RF Exposure Info

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

            RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration

                       Product Name : Module
                       Trade Name            :

                       Model No.             : LE910C1-LA, LE910C4-LA
                       FCC ID.               : RI7LE910CXLA

 Applicant : Telit Communications S.p.A.
 Address : Viale Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, 34010 Sgonico TRIESTE – ITALY

                        Date of Receipt             : Jul. 15, 2019
                        Date of Declaration : Jul. 25, 2019
                        Report No.                  : 1970268R-RF-US-Exp
                        Report Version              : V1.0

The declaration results relate only to the samples calculated.
The declaration shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of DEKRA Testing and
Certification Co., Ltd.

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

          RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration
                                                       Issued Date : Jul. 25, 2019
                                                       Report No. : 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

   Product Name          :       Module
   Applicant             :       Telit Communications S.p.A.
   Address               :       Viale Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, 34010 Sgonico TRIESTE –
   Manufacturer          :       Telit Communications S.p.A.
   Model No.             :       LE910C1-LA, LE910C4-LA
   FCC ID                :       RI7LE910CXLA
   Trade Name            :

   Applicable Standard   :       FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091 Radiofrequency radiation exposure
                                 evaluation: mobile devices.
                                 ISED RSS-102 Issue 5 (2015-03) – Radio Frequency Exposure
                                 Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency
   Test Lab              :       Hsin Chu Laboratory
   Address               :       No.372-2, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu
                                 County 310, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                 TEL: +886-3-582-8001 / FAX: +886-3-582-8958
   Test Result           :       Complied

  Approved By                :

                                               ( Louis Hsu / Deputy Manager )

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

1.         RF Exposure Evaluation

1.1.       Limits

According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)

 Frequency Range         Electric Field            Magnetic Field        Power Density         Average Time
          (MHz)         Strength (V/m)             Strength (A/m)          (mW/cm2)             (Minutes)
                                 (A) Limits for Occupational/ Control Exposures
       300-1500                  --                      --                  F/300                  6
     1500-100,000                --                      --                    5                    6
                            (B) Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
       300-1500                  --                      --                 F/1500                  6
     1500-100,000                --                      --                    1                   30
F= Frequency in MHz

According to IC RSS-102 Issue 5: For the purpose of this standard, Industry Canada has adopted
the SAR and RF field strength limits established in Health Canada’s RF exposure guideline.

RF Field Strength Limits for Devices Used by the General Public (Uncontrolled Environment)
     Frequency Range        Electric Field        Magnetic Field        Power Density    Reference Period
           (MHz)              (V/m rms)             (A/m rms)               (W/m2)              (minutes)
 0.003-1021             83                    90                    -                    Instantaneous*
 0.1-10                 -                     0.73/ ƒ               -                    6**
 1.1-10                 87/ ƒ 0.5             -                     -                    6**
 10-20                  27.46                 0.0728                2                    6
 20-48                  58.07/ ƒ 0.25         0.1540/ ƒ 0.25        8.944/ ƒ 0.5         6
 48-300                 22.06                 0.05852               1.291                6
 300-6000               3.142 ƒ 0.3417        0.008335 ƒ 0.3417     0.02619ƒ0.6834       6
 6000-15000             61.4                  0.163                 10                   6
 15000-150000           61.4                  0.163                 10                   616000/ ƒ 1.2
 150000-300000          0.158 ƒ 0.5           4.21 x 10-4 ƒ 0.5     6.67 x 10-5 ƒ        616000/ ƒ 1.2
 Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz.
 *Based on nerve stimulation (NS). ** Based on specific absorption rate (SAR).

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

RF Field Strength Limits for Controlled Use Devices (Controlled Environment)
  Frequency Range           Electric Field       Magnetic Field       Power Density     Reference Period
           (MHz)             (V/m rms)             (A/m rms)              (W/m2)             (minutes)
 0.003-1023             170                  180                  -                    Instantaneous*
 0.1-10                 -                    1.6/ ƒ               -                    6**
 1.29-10                193/ ƒ 0.5           -                    -                    6**
 10-20                  61.4                 0.163                10                   6
 20-48                  129.8/ ƒ 0.25        0.3444/ ƒ 0.25       44.72/ ƒ 0.5         6
 48-100                 49.33                0.1309               6.455                6
 100-6000               15.60 ƒ 0.25         0.04138 ƒ 0.25       0.6455ƒ0.5           6
 6000-15000             137                  0.364                50                   6
 15000-150000           137                  0.364                50                   616000/ ƒ 1.2
 150000-300000          0.354 ƒ 0.5          9.40 x 10-4 ƒ 0.5    3.33 x 10-4 ƒ        616000/ ƒ 1.2
 Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz. *Based on nerve stimulation (NS). ** Based on specific absorption rate (SAR).

Friis Formula
Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*r2)

Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416
R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power
input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the MPE limit is

1.2.       Test Procedure

Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle and highest
channel individually.
The temperature and related humidity: 18℃and 78% RH.

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

1.3.      Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

Product           LE910C1-LA, LE910C4-LA
Test Mode         Transmit
Test Condition    RF Exposure Evaluation

                      Usable maximum Antenna Gain          Usable maximum Antenna Gain
                     by manufacturer’s declaration (dBi)   under limit of output power (dBi)

       GSM 850                      1.5                                  3.5
       DCS1900                      3.5                                  9.5

                      Usable maximum Antenna Gain          Usable maximum Antenna Gain
                     by manufacturer’s declaration (dBi)   under limit of output power (dBi)

       Band 2                       3.5                                  13.0
       Band 4                       3.5                                  13.0
       Band 5                       1.5                                  10.0

                      Usable maximum Antenna Gain          Usable maximum Antenna Gain
                     by manufacturer’s declaration (dBi)   under limit of output power (dBi)

       Band 2                       3.5                                  13.0
       Band 4                       3.5                                  13.0
       Band 5                       1.5                                  10.0
       Band 7                       3.0                                  13.0

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

GSM 850
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 1.5 dBi or 1.41 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   824.2          33.5       2238.72        32.81      1909.85      0.315        0.549
   836.6          33.5       2238.72        32.53      1790.61      0.315        0.558
   848.8          33.5       2238.72        32.58      1811.34      0.315        0.566

DCS 1900
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 3.5 dBi or 2.24 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   1850.2         30.5        1122.02       29.79      952.80       0.250        1.000
   1880.0         30.5        1122.02       29.68      928.97       0.250        1.000
   1909.8         30.5        1122.02       29.48      887.16       0.250        1.000

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

WCDMA Band 2
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 3.5 dBi or 2.24 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   1852.4        24.00        251.19        23.15      206.54       0.112        1.000
   1880.0        24.00        251.19        23.01      199.99       0.112        1.000
   1907.6        24.00        251.19        22.86      193.20       0.112        1.000

WCDMA Band 4
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 3.5 dBi or 2.24 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   1712.4        24.00        251.19        23.05      201.84       0.112        1.000
   1732.6        24.00        251.19        21.06      127.64       0.112        1.000
   1752.6        24.00        251.19        20.42      110.15       0.112        1.000

WCDMA Band 5
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 1.5 dBi or 1.41 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   826.4         24.00        251.19        23.37      217.27       0.071        0.551
   836.6         24.00        251.19        21.42      138.68       0.071        0.558
   846.6         24.00        251.19        21.04      127.06       0.071        0.558

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

LTE Band 2
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 3.5 dBi or 2.24 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   1850.7        24.00        251.19        23.40      218.78       0.112        1.000
   1880.0        24.00        251.19        23.37      217.27       0.112        1.000
   1908.5        24.00        251.19        23.33      215.28       0.112        1.000

LTE Band 4
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 3.5 dBi or 2.24 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   1711.5        24.00        251.19        22.99      199.07       0.112        1.000
   1732.5        24.00        251.19        23.20      208.93       0.112        1.000
   1745.0        24.00        251.19        23.11      204.64       0.112        1.000

LTE Band 5
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 1.5 dBi or 1.41 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                 Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                                Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                    at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)        (dBm)        (mW)       (mW/cm2)
   826.5         24.00        251.19        23.36      216.77       0.071        0.551
   836.5         24.00        251.19        23.28      212.81       0.071        0.558
   848.3         24.00        251.19        23.49      223.36       0.071        0.566

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Report No. 1970268R-RF-US-Exp

LTE Band 7
Antenna Gain
Based on the Maximum Conducted Output Power, the usable maximum antenna gain by
manufacturer’s declaration is 1.5 dBi or 2.0 in linear scale.
Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

              Maximum Output Power                                Maximum
  Channel                                  Conducted Output
                by manufacturer’s                               Power Density FCC Limit
 Frequency                                 Power by Testing
                   declaration                                   at R = 20 cm (mW/cm2)
   (MHz)         (dBm)         (mW)         (dBm)       (mW)      (mW/cm2)
   2507.5        24.00        251.19        22.99      199.07      0.100        1.000
   2535.0        24.00        251.19        23.48      222.84      0.100        1.000
   2560.0        24.00        251.19        23.46      221.82      0.100        1.000

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Document Created: 2019-07-29 10:47:59
Document Modified: 2019-07-29 10:47:59

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