Equivalence letter


Cover Letter(s)

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   To whom it may concern.

   We,      telit Communications S.p.A.,                            via Stazione di Prosecco 5/B—                                  .
   34010 Sgonico — Trieste — Italy declare that the device MEO10CLI—
   P1 HW 0.0 SW version MOB.900004 is based on the already tested
   MEY1L0CL—WW HW 0.0, SW version MOB.800004. The 2 devices share
   the same HW design (based on Qualcomm Chipset MDMS206) and
   differences between the 2 products are declared as follows:
    1) Different memory capacity:
   Product                Memory Size
   MEY10C1—WW                                   1Gb Nand + 512Mb RAM
   ME910C1—PL                                   1Gb Nand + 1 Gb RAM

     2) 2G PA not mounted on MEY10CI—P1 and 2G bands disabled by SW

   LTE protocol stack is the same for both devices hence results
   from MES10C1I—WW device have been used to demonstrate compliance
   on MEY10CI—P1 for GCF.CC 3.73.0 Requirements PTCRB NAPRD 5.38
   and for requlatory approvals purposes                                        (RED,        RCM,    FCC/IC) .

   Differences between SW version MOB.9%0004 and MOB.800004 are 2G
   disabling and minor changes that do not affect tests executed
   for MEY91OCI—WW HWO.0 as the LTE protocol stack and features are
   the same between these devices and bigger memory capacity is
   reserved for customer applications.

   Trieste,             14 June 2019

   By:; Antonino Sgroi
   Title: Global R&D Director                                                    ‘
   Company: Telit Communications Spa                                         hy
   Telephone: +390404192343
   e—mail:           antonino.sgroi@telit.com

Telit Communications S.p.A.       Cap. Soc. € 3.000.000     Societa soggetta all‘attivita            Societa con socio unico
Via Stazione di Prosecco n. 5/B   Partita IVA 03711800266   di direzione e coordinamento             (Telit Communications PLC})
34010 Sgonico (TS) ~ITALY         Cod.Fisc. 03711600266     da parte di Telit Communications PLC                            {
Phone +390404192 111              Nr. R.E.A. TS—120027      con sede in Londra (art.2497 bis C.C.)
Fax     +390404192 333

Document Created: 2019-08-22 19:11:54
Document Modified: 2019-08-22 19:11:54

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