                  Note 1:     the investigation of the trace begins with an offset of 26.7
                              ms conforming to the end of the Radar burst.

                              Channel move time (CMT) / channel closing transmission time (CCTT)
                  Note 2:
                              measurement was made with hi resolution video sweep using OSP DAQ

                              Because of the substantially higher sampling rate of the video signal
                  Note 3:     the results for CCTT and CMT are more accurate than in the graphics
                              visible. Reached timing accuracy of the video trace: approx 4 µs

                              The Non-Occupancy Period trace starts at the end of the Channel move time
                  Note 4:     trace (20.000 secs.)
                              Labeling of the x-axis (time) is relative to its beginning (0 secs.)

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                      Page 22 of 34                                           04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                    Non-occupancy period Detailed Results
          DUT Frequency         Radar            NOP No. of           NOP No. of        NOP Tx        NOP Tx     NOP Result
             (MHz)                 Type         Pulses found          Pulses Limit       Time          Time
                                   No.                                                    (s)        Limit (s)
                 5300.000000              0 0                     0                       0.000           0.000 PASS

                                          Transmitting Test Detailed Results
                        DUT Frequency      Tx-Test     Tx-Test         Tx-Test No. of      Tx-Test       Tx-Test
                            (MHz)         DutyCycle   DutyCycle        Pulses found        Result       Comment
                                             (%)        Limit
                            5300.000000       60.927 >=17 %           99                  PASS

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                   Page 23 of 34                                                 04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                                 DUT Checkup
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.30000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           100.000 ms
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off

                            Channel Move Time; Channel Closing Transmission Time
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.30000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           20.000 s
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off
                                          Trigger             External
                                          Trigger Offset      0.000 ms

                                            Non-occupancy period
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.30000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           1.860 ms
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off

Report No: 2323ERM.007                              Page 24 of 34                  04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                                     Radar level verification
                                                   Description                            Value     Unit

                                              Configured DUT EIRP:                        44.67      mW

                                                Configured DUT PSD:                       10.00    dBm/MHz
                                    Requirement of the Detection threshold value
                                                                                           -64      dBm
                               for this given values acc. to FCC clause 5.2 / Table 3

                                          Vector Generator level setting                  -26.52    dBm

                            Configured overall pathlost from Vector Generator RF out to
                                       DUT connector of 'DUT to OSP'-cable                36.48      dB
                                  Given additional level added to the amplitude of
                                 the waveform to account for variations in                1.00       dB
                            measurement equipment acc. to FCC clause 5.2 /
                                             Table 3 / Note 2
                                      This results in the following radar signal
                                                  level at the DUT                        -63.00    dBm

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                        Page 25 of 34                                  04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

     Appendix C: Test results
     5.47 GHz – 5.725 GHz Band

Report No: 2323ERM.007      Page 26 of 34   04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                         Appendix C Content

   DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 28
   TEST C.1: DFS: IN-SERVICE MONITORING ............................................................................ 29

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                   Page 27 of 34                                               04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


            TEST                                         DESCRIPTION
                            Power supply (V):
               TC#01               Vnominal = 3.8 Vdc
            (ac mode)       Test Frequencies for Conducted: (80 MHz)
                            Middle channel: 5540 MHz

Report No: 2323ERM.007                              Page 28 of 34      04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


                            Product standard:        Part 15 Subpart C §15.407, RSS-247 and KDB: 905462
                             Test standard:     Part 15 Subpart C §15.407 (h), RSS-247 6.3 and KDB: 905462 D02

200 ms + an aggregate of 60 ms over remaining 10s period. See Notes 1 and 2.
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type 0.
The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2: The Channel closing Transmission time is comprised of 200 ms starting at the beginning of the
channel move time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a channel move (an
aggregate of 60ms) during the remainder of the 10s period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not
count quiet periods in between transmissions.

                   TEST SETUP:

                                 CLIENT WITHOUT RADAR DETECTION MODE

Report No: 2323ERM.007                              Page 29 of 34                                       04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

              TESTED SAMPLES:                                                      S/01

      TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                            TC#01 (ac mode 80 MHz)

                 TEST RESULTS:                                                     PASS

                                            Measurement Summary
               DUT            Radar                 Type of Measurement         Overall     Overall Comment
            Frequency         Type                  value                       Result
              (MHz)            No.
             5540.000000              0     First of all Transmitt Test        PASS                     DUT is
              5540.000000             0     Channel Move Time                  PASS
              5540.000000             0     Channel Closing                    PASS
                                            Transmission Time
              5540.000000             0     Non-occupancy period               PASS

                                 Channel Move Time Detailed Results
          DUT Frequency       Radar       CMT Tx            CMT Limit        CMT                    CMT Comment
                (MHz)            Ty        Time (s)           (s)            Result
                                                                                          Tx Time value is last
                5540.000000      0          0.000                10.000     PASS
                                                                                          trailing edge
                                                                                          found within sweep. See
                                                                                          Note 1.

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                 Page 30 of 34                                              04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                              Channel Closing Transmission Time Detailed Results
                       DUTFrequency         RadarType               CCTT Type             CCTT     CCTT Tx
                       (MHz)                   No.                  of Value             No. of      Time
                                                                                         Pulses      (ms)
                            5540.000000                0    first 200 ms             0                 0.000
                            5540.000000                0    remaining 10.0           0                 0.000
                                                            second(s) period

(continuation of the "Channel Closing Transmission Time Detailed Results" table from column 5 ...)

                                  DUT Frequency        CCTT Tx   CCTT Result CCTT Comment
                                     (MHz)            Time Limit
                                      5540.000000       200.000 PASS        See Note 1.
                                      5540.000000        60.000 PASS        See Note 1.

                                                    Additional Information

                      Note                                            Description

                               Because of the radar pulse event at the beginning,
                  Note 1:      the investigation of the trace begins with an offset of 26.7
                               ms conforming to the end of the Radar burst.

                               Channel move time (CMT) / channel closing transmission time (CCTT)
                  Note 2:
                               measurement was made with hi resolution video sweep using OSP DAQ

                               Because of the substantially higher sampling rate of the video signal
                  Note 3:      the results for CCTT and CMT are more accurate than in the graphics
                               visible. Reached timing accuracy of the video trace: approx 4 µs

                               The Non-Occupancy Period trace starts at the end of the Channel move time
                  Note 4:      trace (20.000 secs.)
                               Labeling of the x-axis (time) is relative to its beginning (0 secs.)

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                       Page 31 of 34                                     04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                    Non-occupancy period Detailed Results
         DUT Frequency          Radar            NOP No. of           NOP No. of        NOP Tx        NOP Tx     NOP Result
            (MHz)                  Type         Pulses found          Pulses Limit       Time          Time
                                   No.                                                    (s)        Limit (s)
                 5540.000000              0 0                     0                       0.000           0.000 PASS

                                        Transmitting Test Detailed Results
                        DUT Frequency      Tx-Test     Tx-Test         Tx-Test No. of      Tx-Test       Tx-Test
                            (MHz)         DutyCycle   DutyCycle        Pulses found        Result       Comment
                                             (%)        Limit
                            5540.000000       68.533 >=17 %           94                  PASS

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                   Page 32 of 34                                                 04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                                 DUT Checkup
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.54000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           100.000 ms
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off

                            Channel Move Time; Channel Closing Transmission Time
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.54000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           20.000 s
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off
                                          Trigger             External
                                          Trigger Offset      0.000 ms

                                         Non-occupancy period
                                               Setting          Instrument
                                          Center Frequency    5.54000 GHz
                                          Span                ZeroSpan
                                          RBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          VBW                 3.000 MHz
                                          SweepPoints         30001
                                          Sweeptime           1.860 ms
                                          Reference Level     -10.000 dBm
                                          Attenuation         0.000 dB
                                          Detector            MaxPeak
                                          SweepCount          1
                                          Filter              3 dB
                                          Trace Mode          Clear Write
                                          Sweeptype           Sweep
                                          Preamp              off

Report No: 2323ERM.007                              Page 33 of 34                  04-14-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

           TEST RESULTS (Cont.):

                                                     Radar level verification
                                                   Description                            Value     Unit

                                              Configured DUT EIRP:                        44.67      mW

                                                Configured DUT PSD:                       10.00    dBm/MHz
                                    Requirement of the Detection threshold value
                                                                                           -64      dBm
                               for this given values acc. to FCC clause 5.2 / Table 3

                                          Vector Generator level setting                  -26.86    dBm

                            Configured overall pathlost from Vector Generator RF out to
                                       DUT connector of 'DUT to OSP'-cable                36.14      dB
                                  Given additional level added to the amplitude of
                                 the waveform to account for variations in                1.00       dB
                            measurement equipment acc. to FCC clause 5.2 /
                                             Table 3 / Note 2
                                      This results in the following radar signal
                                                  level at the DUT                        -63.00    dBm

Report No: 2323ERM.007                                        Page 34 of 34                                  04-14-2019

Document Created: 2019-04-29 20:33:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-29 20:33:09

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