Test report - NB IoT - Verification


Test Report

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DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                                FCC LISTED, REGISTRATION
                                                NUMBER: 2764.01                       Test report No:
                                                ISED LISTED REGISTRATION             2528ERM.004A2
                                                NUMBER: 23595-1

                                   Partial Test report
                       REFERENCE STANDARD:
                     USA FCC Part 22, 24, 27 and 90
                CANADA ISED RSS-130, RSS-132, RSS-133 &
          Identification of item tested             Module ME910C1-P2 assembled on interface board

          Trademark                                 TELIT

          Model and /or type reference              ME910C1-P2

          Other identification of the product       FCC ID: RI7ME910C1P2
          Features                                  LTE CAT/NB.IOT with 2G Fallback

          Manufacturer                              TELIT COMMUNICATIONS SPA
                                                    Via Stazione di Prosecco 5/B – (TS) Italy.

          Test method requested, standard           USA FCC Part 22 10-1-18 Edition
                                                    USA FCC Part 24 10-1-18 Edition
                                                    USA FCC Part 27 10-1-18 Edition
                                                    USA FCC Part 90 10-1-18 Edition
                                                    CANADA IC RSS-130 Issue 2, Feb 2019.
                                                    CANADA IC RSS-132 Issue 3, Jan. 2013.
                                                    CANADA IC RSS-133 Issue 6, Jan. 2013 (Amendment
                                                    January 2018)
                                                    CANADA IC RSS-199 Issue 3, Dec. 2016.
                                                    KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 Measurement guidance for
                                                    certification of licensed digital transmitters.
                                                    KDB 971168 D02 v02r01 for Miscellaneous and basic
                                                    review and approval items for transmitting equipment
                                                    used in licensed radio services.
                                                    ANSI C63.26 – 2015.
          Summary                                   IN COMPLIANCE

          Approved by (name / position &            Domingo Galvez                               Digitally signed by Domingo Galvez
                                                                                                 DN: cn=Domingo Galvez, o=DEKRA
          signature)                                EMC&RF Lab Manager                           Certification Inc., ou=Regulatory
                                                                                                 Lab, email=dgalvez@dekra.com,
                                                                                                 Date: 2019.08.08 17:21:11 -04'00'

          Date of issue                             08-05-2019

          Report template No                        FDT08_21

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                                                                                     08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

   Competences and guarantees .................................................................................................... 3
   General conditions ...................................................................................................................... 3
   Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................. 3
   Data provided by the client.......................................................................................................... 4
   Usage of samples ....................................................................................................................... 4
   Test sample description .............................................................................................................. 5
   Identification of the client............................................................................................................. 6
   Testing period and place ............................................................................................................. 6
   Document history ........................................................................................................................ 6
   Modifications to the test report .................................................................................................... 7
   Environmental conditions ............................................................................................................ 7
   Remarks and comments ............................................................................................................. 7
   Testing verdicts........................................................................................................................... 8
   Summary .................................................................................................................................... 8
   List of equipment used during the test......................................................................................... 8
   Appendix A: Test Results ............................................................................................................ 9

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                             Page 2 of 24                                                            08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Competences and guarantees
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory accredited by A2LA (The American Association for Laboratory
   Accreditation), to perform the tests indicated in the Certificate 2764.01.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
   In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA Certification Inc. has a
   calibration and maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the
   measurements and the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on
   the report and, it is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA Certification at the time
   of performance of the test.
   DEKRA Certification Inc. is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related
   to the item under test and the results of the test.
   The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this
   IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
   except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.

General conditions
       1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
       2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies
          or competent Authorities.
       3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
          permission of DEKRA Certification Inc.
       4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
          previous written permission of DEKRA Certification Inc. and the Accreditation Bodies.

   Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the DEKRA Certification internal document PODT000.

                                     Frequency (MHz)        U(k=2)        Units
                                          30-180              3.82         dB
                                         180-1000             2.61         dB
                                        1000-18000            2.92         dB
                                        18000-40000           2.15         dB

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                              Page 3 of 24                                            08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Data provided by the client
   LTE Module CAT M and NB-IOT with 2G Fallback.
   DEKRA declines any responsibility with respect to the information provided by the client and that may affect the
   validity of results.

Usage of samples
   Samples undergoing test have been selected by: The client.
   Sample S/01 is composed of the following elements:

     Control Nº                Description              Model                Serial Nº       Date of reception

      2528.001                 Telit Module          ME910C1-P2         355809109997507          4/23/2019

      2528.004              Telit Evaluation Kit    Evaluation Kit 2        090007841            4/23/2019

      2528.006                Power Adaptor        XY24s_1201250Q-U              -               4/23/2019

      2528.009                  USB Cable                  -                     -               4/23/2019

       1. Sample S/01 was used for the following test(s):.
            All conducted tests indicated in appendix A.

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                 Page 4 of 24                                    08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Test sample description
Ports………………………………. :                                                                              Cable

                                                Port name and description        Specified   Attached during    Shielded
                                                                                  length           test

                                                No Data Provided

Supplementary information to the
                                                No Data Provided
ports………………………………. :
Rated power supply .................... :                                                    Reference poles
                                                Voltage and Frequency
                                                                                 L1    L2    L3            N       PE

                                                     AC: 230Vac / 50Hz.
Rated Power ............................... :   No Data Provided
Clock frequencies ....................... :     No Data Provided
Other parameters ........................ :     No Data Provided
Software version ......................... :
Hardware version ........................ :
Dimensions in cm (L x W x D) .... :
Mounting position ........................ :          Table top equipment
                                                      Wall/Ceiling mounted equipment
                                                      Floor standing equipment
                                                      Hand-held equipment
Modules/parts ............................. :   Module/parts of test item                    Type         Manufacturer

                                                No Data provided

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                    Page 5 of 24                                       08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Accessories (not part of the test                       Description                   Type                            Manufacturer
item) ............................................ :

Documents as provided by the                            Description                   File name                       Issue date
applicant ...................................... :
                                                        Equipment                     FDT30_15_Declaration_Equipment_ 2019-03-14
                                                        declaration data              Data_Gemalto_ALAS5-W_signed

                                                               Copy of marking plate:

Identification of the client
   Via Stazione Prosecco 5/B – (TS) Italy.

Testing period and place
      Test Location                 DEKRA Certification, Inc.
        Date (start)                04-25-2019
       Date (finish)                04-26-2019

Document history
 Report number                         Date                                                  Description
  2528ERM.004                    05-01-2019            First release
2528ERM.004A1                    07-02-2019            Second release
2528ERM.004A2                    08-05-2019            Third release

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                               Page 6 of 24                                      08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Modifications to the reference test report
   It was introduced the following modifications in respect to the test report number 2528ERM.004A1 related
   with the same samples, in the next clauses and sub-clauses:
       Clauses/ Sub-Clauses                         Modification                           Justification

                                      Included results for cross-channel in
    Cross Channel for Band 26                                                              Requested.
                                                    Band 26

   This modification test report cancels and replaces the test report 2528ERM.004A1

Environmental conditions
   In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                      Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
                                                      Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                      Max. = 75 %
                                                      Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the semi anechoic chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                      Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
                                                      Min. = 30 %
             Relative humidity
                                                      Max. = 75 %
                                                      Min. = 860 mbar
             Air pressure
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

   In the chamber for conducted measurements, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

             Temperature                              Min. = 15 ºC
                                                      Max. = 35 ºC
             Relative humidity                        Min. = 30 %
                                                      Max. = 60 %
             Air pressure                             Min. = 860 mbar
                                                      Max. = 1060 mbar

Remarks and comments
   The tests have been performed by the technical personnel: Divya Adusumilli.

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                             Page 7 of 24                                       08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

Testing verdicts
                            Not applicable :                                            N/A

                            Pass    :                                                   P

                            Fail    :                                                   F

                            Not measured :                                              N/M

                        FCC PART 22,24,27 and 90 / IC RSS-130, RSS-132, RSS-133, RSS-199 PARAGRAPH
 Report         FCC Spec            RSS Spec Clause                       Test Description
                                                                                                           Verdict   Remark
 Section         Clause
                                   RSS-130 Clause 4.6
    A.1                            RSS-132 Clause 5.4   RF Output power
              §24.232,                                                                                       P       Note:1
                                   RSS-133 Clause 6.4
              §27.50 and
                                   RSS-199 Clause 4.4
              §90.635 (b)

    A.2       §2.1047              RSS-132 Clause 5.2   Modulation characteristics                          N/A      Note:2

              §2.1055 and
    A.3                            RSS-132 Clause 5.3   Frequency stability                                 N/A      Note:2

    A.4       §2.1049              RSS-132 Clause 5.1   Occupied Bandwidth                                  N/A      Note:2

    A.5       §2.1051 and                               Spurious emissions at antenna terminals
                                   RSS-132 Clause 5.5                                                       N/A      Note:2
                                                        Spurious emissions at antenna terminals at Block
    A.6       §22.917              RSS-132 Clause 5.5                                                       N/A      Note:2

              §2.1053 and
    A.7                            RSS-132 Clause 5.5   Radiated emissions                                  N/A      Note:2
 Supplementary information and remarks:
        Note1: According to KDB 971168 D02 v02r01, Band 26 testing is affected by part 22 and 90 crossed rules, the
        emission testing was performed in extra Frequency with bandwidth centered at the allocation boundary.
        Note2: According to the client declaration, only Power test was required.

List of equipment used during the test
Conducted Measurements

          CONTROL                                                                  LAST              NEXT
          NUMBER                                                                CALIBRATION       CALIBRATION
             1039            Spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz FSV40                 2018/10          2020/10

                             Wideband Radio Communication Tester Rohde
             1149                                                                    2018/07          2020/07
                             & Schwarz CMW 500

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                   Page 8 of 24                                           08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

     Appendix A: Test Results

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2    Page 9 of 24   08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                           Appendix A Content

   PRODUCT INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 11
   DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONDITIONS .................................................................................. 12
   TEST A.1: RF OUTPUT POWER.............................................................................................. 14

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                                    Page 10 of 24                                                   08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


The following information is provided by the client

       Information                                           Description

       Modulation                                            BPSK, QPSK

       Operation mode:

            -     Operating Frequency Range                  Band 2: 1850 – 1910 MHz

                                                             Band 4: 1710 – 1755 MHz

                                                             Band 5: 824 – 849 MHz

                                                             Band 12: 699-716 MHz

                                                             Band 13: 777 – 787 MHz

                                                             Band 26: 814-849 MHz

            -     Nominal Channel Bandwidth                  Band 2: 15/ 3.75 KHz
                                                             Band 4: 15/ 3.75 KHz
                                                             Band 5: 15/ 3.75 KHz
                                                             Band 12: 15/ 3.75 KHz
                                                             Band 13: 15/ 3.75 KHz
                                                             Band 26: 15/ 3.75 KHz

       Extreme operating conditions

            -     Temperature range                          Tnom = +15 to + 35 oC

       Antenna type                                          Dipole Antenna.

       Antenna gain                                          2.14 dBi

       Nominal Voltage

            -     Supply Voltage                             12 Vdc

            -     Type of power source                       DC voltage from power Adaptor

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                              Page 11 of 24                          08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


Following channel(s) were selected for the testing as listed below:

             TEST                                           DESCRIPTION
                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
           LTE Band 2
                            -Lowest Channel: 18601 (1850.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 18900 (1880 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 19199 (1909.9 MHz)

                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
           LTE Band 4
                            -Lowest Channel: 19951 (1710.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 20175 (1732.5 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 20399 (1754.9 MHz)

                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
           LTE Band 5
                            -Lowest Channel: 20401 (824.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 20525 (836.5 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 20649 (848.9 MHz)

                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
          LTE Band 12
                            -Lowest Channel: 23011 (699.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 23095 (707.5 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 23179 (715.9 MHz)

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                               Page 12 of 24      08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

             TEST                                           DESCRIPTION
                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
          LTE Band 13
                            -Lowest Channel: 23181 (707.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 23230 (782 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 23279 (786.9 MHz)

                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

               TC#06        Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
          LTE Band 26       15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
              Part 22       -Lowest Channel: 26791 (824.1 MHZ)
                            -Middle Channel: 26915 (836.5 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 27039 (848.9 MHz)

                            Power supply (V): Vnominal = 12 Vdc

                            Test Frequencies for Conducted tests:
                            15 / 3.75 KHz Bandwidth:
          LTE Band 26
                            -Lowest Channel: 26692 (814.2 MHZ)
              Part 90
                            -Middle Channel: 26740 (819 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 26788 (823.8 MHz)
                            -Highest Channel: 26790 (824 MHz)

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                               Page 13 of 24      08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America


                                                                           FCC Part 22 / IC RSS-132
                                                                           FCC Part 24/ IC RSS-133
                                   Product standard:
                                                              FCC Part 27/ IC RSS-130, RSS-199 and FCC Part 90

                                                              FCC §2.1046 and §22.913 / RSS-132 Clause 5.4
                                                              FCC §2.1046 and §24.232 / RSS-133 Clause 6.4
                                                           FCC §2.1046 and §27.50 / RSS-130 Clause 4.6, RSS-199
                                     Test standard:
                                                                                Clause 4.4
                                                                       FCC §2.1046 and §90.635 (b)

FCC Part 22
The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 7 Watts.
The peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the transmission shall not exceed 13 dB.

RSS-132 Clause 5.4
The transmitter output power shall be measured in terms of average power. The equivalent isotropically radiated
power (e.i.r.p.) for mobile equipment shall not exceed 11.5 watts. Refer to SRSP-503 for base station e.i.r.p. limits.
In addition, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitter shall not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1%
of the time using a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR during periods of continuous transmission.
FCC Part 24 and 27
Fixed. mobile. and portable (hand-held) stations are limited to 2-watt EIRP (30 dBm). Fixed stations are limited to a
maximum antenna height of 10 meters above ground. Mobile and portable stations operating in these bands must
employ a means for limiting power to the minimum necessary for successful communications.
The peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the transmission shall not exceed 13 dB

RSS-130 Clause 4.6
The equivalent isotopically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) for mobile and portable transmitters shall not exceed 30 watts.
The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmission shall not exceed 13 dB

RSS-133 Clause 6.4
The equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) for transmitters shall not exceed the limits given in SRSP-510.
Moreover, base station transmitters operating in the band 1930-1995 MHz shall not have output power exceeding
100 watts.
In addition, the transmitter’s peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) shall not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1% of the
time using a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR during periods of continuous transmission.

RSS-199 Clause 4.4
The equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) for mobile and portable transmitters shall not exceed two watts.
The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmission shall not exceed 13 dB
FCC Part 90
The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 2 Watts.
The peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the transmission shall not exceed 13 dB.

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                               Page 14 of 24                                         08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                            TEST SETUP

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                 Page 15 of 24   08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

              TESTED SAMPLES:                                            S/01

      TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                   TC#01 (Band 2)

                 TEST RESULTS:                                       PASS

                                                               Conducted        RF Output
             Freq. (MHz) Modulation    BW     RB      RB      Output Power      Power (W)   Limit (W)
Channel                               (kHz)   No.    offset      (dBm)            EIRP        EIRP

                                              1         0        22.86            0.316        2
                                      3.75    1        47        22.85            0.316        2
                            BPSK              1         0        21.92            0.255        2
                                       15     1        11        21.89            0.253        2
                                              1         0        21.74            0.244        2
18601            1850.1
                                      3.75    1        47        21.69            0.242        2
                                              1         0        22.91            0.320        2
                            QPSK       15     1        11        22.88            0.318        2
                                              3         3        24.00            0.411        2
                                              1         0        23.75            0.388        2
                                      3.75    1        47        23.74            0.387        2
                            BPSK              1         0        22.12            0.267        2
                                       15     1        11        23.11            0.335        2
                                              1         0        21.83            0.249        2
18900              1880
                                      3.75    1        47        21.86            0.251        2
                                              1         0        23.08            0.333        2
                            QPSK       15     1        11        23.09            0.333        2
                                              3         3        24.54            0.466        2
                                              1         0        23.23            0.344        2
                                      3.75    1        47        23.28            0.348        2
                            BPSK              1         0        22.23            0.274        2
                                       15     1        11        21.22            0.217        2
                                              1         0        20.97            0.205        2
19199            1909.9
                                      3.75    1        47        21.99            0.259        2
                                              1         0         22.2            0.272        2
                            QPSK       15     1        11        22.21            0.272        2
                                              3         3        23.81            0.394        2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                      Page 16 of 24                                    08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                  TESTED SAMPLES:                        S/01

          TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                   TC#02 (Band 4)

                     TEST RESULTS:                       PASS

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2             Page 17 of 24                    08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                                                                  Conducted     RF Output
                                     BW        RB      RB                                   Limit (W)
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                  Output        Power
                                     (kHz)     No.     offset                                EIRP
                                                                  Power (dBm)   (W) EIRP
                                                1            0       21.89        0.253         2
                              BPSK              1            47      21.90        0.254         2
                                                1            0       20.64        0.190         2
                                      15        1            11      20.63        0.189         2
    19951            1710.1
                                                1            0       20.52        0.185         2
                                     3.75       1            47      20.53        0.185         2
                                                1            0       21.61        0.237         2
                                      15        1            11      21.62        0.238         2
                                                3            3       22.97        0.324         2
                                                1            0       22.59        0.297         2
                              BPSK              1            47      22.60        0.298         2
                                                1            0       20.73        0.194         2
                                      15        1            11      21.74        0.244         2
    20175            1732.5
                                                1            0       20.63        0.189         2
                                     3.75       1            47      20.62        0.189         2
                                                1            0       21.72        0.243         2
                                      15        1            11      21.71        0.243         2
                                                3            3       23.08        0.333         2
                                                1            0       22.48        0.290         2
                              BPSK              1            47      22.45        0.288         2
                                                1            0       21.70        0.242         2
                                      15        1            11      20.68        0.191         2
    20399            1754.9
                                                1            0       20.57        0.187         2
                                     3.75       1            47      21.59        0.236         2
                                                1            0       21.64        0.239         2
                                      15        1            11      21.66        0.240         2
                                                3            3       23.01        0.327         2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                     Page 18 of 24                                   08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                      TESTED SAMPLES:                                            S/01

             TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                        TC#03 (Band 5)

                        TEST RESULTS:                                            PASS

                                                                     Conducted          RF Output
                                        BW       RB       RB                                        Limit
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                    Output              Power
                                        (kHz)    No.      offset                                      (W)
                                                                    Power (dBm)           (W)
                                                  1             0      23.12             0.336          7
                                                  1         47         23.11             0.335          7
                                                  1             0      21.36             0.224          7
                                                  1         11         21.35             0.223          7
    20401             824.1                       1             0      21.11             0.211          7
                                                  1         47         21.14             0.213          7
                                 QPSK             1             0      22.32             0.279          7
                                         15       1         11         22.34             0.281          7
                                                  3             3      24.44             0.455          7
                                                  1             0      23.99             0.410          7
                                                  1         47         23.98             0.409          7
                                                  1             0      21.25             0.218          7
                                                  1         11         22.24             0.274          7
    20525             836.5                       1             0      21.03             0.207          7
                                                  1         47         21.01             0.207          7
                                 QPSK             1             0      22.22             0.273          7
                                         15       1         11         22.20             0.272          7
                                                  3             3      24.46             0.457          7
                                                  1             0      23.78             0.391          7
                                                  1         47         23.79             0.392          7
                                                  1             0      23.17             0.340          7
                                                  1         11         22.16             0.269          7
    20649             848.9                       1             0      22.02             0.261          7
                                                  1         47         22.99             0.326          7
                                 QPSK             1             0      23.15             0.338          7
                                         15       1         11         23.14             0.337          7
                                                  3        3           24.38             0.449          7

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                        Page 19 of 24                                         08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                      TESTED SAMPLES:                                            S/01

             TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                    TC#04 (Band 12)

                        TEST RESULTS:                                          PASS

                                                                     Conducted          RF Output
                                        BW       RB       RB                                        Limit
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                    Output              Power
                                        (kHz)    No.      offset                                      (W)
                                                                    Power (dBm)           (W)
                                                  1             0      23.32             0.352         2
                                                  1         47         23.32             0.352         2
                                                  1             0      23.53             0.369         2
                                                  1         11         23.54             0.370         2
    23011             699.1                       1             0      23.25             0.346         2
                                                  1         47         23.29             0.349         2
                                 QPSK             1             0      23.68             0.382         2
                                         15       1         11         23.71             0.385         2
                                                  3             3      23.62             0.377         2
                                                  1             0      23.33             0.352         2
                                                  1         47         23.33             0.352         2
                                                  1             0      23.54             0.370         2
                                                  1         11         23.49             0.366         2
    23095             707.5                       1             0      23.32             0.352         2
                                                  1         47         23.29             0.349         2
                                 QPSK             1             0      23.52             0.368         2
                                         15       1         11         23.47             0.364         2
                                                  3             3      23.67             0.381         2
                                                  1             0      23.31             0.351         2
                                                  1         47         23.31             0.351         2
                                                  1             0      23.54             0.370         2
                                                  1         11         23.47             0.364         2
    23179             715.9                       1             0      23.31             0.351         2
                                                  1         47         23.34             0.353         2
                                 QPSK             1             0      23.51             0.367         2
                                         15       1         11         23.51             0.367         2
                                                  3             3      23.66             0.380         2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                        Page 20 of 24                                         08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                  TESTED SAMPLES:                                            S/01

          TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                   TC#05 (Band 13)

                    TEST RESULTS:                                          PASS

                                                                   Conducted        RF Output
                                      BW       RB       RB                                      Limit
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                  Output            Power
                                      (kHz)    No.      offset                                    (W)
                                                                  Power (dBm)          (W)
                                                1             0      23.44           0.361         2
                                                1         47         23.41           0.359         2
                                                1             0      23.62           0.377         2
                                                1         11         23.51           0.367         2
    23181             777.1                     1             0      23.44           0.361         2
                                                1         47         23.42           0.360         2
                               QPSK             1             0      23.62           0.377         2
                                       15       1         11         23.52           0.368         2
                                                3             3      23.62           0.377         2
                                                1             0      23.43           0.361         2
                                                1         47         23.42           0.360         2
                                                1             0      23.72           0.385         2
                                                1         11         23.65           0.379         2
    23230             782                       1             0      23.45           0.362         2
                                                1         47         23.42           0.360         2
                               QPSK             1             0      23.69           0.383         2
                                       15       1         11         23.65           0.379         2
                                                3             3      23.74           0.387         2
                                                1             0      23.22           0.344         2
                                                1         47         23.68           0.382         2
                                                1             0      23.52           0.368         2
                                                1         11          23.5           0.366         2
    23279             786.9                     1             0      23.82           0.394         2
                                                1         47          23.8           0.393         2
                               QPSK             1             0      23.51           0.367         2
                                       15       1         11         23.46           0.363         2
                                                3             3      23.61           0.376         2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                      Page 21 of 24                                       08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                  TESTED SAMPLES:                                          S/01

          TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                   TC#06 (Band 26)

                    TEST RESULTS:                                          PASS

                                                                   Conducted      RF Output
                                      BW       RB       RB                                    Limit
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                  Output          Power
                                      (kHz)    No.      offset                                  (W)
                                                                  Power (dBm)          (W)
                                                1             0      23.18         0.340         7
                                                1         47         23.17         0.340         7
                                                1             0      23.16         0.339         7
                                                1         11         23.15         0.338         7
    26791             824.1                     1             0      23.12         0.336         7
                                                1         47         23.09         0.333         7
                               QPSK             1             0      24.16         0.427         7
                                       15       1         11         24.15         0.426         7
                                                3             3      24.37         0.448         7
                                                1             0      23.99         0.410         7
                                                1         47         23.98         0.409         7
                                                1             0      21.25         0.218         7
                                                1         11         22.23         0.274         7
    26915             836.5                     1             0      20.98         0.205         7
                                                1         47         20.97         0.205         7
                               QPSK             1             0      22.22         0.273         7
                                       15       1         11         22.23         0.274         7
                                                3             3      24.23         0.434         7
                                                1             0      23.78         0.391         7
                                                1         47         23.79         0.392         7
                                                1             0      23.15         0.338         7
                                                1         11         22.14         0.268         7
    27039             848.9                     1             0      21.80         0.248         7
                                                1         47         22.78         0.310         7
                               QPSK             1             0      23.06         0.331         7
                                       15       1         11         23.05         0.330         7
                                                3             3      24.26         0.437         7

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                      Page 22 of 24                                     08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                  TESTED SAMPLES:                                          S/01

          TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                   TC#07 (Band 26)

                    TEST RESULTS:                                          PASS

                                                                  Conducted       RF
                                      BW        RB      RB                                  Limit (W)
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                  Output          Output
                                      (kHz)    No.      offset                                ERP
                                                                  Power (dBm)     Power
                                                                                  (W) ERP
                                                 1            0      23.19         0.341       2
                                                 1        47         23.18         0.340       2
                                                 1            0      21.44         0.228       2
                                                 1        11         21.43         0.228       2
    26692             814.2                      1            0      21.25         0.218       2
                                                 1        47         21.23         0.217       2
                               QPSK              1            0      22.43         0.286       2
                                       15        1        11         22.42         0.286       2
                                                 3            3      24.24         0.435       2
                                                 1            0      24.17         0.428       2
                                                 1        47         24.16         0.427       2
                                                 1            0      21.52         0.232       2
                                                 1        11         22.51         0.292       2
    26740              819                       1            0      21.44         0.228       2
                                                 1        47         21.41         0.226       2
                               QPSK              1            0      22.51         0.292       2
                                       15        1        11         22.50         0.291       2
                                                 3            3      24.34         0.445       2
                                                 1            0      24.18         0.429       2
                                                 1        47         24.16         0.427       2
                                                 1            0      24.16         0.427       2
                                                 1        11         23.14         0.337       2
    26788             823.8                      1            0      23.06         0.331       2
                                                 1        47         24.08         0.419       2
                               QPSK              1            0      24.12         0.423       2
                                       15        1        11         24.13         0.424       2
                                                 3            3      24.38         0.449       2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                      Page 23 of 24                                   08-05-2019

DEKRA Certification, Inc.
405 Glenn Dr. Suite 12,
Sterling, VA 20164
United States of America

                  TESTED SAMPLES:                                          S/01

          TESTED CONDITIONS MODES:                                   TC#07 (Band 26)

                    TEST RESULTS:                                          PASS

                                                                  Conducted       RF
                                      BW        RB      RB                                  Limit (W)
  Channel Freq. (MHz) Modulation                                  Output          Output
                                      (kHz)    No.      offset                                ERP
                                                                  Power (dBm)     Power
                                                                                  (W) ERP
                                                 1            0      23.23         0.344       2
                                                 1        47         23.21         0.343       2
                                                 1            0      23.20         0.342       2
                                                 1        11         23.19         0.341       2
    26790             824                        1            0      23.18         0.340       2
                                                 1        47         23.15         0.338       2
                               QPSK              1            0      24.11         0.422       2
                                       15        1        11         24.10         0.421       2
                                                 3            3      24.26         0.437       2

Report No: 2528ERM.004A2                      Page 24 of 24                                   08-05-2019

Document Created: 2019-08-08 17:21:11
Document Modified: 2019-08-08 17:21:11

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