

Test Report

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               A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                  Report Number: 1205FE17

                           FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B

Product Type             : 2G Module

Applicant                : Telit Communications S.p.A.

Address                  : Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, Sgonico, TS 34010, Italy

Trade Name               : Telit

Model Number             : GE910-QUAD

FCC ID                   : R17GE910

IC ID                    : 5131A-GE910

Test Specification       : FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B: Oct., 2011
                           ANSI C63.4: 2009
                           CISPR 22: 1997
                           ICES-003: Issue 4

Receive Date             : May 18, 2012

Issue Date               : May 31, 2012

                                                   Issue by

A Test Lab Techno Corp.
No. 140-1, Changan Street, Bade City,
Taoyuan County 334, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-3-2710188 / Fax:+886-3-2710190

Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330

 Note: This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of A Test Lab Techno
 Corp. This document may be altered or revised by A Test Lab Techno Corp. personnel only, and shall be
 noted in the revision section of the document. The client should not use it to claim product endorsement by
 TAF, or any government agencies. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.


         A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                    Report Number: 1205FE17

                                 Revision History
Rev.    Issue Date                     Revisions            Revised By
00     May 31, 2012   Initial Issue


                A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                  Report Number: 1205FE17

                     Ver i f i c a t i o n o f C o m p l i a n c e
                                                                                Issued Date: 05/31/2012

 Product Type                 :   2G Module

 Applicant                    :   Telit Communications S.p.A.

 Address                      :   Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, Sgonico, TS 34010, Italy
 Trade Name                   :   Telit

 Model Number                 :   GE910-QUAD
 FCC ID                       :   R17GE910

 IC ID                        :   5131A-GE910

 EUT Rated Voltage            :   DC 3.8V

 Test Voltage                 :   DC 3.8V

 Applicable Standard          :   FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B: Oct., 2011
                                  ANSI C63.4: 2009
                                  CISPR 22: 1997
                                  ICES-003: Issue 4

 Test Result                  :   Complied

 Performing Lab.              :   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                  No. 140-1, Changan Street, Bade City,
                                  Taoyuan County 334, Taiwan R.O.C.
                                  Tel:+886-3-2710188 / Fax:+886-3-2710190
                                  Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
The above equipment has been tested by A Test Lab Techno Corp., and found compliance with the requirements
set forth in the technical standards mentioned above. The results of testing in this report apply only to the
product/system, which was tested. Other similar equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to
production tolerance and measurement uncertainties.

 Approved By              :                            Reviewed By               :

 (Manager)                        (Murphy Wang)        (Testing Engineer)              (Charlie Chang)


                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                  Report Number: 1205FE17

                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
1 General Information .........................................................................................................5
2 EUT Description................................................................................................................6
3 Test Methodology.............................................................................................................7
  3.1. Decision of Test Mode .......................................................................................……..7
  3.2. EUT Exercise Software ..............................................................................................7
  3.3. Configuration of Test System Details..........................................................................8
  3.4. Test Site Environment.................................................................................................8
4 Emission Test ...................................................................................................................9
  4.1. Conducted Emission Measurement............................................................................9
  4.2. Radiated Interference Measurement ........................................................................15


                A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                              Report Number: 1205FE17

1     General Information
1.1   Summary of Test Result


                        Standard                                    Item                    Result            Remark

         FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B
                  ANSI C63.4                               Conducted Emission               PASS         Meet Class B limit

         FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B
                  ANSI C63.4                                Radiated Emission               PASS         Meet Class B limit

      The test results of this report relate only to the tested sample(s) identified in this report. Manufacturer or whom it
      may concern should recognize the pass or fail of the test result.

1.2   Measurement Uncertainty

      Conducted Emission

          The measurement uncertainty is evaluated as ± 2.24 dB.

      Conducted Emissions (Telecommunication Ports)

          The measurement uncertainty is evaluated as ± 2.24 dB.

      Radiated Emission
          The measurement uncertainty of 30 MHz - 1GHz is evaluated as ± 3.072dB.

          The measurement uncertainty of 1GHz - 40GHz is evaluated as ± 3.072dB.


               A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                        Report Number: 1205FE17

2   EUT Description
     Product                  2G Module

     Trade Name               Telit

     Model Number             GE910-QUAD

     FCC ID                   R17GE910

     IC ID                    5131A-GE910

     IMEI Number              351732059000706

                              Telit Communications S.p.A.
                              Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, Sgonico, TS 34010, Italy
                              Telit Communications S.p.A.
                              Via Stazione di Prosecco, 5/B, Sgonico, TS 34010, Italy

     Hardware Version          0

     Software Version          13.00.000-B008

    I/O Port Description:
                    I/O Port Types                Q’TY                            Test Description

     1). Signal Port                                3      Connected to Antenna

     2). Signal Port                                1      Connected to Fixture


                    A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                        Report Number: 1205FE17

3        Test Methodology
3.1.     Decision of Test Mode
3.1.1.   The following test mode(s) were scanned during the preliminary test:

          Pre-Test Mode
          Mode 1: GPRS 850 Link Mode
          Mode 2: GPRS 1900 Link Mode

3.1.2.   After the preliminary scan, the following test mode was found to produce the highest emission

          Final Test Mode
                           Conducted Emission                      Mode 1 / Mode 2
          Emission                                 Below 1GHz      Mode 1 / Mode 2
                           Radiated Emission
                                                   Above 1GHz      Mode 1 / Mode 2
         Then, the above highest emission mode of the configuration of the EUT and cable was chosen for all final test


3.2.     EUT Exercise Software

           1.     Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 3.3.

           2.     Turn on the power of all equipment.

           3.     The EUT will start to operate function.


                 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                Report Number: 1205FE17

3.3.   Configuration of Test System Details

                                                       Mode 1 / Mode 2

                      DC Power
                                            B                                                      (1)


                            Signal Cable Type                                     Signal Cable Description

        A    Signal Cable                                            Non-Shielded, 3.0m
        B    DC Power Cable                                          Non-Shielded, 1.3m

                                                      Devices Description

                  Product             Manufacturer         Model Number            Serial Number          Power Cord
       (1)                                Tel Cab                T-AT311                  N/A                  N/A
              (Max Gain: 2.14 dBi)

3.4.   Test Site Environment

                      Items                          Test Item             Required (IEC 68-1)               Actual
                 Temperature (°C)                                                 15-35                        26
                                                   FCC part 15:
                  Humidity (%RH)                     15.107                       25-75                        60
                                                Conducted Emission
             Barometric pressure (mbar)                                         860-1060                      950
                 Temperature (°C)                                                 15-35                        26
                                                  FCC part 15:
                  Humidity (%RH)                     15.109                       25-75                        60
                                                Radiated Emission
             Barometric pressure (mbar)                                         860-1060                      950


                    A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                       Report Number: 1205FE17

4        Emission Test
4.1.     Conducted Emission Measurement
4.1.1.   Limit

         A.C. Mains Conducted Interference Limit
                                                                  Class A (dBuV)                            Class B (dBuV)
                 Frequency (MHz)
                                                      Quasi-peak               Average           Quasi-peak                 Average

                         0.15 - 0.5                          79                     66               66 - 56                56 - 46

                         0.50 - 5.0                          73                     60                 56                     46

                         5.0 - 30.0                          73                     60                 60                     50

         Note: (1) The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
                 (2) The limit decreases in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 to 0.50 MHz.

4.1.2.   Test Instruments

                 Equipment                  Manufacturer               Model Number       Serial Number        Cal. Date        Remark
              Test Receiver                      R&S                         ESCI            100367            06/30/2011
                    LISN                         R&S                        ENV216           101040            03/07/2012
                    LISN                         R&S                        ENV216           101041            03/07/2012

                  Test Site                      ATL                         TE02             TE02               N.C.R.            -----
                   (1)                                (2)
         Remark:         Calibration period 1 year.         Calibration period 2 years.
         Note: N.C.R. = No Calibration Request.

4.1.3.   Test Setup

         A.C. mains setup


                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                               Report Number: 1205FE17

4.1.4.   Test Procedure

         The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization network (L.I.S.N.).
         This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment. The peripheral devices are also
         connected to the main power through a LISN that provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm

         For A.C. mains conducted interference, measured both sides of A.C. lines and carried out using quasi-peak and
         average detector receivers of maximum conducted interference.

         Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz using a receiver
         bandwidth of 9 kHz. The equipment under test (EUT) shall be meet the limits in section 4.1.1, as applicable,
         including the average limit and the quasi-peak limit when using respectively, an average detector and quasi-peak
         detector measured in accordance with the methods described of related standard. The voltage limits shall be met. If
         the average limit is met when using a quasi-peak detector receiver, the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits
         and measurement with the average detector receiver is unnecessary.

         If the reading of the measuring receiver shows fluctuations close to the limit, the reading shall be observed for at
         least 15 s at each measurement frequency; the higher reading shall be recorded with the exception of any brief
         isolated high reading which shall be ignored.


                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                Report Number: 1205FE17

4.1.5.   Test Result

          Standard:             FCC Part 15B Class B                     Line:                       +
          Test item:            Conducted Emission                       Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
          Model Number:         GE910-QUAD                               Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
          Mode:                 1                                        Date:                       05/22/2012
                                                                         Test By:                    Charlie Chang


                               QP        AVG      Correction    QP       AVG         QP      AVG      QP       AVG
          No.                 reading   reading     factor     result   result      limit    limit   margin   margin   Remark
                   (MHz)      (dBuV)    (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)   (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dB)     (dB)

           1       0.1780     19.19     11.89       0.34       19.53    12.23       64.58   54.58    -45.05   -42.35    Pass

           2       0.7220     21.78     13.01       0.17       21.95    13.18       56.00   46.00    -34.05   -32.82    Pass

           3       1.4420     38.72     20.53       0.20       38.92    20.73       56.00   46.00    -17.08   -25.27    Pass

           4       1.5580     35.76     19.64       0.20       35.96    19.84       56.00   46.00    -20.04   -26.16    Pass

           5       3.0060     37.93     28.92       0.24       38.17    29.16       56.00   46.00    -17.83   -16.84    Pass

           6       29.1660     8.01      2.31       0.67        8.68     2.98       60.00   50.00    -51.32   -47.02    Pass


         A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                      Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:             FCC Part 15B Class B                     Line:                       -
Test item:            Conducted Emission                       Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:         GE910-QUAD                               Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                 1                                        Date:                       05/22/2012
                                                               Test By:                    Charlie Chang


                     QP        AVG      Correction    QP       AVG         QP      AVG         QP    AVG
No.                 reading   reading     factor     result   result      limit    limit   margin   margin   Remark
         (MHz)      (dBuV)    (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)   (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dB)     (dB)

 1       0.2540     20.82     13.07       0.25       21.07    13.32       61.63   51.63    -40.56   -38.31    Pass

 2       0.7220     26.17     16.80       0.17       26.34    16.97       56.00   46.00    -29.66   -29.03    Pass

 3       1.4340     40.64     24.11       0.20       40.84    24.31       56.00   46.00    -15.16   -21.69    Pass

 4       3.0060     42.03     33.08       0.24       42.27    33.32       56.00   46.00    -13.73   -12.68    Pass

 5       13.2020    15.96      8.84       0.20       16.16     9.04       60.00   50.00    -43.84   -40.96    Pass

 6       29.9500    10.46      2.62       0.65       11.11     3.27       60.00   50.00    -48.89   -46.73    Pass


         A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                      Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:             FCC Part 15B Class B                     Line:                       +
Test item:            Conducted Emission                       Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:         GE910-QUAD                               Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                 2                                        Date:                       05/22/2012
                                                               Test By:                    Charlie Chang


                     QP        AVG      Correction    QP       AVG         QP      AVG      QP       AVG
No.                 reading   reading     factor     result   result      limit    limit   margin   margin   Remark
         (MHz)      (dBuV)    (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)   (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dB)     (dB)

 1       0.1580     20.15     12.56       0.39       20.54    12.95       65.57   55.57    -45.03   -42.62    Pass

 2       0.7180     17.53      9.16       0.17       17.70     9.33       56.00   46.00    -38.30   -36.67    Pass

 3       1.4420     38.56     21.29       0.20       38.76    21.49       56.00   46.00    -17.24   -24.51    Pass

 4       3.0860     37.24     28.23       0.24       37.48    28.47       56.00   46.00    -18.52   -17.53    Pass

 5       26.0020    16.13     15.40       0.40       16.53    15.80       60.00   50.00    -43.47   -34.20    Pass

 6       29.7300    10.33      4.76       0.67       11.00     5.43       60.00   50.00    -49.00   -44.57    Pass


         A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                      Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:             FCC Part 15B Class B                     Line:                       -
Test item:            Conducted Emission                       Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:         GE910-QUAD                               Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                 2                                        Date:                       05/22/2012
                                                               Test By:                    Charlie Chang


                     QP        AVG      Correction    QP       AVG         QP      AVG         QP    AVG
No.                 reading   reading     factor     result   result      limit    limit   margin   margin   Remark
         (MHz)      (dBuV)    (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)   (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dBuV)    (dB)     (dB)

 1       0.2420     17.69     10.12       0.26       17.95    10.38       62.03   52.03    -44.08   -41.65    Pass

 2       0.7220     21.51     12.53       0.17       21.68    12.70       56.00   46.00    -34.32   -33.30    Pass

 3       1.4460     38.60     21.69       0.20       38.80    21.89       56.00   46.00    -17.20   -24.11    Pass

 4       3.0300     32.68     21.12       0.24       32.92    21.36       56.00   46.00    -23.08   -24.64    Pass

 5       3.8060     26.98     19.39       0.21       27.19    19.60       56.00   46.00    -28.81   -26.40    Pass

 6       29.8300    16.19      8.40       0.66       16.85     9.06       60.00   50.00    -43.15   -40.94    Pass


                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                             Report Number: 1205FE17

4.2.     Radiated Interference Measurement
4.2.1.   Limit

         Under 1GHz test shall not exceed following value
                                                  FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART B
                                                       Class A                                    Class B
             Frequency range
                  (MHz)                 Distance (m)             dBuV/m            Distance (m)             dBuV/m

                   30 to 88                  10                    39                    3                    40
                   88 to 216                 10                   43.5                   3                   43.5
                  216 to 960                 10                   46.4                   3                    46
                  Above 960                  10                   49.5                   3                    54

                                                             CISPR 22
                                                       Class A                                    Class B
             Frequency range
                  (MHz)                 Distance (m)             dBuV/m            Distance (m)             dBuV/m

                   30 to 230                 10                    40                   10                    30
                 230 to 1000                 10                    47                   10                    37

         Above 1GHz test shall not exceed following value
                                                                    dBuV/m (Distance 3m)
                                                       Class A                                    Class B
                                           Average                Peak               Average                 Peak
                 1000 ~ 40000                 60                   80                   54                    74
         Remark:     1. The tighter limit shall apply at the edge between two frequency bands.
                     2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the closed
                        point of any part of the device or system.
                     3. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)
                     4. Peak detector limit is corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit.


                   A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                Report Number: 1205FE17

4.2.2.   Test Instruments

                                                            10 Meter Chamber

                Equipment                Manufacturer          Model Number       Serial Number      Cal. Date   Remark
               Pre Amplifier                Agilent                 8447D         2944A11120        01/10/2012
               Pre Amplifier                Agilent                 8447D          2944A11119       01/10/2012
              Test Receiver                  R&S                     ESCI            100722         10/18/2011
              Test Receiver                  R&S                     ESCI            101000         12/26/2011
                                      SCHWARZBECK                                                                  (1)
           Broadband Antenna                                     VULB 9160         9160-3268        07/01/2011
                                      SCHWARZBECK                                                                  (1)
           Broadband Antenna                                     VULB 9160         9160-3273        12/27/2011
                 Test Site                    ATL                    TE06             TE06          09/05/2011

                                                            3 Meter Chamber

                Equipment                Manufacturer          Model Number       Serial Number      Cal. Date   Remark
             RF Pre-selector                Agilent                 N9039A        MY46520256        01/16/2012
            Spectrum Analyzer               Agilent                 E4446A        MY46180578        01/16/2012
               Pre Amplifier                Agilent                 8449B         3008A02237        02/22/2012
               Pre Amplifier                Agilent                 8447D         2944A10961        02/22/2012
              Horn Antenna            SCHWARZBECK                                                                  (1)
                                                                BBHA9120D          9120D-550        06/29/2011
               (1~18GHz)             MESS-ELEKTRONIK
              Horn Antenna            SCHWARZBECK                                                                  (1)
                                                                 BBHA9170           9170-320        06/28/2011
              (18~40GHz)             MESS-ELEKTRONIK
                 Test Site                    ATL                    TE01            888001         12/20/2011

         Remark: (1) Calibration period 1 year. (2) Calibration period 2 years.
         Note: N.C.R. = No Calibration Request.


                 A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                           Report Number: 1205FE17

4.2.3.   Setup

         Below 1GHz

         Above 1GHz


                  A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                            Report Number: 1205FE17

4.2.4.   Test Procedure

         The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. When the EUT is floor-
         standing equipment, it is placed on the ground plane which has a 3-12 mm non-conductive covering to insulate the
         EUT from the ground plane.
         The turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT was
         positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 10 meters for under 1GHz, and 3 meter for above
         1GHz, the highest frequency performed according to internal source frequency of the EUT, the specification was
          Highest frequency generated or used in the device or on
                                                                        Upper frequency of measurement range (MHz)
                which the device operates or tunes (MHz)

                                Below 1.705                                                    30

                                1.705 - 108                                                  1000

                                 108 - 500                                                   2000

                                 500 - 1000                                                  5000
                                                                       5th harmonic of the highest frequency or 40 GHz,
                                Above 1000
                                                                                      whichever is lower

         According to this standard paragraph 15.109, as an alternative to the radiated emission limits, digital devices may
         be shown to comply with the standards contained in Third Edition of the International Special Committee on Radio
         Interference (CISPR), Pub. 22, “Information Technology Equipment - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and
         Methods of Measurement”.

         The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Both
         horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission,
         all of the interface cables must be manipulated on radiated measurement.
         Radiated emissions were invested over the frequency range from 30MHz to1GHz using a receiver bandwidth of
         120 kHz. Radiated was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 10 meters.


                  A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                                 Report Number: 1205FE17

4.2.5.   Test Result

          Standard:            CISPR 22 Class B                          Test Distance:               10m
          Test item:           Radiated Emission                         Power:                       AC 120V/60Hz
          Model Number:        GE910-QUAD                                Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):          26(℃)/60%RH
          Mode:                1                                         Date:                        05/24/2012
          Ant.Polar.:          Horizontal                                Test By:                     Charlie Chang

                  Frequency        Reading   Correct Factor    Result       Limit     Margin       Height   Degree
          No.                                                                                                         Remark
                       (MHz)       (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)         (dB)      (cm)     (°)
            1      41.4215          26.50       -14.79         11.71       30.00      -18.29        100       52       QP
            2      57.5938          27.10       -14.73         12.37       30.00      -17.63        200      126       QP
            3      91.1746          28.85       -18.85         10.00       30.00      -20.00        300       0        QP
            4      154.8204         26.69       -12.94         13.75       30.00      -16.25        150      324       QP
            5      313.2760         25.43       -11.26         14.17       37.00      -22.83        200       45       QP
            6      463.9696         26.22        -8.26         17.96       37.00      -19.04        200       65       QP
            7      839.1817         70.08        -1.69         68.39        N/A           N/A       200       12       TX
            8      875.2470         52.21        -1.03         51.18        N/A           N/A       310       98       BS
            9      884.5028         50.44        -0.87         49.57        N/A           N/A       100       48       RX
         Note: TX: the transmitting signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.

                RX: the receiving signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.

                BS: the signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.


         A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                        Report Number: 1205FE17

 Standard:            CISPR 22 Class B                          Test Distance:               10m
 Test item:           Radiated Emission                         Power:                       AC 120V/60Hz
 Model Number:        GE910-QUAD                                Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):          26(℃)/60%RH
 Mode:                1                                         Date:                        05/24/2012
 Ant.Polar.:          Vertical                                  Test By:                     Charlie Chang

         Frequency        Reading   Correct Factor    Result       Limit     Margin       Height   Degree
 No.                                                                                                         Remark
              (MHz)       (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)         (dB)      (cm)     (°)
   1      31.1798          28.37       -14.57         13.80       30.00      -16.20        101       25       QP
   2      41.5670          27.76       -13.66         14.10       30.00      -15.90        193       0        QP
   3      92.4624          32.10       -18.20         13.90       30.00      -16.10        100      186       QP
   4      159.7844         22.47       -11.87         10.60       30.00      -19.40        150      208       QP
   5      420.5803         21.39        -7.59         13.80       37.00      -23.20        200      324       QP
   6      620.7096         21.27        -3.67         17.60       37.00      -19.40        300       45       QP
   7      839.1817         68.61        0.35          68.96        N/A           N/A       200      154       TX
   8      875.2470         52.36        1.02          53.38        N/A           N/A       300      336       BS
   9      884.5028         50.20        1.16          51.36        N/A           N/A       100       28       RX
Note: TX: the transmitting signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.

       RX: the receiving signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.

       BS: the signal of Universal Radio Communication Tester.


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                  Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:              FCC Part 15B Class B                 Test Distance:              3m
Test item:             Radiated Emission                    Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:          GE910-QUAD                           Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                  1 (1GHz~12GHz)                       Date:                       05/23/2012
Ant.Polar.:            Horizontal                           Test By:                    Charlie Chang

              Frequency       Reading      Correct Factor     Result           Limit      Margin
 No.                                                                                                    Remark
               (MHz)           (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)        (dB)
  1           3112.000         39.92            2.45          42.37           74.00       -31.63         peak
  2           4916.000         37.03            8.24          45.27           74.00       -28.73         peak
  3           5576.000         37.76           10.12          47.88           74.00       -26.12         peak


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                   Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:              FCC Part 15B Class B                  Test Distance:              3m
Test item:             Radiated Emission                     Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:          GE910-QUAD                            Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                  1 (1GHz~12GHz)                        Date:                       05/23/2012
Ant.Polar.:            Vertical                              Test By:                    Charlie Chang

              Frequency           Reading   Correct Factor     Result           Limit      Margin
 No.                                                                                                     Remark
               (MHz)              (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)        (dB)
  1           4058.000             38.41         5.51          43.92           74.00       -30.08         peak
  2           5774.000             36.96        10.47          47.43           74.00       -26.57         peak
  3           8073.000             31.64        16.98          48.62           74.00       -25.38         peak


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                       Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:            CISPR 22 Class B                          Test Distance:               10m
Test item:           Radiated Emission                         Power:                       AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:        GE910-QUAD                                Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):          26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                2                                         Date:                        05/24/2012
Ant.Polar.:          Horizontal                                Test By:                     Charlie Chang

        Frequency        Reading   Correct Factor    Result       Limit     Margin       Height   Degree
No.                                                                                                         Remark
             (MHz)       (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)         (dB)      (cm)     (°)
 1       34.1561          22.81       -15.21          7.60       30.00      -22.40        400       0        QP
 2       52.7600          23.82       -14.42          9.40       30.00      -20.60        400       0        QP
 3       125.4457         22.29       -14.09          8.20       30.00      -21.80        300       0        QP
 4       163.1818         22.15       -12.85          9.30       30.00      -20.70        300       30       QP
 5       593.0497         22.16        -5.86         16.30       37.00      -20.70        200      360       QP
 6       982.6200         22.02        0.68          22.70       37.00      -14.30        400      182       QP


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                       Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:            CISPR 22 Class B                          Test Distance:               10m
Test item:           Radiated Emission                         Power:                       AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:        GE910-QUAD                                Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):          26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                2                                         Date:                        05/24/2012
Ant.Polar.:          Vertical                                  Test By:                     Charlie Chang

        Frequency        Reading   Correct Factor    Result       Limit     Margin       Height   Degree
No.                                                                                                         Remark
             (MHz)       (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)         (dB)      (cm)     (°)
 1       33.6802          28.04       -14.44         13.60       30.00      -16.40        101       0        QP
 2       41.5670          27.76       -13.66         14.10       30.00      -15.90        200      359       QP
 3       88.3421          27.05       -18.45          8.60       30.00      -21.40        103       0        QP
 4       150.0108         22.87       -12.07         10.80       30.00      -19.20        300      354       QP
 5       452.7197         19.27        -6.97         12.30       37.00      -24.70        101       0        QP
 6       952.0937         19.63        2.87          22.50       37.00      -14.50        100      161       QP


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                  Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:              FCC Part 15B Class B                 Test Distance:              3m
Test item:             Radiated Emission                    Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:          GE910-QUAD                           Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                  2 (1GHz~12GHz)                       Date:                       05/23/2012
Ant.Polar.:            Horizontal                           Test By:                    Charlie Chang

              Frequency       Reading      Correct Factor     Result           Limit      Margin
 No.                                                                                                    Remark
               (MHz)           (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)        (dB)
  1           3706.000         35.20            4.14          39.34           74.00       -34.66         peak
  2           5037.000         34.40            8.61          43.01           74.00       -30.99         peak
  3           6775.000         33.36           13.99          47.35           74.00       -26.65         peak


        A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                                                                   Report Number: 1205FE17

Standard:              FCC Part 15B Class B                  Test Distance:              3m
Test item:             Radiated Emission                     Power:                      AC 120V/60Hz
Model Number:          GE910-QUAD                            Temp.(℃)/Hum.(%RH):         26(℃)/60%RH
Mode:                  2 (1GHz~12GHz)                        Date:                       05/23/2012
Ant.Polar.:            Vertical                              Test By:                    Charlie Chang

              Frequency           Reading   Correct Factor     Result           Limit      Margin
 No.                                                                                                     Remark
               (MHz)              (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)        (dB)
  1           3805.000             36.39         4.54          40.93           74.00       -33.07         peak
  2           6379.000             35.18        12.55          47.73           74.00       -26.27         peak

  3           9415.000             30.59        18.43          49.02           74.00       -24.98         peak


Document Created: 2019-10-06 04:00:33
Document Modified: 2019-10-06 04:00:33

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