Part 15B report

FCC ID: RI7OM12030-100

Test Report

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AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

                                                                                                                               Informe de ensayo nº:
                                                                                                                                  Test report No:

                                                                                                                               NIE: 39838REM.004

                                                                                            Test report
             FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Chapter I Part 15 Subpart B (10-01-13 Edition); ICES-003 ISSUE 5

            Identificación del objeto ensayado......................:                    ATOP MODULE 3.5G
            Identification of item tested

            Marca ...................................................................:   TELIT

            Modelo y/o referencia tipo ..................................:               OM12030/100 ; OM12030/200
            Model and /or type reference

            Other identification of the product ....................:                    FCC ID: RI7OM12030-100; IC: 5131A-OM12030100
                                                                                         FCC ID: RI7OM12030-200; IC: 5131A-OM12030200
            Final HW version ................................................:           B2.6
            Final SW version .................................................:          v 4.2
            Características .....................................................:       GSM and GPS functionalities, combined with flexible application
            Features                                                                     SW stack.
                                                                                         Security features.
                                                                                         Additional NFC feature on model OM12030/100.
            Peticionario .........................................................:      TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.
            Applicant                                                                    Via Stazione di Prosecco 5/B,
                                                                                         34010 Sgonico Italy
                                                                                         IVA 03711600266
                                                                                         William Watté
                                                                                         +3216390866 (Direct) / +390404192383
            Método de ensayo solicitado, norma...................:                       FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR Chapter I Part 15 Subpart B
            Test method requested, standard                                              (10-01-13 Edition); ICES-003 ISSUE 5 (2012)
            Resultado ..............................................................:    IN COMPLIANCE

            Aprobado por (nombre / cargo y firma) ...........:                           Rafael López                             Firmado digitalmente
            Approved by (name / position & signature)                                                                             por Rafael López Martín
                                                                                         EMC LAB Manager                          Fecha: 2015.02.19
                                                                                                                                  14:24:06 +01'00'

            Fecha de realización ...........................................:            2015-02-04
            Date of issue

            Formato de informe No. ......................................:               FDT08_15
            Report template No

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                                Page 1 of 18                                                   2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Competences and guarantees .........................................................................................................................3
    General conditions .........................................................................................................................................3
    Uncertainty ....................................................................................................................................................3
    Usage of samples ...........................................................................................................................................4
    Test sample description .................................................................................................................................4
    Test samples supplier ....................................................................................................................................4
    Testing period ................................................................................................................................................4
    Environmental conditions..............................................................................................................................4
    Remarks and comments .................................................................................................................................5
    Testing verdicts (Legend) ..............................................................................................................................6
    Appendix A – Test result...............................................................................................................................8
    Appendix B - Photographs ..........................................................................................................................17

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                  Page 2 of 18                                                                     2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Competences and guarantees
    AT4 wireless is a testing laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC - Entidad Nacional de
    Acreditación), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate No. 51/LE 147.
    This certificate of conformity was issued in accordance with the decision Nº 3/2000 of the Joint Committee
    established under the Agreement on Mutual Recognition between the European Community and the United States of
    America. By this decision, AT4 wireless can act as Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) on Electromagnetic
    Compatibility. This Certificate applies to the samples listed at technical reports.
    This laboratory is designed by the Federal Communications Commission (ES0004)
    AT4 wireless is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
    In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, AT4 wireless has a calibration and
    maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
    AT4 wireless guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the measurements and
    the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the report and, it is based on
    the knowledge and technical facilities available at AT4 wireless at the time of performance of the test.
    AT4 wireless is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
    under test and the results of the test.
    The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this document.
    IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
    except in full, without the previous written permission of AT4 wireless.

    General conditions
        1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
        2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or
           competent Authorities.
        3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written permission of
           AT4 wireless.
        4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without previous written
           permission of AT4 wireless and the Accreditation Bodies.

    Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the AT4 wireless internal document PODT000.

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 3 of 18                                                  2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Usage of samples
    Samples under test have been selected by: The client.
    Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

       Control Nº                    Description                  Model               Serial Nº     Date of reception
        39838C/19                     Module                 OM12030/100          354909060000001      2014-07-08
        39838C/03                   GPS Antenna                  --                      --            2014-03-07
        39838C/04                   GPS Antenna                  --                      --            2014-03-07
        39838C/05                     Antenna                    --                      --            2014-03-07
        39838C/06                     Antenna                    --                      --            2014-03-07

    Test sample description
    The sample consists of a 33x33 module mounted on development board.

    Test samples supplier
    Via Stazione di Prosecco 5/B,
    34010 Sgonico Italy
    IVA 03711600266
    William Watté
    +3216390866 (Direct) / +390404192383

    Testing period
    The performed test started on 2014-07-17 and finished on the same day.
    The tests have been performed at AT4 wireless.

    Environmental conditions

    In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                             Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 35 ºC
                                                             Min. = 20 %
              Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 80 %
              Shielding effectiveness                        > 100 dB
              Electric insulation                            > 10 kΩ
              Reference resistance to earth                  <1Ω

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 4 of 18                                     2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    In the semianechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                             Min. = 15 ºC
                                                             Max. = 30 ºC
                                                             Min. = 45 %
              Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 60 %
                                                             Min. = 860 mbar
              Air pressure
                                                             Max. = 1060 mbar
              Shielding effectiveness                        > 100 dB
              Electric insulation                            > 10 kΩ
              Reference resistance to earth                  <1Ω
                                                             < ±4 dB at 10 m & 3m distance between item under test
              Normal site attenuation (NSA)
                                                             and receiver antenna, (30 MHz to 1000 MHz)
                                                             < ±6 dB at 3m distance between item under test and
              Site VSWR
                                                             receiver antenna, (1 GHz to 18 GHz)
                                                             More than 75% of illuminated surface is between 0 and 6
              Field homogeneity
                                                             dB (26 MHz to 18 GHz).

    In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

              Temperature                                     Min. = 15 ºC
                                                              Max. = 30 ºC
              Relative humidity                               Min. = 45 %
                                                              Max. = 60 %
              Air pressure                                    Min. = 860 mbar
                                                              Max. = 1060 mbar
              Shielding effectiveness                         > 100 dB
              Electric insulation                             > 10 kΩ
              Reference resistance to earth                   <1Ω

    Remarks and comments
    1.    The tests have been realized by the technical personnel: Margarita Haro & Mario Alberto Ureña.
    2.    The total uncertainty of the measurement system for the measured radio disturbance characteristics of EUT from 30
          MHz to 1 GHz is I = ± 4,57 dB for quasi-peak measurements, I = ± 4,48 dB for peak measurements (k = 2) and from 1
          to 12,75 GHz is I = ± 3,43 dB for average and peak measurements.
          The total uncertainty of the measurement system for the measured radio disturbance characteristics of EUT from 12,75
          GHz to 26 GHz is I = ± 4,09 dB for average and peak measurements.
    3.    Testing has been carried out on model OM12030/100 which, according to manufacturer’s declarations, presents no
          electrical behavior differences with respect to models OM12030/200. The scanned documents attached below presents
          the equivalence among models.

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 5 of 18                                              2015-02-04

                            2                                                                            araQ@

                                                                                 Making machines talk.

                                                                  TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.
                                                                  VIA STAZIONE DI PROSECCO 5/B
                                                                  34010, SGONICO, ITALY
                                                                  Contact: Michel Eyckmans
                                                                  Phone: +32 16 390 786

Date: 17 February 2015

                                        Declaration letter

                                   TELIT COMMUNICATIONS S.P.A.

hereby declare that the product

        Brand name:               TELIT
        Model name:               OM12030/100

Is comparable to the product

        Brand name:               TELIT
        Model name:               OM12030/200

We declare that the products indicated here are identical regarding electrical behavior.
The only difference is that on Model name OM12030/200
    —    the NFC IC has not been assembled
and all the rest of RF capabilities remain the same.


[ Jb
By: Brian Tucker
Title: VP Quality Management, Auto
Company: Telit Communications Spa
Telephone: +1—919—415—1505
e—mail: Brian.

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Testing verdicts (Legend)

                           Not applicable ......................................................................... :            N/A

                           Pass .......................................................................................... :      P

                           Fail ........................................................................................... :     F

                           Not measured .......................................................................... :             N/M

                                                               List of equipment used during the test
  CONTROL                                                                                                                          LAST          NEXT
                        DESCRIPTION                       MANUFACTURER                                    MODEL
  NUMBER                                                                                                                        CALIBRATION   CALIBRATION
                                                                  ROHDE &
       1999               EMI Receptor                                                                    ESIB 26                2013-05-30    2015-05-30
                                                                  ROHDE &
       1935               EMI Receptor                                                                     ESPI 3                2013-12-11    2015-12-11
                          Bilog Hybrid
       2932                                                          SUNOL                                    JB6                2014-05-11    2017-05-11
       0246               Horn Antenna                            HP                                     11966E                  2012-04-27    2015-04-27
       1658               RF Amplifier                        SCHAFFNER                                 CPA9231A                 2013-06-11    2015-06-11
       1975               RF Amplifier                          MITEQ                                      JS4                   2014-05-22    2016-05-22
       3783                RF Amplifier                                                             BLMA 0118-3A                 2013-04-23    2015-05-19
       0258             Transient Limiter                         HP                                   119471A                   2014-10-02    2016-10-02
       1650             Artificial Network                  SCHWARZBECK                               NNLK - 8121                2013-06-25    2015-06-25
                         Temperature &                           PICO
       3545                                                                                        HUMIDIPROBE                   2014-01-21    2015-01-21
                         Humidity probe                      TECHNOLOGY
                         Temperature &                           PICO
       3548                                                                                        HUMIDIPROBE                   2014-01-21    2015-01-21
                         Humidity probe                      TECHNOLOGY
                         Temperature &
       3556                                                           T&D                                 TR-72W                 2014-01-21    2015-01-21
                         Humidity probe

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                      Page 7 of 18                                                  2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Appendix A – Test result

                                                             APPENDIX A CONTENT:

    DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION MODES ........................................................................................9
    RADIATED EMISSION. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD MEASURE. ..................................................10

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                      Page 8 of 18                                             2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456


The operation modes described in this paragraph constitute a functionality of the sample under test for itself. In the
following table appears the operation modes used by the samples tested to that it refers the present test report.

           OPERATION                                             DESCRIPTION
                OM#01             EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz *

           * Testing has been carried out on this operation mode as the worst case detected

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 9 of 18                                        2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456


                                     FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B (10-01-13
                 Product standard:
                                     Edition); ICES-003 ISSUE 5 (2012)
                                     FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS 47 CFR PART 15, SUBPART B (10-01-13
               Test standard:
                                     Edition); ICES-003 ISSUE 5 (2012)
The applied limit for radiated emissions, 3 m distance, according with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations 47
CFR Part 15.109, Subpart B (10-01-13 Edition); ICES-003 ISSUE 5 (2012) & ANSI C63.4-2009 in the frequency range
30 MHz to 26 GHz, for Class B equipment, which is a transmitter in a band over 500 MHz, was:
                               Frequency range         Limit for 3 m (µV/m)         Limit for 3 m
                                    (MHz)                                            (dBµV/m)
                                   30 to 88                      100                     40
                                  88 to 216                      150                    43,52
                                  216 to 960                     200                    46,02
                                  Above 960                      500                    53,98
                                                         Limit for 3m AVG         Limit for 3m PK
                                 Above 1000
                                                                53.98                   73.98

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 10 of 18                                   2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

              TESTED SAMPLES:                                                                S/01
      TESTED OPERATION MODES:                                                                OM#01
           TEST RESULTS :                                    CRmmnn: CR, Radiation Condition; mm: Sample number; nn:
                                                             Operation mode, xx: Range measured ; yy : Polarization.

  CRmmnnxxyy                                                 Description                                      Result
    CR0101                  EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz.Range 30-1000 MHz.                  P
 CR0101_RA1_PH              EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz.Range: 1-18 GHz. Horizontal pol.    P
 CR0101_RA1_PV              EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz.Range: 1-18 GHz. Vertical pol.      P
 CR0101_RA2_PH              EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz. Range:18-26 GHz. Horizontal pol.   P
 CR0101_RA2_PV              EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. GSM IDLE 850 MHz. Range:18-26 GHz. Vertical pol.     P

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                       Page 11 of 18                                      2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated Emission:                    CR0101 (30MHz to 1GHz)

   Project:                                                    39838rem004
   Company:                                                    NXP
   Sample:                                                     S/01
   Operation mode:                                             OM#01
   Description:                                                EUT ON. Power supply: 3.8 Vdc. IDLE GSM 850 MHz.

                                                                         Full Spectrum



                                                                                  FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
           Level in dBµV/m






                             30M              50   60      80 100M                  200         300   400   500         800    1G
                                                                           Frequency in Hz

                                  FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
                                  Peak Preview Result

    Frequency                       QuasiPeak      MaxPeak     Height     Pol   Azimuth
       (MHz)                        (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)     (cm)             (deg)
      40.197403                          11.10         13.81     104.0   V         334.0
      98.633766                           5.70          7.87     348.0   V          68.0
    239.983766                            5.80         14.11     239.0   V          28.0
    400.937662                            8.50         17.51     254.0   H          76.0
    796.658442                           14.90         24.81     303.0   V          24.0
    924.733117                           17.00         26.68     396.0   H         286.0

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                   Page 12 of 18                                         2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated Emission:                 CR0101_RA1_PH (1 – 18 GHz)

   Project:                                                  39838rem004
   Company:                                                  NXP
   Sample:                                                   S/01
   Operation mode:                                           OM#01
   Description:                                              EUT ON. Vnom = 3.8 Vdc.IDLE 2G 850MHz. Horizontal

ER FCC 1-18GHz clase B

                                                                                             FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK


                                                                                        FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
           Level in dBµV/m





                              1G                     2G                3G       4G      5G       6          8      10G                    18G

                                                                            Frequency in Hz

                      MaxPeak Scan                                                       Average Scan
                      FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK                     FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV

    Frequency                      MaxPeak-ClearWrite          Average-ClearWrite
      (MHz)                            (dBµV/m)                    (dBµV/m)
    4218.000000                                  34.3                        20.4
   17987.200000                                  60.9                        47.5

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                        Page 13 of 18                                              2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated Emission:                 CR0101_RA1_PV (1 – 18 GHz)

   Project:                                                  39838Crem002
   Company:                                                  NXP
   Sample:                                                   S/01
   Operation mode:                                           OM#01
   Description:                                              EUT ON. Vnom = 3.8 Vdc.IDLE 2G 850MHz. Vertical Polarization.

ER FCC 1-18GHz clase B

                                                                                             FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK

                                                                                        FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
           Level in dBµV/m





                              1G                     2G                3G       4G      5G       6          8      10G                    18G
                                                                            Frequency in Hz

                      MaxPeak Scan                                                       Average Scan
                      FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK                     FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV

    Frequency                      MaxPeak-ClearWrite          Average-ClearWrite
      (MHz)                            (dBµV/m)                    (dBµV/m)
    4242.400000                                  31.3                        20.4
   18000.000000                                  58.8                        47.9

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                        Page 14 of 18                                              2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated Emission:                 CR0101_RA2_PH (18GHz to 26GHz)

   Project:                                                  39838Crem004
   Company:                                                  NXP
   Sample:                                                   S/01
   Operation mode:                                           OM#01
   Description:                                              EUT ON. Vnom = 3.8 Vdc.IDLE 2G 850MHz. Horizontal

FCC 18-26GHz class B ESIB Bocina1920 AMP1975

                                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK

                                                                                        FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
           Level in dBµV/m





                              18         19            20              21         22           23            24            25              26
                                                                            Frequency in GHz

                      Peak Scan                                                        Average Scan
                      FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK                   FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV

Subrange Maxima
    Frequency                      MaxPeak-ClearWrite          Average-ClearWrite
      (MHz)                            (dBµV/m)                    (dBµV/m)
   18315.000000                                  53.9                        40.0
   19357.000000                                  54.0                        40.5
   19683.000000                                  54.0                        40.1
   20365.000000                                  53.8                        40.1
   21491.000000                                  54.3                        40.6
   22112.000000                                  53.8                        40.1
   22920.000000                                  54.3                        40.9
   23285.000000                                  53.2                        40.5
   24827.000000                                  54.8                        41.3
   25582.000000                                  55.8                        42.2

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                     Page 15 of 18                                                 2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Radiated Emission:                 CR0101_RA2_PV (18 – 26 GHz)

   Project:                                                  39838Crem002
   Company:                                                  NXP
   Sample:                                                   S/01
   Operation mode:                                           OM#01
   Description:                                              EUT ON. Vnom = 3.8 Vdc.IDLE 2G 850MHz. Vertical Polarization.

FCC 18-26GHz class B ESIB Bocina1920 AMP1975

                                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK

                                                                                        FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV
           Level in dBµV/m





                              18         19            20              21         22           23            24            25              26
                                                                            Frequency in GHz

                      Peak Scan                                                        Average Scan
                      FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength PK                   FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP+AV

Subrange Maxima
    Frequency                      MaxPeak-ClearWrite          Average-ClearWrite
      (MHz)                            (dBµV/m)                    (dBµV/m)
   18519.000000                                  54.5                        40.4
   19204.000000                                  53.8                        40.6
   19472.000000                                  54.2                        40.7
   20724.000000                                  53.8                        40.2
   20934.000000                                  53.9                        40.4
   21672.000000                                  53.7                        40.7
   22924.000000                                  54.6                        41.0
   23563.000000                                  53.9                        40.5
   24946.000000                                  55.1                        41.6
   25506.000000                                  55.3                        42.4

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                                     Page 16 of 18                                                 2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Appendix B - Photographs

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 17 of 18   2015-02-04

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Report No: (NIE) 39838REM.004                                Page 18 of 18   2015-02-04

Document Created: 2015-02-19 14:24:06
Document Modified: 2015-02-19 14:24:06

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