RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                                A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                 Changan Lab:No. 140 -1, Changan Street, Bade City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan R.O.C.
                                  Tel:886-3-271-0188 / Fax:886-3-271-0190

                                                     MPE Report
       Test Report No.                       : 1307FS13-02
       Applicant                             : Telit Communications S.p.A.
       Manufacturer                          : Telit Communications S.p.A.
       Product Type                          : GE910-QUAD V3
       Trade Name                            : Telit
       Model Number                          : GE910-QUAD V3
       Dates of Receive                          Jul. 08, 2013
       Dates of Test                         : Jul. 11, 2013
       Issued Date                               Oct. 22, 2013
       Test Specification                    : 47 CFR § 2.1091
                                                 47 CFR §1.1310
                                                 ANSI / IEEE Std.C95.1-1992
                                                 CANADA RSS-102 Issue 4 March 2010
       Location of Test Lab.                 : Chang-an Lab.

  1.    The test operations have to be performed with cautious behavior, the test results are as attached.
  2.    The test results are under chamber environment of A Test Lab Techno Corp. A Test Lab Techno Corp. does not
        assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to other
        specimens or samples.
  3.    The measurement report has to be written approval of A Test Lab Techno Corp. It may only be reproduced or published
        in full. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of A Test Lab Techno Corp.
  4.    This document may be altered or revised by A Test Lab Techno. Corp. personnel only, and shall be noted in the
        revision section of the document.

   Approved By            :                                         Tested By         :

                                          (Bill Hu)                                                  (Sky Chou)

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                   Page 1 of 7


  1.          Description of Equipment under Test (EUT)....................................................... 3
  2.          Human Exposure Assessment ............................................................................ 4
  3.          RF Output Power................................................................................................... 5
  4.          Max. Gain Evaluation............................................................................................ 6
  5.          Test Result............................................................................................................. 7

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                             Page 2 of 7

  1.    Description of Equipment under Test (EUT)

         Applicant                  Telit Communications S.p.A.
         Applicant Address          Viale Stazione di Prosecco 5/b, Trieste, 34010, Italy
         Manufacturer               Telit Communications S.p.A.
         Manufacturer Address       Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B 34010 Sgonico Italy
         Product Type               GE910-QUAD V3
         Trade Name                 Telit
         Model Number               GE910-QUAD V3
         FCC ID                     R17GE910Q3
         IC                         5131A-GE910Q3
         Frequency Range            824.2     - 848.8    MHz GSM/GPRS 850
                                    1850.2    - 1909.8 MHz PCS/GPRS 1900
         Transmit Power             GSM/GPRS 850: 1.633 W / 32.13 dBm
         (conducted power)          PCS/GPRS 1900: 1.026 W / 30.11 dBm

         Antenna Designation            Manufacturer         Model Number        Antenna Type        Antenna Gain

                                                                                  1/41 Mobile   GSM/GPRS 850: 6.43dBi
                                    Telecommunications      1RR0100056TLB
                                                                                    Antenna     PCS/GPRS 1900: 3dBi
                                         and cables

         Temperature Range          -30 ~ +70°C
         RF Evaluation              2.05 W/m2

        The above equipment was tested by A Test Lab Techno Corp. For compliance with the requirements set forth in 47
        CFR § 2.1091 & 47 CFR § 1.1310. The results of testing in this report apply only to the product/system, which was
        tested. Other similar equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance and
        measurement uncertainties

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                Page 3 of 7

  2.    Human Exposure Assessment
        Due to the design and installation of this product, it is not possible to conduct SAR evaluation. This is because client
        either manufactures or supplies the antenna(s) that will be used in the installation of this product. Therefore, this
        product will be evaluated as a mobile device per 47 CFR §1.1310 titled “Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits”,
        generally referred to as MPE limits.
        In 47 CFR § 2.1091, paragraph (b) defines a mobile device as “a transmitting device designed to be used in other
        than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 cm is normally
        maintained between the transmitter’s radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons. ” This
        product is intended to be installed into a vehicle such that the unit is physically secured at one location. In the
        installation guide supplied with the product,
        Client has made the following statement: “IMPORTANT: To meet the FCC’s RF Exposure Guidelines, the antenna
        should be installed so there is at least 20 cm of separation between the body of the user and nearby persons and the
        antenna”. Based on the installation of the transceiver and the antenna, the transmitters radiating structure is more
        than 20 cm from the user. Thus, this product is a “mobile device” as defined in section § 2.1091 paragraph (b).

         Exposure evaluation

         Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

                  4πR 2
         S: power density
         P: power input to the antenna
         G: power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator.
         R: distance to the center of radiation of the antenna.

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                      Page 4 of 7

  3.    RF Output Power

                                                  Frequency   Time-Avg. Conducted power
              Band              Date Rate   CH
                                                    (MHz)               (dBm)

                                            128     824.2               32.13
            GSM850              1Down1Up    190     836.6               32.10
                                            251     848.8               32.08
                                            128     824.2               32.10
                                4Down1Up    190     836.6               32.06
                                            251     848.8               32.00
                                            128     824.2               31.68
                                3Down2Up    190     836.6               31.59
                                            251     848.8               31.45
                                            512    1850.2               30.11
            PCS1900             1Down1Up    661    1880.0               29.96
                                            810    1909.8               29.81
                                            512    1850.2               29.93
                                4Down1Up    661    1909.8               29.81
                                            810    1909.8               29.69
                                            512    1850.2               29.72
                                3Down2Up    661    1909.8               29.58
                                            810    1909.8               29.41

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                        Page 5 of 7

  4.    Max. Gain Evaluation

                                                                  Calculations to meet EIRP limits          Calculations to meet MPE limits

                                                 Distance                               Antenna gain to     max tune-up       Antenna
                              Frequency Limit             Duty     ERP         EIRP                                                   Numeric
          Band    Data Rate                        (cm)                                 meet ERP limits   power (upper limit)  Gain
                                (MHz) (mw)/cm2            Cycle   limits       limits                                                  Gain
                                                    [R]                                                        (dBm)           limits
                                                                    (W)          (W)    Numeric                                         [G]
                                                                                                  [dBi]          [P]           (dBi)

                               824.2    0.549      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.44     8.789
                 1Down1Up      836.6    0.558      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.51     8.933
                               848.8    0.566      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.57     9.061
                               824.2    0.549      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.44     8.789
                 4Down1Up      836.6    0.558      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.51     8.933

          GPRS                 848.8    0.566      20     0.125     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            9.57     9.061
           850                 824.2    0.549      20     0.250     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            6.43     4.394
                 3Down2Up      836.6    0.558      20     0.250     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            6.50     4.466
                               848.8    0.566      20     0.250     7          11.48    4.57191   8.45           34            6.56     4.531

        Note: In order to match the pass condition that maximum antenna gain for 850 MHz frequency band do not exceed

             6.43 dBi.

                                                                  Calculations to meet EIRP limits          Calculations to meet MPE limits

                                                 Distance                       Antenna gain to             max tune-up       Antenna
                              Frequency Limit             Duty                                                                        Numeric
          Band    Data Rate                        (cm)                         meet ERP limits           power (upper limit)  Gain
                                (MHz) (mw)/cm2            Cycle EIRP limits (W)                                                        Gain
                                                    [R]                                                        (dBm)           limits
                                                                                Numeric [dBi]                                           [G]
                                                                                                                 [P]           (dBi)

                               1850.2   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94
                 1Down1Up      1880.0   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94
                               1909.8   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94
                               1850.2   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94
                 4Down1Up      1880.0   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94

          GPRS                 1909.8   1.000      20     0.125            2               1        3            31           15.04     31.94
          1900                 1850.2   1.000      20     0.250            2               1        3            31           12.03     15.97
                 3Down2Up      1880.0   1.000      20     0.250            2               1        3            31           12.03     15.97
                               1909.8   1.000      20     0.250            2               1        3            31           12.03     15.97
        Note: In order to match the pass condition that maximum antenna gain for 1900 MHz frequency band do not exceed

             3 dBi.

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                                    Page 6 of 7

  5.    Test Result

                                                               Max tune-up                                              Power
                                                    Distance                   ANT     Numeric           [P]+ [G] with            Min.
                               Frequency   Limit                  Power                          Duty                   Density
           Band      Data Rate                        (cm)                     Gain     Gain              Duty cycle            distance
                                 (MHz)   (mw)/cm2              (upper limit)                     Cycle                    [S]
                                                       [R]                     (dBi)     [G]              (mW) [TP]               (cm)
                                                                (dBm) [P]                                              (mw)/cm2
                                 824.2    0.549       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
         GSM 850     1Down1Up    836.6    0.558       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
                                 848.8    0.566       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
                                 824.2    0.549       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
                     4Down1Up    836.6    0.558       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
                                 848.8    0.566       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.125    1381.54      0.275      20
         GPRS 850
                                 824.2    0.549       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.250    2763.08      0.549      20
                     3Down2Up    836.6    0.558       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.250    2763.08      0.549      20
                                 848.8    0.566       20            34         6.43      4.4     0.250    2763.08      0.549      20
                                1850.2    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
         PCS 1900 1Down1Up      1880.0    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
                                1909.8    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
                                1850.2    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
                     4Down1Up   1880.0    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
                                1909.8    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.125     314.73      0.063      20
         GPRS 1900
                                1850.2    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.250     629.46      0.125      20
                     3Down2Up   1880.0    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.250     629.46      0.125      20
                                1909.8    1.000       20            31         3.00      2.0     0.250     629.46      0.125      20
        Note: The Numeric Gain calculated by 10^(ant. Gain(dBi) /10).

©2013 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
Report Number: 1307FS13-02                                                                                             Page 7 of 7

Document Created: 2019-06-16 00:28:06
Document Modified: 2019-06-16 00:28:06

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