Exhibit 06 - Technical report - Part 15B_RSS GEN


Test Report

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                                                                                                           AT4 wireless S.A.
                                                                                                          Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
                                                                                                                 c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2
                                                                                                         29590 Campanillas/ Málaga/ España
                                                                                                         Tel. 952 61 91 00 - Fax 952 61 91 13
                                                                                                            MÁLAGA, C.I.F. A29 507 456
                                                                                                       Registro Mercantil Tomo 3693 Libro 2604
                        Nº 51/LE203                                                                             Folio 174 Hoja MA3729

                                                                PARTIAL TEST REPORT
                                                                REFERENCE STANDARD:
                                        FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B

       FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B: Limits and methods of measurements
                            for radio frequency devices. Unintentional radiators

NIE........................................................ :    33812REM.002
Approved by                                                      Rafael López                Rafael López Firmado  digitalmente
                                                                                                          por Rafael López Martín
(name / position & signature) ............... :                  EMC Manager                              Fecha: 2011.10.28
                                                                                             Martín       14:18:29 +02'00'
Elaboration date .................................... :          2011-10-24
Identification of item tested ................ :                 UC864-AWS-AUTO
Trademark ............................................ :         Telit
Model and/or type reference ................. :                  UC864-AWS-AUTO
Other identification of the product ........ :                   S/N: 352127040156338; HW Version: 1.01; SW Version: 08.02.540
Features ................................................. :     WCDMA/HSDPA FDD IV and GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Description ............................................ :       HSDPA module
Applicant ............................................. :        TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.
Address.................................................. :      Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B 3410
                                                                 Sgonico [TS] Italy.
CIF/NIF/Passport................................... :            N/A
Contact person ....................................... :         Andrea Fragiacomo
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :          +39 040 4192 362
e-mail..................................................... :    Andrea. fragiacomo@telit.com

         Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                                        Page 1 of 15                                    2011-10-24

Test samples supplier ......................... :               TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.
Address.................................................. :     Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B 3410
                                                                Sgonico [TS] Italy.
CIF/NIF/Passport................................... :           N/A
Contact person:...................................... :         Andrea Fragiacomo
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :         +39 040 4192 362
e-mail..................................................... :   Andrea. fragiacomo@telit.com
Manufacturer ...................................... :           TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.
Address.................................................. :     Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B 3410
                                                                Sgonico [TS] Italy.
CIF/NIF/Passport................................... :           N/A
Contact person:...................................... :         Andrea Fragiacomo
Telephone / Fax ..................................... :         +39 040 4192 362
e-mail..................................................... :   Andrea. fragiacomo@telit.com
Test method requested ....................... :
Standard................................................. :     FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 15
Test procedure........................................:         PEEM103
Report template No................................ :            FDT08_12
IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means, except in full, without the previous written
permission of AT4 wireless S.A.

         Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                                     Page 2 of 15                                                    2011-10-24


Competences and guarantees ................................................................................................................................ 4
General conditions................................................................................................................................................ 4
Usage of samples .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Testing period....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental conditions..................................................................................................................................... 6
Summary............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Remarks and comments ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Testing veredicts................................................................................................................................................... 7

APPENDIX A: Test Results........................................................................................................................6 Pages
APPENDIX B: Pictures.............................................................................................................................. 2 Pages

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                                                    Page 3 of 15                                                                2011-10-24

Competences and guarantees
This certificate of conformity was issued in accordance with the decision Nº 3/2000 of the Joint Committee established
under the Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the European Community and the United States of America. By
this decision, AT4 wireless can act as Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) on Electromagnetic Compatibility. This
Certificate applies to the samples listed at technical reports.
This laboratory is designed by the Federal Communications Commission (ES0004)

AT4 wireless is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, AT4 wireless has a calibration
and maintenance programme for its measurement equipment.
AT4 wireless guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the
report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at AT4 wireless at the time of
performance of the test.
AT4 wireless is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
under test and the results of the test.

General conditions
       1.   This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2.   This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification
            Bodies or competent Authorities.
       3.   This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous
            written permission of AT4 wireless.
       4.   This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
            previous written permission of AT4 wireless and the Accreditation Bodies.

       Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the following AT4 wireless's internal documents:
       1.   PODT000: Procedure for the measure uncertainty calculation.

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                          Page 4 of 15                                        2011-10-24

Usage of samples
Samples undergoing test have been selected by: The client.
Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

     Control Nº     Description        Model / Manufacturer              Serial number   Reception date
                                       UC864-AWS-AUTO /
     33812/25      HSDPA module                                      352127040156338      2011-09-07

Auxiliary elements used with the tested samples:
     Control Nº     Description        Model / Manufacturer              Serial number   Reception date
     33812/02         Antenna                      ---                        ---         2011-08-30
     33812/10     Connection cable                 ---                        ---         2011-08-30
     33812/13          Module                      ---                   20106150048      2011-08-30

Samples S/01 has undergone the next test(s):
1.    Radiated emission, electromagnetic field:
             Standard: FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 15
             Method:     FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B (Class B)

Testing period
The performed test started on 2011-09-22 and finished on the same day.
The tests have been performed at AT4 wireless.

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                        Page 5 of 15                           2011-10-24

Environmental conditions

In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                 Temperature                                 Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 35 ºC
                 Relative humidity                           Min. = 20 %
                                                             Max. = 80 %
                 Shielding effectiveness                     > 100 dB
                 Electric insulation                         > 10 kΩ
                 Reference resistance to earth               < 0,5 Ω

In the semianechoic chamber (21 meters x 11 meters x 8 meters), the following limits were not exceeded
during the test.

                 Temperature                                 Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 30 ºC
                 Relative humidity                           Min. = 45 %
                                                             Max. = 60 %
                 Air pressure                                Min. = 860 mbar
                                                             Max. = 1060 mbar
                 Shielding effectiveness                     > 100 dB
                 Electric insulation                         > 10 kΩ
                 Reference resistance to earth               < 0,5 Ω
                 Normal site attenuation (NSA)               < ±4 dB at 10 m distance between item
                                                             under test and receiver antenna, (30 MHz to
                                                             1000 MHz)
                 Field homogeneity                           More than 75% of illuminated surface is
                                                             between 0 and 6 dB (26 MHz to 1000

In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                 Temperature                                 Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 30 ºC
                 Relative humidity                           Min. = 45 %
                                                             Max. = 60 %
                 Air pressure                                Min. = 860 mbar
                                                             Max. = 1060 mbar
                 Shielding effectiveness                     > 100 dB
                 Electric insulation                         > 10 kΩ
                 Reference resistance to earth               < 0,5 Ω

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                        Page 6 of 15                                      2011-10-24

Considering the results of the performed PARTIAL test according to standard FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR
Part 15, Subpart B, the items under test are IN COMPLIANCE with the requested specifications specified in the
NOTE: The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in page 1
of this document, as presented for test on the date(s) shown in section, “USAGE OF SAMPLES, TESTING
Remarks and comments
The tests have been realized by the technical personnel: José Carlos Luque.
The total uncertainty of the measurement system for the measured radio disturbance characteristics of EUT from
30 MHz to 1 GHz is I = ± 4,57 dB for quasi-peak measurements, I = ± 4,48 dB for peak measurements (k = 2).

Testing veredicts
Not applicable .................................................... :          NA
Pass..................................................................... :    P
Fail ..................................................................... :   F
Not measured...................................................... :           NM

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                                                      Page 7 of 15        2011-10-24

                                           APPENDIX A

                                               Test Result

                                             APPENDIX A CONTENT:

DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION MODES................................................................................ 9
RADIATED EMISSION. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD MEASURE. .......................................... 10

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                          Page 8 of 15                                         2011-10-24


The operation modes described in this paragraph constitute a functionality of the sample under test for itself.
Every operation mode takes a failure criteria for the immunity test that they were applying to it and a
monitoring to guarantee performance of the same ones.
In the following table appears the operation modes used by the samples tested to that it refers the present test

  OPERATION                                            DESCRIPTION

      OM#01        EUT ON. IDLE mode 850MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

      OM#02        EUT ON. IDLE mode 1900MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

      OM#03        EUT ON. IDLE UMTS FDD Band IV. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                         Page 9 of 15                                      2011-10-24


             Product standard:       FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B
               Test standard:        FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B

The applied limit for radiated emissions, 3 m distance, according with the requirements of FCC Rules and
Regulations 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B in the frequency range 30 MHz to 12,5 GHz, for Class B
equipment, which is a transmitter in a band over 500 MHz, was:

                     Frequency range                        µV/m)
                                             Limit for 3 m (µ             Limit for 3 m
                         30 to 88                     100                      40
                         88 to 216                    150                     43,52
                        216 to 960                    200                     46,02
                        Above 960                     500                     53,98

           TESTED SAMPLES:                                                  S/01

     TESTED OPERATION MODES:                                         OM#01; 02 & 03

             TEST RESULTS :                    CRmmnn: CR, Radiation Condition; mm: Sample
                                               number; nn: Operation mode, xx: Polarisation.

     CRmmnn                                      Description                                      Result
      CR0101        Range 30 - 1000 MHz. EUT ON. IDLE mode 850MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.                     P
      CR0102        Range 30 - 1000 MHz. EUT ON. IDLE mode 1900MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.                    P
                    Range 30 - 1000 MHz. EUT ON. IDLE mode UMTS FDD Band IV.
      CR0103                                                                                         P
                    Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                       Page 10 of 15                                    2011-10-24

Radiated Emission:              CR0101 (30MHz to 1GHz)

  Project:                                              33812REM.002
  Company:                                              TELIT
  Sample:                                               S/01
  Operation mode:                                       OM#01
  Setup:                                                EMI radiated
  Mode:                                                 EUT ON. IDLE 850MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

FCC class B Bilog Hybrid


                                                                              FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
        Level in dBµV/m



                          30M       50   60        80    100M              200M        300M      400    500             800   1G
                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                         Limit                  Measurement                   QuasiPeak                       MaxPeak

    Frequency                     QuasiPeak               MaxPeak              Antenna                 Polarity               Turntable
      (MHz)                       (dBµV/m)                (dBµV/m)              height                                         position
                                                                                 (cm)                                           (deg)
       39.968938                                 9.5               25.5             269.00                          V                225.0

Report Nº: (NIE) 33812REM.002                                       Page 11 of 15                                                  2011-10-24

Radiated Emission:              CR0102 (30MHz to 1GHz)

  Project:                                            33812REM.002
  Company:                                            TELIT
  Sample:                                             S/01
  Operation mode:                                     OM#02
  Setup:                                              EMI radiated
  Mode:                                               EUT ON. IDLE 1900MHz. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

FCC class B Bilog Hybrid


                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
        Level in dBµV/m



                          30M       50   60      80    100M              200M        300M      400    500             800   1G
                                                                Frequency in Hz

                                         Limit                Measurement                   QuasiPeak                       MaxPeak

    Frequency                     QuasiPeak             MaxPeak              Antenna                 Polarity               Turntable
      (MHz)                       (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)              height                                         position
                                                                               (cm)                                           (deg)
       34.743687                              11.7               26.3             276.00                          V                231.0
       51.324048                              14.8               27.0             135.00                          V                356.0

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Radiated Emission:              CR0103 (30MHz to 1GHz)

  Project:                                            33812REM.002
  Company:                                            TELIT
  Sample:                                             S/01
  Operation mode:                                     OM#03
  Setup:                                              EMI radiated
  Mode:                                               EUT ON. IDLE UMTS FDD Band IV. Vnom: 3.8Vdc.

FCC class B Bilog Hybrid


                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
        Level in dBµV/m



                          30M       50   60      80    100M              200M        300M      400    500             800   1G
                                                                Frequency in Hz

                                         Limit                Measurement                   QuasiPeak                       MaxPeak

    Frequency                     QuasiPeak             MaxPeak              Antenna                 Polarity               Turntable
      (MHz)                       (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)              height                                         position
                                                                               (cm)                                           (deg)
       39.984970                              26.3               30.2              98.00                          V                200.0
       51.845892                              18.8               23.6              98.00                          V                 84.0

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Document Created: 2012-01-31 12:33:21
Document Modified: 2012-01-31 12:33:21

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