RF Exposure


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RF Exposure Evaluation Report

                                TELIT Corporation
                                             Model Number: LE866SV1

                                      Product Description: LTE Module

                                                FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
                                               IC ID: 5131A-LE866SV1

                                       FCC CFR 47 Part 1.1310, 2.1091
                                            IC RSS-102, Issue 5

         TEST REPORT #: EMC_VERIZ-049-150022_FCCICMPE_v1.1
                          DATE: 01-27-2016

                                                                                            FCC Recognized
                                                                                             A2LA Accredited
                                                                                         IC recognized # 3462E-1

                                                           CETECOM Inc.
                                  6370 Nancy Ridge Drive Suite 101  San Diego, CA 92121  U.S.A.
                  Phone: + 1 (858) 362 2400  Fax: + 1 (858) 587 4809  E-mail: info@cetecomusa.com  http://www.cetecom.com
                                     CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

V5.0 2015-10-27                                                                                                                © Copyright by CETECOM

Test Report #:            EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2                                 FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :          01-27-2016                                                         ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

1     Assessment

The radio equipment as further described in section 3 of this test report, meets the RF exposure limits
and/or the conditions for exemption from routine evaluation as defined in the below listed rule parts and
standards, when used under fixed / mobile conditions as defined in the same rule parts / standards, and
when used with antennae providing gain values not higher then the maximum gain values determined
within this report.

Use of the equipment (LTE Module) in host devices for portable use conditions will require new FCC
and/or IC certification of the host device, as appropriate, based on SAR testing.

                                     Standard                                        Version
                               FCC CFR 47 Part 1.1310                        Current as of 10-13-2015
                               FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1091                        Current as of 10-13-2015
                                 FCC KDB 447498                                       v05r02
                                  OET Bulletin 65                           Edition 97-01, August 1997
                                    IC RSS-102                                        Issue 5

Responsible for Testing Laboratory:

                                                                                                                                 Digitally signed by Franz
                                                                                                                                 DN: cn=Franz Engert, c=US,
                                                                    Franz Engert                                                 o=CETECOM,
                                                                                                                                 ou=Complience, email=franz.
    02-04-2016                Compliance                      (Compliance Manager)

         Date                   Section                                 Name                                                Signature

Responsible for the Report:

                                                                                                     Anthony                     Digitally signed by Anthony Planinac
                                                                                                                                 DN: cn=Anthony Planinac, c=US,
                                                                                                                                 o=CETECOM, ou=EMC SD,
                                                                 Anthony Planinac
                                                                                                                                 Reason: release
                                                                                                                                 Date: 2016.02.05 19:59:20 -08'00'
    02-04-2016                Compliance                          (EMC Engineer)

         Date                   Section                                 Name                                                Signature

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in Section 3.
CETECOM Inc. USA does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to other
specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or published in full.
Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM Inc. USA.

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Test Report #:      EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2            FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :    01-27-2016                                    ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

2     Administrative Data

2.1     Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the Test Report

Company Name                           CETECOM Inc.
Department                             Compliance
Address                                6370 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite 101
                                       San Diego, CA 92121
Telephone                              +1 (858) 362 2400
Fax                                    +1 (858) 587 4809
Test Lab Manager                       Milton Ponce de Leon
Project Manager
Test Engineer                          Anthony Planinac

2.2     Identification of the Client

Applicant’s Name:                       Telit Wireless Solutions Inc

Street Address:                         3131 RDU Center Drive 135

City/Zip Code                           Morrisville NC 27560

Country                                 USA

Contact Person:                         James Hayter

Phone No.                               919-439-7977



2.3     Identification of the Manufacturer

Manufacturer’s Name:

Manufacturers Address:
                                       Same as client.
City/Zip Code


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Test Report #:     EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2                 FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :   01-27-2016                                         ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

3     Equipment under Test (EUT)

3.1     Specification of the Equipment under Test

Marketing Name:                  Telit Inc.

Model Number:                    LE866SV1

FCC-ID :                         RI7LE866SV1

IC-ID:                           IC: 5131A-LE866SV1, HVIN: LE866-SV1, PMN: LE866-SV1

Product Description:             LTE Chipset
                                 LTE Band 13 (700MHz): 777 MHz – 787 MHz
Operating Frequency Ranges
                                 LTE Band 4 (1700 MHz): 1710 -1755 MHz
(MHz) / Channels:

Rated Max power:                 LTE Band 13=24dBm. LTE Band4=24dBm
Type(s) of Modulation:           QPSK and 16 QAM
Antenna info (antenna            LTE Band 4 (1700): Antenna gain = 2.14 dBi
presented for testing with the   LTE Band 13 (700MHz): Antenna gain = 2.14 dBi
development board):
Rated Operating Voltage
                                 Vmin: 3.6V/ Vnom: 3.9V / Vmax: 4.2V
Rated Operating Temperature
                                 –10°C ~ +55°C

Test Sample Status:              Prototype

                                 ☐ Fixed Installation
Device Category                  ☒ Mobile
                                 ☐ Portable
                                 ☐ Occupational/ Controlled
Exposure Category
                                 ☒ General Population/ Uncontrolled

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Test Report #:        EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2             FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :      01-27-2016                                     ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

3.2       Identification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)

  EUT #                    Serial Number                    Sample               HW/SW Version

      1                    163490000001               Radiated/Conducted            0.0/23.00.001

3.3       Identification of Accessory Equipment

  AE #              Type            Model                        SW Version
               External LTE                                                           700MHz – 2.4GHz
      2        Antenna
                                    T-AT305            NA              NA

3.4       Miscellaneous Information

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Test Report #:      EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2                FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :    01-27-2016                                        ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

4     RF Exposure Evaluation Requirements

4.1     FCC:

Calculations can be made to predict RF field strength and power density levels around typical RF
sources using the general equations (3) and (4) on page 19 of the following FCC document:
“OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01 – Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure
to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields”.

The table below is excerpted from Table 1B of CFR 47 1.1310 titled Limits for Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE), Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure:

    Frequency Range (MHz)          Power density (mW/cm2)           Averaging time (minutes)
            300 – 1500                   f (MHz) /1500                           30
         1500 – 100.000                        1.0                               30

Using the equation from page 19 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01:

                                                     4R 2
where: S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2)
       P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW)
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm)

Additionally, according to § 2.1091:
The limit for <1.5 GHz mobile operations where no routine evaluation is required is: 1.5W ERP
The limit for >1.5 GHz mobile operations where no routine evaluation is required is: 3W ERP

4.2     IC:

RSS-102 Section 2.5.2
RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and the device’s
radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:
     At or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p
        of the device is equal to or less than 0.0131 x f(MHz)0.6834 W.

RSS-102 4: RF Field strength limits for devices used by the General Public (Uncontrolled
Power density
       300MHz- 6000 MHz = 0.02619 x f(MHz)0.6834 W/m2

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Test Report #:         EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2                    FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :       01-27-2016                                            ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

Maximum Antenna Gain Analysis

Band XIII Frequency Band (777 -787 MHz)

                            Maximum          Maximum
                         conducted output conducted output Duty
         Mode              power (dBm)       power (W)     cycle
         LTE                   24              0.25        100%

IC Analysis
S                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure (777MHz)                    0.247            mW/cm2
                   max Antenna gain to comply with MPE limit (for 20cm
G1                 distance)                                                       6.9              dBi
                   Antenna gain to exclude routine RF Exposure Analysis
G2                 According to RSS-102 §2.5.2 (threshold 31dBm eirp)              7.0              dBi
                   Antenna gain to comply with EIRP limits according to
                   RSS-130 §4.4 (5W eirp for portable or indoor fixed, 50W eirp
G3                 for mobile or outdoor fixed)                                    12.9 / 22.9      dBi

FCC Analysis
S                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure (777MHz)                    0.518            mW/cm2
                   max Antenna gain to comply with MPE limit (for 20cm
G1                 distance)                                                       10.2             dBi
                   Antenna gain to exclude routine RF Exposure Analysis
G2                 According to §2.1091 (threshold 1.5W erp)                       9.9              dBi
                   Antenna gain to comply with ERP limits according to
                   §27.50 b) 9)/10) (3W erp for portable, 30W eirp for mobile or
G3                 outdoor fixed)                                                  12.9 / 22.9      dBi

Note: The maximum ERP/EIRP limits of the relevant licensed rule parts must be respected under all

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Test Report #:         EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2                  FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :       01-27-2016                                          ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

Maximum Antenna Gain Analysis

Band IV Frequency Band (1710 - 1755 MHz)

                           Maximum          Maximum
                        conducted output conducted output Duty
         Mode             power (dBm)       power (W)     cycle
         LTE                  24              0.25        100%

 IC Analysis
        S          MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure                                 0.424        mW/cm2
                   max Antenna gain to comply with MPE limit (for 20cm
       G1          distance)                                                            9.3           dBi
                   Antenna gain to exclude routine RF Exposure Analysis
       G2          According to RSS-102 §2.5.2 (threshold 33.3 dBm eirp)                9.3           dBi
                   Antenna gain to comply with EIRP limits according to
       G3          RSS-139 §6.5 (1W eirp)                                              6.00           dBi

FCC Analysis
S                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure:                                       1.0   mW/cm2
                   max Antenna gain to comply with MPE limit (for 20cm
G1                 distance)                                                             13.0       dBi
                   Antenna gain to exclude routine RF Exposure Analysis
G2                 According to §2.1091 (threshold 3W erp)                               12.9       dBi
                   Antenna gain to comply with ERP limits according to
G3                 §27.50 d) 4) (1W eirp)                                                6.00       dBi

Note: The maximum ERP/EIRP limits of the relevant licensed rule parts must be respected under all

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Test Report #:        EMC_ VERIZ-049-15001_FCCICMPE_v1.2      FCC ID: RI7LE866SV1
Date of Report :      01-27-2016                              ICID: 5131A-LE866SV1

5     Revision History

Date               Report Number                           Changes to Report     Report prepared by
 12-15-2015        EMC_VERIZ-049-15002_FCCICMPE_v1.0          First release             MPDL
                                                             Update IC-ID
 01-27-2016        EMC_VERIZ-049-15002_FCCICMPE_v1.1                                   MPDL
 02-04-2016        EMC_VERIZ-049-15002_FCCICMPE_v1.2       various corrections          AMP

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Document Created: 2019-05-13 12:07:39
Document Modified: 2019-05-13 12:07:39

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